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1400 Children in Rotherham raped but police did nothing bc fear of being racist
400 Children in Rotherham raped but police did nothing bc fear of being racist
What is interesting is whether or not this will be the 'breaking point'

In Israel Arabs try the same thing Muslims do in Europe ie they try and groom underage women into sex, however in Israel there are groups that try and rescue the girls and the government makes a point to warn young girls of the dangers

I am wondering what it will take for the British government to warn young women of the dangers of gangs of Pakistani men

The feminists have been so busy bashing the white man they are embarrassed to admit they depend on him for protection from situations like this

Without the evil patriarchy of white men things like this happen with truly patriarchal groups that don't give a phuck
400 Children in Rotherham raped but police did nothing bc fear of being racist
Quote: (08-26-2014 03:23 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

No. There were no "1400" "children" "raped". It's a ludicrous lie.

This is just part of the continuing and growing hysteria about "child rape" and "molestation" that is rampant in the West and in the UK especially.

The BBC has been running more and more stories like this. The Jimmy Savile story where he supposedly "molested" "thousands" of "children" over the course of decades really kicked it into high gear, and now there are new accusations of this kind every day.

Many innocent people will have their lives ruined by this hysterical witch hunt before it's over, just as many innocent people were destroyed by a similar "child abuse" witch hunt in the US in the 80s (see the McMartin case, and read Dorothy Rabinowitz's book "No Crueler Tyrannies" for many more heartbreaking cases), and just as innocent people's lives are being destroyed on US college campuses and elsewhere right now because of the false rape accusation hysteria.

I'm going to seriously disagree with you here Lizard.

Neither of these types of rape claims are associated. Whereas one is conducted by drunk sluts on US college grounds the other has been conducted by Pakistani men who have very tight-knit gangs.

They target young white girls who they know can be taken advantage of. Either broken homes, kids waiting for adoption or social truants.

They're lured into the grasps of these gangs and the police did not care one bit. They just shrugged it off.

These gangs were able to move freely because the police saw it as a hot potato. How can you explain to the country that their young white, female children were being targeted because they were seen as "easy meat"?

For years the MSM were claiming; "several men have been detained on criminal charges relating to pedophile gang activity". Every guy with a brain knew it was pakistani men doing this. They never abused their own women unless it was their wives but they loved white girls.

Rotherham sits in an area near Sheffield, Bradford/Leeds and across the way is Manchester/Lancashire. Large asian populations including Pakistani communities in every town and city. You could walk in these areas and sometimes knew what was up. The police didn't care.

Then you have the extreme lobbyist nutjobs and race lawyers who would make it about race and nothing else.

The stories behind Jimmy Saville are not all false. He and his kind were monsters who did anything they wanted. This is nothing to do with false rape claims from some slut who had regret about taking multiple dicks in a sitting.

Children were abused and it was ignored and covered up. It boggles my mind that there are sane adults out there more worried about the status quo than making some noise about pedophiles.
400 Children in Rotherham raped but police did nothing bc fear of being racist
This is de facto Pakistan invading England.

How else can you call it when an individual or a group of individuals form one nation can go and molest children from another nation on their ground without getting punishment?

Why do these "progressive" countries even have armed forces if they just let foreigners in and allow them to molest their children? All these millions of $$$ and ships and missles are just useless props a facade.

This is absurd. The western civilization is impotent. What a disgrace.
400 Children in Rotherham raped but police did nothing bc fear of being racist
I think the post in the other thread by Troll King is relevant here:

While this example is a bit extreme it is not all not uncommon. Hell, in the west we make a huge deal out of honor killings (I tend to put them in the same bracket as sex-trafficking hysteria) and while they are rare and not common, they do exist.

What is actually much more common is the rape of non-muslim, especially white, women. In my experience I have always chocked it up to a combination of American ignorance of customs and culture combined with the world saturation of American media, but there is also an element of degrading "the other". When I was there last, 5 girls, all white and upperclass American and European, were gangraped from my program. This was a program with maybe 80 students total. Several of the girls had to be airlifted out of the country. While I do put some blame on the girls, they really shouldn't have been dressed that way, it is still inexcusable.

We make fun of feminists and the things they say, but there really are countries and cultures where they will brutally rape a woman for dressing provocatively. And all that is without even getting into some of the Bacha Bacha boys and shit like that.

NB. It isn't all bad. In some ways Muslim cultures are superior in my experience but I don't think we can equalize them with the majority of western culture.
400 Children in Rotherham raped but police did nothing bc fear of being racist
You're wrong Lizard, it probably is in the thousands and this is completely different to a yank girl falsely accusing some guy who she rode hard at a party of rape. As someone who has lived in Northern England for over 18 years, this is something that is well known by everyone that certain groups of pakistani men target underage white females. It happened when I was at school, it still happens and all over the country pakistani paedophile rings have been caught, not just in the North but even in posh conservative Oxford.

It's liberalism that has let them get away with it.

One factor is that no one wants our precious white girls to be seen as easy meat.
Second factor is that no one wants to blame pakistanis for being paedos in case they are called out for being racist.

Don't forget to check out my latest post on Return of Kings - 6 Things Indian Guys Need To Understand About Game

Desi Casanova
The 3 Bromigos
400 Children in Rotherham raped but police did nothing bc fear of being racist
Quote: (08-27-2014 05:28 AM)bojangles Wrote:  

You're wrong Lizard, it probably is in the thousands and this is completely different to a yank girl falsely accusing some guy who she rode hard at a party of rape. As someone who has lived in Northern England for over 18 years, this is something that is well known by everyone that certain groups of pakistani men target underage white females. It happened when I was at school, it still happens and all over the country pakistani paedophile rings have been caught, not just in the North but even in posh conservative Oxford.

It's liberalism that has let them get away with it.

One factor is that no one wants our precious white girls to be seen as easy meat.
Second factor is that no one wants to blame pakistanis for being paedos in case they are called out for being racist.

It's been common knowledge here in Birmingham for over a decade too.

A girl I once knew had a group of Pakistani men try and drag her into a car one night in the city. I could write an essay on other things I have heard and seen myself.

It's endemic.

We have a serious Islam issue in this country; I'm getting the fuck out of here as soon as I can to be honest; the countryside might not do it either!
400 Children in Rotherham raped but police did nothing bc fear of being racist
Quote: (08-27-2014 04:47 AM)Crackshot Wrote:  

NB. It isn't all bad. In some ways Muslim cultures are superior in my experience but I don't think we can equalize them with the majority of western culture.

The problem with Muslim upbringing currently is that girls are highly restrained while boys are raised without much discipline. That creates some mini-pashas coupled with low regard for women and very little rule-adherence.

You can see it some upscale hotels, where young rich brats are creating problems for the staff, just as well as in the poverty stricken areas in Western countries, where the boys hardly succeed in life and easily move into pimping etc.

This case of course is different, since the guys were first generation Pakistani immigrants who sometimes abducted pre-16 girls off the street by force. That is not even comparable to the second generation immigrant pimps that you see in the Netherlands. At least those guys recruit the women (who are usually adult) via some form of Dark Triad Game.

Either way - Muslims truly have to address the issue of discipline in the raising of their male offspring - otherwise it will cause further problems in the future. Lack of discipline means lack of success, lack of options, more crime, etc.

And what the fuck is this tip-toeing around the issue of racism nowadays? Police and social workers should give a shit what skin color or religion the perpetrator has. They should take into account current cultural traits and crime statistics and act accordingly - some of those may seem like stereotypes, but that just means that you make extra sure that everything is alright. It's just common sense and not racism or homophobia for that matter. People should be able to see endemic problems of their own social groups with an open mind without feeling hurt or insulted. Not all cultures and social groups are equal at all times - humans can be swayed and indoctrinated easily by the environment they grow up in! A good healthy dose of detachment even of your own social group can make you see their shortcomings more easily.

But I don't expect the mindless PC-obsession to stop anytime soon.
400 Children in Rotherham raped but police did nothing bc fear of being racist
Well when I was in Oslo things had got so out of control with Muslim rape that many parents didn't let their teenage daughters out by themselves.

I don't see this all ending well. The truth is if there is much more of this there will be a serious pushback and it won't be nice.
400 Children in Rotherham raped but police did nothing bc fear of being racist
Lizard, you're completely off the mark on this thread.

This has been an establishment-wide cover-up job for over a decade. Politicians who have tried to talk about it (Nick Griffin, regardless of your views on him, was discussing this in the mid-'noughties') were arrested and I think trialled, the EDL were called Nazis and so on and so on. Police were complicit, arresting the victims, and now they're trying to label it an "Asian" problem...rather than a Pakistani Muslim one. This, along with what's going on with ISIS is making a lot of people, who never used to talk about these issues, talk about them. The media and government are being hugely irresponsible, as people such as Hindus and Sikhs will be targeted by idiots who think it really does mean 'Asians' (Asian in UK means the Subcontinent, not Chinese etc) have been doing this. Although, most know what is meant by that euphemism.

I hope the usual rent-a-mob in the UAF will chant some variation of 'Paedo scum, off our streets' at the next Labour party rally! Somehow, I doubt it. I'm also not going to hold my breath for prominent left wing feminist mouthpieces to properly go to town on a real rape culture. As they'd much rather shout at limp-wristed, middle class white men for 'stare raping' them.

I try not to read too much on this stuff these days, but this story and its fallout have got me wound up.

Quote: (08-27-2014 05:38 AM)CrashBangWallop Wrote:  

We have a serious Islam issue in this country...

We do, but this can't be solely blamed on Islam. It's not Turks, Egyptians, Indonesians, even's Pakistanis (and a few Bangladeshis). There must be some other factors involved. Although, the fact they also targeted Sikh girls shows some religious and/or cultural importation from the troubles in their homeland.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken
400 Children in Rotherham raped but police did nothing bc fear of being racist
So you are accusing again the whole Muslims?

Why not just state the fact and accuse the Pakistanis (and/or Bangladeshis), who are the ones perpretating this?

Of course not, because this is a good opportunity to bash Islam again.
400 Children in Rotherham raped but police did nothing bc fear of being racist
Quote: (08-27-2014 05:28 AM)bojangles Wrote:  

You're wrong Lizard, it probably is in the thousands and this is completely different to a yank girl falsely accusing some guy who she rode hard at a party of rape. As someone who has lived in Northern England for over 18 years, this is something that is well known by everyone that certain groups of pakistani men target underage white females. It happened when I was at school, it still happens and all over the country pakistani paedophile rings have been caught, not just in the North but even in posh conservative Oxford.

It's liberalism that has let them get away with it.

One factor is that no one wants our precious white girls to be seen as easy meat.
Second factor is that no one wants to blame pakistanis for being paedos in case they are called out for being racist.

The BBC is full of paedo-hunters who are desperate to make their name by finding the most prolific abuser in the world ever.

I am certain that there was widespread rape and sexual abuse at the hands of these gangs, but the headline on the story is that there were 1,400 children "exploited" - a weasel word that covers a wide range of crimes, including those where the 'victims' were willing participants.

That doesn't justify the crimes, but it's essential that we don't allow the media to present a distorted narrative just because the story agrees with our world view.

"I'd hate myself if I had that kind of attitude, if I were that weak." - Arnold
400 Children in Rotherham raped but police did nothing bc fear of being racist

Because religion is clearly a factor. If they were all orthodox Jewish people that would be worth investigating. But whether they are Eritrean, Pakistani,Iraqi or Moroccan the one thing they have in common is religion.

I'm sure you can understand why europeans are unhappy at how the Muslims have behaved. Not all Muslims are like this but it is worth asking why this happens so much in Muslim communities, in particular Pakistanis and Arabs.

Hindus Sikhs and Buddhists share culture and blood with Muslims but dont do this so the religion must be a factor
400 Children in Rotherham raped but police did nothing bc fear of being racist
Quote: (08-27-2014 05:56 AM)mikado Wrote:  

So you are accusing again the whole Muslims?

Why not just state the fact and accuse the Pakistanis (and/or Bangladeshis), who are the ones perpretating this?

Of course not, because this is a good opportunity to bash Islam again.

Oh for Christ's sake...

We get it. "NAMALT" and all that jazz. You can cut the political correctness. You dont have to constantly white knight for Islam. Lord knows these Islamists would not come to your aid.

The truth is that their religion plays a role in these rapes. This kind of thing is happening in England, France, Sweden, Norway, etc. They all have the same thing in common. They are hardline Jihadists who view white Europeans as subhumans so they rape and groom them.

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400 Children in Rotherham raped but police did nothing bc fear of being racist
Quote: (08-27-2014 06:08 AM)Crackshot Wrote:  


Because religion is clearly a factor. If they were all orthodox Jewish people that would be worth investigating. But whether they are Eritrean, Pakistani,Iraqi or Moroccan the one thing they have in common is religion.

I'm sure you can understand why europeans are unhappy at how the Muslims have behaved. Not all Muslims are like this but it is worth asking why this happens so much in Muslim communities, in particular Pakistanis and Arabs.

Hindus Sikhs and Buddhists share culture and blood with Muslims but dont do this so the religion must be a factor

It is a factor, in the sense that they interpretated it according to their culture, and made it integral part of their culture. Thus, it becomes a cultural factor.
It is the same as christianity. At its roots, it's quite pacific and a good model of guidance. However according to its interpretation during history, it has taken different shapes, depending on the culture of the people practicing it. Tying their current behaviours to solely religion is thus inexact. You must factor the cultural part. Because West Africa has a lof of muslims. Do they still behave like it all? NO. Do the Muslims in Europe of Africa (those born here, who have working parents and succeed in school) behave like that? NO. Because their culture is different...

The fact that they are suposedly Muslim must not constitue the core of your argument. For me, it's mostly people who are low-class, not qualified, economically on the lower side. Education almost nil, and a bit retarded sometimes. That is the definition of bad immigration. And on that I agree with you. They musn't be allowed to stay in the West. And that's not because most of them come from Muslim countries that it means it's Islam who led them to be like that.
400 Children in Rotherham raped but police did nothing bc fear of being racist
Quote: (08-27-2014 06:23 AM)objectivist tree Wrote:  

Quote: (08-27-2014 05:56 AM)mikado Wrote:  

So you are accusing again the whole Muslims?

Why not just state the fact and accuse the Pakistanis (and/or Bangladeshis), who are the ones perpretating this?

Of course not, because this is a good opportunity to bash Islam again.

Oh for Christ's sake...

We get it. "NAMALT" and all that jazz. You can cut the political correctness. You dont have to constantly white knight for Islam. Lord knows these Islamists would not come to your aid.

The truth is that their religion plays a role in these rapes. This kind of thing is happening in England, France, Sweden, Norway, etc. They all have the same thing in common. They are hardline Jihadists who view white Europeans as subhumans so they rape and groom them.

What the fuck are you talking about?
"White knighting"? How about yourself? You are one of the guys here who keep derailing threads by bringing Islam in it. If someone is a white knight then you fit very well the description.
If you look at my rep points, almost all of them says that it's because I am not afraid to call out bullshitters who aim to transform this site into white christian nationalism fanbase.

"We get it. "NAMALT" and all that jazz. You can cut the political correctness. You dont have to constantly white knight for Islam. Lord knows these Islamists would not come to your aid."
NO you don't get it. Because this is not political correctness. I bring facts, arguments, personal experience whenever I comment on these subjects. It's extremely rare that one of you has any personal experience, or something other than the bias that the propaganda medias sell you. You keep generalizing any controversial behaviour that someone who is muslim makes, and make your whole point about it.
Do I need to bring back memories of Teedub using pictures of Hitler Apologists to conclude that Islam is fascist, and supports Hitler?

And YES these islamists would not come to my aid. Because I do not white knight for them. If you really took the time to read what I write (and God knows that I have almost always repeated the same message) I DO NOT SUPPORT WHAT THE EXTREMISTS DO. I condamn them the same as you. For me they must be destroyed. This does not mean I support your calls for crusades, or WW3 on all people who are Muslims.
Those who did nothing like this do not deserve to be put in the same basket.

Fuck! I am always trying to bring some balance, counter arguments to prevent this forum from derailing into white christian nationalism and I am called white knight?
If that's what a white knight means for you, then yes I am proud to white knight. It's true that gamewise I am very far from the general level here, but I am not afraid to denounce some truths, whether they are about Islam,or racism, or black condition. This does not make me a troll, because I do condamn every single behaviour that aims to oppress people when they don't deserve it, whatever they are. However if you want me to just happily oblige and let you pour all your hate towards Muslim people, then sorry but I won't. I am not afraid of what I say, and I will continue to say it, without never insulting anyone, and until the mods estimate that I am breaking the rules of the forum.
400 Children in Rotherham raped but police did nothing bc fear of being racist
^ All my arguments so far in the past Mikado have been from an atheist standpoint, not Christian Nationalism. You'll also find I said other factors were involved with these grooming cases.

Islam does (as I'm sure other religions do,Judaism most certainly) teach certain things about the superiority of believers etc though....this definitely contributes to the mindset of these gangs.

To sugest otherwise is just dogmatic defence of your religion. Which I understand, but obviously disagree with.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken
400 Children in Rotherham raped but police did nothing bc fear of being racist
Quote: (08-27-2014 05:56 AM)mikado Wrote:  

So you are accusing again the whole Muslims?

Why not just state the fact and accuse the Pakistanis (and/or Bangladeshis), who are the ones perpretating this?

Of course not, because this is a good opportunity to bash Islam again.

Which poster is this cri de couer even directed at? Teedub's final paragraph, directly above your post, says it's not solely a Muslim thing.
It's still a South Asian Muslim thing.
400 Children in Rotherham raped but police did nothing bc fear of being racist
Yeah Teedub,I recognize that you have also known when your points were false, and said "my bad" when it was needed. And I have respect for people who can recognize when they are wrong. And I do it too, especially on this forum.

There is indeed a "their side, our side" in every religion ( no one will disagree with this ).
The main difference is that the Muslims of foreign origin who are born in middle to high class, especially in the West, do recognize their "west part" . They have hope, they are ingrained in their local culture, they are basically almost the same as you, Teedub. And they do not become terrorists. If anything at all, they will try to dissociate quickly from their foreign background, and hangout a lot with white people.

Those who cause the noise mainly come from poor backgrounds ( shithole countries even). They are a bit retarded, with extremely limited options in life. And they find a refuge in religion. Because nor the governement nor their "brothers" of Islam religion, but who embraced the West lifestyle, want to help them. This makes them easy targets for all the trouble creators.

But is this new? I think it has always been quite common in history. Even christian priests did it to attract the first converted.

Quote: (08-27-2014 07:02 AM)Rutting Elephant Wrote:  

Quote: (08-27-2014 05:56 AM)mikado Wrote:  

So you are accusing again the whole Muslims?

Why not just state the fact and accuse the Pakistanis (and/or Bangladeshis), who are the ones perpretating this?

Of course not, because this is a good opportunity to bash Islam again.

Which poster is this cri de couer even directed at? Teedub's final paragraph, directly above your post, says it's not solely a Muslim thing.
It's still a South Asian Muslim thing.

Teedub says it. And I agree.
It's directed to all the posters who put all the blame on Islam without referring to the South Asian factor. Actually they just put everything in the same basket, and said it was behaviours typical of Islam. Which is different than,say, saying that some cultures mainly from South Asia and/or Middle East who happen to be Muslim, use religion as justification for their actions.
Do you see the difference?
400 Children in Rotherham raped but police did nothing bc fear of being racist
Quote: (08-26-2014 05:43 PM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

Quote: (08-26-2014 05:19 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

I don't think gang rapes are part of the "daily experience" under ISIS once their first enthusiasm wanes a little.

I'm not sure there have been any reliable reports of ISIS raping anyone.

They have held Yazidi women captive and encouraged them to convert to Islam, but their commanding officers have actually made sure they do not so much as touch these women (literally they will not touch them) until they convert to Islam.

There were indeed false reports of this trying to drum up hysteria, but nothing reliable.

How do you like this report of many Yazidis dying because of Isis from a Western on-the-ground reporter?

A quote from a fleeing Yazidi about the smell of the bodies
"Dogs are eating the bodies of the dead."

Yeah, Isis is a really peaceful, respectful group.

Are you some kind of apologist for Muslim extremists?

Murdering assholes are murdering assholes, whether they're Muslims, Germans, or Americans.
400 Children in Rotherham raped but police did nothing bc fear of being racist
Interesting report, I would love to go to the UK and call everyone rape apologists for hiding this. I could definitely break into politics doing something like that.

The heartland of the UK is a tinder box. One little spark and its game over for these Islamic retards.

After the Boston bombing and that white libtard sloot, I don't trust any muslim westernized or otherwise.
400 Children in Rotherham raped but police did nothing bc fear of being racist
Iknowexactly is right.
ISIS must be eradicated.
Anyone who kills people who did not do any harm must be stopped.
However what you see in the threads popping up later is not "terrorists must be destroyed, whatever religion/skin color/origin they are".
It's more like " Let's destroy Islam, which is the cause for so much terrorists in the world".
Ignoring the majority of muslims who just live their lives and DGAF about going terrorists.
Ignoring the fact that terrorism is not limited to Muslim's side.
Ignoring that not voicing out loudely your disdain for ISIS does not mean you support their action.

This is unacceptable, and is just apology for true hate crime.
Because ISIS is calling for destruction of the west does not mean you must call for destruction of Islam. But rather, for the destruction of ISIS, and more generally, terrorism and extremism of all religions.

Now we may discuss potential solutions to this, if you want. As long as you all guys put aside the religion hate and limit yourselves to the verified facts.
400 Children in Rotherham raped but police did nothing bc fear of being racist
Quote: (08-26-2014 03:10 PM)objectivist tree Wrote:  

Well this is an absolutely horrible story. It is also political correctness gone mad.


Rotherham child abuse scandal: 1,400 children exploited, report finds
At least 1,400 children were subjected to appalling sexual exploitation in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013, a report has found.
Children as young as 11 were raped by multiple perpetrators, abducted, trafficked to other cities in England, beaten and intimidated, it said.
The report, commissioned by Rotherham Borough Council, revealed there had been three previous inquiries.
Council leader Roger Stone said he would step down with immediate effect.
Mr Stone, who has been the leader since 2003, said: "I believe it is only right that as leader I take responsibility for the historic failings described so clearly."
The inquiry team noted fears among council staff of being labelled "racist" if they focused on victims' description of the majority of abusers as "Asian" men.
'Doused in petrol'
Professor Alexis Jay, who wrote the latest report, said there had been "blatant" collective failures by the council's leadership, senior managers had "underplayed" the scale of the problem and South Yorkshire Police had failed to prioritise the issue.
Prof Jay said: "No-one knows the true scale of child sexual exploitation in Rotherham over the years. Our conservative estimate is that approximately 1,400 children were sexually exploited over the full inquiry period, from 1997 to 2013."
Revealing details of the inquiry's findings, Prof Jay said: "It is hard to describe the appalling nature of the abuse that child victims suffered."
The inquiry team found examples of "children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone".
Five men from the town were jailed for sexual offences against girls in 2010, but the report said police "regarded many child victims with contempt".
District Commander for Rotherham, Ch Supt Jason Harwin said: "Firstly I'd like to start by offering an unreserved apology to the victims of child sexual exploitation who did not receive the level of service they should be able to expect from their local police force.
"We fully acknowledge our previous failings."
Ch Supt Harwin said the force had "overhauled" the way it dealt with such cases and had successfully prosecuted a number of abusers.
But he admitted: "I accept that our recent successes... will not heal the pain of those victims who have been let down."
'Racism' fear
The report found: "Several staff described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought as racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so."
Failures by those charged with protecting children happened despite three reports between 2002 and 2006 which both the council and police were aware of, and "which could not have been clearer in the description of the situation in Rotherham".
She said the first of these reports was "effectively suppressed" because senior officers did not believe the data. The other two were ignored, she said.
The inquiry team found that in the early-2000s when a group of professionals attempted to monitor a number of children believed to be at risk, "managers gave little help or support to their efforts".
The report revealed some people at a senior level in the police and children's social care thought the extent of the problem was being "exaggerated".
Prof Jay said: "The authorities involved have a great deal to answer for."
A victim of abuse in Rotherham, who has been called "Isabel" to protect her identity, told BBC Panorama: "I was a child and they should have stepped in.
"No matter what's done now... it's not going to change that it was too late, it should have been stopped and prevented."
James Vincent, BBC Look North
The scale of this report is simply staggering and some of the detail extremely hard to read.
It lays out how Rotherham Council and the police knew about the level of child sexual exploitation in the town, but didn't do anything about it.
They either didn't believe what they were being told, played it down, or were too nervous to act. The failures, the report says, are blatant.
The report estimates 1,400 children were sexually exploited over 16 years, with one young person telling the report's author that gang rape was a usual part of growing up in Rotherham.
The processes for dealing with these crimes have got better in the last four years, but still improvements need to be made.
There were more apologies from the council today but the report's author says they are too late.
Speaking about her abuser, Isabel said: "I think because the police were aware and social services were aware and he knew that and they still didn't stop him it I think it encouraged him.
"It almost became like a game to him. He was untouchable."
Speaking after the publication of the report, Victims' Commissioner Baroness Newlove said: "I'm appalled by the extent of the horrific abuse endured by these vulnerable victims.
"It's deeply distressing how the authorities failed to protect these young people and their voices were not heard.
"Everyone involved needs to take responsibility for the shocking failings that this report has exposed. This must not happen again.
"I want to see every one of these victims getting the right support now and for as long as it takes them to help them on the path to recovery."
Maggie Atkinson, children's commissioner for England, said the number of identified child victims was "largely consistent" with the findings of their own national inquiry into "child sexual exploitation in gangs and groups".
'Horrific experiences'
Rotherham council's chief executive, Martin Kimber, said he accepted the report and the recommendations made and apologised to the victims of abuse.
He said: "The report does not make comfortable reading in its account of the horrific experiences of some young people in the past, and I would like to reiterate our sincere apology to those who were let down when they needed help.
"I commissioned this independent review to understand fully what went wrong, why it went wrong and to ensure that the lessons learned in Rotherham mean these mistakes can never happen again.
"The report confirms that our services have improved significantly over the last five years and are stronger today than ever before.
"This is important because it allows me to reassure young people and families that should anyone raise concerns we will take them seriously and provide them with the support they need.
"However, that must not overshadow - and certainly does not excuse - the finding that for a significant amount of time the council and its partners could and should have done more to protect young people from what must be one of the most horrific forms of abuse imaginable."

Rape a child? Which kind of man would do that?
400 Children in Rotherham raped but police did nothing bc fear of being racist
Indian Race Trolls cockblock you and post junk threads on internet forums. Pakistani Race Trolls groom tweenagers to join pedophile rings.

Most British Pakistani's originate from the Mirpuri region of Kashmir, which is the backward part of one of the most backward countries in the world. These are the Pakistani's who live in Northern England's mill towns where all this grooming shit's been going on. Somebody please remind me why importing these people to work in manufacturing of all industries was ever a bright idea. Couldn't the British government anticipate that this would cause a raft of social problems down the line?

The remainder of British Pakistani's on the other hand are from the Punjab which is the most developed part of Pakistani and most of the migrants were well-educated, and now they are one of the most successful ethnic groups in Britain. A Western developed country has the luxury of being able to attract the world's best and brightest. To do what Britain did with Pakistani's is down right idiotic.
400 Children in Rotherham raped but police did nothing bc fear of being racist
Quote: (08-27-2014 05:56 AM)mikado Wrote:  

So you are accusing again the whole Muslims?

Why not just state the fact and accuse the Pakistanis (and/or Bangladeshis), who are the ones perpretating this?

Of course not, because this is a good opportunity to bash Islam again.

Mikado, here's an example of why people are bashing Islam when things like this happen.

Bilal Sikaf, who was one of the perpetrators during the Sydney Gang Rapes, wrote a letter after his conviction in which he stated the following:


Don't take this as a threat but if all Muslims aren't released by January 2003 Australia and citizens will be in danger of bombing

Deluge or other Aussie guys can probably offer more insight into this case, but I'm just using it as an example of why Islam plays a big part in this. I think in their minds, raping/molesting white European girls is a way of getting revenge on Western civilization.
400 Children in Rotherham raped but police did nothing bc fear of being racist
Lol, I hope no English are surprised by this. They set upon this path decades ago. Their Leftism will sink with the rest of the ship that is England. Shame, used to be top of the world.

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