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Vancouver Data Sheet

Vancouver Data Sheet

+1 for the rodeo. Lots of good talent and drunk broads. A lot of shitheads go to start fights though, but don't let that deter you. Otherwise, I'm sure the beaches will be a hot spot.
I'll be chilling out at the rodeo because I live close by. My buddies live for the rodeo, lots of easy pulls and they get to re-stock their phones with numbers.

Vancouver Data Sheet

I need to get out of LA for a bit and focus on some work before a debaucherous summer starting in Cuba and then in Europe.

I decided on Vancouver as its the same time zone, outdoor stuff to do, and generally I have liked all cities in Canada I have been to.

I'll be there from July 8th-17th and am deciding where to stay. I don't think I will rent a car but I do want to do some outdoor activity so I am guessing I may need one for that, unless there is some public transport which runs to some hiking trails, etc?

I have a few different options in Yaletown and one pretty nice looking place in Gas Town as well.

Without transport, its my understanding that Yaletown puts me in walking distance of nightlife (restaurants, bars, clubs, etc)? I'm hoping to focus on work but of course I will have to dabble into the scene a bit also and may try my hand at the SA game up there also to see what holds.

Any help would be appreciated fellas.

Vancouver Data Sheet

Yaletown would be slightly better logistics for downtown bars, but Gastown is good logistics for Gastown bars/pubs...

There is public transport to Grouse Mountain where there are trails, but it takes a while to get there. You shouldn't need to rent a car for the ENTIRE time, would be more than a hassle to have it I think to find and pay for parking downtown...

You're picking a good time to go. Weather should be good and downtown busy.

Currently [Home]

Vancouver Data Sheet

What do you think would be a better scene?

I'm 33, prefer the higher end scene in general with nice lounges, bars, etc. I'll hit the clubs as well, but probably not as much on this trip.

I think it was you or someone else that mentioned Gastown has a pretty cool scene different from the mainstream. Sounds interesting as long as its not one of those up and coming hipster scenes like we have a lot of in LA.

Vancouver Data Sheet

I am the same age as you, prefer the more upscale scene, and I live in Gastown.

Yaletown is fine, and overall is a bit classier than Gastown. But, and this is a major factor in my opinion, Yaletown has an image problem on the weekends. The Metro stations are just train after train of thirsty suburban dudes coming in to the city to party. Gastown has some very high end places, and also some dive bars and a shit tonne of general degenerates. With Gastown though, there are places that are hidden enough to get passed up by these crowds.

The consolation is the girls from the suburbs can be easy to take home.

You are going to have more options in Yaletown for accommodations. Its closer to Granville Street (clubbing district), David Lam park (babe central on sunny days) and a quick bike ride to the city beaches (Sunset, English and 3rd Beach). The sea wall itself will put tears in your eyes with the level of talent.

Car- Unless you are going hiking every day, do not bother getting a car. You dont need one here. Plan a day or two and pack in all the mountain activity for then. Maybe even stay a night in Whistler.

Hit me up. I would be happy to help.

Vancouver Data Sheet

Quote: (06-05-2013 11:29 AM)Laner Wrote:  

I am the same age as you, prefer the more upscale scene, and I live in Gastown.

Yaletown is fine, and overall is a bit classier than Gastown. But, and this is a major factor in my opinion, Yaletown has an image problem on the weekends. The Metro stations are just train after train of thirsty suburban dudes coming in to the city to party. Gastown has some very high end places, and also some dive bars and a shit tonne of general degenerates. With Gastown though, there are places that are hidden enough to get passed up by these crowds.

The consolation is the girls from the suburbs can be easy to take home.

You are going to have more options in Yaletown for accommodations. Its closer to Granville Street (clubbing district), David Lam park (babe central on sunny days) and a quick bike ride to the city beaches (Sunset, English and 3rd Beach). The sea wall itself will put tears in your eyes with the level of talent.

Car- Unless you are going hiking every day, do not bother getting a car. You dont need one here. Plan a day or two and pack in all the mountain activity for then. Maybe even stay a night in Whistler.

Hit me up. I would be happy to help.

Great info my man.

What's the deal with going out in Yaletown when staying in Gastown? Pain in the ass to come back? Expensive taxi, metro, etc.

Will girls even consider coming back to Gastown from there or do they view it as another world?

We should connect when I'm out that way for sure.

Vancouver Data Sheet


may try my hand at the SA game up there also to see what holds.

What is SA game?


What's the deal with going out in Yaletown when staying in Gastown? Pain in the ass to come back? Expensive taxi, metro, etc.

Will girls even consider coming back to Gastown from there or do they view it as another world?

Yaletown to Gastown (waterfront station) is 2 stops on the metro. Or a $7-10 taxi. Its not far. On some nice nights I just walk home and enjoy the breeze.

I was out in Yaletown tonight. It was good from 9-11 then went quiet. Being a wednesday the afterwork crowd was probably the high point. There were a few dudes out looking for trouble as well, both in Yaletown and Gastown. This is rare, but I have noticed it a bit more lately and my radar is heightened these days.

Gastown and Yaletown are different worlds, but I doubt the logistics would hurt you too much unless you cant find a cab (which can be hard on the weekends).

Plant yourself in Yaletown. Get an apartment as close to Mainland and Hamilton streets (where the action is) between Davie and Nelson streets.

Vancouver Data Sheet

Cool. I think I will stick with Yaletown then. This place seems to be ground zero.

Prepare yourself, here is the SA game thread.

Vancouver Data Sheet

@Qwest- Stick to Yaletown. Dope area. Lots of hotties walking around.

I really enjoyed this Japanese fusion chain-- Hapa Izakaya. Cool take on some traditional cuisine. Think Gyu-Kaku, but way better. =).

For extra oomph, get a spot in one of the high-rises that litter Yaletown. Plus, its close to the action, easy to cab, and not too far from the public transport (if need be).

Wish I could offer you more insight, but I didn't really do the nightlife there. Robinson Square on Sundays had some salsa dancing. Good mix of young and old. The 7-11 in yaletown (near the main strip of restaurants/bars) is always cracking. Good spot to roll into everyday for a little street action.

WIA- For most of men, our time being masters of our own fate, kings in our own castles is short. Even those of us in the game will eventually succumb to ease of servitude rather than deal with the malaise of solitude

Vancouver Data Sheet

Quote: (06-06-2013 11:53 AM)Qwest Wrote:  

Cool. I think I will stick with Yaletown then. This place seems to be ground zero.

Prepare yourself, here is the SA game thread.

That place looks decent. It seems to be right at the metro station as well.


I really enjoyed this Japanese fusion chain-- Hapa Izakaya. Cool take on some traditional cuisine.

Yeah that place is doing good. He only hires the hottest asian women for his izakayas as well.

Vancouver Data Sheet

Killjoy can also be recommended in Yaletown, tries to be classy with lots of hot girls.

The Diamond in Gastown is a bit hidden, but has good and strong drinks. Perhaps a bit pricey by Canadian standards (10-14$/drink) but good for a first-date when some alcohol is needed.

Furthermore, for the people who enjoy the occasional good party with deep-house, techno etc. Vancouver's underground is actually pretty good. The girls are usually not the prettiest at these places, but since the scene is growing in popularity the quality tends to increase at every party. Also, many foreigners/exchange students attend these things, so there might a possibility of an international hook-up...

Vancouver Data Sheet

If you want to go hiking check out the Lynn canyon area. It'll take you probably 30-45 mins on public transit from yaletown. I wouldn't get a car if I were you. It'll cost a ton and will be a hassle to find parking for.

Don't worry about your location too much ie yaletown vs gastown. You can walk all over theplace pretty easily and transit is frequent.

Also there's a group on facebook that throws parties at clubs for all the university kids left in town over the summer. I'll put up any events if you feel like chasing university ass haha

Vancouver Data Sheet

Quote: (06-07-2013 06:20 PM)lynoslo Wrote:  

Killjoy can also be recommended in Yaletown, tries to be classy with lots of hot girls.

The Diamond in Gastown is a bit hidden, but has good and strong drinks. Perhaps a bit pricey by Canadian standards (10-14$/drink) but good for a first-date when some alcohol is needed.

Furthermore, for the people who enjoy the occasional good party with deep-house, techno etc. Vancouver's underground is actually pretty good. The girls are usually not the prettiest at these places, but since the scene is growing in popularity the quality tends to increase at every party. Also, many foreigners/exchange students attend these things, so there might a possibility of an international hook-up...

You live in Van? Those are two spots that are "under the radar" to some extent. Good spots.

Although Killjoy is a bit of war zone on weekends. Lots of hot women, but also gangster element. I had an "interesting" altercation last time I was there with some Sikh gangsters. One of their women would not get out of our space and I had to remove her and she tried to start a fight. Managed to talk some sense with the guys and it was all good but it could have been ugly.

Also, the women there dance, the guys just sit around the edges and front so you never know who is going to take offense. I have had some good times there but heads up.


If you want to go hiking check out the Lynn canyon area. It'll take you probably 30-45 mins on public transit from yaletown.

This is my recommendation as well. The best cliff jumping/ swimming hole is here and I try and take a swim there a few times a week during the summer. Lots of decent women around the hole as well.

Vancouver Data Sheet

Quote: (06-08-2013 10:07 PM)Laner Wrote:  

You live in Van? Those are two spots that are "under the radar" to some extent. Good spots.

Yes, I have lived in Vancouver for the last three years.

Also check out HouseGuest in Gastown. Restaurant/Bar with many good girls, a bit pricey perhaps and not a lot of space except tables. A dance floor exists in the basement.

There is also a fairly new place in Gastown called Clough that is pretty good. Intimate, but very possible to have a good night here.

Vancouver Data Sheet

Quote: (06-10-2013 01:10 AM)lynoslo Wrote:  

Quote: (06-08-2013 10:07 PM)Laner Wrote:  

You live in Van? Those are two spots that are "under the radar" to some extent. Good spots.

Yes, I have lived in Vancouver for the last three years.

Also check out HouseGuest in Gastown. Restaurant/Bar with many good girls, a bit pricey perhaps and not a lot of space except tables. A dance floor exists in the basement.

There is also a fairly new place in Gastown called Clough that is pretty good. Intimate, but very possible to have a good night here.

Two more good spots. I know them well. Clough especially has been good to me as far as women go.

Vancouver Data Sheet

You've chosen the right city and season for hiking, that's for sure. May be the best city in North America for this lifestyle. Maybe Boulder competes, I don't know. Although the structure of the trail itself sucks due to massive overuse the Grouse Grind ( is the place to be if you're looking to meet girls on trails. Any nice day in summer, especially weekends, there will be loads of girls in lululemom pants walking up. The number of people walking up is astonishing. 1000's every Sat and Sun for sure. A never ending steam. Lynn Valley is also very good. The canyon is truly spectacular, Amazing it's so close to a big city. The suspension bridge a bit downstream is also worth going to. Go to this bridge rather than the Capilano suspension bridge which you have to pay for and exists for the sole purpose of fleecing tourists. An activity not mentioned that is also in the greater Vancouver city limits is kayaking on Indian Arm. You can rent a kayak at the harbour in Deep Cove. Can get there by bus, but it's a bit more complicated than getting to Grouse. Rent a kayak for the day and go up as far as you can. Again, you won't believe you're in a 3 million person city.

Also lot's of great hikes on the sea to sky highway, but you will need a car or join some sort of group 9there are various ad-hoc internet meetups) and get a lift. Maybe offer gas money or to buy the driver a beer or something after the hike, I don't know.

Haha. Glad to see Hapa Izakaya mentioned. It's one of the places I most miss in Vancouver since moving away. Never been to their Yaletown branch, but the original in Robson Street is very cool. Very popular late night spot, with small plates of tasty Japanese bar-style food. Can't make out the place from the street unless they have their door open. Don't go there very hungry. You'll end up paying a fortune. Go there in order to try out a number of small dishes. The waitresses are indeed hot and/or cute. The owners are trying for a bit of a Japanese hostess bar atmosphere (I think. Never been to Japan).Would be epic to take a particularly strident feminist here just to observe her (nuclear) reaction. Waitresses act "submissive" as part of the atmosphere. Higher pitched girly voice when taking orders. Kneeling at the table (they have low tables). That sort of thing. Some of the staff smoke dope in the alley at the back between shifts, so I guess that opens some opportunities as well.

Vancouver Data Sheet

Also perhaps worth checking out is the 'strip' roughly between Alma and Balaclava on W Broadway street. Some bars that tend to be pretty packed throughout almost the whole week. While you can find girls at these places, they are usually not the top tier ones. Nevertheless, the occasional quality girl comes around once in a while so it should not be totally disregarded. It's also fun at times if you are with your friends and just want to get wasted on a weekday. Keep in mind though that the social circle is usually more prevalent at these places.

Vancouver Data Sheet

To my Vancouver friends: Any suggestions on a good place to eat on a Monday? I've realized I haven't been going out on Mondays for a long time so I would like to know of a place with some good atmosphere/lots of people on a Monday evening. Preferably in the Downtown vicinity...

Vancouver Data Sheet

For all you kits cats check out Chewies

I went there when I was in Van for graduation and it was amazing. I had the brisket and some fresh shucked oysters. They have tons of good beers. The fried chicken was stupid huge and delicious. I've heard they have great breakfast too. Theres a big bar upstairs where lots of cute girls were coug who kept eying me up. Young girls, good food, what more could you ask for.

Vancouver Data Sheet

Thanks for all the tips fellas. Arrived yesterday and I have been pretty blown away from what I have seen. Staying in Yaletown in one of the high rises on Pacific and its great.

This may be the fittest city I have ever been, in fact I'm 90% sure it is. Almost no fatties, its great. The hotties along the seawall and at the beaches and parks the last two days has been mindblowing as someone mentioned, and this was a Monday and Tuesday.

Havent gone out yet, and have just been working out and chatting up some cuties a bit casually during the day. I should be diving in a little more later in the week.

I'm thinking meeting up with a couple of you local guys Thursday or Friday would be cool. Shoot me a message if you guys are game

So far, I'm pretty damn impressed with this place other than prices in Yaletown, which coming freshly from the EE is sticker shock, all good though.

Vancouver Data Sheet

Just a heads up dudes, kitsalano days is this weekend in case you didn't know. Seems like just a giant street party day and night in kits area. I've been hanging out there lately and the talent is off the chain. Now I haven't been to these "Kitsilano days" myself so don't hold me to it but I've been asking the locals (cool looking dudes/fly girls) and it seems full of potential. I swear it's like a 2/3 ratio out here of girls to guys and at least 1/2 is a 7+.
Sounds like your here at a prime-time qwest! And yeah, the bars are very pricey out here. Enjoy your time here dude, great city, great people, great times in bound for sure. Cheers gentlemen, see you all at the beaches this weekend [Image: banana.gif]

Vancouver Data Sheet


This may be the fittest city I have ever been, in fact I'm 90% sure it is. Almost no fatties, its great. The hotties along the seawall and at the beaches and parks the last two days has been mindblowing as someone mentioned, and this was a Monday and Tuesday.

Yeah its pretty much a secret gem on these boards. Plus I think the prices keep a lot of people away. It is hands down my favorite summer city in North America!


Just a heads up dudes, kitsalano days is this weekend in case you didn't know. Seems like just a giant street party day and night in kits area. I've been hanging out there lately and the talent is off the chain. Now I haven't been to these "Kitsilano days" myself so don't hold me to it but I've been asking the locals (cool looking dudes/fly girls) and it seems full of potential. I swear it's like a 2/3 ratio out here of girls to guys and at least 1/2 is a 7+.

Yeah its a big street party with live music and like you said crazy amounts of females. Kitsilano (Beach) in the summer time is pretty much a 2/3 ratio of girls to guys.

Vancouver Data Sheet

Good to know Laner, I'd take the word of a forum member over people I chat up on te street anyday. Any one want to meet for some pints in the day time send me a pm, I'm going to head out at lunch and try to pipe line some honeys for the night life [Image: wink.gif]
Cheers gentlemen

Vancouver Data Sheet

Quote: (07-10-2013 09:07 AM)JayRock604 Wrote:  

Just a heads up dudes, kitsalano days is this weekend in case you didn't know. Seems like just a giant street party day and night in kits area. I've been hanging out there lately and the talent is off the chain. Now I haven't been to these "Kitsilano days" myself so don't hold me to it but I've been asking the locals (cool looking dudes/fly girls) and it seems full of potential. I swear it's like a 2/3 ratio out here of girls to guys and at least 1/2 is a 7+.
Sounds like your here at a prime-time qwest! And yeah, the bars are very pricey out here. Enjoy your time here dude, great city, great people, great times in bound for sure. Cheers gentlemen, see you all at the beaches this weekend [Image: banana.gif]

Love to hear this, lets head over there this weekend fellas, the weather should be great!

Vancouver Data Sheet

Hey dudes,

brand new to this forum and I found it through this Vancouver data sheet. I'm in my early 20's and a student in Vancouver. Are you guys heading down together to the festivities this weekend? I'd be stoked to meet some new people here in the city.

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