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Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-12-2012 05:31 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Quote: (10-12-2012 05:27 PM)662LetGo Wrote:  

Her FB:

25 y/o single mother.. (Who would've thought?)

I'd hit

Man, you're sick.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-12-2012 11:17 PM)houston Wrote:  

Give me some of that popcorn basil [Image: popcorn2.gif]

Look at the look on that bitch's face. She is not expecting to get hit. Classic double standards, 'I can hit you but you can't hit me because I'm a woman.'

Fat bitch.

As our friend the bus driver said: 'You act like a man I'm gonna treat you like a man!'

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 05:10 AM)dk902 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-12-2012 11:17 PM)houston Wrote:  

Give me some of that popcorn basil [Image: popcorn2.gif]

Look at the look on that bitch's face. She is not expecting to get hit. Classic double standards, 'I can hit you but you can't hit me because I'm a woman.'

Fat bitch.

As our friend the bus driver said: 'You act like a man I'm gonna treat you like a man!'

What a complete moron. Who asks to get hit just so he can punch someone back? Look at the way he tried to justify himself afterwards. He's the bitch. She's just drunk and stupid.

A year from now you'll wish you started today

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

It really looks like he was baiting her so he could be *justified* in hitting her, I think that crosses the line. In all the other scenarios posted the woman is out of control and the man has been boxed into a corner, where hitting her is the only response left to end it.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Based all the reactions I just read in this thread, all the likes given and the glorifying of the use of excessive force against women (no matter how offensive or loudmouth they are) all I can say is that I don't like where this is going.

I'm quite disappointed in quite a few posters who I thought were intelligent guys with a good sense of just and who I thought would have more sense of what is normal in this society. This Jerry Springer show level of cheering on brutal force against women and some even getting physically excited by it is not normal behavior and comes dangerously close to straight up women hate. Are some of you still so butt hurt about being bad with girls in the past (which is your own fault btw) that you reside to women hate?

What i think about the first video:
The driver could have pulled the bus over and tried to push her of the bus. If she had hit him then and he slapped her one it would have been more understandable and I would be OK with a bitch slap. But this is not what happened. He stood up and give the hardest and meanest punch he could come up with intending to seriously harm her. And yes, I have read what a dumb wannabee gangsta this girl is but that was not known in the first pages of this thread. Unless she was seriously threatening his life this was totally uncalled for.
Would you be ok with watching a video of a 30year old guy uppercutting a 13 year old kid like this because that's just about the difference in power there is.
Where does this bus driver draw the line between violence and non-violence? I would not be comfortable with the thought my mom would be on a bus driven by this loose cannon who can't control himself.

People here always hate on the female hamster but I see posters here rationalizing their own hatred of women.

I know this post is probably gonna give me lots of shit/ white knight-memes/warnings whatever and is probably not gonna make me popular here but for my own core thoughts on moral and life principles I have to take a stand here and say that i'm not OK with this.

If I stand alone in this then I would be highly dissapointed in lots of guys here.

If this is what having game/being Alpha or being part of the manoshere is about then I need to think about if I still want to be part of it.

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

dude, video's account removed from youtube, where can you another video post?

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

All these giffs and videos of women getting smacked out by men,they make me uncomfortable to say the least. Just how fucked over by women have some of you guys been to find that shit funny? I want to fuck women not smash my fist into their jaw bones.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

I think of it like this. There's almost always a better way to handle a woman than by laying her out with an uppercut. Even when women get physical with you, it's probably not very smart to just lay her out. It may feel satisfying for a minute, but it's going to create way more problems than it solves. Also, I'm opposed to punching someone just because she's in your face (like the Snooki punch).

All that being said, I don't feel any shame about watching shit like this and enjoying it a bit. Here's an example. I don't think that someone should get the death penalty for stealing an old lady's purse. If, however, some dude steals a purse, runs into the street and gets hit by a bus, I'm not shedding any tears for him.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 07:12 AM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

Based all the reactions I just read in this thread, all the likes given and the glorifying of the use of excessive force against women (no matter how offensive or loudmouth they are) all I can say is that I don't like where this is going.



I'm quite disappointed in quite a few posters who I thought were intelligent guys with a good sense of just and who I thought would have more sense of what is normal in this society.

I think we all understand what is "normal" in this society.
The physical and verbal abuse offered by this woman was not normal, nor was her intoxication and willingness to endanger and harm her fellow citizens (every other passenger on that bus).
We saw an abnormal response to an abnormal aggressor.


This Jerry Springer show level of cheering on brutal force against women is not normal behavior and comes dangerously close to straight up women hate. Are some of you still so butt hurt about being bad with girls in the past (which is your own fault btw) that you reside to women hate?

...did you seriously just try to use shaming language on us? What, because we think a particular woman who engaged in a particular set of actions that were particularly heinous got what she deserved, we hate ALL women now?
Because we think that a particular woman who was particularly physically abusive should not be shielded from physical consequences (but, rather, treated as an equal), we hate ALL women?
If we don't believe in maintaining special standards of conduct for women without any regard for their own conduct, we hate all women?

This is your argument?

Nobody here has any patience for this kind of empty shaming language-it isn't an argument. You need to do better than this, dude. Much better.


The driver could have pulled the bus over and tried to push her of the bus. If she had hit him then and he slapped her one it would have been more understandable and I would be OK with a bitch slap.

1. She had already spit on and attempted to choke him.
2. She had already hit him.
3. She was already intoxicated.
4. She was already endangering the safety of everyone else on that bus by distracting the driver and ignoring all safety regulations.

His response was directly commensurate with the severity of her actions.


And yes I have read what a dumb wannabee gangsta this girl is but that was not known in the first pages of this thread.

That was blatantly obvious to anyone who saw the video.


Unless she was seriously threatening his life this was totally uncalled for.

She was threatening the safety of everyone on that bus, and that is aside from the physical and verbal abuse. His response was commensurate to her actions.


Would you be ok with watching a video of a 30year old guy uppercutting a 13 year old kid like this because that's just about the difference in power there is.

This video involves two grown adults. I do not consider this a good analogy.


I know this post is probably gonna give me lots of shit/memes/warnings whatever and is probably not gonna make me popular here but for my own core thoughts on moral and life principles I have to take a stand here and say that i'm not OK with this.

And said shit will be fully earned-you exemplify a problem we have in this society.
That problem is one of inequality. The concept of separate standards of conduct for separate genders solely on the basis of their gender is as outdated as the concept of separate compensation tracks for female employees based solely on their sex.

If we are to continue to maintain this notion of gender equality, then we must also accept the existence of similar consequences for similar conduct between the sexes.
This woman decided she was going to engage in physical and verbal abuse of her fellow citizens while endangering the safety of many more. That is a severe offense that warrants a severe consequence, one commensurate with the harm she put forward. There should be no limitation of these consequences, lest they no longer be commensurate with the offense given.

This woman was certainly emboldened by the notion that, because of her gender, she was entitled to behave in such a manner with decreased (if not nonexistant) consequence. This is the kind of mentality that helps to cause incidents like this, and you evidence a point of view that is crucial to upholding this mentality. You cannot continue to incentivize negative behavior (i.e. minimizing consequence) and then proceed to get angry when said behavior occurs, as so many in this society do.

It is delusional, damaging to all, and inherently incongruent with equality. It will find little support here because it is not worthy of any support.


If I stand alone in this then I would be highly dissapointed in lots of guys here.

[Image: tumblr_m5vx9iu4h31r3zat8.gif]


If this what having game/being Alpha or being part of the manoshere is about then I need to think about if I want to be part of it.

Too bad you feel that way.

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 07:33 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

All these giffs and videos of women getting smacked out by men,they make me uncomfortable to say the least. Just how fucked over by women have some of you guys been to find that shit funny? I want to fuck women not smash my fist into their jaw bones.

It's satisfying in a 'karma's a bitch' sort of way. I'm extremely non-violent, but there's nothing better than seeing videos of an underdog knocking out a bully, and that's all the women in these videos are: loud, obnoxious, bullies who think they can hit people at will because they have a vagina. The only video that was weird was the one in the casino where the guy was baiting the chick, that one seemed like pure Sodini-esque female anger at work.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 07:12 AM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

Based all the reactions I just read in this thread, all the likes given and the glorifying of the use of excessive force against women (no matter how offensive or loudmouth they are) all I can say is that I don't like where this is going.

I'm quite disappointed in quite a few posters who I thought were intelligent guys with a good sense of just and who I thought would have more sense of what is normal in this society. This Jerry Springer show level of cheering on brutal force against women and some even getting physically excited by it is not normal behavior and comes dangerously close to straight up women hate. Are some of you still so butt hurt about being bad with girls in the past (which is your own fault btw) that you reside to women hate?

What i think about the first video:
The driver could have pulled the bus over and tried to push her of the bus. If she had hit him then and he slapped her one it would have been more understandable and I would be OK with a bitch slap. But this is not what happened. He stood up and give the hardest and meanest punch he could come up with intending to seriously harm her. And yes, I have read what a dumb wannabee gangsta this girl is but that was not known in the first pages of this thread. Unless she was seriously threatening his life this was totally uncalled for.
Would you be ok with watching a video of a 30year old guy uppercutting a 13 year old kid like this because that's just about the difference in power there is.
Where does this bus driver draw the line between violence and non-violence? I would not be comfortable with the thought my mom would be on a bus driven by this loose cannon who can't control himself.

People here always hate on the female hamster but I see posters here rationalizing their own hatred of women.

I know this post is probably gonna give me lots of shit/ white knight-memes/warnings whatever and is probably not gonna make me popular here but for my own core thoughts on moral and life principles I have to take a stand here and say that i'm not OK with this.

If I stand alone in this then I would be highly dissapointed in lots of guys here.

If this is what having game/being Alpha or being part of the manoshere is about then I need to think about if I still want to be part of it.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 08:01 AM)Jackhammer Wrote:  

Quote: (10-13-2012 07:33 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

All these giffs and videos of women getting smacked out by men,they make me uncomfortable to say the least. Just how fucked over by women have some of you guys been to find that shit funny? I want to fuck women not smash my fist into their jaw bones.

It's satisfying in a 'karma's a bitch' sort of way. I'm extremely non-violent, but there's nothing better than seeing videos of an underdog knocking out a bully, and that's all the women in these videos are: loud, obnoxious, bullies who think they can hit people at will because they have a vagina. The only video that was weird was the one in the casino where the guy was baiting the chick, that one seemed like pure Sodini-esque female anger at work.

I hear you brother and I don't disagree with your point,it's just that I don't take pleasure in seeing it. I don't get a warm fuzzy feeling inside like some seem to be doing from seeing a girl,however much of a bitch,getting smacked in tbe face by a dude when it's not absolutely necessary.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

I am not saying that I don't see the merit in Neil's argument, but I think that he's overreacting. This is about that particular woman in a particular case, and about the general cases of women physically attacking men just because they're women and they're not entitled to it. I don't think anyone denies that it would have been wiser for the bus driver to just throw her off the bus, or that posters in here support this because they want to beat up women in their real lives.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 01:01 AM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

[Image: shidealane.jpg]
[Image: 19976_103904989639469_6499435_n.jpg]
[Image: 229526_217328441630456_8321455_n.jpg]
[Image: uppercut-facebook.png]

Damn, I'd hit. She looks good in the first pic when she is doing the two fingers peace sign.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Neil, thinking about what you said, I have to disagree on some points. I believe in action where action is due. I have female members of my family and believe me, none of them would act like any of these lizards here.

What are you seeing here is a bunch of lizards acting WAY out of line. They are not the ladies that our mothers and sisters are.

These are disrespectful creatures that have enjoyed a long run of impunity from all actions. Anything wrongs they do can be assigned to the pressures of being a woman.
If they act out of line, they will say women are emotional creatures and unable to control themselves.

Growing up, naughty children (emotional creatures) got spanked for misbehaviour (but not punched in the jaw of course).

Some of these women, it appears that they have not grown up with any dominant male role model in their lives (quote Tariq Nasheed).

If they had respect for men, they wouldn't even fathom getting in a man's face like that and putting their hands on him. From when that happens, they have now rescinded their lady rights and are just wild creatures.
Wild creatures are subject to whatever happens.

How can anyone expect to violate a next person and be free of repercussions? Is it because they are women?

So on that note, can I go and punch Mike Tyson (when he was 23 or even now) in the face? Since he is a trained puncher and stronger than me, does that give me grounds to disrespect him?

What if some ladyboy without the operation punches you in the face? Since he is acting like a woman, would you allow him the same leeway?

Remember, I spawn from a patriarchal culture and women here hitting on men with presumed impunity is not tolerated. It's disrespectful and if disrespect is not checked, it will begin to spread like a fungus.

This is something I expect from hookers.

I have personally been in the midst of lizards who act like that and I can totally understand the response.

I wouldn't do it personally (off the top) but I don't know how I get if enough of my buttons are pushed.

These lizards sit behind the law and use it to taunt guys on purpose. They want to see how far guys will go. They are abusing laws and statutes that were set in place to protect women like our mothers, sisters who conduct themselves like ladies and not wild wolves.

It's the same as the false rape calls. Punch a man in the face and then cry physical abuse if he has the audacity to respond.

Not even a fcuking silverback gorilla would disrespect her mate and they are supposed to be wild animals...



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Id hit that hard (@neil: with my dick, of course).

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Neil, if that were a man that hit him, would you feel the same way? I wonder what the protocol is for bus drivers in that situation.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Do not think I didn't consider the safety issues on this particular scene.
This said. The guy is not some office worker pushing papers. He is a licensed bus driver with a responsibility for all lives of the passengers on the bus including his own.
For 8 hours a day he has to make decisions that keep him and his passengers safe. He is solely responsible for this and people should have blind faith in his judgement for safety.

In the other video we see him arguing and bickering with this girl for a long time (and is probably enjoying it too a bit since people on the bus cheer him on). AT ANY POINT he could have stopped the bus out of safety reasons and asked her leave or made some half decent effort to get her of the bus or even have the police remove her of the bus. He CHOOSE not to do this and kept on driving KNOWING that she was a raging ghetto ho and she could have attacked him and thus HE is the one endangering the safety of the passengers. He is the one responsible for it.

In the first video we can not clearly see what see does but then he pulls the bus over,meaning he has to look for a spot first, he stands up and walks up to her while she is in a submissive,non threatening position and hits her as hard as he can with intent to hurt her as much as possible. In my opinion this is totally uncalled for and the guy got what he deserved being a loose cannon. As a licensed driver he should have known better.

My problem with the reactions here is that after the first video was posted and no other videos or info was known, people already cheered and liked the fact that a woman (although annoying and loudmouthed) got knocked of her feet by a abnormal punch. This clearly means that there are people here enjoying the fact that women are getting beat up. I'm not cool with this. This was what I was trying to say.

And yes, I would bang.

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 10:32 AM)soup Wrote:  

Neil, if that were a man that hit him, would you feel the same way? I wonder what the protocol is for bus drivers in that situation.

I think the protocol regarding safety is the same no matter what gender.

I'm no holy man myself, I have knocked a girl to the floor once In Malyasia. But this girl came at me with me piece of broken glass with the serious intent to stab me. People can read that in my book. I acted out of sheer self protection and didn't have time to think it over first. It was me or her and caveman self-protective mechanisms kicked in. Fight or flight. This was clearly not the case here.

@moma and others
I'm also not arguing the fact that some crazy ass girls can be threatening and even violent but in most cases a firm push or slap is sufficient. You don't have to knock the girl out.
Does anyone here find the Snooki video normal behavior for a guy just because she was in his face? This should be glorified?
This guy is not a fucking psycho but a hero for punching a non physically threatening girl in the face?.
Where does the line start being an abusive cunt? One small remark, two three? A girl shouting at you? A girl being very in your face, maybe even push you a bit?

There was this fat American girl in South Korea who really drove me up the wall but did I punch her in the face? No, I controlled myself and trust me it took some willpower.

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

I am NOT advocating this. Pah-lease.

But it's interesting that in the history of our humanity there was (PAST tense) a solution to such things.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

In this era of political correctness and feminism gone wild, it's better to err on the side of overcorrection. Yours is the kind of attitude that drives these women to act out of line in the first place.

But what exactly is your philosophy on this issue? Are you totally against the use of physical force against a weaker opponent? Or are you specifically against violence on women, simply because they have a vagina?

If the former, if a weaker man came swinging at you, should he expect a subdued retaliation on your part?

If the latter, how can you honestly expect this kind of double-standard to fly on a forum like this?

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Haha. Neil and Vorkuta just summed up perfectly the difference between Americans and Europeans.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

I would definitely bang her. Hearing a girl say "nigga" however makes me cringe. Sooo ghetto and masculine. What a waste, I've seen lots of girls like this from the hood. Potentially dimes, but act and talk like men. Knocked up at an early age, dumb and ignorant as shit. Not a bit of refinement or idea of what it means to be a lady. What a waste.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut


You're telling me a bitch who has taken four bullets and a knife attack--and survived--would just get off the bus peacefully when I asked? Or, that he'd been able to simply "push" a woman off the bus, with that sordid background, without her resisting and attacking him--something she did without being touched, never mind when someone actually would try to remove her? You're telling me he had any way of knowing a woman with a big knife scar on her face wasn't carrying a weapon? Your scenario is simply unrealistic.

Neil, you know I respect your game and lifestyle, but you're reading this one wrong. No one is celebrating a "woman getting beat up." I would be mortified to see anyone being beat up unjustifiably--male, female, youth, or adult. But, this was a straight-up bully, almost textbook case. She was attacking an old man, at his job, because she thought she could get away with it. She thought she was above the law, and was fully taking advantage of that station. He responded with one (albeit solid) hit, and then an effort to do exactly what you prescribed--removing her off the bus. He didn't straddle on top of her and light her up with elbows and punches--even though that would have been justified, probably. He didn't grab her hair and pound her against the railing. He defended himself from a quickly escalating situation that was getting out of control. It didn't matter that that person was female. She was young and able-bodied. Period. And, that person was angry, violent, and menacing. Gender. Does. Not. Matter. At. That. Point.

We're celebrating the meting out of justice, not "a woman getting beat up." I know you know better, Neil, that reproducing those myths is what harms men like us--and our lifestyles--whether we agree with this particular case or not.

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Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

One thing I´ve learned in college, is that self defense as a lot of requirements, one of them being adequate and proportionate.

If somebody steps on your foot you can´t shoot him for that.

This is obviously excessif self defense. Did she deserved being hit? yes. Did she deserved being hit that hard? no.

You don´t talk back to girls. You stop talking and look in her eyes. At this point if she merely squints, you pull her pants down and treat her like a child and smack her ass with an open hand till it almost bleeds. I understand that in some situations it´s hard for doing this but still. For me it´s the best option. Also grabing her hair and throw her around. Ultimately as last resource a small slap can also do wonders.

I don´t find amusing seeing a woman bleeding. And I get no extra fun seeing a woman getting beaten. If it envolves sex than it´s different.

The guy decided to release the anger of having to deal all day with idiotic drivers on her.

I would have the same opinion if she was a guy. Was it good that he treated her like a man? no. Now man are also eating the cake. The ellits must be really proud. I can see feminists saying you see how man are. They will throw a disproportionate punch to a person half the size and half the weight. We must continue to fight. If police was called and she went to jail, it would probably hurt them much more.

For me it´s obvious, she had already been abused by a man. This will not change her behaviour.

So american society, movies, media etc, in the end you as a whole are telling woman to act like man, and then you get surprised and angry they do?

I´m not against hitting on a woman, if she disrespects you. But this is disproportionate.

Some persons are just suicidal. The guy punched her with an extremely well thrown uppercut and she still came back. You don´t want do deal with this people. He should´ve called the police. But he also wanted the fight so he´s also to blame.

You cannot imagine the hassle he will get into. Even if he don´t get charged, his name and data will be in the system, the questionaries, interrogation, etc. His rest is ruined.

Some years back this small dude was hassling a friend of mine. He blew some tabaco smoke on my friends face. He was a litle gangster with two more gangsters. So he thought he had his back covered.

I was with my brother and another friend. I called them both. When I started walking towards the litle gansgster he started running away like a bitch. I grabbed him and threw his body against a car like ten times. I´m 1,94mts, I´ve could punched him to death. One of his shoes came off, since then his nickname was slipper.

Fast forward I was going down a street some weeks after, he saw me and didn´t recognize me. He asked me for a cigarette. When I spoke he looked at me with fear and started to look down.

Is someone deserves an uppercut do it. In this case I don´t think she did. She didn´t even assaulted him with a punch or slap.

In his situation, I would have stopped the bus. Opened the door and throw her away. If she came back. Call the police.

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