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Marriage is for Pussies

Marriage is for Pussies

Quote: (07-11-2014 09:39 AM)memcpy Wrote:  

If I had kids, it would be my luck that I would have 2-3 girls instead of all boys. That would drive me nuts. Then when those girls grow up I know all to well their future if they should decide to ride the carousel.

is this the end of the world? having a daughter by a beautiful mother is awesome. me and my Gf are planning on having kids untill there is a son. if after 5-6 daughters we still dont have a boy, we`ll adopt. plus there s new technologies that allow you to create embrios of a certain gender.

as for women riding the cock carousel, well Im not against game in general but I believe in pumping and dumping sluts only. I dont screw over relationship minded women. If you dont want your daughter to ride the cock carousel, raise her in traditional ways and marry her off when she is in her early twenties. if all men out there will become players like roosh, eventually Im afraid relationship minded traditional girls will have no chance to get married and reproduce and also become extinct. next thing you know most female population will be sluts for ONS. on the other hand maybe thats what most ppl on this forum want.

People here believe being an alpha means fucking around with women, having as many of them as possible and then dying alone at 50 surrounded by 16 year old phillipina whores or whatever.

I believe being an alpha means having a whole buch of high quality women during your twenties, settle down with a keeper in your thirties and then have your perfect stepford-esque wife raise a bunch of kids while you build up your career enjoy life and also fuck around a bit with younger chicks from time to time. your wife knows you like messing around but she keeps her mouth shut as long as you treat her with respect, bring home no diseases and dont have no illegitimate children. you die at 80 surrounded by multiple kids and grandkids after having built a famiylbusinnes to hand over to your sons and stiff like that.

I dont mean to sound like a white knight and I undestand roosh and other players but at the same time if we keep slutting around how do we expect women to stay pure and traditional? they will ride that cock carousel mainly because we provide it to them.

Marriage is for Pussies

Quote: (07-11-2014 10:21 AM)MaxRitter Wrote:  

they will ride that cock carousel mainly because we provide it to them.

That's a joke, right? Women hold nearly all the cards in the dating game. Time to get your facts straight. Women are the supply, men are the demand. Men want sex more than women. So if women behave in a certain way, then men must also behave in that way. So if seeking marriage got men good results with women, more men would do it. Instead most girls are sluts and thus we have to be players.

And the shitty marriage laws have EVERYTHING to do with it, since the majority of women are worthless sluts. Marry the wrong woman (over 70% easily) and then you can kiss half your shit and your kids goodbye. No thanks.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Marriage is for Pussies

Quote: (07-11-2014 02:20 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Marry the wrong woman (over 70% easily) and then you can kiss half your shit and your kids goodbye.

The problem with that kind of thinking is that it implicitly assumes that a wife goes "wrong" randomly after X years of marriage and that a man has no way of acquiring information about his prospective wife, and no way of controlling her behavior. It's too fatalistic. Marrying a woman is not the same as playing roulette!!

A man can improve his odds by performing due diligence, e.g., meeting her parents and friends to try to determine what her values are. There will always be risk involved, but if her father is a strong alpha male who raised her properly, then one's chances become much better.

Saying that one's chance of divorce is 70% is like saying that the chance of getting lung cancer is XYZ %. Yet, if I don't smoke, I immediately know that my chances of getting lung cancer are lower than the statistic. In fact, publishing a statistic for lung cancer without mentioning "given that the person is a smoker" or "given that the person is a non-smoker" is utterly meaningless.

"The great secret of happiness in love is to be glad that the other fellow married her." – H.L. Mencken

Marriage is for Pussies

Quote: (07-11-2014 02:20 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (07-11-2014 10:21 AM)MaxRitter Wrote:  

they will ride that cock carousel mainly because we provide it to them.

That's a joke, right? Women hold nearly all the cards in the dating game. Time to get your facts straight. Women are the supply, men are the demand. Men want sex more than women. So if women behave in a certain way, then men must also behave in that way. So if seeking marriage got men good results with women, more men would do it. Instead most girls are sluts and thus we have to be players.

And the shitty marriage laws have EVERYTHING to do with it, since the majority of women are worthless sluts. Marry the wrong woman (over 70% easily) and then you can kiss half your shit and your kids goodbye. No thanks.

you are describing AMERICAN realities. USA is not the world, for fucks sake! in Russia its the other way around. men are so scarce girls can only hope to find someone decent. and no they dont act like sluts. but Russian men keep going throug thousands of women and abandon them with kids which leads to the rise of feminism in this country. more and more women no longer trust men because of their abusive attitude and become single moms. boys grow up in single parent household to be just as shitty as their fathers. if you re unhappy with the current situatin in the US - move out!

Marriage is for Pussies

I think the most important thing as a man, is to live by your terms. If you want to spend the rest of your days banging filipino and bang bitches then fine go ahead. If you want to marry a high quality traditional woman then fine go ahead.
The latter will be hard to do in the anglosphere however. Once you master a certain level of game then you can chose the life you lead and the women you have. A lot of guys just have their lives dictated to them.

Marriage is for Pussies

Quote: (07-11-2014 02:33 PM)Constitution45 Wrote:  

I think the most important thing as a man, is to live by your terms. If you want to spend the rest of your days banging filipino and bang bitches then fine go ahead. If you want to marry a high quality traditional woman then fine go ahead.
The latter will be hard to do in the anglosphere however. Once you master a certain level of game then you can chose the life you lead and the women you have.

sure banging fillippino whores is awesome but none of them is going to help you out if you ever get broke or lose everything. I thought the main goal of the red pill movement was to restore the traditional family. if we men will always do whatever we please, women will do the same. lack of decent hard working and reliable husbands will lead to girls thinking they dont need a man and can manage on their own and increases the feminist influence. western women incl american became feminazis because they were spoiled and didnt appreaciate what they had. Russian and eastern european women lean towards feminism out of despair becaue they have nothing to lose. Im not againts game its natural to fuck around when yore re young but carring that lifestyle till death is ridiculous.

Marriage is for Pussies

Quote: (07-11-2014 10:07 AM)MaxRitter Wrote:  

I just feel lame when I see smart educated european and american men planting no seeds and dying out while some broke ass motherfuckers are spreading their ugly genes worldwide. bad marriage laws are no excuse to not having kids

I feel the same way. Why should we get the short end of the evolutionary stick? Which brings me to the topic of vasectomy. Intellectually, the best way to play the game would be to not marry, store your sperm in a sperm bank, have a vasectomy, buy quality eggs from IVY league degreed women, do the IVF/surrogate mother process, hire nannies/tutors, etc., then bang a bunch of hoes for life. However, I hate the idea of, in essence, snipping the primary determinant of my manhood, i.e. my power and ability to create life from sexual reproduction. I somehow feel I lose some motivation for sex if I don't have the capacity to get a woman pregnant.

I know that may sound weird, especially on a PUA forum where all one does is try to bang hot chicks and not getting them preggo, but you do that over and over again for decades, then you look back on your life, you may sometimes ask yourself what did you accomplish? I still feel a man needs a sense of purpose, to live a life you feel that's worth living, which means something greater than myself, but at the same time for myself. I'm not trying to save the fuckin' manatees. That would only come at a later time if I somehow had so much fuck you money that I don't have to care about blowing it.

In conclusion, marriage is for pussies, but at least still have kids that you raise well.

Marriage is for Pussies

From movie, The Departed:

Colin Sullivan: When were you gonna tell me that you were an FBI informant?
Frank Costello: I've been giving those cocksuckers shit. Nothing. I would every once in a while drop a dime about two bit drug deals.
Colin Sullivan: Yeah? Did you tell them about me? Did you Frank? Did you fucking tell them about me?
Frank Costello: I would never tell them anything about you. You are like a—
Colin Sullivan: Like a son? That's right? All that fucking and no kids!
Frank Costello: Oh, fuck you! You fucking cunt.

Marriage is for Pussies

Quote: (07-11-2014 02:38 PM)MaxRitter Wrote:  

Quote: (07-11-2014 02:33 PM)Constitution45 Wrote:  

I think the most important thing as a man, is to live by your terms. If you want to spend the rest of your days banging filipino and bang bitches then fine go ahead. If you want to marry a high quality traditional woman then fine go ahead.
The latter will be hard to do in the anglosphere however. Once you master a certain level of game then you can chose the life you lead and the women you have.

sure banging fillippino whores is awesome but none of them is going to help you out if you ever get broke or lose everything. I thought the main goal of the red pill movement was to restore the traditional family. if we men will always do whatever we please, women will do the same. lack of decent hard working and reliable husbands will lead to girls thinking they dont need a man and can manage on their own and increases the feminist influence. western women incl american became feminazis because they were spoiled and didnt appreaciate what they had. Russian and eastern european women lean towards feminism out of despair becaue they have nothing to lose. Im not againts game its natural to fuck around when yore re young but carring that lifestyle till death is ridiculous.

Yeah I do agree with you, but being a nihilistic player is a reasonable reaction to all this feminist bullshit, especially if you are content on staying in the West. I think the be all, end all should be bringing about traditional family and strong alpha males who are civilised. Otherwise this feminism will just spread and there will be no safe zones. Rooshvf members will have to search for traditional housewives in war zones in the Middle East.

Marriage is for Pussies

Yeah I do agree with you, but being a nihilistic player is a reasonable reaction to all this feminist bullshit, especially if you are content on staying in the West. I think the be all, end all should be bringing about traditional family and strong alpha males who are civilised. Otherwise this feminism will just spread and there will be no safe zones. Rooshvf members will have to search for traditional housewives in war zones in the Middle East.

You live in Russia right now dont you? I lived in Volgograd for three years as well as Samara for 1 year. met some gold diggers but most women were family oriented. I didnt even "game" chicks per se but I did go on hundreds of dates, a new date almost every night. the girls would give it up after a few weeks or even a month dating after you give them the illusion that you are getting "serious" with them. A lot of them complained that its hard as fuck to find a decent guy, and by decent they meant not too ugly (Russian standarts for men are incredibly low) not a drunk, with a job and not abusive. they dont seem to be asking too much do they? Ive been in serious relationships with three different women (the last one I brought over to Germany) and never had any bad experiences.

Im not idealizing Russian women but as long as you stay out of Moscow where people are quite materialistic and speak the language, know the culture, socialize with easy going students, middle class chicks and such, the chances of meeting a quality woman thats wife material are pretty high. yet Russian men continue to pump and dump their chicks like its no tomorrow and then die by 40 alone and miserable. screwing nice women with good intentions in feminist-free countries just in order to get revenge on american women is stupid beyond words. in order to beat down those ugly feminists I would suggest to give them cockthirst or I dont know how else to call it. if all quality american men go to Latin america, east asia or eastern europe and bring a decent wife fom there, the US women will lose their power. the only american girls worth marrying are the traditional christian types. it will be a good lesson for the new generation of american girls. nobody has to tolerate your bullshit anymore, no men for you to skin alive in alimony and child support. plus you guys need to change the laws, rob women of all of their privileges: employment quotas, alimony, child support, husbands property after the divorce, college scholarships for women and such. but for that the feminists must lose their power.

Marriage is for Pussies

Quote: (07-11-2014 02:20 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (07-11-2014 10:21 AM)MaxRitter Wrote:  

they will ride that cock carousel mainly because we provide it to them.

That's a joke, right? Women hold nearly all the cards in the dating game. Time to get your facts straight. Women are the supply, men are the demand. Men want sex more than women. So if women behave in a certain way, then men must also behave in that way. So if seeking marriage got men good results with women, more men would do it. Instead most girls are sluts and thus we have to be players.

And the shitty marriage laws have EVERYTHING to do with it, since the majority of women are worthless sluts. Marry the wrong woman (over 70% easily) and then you can kiss half your shit and your kids goodbye. No thanks.

take away the cards from them by bringing quality women from overseas. let those bitches suffer. if the US politicians are smart they should allow women from Ukraine and other eastern european countries entry in the us as well as easy work visas that would scew the balance of women in mens favour

Marriage is for Pussies

Quote: (07-12-2014 07:17 AM)MaxRitter Wrote:  

Yeah I do agree with you, but being a nihilistic player is a reasonable reaction to all this feminist bullshit, especially if you are content on staying in the West. I think the be all, end all should be bringing about traditional family and strong alpha males who are civilised. Otherwise this feminism will just spread and there will be no safe zones. Rooshvf members will have to search for traditional housewives in war zones in the Middle East.

You live in Russia right now dont you? I lived in Volgograd for three years as well as Samara for 1 year. met some gold diggers but most women were family oriented. I didnt even "game" chicks per se but I did go on hundreds of dates, a new date almost every night. the girls would give it up after a few weeks or even a month dating after you give them the illusion that you are getting "serious" with them. A lot of them complained that its hard as fuck to find a decent guy, and by decent they meant not too ugly (Russian standarts for men are incredibly low) not a drunk, with a job and not abusive. they dont seem to be asking too much do they? Ive been in serious relationships with three different women (the last one I brought over to Germany) and never had any bad experiences.

Im not idealizing Russian women but as long as you stay out of Moscow where people are quite materialistic and speak the language, know the culture, socialize with easy going students, middle class chicks and such, the chances of meeting a quality woman thats wife material are pretty high. yet Russian men continue to pump and dump their chicks like its no tomorrow and then die by 40 alone and miserable. screwing nice women with good intentions in feminist-free countries just in order to get revenge on american women is stupid beyond words. in order to beat down those ugly feminists I would suggest to give them cockthirst or I dont know how else to call it. if all quality american men go to Latin america, east asia or eastern europe and bring a decent wife fom there, the US women will lose their power. the only american girls worth marrying are the traditional christian types. it will be a good lesson for the new generation of american girls. nobody has to tolerate your bullshit anymore, no men for you to skin alive in alimony and child support. plus you guys need to change the laws, rob women of all of their privileges: employment quotas, alimony, child support, husbands property after the divorce, college scholarships for women and such. but for that the feminists must lose their power.


I hear you on that, relationships between people and the relations between man and woman is a lot more organic in Russia. You don't have to jump through hoops or become some clown, you can have a genuine conversation and some text book game 101, will be enough to secure some high value women in both looks and character.

I realised living out in Russia, that the Anglosphere hookup culture and culture in general really skewers relationships and people in general. Russia has its problems, but they value relationships a lot more and i think this is far more healthy. If men actually received some genuine feminine affection from girls they were interested in, I doubt men would be flocking to bang sluts and watch internet porn.

It is basic economics what you are describing, already I see a lot of men leaving the U.K and going for East Asian women. For me I won't marry a anglosphere woman or raise a family in the U.K, its ground zero for me here.

I laugh and cringe at the same time, when Western women and zeta males try to shame guys like me for going overseas. Really, what are they going to do to stop us ?

I live a responsible life, work hard, have ambitions and value loyalty. I don't see women in the U.K exhibiting these qualities. The ones who haven't hit the wall at the age of 23 from excessive drinking and sexual conquests. Are often following the example of Samantha from Sex and the City and have this obvious resentment towards men.

These people are just tearing themselves apart, they are really unhappy and most of it comes from deep insecurity and being fed lies from a young age about their nature. Women in the West are raised to dislike men and see them as the enemy, competition, the other half that has to be controlled and kept down, to keep one over them for some historical myths that said women had it way harder than men.

I was born in the millennial generation, I am not from some "backwards' conservative stock. I was raised on this diet of liberal, politically correct views. I have seen first hand what this does and thats why I reject it. It's anti self improvement for the full most.

It will become more common, that the productive men are waking up to this state of affairs and will demand women of virtue. Now that I am getting older and have my shit together, I sense pressure, even from male friends that I shouldn't be living overseas and should get an english woman like them. F*ck that, I don't care if they use shaming tactics against me, Ive seen the other side and won't be going back to that way of life.

I laugh at them, I one time attended an expat event, there was this disgusting feminist across the table. You can see the torment and hate oozing from her. She was saying how Russia should change, on the side of her was her effeminate boyfriend from America (like she was). Clinging on her side like this impending doom. I then look next to me, at this beautiful Russian chick I was seeing at the time. Smart girl, getting an accountant degree, was sweet, feminine, a real person. And then i glance over at the morbid creature. Thinking to myself, why ? for what cause ? should I go back to that way of life.

Like you, I want to see productive men of value, voting with their feet and going overseas. Why even bother with these chicks over here. I will make exceptions for internationals who happen to live in the Anglosphere. But on the most part for what you are getting, its just not worth the effort.

It is only this way because men allow it.

I do find it promising, when I see Eastern Europeans in Britain still sticking to their traditional roots, despite being surrounded by this post modern culture.

Marriage is for Pussies

Quote: (07-12-2014 07:24 AM)MaxRitter Wrote:  

Quote: (07-11-2014 02:20 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (07-11-2014 10:21 AM)MaxRitter Wrote:  

they will ride that cock carousel mainly because we provide it to them.

That's a joke, right? Women hold nearly all the cards in the dating game. Time to get your facts straight. Women are the supply, men are the demand. Men want sex more than women. So if women behave in a certain way, then men must also behave in that way. So if seeking marriage got men good results with women, more men would do it. Instead most girls are sluts and thus we have to be players.

And the shitty marriage laws have EVERYTHING to do with it, since the majority of women are worthless sluts. Marry the wrong woman (over 70% easily) and then you can kiss half your shit and your kids goodbye. No thanks.

take away the cards from them by bringing quality women from overseas. let those bitches suffer. if the US politicians are smart they should allow women from Ukraine and other eastern european countries entry in the us as well as easy work visas that would scew the balance of women in mens favour

I wouldn't do that, when EE even SEA come to the West, they usually change their values and end up Worse than the native women.

Marriage is for Pussies

Quote: (07-12-2014 08:43 AM)Constitution45 Wrote:  

I wouldn't do that, when EE even SEA come to the West, they usually change their values and end up Worse than the native women.

that depends. mine hasnt changed, but Ive been with her over a year and I know I could trust her. no you see if more quality women come to western countries local women will have more competition. it will decrease the value of women and will make them work harder to get a man. as for EE women changng for the worst, Ive met at least a dozen EE-German couples in Germany and most women have remained as faithfull to their men as they used to be. Only one chick turned out to be a gold digger slut(he sent her back to Ukraine) but the problem was, the guy didnt speak the language and didnt even try to "get" local people and culture. he flashed a lot of money and basically picked a chick that had literally the longest legs, the brightest make up and the sluttyest attitude. in Moscow Ive seen expats overlooking solid 8s and 9s with a sweet personality who were really into them but going after some whores who had more polished looks but were selfish and not worth shit.

the mistake many expacts make is that they often act like hungry kids in a candy store. after a long dry spell they just cant get enough of the local women and chase another one and then another one and so on. they do not invest the time in learning the language and cultural codes and traditions, do not have any russian friends, as a result they dont even get to meet any proper russians. they just pick up sluts in expensive bars. at some point time runs out they must go back to the fucking anglosphere and often take some girl with them they dont even know or understand.

another problem is many Russian women are looking for honesty and reliability in a potential foreign husband. yes there are some golddiggers who will want your money but what you search is what you find. I taught German in language schools and colleges in two provincial cities and met some of the sweetest girls in the world age range 16 to 22. I wouldnt go near those semi pros in expat bars or a career chick in a busy Moscow office - yet sadly these are the women most expats end up with while decent girls are being overlooked. besides that if you lead a players lifestyle and flash a lot of cash and attract women that way youll attract the worst and scare away the best girls. most women in russian provinces are fed up with their mens macho attitude and want smth solid, a solid relationship. if you cant offer them that, they ll run off while you will end up with the worst feminist undecover who wants to use you for your money.

I admit I cheated on all of my girls in Russia but I treated them with respect and never tried to pump and dump them. as a result I picked a cherry from the top, not saying shes perfect but satisfies me in every way. if she starts screwing up the relationship, she knows where the door is and the GeRman laws wil be on my side. all Im saying enjoy game while you can but if you ever decide to find a keeper you ll have to become a real beta - romantic, attentive all that shit. no you dont have to be a clown and run around her but some level of maturity and seriousness is expected. its what the good girls want. only bitches want alphas and I dont know how alpha i truly am, I will tolerate no bullshit from a woman and I will show her her place if she acts out but if she treats me like a king I will play the part too. the best Russian girls went through hell with the local men and they sure dont want to be used as a doormat by the foreighners. just dont make the mistake of being the "nihillistic player" for too long scaring away all the good women and then go for a girl who is a good actress but bad wife material. its a mistake many expat men have made and Im always amused at their complains on Russian women while in reality their judgment had failed them.

Marriage is for Pussies

Quote: (07-11-2014 02:33 PM)Icarus Wrote:  

Quote: (07-11-2014 02:20 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Marry the wrong woman (over 70% easily) and then you can kiss half your shit and your kids goodbye.

The problem with that kind of thinking is that it implicitly assumes that a wife goes "wrong" randomly after X years of marriage and that a man has no way of acquiring information about his prospective wife, and no way of controlling her behavior. It's too fatalistic. Marrying a woman is not the same as playing roulette!!

A man can improve his odds by performing due diligence, e.g., meeting her parents and friends to try to determine what her values are. There will always be risk involved, but if her father is a strong alpha male who raised her properly, then one's chances become much better.

Saying that one's chance of divorce is 70% is like saying that the chance of getting lung cancer is XYZ %. Yet, if I don't smoke, I immediately know that my chances of getting lung cancer are lower than the statistic. In fact, publishing a statistic for lung cancer without mentioning "given that the person is a smoker" or "given that the person is a non-smoker" is utterly meaningless.

I'm not saying one has a 70% chance of divorce. I'm saying close to 70% of the women out there are unacceptable as marriage partners. Conversely, I would say 80% of American men are nice (at least among whites, I can't speak for Black culture or Latino culture), stable providers when they are treated well by an American woman. That leaves only 30% of the women being competed for by the other 80% of men. And of those 30% of women, you still need to be compatible, she still needs to be attractive, etc, so this pool is further dwindled into perhaps 5-10% of women as possible marriage partners. These odds are fucking shit, and aren't really worth most men's time.

Quote: (07-11-2014 02:33 PM)MaxRitter Wrote:  

Quote: (07-11-2014 02:20 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (07-11-2014 10:21 AM)MaxRitter Wrote:  

they will ride that cock carousel mainly because we provide it to them.

That's a joke, right? Women hold nearly all the cards in the dating game. Time to get your facts straight. Women are the supply, men are the demand. Men want sex more than women. So if women behave in a certain way, then men must also behave in that way. So if seeking marriage got men good results with women, more men would do it. Instead most girls are sluts and thus we have to be players.

And the shitty marriage laws have EVERYTHING to do with it, since the majority of women are worthless sluts. Marry the wrong woman (over 70% easily) and then you can kiss half your shit and your kids goodbye. No thanks.

you are describing AMERICAN realities. USA is not the world, for fucks sake! in Russia its the other way around. men are so scarce girls can only hope to find someone decent. and no they dont act like sluts. but Russian men keep going throug thousands of women and abandon them with kids which leads to the rise of feminism in this country. more and more women no longer trust men because of their abusive attitude and become single moms. boys grow up in single parent household to be just as shitty as their fathers. if you re unhappy with the current situatin in the US - move out!

Yeah bro, thanks for preaching to the choir. Everyone knows American women suck, except for the guys who have never traveled.

But guess what? It's not possible or feasible for all men to pick up their shit and move abroad and find a job. Jobs are a scarce resource. Most men today feel lucky to get any job, even if it's in the USA. So again, travel is not a feasible option for probably over 90% of American men.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Marriage is for Pussies

Quote: (07-12-2014 09:35 AM)MaxRitter Wrote:  

Quote: (07-12-2014 08:43 AM)Constitution45 Wrote:  

I wouldn't do that, when EE even SEA come to the West, they usually change their values and end up Worse than the native women.

that depends. mine hasnt changed, but Ive been with her over a year and I know I could trust her. no you see if more quality women come to western countries local women will have more competition. it will decrease the value of women and will make them work harder to get a man. as for EE women changng for the worst, Ive met at least a dozen EE-German couples in Germany and most women have remained as faithfull to their men as they used to be. Only one chick turned out to be a gold digger slut(he sent her back to Ukraine) but the problem was, the guy didnt speak the language and didnt even try to "get" local people and culture. he flashed a lot of money and basically picked a chick that had literally the longest legs, the brightest make up and the sluttyest attitude. in Moscow Ive seen expats overlooking solid 8s and 9s with a sweet personality who were really into them but going after some whores who had more polished looks but were selfish and not worth shit.

the mistake many expacts make is that they often act like hungry kids in a candy store. after a long dry spell they just cant get enough of the local women and chase another one and then another one and so on. they do not invest the time in learning the language and cultural codes and traditions, do not have any russian friends, as a result they dont even get to meet any proper russians. they just pick up sluts in expensive bars. at some point time runs out they must go back to the fucking anglosphere and often take some girl with them they dont even know or understand.

another problem is many Russian women are looking for honesty and reliability in a potential foreign husband. yes there are some golddiggers who will want your money but what you search is what you find. I taught German in language schools and colleges in two provincial cities and met some of the sweetest girls in the world age range 16 to 22. I wouldnt go near those semi pros in expat bars or a career chick in a busy Moscow office - yet sadly these are the women most expats end up with while decent girls are being overlooked. besides that if you lead a players lifestyle and flash a lot of cash and attract women that way youll attract the worst and scare away the best girls. most women in russian provinces are fed up with their mens macho attitude and want smth solid, a solid relationship. if you cant offer them that, they ll run off while you will end up with the worst feminist undecover who wants to use you for your money.

I admit I cheated on all of my girls in Russia but I treated them with respect and never tried to pump and dump them. as a result I picked a cherry from the top, not saying shes perfect but satisfies me in every way. if she starts screwing up the relationship, she knows where the door is and the GeRman laws wil be on my side. all Im saying enjoy game while you can but if you ever decide to find a keeper you ll have to become a real beta - romantic, attentive all that shit. no you dont have to be a clown and run around her but some level of maturity and seriousness is expected. its what the good girls want. only bitches want alphas and I dont know how alpha i truly am, I will tolerate no bullshit from a woman and I will show her her place if she acts out but if she treats me like a king I will play the part too. the best Russian girls went through hell with the local men and they sure dont want to be used as a doormat by the foreighners. just dont make the mistake of being the "nihillistic player" for too long scaring away all the good women and then go for a girl who is a good actress but bad wife material. its a mistake many expat men have made and Im always amused at their complains on Russian women while in reality their judgment had failed them.

A lot of posts here lately about finding a quality, potential LTR type from Russia. How about Ukraine? what are your thoughts on prospecting there for a attractive traditional woman?

- One planet orbiting a star. Billions of stars in the galaxy. Billions of galaxies in the universe. Approach.


Marriage is for Pussies

[quote] (07-12-2014 10:53 AM)robreke Wrote:  

[quote='MaxRitter' pid='778019' dateline='1405175740']
[quote='Constitution45' pid='777984' dateline='1405172614']

A lot of posts here lately about finding a quality, potential LTR type from Russia. How about Ukraine? what are your thoughts on prospecting there for a attractive traditional woman?[/quote]

Im not an expert on ukraine. I can probably call myself more or less an expert on provincial cities in middle Russia since that is where ive traveled the most.

as for Ukraine Ive ben there a couple of times and I found girls in Odessa and Nikolaev similiar to the Russian girls but easier to lay. if she gave it to you easy there is a chance she will give it to someone else just as easy. some girls that Ive met in Ukrainian have been amazing but I didnt screw around with them. I believe if I would have accepted a job offer in Nikolaev and stayed there to teach German at the local teachers college I would have found the same decent sweet girls as I found in Samara and Volgograd. since Odessa girls are southerners they are a bit more temperamental, that means more drama but also more passion in bed. but that of course depends on each individual woman. Ive met some really nice Ukrainian women here in germany (some of them are my girl`s friends) but during my short stay in Kiev Ive met quite a lot of really scandalous and crazy money oriented girls. so it really depends. I probably do prefer Russians but Ukraine is more pro western and easier to acces. in any case, Roosh is the expert on Ukraine so he probably knows best.

in the end what you search is what you find. go there, have some fun check out the playground, Im sure you ll get some hot pussy, but dont settle down with an easy to lay clubbing materialistic type. get a job there, make some local friends, invest some time and energy to find something decent. a perfect woman is not going to fall into your arms from the sky just because you waved your american or european passport.

Marriage is for Pussies

Quote: (07-11-2014 02:33 PM)MaxRitter Wrote:  

Quote: (07-11-2014 02:20 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (07-11-2014 10:21 AM)MaxRitter Wrote:  

they will ride that cock carousel mainly because we provide it to them.

That's a joke, right? Women hold nearly all the cards in the dating game. Time to get your facts straight. Women are the supply, men are the demand. Men want sex more than women. So if women behave in a certain way, then men must also behave in that way. So if seeking marriage got men good results with women, more men would do it. Instead most girls are sluts and thus we have to be players.

And the shitty marriage laws have EVERYTHING to do with it, since the majority of women are worthless sluts. Marry the wrong woman (over 70% easily) and then you can kiss half your shit and your kids goodbye. No thanks.

you are describing AMERICAN realities. USA is not the world, for fucks sake! in Russia its the other way around. men are so scarce girls can only hope to find someone decent. and no they dont act like sluts. but Russian men keep going throug thousands of women and abandon them with kids which leads to the rise of feminism in this country. more and more women no longer trust men because of their abusive attitude and become single moms. boys grow up in single parent household to be just as shitty as their fathers. if you re unhappy with the current situatin in the US - move out!

I don't do this often and I really hate to butt head with a fellow forum member, but I feel I gotta set you straight about a particular belief that you still hold. While some men are really dead beat dads that refuse to take care of their kids, that number is extremely minimal in reality.

That belief was created with the implementation of welfare in the USA, especially in the black community. What everybody fails to mention is that in the beginning men were willingly removing themselves from the household to game the government and get more money to the family.

When feminism started to really pop off, these women (from the lower income class aka hoodrats) realized that they could live quite comfortably while having no men around and that uncle Sam would take care of them with welfare and food stamps. Taking the Red Pill is all about realizing what the truth is, and the widespread dead beat dad cliche is a myth.

Some of our women now become pregnant on purpose for Uncle Sam money. The author Tariq Nasheed covers in depth the "Baby Daddy Hustle" that women in general, but mostly Black women practice for some Uncle Sam money. As a new member on this forum we gotta set you up for success and for you to be happy as you can, so we gotta bust your beliefs that are false, and this was one of them. Like Tuth says, you go-girl-ism is the decease of our time, and it's the cause of the single mom syndrome, and not the extremely rare Dead Beat Dad.

And also you mentionned somewhere that shitty marriage laws should not stop us from procreating? Umm... to have close to 100% of your wage being taking away from you for kids who'll end up hating you at the end? If a great looking millionaire that was married to a model ended up shooting his brains out while trying to make that scenario work, we outta be careful. I'm not saying fuck it all... just sayin to be thoughful about it

Marriage is for Pussies

[quote='Captain Gh' pid='778187' dateline='1405189254']

please man! thank you for the advice but you think I dont know this? you think I havent met those bitches in the uS living off ex husbands money or the state welfare, searching for a new daddy to her kids? Ive met single moms in russia too who have destroyed theirs and their kids family life by ditching the huband for a richer lover. but their number is far lower that in the west while the number of the deadbeat dads is higher. the system there offers little to no supprt to a divorced single mom and the dating market for them is virtually non existent so they will hold on to a halfway decent guy as long they can.

and believe me it took me three years living in Russia to realize this. at first I was totally on the mens side of everything. there was this guy whom I taught private lessons in Samara who complained that his exwife wouldnt let him see his son as much as he wanted to. later I had learned through some other people that he had lived with a woman X, had a kid with her and slept around a lot. thats half bad, men tend to sleep around but he let her know. he said it made her want to "stay in shape" and not lose him to another woman. than the woman Y had his baby. he left the woman X and took the kid. because he had money and connections he faked a certificate of her being psychologically unstable and paid the judge to rip her off from her parenting rights. he lived with the woman Y untill he got tired of her and than ditched her and now he lives with his son from the woman X while trying to take away the second boy by the woman Y. half of it I learned from other people half from him.

I mean seriously we have to keep those women in line but some men get too hard on the decent deserving girls and it turns them into feminists. my Russian male collegues often made jokes about soft, sweet feminine women who surrounded us at work and while Im far from ideolizing them I dont understand the cruelty towards them. no language in the world has more insulting words for women than Russian. you rarely see the same rudeness from the womens side. several Russian dudes I know believe men should not be jailed for rape because "they have needs", believe in having multiple families at the same time, advocate violence... yes some chicks deserve a good beating but why focus on the negative when there is so much positive stuff around?

thank you for warning me but I already have no illusions. Im well aware of some slutty russian bitches who for example divorced their russian husbands and moved with new husbands to the US, took the kids as well. thats why I would advise forum members not even go near a single mom whatever her story is - there are enough fresh unmarried and childless women around. and I understand that even my GF can stab me at any time thats why Im a bit realistic I guess but still it doesnt take away from the enjoyment of being in an LTR. if she betrays me however, believe me Ill be ready. I ll have the money and the connections to defend mysef. but you gotta trust someone and you gotta procreate with someone. I ve studied women in this country for 3 years untill Ive made my choice. but unlike poor american guys at leats I HAD that choice. and yes while most single dads in the west are basically the victims of stupid feminist anti male politics, in poorer countries such as Africa, latin america , SEA being a dead beat dad and constantly switching from one family to another is much more part of the norm.

Marriage is for Pussies

Quote: (07-12-2014 01:20 PM)Captain Gh Wrote:  

[quote] (07-11-2014 02:33 PM)MaxRitter Wrote:  

(07-11-2014, 07:20 PM)Samseau Wrote:  [quote='MaxRitter' pid='777308' dateline='1405092114']
they will ride that cock carousel mainly because we provide it to them.

I don't do this often and I really hate to butt head with a fellow forum member, but I feel I gotta set you straight about a particular belief that you still hold. While some men are really dead beat dads that refuse to take care of their kids, that number is extremely minimal in reality.

That belief was created with the implementation of welfare in the USA, especially in the black community. What everybody fails to mention is that in the beginning men were willingly removing themselves from the household to game the government and get more money to the family.

When feminism started to really pop off, these women (from the lower income class aka hoodrats) realized that they could live quite comfortably while having no men around and that uncle Sam would take care of them with welfare and food stamps. Taking the Red Pill is all about realizing what the truth is, and the widespread dead beat dad cliche is a myth.

Some of our women now become pregnant on purpose for Uncle Sam money. The author Tariq Nasheed covers in depth the "Baby Daddy Hustle" that women in general, but mostly Black women practice for some Uncle Sam money. As a new member on this forum we gotta set you up for success and for you to be happy as you can, so we gotta bust your beliefs that are false, and this was one of them. Like Tuth says, you go-girl-ism is the decease of our time, and it's the cause of the single mom syndrome, and not the extremely rare Dead Beat Dad.

And also you mentionned somewhere that shitty marriage laws should not stop us from procreating? Umm... to have close to 100% of your wage being taking away from you for kids who'll end up hating you at the end? If a great looking millionaire that was married to a model ended up shooting his brains out while trying to make that scenario work, we outta be careful. I'm not saying fuck it all... just sayin to be thoughful about it

besides dont forget that i live in germany where the situation is not yet so dramatic plus I wouldnt date and american woman for a million of bucks

Marriage is for Pussies

[quote] (07-12-2014 01:43 PM)MaxRitter Wrote:  

[quote='Captain Gh' pid='778187' dateline='1405189254']

please man! thank you for the advice but you think I dont know this? you think I havent met those bitches in the uS living off ex husbands money or the state welfare, searching for a new daddy to her kids? Ive met single moms in russia too who have destroyed theirs and their kids family life by ditching the huband for a richer lover. but their number is far lower that in the west while the number of the deadbeat dads is higher. the system there offers little to no supprt to a divorced single mom and the dating market for them is virtually non existent so they will hold on to a halfway decent guy as long they can.

and believe me it took me three years living in Russia to realize this. at first I was totally on the mens side of everything. there was this guy whom I taught private lessons in Samara who complained that his exwife wouldnt let him see his son as much as he wanted to. later I had learned through some other people that he had lived with a woman X, had a kid with her and slept around a lot. thats half bad, men tend to sleep around but he let her know. he said it made her want to "stay in shape" and not lose him to another woman. than the woman Y had his baby. he left the woman X and took the kid. because he had money and connections he faked a certificate of her being psychologically unstable and paid the judge to rip her off from her parenting rights. he lived with the woman Y untill he got tired of her and than ditched her and now he lives with his son from the woman X while trying to take away the second boy by the woman Y. half of it I learned from other people half from him.

I mean seriously we have to keep those women in line but some men get too hard on the decent deserving girls and it turns them into feminists. my Russian male collegues often made jokes about soft, sweet feminine women who surrounded us at work and while Im far from ideolizing them I dont understand the cruelty towards them. no language in the world has more insulting words for women than Russian. you rarely see the same rudeness from the womens side. several Russian dudes I know believe men should not be jailed for rape because "they have needs", believe in having multiple families at the same time, advocate violence... yes some chicks deserve a good beating but why focus on the negative when there is so much positive stuff around?[/quote]

But that's the sad reality of human nature. When men have it good, women will suffer. When women have it good, men will suffer. It's a zero sum game.

I think the only way to have a perfect balance is if the culture enforces perfect monogamy, 1-man 1-woman, all the time.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Marriage is for Pussies

Quote: (07-13-2014 05:54 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

[quote] (07-12-2014 01:43 PM)MaxRitter Wrote:  

(07-12-2014, 06:20 PM)Captain Gh Wrote:  please man! thank you for the advice but you think I dont know this? you think I havent met those bitches in the uS living off ex husbands money or the state welfare, searching for a new daddy to her kids? Ive met single moms in russia too who have destroyed theirs and their kids family life by ditching the huband for a richer lover. but their number is far lower that in the west while the number of the deadbeat dads is higher. the system there offers little to no supprt to a divorced single mom and the dating market for them is virtually non existent so they will hold on to a halfway decent guy as long they can.

and believe me it took me three years living in Russia to realize this. at first I was totally on the mens side of everything. there was this guy whom I taught private lessons in Samara who complained that his exwife wouldnt let him see his son as much as he wanted to. later I had learned through some other people that he had lived with a woman X, had a kid with her and slept around a lot. thats half bad, men tend to sleep around but he let her know. he said it made her want to "stay in shape" and not lose him to another woman. than the woman Y had his baby. he left the woman X and took the kid. because he had money and connections he faked a certificate of her being psychologically unstable and paid the judge to rip her off from her parenting rights. he lived with the woman Y untill he got tired of her and than ditched her and now he lives with his son from the woman X while trying to take away the second boy by the woman Y. half of it I learned from other people half from him.

I mean seriously we have to keep those women in line but some men get too hard on the decent deserving girls and it turns them into feminists. my Russian male collegues often made jokes about soft, sweet feminine women who surrounded us at work and while Im far from ideolizing them I dont understand the cruelty towards them. no language in the world has more insulting words for women than Russian. you rarely see the same rudeness from the womens side. several Russian dudes I know believe men should not be jailed for rape because "they have needs", believe in having multiple families at the same time, advocate violence... yes some chicks deserve a good beating but why focus on the negative when there is so much positive stuff around?

But that's the sad reality of human nature. When men have it good, women will suffer. When women have it good, men will suffer. It's a zero sum game.

I think the only way to have a perfect balance is if the culture enforces perfect monogamy, 1-man 1-woman, all the time.

This is sad, but absolutely true. Ultimate monogamy is the best arrangement that can lead to almost perfect bliss, especially while raising children.

Marriage is for Pussies

If it were true that ultimate monogamy is the best arrangement, then perhaps marriage is indeed for pussies. So does that mean that non-pussies should not marry or raise children? I don't believe so. I would say absolute honesty with your spouse is the best arrangement, and don't wait until after you have children, or even until after the wedding, to tell her what it is you expect (faithfulness on her part) and what it is you are prepared to offer (no faithfulness guarantees whatsoever but she can trust you to be there for her and the children nonetheless). In my opinion, the one-woman-man idea is not going to work for many men, including, I might add, many men who seem to be role models here. Almost needless to say (but only almost), the many-men-woman idea is not going to work for non-pussies because only a pussy can willingly raise some other male's children (and, by the way, such pussies abound, as science shows, because it is a viable strategy in evolutionary terms).

Marriage is for Pussies

Quote: (07-11-2014 02:20 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (07-11-2014 10:21 AM)MaxRitter Wrote:  

they will ride that cock carousel mainly because we provide it to them.

That's a joke, right? Women hold nearly all the cards in the dating game. Time to get your facts straight. Women are the supply, men are the demand. Men want sex more than women.

I can't even keep up with the demand for me, seriously. Chicks die on the vine all the time.

I'm not saying this to brag. I'm saying this because what you said was a limiting belief.

If you believe you are the prize, and make yourself worthy of being so, the demand appears to be infinite. at least so far at age 38

Marriage is for Pussies

Quote: (07-22-2014 10:48 AM)reaper23 Wrote:  

Quote: (07-11-2014 02:20 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (07-11-2014 10:21 AM)MaxRitter Wrote:  

they will ride that cock carousel mainly because we provide it to them.

That's a joke, right? Women hold nearly all the cards in the dating game. Time to get your facts straight. Women are the supply, men are the demand. Men want sex more than women.

I can't even keep up with the demand for me, seriously. Chicks die on the vine all the time.

I'm not saying this to brag. I'm saying this because what you said was a limiting belief.

If you believe you are the prize, and make yourself worthy of being so, the demand appears to be infinite. at least so far at age 38

regarding this^ and "marriage is for pussies"........

Okay....I'm 44 and dating a cute 25 yo law student. what age....or is it never....that marriage is no longer for pussies in yall's opinion? At my age...I still get interest from women under 30 a lot and can pull it off because I look probably about 10 years younger and I'm tall and fit which I suppose helps.

But...that being said...I don't think I'll be able to do this at 60....that is ....sleep with hot women in their 20s/early 30s. AND I don't really want to grow old with no one....I would like to have someone and even a family at home soon.

I 38....I used to think....'yeah by 44 I'll certainly be over the hill...etc." but I'm not. I look young or at least youngish and get young women to date the envelope keep getting pushed....especially in those with good/young looking genetics.

So....yes, marriage maybe for "pussies" if you're in your 20s or 30s even....but at what point do you throw out that "alpha" sounding proclamation that "marriage is for pussies" and say...'.hey....I need to a good woman for a wife? I want a legacy....I want someone to be home when I come home from work when I'm entering old age....I don't want to die alone on my bed, etc." ? It may be the majority of the forum members that marriage is for pussies no matter what the age....but I'd like feedback on this.

- One planet orbiting a star. Billions of stars in the galaxy. Billions of galaxies in the universe. Approach.


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