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Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

It's true that some fat people have issues with their thyroid or they're on medication that destroys their metabolism and there's not much they can do to lose weight. But 95 percent of the time the fat person is that way because of poor diet and lack of exercise.

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Quote: (12-26-2013 11:30 AM)DetlefMourning Wrote:  

It's true that some fat people have issues with their thyroid or they're on medication that destroys their metabolism and there's not much they can do to lose weight. But 95 percent of the time the fat person is that way because of poor diet and lack of exercise.

Or not.


Decreased thyroid function, or hypothyroidism, is commonly associated with weight gain. But contrary to popular belief, effective treatment with levothyroxine (LT4) to restore normal thyroid hormone levels is not associated with clinically significant weight loss in most people. The study that led to this surprising finding will be presented by researchers from Boston University Medical Center at the 83rd Annual Meeting of the American Thyroid Association, October 16-20, 2013, in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

The effect that hormonal imbalance has on obesity is vastly overstated (by fat people). Yes, fat people have fucked up hormones - because they're fat. It's still calories in - calories out.

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

I think Lindy has a genetic presdisposition for Twinkie hunting. Maybe she her ancestors wee hunting twinkles in the forests of Europe for thousands of years.

Maybe if we send her enough junk food, she'll have a heart attack and die, or her fingers will explode. Then she won't be able to blog.

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Fuck that Thyroid shit........ It drives me up the wall. I know people who say they have a thyroid problem, and some that legitimately do. I also see these same fat fucks eating McDonalds Big macs, large fries, and about a gallon of fucking Pepsi. An then they talk about their thyroid and how they wish they could lose fucking weight. Between this and fat bitches posting shit about real women having fucking curves and big is beautiful, I have a legitimate hatred for fat people. Three of my best friends are fat, they get a pass cause I like them and they dont try and tell me how women love curvy fat guys. Other then that when I see a fattie drinking a big ass soda or scarfing down fast food I get a genuine feeling of hate. Its not right for me to be like that, but I can't help it. They might be fabulous nice caring people... I know nice caring fat people. I just get this feeling of "you fucking waste of a human, your fat your gonna be unhealthy and miserable and in and out of the hospital when you get older , why cant you get it together and eat a little better and do a little exercise" Its not a healthy way for me to think or feel but it is what it is.
Went to Walmart for some last minute Christmas shopping a few days ago and by the time I was checking out I was done... I was trying to think of a country I can go with no fatties... Other then Asia I dont think there's many countries like that left. Sure there are prally a decent amount of countries that are no where near as fat as America, but even on places this site I am hearing about fatties popping up in a lot of other countries.

I think I may have a case of Fatophobia

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Lindy West has become too fat to fly


Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Nice Comment:
It's jaw-dropping that someone who spends time insisting the stereotype of her generation as acting "entitled" is just dead wrong would act this... well... entitled.

You came on late. You brushed up against this guy without the common courtesy of saying sorry. He muttered something about it. And then, it was game on for you.
The man NEVER said a word about your weight. But you're so upset by it, you just assume that there couldn't possibly be another reason of why he'd call you out for being late and invading his space.
I seriously hope someday you take off your crown of thorns and understand that you— as a white, heterosexual, educated, product of a middle class up-bringing human— are about one rung below the white heterosexual male. You have this insatiable need to attempt to join this club of the oppressed— I'm guessing because the privlege you are afforded as the white, heterosexual, educated, middle class person embarrasses you around your black/gay/poor friends. You know— the people who actually suffer serious, real repercussions from their race/sexuality/class.
So let's get this out in the open: Being fat is not, in fact, like being any of these other things. The very real prejudice that some people in our society have for fat people is in absolutely no way— and I can't make this point clear enough— anywhere in the same ballpark as racism, homophobia or classism. Have you ever outright said that it is? I'm not sure, to be honest. But I've read enough of your stuff to know that you certainly are implying it and putting yourself out there as a kind of crusader and victim of society. On a good day it's funny; on a bad day it's pathetic and insulting to those who are facing some real adversity due to race/sexuality/class.
Back to the article: You were late. You were rude by not saying excuse me. This man did nothing but point that out. And you're white, privileged, educated-ass decided that you were a victim here and with absolutely no prompting or proof cried FAT SHAMING.
You come across as a petulant child. What you dealt with in this piece is nothing worse than things that happen to 99% of people on a daily basis. How in God's name do you even keep your organs in with skin this thin? If you've ever ridden public transportation, I'm amazed it didn't inspire a 5 volume set about the cruelty of existence.
I can only comment on the things you write, but those pieces have shown their author to be someone obsessed with her own victimhood, an entitled person who wouldn't survive emotionally for one second in the places most people grew up. I now understand why you're so obsessed with the white hetero male— it's because he's the only person on the planet who actually has it better than you. Look below you on the ladder, see how many people don't have the advantages you have had and stop with this ceaseless victimhood.

Lindy West has become too fat to fly


This is why I want her to keep blogging. The more she talks, the clearer a picture her readers have of what a pathetic loser she is, and will resolve not to be her. I bet a few Jezebellers thought twice about Christmas desert after reading her post.

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

[Image: 0114lindywest.jpg?1387826486]

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Quote: (12-26-2013 04:36 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

[Image: 0114lindywest.jpg?1387826486]

Would light.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSvNkEQ1c6tOOzGw-1TFkX...MV4zZYQo1Q]
Quote: (12-26-2013 04:36 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

[Image: 0114lindywest.jpg?1387826486]
Fapping to the thought of burning this heffer alive.... not fapping to her sexy "real woman have curves" body

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

^^^8/10 WB (would blaze)

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Quote: (12-26-2013 10:41 AM)Roosh Wrote:  


I highly doubt Lindy West has a million dollars in the bank, she'd be flying first class everywhere, until she got even fatter and was unable to fit into one of those seats.

Her only employment seems to be Jezebel. I doubt she makes over $60k.

Unfortunately not. She's written several articles for the left wing (If you think some of the rags in the U.S are left wing, you ain't seen nothin'!) Guardian newspaper. Surprisingly, they aren't as bad as you'd think. She did one about superheroes that didn't make me want to be sick.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Quote: (12-26-2013 04:38 PM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

Quote: (12-26-2013 04:36 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

[Image: 0114lindywest.jpg?1387826486]

Would light.

i haven't laughed that hard in a while.

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

We should put together an information packet for college girls and hand them out on campus.

Have pictures of Lindy West and the article about her ass not fitting into the seat. Links to that video of that girl weaving a scarf from her vagina. Some of the articles by that nut job who wrote Prozac Nation. Some bitter articles by Maureen Dowd lamenting men for not liking strong independent women and leaving her a spinster.

Tell these young ladies what they are learning in class probably sounds great in theory. But this is the outcome of that ideology. Is this what you want to become in your 30s and 40s and 50s?

When your elders on campus tell you a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle, are you prepared for the bitter road that leads to?

Take care of those titties for me.

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Quote: (12-26-2013 04:36 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

[Image: 0114lindywest.jpg?1387826486]

Now we're cookin with grease!

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Looks like a hog roast to me.

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Quote: (12-26-2013 04:36 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

[Image: 0114lindywest.jpg?1387826486]

She's flattering herself by thinking she's enough of a special snowflake for people to suspect her social-awkwardness is due to witchcraft, and not just from being a standard-issue, overweight, snarky feminist.

She a consort of a danish, not the devil.

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

7 am

[Image: 0114lindywest.jpg?1387826486]

7 pm
[Image: pig-roast.jpg]

Take care of those titties for me.

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

You guys don't get her. She's the god of food and gluttony. That's why she posed in that spit roast. She wants to consume and be some kind Venus of willendorf. They should give her a special throne in every airplane.

There are probably enough nutrients in her excrement to frmertilizecsn entire farm; enough chemicals to act as pesticides on the crops.

Lindy is a walking sacred cow of feminism.

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

[Image: attachment.jpg16155]   

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

What I find amazing is that this is Lindy West's side of the story. This is from her point of view, and she still comes across as an absolute cunt.

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Quote: (12-26-2013 11:28 PM)DetlefMourning Wrote:  

What I find amazing is that this is Lindy West's side of the story. This is from her point of view, and she still comes across as an absolute cunt.


I'm sure the guy wanted to give her a cunt punt.

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Quote: (12-26-2013 11:33 PM)Hotwheels Wrote:  

Quote: (12-26-2013 11:28 PM)DetlefMourning Wrote:  

What I find amazing is that this is Lindy West's side of the story. This is from her point of view, and she still comes across as an absolute cunt.


I'm sure the guy wanted to give her a cunt punt.

It just goes to show how delusional, stupid and entitled she is that she could write this tripe and think people would sympathize with her point of view. She's getting plenty of pushback in the Jezebel comments section of all places. I've lost my temper from time to time in traffic or in some sort of queueing situation, but I would never write a solipsistic blog post expecting people to pat me on the back for losing my temper and patience.

The guy did not say a single word about her weight, he just muttered under his breath. If that had been me, I would have just ignored him and then gotten a flight attendant if he had continued to chirp away at me. What a stupid cunt.

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Quote: (12-24-2013 07:49 PM)assman Wrote:  

Quote: (12-24-2013 07:28 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

An enabler of her behavior is her boyfriend:

[Image: List_Aham_Dylan-Priest_600.jpg]
I wonder if this is the same guy she describes in one of her Jizzabel pieces as her fiance - she describes him as being more hardline feminist than she is.

So I'm not sure he's gay - seems to me that gay guys don't care enough about women to become hardcore feminists.

I know there are some brothers out there that like fat white chicks, but how can you go from the blonde in the picture Roosh posted to Lindy West? I think he's gay and she's bearding for him.

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Taken from his website:

In his about section:


Here are some FACTS that you absolutely need to know about the musician, composer, comic, and writer Ahamefule J. Oluo:

Ahamefule J. Oluo was born in Texas in 1982. After 30 days, the infant Oluo convinced the rest of his family that Texas was dumb so they moved to Seattle.

Ahamefule J. Oluo attended the prestigious Cornish College of the Arts. After one year, he decided to not do that anymore.

Ahamefule J. Oluo has two children that he loves and two ex-wives that he hates.

Ahamefule J. Oluo tells jokes on stages. Sometimes people laugh. Most of the time, they do not.

Ahamefule J. Oluo just made some delicious scones that he is eating while he is writing this.

Ahamefule J. Oluo was on NPR’s The Moth Radio Hour for literally one minute.

[Image: RickyMartinBeachGay.jpg]

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



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