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Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 03:35 PM)basilransom Wrote:  

Quote: (10-13-2012 03:31 PM)Timoteo Wrote:  

The deciding factor to me in the McDonald's ass whipping was that when a customer jumps the counter, that signals a serious threat to the employees. You could say he went too far, but once that barrier gets crossed, you get what you get.

Yes, my instinct was that he went too far. Still, I haven't studied it enough to make any definitive conclusion.

I think that employee was obviously both afraid AND angry. Adrenaline started pumping, and once he started wailing, he just got more angry. Then predator became prey! At that point, that bitch was probably thinking, "OH SHIT, I FUCKED WITH THE WRONG MOTHERFUCKER."

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 03:38 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (10-13-2012 03:31 PM)Timoteo Wrote:  

The deciding factor to me in the McDonald's ass whipping was that when a customer jumps the counter, that signals a serious threat to the employees. You could say he went too far, but once that barrier gets crossed, you get what you get.

Plus, these gangsta b!tchez these days are carrying strapz just like the men. So you never know when one of these studs will light a man up while he is trying to play knight.

That was NYC (regarding the Mcdonalds incident) and some of those pigeons there are rough as fcuk.

He would sit there like a duck and she would put the shiv in his gut or let her girlfriend fire the cannon into his skull. He did a 10 year bid and he acted as he would on lockdown..instincts that enabled him to survive.

A threat is a threat. You have female assassins too.

That's the West 4th Street McDonalds. I've been to it more than once. In the wee hours, it draws an interesting crowd. One night I was in there a guy came in wanting to use the bathroom, but didn't want to buy anything, so the manager said no. He threatened all kinds of mayhem if the manager didn't relent. Shit starts over almost anything at that time of the night.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 04:11 PM)Timoteo Wrote:  

That's the West 4th Street McDonalds. I've been to it more than once. In the wee hours, it draws an interesting crowd. One night I was in there a guy came in wanting to use the bathroom, but didn't want to buy anything, so the manager said no. He threatened all kinds of mayhem if the manager didn't relent. Shit starts over almost anything at that time of the night.

Isn't that the one in the village? I went there to use the restroom too. It was teeming with gay teens, I couldn't believe was a culture shock.
My first time in NYC and I saw dudes swagged up like Kanye West cuddling in the front, I was flabbergasted.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-12-2012 10:36 PM)captaingeneric Wrote:  

Love this one... The build-up.. The climax... And the post-match commentary. [Image: banana.gif]

[Image: popcorn2.gif]

This one is actually a little sad. I wish I knew exactly what prompted her to run around like a headless chicken, swinging on dudes. I recall her saying at some point that someone hit her in the face, but I'm not sure if it was unprovoked, or a result of her swinging on them. To be fair, her behavior was in part fueled by the spectators teasing and laughing at her, and filming her (I keep hearing someone repping WorldStar Hip Hop at some point, like they were out there scouting for some shit to put on the site...HA HA!). This should have prompted her to take her ass home, but NO. Again, she goes after a dude that's actually walking away, and not paying her any mind. As fate would have it, he's the one that had the short fuse and put a quick end to her evening out. Then it gets worse, because the spectators move in to continue with the ridicule by tossing CDs on her, taking pictures and laughing. It's cool how someone was considerate enough to place her purse next to her (I'm shocked that they didn't rifle through it first and steal all her shit). It's also baffling how no one steps in before the worst happens. Someone should have grabbed her long before that and led her away, but it just keeps building until she ends up taking a nap. I heard one dude at the end say, "It's sad to see, but you asked for it."

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 04:24 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (10-13-2012 04:11 PM)Timoteo Wrote:  

That's the West 4th Street McDonalds. I've been to it more than once. In the wee hours, it draws an interesting crowd. One night I was in there a guy came in wanting to use the bathroom, but didn't want to buy anything, so the manager said no. He threatened all kinds of mayhem if the manager didn't relent. Shit starts over almost anything at that time of the night.

Isn't that the one in the village? I went there to use the restroom too. It was teeming with gay teens, I couldn't believe was a culture shock.
My first time in NYC and I saw dudes swagged up like Kanye West cuddling in the front, I was flabbergasted.

Yep, that's the one. You get the gay kids, and every other demographic you can imagine there at the end of the night trying get a little something in their stomach before heading home. But it is the village, so the gay demographic is well represented...HA HA!

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 10:44 AM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

In the other video we see him arguing and bickering with this girl for a long time (and is probably enjoying it too a bit since people on the bus cheer him on).

I don't think he enjoyed being harassed at his job (which, as others have pointed out, is already not a cakewalk). People cheered because he was doing the right thing.


AT ANY POINT he could have stopped the bus out of safety reasons and asked her leave or made some half decent effort to get her of the bus or even have the police remove her of the bus. He CHOOSE not to do this and kept on driving KNOWING that she was a raging ghetto ho and she could have attacked him

Assuming that this hoodrat (who escalated into physical violence without any provocation, remember) would have safely been removed from the bus without some sort of physical confrontation (similar to what we've seen).

Tell me, Neil, how much experience do you have with women of this kind? I'm talking about the typical American ghetto hoodrat (plus alcohol). What do you know about them and proper conduct with them?

Right now, I'm convinced you know absolutely nothing.


and thus HE is the one endangering the safety of the passengers. He is the one responsible for it.

Its his fault...and not the fault of the hood rat who initiated physical and verbal abuse?


In the first video we can not clearly see what see does but then he pulls the bus over,meaning he has to look for a spot first, he stands up and walks up to her while she is in a submissive,non threatening position and hits her as hard as he can with intent to hurt her as much as possible. In my opinion this is totally uncalled for and the guy got what he deserved being a loose cannon. As a licensed driver he should have known better.

You missed the part where she a) punched him (following a litany of verbal abuse), b) attempted to choke him and c) spit in his face.
It was clear to everyone in the vehicle at that point that she was not a submissive, non-threatening individual. That you insist her assuming a distant position for a few seconds justifies her remaining immune to any physical consequence for her violent actions seconds earlier tells me you aren't even trying to think rationally about this.

You're seeing what you want to see, and it is strange that what you want to see is so inherently hostile and unfair to the man in question.


My problem with the reactions here is that after the first video was posted and no other videos or info was known, people already cheered and liked the fact that a woman (although annoying and loudmouthed) got knocked of her feet by a abnormal punch. This clearly means that there are people here enjoying the fact that women are getting beat up.

This entire conclusion is based on the faulty premises I outlined above.

We enjoy the fact that she got treated the way she did because of her violent actions beforehand, which we are convinced warranted such a consequence. Applause of this particular incident does not indicate a general pleasure for women-bashing. You are applying a sufficient condition where there is none.

Quote: (10-13-2012 11:11 AM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

I'm also not arguing the fact that some crazy ass girls can be threatening and even violent but in most cases a firm push or slap is sufficient. You don't have to knock the girl out.

They're clearly not sufficient in an engagement with a hoodrat who has already escalated well beyond pushing and slapping.
Or did you forget about the punch and the choke she delivered (plus the spit in the face)?


This guy is not a fucking psycho but a hero for punching a non physically threatening girl in the face?.

This girl had already punched him (while he was driving-and you say he is the danger to the passengers, lol), attempted to choke him and spit in his face. This is also not a young male in his physical prime-we're talking about a 60 year old guy (old enough to retire in most developed nations). She had no problem picking a fight with a man who is quite nearly a senior citizen.

And you call her "non-threatening"?

Clearly we have not seen the same videos.


Where does the line start being an abusive cunt? One small remark, two three? A girl shouting at you? A girl being very in your face, maybe even push you a bit?

I think that after said female has physically assaulted someone (punching, choking, spitting) while simultaneously endangering the safety of dozens of other people, we can call her an abusive cunt.

That you refuse to do so even after all this is telling.


There was this fat American girl in South Korea who really drove me up the wall but did I punch her in the face? No, I controlled myself and trust me it took some willpower.

Wait, let me guess the next part: she spit in your face, attempted to choke you, and punched you while you were trying to do your job (which requires you to take responsibility for the safety of dozens of other people at any given time), right?

Gosh, and you still controlled yourself?

Wow, you must be something!


And yes, I would bang.

All yours.

Quote: (10-13-2012 01:25 PM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

Look, i"m not debating that this girl is one mean though anti-social bitch and I have to give her credit for taking a punch like that and still willing to mess with this guy. But that's not he issue at hand. Nor is it the issue that women think they are entitled to bully guys around.

...those issues are both at hand.

That entitlement and the continued fueling of that entitlement by men with attitudes like yours is directly at issue here.
The issues we have with women in this society stem directly from the unwillingness of so many men to mete out prper consequences to women for any of their actions, no matter how egregious.
In this case, you're arguing for the protection of a woman who blantly physically and verbally assaulted a public worker and put into danger the safety of dozens of people in the process.
And here we wonder why women behave in the way they do-they know they'll get men to stand up for them, no matter how badly they behave.


You can't deny the fact that it was not written at her forehead that she survived gun shots and stabbings. Unless he personally knows her, he has no way of knowing this.

Neil proving again he knows not of what he speaks.

If you had any experience with these kinds of women (don't worry, I know you don't), you would know how to determine her amenability to violence and her likely prior engagement in it. Hoodrats are not hard to read when you get used to seeing them, and neither are their male counterparts. Language, posture, and facial features (in this case, the scar on her face) can tell you plenty.

That you do not know this indicates that you shouldn't even bother forming the conclusions you are forming. You don't know enough to do so, and you're too clearly invested in proving one (inaccurate) interpretation of the situation.


Point is that she was not physically attacking this guy and at the moment her knocked her one there was no fight going on nor was she physically threatening him.

...even though just seconds earlier she had punched him, that action itself having followed attempts to choke him and spit in his face?

This is your argument?

[Image: tumblr_m5h2zgURvt1r3zat8.gif]


This makes it disproportional in my view.

...because, after punching him, she pulled back for a couple of seconds expecting absolutely no response at all?
So you're basically saying that, when a hoodrat engages in a long episode of physical/verbal assault at your expense, all she needs to do is step back for a second and (even seconds after her last violent act) she should be protected thereafter (any reaction is "disproportional")?

[Image: tumblr_lzo9xbNhAC1r3zat8.gif]

I can't believe I'm reading this crap.


What i'm concerned about it that the first video only shows a girl shouting at a bus driver and the guy stands up and uppercuts her brutally. Next up is several guys her liking and cheering this situation.

Apparently you're the only one who didn't see her attack him, and you also lack the ability to recognize and deal with hoodrats (who we, unlike yourself, all know are dangerous).


The way I see it is this.
- Ghetto ho shouts and verbally threatens a bus driver on short video
- Guy stops the bus and uses excessive force to shut her up.
- posters here like and cheer this action and start showing other videos of girl getting beat up.

I'm asking where is the line? Next time a girl says to the driver that he doesn't know how to drive and he knocks her out. is that ok?

Are you just intentionally ignoring the physical abuse she doled out here prior to any physical reaction from the driver?
I find it difficult to believe that you are this blind to reality. Perhaps you should watch the video again and read the reports more closely.


Is it now not wanted that a girl talks back to a man? Should all women be submissive little beings who completely bent to the will of the man?

...I'm not even going to dignify this with a response.

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 04:34 PM)Timoteo Wrote:  

This one is actually a little sad. I wish I knew exactly what prompted her to run around like a headless chicken, swinging on dudes. I recall her saying at some point that someone hit her in the face, but I'm not sure if it was unprovoked, or a result of her swinging on them. To be fair, her behavior was in part fueled by the spectators teasing and laughing at her, and filming her (I keep hearing someone repping WorldStar Hip Hop at some point, like they were out there scouting for some shit to put on the site...HA HA!). This should have prompted her to take her ass home, but NO. Again, she goes after a dude that's actually walking away, and not paying her any mind. As fate would have it, he's the one that had the short fuse and put a quick end to her evening out. Then it gets worse, because the spectators move in to continue with the ridicule by tossing CDs on her, taking pictures and laughing. It's cool how someone was considerate enough to place her purse next to her (I'm shocked that they didn't rifle through it first and steal all her shit). It's also baffling how no one steps in before the worst happens. Someone should have grabbed her long before that and led her away, but it just keeps building until she ends up taking a nap. I heard one dude at the end say, "It's sad to see, but you asked for it."

That's South Beach. I've been out a few times there and the type of people I see there are very different from other joints. Miami creates a different type of animal.

I saw Tony Allen one night at this club called's the same night I spoke of the amount of drunk lizards who were literally being carried by their friends..they got licked off of the bottle service and were totally blotto.
This night I saw one woman with her ass all out struggling and swinging on a man. He didn't retaliate..but I can see exactly why some cats have enough.

So again, I can see things from a Euro and an American perspective. Shyt is sometimes like a zoo out hurr..



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 04:55 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (10-13-2012 04:34 PM)Timoteo Wrote:  

This one is actually a little sad. I wish I knew exactly what prompted her to run around like a headless chicken, swinging on dudes. I recall her saying at some point that someone hit her in the face, but I'm not sure if it was unprovoked, or a result of her swinging on them. To be fair, her behavior was in part fueled by the spectators teasing and laughing at her, and filming her (I keep hearing someone repping WorldStar Hip Hop at some point, like they were out there scouting for some shit to put on the site...HA HA!). This should have prompted her to take her ass home, but NO. Again, she goes after a dude that's actually walking away, and not paying her any mind. As fate would have it, he's the one that had the short fuse and put a quick end to her evening out. Then it gets worse, because the spectators move in to continue with the ridicule by tossing CDs on her, taking pictures and laughing. It's cool how someone was considerate enough to place her purse next to her (I'm shocked that they didn't rifle through it first and steal all her shit). It's also baffling how no one steps in before the worst happens. Someone should have grabbed her long before that and led her away, but it just keeps building until she ends up taking a nap. I heard one dude at the end say, "It's sad to see, but you asked for it."

That's South Beach. I've been out a few times there and the type of people I see there are very different from other joints. Miami creates a different type of animal.

I saw Tony Allen one night at this club called's the same night I spoke of the amount of drunk lizards who were literally being carried by their friends..they got licked off of the bottle service and were totally blotto.
This night I saw one woman with her ass all out struggling and swinging on a man. He didn't retaliate..but I can see exactly why some cats have enough.

So again, I can see things from a Euro and an American perspective. Shyt is sometimes like a zoo out hurr..

I'm curious as to how long she layed there until someone scooped her up and either took her home, or to the emergency room! She was actually a bangable chick - though the video was kind of dark, she looked pretty, and was tall and slim with a super-short dress.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut


"Feminism is a trade union for ugly women"- Peregrine

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 01:18 PM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

Quote: (10-12-2012 07:15 PM)Timoteo Wrote:  

Quote: (10-12-2012 07:04 PM)Bacchus Wrote:  

Best punch since
[Image: Pgtkt.gif]

Again, I'm impressed by the amount of power generated on such a short punch. He doesn't telegraph the shot by drawing his hand all the way back and throwing a haymaker. He slightly rotates his torso and POW. DOWN GOES SNOOKIE...DOWN GOES SNOOKIE.

Quote: (10-12-2012 07:19 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (10-12-2012 07:15 PM)Timoteo Wrote:  

Quote: (10-12-2012 07:04 PM)Bacchus Wrote:  

Best punch since
[Image: Pgtkt.gif]

Again, I'm impressed by the amount of power generated on such a short punch. He doesn't telegraph the shot by drawing his hand all the way back and throwing a haymaker. He slightly rotates his torso and POW. DOWN GOES SNOOKIE...DOWN GOES SNOOKIE.

On some Bruce Lee shyt (six inch punch)

Quote: (10-12-2012 08:00 PM)MVolt Wrote:  

Quote: (10-12-2012 07:04 PM)Bacchus Wrote:  

Best punch since
[Image: Pgtkt.gif]

He even gets a 2-for-1. Grazes the guy next to him.

Quote: (10-12-2012 10:05 PM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-12-2012 08:00 PM)MVolt Wrote:  

Quote: (10-12-2012 07:04 PM)Bacchus Wrote:  

Best punch since
[Image: Pgtkt.gif]

He even gets a 2-for-1. Grazes the guy next to him.

Is anyone else just watching this on repeat and enjoying it way too much?

Quote: (10-12-2012 11:59 PM)Pacesetter20 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-12-2012 07:04 PM)Bacchus Wrote:  

Best punch since
[Image: Pgtkt.gif]

I know this guy. Good shit.

A girl gets punched flush in the face by a big dude in a bar and people on here say "good shit" or "I'm enjoying this way too much". That proves my point that people are getting off on women getting belted by fellas and are just using the excuse of "I'm not enjoying the punch but the fact that she was put in her place for attacking a man". Where was this guy who belted Snookie ( I have no idea who the fcuk Snookie is ) being attacked? Was he protecting his friend's? Was he in fear of his life?

The thread started out with a video of a loudmouth bitch getting a smack after hitting a bus driver but as I pointed out earlier it has now become an excuse for people to upload and laugh at women being randomly smacked in the face. I find that a little distasteful to say the least. I just think we are above that. If that makes me a liberal white knighting European in the eyes of RVF members then so be it.

The Snooki vid is totally different. The guy is not defending shit. He doesn't have the game to deal with that little bitch, so he rapes her face with his fist.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 05:29 PM)soup Wrote:  

The Snooki vid is totally different. The guy is not defending shit. He doesn't have the game to deal with that little bitch, so he rapes her face with his fist.

Anyone who commends this guy is a tool.

This is the same guy who'd deck you for talking to "his" girl. And "his" girl can be the one that rejected him twenty minutes ago. Do you really want a world full of these douchebags? You want more of this?

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 05:55 PM)basilransom Wrote:  

Quote: (10-13-2012 05:29 PM)soup Wrote:  

The Snooki vid is totally different. The guy is not defending shit. He doesn't have the game to deal with that little bitch, so he rapes her face with his fist.

Anyone who commends this guy is a tool.

This is the same guy who'd deck you for talking to "his" girl. And "his" girl can be the one that rejected him twenty minutes ago. Do you really want a world full of these douchebags? You want more of this?


Supporting the bus driver does not equate to supporting a tool like that. These are entirely different situations.

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Does anyone have the full video that was originally posted? All the news websites only seem to show 1 minute of it.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Here are some more information on the bus incident:

As reported by The Smoking Gun:

When cops responded to the stopped bus around 4 PM, Hughes and three passengers described Lane as the incident's aggressor. Hughes told cops that Lane initially boarded the bus without paying, claiming, "I left my bookbag."

Hughes said that after Lane, a restaurant employee, eventually paid her fare, she told him, "You a Bitch and Your Momma's a Bitch Too!" She also reportedly stated, "Keep talking about me and I will spit on you!"

In a written statement, Hughes recalled that Lane "grabbed me in the throat and spit on me in the face." In response, the driver said he stopped the bus, "and I protected myself." The Hughes statement does not reveal that he hit Lane squarely in the jaw with a bolo punch that knocked her to the ground.

One witness told cops that a "drunk" Lane "got on the bus flipping out" and "started talking crazy" to Hughes. After spitting on Hughes, the witness wrote in a statement, the driver "did what he had to do."

A second witness wrote that Lane was "loud and obnoxious" from the start, and spit on Hughes and "started hitting him." The witness added, "That's when he hit her back." A third witness described Lane as "drunk" and reported that "she hit him and he jumped out of his seat and started fighting her."

When first interviewed by cops, Hughes said he was willing to prosecute Lane. But a week after the incident, he called a police detective to report that he "did not wish to pursue prosecution of the female suspect." He subsequently signed a "Refuse to Prosecute Form."

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Tariq Nasheed talks about another young hoodrat gettin' "Two-Pieced" at a McDonald's in Cali for talking shit to a grown man. He breaks it down nicely...

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

It's clear to me that the few white knights on this board have absolutely no experience whatsoever dealing with the kind of ratchet in the video that spawned this thread. It's easy to sit back and talk how about how using force in this situation is a bad idea when you're comfortably ensconed in Europe or other places where the "women"---a term I have no choice but to use loosely these days---have not completely lost their goddamn minds. Spend a few weeks in an urban matriarchy dealing with a few of these hard-boiled bitches and then come back to the forum. Until then, STFU.

And for the record, the hit on Snooki was completely uncalled for--the guy is definitely in the wrong and likely committed a fairly serious crime. But was it funny? HELL YES. Not saying she deserved to get rocked like that, but she was probably asking for it.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

What happened on that bus, and what I've seen with my own eyes while riding the bus in an urban area, remind me of this:


Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 08:03 PM)dragnet Wrote:  

It's easy to sit back and talk how about how using force in this situation is a bad idea when you're comfortably ensconed in Europe or other places where the "women"---a term I have no choice but to use loosely these days---have not completely lost their goddamn minds. Spend a few weeks in an urban matriarchy dealing with a few of these hard-boiled bitches and then come back to the forum. Until then, STFU.

Out-of-touch European:

[Image: attachment.jpg8183]   

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 08:03 PM)dragnet Wrote:  

It's clear to me that the few white knights on this board have absolutely no experience whatsoever dealing with the kind of ratchet in the video that spawned this thread. It's easy to sit back and talk how about how using force in this situation is a bad idea when you're comfortably ensconed in Europe or other places where the "women"---a term I have no choice but to use loosely these days---have not completely lost their goddamn minds. Spend a few weeks in an urban matriarchy dealing with a few of these hard-boiled bitches and then come back to the forum. Until then, STFU.

And for the record, the hit on Snooki was completely uncalled for--the guy is definitely in the wrong and likely committed a fairly serious crime. But was it funny? HELL YES. Not saying she deserved to get rocked like that, but she was probably asking for it.
I'm not sure if I'd call the Europeans here white knights. I think they just don't have girls wanting to splash drinks in their faces all night for no reason other than looking cool in front of their friends and thinking there's nothing you can do about it. Bus driver viral video is a win for us.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Yeah, you always see Europeans on the board questioning us about our disgust and anger towards American girls. This ain't no game [Image: lol.gif] it's everyday life for us on the minefield.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 06:14 PM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

Quote: (10-13-2012 05:55 PM)basilransom Wrote:  

Quote: (10-13-2012 05:29 PM)soup Wrote:  

The Snooki vid is totally different. The guy is not defending shit. He doesn't have the game to deal with that little bitch, so he rapes her face with his fist.

Anyone who commends this guy is a tool.

This is the same guy who'd deck you for talking to "his" girl. And "his" girl can be the one that rejected him twenty minutes ago. Do you really want a world full of these douchebags? You want more of this?


Supporting the bus driver does not equate to supporting a tool like that. These are entirely different situations.

Yet , you seem to mix up my comment on the busdriver and the snooki video.

And one other thing doesn't seem to compute with you is the fact that in the first video there is NO visual confirmation of punching,choking or spitting. None. She does something but it is not visible on the vid. We see the guy stand up and knock her out.
After this posters liked and cheer this video, some saying the are exited by it, getting a half stiffy or wish that they could punch a bitch like this. This was what I replied too in my first reaction.

And then LATER, i repeat LATER information on spitting,punching and choking comes up, and later the information about the hoods rats life comes up. LATER another video from another angle shows up. All after the comments,likes,gloryfing went down.

I'm glad I don't have any experience with hood rats like her, personally I think they are a waste of oxygen.
That's doesn't mean that i live in paradise and there are lots of anti-social people in Holland too.

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

"I'm glad I don't have any experience with hood rats like her, personally I think they are a waste of oxygen"

You may need oxygen. Those girls are great in bed. I chase from time to time

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

To others having such a hard life in the states with local girls. Cry me a river!

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Neil, look carefully at the full vid. She struck him and this is what took him over the edge.

The snookie seemed out of hand and so did the one where the guy gave the drunk lizard a punch..that was unneeded.

But these gangsta b!tchez? Neil, you saw how she took a full punch from a man and jumped back to her feet still cussing and yelling. Did you know hear him comment on her knife facial scar after she cussed his mama?
If she can take a punch like that (70 percent of the men on this forum would be dazed from that), imagine how painful her choke hold and slap was to the poor OAP (Old Age Pensioner).



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 09:10 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

"I'm glad I don't have any experience with hood rats like her, personally I think they are a waste of oxygen"

You may need oxygen. Those girls are great in bed. I chase from time to time
They just don't know.

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