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Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

Quote: (01-26-2018 03:56 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Exactly - when you are given a trust fund, then this can go either way. He actually risks 1000 times less than anyone else in the Alt Right - the others may actually later never join the corporate world or get fired even years in the future. He had no such risks.

If you're broke, then first of all you shouldn't be involved in politics. No one is forcing these guys to attend marches. And secondly, if you have no assets, then you're not really risking anything.

If you'll recall, Spencer's mother was almost forced to sell her business by a (((realtor/activist))) in their town.

I find it really funny when trust fund babies are engaged in social activism like this black guy who co-created the Black Lives Matter movement and was lecturing others about white oppression while being picked up by his driver.

And we frankly do not even know whether Richard Spencer is not a plant to derail the entire movement - with great success.

We don't know if he's not an extra-terrestrial skin walker either. But base on the information we do have, it's probably safe to rule it out.

At least the men seen above are probably actually believing in everything they say - based on what they know trying to be true to themselves.

Mike has flip-flopped a lot. He used to call himself alt right. I can't help but think his attacks on the right aren't based off any sort of principle - but rather financial gain.

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

I thought Atlanta man was of mixed race?

We move between light and shadow, mutually influencing and being influenced through shades of gray...

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

Quote: (01-26-2018 05:38 PM)Elster Wrote:  

I thought Atlanta man was of mixed race?
Also a race mixer....

Delicious Tacos is the voice of my generation....

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

Bitches go crazy for atlanta mixed smoothies!

We move between light and shadow, mutually influencing and being influenced through shades of gray...

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

Quote: (01-26-2018 02:10 PM)Irenicus Wrote:  

What you witnessed is envy, plain and simple.

'Haterz' is a stupid concept favoured by Narcissists as a way to avoid criticism, just or not, popularized by the Rap Community.

I've been involved in the music scene since 1985, heavily-from about 1987-2002, then on a more casual basis until about 2009. I very much function as a camera, even when I'm in the middle of the action I can view it as an outside observer, and, as such, 'record' everything I see.

The behavioural patterns of Opportunists are obvious and predictable enough, that, by 1992, I'd already written a song for a female singer friend, that, in much the same manner Days of Broken Arrow wrote a provocative song for an all-female R&B group, she wasn't brave enough to sing.

The lyrical quality is about what you'd expect for a 21-year-old:


"Don't ask me baby, what would I do for fame?
Just ask what I wouldn't do
You're just a step to be slept with on my way to the top
Out of my way
I'm here to stay!"

One line still stands out to me:


"Courting controversy, I shock as much as is allowed."

All I meant in my clumsy 21-year-old way was that I'd already repeatedly-observed that Rebellion is always Commodified, since any true rebellion is a threat to the Status Quo. Anything that rises up through the commercial marketplace is nothing but the outwards appearance of rebellion used to target a consumer market that responds to the perceived breaking of rules. (Such as Trump, although I know I'll get shit for saying that).

This is why I said ages go that Mike's appearance on Sixty Minutes was a soft hit piece, and really functioned a validation of his brand.

I know exactly what that meant. As any number of ponytailed sleazebags with voices like Duffman from 'The Simpsons' said to me over the years: "One hand washes the other. Promotion in motion."

I'm surprised people who claim to be socially-savvy can't see this kind of thing for what it is, or see the obvious Irony in a man who was condemning the hypocrisy of Games Journalists following obviously-dictated talking points from on high to sell a false narrative by writing twenty-four simultaneously-released articles then taking part in the exact same process two years later, during the Alt-Lite Swerve. Their spontaneous concern with 'Civic Nationalism' was simply 'Gamers Are Dead', let alone mentioning that, although they'd all previously-discussed the JQ, they never would again after that date.

Anyone who is a genuine threat to the status quo - Milo, Chuck Johnson, Roy Moore, the Alt-Right itself - will be quickly taken care of. Otherwise, their obedience simply requires paying the price on the ticket, and the Left will allow them to continue on its platforms because, well, one hand washes the other.

All I'm speaking of is Integrity. Of looking at someone and knowing you're getting exactly what you're seeing, which is probably one reason why so many of my closest friends over the years have been Sigma Personalities. I have a preference for people who don't tell me what I want to hear, but what I need to hear, and doing the latter is why I've formed such deep connections with women over the years, that have persisted long past our breakup.

The Nature of what is now knowing as 'Branding' doesn't allow this: some level of playing a character for your audience will always be involved. Complexity is confusing to the majority of consumers, so anyone being sold this way must be sanded and polished down to a few core ideas, which is how you become Iconic.

Here's a very cynical song from 1989 that was speaking of this very concept before it entered the mass consciousness, (and, as such, was only a moderate hit).

Of course, now every Star and Singer has their own Brand Manager.

This 'sanding and polishing' process usually requires some level of denial of your past. I wrote years back how a group of Bisexual Satanists I knew rose out of the punk scene to be presented as Teen Pop Stars, which involved the Label going around the 'Zine scene and buying up all the old copies of the 'Zines where the lead singer had, say, discussed his love of sucking cock and the taste of semen. Silence of the publishers was bought - and it's always bought - with the promise of access and free CD's for the label's releases.

So, when I'd eventually see the singing their hits on the Saturday Morning Kiddy Music Show, 'Video Hits', I understood the inherent falsity of the whole process whilst other people took it at face value: "Look at these kids and their catchy pop song."

So, when I first started calling out just how much the Alt-Lite had obviously-been bought, most people not only won't listen, but can't listen, because they've been trained by the media to take everything they see at face value, and, particularly, are so wrapped up in the false presentation that they'll get angry with you for popping their bubble of comfort.

I heard someone on a Podcast recently saying "Well, I was initially-worried when Trump bombed Syria, but it was only an abandoned airbase, and no-one was injured, and he warned them first."

To which I ask, as always, "Whomever put those thoughts in your head?" Why would you take anything the White House says at face value when it comes to War, particularly when it's obvious both sides are playing fast and loose with the Truth for the Purposes of Propaganda.

This is why Forney has since talked about hearing first hand about the Corporate Interests behind the Alt-Lite, where, say, Stefan Molenyeux will no longer talk to anyone whose Brand he considers 'on the wane'. [Image: tard.gif]

Heyyyy promotion in motion.... one hand washes the other.


Aurini was speaking about me on a Podcast recently, saying that "[Bosch] was a Musician, but it never really happened for him." This vastly-undersells the complexity of my experience.

I knew exactly what it took to make it happen, and chose not to. I tried to always keep my integrity, so my audience would know I wasn't bullshitting them, because all I wanted was to keep releasing music rather than the hassle - and it is a hassle - fame: sell just enough to make another one. I didn't have the Screaming Void inside me I've noticed that all Fame Whores seem to possess, so I could objectively see each offer for what it was instead of common sense being drowned out by The Need.

If that meant not letting multiple people in the industry sexually exploit me in exchange for fame, so be it.

If that meant not letting a label suit's girlfriend charge a huge amount to my debt for 'styling the band', (buying trendy clothes and pocketing the rest), rather than just dressing normally, so be it.

If that meant taking less of an advance to not have to work with 'hot producers' who want to replace the drummer with drum machines, instantly-trapping the album in the year of release, so be it.

If that meant going with a cheap video instead of a pricier day-glo one aimed at 13-year-old kids, so be it, (which sunk multiple bands I knew, including one whom they always dressed in skivvies to hide his track marks).

If that keeping my songs complex rather than simple, despite then reaching a smaller audience, so be it.

Hell, if that meant far less sales for not gurning like an idiot whilst pretending to play non-plugged in instruments on a national television show where the Living Legend Host had a known-and-tolerated taste for underage boys, so be it.

I'm increasingly-thankful every day that I wasn't successful on a mass market level. I look at someone like Tom Hardy, constantly shilling for feminism and vocally-despising his own masculinity in interview after interview, sounding dead inside, and think "That could have been me, if I played the game." I could have gained the world and lost my soul.

And, in a way, I was successful on a more modest level. The sales regularly tick along, and the cheques keep coming in. There's still regularly, if modest, interest in what I did. I spoke to a band I knew back in the day who were commercially-successful but so tied to their time that, despite having multiple albums over a short period, it's only one song that generates any income for them.

In a way, I've also had the last laugh. I can create polished works at home and I've made enough contacts over the years that I can reliably-get, say, a String Quartet on a song, or a Drummer without needing label money to do it. Why? Because there's gravitas and integrity to what I do that offers collaborating musicians critical respect, at least until Identity Politics started destroying Music Criticism circa 2012.

I don't have anything like this horror in my past:


Quintus wrote an interesting piece recently about Biondo Flavio's Travel Writing recently, where he inserts a seemingly out-of-place observation about watching a Boar taken down by a wolf.

Quintus chose to see it as Blood begets blood, which is a fair interpretation, whereas my read was more along the times that Power (including Fame) are transitory states, and no matter how in Control or Famous you think you are, there's always someone bigger than you waiting to feed on your corpse. Such knowledge keeps you humble.

I remember, early in my career, I went to a Wax Museum with a girlfriend, and got talking to a staff member, who explained the turnover of the figures and that most are transitory by nature, and barely last a couple of years before being melted down, with the wax being used to construct a new figure who's still in the public consciousness.

It seemed good knowledge to possess for someone dancing with the devil: in the end, we're all just wax waiting to be melted.


So, having seen how people deliberately whore out their integrity for greater exposure, I've noticed there's certain signposts that Opportunists always walk past in the process of 'selling out'. A few I can think of:

- Firing the Drummer

If someone is threatening your brand or advancement to the next level, cut ties and get rid of them ASAP

- Erasing the Past

Such as the case of the Kiddy Band I knew hiding the Devil Worshipping and Cocksucking.

Or, I'm Manosphere Gamergate Alt-Right Pro-Trump.

- Just A Regular Family Man

Wife and Kids are needed to show you're grounded, even if it involves Bearding, such as in the case of the two male actors on 'Sons Of Anarchy' who were Lovers, despite having a Wife and Girlfriend respectively, (I'd heard rumours, and an American Friend involved with the show confirmed it to me when I commented on the body language I'd repeatedly-observed between the two).

I don't know or care about Cernovich's sexual proclivities, just that as his brand crossed from Manosphere - sexual looseness - to Serious Journalist, he immediately settled down.

- Soft Condemnation by the Media as Validation of Arriving

Sixty Minutes. It's just Marilyn Manson being asked by an interviewer if his music influenced the Columbine Shooters. All easy drama for the cheap seats, and helps drive up interest in both brands.

- Reliably-Conforming to the Narrative (or Counter-Narrative), which is Audience-Dependent

This includes the sudden changing direction, as in a school of fish, where an ideas can contradict themselves in the space of a couple of days. What you're seeing is, functionally, someone whispering in their earpiece that such a topic is off-limits.


Some of the men here have won my deep respect by simply refusing the offer to sell out when it came. RhymeorReason's rhetoric sounded like he wanted to take the Offer, until it actually came, then he instantly-understood artistic integrity was more important to him. Quintus handled his offer exactly the way I expected him to: he choose to keep plowing his smaller furrow for a higher-quality audience.


To finish, I mentioned in another thread I had recently read a book on R.E.M., a band who was critically-considered to have kept their integrity, whilst obviously playing the game and jumping through the hoops. More likely, the aura of integrity was sold by journalists because they were reliably-shills for Leftist Causes.

Here's a section on the video for 'Near Wild Heaven' from 1991:


Although it does not pander to day-glo tackiness in the same way as 'Shiny Happy People', this video has its eye set even more calculatingly on mainstream acceptance. Shot in muted pastel washes by Jeff Preiss for Epoch Films, it features R.E.M. hangin' out in the 'hood'; specifically, relaxing in a sort of mythical rock'n'roll cafe with the kind of bohemian customers that only exist in advertising executives' dreams, while, outside, kids play in the spray from an open water hydrant. It is highly-reminiscent of then-current South Comfort and Levi's commercials, and fulfills the same function, screaming, in a laid back sort of way, 'Buy this product!' Having said that, it is highly-watchable, and even [guitar player and noted grump] Peter seems to be enjoying himself. Those Advertising Executives really know which buttons to press... Anyone who claims he or she would rather see 'Driver 8' is either fibbing or related to its directors.

However, one cannot help but be irritated by R.E.M.'s apparent hypocrisy. At the end of 1988, Peter told Newsday that people were always saying to him, 'You know if you do a video with pretty girls in it and you're all playing guitars and lip-synching, this record could sell two point eight million rather than one point three.' To which Peter would reply, 'Well, yeah, but I don't want to do this cookie-cutter thing. I don't want to look like every other band.' Just over two years later, here were R.E.M. lip-synching and playing instruments in a slick video packed with impossibly-attractive women - in other words, indulging in some all-out cookie-cutting. Which would be fair enough, if the band did not continue to insist in interviews that they had not compromised any of their beliefs.

Note that the album the video was from, ended up being their commercial breakthrough, and selling 18 million copies, and they only had one more universally-recognised as great album left in them after it. Even now, I'm noticing the lasting critical appraisal is starting to wane from their major label releases.


So, no, I'm not remotely-jealous. I just see Bullshit for the Bullshit it is, which is frustrating when other people tell me through shit-stained lips that the Bullshit is Chocolate, and that - mmm - I should really have a taste.

Beat the Drum all you want, but when you find out you're not Ringo Starr, but Pete Best, and the band is going to the toppermost of the poppermost without you, don't expect sympathy.

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

Quote: (01-26-2018 05:38 PM)Elster Wrote:  

I thought Atlanta man was of mixed race?

Most American blacks are. I think the stat is African Americans have 20% white DNA on average courtesy of all the slave owners with a penchant for hot chocolate.

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

Quote: (01-26-2018 06:27 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

All I meant in my clumsy 21-year-old way was that I'd already repeatedly-observed that Rebellion is always Commodified, since any true rebellion is a threat to the Status Quo. Anything that rises up through the commercial marketplace is nothing but the outwards appearance of rebellion used to target a consumer market that responds to the perceived breaking of rules. (Such as Trump, although I know I'll get shit for saying that).

This is why I said ages go that Mike's appearance on Sixty Minutes was a soft hit piece, and really functioned a validation of his brand.

I know exactly what that meant. As any number of ponytailed sleazebags with voices like Duffman from 'The Simpsons' said to me over the years: "One hand washes the other. Promotion in motion."

I'm surprised people who claim to be socially-savvy can't see this kind of thing for what it is, or see the obvious Irony in a man who was condemning the hypocrisy of Games Journalists following obviously-dictated talking points from on high to sell a false narrative by writing twenty-four simultaneously-released articles then taking part in the exact same process two years later, during the Alt-Lite Swerve. Their spontaneous concern with 'Civic Nationalism' was simply 'Gamers Are Dead', let alone mentioning that, although they'd all previously-discussed the JQ, they never would again after that date.

I think there's a simpler way to convey that. It's a classic controlled Hegelian dialectic:

[Image: dialectic+helix.jpg]

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

AB: Nice essay, but Mike hasn't sold out in any capacity. He uses his own money and time to do everything he wants. He always tells people he has no big donors backing him (no Mercer $$$). No boss Jew in the background.

Again, Mike is making shit happen and running his own dreams and visions, and people are just ankle biting him. It's sad.

What other political leader is throwing massive parties with vegas style theatrics? What other place can people crack race jokes amongst men of different races?

I was at the Night for Freedom. 80% White, yet no one gave a fuck about race bullshit. It was all understood implicitly - Whites are different and that's fine, we want to keep our culture and traditions and still allow other races to join if they so wish. No need to go on long alt-right rants about the Jew and other races.

By avoiding mentioning the JQ explicitly we could keep the vibe on having a good time, and pushing anti-Jewish reforms (no more global trade deals, no more immigration, free speech). There is no need to fight every battle at once. Mike avoiding the JQ is smart tactically and strategically, and hating on him for being a smart general makes no sense.

Teep is particularly irrational:


Mike has flip-flopped a lot. He used to call himself alt right. I can't help but think his attacks on the right aren't based off any sort of principle - but rather financial gain.

Hello, why would anyone call themselves alt-right and get associated with incompetents like Richard Spencer? Spencer has NO IDEA how to run a political movement. His leadership is beyond awful. He has nothing but LOSSES for all of his work. Why would anyone want to be associated with a loser?

Spencer had his chance, so did Nehlen, so did so many others, they blew it. That's how the political world works - you get your chance and if you waste it people have no choice but leave your carcass behind on the battlefield.

Of course, people are so tied into their fanboyism over a few favorite political leaders like Spencer, that they become celebs beyond criticism and can do no wrong. No matter how many fuckups these alt-right amateurs have, they still get their loyal followers to justify their mistakes because they are "pure."

It's a joke! It's totally irrational. The world operates on results, not feels.


As for affecting societal change, immigration is the SINGLE biggest issue America and the West faces. It's an economic issue, it's a crime issue, it's a social cohesion issue,etc..Spencer's idea for a 50 year moratorium on ALL immigration would have huge positive impact. And that's why the idea is catching on steam. Even Trump and "mainstream" right wingers are pushing now for restricted legal immigration...

^ This is yet more proof Teep is irrational. I made immigration the talk of the night, as I linked in my tweet on page 2. Everyone there was against immigration. During the follow up question, somehow the topic of families came up.

Gavin said, "HAVE MORE BABIES. More White - WESTERN - babies. More Western babies!!

To which the comedian, Owen followed up, "Who act White!"

Because that summed up the gist of the "alt-lite." We all know race matters. But unlike the sperg-tards on the alt-right, none of us think there is anything to racial purity. Race purity is a Talmudic Jewish concept by the way. And look at those big, lovely noses that pure breeding has gotten Mr. Talmud over 2000 years? As well as a host of so many other purebred traits?

I think it's good that most modern Talmudic Jews are moving away from the pure breed model. It will do their bloodline a whole lot of good.

It's just like anything in life. The dose makes the poison. You need water every day to survive. Without water you die. But if you overdose on water, you'll drown. Same with alcohol - a drink here and there is okay, even good for you. Take too much and you're dead. Same with vitamins.

Likewise with race - somewhere between 10-20% of the race mixing will strengthen the race over time. But too much beyond that can lead to all sorts of unwanted problems. Likewise having no race mixing for extended periods of time can also produce problems (like having a vitamin overdose).

People in the "alt-lite" get this implicitly even if they cannot explain it. Everything I've said above will eventually become common knowledge, I will make sure of it.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

Quote: (01-27-2018 01:22 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

AB: Nice essay, but Mike hasn't sold out in any capacity. He uses his own money and time to do everything he wants. He always tells people he has no big donors backing him (no Mercer $$$). No boss Jew in the background.

Again, Mike is making shit happen and running his own dreams and visions, and people are just ankle biting him. It's sad.

What other political leader is throwing massive parties with vegas style theatrics? What other place can people crack race jokes amongst men of different races?

I was at the Night for Freedom. 80% White, yet no one gave a fuck about race bullshit. It was all understood implicitly - Whites are different and that's fine, we want to keep our culture and traditions and still allow other races to join if they so wish. No need to go on long alt-right rants about the Jew and other races.

By avoiding mentioning the JQ explicitly we could keep the vibe on having a good time, and pushing anti-Jewish reforms (no more global trade deals, no more immigration, free speech). There is no need to fight every battle at once. Mike avoiding the JQ is smart tactically and strategically, and hating on him for being a smart general makes no sense.

Avoiding the JQ, and (((...))) is probably a good idea strategically.That's not the issue. He's made repeated character assassinations of people who DO bring it up. Punching right...

Teep is particularly irrational:


Mike has flip-flopped a lot. He used to call himself alt right. I can't help but think his attacks on the right aren't based off any sort of principle - but rather financial gain.

Hello, why would anyone call themselves alt-right and get associated with morons like Richard Spencer? Spencer has NO IDEA how to run a political movement. His leadership is beyond awful. He has nothing but LOSSES for all of his work. Why would anyone want to be associated with a loser?

You can't measure the value of a movement in victories. As deeply entrenched as (((they))) are in the seats of power, there's going to be a lot of setbacks.

Spencer had his chance, so did Nehlen, so did so many others, they blew it. That's how the political world works - you get your chance and if you waste it people have no choice but leave your carcass behind on the battlefield.

Lol, he's been a public figure now for what...1- 2years? Same with Nehlen. Yep, didn't manage to change the country in a couple years. Huge fail. Let's give up everybody...

Of course, people are so tied into their fanboyism over a few favorite political leaders like Spencer, that they become celebs beyond criticism and can do no wrong. No matter how many fuckups these alt-right clowns have, they still get their loyal followers to justify their mistakes because they are "pure."

It's a joke! It's totally irrational. The world operates on results, not feels.

What result has Mike actually accomplished aside from selling his book, and other self-promotional activities? I mean from a business standpoint I can admire that. But you compare to Spencer as if he's managed to institute some significant policy change. He hasn't.


As for affecting societal change, immigration is the SINGLE biggest issue America and the West faces. It's an economic issue, it's a crime issue, it's a social cohesion issue,etc..Spencer's idea for a 50 year moratorium on ALL immigration would have huge positive impact. And that's why the idea is catching on steam. Even Trump and "mainstream" right wingers are pushing now for restricted legal immigration...

^ This is yet more proof Teep is irrational. I made immigration the talk of the night, as I linked in my tweet on page 2. Everyone there was against immigration. During the follow up question, somehow the topic of families came up.

Gavin said, "HAVE MORE BABIES. More White - WESTERN - babies. More Western babies!!

To which the comedian, Owen followed up, "Who act White!"

Because that summed up the gist of the "alt-lite." We all know race matters. But unlike the sperg-tards on the alt-right, none of us think there is anything to racial purity.

I think you're confusing the alt-right with Nazism. They have absolutely nothing to do each other. Racial purity, arianism, etc. are not subjects even brought up in alt right circles.

Race purity is a Talmudic Jewish concept by the way. And look at those big, lovely noses that pure breeding has gotten Mr. Talmud over 2000 years? As well as a host of so many other purebred traits?

To play devils advocate, aside from horrendously bad looks, I'd say racial purity has done the Jews a lot of good objectively. They're amongst the highest IQ populations in the world.

I think it's good that most modern Talmudic Jews are moving away from the pure breed model. It will do their bloodline a whole lot of good.

It's just like anything in life. The dose makes the poison. You need water every day to survive. Without water you die. But if you overdose on water, you'll drown. Same with alcohol - a drink here and there is okay, even good for you. Take too much and you're dead. Same with vitamins.

Likewise with race - somewhere between 10-20% of the race mixing will strengthen the race over time. But too much beyond that can lead to all sorts of unwanted problems. Likewise having no race mixing for extended periods of time can also produce problems (like having a vitamin deficiency).

People in the "alt-lite" get this implicitly even if they cannot explain it. Everything I've said above will eventually become common knowledge, I will make sure of it.

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

AB, from what I have understood, you claim that Mike lacks integrity, and he sold "us" out in order to promote himself.

He did not. His appearance on 60 Minutes, or the presence of his books on Amazon does not mean anything.

Now, if we follow that logic, that would mean that Roosh sold "us" out as well*. He, like Mike, was also in 2 talk shows (one with Oprah, and other one in some Romanian TV show). Also, his books are available on Amazon as well. Here:

Same can be said for Spencer. He was a guest in some Israeli TV (!!!!!) and has also his books published on Amazon. Is he a sellout as well?

From what I have understood, you are applying one set of rules to Mike (and other people you are opposed to, such as Milo and Gavin, for example), and another set of rules for people you approve of (Roosh and Spencer, in our case). That's a very dishonest SJW tactic.

And finally, I will ask again -what did the Alt right accomplish since it was formed? And what did "Alt Lite" (or whathever you call it)? Memes do not count.

*Just an example Roosh - I am not accusing you.

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

Quote: (01-26-2018 02:25 PM)Teep Wrote:  

^As I mentioned in another thread, I liked Mike's manosphere related writings. He put out a lot of good content on self-improvement.



When he went political during the election though, he's made a habit of punching right...regularly. That's rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. It has nothing to do with envy.

Don't play me for a fool.

You guys tend to punch right. When someone retaliates (such as Vox or Cernovich), then you tend to accuse him of "punching right". Sad!


I'm not quite sure what his political platform speech? Nothing new there. Libertarians have going off on that for decades, and it's a concern no doubt. But is it really the most serious threat that Western civilization faces? No even close. It's just a more palatable subject, and an easier sale than immigration/race issues.

Do your research, and you will find out soon enough.


Mike these days seem more interested in building his brand, and personality cult than actually putting together an effective political movement.

So what if he is building a brand and platform? Everyone with an online presence has to do that. Marketing 101.

And about what cult of personality you are talking about?


Same could be said about Milo (even though I thought he was an opportunist faggot from the start).

That opportunistic faggot did a lot to make conservatives cool. Yes, he sometimes pisses me off, but he is getting a job done. If it works, it works.


On the other hand, Spencer isn't making any money from his endeavors. He's not selling books, or neutraceuticals on InfoWars.

Really? How can you explain this? Took me one minute to find out:

So...hee wrote 2 books, and co- wrote 1 book. He certainly earned money from that.


It's only when you take the profit incentive out of the equation, that the sincerity of an individual can truly be measured.

So, you are defending a sellout, by your own definition. Way to go!

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

Quote: (01-27-2018 04:19 PM)Irenicus Wrote:  

Quote: (01-26-2018 02:25 PM)Teep Wrote:  

^As I mentioned in another thread, I liked Mike's manosphere related writings. He put out a lot of good content on self-improvement.



When he went political during the election though, he's made a habit of punching right...regularly. That's rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. It has nothing to do with envy.

Don't play me for a fool.

You guys tend to punch right. When someone retaliates (such as Vox or Cernovich), then you tend to accuse him of "punching right". Sad!

Neither Nehlen nor Spencer launched attacks at Cernovich first. You need to review the record.


I'm not quite sure what his political platform speech? Nothing new there. Libertarians have going off on that for decades, and it's a concern no doubt. But is it really the most serious threat that Western civilization faces? No even close. It's just a more palatable subject, and an easier sale than immigration/race issues.

Do your research, and you will find out soon enough.

Since you're a fan of his, why not enlighten me? His twitter profile said he was a free speech activist a while back...


Mike these days seem more interested in building his brand, and personality cult than actually putting together an effective political movement.

So what if he is building a brand and platform? Everyone with an online presence has to do that. Marketing 101.

And about what cult of personality you are talking about?


Same could be said about Milo (even though I thought he was an opportunist faggot from the start).

That opportunistic faggot did a lot to make conservatives cool. Yes, he sometimes pisses me off, but he is getting a job done. If it works, it works.

If you're happy having a homosexual degenerate who spoke warmly of pedophilia as a flag bearer for your movement, then ok. But there's a reason why nobody takes the alt-light seriously...

Conservatives will never be cool. They've also failed to conserve anything worthwhile.


On the other hand, Spencer isn't making any money from his endeavors. He's not selling books, or neutraceuticals on InfoWars.

Really? How can you explain this? Took me one minute to find out:

So...hee wrote 2 books, and co- wrote 1 book. He certainly earned money from that.

That top listing isn't even the same Richard Spencer lol. In any case, I've never seen him promoting his books on his blog, or at every opportunity ala Cerno.


It's only when you take the profit incentive out of the equation, that the sincerity of an individual can truly be measured.

So, you are defending a sellout, by your own definition. Way to go!

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

Quote: (01-26-2018 06:27 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Aurini was speaking about me on a Podcast recently, saying that "[Bosch] was a Musician, but it never really happened for him." This vastly-undersells the complexity of my experience.

I knew exactly what it took to make it happen, and chose not to.

If I failed to emphasize that, the fault is mine. I'm beginning to think that Kali Yuga is the only appropriate term to describe it (though, for the record, I don't buy the entire 16,000 year cycle aspect). People cannot communicate; they can't coordinate; and they hate anything that speaks the truth.

I'm planning out tomorrow's livestream right now, and I'm thinking about broaching a topic which I really shouldn't touch if I want to become e-famous.

I'm going to be discussing the trolls; the outfits that toxic people wear. Nine times out of ten, when I get somebody insulting me online they have an extremely vulgar name/avatar. While a few of my friends have troll accounts, their avatars are positive in nature - cartoonish, but positive, such as the old "MGTOW Link" (Legend of Zelda) account. The trolls I run into are just ugly. What sort of man voluntarily puts on such a foul-smelling outfit?

Inevitably, somebody will say "LOL you mad? Triggered!" If I wanted to get e-famous, I should be playing everything as a joke, taking nothing seriously, and out-sarcasming the sarcastic. But I'd rather speak about how such sarcasm leads the soul into a dark place.

Ergo, no record contract for me. The media wants you to be a funny and hateful meanie, or a shrill voice for censorship. Stay thirst, stay artificial, run faster on the treadmill.

Regarding your comment with the boar: live by the sword, die by the sword. If everything is manipulation, and betrayal is just part of the game, don't be surprised when somebody betrays you.

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

That was a good one AB.

Mike C, Spencer, Jordan Peterson etc are clearly vetted and kept around as acceptable opposition.

They all know how to play the game, which lines not to cross.

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

Quote: (01-27-2018 05:13 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

That was a good one AB.

Mike C, Spencer, Jordan Peterson etc are clearly vetted and kept around as acceptable opposition.

They all know how to play the game, which lines not to cross.

Of course even guys like Jordan Peterson cannot voice everything they think or know and neither does Mike if he wants to retain his mainstream-acceptance.

Heck - there is even an alternative-side acceptance that is prevalent in the Red Pill crowd - for example if you state that you do not even trust Trump fully.

What Mike does is his business and he may actually do and believe in everything he does. If you push all the issues out in the open, then you will be called a conspiracy theorist, a Nazi or a madman anyway.

Also - ABosch - there are a few artists like Enigma or Enya who did not compromise and made it big, but they are probably rare.

I got into contact with this young man who picked unfortunately highly anti-globalist topics for his music and he was utterly blacklisted.

He went away from those issues, but he is too tainted by now anyway.

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

I'm not sure telling half-truths is an ethical proposition.

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

Quote: (01-27-2018 04:44 PM)Aurini Wrote:  

Quote: (01-26-2018 06:27 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Aurini was speaking about me on a Podcast recently, saying that "[Bosch] was a Musician, but it never really happened for him." This vastly-undersells the complexity of my experience.

I knew exactly what it took to make it happen, and chose not to.

If I failed to emphasize that, the fault is mine.

I'm not cross, but pointing out that my observations of the music world doesn't come from place of bitterness, particularly of thinking I'm an Genius that the world doesn't recognize. That's my number one issue with most Musicians I've met: you have to give your audience a reason to care, even if it's just as simple as - god forbid! - having a good time.

By contrast, that's the opinion my Gamma had of himself, and I suspect yours felt the same. (That's why I labelled Rick and Morty as being Gamma Bait).

Myself? I quietly-observed everything I saw in my years in the business from a detached remove, almost as if I was taking part in a Satire. There's a ridiculous level of Unreality to everything that happens in that world, where every over-the-top cliche you hear turns out to be accurate.

Note that I didn't consider myself the star of the movie, more as a narrator recording characters more interesting than myself. It struck me as an ensemble piece. Note also, that I eventually-developed a successful parallel 'daytime' career - or what used to be called a 'straight job' - where I was constantly-dealing with very mentally-damaged people, it seemed more grounded and sane to me.


As to recognizing Opportunists, I forgot the most obvious one: their love of publicity stunts, whether generating positive or negative attention.

"Love me or hate me, you're going to remember me," said a pretty boy musician to the press in the 90's, whose fame was based around being the downlow lover of the living legend head of his label. Somewhat ironically, I can't remember what the hell his name was now.

These Publicity Stunts are self-evident - Milo is simply following Madonna's playbook - but it's always funny when Opportunists get called out on their bullshit, such as when Axel Rose wrote an entire song dissing his critics, challenging them to 'Get in the ring' with him, and one of the guys he attacked - Bob Guccione Jr - took him up on the offer, saying his magazine could use the publicity. Rebellious, take no shit Axel pussed out when he discovered Guccione had nine years of fight training under his belt.

Here's another one I remember from back in the day, which was shared amongst the music crowd as a grainy video cassette dub as the record company refused to release it, which probably made both the Artist and the Art World Photographer they hired feel validated they made something provocative.

Of course, without a video for the lead single, the album sank like a stone.

I guess you could view it as having integrity on someone else's dime, in this case the record company, but it reinforces my suspicion that you can only be successful via provocation if you have serious financial backing behind you, and if you threaten real power, you'll be marginalized.

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

AB: I have no idea what you're saying, but I think I agree with you.

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

AB, I am a forever skeptic, but I think you might be drawing a parallel with a fundamentally different time period. Music was controlled by producers back then, retail, venues etc where all on lock down. Now, not so much, of course big radio hits are still industry guys, you can still reach a massive audience on talent alone. Same with these media guys, the only thing they maybe "sold out" to was a lower common denominator, but someone would have filled that market anyway.

*Cold Shower Crew*
*No Fap Crew*
*150+ IQ Crew*

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

Quote: (01-27-2018 08:00 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

I'm not cross, but pointing out that my observations of the music world doesn't come from place of bitterness, particularly of thinking I'm an Genius that the world doesn't recognize. That's my number one issue with most Musicians I've met: you have to give your audience a reason to care, even if it's just as simple as - god forbid! - having a good time.

It's a hard topic to elaborate on without sounding bitter. That's why I used Aaron Clarey as an example; he's so sanguine of temperament, it's impossible to call him bitter.

Clarey should making 8 figures, running a major financial institution; instead, he spends half the year riding a motorcycle, and recording life-advice videos on YouTube. The failure is not Clareys, but society's.

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

Quote: (01-27-2018 08:28 PM)oilbreh Wrote:  

Now, not so much, of course big radio hits are still industry guys, you can still reach a massive audience on talent alone.

Pay attention to what is going on around the 'talented' people. What are they wearing? Are they drinking? Driving? What products are they using? Who is giving them a platform? Where is their music placed?

Advertising and stealth brand partnerships are far more complex than you might think, even in an age where Artists pride themselves on selling out from the beginning.

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked



Avoiding the JQ, and (((...))) is probably a good idea strategically.That's not the issue. He's made repeated character assassinations of people who DO bring it up. Punching right...

Mike never made character assassinations until they started doing dumb shit like Heil-Hitler salutes (only to be denounced by Trump), or Tiki-torch rallies, etc. Mike is helping the right by teaching people what sort of loser behaviors should be avoided.


You can't measure the value of a movement in victories. As deeply entrenched as (((they))) are in the seats of power, there's going to be a lot of setbacks.

Lol, he's been a public figure now for what...1- 2years? Same with Nehlen. Yep, didn't manage to change the country in a couple years. Huge fail. Let's give up everybody...

If, within 1-2 years, a public figure or leader isn't scoring any victories whatsoever, then it's time to change leadership.

If you're running a biz and after a year you've got nothing but losses, you'd be a fool to keep the CEO.

Being a fanboy is childish and stupid. This isn't a sports game. If a person loses, then it's over for them. No time or room for mistakes, the stakes are too high.


What result has Mike actually accomplished aside from selling his book, and other self-promotional activities? I mean from a business standpoint I can admire that. But you compare to Spencer as if he's managed to institute some significant policy change. He hasn't.

And now you've revealed yourself as an irrational hater. You can't name Mike's real accomplishments?

Besides being a successful businessman (which is extremely admirable), Mike has scored numerous political victories...

- Put major pressure on the WH's Security Council to the point where McMaster was paranoid of Mike and ended up firing half of his staff fearful of leaks.
- Exposes the media and Dems as frauds to an audience in the millions every day.
- Exposed the Susan Rice as the unmasker of the Trump admin (
- Exposed John Conyers as a sexual abuser, who has since stepped down
- Has been the only conservative leader to host a successful meetup of over 500 people, allowed tons of conservatives to network and start building a long-term movement.

The fact you simply pretended none of these things have happened shows everyone here your agenda as delusional alt-right fanboy only interested in "muh-race purity" garbage which supposedly the alt-right no longer even cares about (even though they rant about miscegenation all the time, and pedestalize White women), as well as hate on Jews.

Mike isn't "hardcore" enough for you, so you just brush off his numerous high-profile successes this year as if they never happened. It's just pathetic.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

Quote: (01-27-2018 05:13 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

That was a good one AB.

Mike C, Spencer, Jordan Peterson etc are clearly vetted and kept around as acceptable opposition.

They all know how to play the game, which lines not to cross.

Or, they are actually interesting people who get views so the Libs feature them to bolster their own numbers.

Put Mr. Spencer on and watch people fall asleep or change the channel.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked

Quote: (01-28-2018 02:32 PM)Samseau Wrote:  



Avoiding the JQ, and (((...))) is probably a good idea strategically.That's not the issue. He's made repeated character assassinations of people who DO bring it up. Punching right...

Mike never made character assassinations until they started doing dumb shit like Heil-Hitler salutes (only to be denounced by Trump), or Tiki-torch rallies, etc. Mike is helping the right by teaching people what sort of loser behaviors should be avoided.

BakedAlaska, and Nehlen weren't involved with either of those events. Didn't stop Mike from shredding them to pieces...

And frankly - who cares about Roman salutes, and tiki-torch rallies. Are we going to ban certain hand gestures? Shall we pretend the Civil War didn't happen (or that the Confederacy didn't have legitimate grievances)?

That's what would the Left would like. Guys like Cerno give them power when they punch right on those issues...


You can't measure the value of a movement in victories. As deeply entrenched as (((they))) are in the seats of power, there's going to be a lot of setbacks.

Lol, he's been a public figure now for what...1- 2years? Same with Nehlen. Yep, didn't manage to change the country in a couple years. Huge fail. Let's give up everybody...

If, within 1-2 years, a public figure or leader isn't scoring any victories whatsoever, then it's time to change leadership.

If you're running a biz and after a year you've got nothing but losses, you'd be a fool to keep the CEO.

The private sector and politics have nothing in common. And you know that. It takes DECADES to get significant legislation passed.

If we all had your attitude, we never would have made it to the moon.

Being a fanboy is childish and stupid. This isn't a sports game. If a person loses, then it's over for them. No time or room for mistakes, the stakes are too high.


What result has Mike actually accomplished aside from selling his book, and other self-promotional activities? I mean from a business standpoint I can admire that. But you compare to Spencer as if he's managed to institute some significant policy change. He hasn't.

And now you've revealed yourself as an irrational hater. You can't name Mike's real accomplishments?

Besides being a successful businessman (which is extremely admirable), Mike has scored numerous political victories...

- Put major pressure on the WH's Security Council to the point where McMaster was paranoid of Mike and ended up firing half of his staff fearful of leaks.
- Exposes the media and Dems as frauds to an audience in the millions every day.
- Exposed the Susan Rice as the unmasker of the Trump admin (
- Exposed John Conyers as a sexual abuser, who has since stepped down
- Has been the only conservative leader to host a successful meetup of over 500 people, allowed tons of conservatives to network and start building a long-term movement.

The fact you simply pretended none of these things have happened shows everyone here your agenda as delusional alt-right fanboy only interested in "muh-race purity" garbage which supposedly the alt-right no longer even cares about (even though they rant about miscegenation all the time, and pedestalize White women), as well as hate on Jews.

Mike isn't "hardcore" enough for you, so you just brush off his numerous high-profile successes this year as if they never happened. It's just pathetic.

I don't see a single significant political or legislative change in that list. That was your critique of Spencer.

Exposing lecherous old men, and mustering a few hundred alt-lighters together is great -- but that's not going to transform the country.

You seem to hold your guy to a much lower standard than Spencer. And I'm the fan boy...

Cernovich NYC event aftermath - attendee attacked


BakedAlaska, and Nehlen weren't involved with either of those events. Didn't stop Mike from shredding them to pieces...

And frankly - who cares about Roman salutes, and tiki-torch rallies. Are we going to ban certain hand gestures? Shall we pretend the Civil War didn't happen (or that the Confederacy didn't have legitimate grievances)?

That's what would the Left would like. Guys like Cerno give them power when they punch right on those issues...

BA and Nehlen were cast out because they were playing into the Leftists' frame of being Nazi or Neo-Nazi.

The idea that acting like a Nazi is somehow no big deal is unbelievably delusional. Do you recall Americans fought a war against Nazi's? Americans were killed by Nazis. Nazis are just as repulsive as Communists.

But again, that the alt-right autists cannot see this is why they are a fringe movement with exactly zero victories and plenty of defeats.


The private sector and politics have nothing in common. And you know that. It takes DECADES to get significant legislation passed.

If we all had your attitude, we never would have made it to the moon.

Sounds like blackpill bullshitters who said Trump couldn't win, and wouldn't get anything done in the White House, blah blah blah.

Everything said above has been contradicted by Trump.


I don't see a single significant political or legislative change in that list. That was your critique of Spencer.

Exposing lecherous old men, and mustering a few hundred alt-lighters together is great -- but that's not going to transform the country.

You seem to hold your guy to a much lower standard than Spencer. And I'm the fan boy...

No, I asked for ANY victory. Getting Congressmen kicked out is indeed a major victory, contrary to what fanboys like yourself think. It's a million times more than anything Spencer has done.

Spencer cannot even hold a candle to Mike, he's an incompetent, he's never done anything noteworthy other than talk trash about the Jews (big fucking deal). Spencer has never read a single book on how to wage a military campaign, or if he has he simply learned nothing from it.

You do not rally behind generals who lose battles. You fire them and get new ones. This is not a game, there is no room for the massive blunders Spencer has made (especially ones like Unite The Right). Blind loyalty is for losers. Real men seek results.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

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