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Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Ahandfuloffatchick wrote about himself in 3rd person. Where is Brutus when you need him?

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Lindy West has become too fat to fly

This Jaba the Hut relative has all the requirements for spontaneous human combustion to occur..

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Quote: (12-27-2013 12:59 AM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

Taken from his website:

Theatre fag?

Trigger warning: five minutes of lifeless beginner hipster piano plodding. I'm tempted to download it and turn it into Gay Eurodisco.

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

I think that we should start an RVF fund to subsidize her lifestyle as a writer. There is no better advertisement for the Manosphere.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Jesus Christ. At this pace she'll be filing a weight discrimination lawsuit against Lane Bryant by early Spring.

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

I'm thinking of writing and submitting an article to ROK entitled "Lindy West vs Jabba The Hutt" wherein I compare our forum pet pig and the galaxies biggest hutt crime lord. When all is said and done, Jabba The Hutt wins in all departments. Would such an article be of interest?

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Too obvious.

Check out my occasionally updated travel thread - The Wroclaw Gambit II: Dzięki Bogu - as I prepare to emigrate to Poland.

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Quote: (12-24-2013 09:57 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

She has such a weird body type.

[Image: xlindy1.jpg.pagespeed.ic.52CcEnrSqz.jpg]

Fat at the top, yet legs like a normal person.

I know a government drone like her, total landwhale but very nomals and fit arms

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Quote: (12-24-2013 07:59 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

In case anyone is wondering why she's fat, it's not because of a thyroid problem....

Some considerations on being really, really PHAT, like Lindy here:
a) To be phat is an unnatural condition, a sickness. Specifically, landwhales like Lindy suffer from a sub-clinical inflammation of the whole body, which becomes overwhelmed and as a result can't evacuate the poisons resulting from said inflammation - Lindy and people like her consist of perhaps 10% or more by body weight of toxic stuff like heavy metals and assorted poisonous residues of metabolism.
b) The sickness results from a combination of genetic predisposition (heightened sensitivity) to and the influence of toxic and/or allergenic substances in industrial "phood" and environment.
c) Some of the worst substances to ingest are: all sugars (especially HFCS), everything made of wheat and grains (see for example, all artificial sweeteners, Glutamate, all diary products.
d) The bad character traits like lack of self-esteem and obvious sub-par mental ability of landwhales like Lindy result at once from the influence of the toxic substances which her body accumulates and does not evacuate, and the frustration stemming from the continued feedback about her condition which she receives from her social entourage.
e) An important factor in maintaining phatness is ignorance, among other things about healthy eating habits and how simple it is to heal the disease.
f) Another important factor in maintaining phatness are the ideologies (e.g. feminism and others) disseminated by certain groups who deem it against their interests that the American (and European) populations are in any way healthy or mentally sane.

Lindy could easily get rid of 20 Kg in a year by adopting the paleo diet and engaging in very minimal bodily exercise such as walking around the block once every day, but obviously she is mentally too out of whack to do even that. Thyroid and other ailments co-morbid with phatness are merely convenient as excuses to do nothing: the benefit of living in a heap of dung is that it's cozy warm inside there.

An observation on Lindy and her "colored" BF. It is called deracination and is normally done only by the least fit specimens of any given racial group. Where I live, many afwikaans, 20-something able-bodied men, can be seen in company of white landwhales and grannies well past the wall, being commanded around in hissing tones in shops and on the street. Since Lindy's BF dumped a passable looking wife for Lindy I suspect that afwikaans don't mind cuz as long as she's white she'll be superior to any afwikaan female they'd normally have to fuck.

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Quote: (12-28-2013 09:01 AM)Guanyanyo Wrote:  

An observation on Lindy and her "colored" BF. It is called deracination and is normally done only by the least fit specimens of any given racial group. Where I live, many afwikaans, 20-something able-bodied men, can be seen in company of white landwhales and grannies well past the wall, being commanded around in hissing tones in shops and on the street. Since Lindy's BF dumped a passable looking wife for Lindy I suspect that afwikaans don't mind cuz as long as she's white she'll be superior to any afwikaan female they'd normally have to fuck.

Why are you talking like that?

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

J r, he's a [Image: troll.gif]

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Quote: (12-24-2013 07:52 PM)kosko Wrote:  

Maybe he got Divorce raped hard and had a false epiphany.

"I got my money and kids taken from me because I wasn't man enough"

And then dove head first into the feminist and equity shit. The White Ribbon crowd is full of them.


His game took a hit and fatty white girls were just easy.

He said he has 2 ex-wives that he hates...makes sense

"Go be fat on someone else's time."

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

She is not the only one,just found this amusing piece

A Delta flight attendant apologized for the “inconvenience” of sitting next to me and moved a man to first class ([Image: youtheman.gif] ) . A man sitting next to me on a flight from Denver to Portland was given several free drinks for “being a good Samaritan” and presumably not asking to move to a different seat.

"Go be fat on someone else's time."

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

buy a second seat fatty.

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

She might not be able to fly, but damn she can probably float for a long time.

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

I would love to pay for an extra seat to be more comfortable on a flight.
It would still be roughly $400 less than first class. ($300 for a seat x2 vs $1k for first class)

If fat people can pay for the seat next to them, I would LOVE to be able to pay for the seat in front of me, then have it removed so I can have some leg room, or at least moved forward on those notched tracks.

Flying at 6'5" isn't fun, and I pay for it for about 1-2 days after the flight, my back and lower lumbar are absolutely killing me. Sometimes the flight attendants pity me and let me lay down in a row of empty seats, it kind of helps. But usually I can at least switch to an aisle seat, and stick my legs out, until the drink/food trays come through.

Anyways, fat bitches can lose weight to fit in seats, it's just too bad that their lifestyle prohibits them from doing that, seeing as that's why they are fat in the first place.

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

It is rather sad how much of an elephant has Lindy West became, along with a majority of american, british and australian women nowadays...

[Image: Lindy+West+Women+Media+Awards+Dinner+Pre...ocQvVl.jpg]

[Image: lindywest.jpg]

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Quote: (01-01-2014 12:04 PM)Sailor Wrote:  

She is not the only one,just found this amusing piece

A Delta flight attendant apologized for the “inconvenience” of sitting next to me and moved a man to first class ([Image: youtheman.gif] ) . A man sitting next to me on a flight from Denver to Portland was given several free drinks for “being a good Samaritan” and presumably not asking to move to a different seat.
LOL. More people should start demanding a change of seats when someone obese sits next to them and invades their space with their fat rolls.

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

So what's the verdict on the black boyfriend? Is she bearding for him, or does she pass and ace his boner test?


Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Roosh posted that pictures of her pre-whale, but what she ever actually skinny? Anyone have a pic?

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

The "best" picture Roosh posted was one showing normal legs and a huge ass upper body, she must be the one I found on OKC with only a leg shot [Image: biggrin.gif]


Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Quote: (01-03-2014 11:34 AM)soup Wrote:  

Roosh posted that pictures of her pre-whale, but what she ever actually skinny? Anyone have a pic?

This is a picture from her Twitter.

"Oh, it's just me having a great time in the '90s."
[Image: BGopmjOCAAAFcxn.jpg]

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Quote: (01-01-2014 12:04 PM)Sailor Wrote:  

She is not the only one,just found this amusing piece

A Delta flight attendant apologized for the “inconvenience” of sitting next to me and moved a man to first class ([Image: youtheman.gif] ) . A man sitting next to me on a flight from Denver to Portland was given several free drinks for “being a good Samaritan” and presumably not asking to move to a different seat.

LOL, I went on there and added a couple of logical thoughts. Hopefully, they implode. Logic just hurts their brains.

Edit: Just learned you can upvote your own comment LOL!

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Would she be hot if she was skinny? I can't figure it out.

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Quote: (01-03-2014 11:55 AM)Gauß Wrote:  

Quote: (01-03-2014 11:34 AM)soup Wrote:  

Roosh posted that pictures of her pre-whale, but what she ever actually skinny? Anyone have a pic?

This is a picture from her Twitter.

"Oh, it's just me having a great time in the '90s."
[Image: BGopmjOCAAAFcxn.jpg]

9/10, would provide with dietary advice.

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