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Tinder App

Tinder App

Quote: (01-28-2015 06:03 PM)bigbait Wrote:  

Ummm.... to state the obvious in many parts of the world a lot of girls have a "i will not go directly to the house of a man i have never met in real life because he might kill me" rule. In my experience this is usually something that no amount of comfort building over text or the phone will fix.

Up the attraction and comfort building. Every girl has a level they need to hit. I work in 1st to 5th tier cities and of the girls who I propose a meetup at the house or hotel to when it makes sense logistically (which to be fair is less than half of them), more than half are good with it. It's even easier in a place without public transit, once you get her location you can frame it as inviting her to a place where she would be driving near you anyway so she can stop in and you can "carpool from there". Usually we do go out so I only pull true ZDBs infrequently but they do come over. I hope to be have a +1 soon that sets some records for ZDB distance, will post screens if it happens.

Tinder App


Tinder App

Quote: (01-27-2015 06:52 PM)Virtus Wrote:  

Dont know it's been posted. but ...

"eat, pray, ride the carousel"

This reminded me of a certain passage in Michel Houellebecq's Whatever


From the amorous point of view Véronique belonged, as we all do, to a sacrificed generation. She had certainly been capable of love; she wished to still be capable of it, I’ll say that for her; but it was no longer possible. A scarce, artificial and belated phenomenon, love can only blossom under certain mental conditions, rarely conjoined, and totally opposed to the freedom of morals which characterizes the modern era.

Véronique had known too many discothèques, too many lovers; such a way of life impoverishes a human being, inflicting sometimes serious and always irreversible damage. A kind of innocence and as a capacity for illusion, as an aptitude for epitomizing the whole of the other sex in a single loved being rarely resists a year of sexual immorality, and never two. In reality the successive sexual experiences accumulated during adolescence undermine and rapidly destroy all possibility of projection of an emotional and romantic sort; progressively, and in fact extremely quickly, one becomes as capable of love as an old slag. And so one leads, obviously, a slag’s life; in ageing one becomes less seductive, and on that account bitter. One is jealous of the young, and so one hates them. Condemned to remain unavowable, this hatred festers and becomes increasingly fervent; then it dies down and fades away, just as everything fades away. All that remains is resentment and disgust, sickness and the anticipation of death.

Tinder App

How do you guys handle when a girl messages you with the "most guys on Tinder are just looking for a hookup". I'm trying to think of a good way to frame that back.

Tinder App

Quote: (01-31-2015 10:57 AM)The Wire Wrote:  

How do you guys handle when a girl messages you with the "most guys on Tinder are just looking for a hookup". I'm trying to think of a good way to frame that back.

How did you end up talking about other guys? If she moved the conversation in that direction I would just agree and amplify or make some comment. If you brought up the other guys, stop doing that.

Tinder App

Surprised to draw a similarity in Tinder matches. Ones that say they had either been raped or had close calls with rape, also tend to be into the idea of threesomes. I may be onto something here. hmmm.

Tinder App

Quote: (01-31-2015 09:41 PM)Stun Wrote:  

Quote: (01-31-2015 10:57 AM)The Wire Wrote:  

How do you guys handle when a girl messages you with the "most guys on Tinder are just looking for a hookup". I'm trying to think of a good way to frame that back.

How did you end up talking about other guys? If she moved the conversation in that direction I would just agree and amplify or make some comment. If you brought up the other guys, stop doing that.

That's a shame..I just want to hold hands and talk about my feelings.

Tinder App

^ that's a good answer, anything that doesn't come across as defensive or trying to explain yourself. Disqualification and humor, always good.

Tinder App

Quote: (02-02-2015 04:39 PM)Stun Wrote:  

^ that's a good answer, anything that doesn't come across as defensive or trying to explain yourself. Disqualification and humor, always good.

I think the response is good but depending on the situation it could be better. When girls ask this question they are almost always saying "I am tired of guys that just want to fuck me":

Your choices are:
1) Unmatch her because she just screened herself out as being DTF.
2) Be honest and tell her you just want to fuck - and get unmatched.
3) Lie and pretend to want more than to fuck - and condemn yourself to a date from hell.
4) Use humor and pass GO - the more light hearted the response the better, however the problem is that when you use humor you essentially avoid the question and may find yourself playing Whack A Mole. If you don't give a real answer the question will just pop back up. Using humor you are essentially avoiding and dismissing the question which to a certain extent belittles the question. In my experience, if and when the girl reraises the question it will be with more importance and attention as a result of my avoidance. That is why I often use the next option over text/tinder.
4) Disqualify without humor. Take a zen perspective and focus on the now. I would say "I just want to get a drink".

Of course this is a complex topic and the response that gets you closer to the bang is variable depending on the vibe and the timing.

The other day a girl was giving me LMR and she said "I don't want our relationship to be just about sex." I said "of course not, but I am going to fuck you 3 times a day and on weekends five times a day", this was evidently a good enough answer to get what I wanted.

It is also much harder for me to communicate my humor out over text/tinder than in real life. In real life if I am talking to a girl and she asks if I just wants sex then I might tell her "yes, I know an S&M orgy spot around the corner, LET'S GO!" or "How many holes to do you have because I am going to use all of them". In real life even though these jokes are not that funny she will laugh because of my delivery, but on tinder she might not think it's funny. I think this is because in real life saying outrageous things can make you seem bold, but on the internet saying outrageous things can make you seem like a coward who wouldn't say these things in real life.

Then again, I also don't like to be too outrageous or clever on tinder because it makes it hard for me to live up to the hype when she meets me in real life.

Tinder App

Check this link out:

Such is life :/

Tinder App

Quote: (02-03-2015 04:20 PM)Vice Wrote:  

Check this link out:

Such is life :/

What did you expect ?

Tinder is the shallowest of apps.

Rule #1: Don't be ugly.
Rule #2: Be attractive.

If you've got good looking game, tinder is a god send.

It is what it is.

Tinder App

Quote: (02-03-2015 04:51 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Quote: (02-03-2015 04:20 PM)Vice Wrote:  

Check this link out:

Such is life :/

What did you expect ?

Tinder is the shallowest of apps.

Rule #1: Don't be ugly.
Rule #2: Be attractive.

If you've got good looking game, tinder is a god send.

It is what it is.

While I do agree that "it is what it is," something still needs to be done to combat this shit.

Look how feminists/women in general have shamed men into believing they are shallow pig fucks if they don't accept every single body type/age/personality flaw a woman has.

Anyway...Tinder has a new IOS update, and I have not had 1 single human match since the update that apparently fixed the bugs. Fuck this app. Can someone please come up with a rival app already? Tired of dealing with this one.

Tinder App

Quote: (02-03-2015 07:20 PM)Mister X Wrote:  

Quote: (02-03-2015 04:51 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Quote: (02-03-2015 04:20 PM)Vice Wrote:  

Check this link out:

Such is life :/

What did you expect ?

Tinder is the shallowest of apps.

Rule #1: Don't be ugly.
Rule #2: Be attractive.

If you've got good looking game, tinder is a god send.

It is what it is.

While I do agree that "it is what it is," something still needs to be done to combat this shit.

Look how feminists/women in general have shamed men into believing they are shallow pig fucks if they don't accept every single body type/age/personality flaw a woman has.

Anyway...Tinder has a new IOS update, and I have not had 1 single human match since the update that apparently fixed the bugs. Fuck this app. Can someone please come up with a rival app already? Tired of dealing with this one.

How do you combat superior genetic looks ? You can't.

You have to make the best of the cards you were dealt with and also learning game also helps.

You think I care what some women with a idiotic ideology has to say to me, anytime someone calls me shallow I ask them if they'll date/bang/marry/have kids with an ugly person. I ask who their favorite actors are. They shut right the fuck up.

Yeah tinder's been drying up for me, I'm going to delete my profile and install it again.

I've using OKC and POF to help supplement for the loss. Problem is the flake rate is insanely high. BUT i've gotten younger bangs from it, so can't complain.

Tinder App

I don't see how making a new app to rival Tinder is gonna change anything. If you want to improve your odds, use POF or OKC where your looks don't matter as much.

Tinder App

Quote: (02-03-2015 07:59 PM)game_ethic Wrote:  

I don't see how making a new app to rival Tinder is gonna change anything.

Competition between companies always benefits the consumer.

If a new app came out that did everything Tinder got right, but tossed everything it did wrong, Tinder would wake up and say "Oh...fuck. Well, guess we can't update our app and fix bugs once every six months like we've been doing."

They would work to remain competitive, or, risk extinction. Either way we win.


If you want to improve your odds, use POF or OKC where your looks don't matter as much.

-I've heard not so good things about the quality of women on there, particularly after the recent boom of the aforementioned app

-I'm 5'7. At least on Tinder I can choose to omit that to prevent immediate screening. If you leave that blank on one of those sites, or anything blank for that matter - income, smoking/drinking, any other element by which you can and will be judged on - she's gonna think something's up. At least Tinder, I make a one line profile, and there's nothing for her to rule me out on besides my pictures.

-I'd rather swipe through hundreds of chicks in a few minutes time and only message the ones I'm allowed to message, knowing they swiped me because they found me attractive - than craft carefully written unique openers one woman at a time, only to have a significant portion of them ignore it.

Tinder App

Quote: (02-03-2015 07:52 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

How do you combat superior genetic looks ? You can't.

You have to make the best of the cards you were dealt with and also learning game also helps.

You think I care what some women with a idiotic ideology has to say to me, anytime someone calls me shallow I ask them if they'll date/bang/marry/have kids with an ugly person. I ask who their favorite actors are. They shut right the fuck up.

But we live in a highly feminized society where their requirements are rationalized and accepted and ours are shamed. It just pisses me off is all.

Where girls say things like "if he doesn't accept me at my worst, he doesn't deserve me at my best," but rule guys out for the smallest of things. Or wrinkle their nose at men who prefer larger breasted women and rationalize their preference for taller men by saying "that's different, I need to feel protected" or whatever excuse they use as to why their physical preferences hold more integrity than ours.

The hypocrisy of the feminist movement just gets under my skin. Rather than try to act macho like it doesn't bother me, I wouldn't mind an occasional discussion on the topic and get a real dialogue going. With women as well.


Yeah tinder's been drying up for me, I'm going to delete my profile and install it again.

I'm gonna do the same. My issue is I need to be quicker to open girls up. Sometimes I get all caught up in the swiping I keep putting off opening the girls I already matched with. Now I want to delete it but there are 2 girls I really want to open/number close but one of them has not been active for the past 20 hours. I'll wait the rest of the day. If she doesn't respond to my message by then I guess I'll delete tomorrow.

Tinder App

Quote: (02-03-2015 08:21 PM)Mister X Wrote:  

-I've heard not so good things about the quality of women on there, particularly after the recent boom of the aforementioned app
I personally don't see a discrepancy in quality between the two. There's a wide selection of girls on OKC/POF, any of whom I can message. Will all of them reply? No, but my chances of getting bangs is much higher compared to Tinder.


-I'm 5'7. At least on Tinder I can choose to omit that to prevent immediate screening
Why would she think something is up? If you don't bring it up, she won't; it's as simple as that.


-I'd rather swipe through hundreds of chicks in a few minutes time and only message the ones I'm allowed to message, knowing they swiped me because they found me attractive - than craft carefully written unique openers one woman at a time, only to have a significant portion of them ignore it.
Great, you got matched with an attractive girl on Tinder. Now what are the chances she will open you first? Most likely zero. For you to get her attention, you will have to craft "carefully written unique openers" because there's 200 other guys competing with you for her attention, some of whom are better looking than you.

But hey, if you like Tinder and are satisfied with your results(which I presume you're not, based on your posts), then keep using it. I just think you should go check out OKC/POF for yourself instead of disqualifying it on the basis of hearsay. Every guy's experience isn't the same.

Tinder App

Quote: (02-03-2015 09:17 PM)game_ethic Wrote:  

I personally don't see a discrepancy in quality between the two. There's a wide selection of girls on OKC/POF, any of whom I can message. Will all of them reply? No, but my chances of getting bangs is much higher compared to Tinder.

That's one of those things where your mileage will vary. I had an OKC account about 3 years ago and can tell you it was not successful for me. I swore off OLD completely until this app showed up.


Why would she think something is up? If you don't bring it up, she won't; it's as simple as that.

It's not a matter of her bringing it up. It's a matter of her searching for men, and setting her parameters to 5'10 and above. So my 5'7 profile is not even shown to her. Or even if she doesn't search and just lets any man message her. 5'7 looks bad on a screen. I'm not saying men of that height are doomed for life, especially not so in the real world, but the facts are what they are. Statistically, men under 5'9 online do not get messaged. I can attest to that. At least tinder, she swipes me because she finds my face attractive, we start chatting, I'm gaming her, she's feeling the chemistry, no mention of height comes up. So far, even though I don't have my height listed on Tinder, not one girl has asked. Not in the beginning, not when I go for the number. Nothing. Whereas, I'm sure some of those girls would have overlooked me had they saw 5'7 listed on my profile page. Again it's a visual thing. Like how $19.99 looks better than $20. Those dating sites force you to enter your height. If you leave it blank you're opening yourself up to making it an even bigger issue, when she inevitably asks "why did you leave your height blank?"


Great, you got matched with an attractive girl on Tinder. Now what are the chances she will open you first? Most likely zero. For you to get her attention, you will have to craft "carefully written unique openers" because there's 200 other guys competing with you for her attention, some of whom are better looking than you.

Except I have a better chance of her actually seeing my message on Tinder. Anyone can message a girl on OKC and POF. She can't control the inbox. Even if you message a girl who very well may want you, she may not even see your message. On Tinder, let's be real here - girls are much more selective swipers than men. So she swipes me, I'm cut out from the rest of the pack. Even if she has 200 other matches, imagine if you could message anyone on Tinder? She'd have 5x that amount of matches. Or more. Plus I know she swiped on me because she finds me attractive. Of course the same can be said for all the other men she matched with...but that's where running game comes in. I would venture to say your ratio of openers to responses should be greater on Tinder because you actually know she found something about you attractive enough to swipe right. Your foot is in the door. On OKC/POF, you have no idea.


But hey, if you like Tinder and are satisfied with your results(which I presume you're not, based on your posts), then keep using it. I just think you should go check out OKC/POF for yourself instead of disqualifying it on the basis of hearsay. Every guy's experience isn't the same.

While I do bitch here and there, that is mostly regarding the bugs within the app itself and what appears to be a lack of motivation from the devs to fix and update the app frequently. Not so much the women themselves. I'm pretty content with my matches. Not quantity wise, as I don't get as many matches as I'd like, but because I'm a selective swiper, quality wise, I have no complaints.

Tinder App

Quote: (02-03-2015 04:51 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Quote: (02-03-2015 04:20 PM)Vice Wrote:  

Check this link out:

Such is life :/

What did you expect ?

Tinder is the shallowest of apps.

Rule #1: Don't be ugly.
Rule #2: Be attractive.

If you've got good looking game, tinder is a god send.

It is what it is.

Meh. You might call it sour grapes on my part but they aren't posting the dozens if not hundreds of chicks that told these guys to fuck off. It's 100% just as much a numbers game for genetic studs, but they will bang 1/10 girls vs 1/100 for mr avg

Tinder App

^ Mister X you should put 5'9 on your
profile and wear lifts.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

Tinder App

Quote: (02-03-2015 10:33 PM)Stun Wrote:  

Meh. You might call it sour grapes on my part but they aren't posting the dozens if not hundreds of chicks that told these guys to fuck off. It's 100% just as much a numbers game for genetic studs, but they will bang 1/10 girls vs 1/100 for mr avg

I don't know man. I agree there are gonna be girls that tell the dudes to fuck off, but if you've ever filled a niche for a girl, you'd know that it's very hard to fuck things up when she's that physically attracted to you. Even if you're some scrawny, nerdy looking dude - there will be a girl out there who will be into that type of dude, and it's basically don't fuck it up game from there.

So if you're classically masculine and attractive by today's standards of beauty - tall, white, in good to great shape, chiseled jaw, five o clock shadow, great head of hair, green or blue eyes - you're playing don't fuck it up game with the majority of women.

I would bump that 1/10 to at least 5/10, maybe more. Don't forget second chances. If a hot guy opened with a really shitty opener, and the girl was apprehensive, he could say "lol damn girl I was just messing around (emoji)"

He could turn things around with a correction.

Tinder App

Quote: (02-03-2015 11:13 PM)Travesty444 Wrote:  

^ Mister X you should put 5'9 on your
profile and wear lifts.

I'm probably closer to 5'6 than 5'7. But obviously couldn't put that. And if I'm gonna bump 5'6ish to 5'9, we're talking 2.5" inches at least, going on 3. That's too much. Especially if I meet a girl who is 5'6, 5'7 herself. I would have to limit my game to girls that are in the 5'3 and below range to avoid them legit knowing what my exact height is.

I am what I am. I don't offer the information, but if a girl asked me (not one has yet though) I would tell her 5'7 without blinking. If she responded negatively to that I have two options I've never used but would like to try out

1.) Interesting. Never been a problem before (or some other line that makes it look like the issue is with her specifically, not me)

2.) Her: "That's a little short/too short/never dated anyone that short/etc"
Me: Oh. Sorry you're hung up over that/Sorry you're insecure over that

Odds are, if a girl did ask, and my answer wasn't satisfactory, she would probably just unmatch me or ignore me. I don't think girls want to be confrontational to the point of telling a dude exactly why they're rejecting him.

Tinder App

Quote: (02-03-2015 04:20 PM)Vice Wrote:  

Check this link out:

Such is life :/

Actually the guy has some text going. This kind of thing:

Him: What's your #?
Her: I don't know I just met you
Him: That's a strange looking number
Her: <digits>

Fuck it, go all in. Why not? He doesn't give a fuck. The looks just get him the right to open her. On PoF and OKC all kinds of dopes open like that.

Try that stuff in person, now that's good stuff.

Tinder App

I tried out a few of his messages and hhadsuccess right away.

I like his style.

The challenge is maintaining this not giving a fuck style when we meet up haha.

Tinder App

Quote: (02-04-2015 12:13 AM)Kickb Wrote:  

I tried out a few of his messages and hhadsuccess right away.

I like his style.

I knew it.

You're doing God's work, man. I like *your* style.

(BTW, I love your turnaround on the "you could be a murderer" thing. I used to use that all the time - I used to go something like "hey, I have to make sure you're not one of those kidney harvesters. I hate waking up in a bathtub full of ice")

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