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Tinder App

Tinder App

Quote: (09-01-2018 06:48 PM)bonkers Wrote:  

Question: I’m 34 and my age seems to be a bit of a disqualifier for my ideal dating age - eg 25

However, I know when I meet them, I don’t look 25 and can match the vibe they are looking for.

Should I:
1) Hide my age using Tinder Plus

2) Create another profile with a younger age and pretend that Facebook won’t let me change it.
If so:
a) what should I place my age at? 28, 30 or 31?

b) when would be the best time to reveal my real age? In the profile? When we first start chatting or in person after I have a chance to build attraction?

I’m 50 and I write 34 on my Tinder profile. My pics are recent though but I look younger than my age. No girl ever asked anything. I target 18-25.

1) don’t hide your age. It raises more questions than it answers.

2) a) show your age as 28 or 29 to be below the 30 barrier in search filters. You can easily change your age on the attached FB account and it will update on Tinder.
b) only reveal your age if she asks explicitly. But she won’t ask.

Tinder App

Quote: (09-04-2018 03:28 AM)Montrose Wrote:  

My pics are recent though but I look younger than my age.

Says every old person ever.

But hey if FOIDs are instantly disqualifying men with an age filter then most men should lower their ages on that app (the sweet spot being 26 - 32 if I had to guess. Younger might be viewed as too inexperienced or needy. Older too old).

Tinder App

Quote: (09-04-2018 02:58 AM)BaatumMania Wrote:  

Quote: (09-03-2018 08:44 PM)NextStop100 Wrote:  

I used to match gorgeous women in Europe (some pics in my previous posts from months ago). Now, I match shit in Europe. Same cities, same picture set on my profile .

Is it a brand new profile?

Maybe some women remembered your face and then swiped left (which punished your ELO).

Or maybe the first time women swiped right a lot, which boosted your ELO, and then that led to more women seeing your profile.

The ELO is rather brutal. It's pretty much the equivalent of 'rich get richer' but on Tinder. Or it's kind of like how the top YouTubers get more and more popular even if they are bad people or not that entertaining.

Brand new account, same pics.

Let me clarify: I still match attractive hotties, but the quantity and quality has definitely gone down.

For the past 3 or so years, when I spoofed to Europe I would always match tons of hot women. This is how I would test if my account was shadow banned or not because it would be dry in the USA. I dont know if Tinder is losing popularity in Scandinavia, or if the algo has changed where its harder to get quality matches and I just haven't adapted properly yet. I suspect its a combination of both.

Tinder App

Quote: (09-04-2018 03:28 AM)Montrose Wrote:  

I’m 50 and I write 34 on my Tinder profile. My pics are recent though but I look younger than my age. No girl ever asked anything. I target 18-25.

My hat off if at 50 you look 34.

Tinder App

At this point I purely use the Newbie boost by just deleting and re-creating my account every few days. Where I'm located (northeast US) there's no reason to use Tinder (or any other dating app) as anything more than an extremely passive stream of dates. And no, I have neither Plus nor Gold.

Tinder App


My hat off if at 50 you look 34.

I don’t look 34, but young girls have no idea what a 50 years old looks like. Most people guess around 10 years younger than my age when asked. It helps that I have all my hair, and little white hair.

When I was 42 I told a girl that I was 34. She looked at me intensely and said: ‘you can’t be 34; you’re 28!’

My point is that you can usually get away with big age gaps.


Says every old person ever

Improving health in modern societies have made most people look young for longer. Old people like we imagine, all wrinkled and graybeards, have all but disappeared except from the poorest areas.

The is particularly true for tall ectomorphs like me.

Tinder App

Quote: (09-04-2018 06:07 AM)Rang off the Pipe Wrote:  

At this point I purely use the Newbie boost by just deleting and re-creating my account every few days. Where I'm located (northeast US) there's no reason to use Tinder (or any other dating app) as anything more than an extremely passive stream of dates. And no, I have neither Plus nor Gold.

My experience swiping in North America and GPS spoofing to Australia was I mainly getting Asian women (who were often international students or whatever). Then it makes you wonder why bother when you could go to actual Asia (where it's cheaper) and get 10x or 20x more matches. Same thing when guys brag about matching with Latinas when they could go to actual Latin America and get 10x more matches.

White western women don't seem easy on dating apps and I was even on Plenty of Fish before Tinder came out. The one blaring exception seems to be when I am swiping in Ukraine (especially outside of Kiev) but FSU women are so annoying and pushy about marriages and LTRs.

Western white women are mostly day game / social circle game and I would even say looks are the most important attribute for them (unless you're using a slightly different dating app like Seeking Arrangement). If you're a 7 then you're probably going to get rejected constantly unless you're swinging for 3s and 4s.

Tinder App

Quote: (09-04-2018 06:15 AM)Montrose Wrote:  


My hat off if at 50 you look 34.

I don’t look 34, but young girls have no idea what a 50 years old looks like. Most people guess around 10 years younger than my age when asked. It helps that I have all my hair, and little white hair.

When I was 42 I told a girl that I was 34. She looked at me intensely and said: ‘you can’t be 34; you’re 28!’

My point is that you can usually get away with big age gaps.


Says every old person ever

Improving health in modern societies have made most people look young for longer. Old people like we imagine, all wrinkled and graybeards, have all but disappeared except from the poorest areas.

The is particularly true for tall ectomorphs like me.

Still, not every man looks younger or takes good care of his physique.
Many look actually their age and sometimes even older. Lot of booze, poor genetics, lack of sleep and an unhealthy diet are to blame.

Usually black and mixed people age better and look way younger but this has little to do with their lifestyle, their genetics are good in this aspect. A white man looking way younger puts in more efforts but genetics still play a big role. As you say it yourself, you are tall, ectomorph, have your hair and few grey hair, it explains it.

Staying away from diseases and traumatic events that life can bring also helps. I used to look way younger and in 1 year it looks like I gaiend 10 years. Lot of stress, a bad diet and insomnias caused this...

Tinder App

Quote: (09-04-2018 07:23 AM)Lino Wrote:  

Quote: (09-04-2018 06:15 AM)Montrose Wrote:  


My hat off if at 50 you look 34.

I don’t look 34, but young girls have no idea what a 50 years old looks like. Most people guess around 10 years younger than my age when asked. It helps that I have all my hair, and little white hair.

When I was 42 I told a girl that I was 34. She looked at me intensely and said: ‘you can’t be 34; you’re 28!’

My point is that you can usually get away with big age gaps.


Says every old person ever

Improving health in modern societies have made most people look young for longer. Old people like we imagine, all wrinkled and graybeards, have all but disappeared except from the poorest areas.

The is particularly true for tall ectomorphs like me.

Still, not every man looks younger or takes good care of his physique.
Many look actually their age and sometimes even older. Lot of booze, poor genetics, lack of sleep and an unhealthy diet are to blame.

Usually black and mixed people age better and look way younger but this has little to do with their lifestyle, their genetics are good in this aspect. A white man looking way younger puts in more efforts but genetics still play a big role. As you say it yourself, you are tall, ectomorph, have your hair and few grey hair, it explains it.

Staying away from diseases and traumatic events that life can bring also helps. I used to look way younger and in 1 year it looks like I gaiend 10 years. Lot of stress, a bad diet and insomnias caused this...

did you fix that insomnia? I've had it for about a year. used to sleep like a baby. funny enough crashed from hair loss drugs to preserve my youth and it ended up doing the opposite.

Tinder App

Quote: (09-04-2018 10:27 AM)jacknap Wrote:  

did you fix that insomnia? I've had it for about a year. used to sleep like a baby. funny enough crashed from hair loss drugs to preserve my youth and it ended up doing the opposite.

Yes I did, are you suffering from insomnia currently? I can send you a PM with some advices and stuff that worked for me. But the best solution is to solve the root problem, if it’s the anti hair loss drugs you’re taking just stop it and find another remedy, insomnias over a long period will cause way more damage than losing hair.

Tinder App

Quote: (09-04-2018 10:47 AM)Lino Wrote:  

Quote: (09-04-2018 10:27 AM)jacknap Wrote:  

did you fix that insomnia? I've had it for about a year. used to sleep like a baby. funny enough crashed from hair loss drugs to preserve my youth and it ended up doing the opposite.

Yes I did, are you suffering from insomnia currently? I can send you a PM with some advices and stuff that worked for me. But the best solution is to solve the root problem, if it’s the anti hair loss drugs you’re taking just stop it and find another remedy, insomnias over a long period will cause way more damage than losing hair.

ya pm if you can. yeah I stopped it right away but my system crashed from it a month later. just very bad luck. stuff didn't agree with my system. I do most of the stuff though healthy diet / black out curtain / eye mask / pink noise / bunch of supplements = l-theanine, melatonin, phenibut on occasion (works the best), some herbs like ashwagandha. Curious what caused it for you.

Tinder App

Quote: (09-04-2018 06:40 AM)BaatumMania Wrote:  

My experience swiping in North America and GPS spoofing to Australia was I mainly getting Asian women (who were often international students or whatever). Then it makes you wonder why bother when you could go to actual Asia (where it's cheaper) and get 10x or 20x more matches. Same thing when guys brag about matching with Latinas when they could go to actual Latin America and get 10x more matches.

White western women don't seem easy on dating apps and I was even on Plenty of Fish before Tinder came out. The one blaring exception seems to be when I am swiping in Ukraine (especially outside of Kiev) but FSU women are so annoying and pushy about marriages and LTRs.

Western white women are mostly day game / social circle game and I would even say looks are the most important attribute for them (unless you're using a slightly different dating app like Seeking Arrangement). If you're a 7 then you're probably going to get rejected constantly unless you're swinging for 3s and 4s.

Haha. I'm a black guy without the edge that is associated with many other black guys. My matches are often busted black girls, the occasional average to slightly above average white girl, and a few Asians here or there. If a black girl is into me she won't give me a hard time and a date will typically happen, but any little "wrong" text to a white girl will result in a ghost. Again, I use online apps extremely passively at this point since I'm trying to improve certain areas of my life at the moment. I'd much rather work on my social calibration and conversation skills than devote time to an app (or apps) that I know is (are) stacked against me.

Tinder App

haha i used tinder ap for looking a gay man

Tinder App

So basically does tinder even work anymore? It sounds like you cannot actually delete and reboot your account without a new number? Or changing your location to boost new matches?

Tinder App

Couldn't even use the app anymore if I didn't verify my phone number today. And I am a paying customer. Absolutely ridiculous.

Someone please come up with an app to dethrone this POS!

Resident Germany Expert. See my Datasheet:

Mini Datasheets: Antwerp / Rotterdam / Lille

Tinder App

Sadly, most of my lays come from Tinder these days (85%) but the quality has dipped considerably in the last 12-24 months. Just like with all dating apps, there's a goldmine period, then a peak, and after that it's all downhill. I deleted the app about a month ago, forcing myself to do more daygame. Let's do a mass exodus and leave all the Instawhores and thirsty dudes to battle it out like crabs in a bucket.

Tinder App

I do pretty well on tinder still. My problem is getting banned. I need a way to make unlimited gmail accounts/mobile numbers. If anyone knows how to do this in Canada please let me know haha.

Tinder App

Quote: (09-05-2018 05:17 AM)fidelio90 Wrote:  

So basically does tinder even work anymore? It sounds like you cannot actually delete and reboot your account without a new number? Or changing your location to boost new matches?

Why do you say that?

Tinder App

I changed my age from 27 to 24 and I got 11 promising matches and 25+ in que. Lets hope I get some punani

Tinder App

Christ, the location thing is real. I was doing great in my last city. Arrive at my current location in SEA, where I thought I'd be doing about the same or better, only to find out that the place is flooded with foreigners. Every girl's profile says "Only looking for friends," or "No one night stand..." or "I'm ladyboy" (which I respect - hey, at least they're honest! [Image: tard.gif])

I matched with a few cuties and thought the situation was looking up again. But then within minutes, they all end up sending this message to me: "I don't want sex. So if you're looking for that, don't waste your time." Even if that's just typical bitch-shielding, it's annoying as fuck. I hope it i just the city I'm in and not SEA in general that has been overrun by the Hounds of Poon.

But damn, I get why so many guys are frustrated on here now. I had a good run for a few months in a city I suppose I was well-adjusted to for easy Tinder bangs. Now that I'm in the opposite situation, this app seems like an almost complete waste of time. I say almost because I did get one quality bang out of it so far. But she is looking to be the exception that proves the rule. [Image: banana.gif]

"If you're gonna raise a ruckus, one word of advice: if you're gonna do wrong, buddy, do wrong right."

Tinder App

Well my month of tinder plus is almost up, a complete waste of $10 for me. Although I'm wondering if I should try gold for the hell of it, only $5 more just for a month.

Anything worth it in gold? The extra features are:

"see who likes you!" (I'm guessing a bunch of fatty uggos I already 86'ed, so worthless)
Unlimited swipes on top picks, which is their new feature where they hide all the 7+ girls.

I live in a town full of ugly fat women, so I NEVER see any of the top picks in my city, they're all 30+ miles away in the college town.

Without knowing how ELO works internally, my guess is this 2nd setting in tinder plus is a way to bypass it, only showing you to girls you swiped on:

[Image: attachment.jpg39954]   

Add that to being one of the few paying people who can swipe on hotties, and it's possible to get more matches. This assumes there aren't a zillion thirsty betas all paying $15 a month for gold in your area.

Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.

Tinder App

I have used tinder on and off for years. Getting easy lays, as well as hard earned lays, and even a LTR that was on the verge of marriage at one point. Here are some observations from my experience and a recent article I read:

(1) location makes all the difference:
I am from San Diego, California, but I have little/no tinder game here. The competition is apparently too high, market too small, and talent too low. I am hispanic, only match with Latinas. I like Latinas, but here, it is obvious that quality girls of other races are not interested in me at all.

I lived in Los Angeles for a time, and I got essentially no response. No real matches. Worse than San Diego. Never even met up with anyone from Tinder.

I have been living in Phoenix, Arizona. It is a goldmine. The competition is low from other guys, quality of girls better, volume much higher. There are two reasons I think for success: quality/quantity of graduate schools, and jobs for girls entering their corporate careers for the 22-26 age bracket - this pulls girls in from all over the country. Because of this dynamic, girls see themselves as in the state of Arizona temporarily. I do not have to deal much with girls desiring marriage/LTR. girls are open to fun. Good luck finding a wife with feminine qualities if that is your thing. If you are looking for easy sex though, it is the place.

(2) race matters
this can either hurt or harm you, depending on the values of the city you are in. in Southern California, where the border is essentially open with Mexico and there is a lot of migration, Mexicans are seen as lesser-than and undesirable to other races. even within the Mexican race, for the same reasons. if you are an attractive and successful white man, I am sure you will kill it in Southern California.

in AZ, there is less integration, so people don't have their radar up like in CA. there is no need to "guard" against integration. the socio-economic setup in AZ prohibits it mostly. therefore, if you have money or education, you are perceived with excitement, with exoticness. as a lawyer, I therefore enjoy a level of success that is unprecedented for me. in California, no one cares. in Arizona, I am seen as exotic.

that said. there was recently an interesting publication in the magazine "the economist" about online dating - honing in specifically on tinder:

race has real effects: the winners are asian women, with Latina women close behind. white women follow closely in third, and black women lag far, far behind in last. for men, the winners are white men, (who fall behind Latina women in desirability overall), followed closely by black men. The losers are hispanic and particularly, asian men.

(3) women have an advantage
this is no news to anyone, but the economist article surprised me still: the LEAST attractive women on tinder have EQUAL attention to the MOST attractive men on tinder. I had figured the girls in the middle of the bunch would receive this level of attention. Wrong.

(4) we all want to date above our league
the economist reports that all users focused their time and attention most on the users rated 25% more attractive than themselves.

moral of the story: game does not matter that much on tinder. it is social dynamics and attraction. if you are somewhat successful with women in real life, then there are places where you are desired on a raw, real level. if you are there, take advantage of tinder. if you are not, good luck chasing scraps. your game better be on point to even keep those scraps.

Tinder App

Tinder still works. Im a 6'3 220lbs black guy with 2 shirtless picks on my profile. Black women have the lowest desirability on tinder mainly due to the fact they are fat as hell and the quality ones don't open their legs up as quickly as their white counterparts IMO. Latinas(with the exception of Miami and LA) aren't too far behind. It's been said time and time again, spend the $300 and get a professional photo shoot. This is particularly true if you don't have the build of a comic book hero. I've banged some ridiculously hot chicks on tinder with little to no effort in courting. The only thing stopping me from doing better is im 40 and despite being in amazing shape i have salt and pepper stubble. This is fine for women over 30 but the real fun is women in their 20s. I don't hang out at clubs with a bunch of 20 years old and i rarely have a 20-24 year old chick swipe on me.

Tinder App

Tinder is becoming a full blown scam.

I used boost with a 60 km spread. Got 14 likes in half an hour. 4 were scams. Removed 2 of them so that leaves 10 likes. Even before I could decide to whether match or not with these 10 likes, 2 of the likes disappeared, leaving 8. That bewildered me. Now these likes were already there for sometime, so the girls were not rewinding their likes. Also, girls hardly use tinder plus or gold which has the rewind option. Anyways I swiped right with the remaining 6 likes and before I could even message 4/6 likes disappeared. The only 2 that remained were the 2 fake accounts.

What's going on? That is 8 new real account likes that just disappeared. How the fuck does that happen? Tinder just scammed me 4 dollars from the boost. Has this happened to anyone?

Tinder App

You guys ever have a girl ask you to get them an uber to come over? I find that very offputting.

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