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Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Cubans are amazing cigars only because of the forbidden fruit syndrome.

I want to visit it before it becomes Americanized. Any place devoid of American culture is good.

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Quote: (12-17-2014 04:15 PM)Seth_Rose Wrote:  

Why now? Why in the middle of the night? Why didn't he consult with Congress?

I don't like Obama, but he is a smart man. He doesn't act without reason. I want to know what his reason was for doing this now.

The time is always right to do what's right. A policy to hurt the Cuban government that's been in play for 50 years clearly hasn't worked. Obama has signaled before that he'd be open to removing the Cuban embargo. Hell, he even said in the 2008 campaign he'd be in favor of lessening restrictions and the first act he took to do so was in April 2009.

If you are going to impose your will on the world, you must have control over what you believe.

Data Sheet Minneapolis / Data Sheet St. Paul / Data Sheet Northern MN/BWCA / Data Sheet Duluth

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Also, for those of you who have read the Jim Webb for President thread, he just put out a brief statement. "The President made the right decision on Cuba. Am proud of having worked for years toward normalization of relations with Vietnam and of leading the way in Burma."

If you are going to impose your will on the world, you must have control over what you believe.

Data Sheet Minneapolis / Data Sheet St. Paul / Data Sheet Northern MN/BWCA / Data Sheet Duluth

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Cuban people were unnecessarily hurt by this fetish to persecute castro.

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Quote: (12-17-2014 01:20 PM)Cunnilinguist Wrote:  

Quote: (12-17-2014 12:43 PM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

After the Soviet Union fell we should've told them to reform their government or we'd invade and fuck them six ways from Sunday.

They honestly deserve it. Castro wanted the USSR to nuke us.

The Cuban government has been an asshole and troublemaker for decades. Normalizing relations with them is stupid since the same people are still in power and I don't see how we stand to benefit from it.

I don't like people who, in the past, wanted to kill me and remain unapologetic about that.

This sound like a Fox News soundbite. Highly paranoid and irrational. Cubans pose no serious threat to the US. In fact, it is the Cuban people that have suffered the most at the hands of the ridiculous US embargo.

The model of revenge, revenge, and more revenge is why the Middle East and Russia are the paradises they are today.

Revenge is Alpha, Bro.

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Quote: (12-17-2014 04:43 PM)Osiris Wrote:  

The time is always right to do what's right. A policy to hurt the Cuban government that's been in play for 50 years clearly hasn't worked. Obama has signaled before that he'd be open to removing the Cuban embargo. Hell, he even said in the 2008 campaign he'd be in favor of lessening restrictions and the first act he took to do so was in April 2009.

So it took him almost 6 years to do this? Clearly it couldn't have been that difficult if he did it without Congress's approval and with almost no heads up to the media or American public.

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

I would love to travel to Havana

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Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Quote: (12-17-2014 01:04 PM)Osiris Wrote:  

[*]Yes, you can now bring Cuban cigars back to the U.S. Americans can bring back $400 in general goods from Cuba, including $100 and alcohol and tobacco products. The goods can be for personal consumption only, and cannot be brought back to the U.S. for sale.

This is significant. Previously, Americans were outlawed from even consuming Cuban products abroad. I had Americans come to visit my company here in Japan and when I offered to take them to a cigar bar so they could try Cubans, they declined because they were afraid to violate the embargo.

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

I've been to Havana on holiday.

Sadly it was during my blue-pill former existence.

Beautiful, amazing country; loved every second of my time there.

I've added it to 2015s travel plans upon hearing this news; I have to go again before it starts to become Miami Beach-esque.

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Quote: (12-17-2014 12:43 PM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

After the Soviet Union fell we should've told them to reform their government or we'd invade and fuck them six ways from Sunday.

They honestly deserve it. Castro wanted the USSR to nuke us.

The Cuban government has been an asshole and troublemaker for decades. Normalizing relations with them is stupid since the same people are still in power and I don't see how we stand to benefit from it.

I don't like people who, in the past, wanted to kill me and remain unapologetic about that.

Oh for fuck sake. When is this "America can do no wrong" bullshit going to cease to exist. The USA were/are as dirty as the Russians and Chinese.

The fact that in 2014 this embargo is ongoing amidst a sea of conflict, war and disastrous foreign policy is a light in the dark. The USA finally gets its thumb out of its collective ass and realises their way isn't the only way.

This attitude is quite prevalent and ignorant. Only now is weed being decriminalised in the USA as another example.

I only wish this foreign policy extended to the Russians before some fucktard politician gets upset and makes the cold war Version 2 a hot one. A man can dream.

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Viva Cuba Libre!!!

[Image: awright_cuba_01543-21.jpg]

I enjoyed my time there, although I went as a student, it was one one of the most interesting countries I've been to. I'm grateful I got to see a communist Cuba that hasn't been Americanized yet. Would gladly go back again.

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Quote: (12-17-2014 01:20 PM)Blick Mang Wrote:  

Cuba will be the new Great Vaginal Frontier for the American man, like how our grandfathers fucked their way through liberated Europe as heroes. It's Ukraine in 1996 and you're a millionaire with an extra Green Card in hand, strolling down the road.

I doubt it. This is Cuba, not North Korea. They already have a thriving tourist industry and have had for many years. They've always gotten tourists from Europe and Canada. Just not Americans. Their government tries to keep tourists and locals from mingling and I'm sure that policy would remain if the American travel ban were lifted. The government's message is: Welcome to Cuba, please spend your tourist dollars but don't try and fuck with our society.

Quote: (12-17-2014 02:00 PM)kosko Wrote: a rush if American culture and bad habits such as shitty food and obese 'Meruicans will rush Cuba now.

In 2014 I think its a achievement when a place has no McDonalds and is shielded from American culture.

You can't on one hand applaud this move but not accept that Cuba will now change and become just like the rest of places with those host of issues of being tied into the Western matrix.

There are McDonald's chains all over Latin America. Did those countries all of a sudden become colonies of America? Does having McDonald's and Levi's jeans in Brazil destroy their culture? Did they stop becoming authentically Brazilian? Having McDonald's in Brazil obviously doesn't destroy their culture anymore than having Fogo de Chao chains in America subverts our culture. Why is it any different for Cuba? I'm able to go to Cuban restaurants in America and listen to Cuban music, but they shouldn't be allowed the same freedom of choice?

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

A man who has been all over the world told me to go to Cuba because the women "fuck as if their lives depended on it."

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Is 'Bang Cuba' going to be the next potential book that Roosh puts out?

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Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Quote: (12-17-2014 06:23 PM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

Quote: (12-17-2014 12:43 PM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

After the Soviet Union fell we should've told them to reform their government or we'd invade and fuck them six ways from Sunday.

They honestly deserve it. Castro wanted the USSR to nuke us.

The Cuban government has been an asshole and troublemaker for decades. Normalizing relations with them is stupid since the same people are still in power and I don't see how we stand to benefit from it.

I don't like people who, in the past, wanted to kill me and remain unapologetic about that.

Oh for fuck sake. When is this "America can do no wrong" bullshit going to cease to exist. The USA were/are as dirty as the Russians and Chinese.

The fact that in 2014 this embargo is ongoing amidst a sea of conflict, war and disastrous foreign policy is a light in the dark. The USA finally gets its thumb out of its collective ass and realises their way isn't the only way.

This attitude is quite prevalent and ignorant. Only now is weed being decriminalised in the USA as another example.

I only wish this foreign policy extended to the Russians before some fucktard politician gets upset and makes the cold war Version 2 a hot one. A man can dream.

America's done plenty of wrong but saying we were as dirty as the Soviets isn't true. They fucked up a lot of Africa, the 'stans and half of Europe.

"Men willingly believe what they wish." - Julius Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Book III, Ch. 18

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Quote: (12-17-2014 01:22 PM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

After the Soviet Union fell we should've told them to reform their government or we'd invade and fuck them six ways from Sunday.

They honestly deserve it. Castro wanted the USSR to nuke us.

The Cuban government has been an asshole and troublemaker for decades. Normalizing relations with them is stupid since the same people are still in power and I don't see how we stand to benefit from it.

I don't like people who, in the past, wanted to kill me and remain unapologetic about that.

Who the fuck are you to tell any Sovereign Nation what to do?

Quote: (12-17-2014 12:43 PM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

The Cuban people have suffered at the hands of their Communist government. Blaming their problems on the US is misguided as hell.

Having the best health system in the world and the highest rate of alphabetization is suffering? Maybe Cuba should tell you to reform your government.

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Quote: (12-18-2014 11:47 AM)LaCobra Wrote:  

Quote: (12-17-2014 12:43 PM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

The Cuban people have suffered at the hands of their Communist government. Blaming their problems on the US is misguided as hell.

Having the best health system in the world and the highest rate of alphabetization is suffering? Maybe Cuba should tell you to reform your government.

Someone has been watching one too many Michael Moore movies. Cuba having the best health care system in the world? You must be...

[Image: troll.gif]

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Read my Blog: Fanghorn Forest

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

After katrina, Cuba offered to send doctors, USA refused.

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

They should've done this 20 years ago. I'm not going to give any credit to Obama for doing something obvious. I can't understand why Clinton would normalize with Vietnam and not Cuba. Maybe it was Fidel Castro being an asshole, and now that he's almost dead, Cuban politics can move forward.

I used to work with a guy who escaped Vietnam during the war. Clinton was normalizing relations with Vietnam at the time and I asked him what he thought about it. He shrugged and said "we couldn't beat them with bombs, we'll beat them with capitalism". Of anybody, you'd think a guy whose family lost everything being driven from the country would hold a grudge.

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Quote: (12-18-2014 11:47 AM)LaCobra Wrote:  

Who the fuck are you to tell any Sovereign Nation what to do?

I'm the fucking Wastelander.

If America had balls that was precisely what we should've done. Communism is a scourge that should've been stamped out in our hemisphere. The fact there's still an authoritarian commie government 90 miles off our coast, 20+ years after the end of the Cold War is a disgrace.

The Castros should be hanged next to all the criminals who got away with committing crimes against their people in the GDR and other former commie shitholes.

What happened to Nicolae Ceaușescu should've happened to all your left-wing saints.

[Image: 9a0.gif]

"Men willingly believe what they wish." - Julius Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Book III, Ch. 18

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

This is just part of the continuing geopolitical game of chess the U.S. is playing with Russia. It means we can expect tensions to continue escalating. Obama just reversed 50 years of U.S. foreign policy simply to deny Russia an ally in our backyard. As a tactical maneuver it has merit, but it's just going to further inflame the situation with Russia. It's such a provocative move in this regard that it seems it was done intentionally to spit in Russia's face and force them to respond with a similarly bold move.

[size=8pt]"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”[/size] [size=7pt] - Romans 8:18[/size]

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Quote: (12-18-2014 12:21 PM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

Quote: (12-18-2014 11:47 AM)LaCobra Wrote:  

Who the fuck are you to tell any Sovereign Nation what to do?

I'm the fucking Wastelander.

Thanks for that, got a laugh. [Image: thumb.gif]

I think there was a deal to leave them alone after the Missile Crisis in return for taking the missiles out. Plus, the USA was busy in Vietnam for years, then in the Middle East.

Five RT flights a day from Miami to Havana will bring that regime down pretty quickly. Just the cash flow alone.

They might already be talking about some transition behind the scenes. Raul could end up making a name as the Gorbachev of Cuba.

What's up with Fidel? He must be totally Al Z. Heimer now.

Business opportunity: Lease some ferry boats to take 1950s classics from Cuba, and import 2005 Toyota Corrollas and Honda Civics.

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Call it what it is, a bail out. Take a bow Fidel and light up a cigarro.

[Image: gamerecognized.gif]

"I have refused to wear a condom all of my life, for a simple reason – if I’m going to masturbate into a balloon why would I need a woman?"

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

Quote: (12-18-2014 11:50 AM)The Reactionary Tree Wrote:  

Quote: (12-18-2014 11:47 AM)LaCobra Wrote:  

Quote: (12-17-2014 12:43 PM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

The Cuban people have suffered at the hands of their Communist government. Blaming their problems on the US is misguided as hell.

Having the best health system in the world and the highest rate of alphabetization is suffering? Maybe Cuba should tell you to reform your government.

Someone has been watching one too many Michael Moore movies. Cuba having the best health care system in the world? You must be...

[Image: troll.gif]

It does...

Cuba has a infant mortality rate just above Canada, and much higher then America. Infant mortality is a benchmark for public health since it is basic needs and provisions to carry a child to one year of age healthy. It isn't rocket science yet America rates the poorest rates in the OECD.

Children also have better access to school and general health care.

American view Cuba as some backwater yet they are more healthy and better educated the the average Americans. This is why I say Americans have this warped view of "progress" and "freedom". Having a Mcdolands means your part of the oppressive western matrix of consumption and waste. Cubans live modest and happy lives. They are far from balling out of control but are healthy and happy. They eat clean foods from their gardens, get health care, get educated. For a base level they are fine. It is only the cockblocking of their economy that makes them loose track.

Obama opens full diplomatic relations with Cuba to legally obtain Cuban Cigars

This is also about cheap oil.

Venezuela no longer able to send boat loads of $ to Havana.

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