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Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

It took me a while to find this, as I remember it getting a lot of dance club play around '93 and I didn't quite remember who sung it. It turns out in classic DJ fashion, it was a B-Side they'd flipped.

It's a nasty song, but, given my immersion in that world at the time, brilliantly-observed. It's one of the many cases in my life where someone beat to a song topic first.

I'm an old hand at the PR Game. Hell, this song is 25 years old, and nothing has changed.

"You're not hot enough to matter", is simply Stefan Molyneux saying how he'll only invite people on his show whose 'brands aren't on the wane'. Verse 2 is classic Milo. Verse 3 are your Tradthots fleecing their paypigs.



I know what you think
It's clear as mud in your eyes
We're the plastic poseurs and prostitutes
you've obviously come to despise
But you don't know nothing
You're not hot enough to matter
You don't understand the glamourous life
a dream that no one can shatter

We're shameless, we will do anything
to get our fifteen minutes of fame
We have no integrity, we're ready to crawl
To obtain celebrity we'll do anything at all

I'm ambitious
Believe me, I'm going to be big
I'm a slave to glamour
applause and clamour
my make-up, my wardrobe, my wigs
Don't call me pathetic
I'm harder than you'll ever guess
relentlessly tough
'cause when the going gets rough
the tough get their pictures in the press

We're shameless, we will do anything
to get our fifteen minutes of fame
We have no integrity, we're ready to crawl
To obtain celebrity we'll do anything at all

Tell me you love me
Admit it, you're really impressed
Would it not amuse you
for me to seduce you?
Have you ever seen me undressed?

We're shameless, we will do anything
to get our fifteen minutes of fame
We have no integrity, we're ready to crawl
To obtain celebrity we'll do anything at all

We're shameless, we will do anything
to get our fifteen minutes of fame
We have no integrity, we're ready to crawl
To obtain celebrity we'll do anything with anyone
go absolutely anywhere for anything at all

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

[Image: MCRhcSD.png]

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

Quote: (01-28-2018 10:17 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

[Image: MCRhcSD.png]
Goddammit I love you guys, I cannot get this experience anywhere else. I am no longer alone.

Delicious Tacos is the voice of my generation....

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

Quote: (01-28-2018 07:44 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

It took me a while to find this, as I remember it getting a lot of dance club play around '93 and I didn't quite remember who sung it. It turns out in classic DJ fashion, it was a B-Side they'd flipped.

It's a nasty song, but, given my immersion in that world at the time, brilliantly-observed. It's one of the many cases in my life where someone beat to a song topic first.

I'm an old hand at the PR Game. Hell, this song is 25 years old, and nothing has changed.

"You're not hot enough to matter", is simply Stefan Molyneux saying how he'll only invite people on his show whose 'brands aren't on the wane'. Verse 2 is classic Milo. Verse 3 are your Tradthots fleecing their paypigs.



I know what you think
It's clear as mud in your eyes
We're the plastic poseurs and prostitutes
you've obviously come to despise
But you don't know nothing
You're not hot enough to matter
You don't understand the glamourous life
a dream that no one can shatter

We're shameless, we will do anything
to get our fifteen minutes of fame
We have no integrity, we're ready to crawl
To obtain celebrity we'll do anything at all

I'm ambitious
Believe me, I'm going to be big
I'm a slave to glamour
applause and clamour
my make-up, my wardrobe, my wigs
Don't call me pathetic
I'm harder than you'll ever guess
relentlessly tough
'cause when the going gets rough
the tough get their pictures in the press

We're shameless, we will do anything
to get our fifteen minutes of fame
We have no integrity, we're ready to crawl
To obtain celebrity we'll do anything at all

Tell me you love me
Admit it, you're really impressed
Would it not amuse you
for me to seduce you?
Have you ever seen me undressed?

We're shameless, we will do anything
to get our fifteen minutes of fame
We have no integrity, we're ready to crawl
To obtain celebrity we'll do anything at all

We're shameless, we will do anything
to get our fifteen minutes of fame
We have no integrity, we're ready to crawl
To obtain celebrity we'll do anything with anyone
go absolutely anywhere for anything at all

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

Oh and by the way, I forgot to mention an important detail about how Mike secured a venue.

The first two venues were owned by liberal, pasty White men. They pretended to be on Mike's side until the last second so they could backstab him, and bar Mike from hosting a NFF.

So what did Mike do? He went to a Black club. Offered them somewhere between 30-50K cash I believe, and suddenly America's most reliable Democratic voting bloc is hosting a party for the dissident right. Blacks always put money before politics, gotta respect them for that.

I wonder if Mr. Spencer would have had this idea, or would he have been too proud to pay a Black owner? And because Mike went to a Black club, none of the media is attacking the owner. The leftist media knows they cannot attack Blacks. Mike out-Jewed the Jew without ever naming the Jew. Mike is what I expect of intelligent men.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

Quote: (01-28-2018 07:02 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Blind loyalty is for losers. Real men seek results.

No offense, but isn't that exactly why you're defending Cernovich after he has been exposed time and time again on this very same forum?










As for this:

Quote: (01-28-2018 07:02 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

BA and Nehlen were cast out because they were playing into the Leftists' frame of being Nazi or Neo-Nazi.

The idea that acting like a Nazi is somehow no big deal is unbelievably delusional. Do you recall Americans fought a war against Nazi's? Americans were killed by Nazis. Nazis are just as repulsive as Communists.

But again, that the alt-right autists cannot see this is why they are a fringe movement with exactly zero victories and plenty of defeats.

You're playing into the left's frame yourself by using the "Nazi" epithet.

"Nazis are evil! I don't want nothing to do with no nasty Nazis!" [Image: tard.gif]

Acknowledging that Jews overwhelmingly control the media in America does not make one a Nazi, or a Neo-Nazi

Keep in mind you've also criticized the Jews in almost exactly the same manner, albeit giving them the pet name "Talmuds".

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

How was he exposed?
I don't have the time to read through all those threads.

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

Quote: (01-29-2018 05:59 PM)spokepoker Wrote:  

How was he exposed?
I don't have the time to read through all those threads.

They're different posts within the same thread.

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

Quote: (01-28-2018 07:02 PM)Samseau Wrote:  


BakedAlaska, and Nehlen weren't involved with either of those events. Didn't stop Mike from shredding them to pieces...

And frankly - who cares about Roman salutes, and tiki-torch rallies. Are we going to ban certain hand gestures? Shall we pretend the Civil War didn't happen (or that the Confederacy didn't have legitimate grievances)?

That's what would the Left would like. Guys like Cerno give them power when they punch right on those issues...

BA and Nehlen were cast out because they were playing into the Leftists' frame of being Nazi or Neo-Nazi.

The idea that acting like a Nazi is somehow no big deal is unbelievably delusional. Do you recall Americans fought a war against Nazi's? Americans were killed by Nazis. Nazis are just as repulsive as Communists.

I recall it being one of the worst decisions America ever made. Explain to me the logic of fighting Nazis, and partnering up with Soviets (who had committed even greater atrocities).

Look at the fruit of it.

Europe turned into a left-wing totally cucked continent. The "Nazi" epithet is used to put down anything resembling pride in who we are, and the unmatched accomplishments of Western civilization.

And you throw it around "nazi" just like the left does. Disgraceful. It just proves the point that alt-lighters are no different from cuckservatives.

But again, that the alt-right autists cannot see this is why they are a fringe movement with exactly zero victories and plenty of defeats.


The private sector and politics have nothing in common. And you know that. It takes DECADES to get significant legislation passed.

If we all had your attitude, we never would have made it to the moon.

Sounds like blackpill bullshitters who said Trump couldn't win, and wouldn't get anything done in the White House, blah blah blah.

Everything said above has been contradicted by Trump.

If you recall, it was the alt-right that helped Trump get elected. It was their memes that rallied the internet behind him, not some guy lisping about freedom.

In any case, Trump hasn't been able to get a whole lot passed through on the immigration front (the centerpiece of his campaign). Seems like he may be giving in on DACA. I'll refrain from judgement, but my point is these things do take time.


I don't see a single significant political or legislative change in that list. That was your critique of Spencer.

Exposing lecherous old men, and mustering a few hundred alt-lighters together is great -- but that's not going to transform the country.

You seem to hold your guy to a much lower standard than Spencer. And I'm the fan boy...

No, I asked for ANY victory. Getting Congressmen kicked out is indeed a major victory, contrary to what fanboys like yourself think. It's a million times more than anything Spencer has done.

Spencer cannot even hold a candle to Mike, he's an incompetent, he's never done anything noteworthy other than talk trash about the Jews (big fucking deal). Spencer has never read a single book on how to wage a military campaign, or if he has he simply learned nothing from it.

You do not rally behind generals who lose battles. You fire them and get new ones. This is not a game, there is no room for the massive blunders Spencer has made (especially ones like Unite The Right). Blind loyalty is for losers. Real men seek results.

You keep calling me a fanboy, but listen to yourself lol.

Spencer has made identity politics part of the national discourse. That's huge. Until Europeans on both sides of the Atlantic realize they are facing an intentional soft genocide, the shit is going to keep hitting the fan.

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

Quote: (01-29-2018 05:42 PM)Killer Joe Wrote:  

No offense, but isn't that exactly why you're defending Cernovich after he has been exposed time and time again on this very same forum?

<SNIP (there's more links here just scroll up to see them)>

About 1 in 5 of those posts you linked come even close to calling Cernovich out.

I'm sure there are things to call him out on or "expose" him on, but the 1 post that comes close is for deleting periscopes and twitter. I think you should just say things that are well written so they stand the test of time, but he TELLS people he's going to delete content after making it (I assume it's to avoid long-term drama on the topic but it could certainly be for more nefarious reasons). If you're TELLING people you're going to delete stuff, then actually deleting it, that doesn't really seem that sneaky or underhanded to me.

You sound more like a Baked Alaska fanboy than someone who is a reasoned critic of Cernovich with links to him being "exposed" like that.

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"Failure is just practice for success"

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

Quote: (01-29-2018 07:33 PM)AneroidOcean Wrote:  

Quote: (01-29-2018 05:42 PM)Killer Joe Wrote:  

No offense, but isn't that exactly why you're defending Cernovich after he has been exposed time and time again on this very same forum?

<SNIP (there's more links here just scroll up to see them)>

About 1 in 5 of those posts you linked come even close to calling Cernovich out.

I'm sure there are things to call him out on or "expose" him on, but the 1 post that comes close is for deleting periscopes and twitter. I think you should just say things that are well written so they stand the test of time, but he TELLS people he's going to delete content after making it (I assume it's to avoid long-term drama on the topic but it could certainly be for more nefarious reasons). If you're TELLING people you're going to delete stuff, then actually deleting it, that doesn't really seem that sneaky or underhanded to me.

You sound more like a Baked Alaska fanboy than someone who is a reasoned critic of Cernovich with links to him being "exposed" like that.

His entire modus operandi is laid bare for all to see.

All of these posts explain in detail Mike's dishonest, self-serving tactics. He pretends to advocate for... what was again? just so he can self-promote and sell books and tickets to his events. He'll change his viewpoints and opinions whenever needed so it can benefit his brand.

If he wants to avoid drama he should think before he speaks, remember, once you post something on the internet, it's there forever. Even if you delete if someone already saved it to their hard drive and will re-upload it for all to see.

I honestly don't care for Baked Alaska, but if Mike's willing to throw him under the bus when it's expedient, he'll do that to any of his friends.

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

This was one of the main lowlights in the MC saga, his close association with Loren Feldman, who doesn't have a lot of good things to say about us:


That and the fact that he blackballed Nehlen and MacDonald, going out of his way to publicly smear them as neo-Nazis, not cool at all. Cernovich has done a lot of good, but those aren't part of it.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

This just in.
All humans are flawed...

Probably best not to depend on nor rely on, nor bow down to any one human figure.
Not even Trump.
Warhammer 40K inspired memes or otherwise.

[Image: hqdefault.jpg]

Is Cernovich doing more good than harm countering Useful Idiots & political correctness?
Pretty much.

Is it wrong for the Pied Piper to lead the sheep?
Or is it due to an inherent flaw of the sheep that they are so willingly lead / mislead & not able to be of independent thought?
Or is it a case of - it takes two to tango?
The Pied Piper along with the serf-like sheep?

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

Teep doesn't even know his history.


I recall it being one of the worst decisions America ever made. Explain to me the logic of fighting Nazis, and partnering up with Soviets (who had committed even greater atrocities).

I guess Hitler shouldn't have declared war on America then? And Japan should have been bombing Russia instead of opening a new front in the Pacific?


If you recall, it was the alt-right that helped Trump get elected. It was their memes that rallied the internet behind him, not some guy lisping about freedom.

The alt-right was far less powerful than it imagines itself. Mike was actually reporting news (like Hillary's health) that made it to the front page of drudge, and primed audiences worldwide for her fateful fall on 9/11. Mike made a huge impact, and had plenty of friends going into the WH (which is why he was, and continues to, able to get so many scoops).

I look at objective reality. You just live in denial land.


Spencer has made identity politics part of the national discourse. That's huge. Until Europeans on both sides of the Atlantic realize they are facing an intentional soft genocide, the shit is going to keep hitting the fan.

Spencer did no such thing. The left has been talking about identity since the 1960's, and prior to that the South was always droning on about race. Race issues have been part of American politics for over 250 years, yet you give Spencer credit? You are an insanely delusional fanboy.

Killer Joe:


No offense, but isn't that exactly why you're defending Cernovich after he has been exposed time and time again on this very same forum?

He's never been exposed, just hated on by irrational haters. His "mistakes" are so small only women could care, while his successes are massive.

Defending someone with such a strong track record as Mike is not blind loyalty. It's just plain loyalty, because he delivers. If Mike were to have a Charlottesville, like the incompetent Dick Spencer, then I would definitely be critical of Mike.


You're playing into the left's frame yourself by using the "Nazi" epithet.

"Nazis are evil! I don't want nothing to do with no nasty Nazis!" tard

Acknowledging that Jews overwhelmingly control the media in America does not make one a Nazi, or a Neo-Nazi

Keep in mind you've also criticized the Jews in almost exactly the same manner, albeit giving them the pet name "Talmuds".

Nazi is not the "left's frame." Nazism has been around FAR longer than the modern left. The left attempts to use "pre-suasion" by labeling the right Nazi's in advance, priming people to see the right as Nazi's if they actually act like Nazi's. This is why it makes no fucking sense to use Heil Hitler salutes, or march around like Brown Shirts with tiki torches at night. Those optics are cancer and bolster the left's arguments, allowing them to recruit more cannon fodder.

Only a FOOL would do something so blatantly self-sabatoguing as to act like a Nazi. Only someone who is totally autistic, and devoid of any social sense whatsoever would act like an old war enemy (who declared war on us, not the other way around) that killed Americans.


All of these posts explain in detail Mike's dishonest, self-serving tactics. He pretends to advocate for... what was again? just so he can self-promote and sell books and tickets to his events. He'll change his viewpoints and opinions whenever needed so it can benefit his brand.

Completely false statements presented as fact, Mike does most of his politics at a break-even or loss. Not that making money is a bad thing if it means tangible benefits are achieved, like actually uniting the Right at events, or getting Democrats tossed out of Congress.



This was one of the main lowlights in the MC saga, his close association with Loren Feldman, who doesn't have a lot of good things to say about us:

Mike denounced Loren a long time ago. Pretty scathingly I might add.


That and the fact that he blackballed Nehlen and MacDonald, going out of his way to publicly smear them as neo-Nazis, not cool at all. Cernovich has done a lot of good, but those aren't part of it.

Don't know if he said anything about MacDonald, but Nehlen as a public figure should have known better than to use Daily Stormer memes and be taken seriously.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

Quote: (01-29-2018 11:36 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Teep doesn't even know his history.


I recall it being one of the worst decisions America ever made. Explain to me the logic of fighting Nazis, and partnering up with Soviets (who had committed even greater atrocities).

I guess Hitler shouldn't have declared war on America then? And Japan should have been bombing Russia instead of opening a new front in the Pacific?

American history textbooks lol...

The U.S was arming the Russians and British well before the Nazis declared the war. You can't be neutral and arming the enemy at the same time.

They were also imposing harsh economic sanctions on Japan.

There were hawkish (((elements))) in the government pushing for war despite the American people being totally against it.


If you recall, it was the alt-right that helped Trump get elected. It was their memes that rallied the internet behind him, not some guy lisping about freedom.

The alt-right was far less powerful than it imagines itself. Mike was actually reporting news (like Hillary's health) that made it to the front page of drudge, and primed audiences worldwide for her fateful fall on 9/11. Mike made a huge impact, and had plenty of friends going into the WH (which is why he was, and continues to, able to get so many scoops).

News? He's been awfully silent about that Pizzagate nonsense lately. I don't know he can call himself a journalist with a straight face. Even a commentator would be a stretch.

I look at objective reality. You just live in denial land.


Spencer has made identity politics part of the national discourse. That's huge. Until Europeans on both sides of the Atlantic realize they are facing an intentional soft genocide, the shit is going to keep hitting the fan.

Spencer did no such thing. The left has been talking about identity since the 1960's, and prior to that the South was always droning on about race. Race issues have been part of American politics for over 250 years, yet you give Spencer credit? You are an insanely delusional fanboy.

White identity had been dead for DECADES before Spencer brought it back to the national spotlight. I don't know why you'd pretend otherwise.

Mike denounced Loren a long time ago. Pretty scathingly I might add.

Link? I never saw that denouncement. In any case, it seems he was spared the character assassinations that Nehlen and Baked Alaska received.

But perhaps Mike knows what side his matzo crackers are buttered on!

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

Seriously man, respond to quoted text outside the quote box, it is inmensely confusing and downright discouraging to read posts like that.

We move between light and shadow, mutually influencing and being influenced through shades of gray...

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

Quote: (01-22-2018 04:35 PM)SlickyBoy Wrote:  

I did not see a thread on this, but did anyone here go to the Night for Freedom Saturday night in NYC?

I was there and bought the sponsor ticket for private podcast and privat brunch. AMA

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

Quote: (01-30-2018 02:23 AM)Elster Wrote:  

Seriously man, respond to quoted text outside the quote box, it is inmensely confusing and downright discouraging to read posts like that.

Indeed. That's why I have stopped discussing with him.

The fact that he is too lazy to properly format his response, but he is lazy to do his own damn research - he claimed that R. Spencer did not write any books, while he was involved with 3. And yes Teep, he is the correct Richard Spencer - only one Richard Spencer has anything to do with Radix Journal. Took me 40 seconds (yes, I timed it on stopwatch, just like in Basic).

Teep, with an attitude like that, it is no wonder that Alt Right had achieved nothing of substance. I asked what did the Alt Right accomplish since it's inception TWO times already in this thread! TWO!! I never got any normal answer.

Ill rather enjoy the company of the New Right, a movement that ACHIEVED SOMETHING (Sam explained what Mike ALONE did, not the entire movement), over the company of the Alt Right WHO ACHIEVED NOTHING AS OF 2018!!.

Enjoy in your irrelevancy with Spencer, Johnson (a homo) and other SPLC/ADL shills. New Right is winning, and will keep winning, and I (and others on this forum) will do our part.

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

Quote: (01-31-2018 11:20 AM)Irenicus Wrote:  

Quote: (01-30-2018 02:23 AM)Elster Wrote:  

Seriously man, respond to quoted text outside the quote box, it is inmensely confusing and downright discouraging to read posts like that.

Indeed. That's why I have stopped discussing with him.

Yet you write several paragraphs "discussing" with me right after saying that? [Image: tard.gif]

The fact that he is too lazy to properly format his response, but he is lazy to do his own damn research - he claimed that R. Spencer did not write any books, while he was involved with 3. And yes Teep, he is the correct Richard Spencer - only one Richard Spencer has anything to do with Radix Journal. Took me 40 seconds (yes, I timed it on stopwatch, just like in Basic).


It's 2 books, the first was another Richard Spencer. I know English isn't your first language, but please try and follow along.

In any case, he has not promoted them at every single opportunity.

Teep, with an attitude like that, it is no wonder that Alt Right had achieved nothing of substance. I asked what did the Alt Right accomplish since it's inception TWO times already in this thread! TWO!! I never got any normal answer.

I already answered this. He brought European identity into the national discourse. That's huge, and frankly far more important than anything Mike has done.

Ill rather enjoy the company of the New Right, a movement that ACHIEVED SOMETHING (Sam explained what Mike ALONE did, not the entire movement), over the company of the Alt Right WHO ACHIEVED NOTHING AS OF 2018!!.

Enjoy in your irrelevancy with Spencer, Johnson (a homo) and other SPLC/ADL shills. New Right is winning, and will keep winning, and I (and others on this forum) will do our part.

Yea, winning, win, win. This is why the alt light is a laughing stock. You all have a vocabulary of about 7 words.

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

The alt-right is even worse than the left with their purity tests

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

Quote: (01-31-2018 06:00 PM)Grodin Wrote:  

The alt-right is even worse than the left with their purity tests

Purity tests? Please extrapolate.

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

I've said it before and I'll say it again.

99% of what Mike does is good. Disavowing current or former associates who raise the JQ is the 1%.

Countersignaling Paul Nehlen and Kevin MacDonald is an understandable survival strategy, especially since the man has a family.

TBH I'm surprised none of his mainstream haters have tracked him back to the RVF and mined his posts.

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked


How's this for optics? He's handing the left their victories on a platter.

(skip the leftist fluff, fast forward to 5:10)

He's supposed to be this big tough guy with Gorilla Mindset, and he's losing his mind over people simply standing next to him.

There was a better one where he was trolled on his periscope by some skinny weak dweeb, instead of playing along and mocking him back he gets frightened and essentially starts yelling at him to stay away and appealing to other people to keep him off his back. The soyboy, on the other hand, is laughing his ass off. Unfortunately the video was removed, but I'll see if I can find it reuploaded somewhre.

It's the one AB referred to on this post a while ago:


Remember the Joseph Gerbils debacle?

What victory was achieved there?

That's the major problem with the Alt-Lite, besides its for-profit, for fame-nature: It's just ridiculous.

That's why they get no respect from me. I don't have any actual hate towards them.

C'mon man, c'mon...

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

Let's tone down the personal attacks against Cernovich. This isn't Kiwi Farms.

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked


He's supposed to be this big tough guy with Gorilla Mindset, and he's losing his mind over people simply standing next to him.

Mike told the truth. Just because you don't know what assault is irrelevant for the courts. Battery is when someone gets hit, assault is when you've entered their space and making threatening actions.

As for whether or not you think someone's actions are "ridiculous," is beside the point. They get fame and make money so they can then push conservative causes. The ends easily justify the means here.


Your history is awful, and you make no sense.


The U.S was arming the Russians and British well before the Nazis declared the war. You can't be neutral and arming the enemy at the same time.

This is so absurd I almost did not respond. I'm very close to putting you on the blocked list because the lack of logic is insane.

No country is beholden on who they trade with merely because of a war. The US was trading with the UK and Russia before the war, but once Germany decided to go on the warpath that means America had to stop trading? That is some seriously lame Nazi apologetics you're touting.


There were hawkish (((elements))) in the government pushing for war despite the American people being totally against it.

Yep, and the America people would have NEVER declared war on Germany or Japan until they were attacked first. Americans were not stupid and knew the Jews at home were pushing for war through the (((news))). Men like Henry Ford constantly made everyone aware of this.

If the Japs and Krauts actually wanted to win, they would have gangbanged Russia from both sides of Asia while staying away from America. Would have been an easy victory for them.

WW2 should have ended with a Japanese and Germany victory - utterly pathetic how they threw away such a large advantage by attacking a neutral country. Attacking America was as stupid as Athens attacking Sicily in the Peloponnesian War.


White identity had been dead for DECADES before Spencer brought it back to the national spotlight. I don't know why you'd pretend otherwise.

Total nonsense. 4chan and 8chan did 100000000000x more than Dicky ever did to bring back White Identity.

Look, Dick Spencer had his chance. He fucked it up. It's over for him. He still has value as an intellectual of sorts, but he's no leader and he doesn't even come close to Cernovich.

The only alt-right leader who has been keeping my attention and respect so far is Andrew Anglin. Although I find his views on race even too extreme for me (again, I think race purity is nonsense disproven through the example of the Talmuds), but he is completely red-pilled on women, and definitely understands the Talmudic mindset and knows how to piss them off. Anglin has a killer instinct and when he got de-platformed (thanks to the opening Spencer created with his Charlottesville fiasco) he handled himself with complete calmness and composure even as supposed allies like Vox Day were attacking him. He destroyed Vox in a debate and showed he was capable of deep, nuanced thinking even as he was being turned into an exile.

Anglin with money and the means would be extremely dangerous to the establishment. He is easily the most promising leader of the alt-right, it's no surprise Anglin was targeted so viciously by the establishment. They know his potential is high and they fear him enough to try and kill him before he can gain any kind of power. Compare that to the feckless Dick Spencer, who despite talking about "White identity" and even organizing Charlottesville, still gets treated with kid gloves by the establishment. They know Spencer is incompetent and toothless, with a huge ego that is easy to manipulate, so they let him run free to destroy his own team. Meanwhile the actual threats (like Anglin) are destroyed promptly.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

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