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Drunk Lounge

Drunk Lounge

@dude3737 Bwahaha, dude. The key to constant flow of poon is not access to drugs or venues, but time. It takes time to drive to these venues, get ready, sleep, etc. A 9-5 isn't conducive towards playah life.

WIA- For most of men, our time being masters of our own fate, kings in our own castles is short. Even those of us in the game will eventually succumb to ease of servitude rather than deal with the malaise of solitude

Drunk Lounge

Friday night and no one's drunk? Really?

Drunk Lounge

Quote: (11-17-2012 12:06 AM)IQVX Wrote:  

Friday night and no one's drunk? Really?

I've had a few ice-brewed Canadian tallboys but I'm not Rosca-drunk (yet).

A few more and I may feel like [Image: badger.gif]

Quote: (02-16-2014 01:05 PM)jariel Wrote:  
Since chicks have decided they have the right to throw their pussies around like Joe Montana, I have the right to be Jerry Rice.

Drunk Lounge

Man I'm almost hammered and man fuck it I love you all. All of you. This forum changed my life forever. Thank you roosh thanks to all of you that make this a great place. Rooshvforum fam I luv all y'all

I'm gonna try to bang this whasian named Joanna tonight. Wish me luck brothers

Drunk Lounge

Quote: (11-17-2012 12:41 AM)Thatdude Wrote:  

I'm gonna try to bang this whasian named Joanna tonight.


Drunk Lounge

So I'm going to rehab tomorrow.

The ducking dean said that they would have kept me but ALL my teachers said I was failing. What the hell!? I emailed all my teachers about the situation and only two responded!?

Fuck my computer science teacher! John Madden sounding bitch.


Drunk Lounge

Quote: (11-17-2012 01:29 AM)Rosca Wrote:  

So I'm going to rehab tomorrow.

The ducking dean said that they would have kept me but ALL my teachers said I was failing. What the hell!? I emailed all my teachers about the situation and only two responded!?

Fuck my computer science teacher! John Madden sounding bitch.
Don't do it. It will do more damage to you then losing a few classes and having to change schools. Don't go.

Drunk Lounge

This was me on Wed night:

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Drunk Lounge

Tried to bang this chick tonight but she had more orbiters than Jupiter has moons couldn't fucking get past them. Then this other gurl who kept saying we'd go smoke a phat joint kept disappearing. She bought me a bunch of beers but still got distracted by orbiters. I fucking hate those guys chick saps them for a few minutes of praise and attention. Meanwhile you're trying to compete by not giving her as Mich attention as them.

I gave up then ate a pizza fuck my life I always eat junk when stressed or pissed

There was this dude with fucking tight dance approach game every time he'd approach shit looked like a music video. Wrong venue but respek

Drunk Lounge

On the beta/feminist lie..

If people really believed that men and women were equal, women would be getting the shit beat out of them constantly.

Drunk Lounge

Quote: (11-17-2012 01:32 AM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Quote: (11-17-2012 01:29 AM)Rosca Wrote:  

So I'm going to rehab tomorrow.

The ducking dean said that they would have kept me but ALL my teachers said I was failing. What the hell!? I emailed all my teachers about the situation and only two responded!?

Fuck my computer science teacher! John Madden sounding bitch.
Don't do it. It will do more damage to you then losing a few classes and having to change schools. Don't go.
Trust me man, I think this shit is gay as fuck. I went to my real dad's house and we thought it was gay as fuck too. But in order to relax my mom's hamster I'll have to take this 6 week break.

You don't wanna know how much of a family shitstorm that was about to happen because I decided not to go. I will PM you more details on it cause I don't want all my family biz out there. So to kill the drama, I'll go to the hab, try to capture some pokemon, learn from these people's mistakes, and just stay me.

But best believe they aren't turning me to no punk bitch. I'm going to keep the RVF in me so that I can stay the fuck sane. They don't know shit about RVF and they dont need to.

On the brightside, I learned the basics of streetfighting today! More info on that on the next post.


Drunk Lounge

You'll probably never get health insurance for life if you go there maybe Obama care though whatever that is.

Drunk Lounge

Fuck America man! [Image: sad.gif]

Alright Mech I'll tell you guys what my uncle told me about Streetfighting.

My younger cousins already know how to rumble, and although I don't like to be the fighter of the group I do like knowing how to fuck someone up who tries to be a threat.

I'd rather not make a thread about it because I like the drunk lounge a bit.

Take this info how you want guys, I think if we all knew some streetfighting rules it would help us get in the right mindset if we were in a fight with someone. After I get out of rehab I want to take one fighting style so I can know how to defend myself. I used to take TKD through grade school and I got in one fight with a kid and he wrestled me down.

Streetfighting Stance
It depends on whether you are left handed and right handed. Have your feet shoulder with apart and have your hands up.

Whatever your power hand is you want that same leg to be pointed out. I.E. If you're a southpaw then have your left leg pointed out. If you're a righty, right leg!

Streetfighting Concepts
When you are in a situation where you might have to rumble someone there are a few types of fights.

Fair Ones: A fair one is basically a one on one fight between you and the person who you are beefing with. None of your friends have to jump in, but whoever's friends jumps in the fight turns into a brawl. This is how you should come off with a fight with your opponent.

Brawl: Brawls are where you have a shitload of people fighting everywhere. It's like a fight orgy. EX: I was at a party with my cousins and like two different hoods were ready to fight. Had it happened, a brawl would have occured.

Jumped:When a group of people just start fucking up one person. This is very fucked up if you ask me but it happens. If someone gets jumped its usually a rule that the person's friends fuck up the people who did it.

Terms for Fighting with Allies
Riding: This should be something that all RVF players should do when with their wingman. Although its presumed to be that you won't get pussy when you have more male friends at a party with you (it is true). In some parties where shit might go down, you are gonna have to ride for your friend regardless.

Example Sentence: "Oh you tryna mix (fight) my mans Mech? I'm riding for him dickhead!"
Translation: "Oh you're fighting my friend Mech? You're gonna have to fight me too pussy!"

Fighting Mindset and how Confidence is The Key
What my uncle used to tell me is that you don't really need to go out there and fight all of the time. Sometimes its good to walk away because there's no point. But theres times where you gotta fuck some guy up.

Like hunting for Pokemon, the top thing you'd want in a fight is Confidence. If you are confident that this person who is pissing you off is a bitch, chances are you can beat his ass.

Also, you need to have confidence that you can beat his ass if you want your friends to help you actually fight him and whoever else want to get their ass whooped.

During the Fight
Fights are often mental. You need to be a good shit talker while fighting whoever. You want to do these things.

*Intimidate: Talking shit while fighting! When you knock him down yell "Get up pussy!". He's going to get back up and its up to him whether he wants to keep on taking that ass whooping.

*Frustrate: Most people can't even fight good. When they are getting their ass whooped, some just get too frustrated and keep going. Everyone's looking at them get fucked up. And hell that perception that everyone looking at them is going to piss them off even more.

*Fight Dirty: You hate this person. Even if you fight him a fair-one you need to just get ready to do whatever it takes to beat his ass.
Play Your Strength/Weight/Experience
Weaker/Skinny/Noobs (my field for now): We can't fight forever, we're not brawl worthy. We haven't won that many fights. We gotta be more defensive when it comes to fighting. At parties I'm usually quiet and I just go for the wild Pokemon out there.

However, when I go to parties I walk around with some type of bodyspray such as Old Spice. It serves two purposes:
*Helps me smell fresher than these sweaty ass dudes at parties.
*Can be used as mace to give me a upper hand on my opponent.

If you have to ride for a friend, play the support role. If its a fair fight, let them fight fair, but if you think the other dude is getting too dirty gotta fucking sneak him.

Stronger/Big/Experienced guys = Whether you have man tits or fucking UFC build you guys dominate this whole fighting thing. Especially since you're more experienced in whatever style you've learned.

While you could be like me and use creative things like a noob, use whatever style you took time to study for and use it on that asshole. Judo chop, body slam whatever. You learned that shit use it.

How to Play Fight with Friends
When I got to my pop's house all of my cousins and friends greeted each other in a playfight way. I chased one of them down yelling "REMEMBER ME PUSSY?". It was fun, none of us were really serious, its just a fun way to practice. Don't get butthurt if you get in a playfight. These guys you playfight/spar with now will be on your side when a real fight goes down.

After my uncle told me all of this, I realized its smart for me to handle my liquor as well. The more drunk your opponent, the easier he's going to make mistakes while swinging.

I think I'm ready for this Rehab bro. I'm just basically going to go there and pursue some hobbies and such and then just dip out and live the life of a freeman.


Drunk Lounge


Getting mad at these unskilled bitches.

Ordering whisky at a bar, getting it with ice. I should smack you!

Went home. Decided to shave my balls. In the sink. With off-brand razors. Yes. Several. It all goes a lot faster when you have a razor in both hands.

Used the same foam as i use in my face. With menthol.

Dios mio.

My balls are freezing to death.

Think my swimmers might be dead for the night.

Drunk Lounge

Aight ... I'm fucking Hammered ! I'm in Seattle for the weekend staying with a buddy downtown so we were pre-gaming. Class of 2011 wooooooo !!! Resume ... half a bottle of JD and a few sips of Four Loca( Yuck) I was hitting the gym hard lately so i was wifebeating like a boss. My buddy's wallmates were some college chicks. One of em came over to ask us to turn down the music. HB3.5 blonde chubster ... but i dont give a fuck. Practice poon for the night ahead right ? She's eye fucking my pecs and shoulders and Latismus dorsey n all n i can feel da punani precipitatin g .

So i say " sure we'll turn down the music" . "whats your name"
her( blushing): Alexa !
I grab her hand, pull her closer to me and put one of her arms on my traps.
then i kiss her . SHe kisses me back fro a few seconds and then says " i gotta go".

My buddy mike makes fun of me for stoopin so low but fuck him ! It's the guy in the arena,the gladiator that matters not the armcheer critisizer right ? I'm a gladiator ... watch me slay ma nigga ! Slay some pussy ofcourse ... not people. Altho i'd like to slay some liberals. I mean why are there even liberals on this forum. This is RVF and i thought we were an elite group of Red Pill men and not some mavaginas who vote for Obama and his feminist//socialis ideology.
Ok so like 20 minutes ago ... there is a knock on the door again. And guess what ... its the girl i french closed and a giggling group of 4or5 other chicks. Apparently they came to " say its ok if we turn up the music". So my buddy invites them over for and now its me and him with 5 chicks ! Also we're goin downtown tonight to meet with Ethiopian chicks in seattle ... check out this pick. I am planning to fuck the one on the right i've already sucked her tits in a semipublc space already.

Aigh gents ... amma head out now ! yo btw te one on da left is my cousin so noooo ratin or Hb'ying or whatever.

Drunk Lounge

Brah all of those Pokemon are good.

And I respect how you don't give a fuck about your friends opinion on you stooping down.

For your cousin and the rest of the Pokemon's safety though, it would be good if you hid the pic or something. Because you never know whose lurking on this bitch.


Drunk Lounge

Dude why do you keep calling chicks pokemon?

Drunk Lounge

Quote: (11-18-2012 02:31 AM)WesternCancer Wrote:  

Dude why do you keep calling chicks pokemon?

I've been wondering the same thing..

Drunk Lounge

Quote: (11-18-2012 04:33 AM)Architekt Wrote:  

Quote: (11-18-2012 02:31 AM)WesternCancer Wrote:  

Dude why do you keep calling chicks pokemon?

I've been wondering the same thing..

I concur.

Rosca, you ever read A Clockwork Orange? Your posts remind me of a very enthusiastic version of that book sometimes.

PS - I been drinking Negronis since for a few hours now.

The Puritan hated bear-baiting, not because it gave pain to the bear, but because it gave pleasure to the spectators. - Thomas B. Macaulay

Rick Von Slonecker is tall, rich, good-looking, stupid, dishonest, conceited, a bully, liar, drunk and thief, an egomaniac, and probably psychotic. In short, highly attractive to women. - Whit Stillman

Drunk Lounge

I never read books that much before, but after this post best believe I'm copping that shit!
But what is a Negronis? DAS RACIST NIGGA

Edit:Uhh I'm on Amazon right now, which edition is the least gayest? Link plz

Architekt & WC

Short Reason: You know how Moma playfully calls girls lizards as a euphemism to words that usually offend them? I'm sure yelling "You're a lizard!" or "You're a Pokemon!" would make a girl giggle more than saying "You're a bitch!"

And, I like to create catchphrases/slang on my own. It's pretty fun.

Personal Reason:
I used to play Pokemon a shitload man. It was my top therapy as a highschool nerd. Now that I am older, I can't play it that much. Hell I haven't played since Freshman year!

If I had to play it now, it would be when I'm taking a shit or if I was on a boring ass ride to somewhere. I think the older I get and the more I experience how fun life is, the more creative I start to think about how to use the stuff I used to use back in my nerd days.

If I was to get a Pokemon-ish tattoo it would have to be just as hardcore as a prison tattoo or such. Not saying I want to represent that gangsta thug prison guy, but I need something thats cool and creative and has a story behind it before I place that shit on my body.

I could go very deep and analyze how women and Pokemon are exactly the same but that's only if you guys would want to hear that shit.


Drunk Lounge

Quote: (11-18-2012 05:53 AM)Rosca Wrote:  

I never read books that much before, but after this post best believe I'm copping that shit!
But what is a Negronis? DAS RACIST NIGGA

Edit:Uhh I'm on Amazon right now, which edition is the least gayest? Link plz

Architekt & WC

Short Reason: You know how Moma playfully calls girls lizards as a euphemism to words that usually offend them? I'm sure yelling "You're a lizard!" or "You're a Pokemon!" would make a girl giggle more than saying "You're a bitch!"

And, I like to create catchphrases/slang on my own. It's pretty fun.

Personal Reason:
I used to play Pokemon a shitload man. It was my top therapy as a highschool nerd. Now that I am older, I can't play it that much. Hell I haven't played since Freshman year!

If I had to play it now, it would be when I'm taking a shit or if I was on a boring ass ride to somewhere. I think the older I get and the more I experience how fun life is, the more creative I start to think about how to use the stuff I used to use back in my nerd days.

If I was to get a Pokemon-ish tattoo it would have to be just as hardcore as a prison tattoo or such. Not saying I want to represent that gangsta thug prison guy, but I need something thats cool and creative and has a story behind it before I place that shit on my body.

I could go very deep and analyze how women and Pokemon are exactly the same but that's only if you guys would want to hear that shit.

Please proceed with the pokemon comparison.

boredom is evil

Drunk Lounge

I just got out of some dope ass pussy. It was a girl I use to see before who became a feminist. So after sitting through an exctutiating 90 minutes of that stupid fucking Zack Efron movie about him being a war vet who fucks his shipmate's girl, I finally get in the puss and it was great. She's got a smooth one with really clean looking lips and a really tiny hole. And a fat ass.

Anyway I've been trying not to drink at home. I lasted a month, but she left a bottle of wine at my place so I went for it. Good times.

Drunk Lounge

My bad prince, I can't fully finish that shit right now.
Trust me I'll have the Pokemon comparison will be done in due time.

Edit: My nigga MSW was right hit him up to holler at me. I'm PMing some other homies but still hit whoever up.

I would hope Roosh would delete these two posts after a while. I dont need these lurkers to come fuck with me.


Drunk Lounge

Rosca, why don't you give your address to a trusted RVF member and simply state in your posts to contact so-and-so-if-you-want-to-get-at-me. After a post is here for one hour, Roosh will not delete it, and your name and address is out there forever.

Quote: (02-16-2014 01:05 PM)jariel Wrote:  
Since chicks have decided they have the right to throw their pussies around like Joe Montana, I have the right to be Jerry Rice.

Drunk Lounge

I agree with you homie.
Hit up MSW or Sourcecode and for the info

Edit Reason: I'mma miss you fuckers. I don't know how this rehab is gonna be but I'm def getting letters from RVF bros regardless. It's better rehab than jail I'll say. I'mma come out this bitch and I'm coming at the world strong as shit!


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