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Tinder App

Tinder App

Quote: (09-18-2018 10:58 PM)Funkbus40 Wrote:  

Here is my tinder convo,

Me: Did my sexual fantasy just appear before me?

Her: Hahahaha did mine?

Me: when is the next time your going to be in XXXX?

no response from her in over 24 hours?
Not attached to her but would like to bang

Too direct too soon... always move them off Tinder asap.
Be careful taking it sexual with girls you haven't met, it screams thirst.

Tinder App

Thanks man, advice taken.

Tinder App

Oh Tinder.

I fired it up again a few weeks ago. 1 bang from it so far, but mostly it's been the typical send a few messages back and forth and then the conversation sizzles out.

But one thing that has been different for me this time around, is that I have been unmatched for little to no reason. First girl lived like 20 minutes away. I told her where I lived...she unmatched. Bitch was a 6 at best.

The most recent one was strange. We had a good rapport on Tinder. I got her number and sent her a text. She never replied and then I noticed she unmatched me. No rhyme or reason why. I thought we had good banter. I guess I was wrong.

Women are definitely getting their ego's inflated to record proportions from these dating apps. I didn't think it could get any worse, but I am being proven wrong every time I open the damn app. And I don't even think there is a way to fix it. Well, there are two ways:

1) Men stop using these apps altogether
2) These apps are erased from existence

And neither of those are going to happen.

Obviously men should be using these apps as a supplemental way of meeting women. You're only cheating yourself if it's your sole means of talking to females.

"Once you've gotten the lay you have won."- Mufasa

"You Miss 100% of the shots you don't take"- Wayne Gretzky

Tinder App

Quote: (09-17-2018 12:10 PM)Sender Wrote:  

Quote: (09-17-2018 11:33 AM)jacknap Wrote:  

that guy would be like 1 in 100 000. The competition isn't that steep haha. Pretty much 90% of guys can be at least top 10% with some effort in my opinion.

What's your height/weight?

That photographer might have sucked too though. I find having a photographer who respects you tends to have better photos. The best photos I ever had done were by my bpd lover. During the idealization phase of the relationship I got the best photos ever. Been so hard to get photos as good as those. She was also mega talented visually.

6ft and around 150lbs now. I was getting pretty fat a couple of years ago and lost a lot of weight by going low carb. Dropped around 7inches in waist size.

You may be right about the photographer, he was a kid that does it as a hobby. My thought was that his lack of experience would make the images look more authentic.

In reality, it's possible the main problem was that I was a bad 'model'. I didn't feel particularily comfortable doing it. Perhaps there's something to be learnt from this...

you missed my point. he's a guy who likes photography. I'm saying a girl who thinks you're super hot + likes photography is better. Or a gay guy. Because they will focus on your sexyness rather than 'artsy' looking photos.

Do you not what I mean? There's cool looking photos because of the backdrop/pose etc. vs. photos that actually make you look sexy. Two completely different things and most photographers care more about the photo looking good and you looking good. Those are not always the same thing.

Tinder App

Quote: (09-19-2018 11:29 AM)jacknap Wrote:  

Quote: (09-17-2018 12:10 PM)Sender Wrote:  

Quote: (09-17-2018 11:33 AM)jacknap Wrote:  

that guy would be like 1 in 100 000. The competition isn't that steep haha. Pretty much 90% of guys can be at least top 10% with some effort in my opinion.

What's your height/weight?

That photographer might have sucked too though. I find having a photographer who respects you tends to have better photos. The best photos I ever had done were by my bpd lover. During the idealization phase of the relationship I got the best photos ever. Been so hard to get photos as good as those. She was also mega talented visually.

6ft and around 150lbs now. I was getting pretty fat a couple of years ago and lost a lot of weight by going low carb. Dropped around 7inches in waist size.

You may be right about the photographer, he was a kid that does it as a hobby. My thought was that his lack of experience would make the images look more authentic.

In reality, it's possible the main problem was that I was a bad 'model'. I didn't feel particularily comfortable doing it. Perhaps there's something to be learnt from this...

you missed my point. he's a guy who likes photography. I'm saying a girl who thinks you're super hot + likes photography is better. Or a gay guy. Because they will focus on your sexyness rather than 'artsy' looking photos.

Do you not what I mean? There's cool looking photos because of the backdrop/pose etc. vs. photos that actually make you look sexy. Two completely different things and most photographers care more about the photo looking good and you looking good. Those are not always the same thing.

OK I get you now, man. I just gotta find someone to do it.

Ironically, my ex-LTR always refused to take pics unless we were both in it coz I think she sensed that I wanted pics for online dating for after we split.

Treat any relationship like you're Bill Murray in 'Ground Hog's Day'

In control of my density

Tinder App

Two things i hate about tinder

No hookups - when did Tinder become a relationship app

Femmes Transgeres - seriously they move to grindr or something

Tinder App

I've been hoodwinked twice this week after getting back on after a hiatus. Two warm leads that later turned out to be single moms. At this point if I get any kind of compliance (I get the digits quickly) or the conversation doesn't fizzle out and she seems keen then I'm very, very skeptical. She's taken a hit on her SMV somehow.

Also, I was in Warsaw recently and I was getting catfished by fatties. It was happening more regularly this year.

Meeting a girl with your SMV or even slightly below it is now almost impossible, bar the odd piece of luck.

Tinder App

I would really love to increase my chances on Tinder, till now I haven’t experienced any succees but mostly due to laziness at doing decent photos and I don’t travel that often either, I used to simply download the app, swipe, wait a couple of days, get disappointed and uninstall it again.
So I’m seriously thinking of resorting to a professional photographer, he would certainly know how to bring out the best etc but what worries me is this: What if many of the hot chicks have gotten bored of me the previous times so that they would swipe me left no matter how good my photos this time would be? I mean it won’t cost an insane amount of money to do some professional photos but I feel uncertain.

Tinder App

Quote: (09-20-2018 06:41 AM)LuckyBird Wrote:  

I would really love to increase my chances on Tinder, till now I haven’t experienced any succees but mostly due to laziness at doing decent photos and I don’t travel that often either, I used to simply download the app, swipe, wait a couple of days, get disappointed and uninstall it again.
So I’m seriously thinking of resorting to a professional photographer, he would certainly know how to bring out the best etc but what worries me is this: What if many of the hot chicks have gotten bored of me the previous times so that they would swipe me left no matter how good my photos this time would be? I mean it won’t cost an insane amount of money to do some professional photos but I feel uncertain.

I think you're overestimating how much attention hot girls really pay when they're swiping. They have such ridiculous amounts of abundance that they'll swipe left in a split second with no further thought if the first photo is not up to scratch (at least the ones I've talked to).

If your new photos, particularly the first one, are solid enough to interest them in that instant when you appear on the stack, you're good. Past that, as long as your bio is interesting/funny and you have some social proof you should be fine.

Tinder App

dude there's no way you would get the same chicks to swipe.

Tinder App

I just came across this video. The dude has a cool vibe, is being goofy in purpose and is getting numbers!

@ american members: is it really that easy to get a number during daygame in the US? Shit in all the places where I lived you had to work for it.

These chicks have quite good reactions, I don’t know if they are exceptions or maybe he is gaming on a campus?

Tinder wouldn’t be needed if chicks were being so cool and open to street pickup.

Edit: «  hey I heard you’re looking for a Stud? ...cause I got an STD and all I need is U » [Image: smile.gif]

Tinder App

Women give out their numbers like candy.

Tinder App

I've done Internet Marketing (spam-ish), that involved getting leads from a tinder. Having seen it from the other side, it really is a game for the top 5% of guys (9.5's). Seriously. Every swipe for an average girl is a match. It's unbelievable. SuperLike after SuperLike, ready on deck. Girls literally have their pick of ANY male they want.

I think the real problem is even if you decide not to play the tinder game, it effects you. Sure, your value will be higher if you meet/approach in a face-to-face setting, but you are still being compared to MotoChad, Wall Street LamboChad, Marine Staff Sargent G.I.Chad etc. Competition is cutthroat and fierce.

Tinder App

Quote: (09-20-2018 06:59 AM)HustleNomad Wrote:  

Quote: (09-20-2018 06:41 AM)LuckyBird Wrote:  

I would really love to increase my chances on Tinder, till now I haven’t experienced any succees but mostly due to laziness at doing decent photos and I don’t travel that often either, I used to simply download the app, swipe, wait a couple of days, get disappointed and uninstall it again.
So I’m seriously thinking of resorting to a professional photographer, he would certainly know how to bring out the best etc but what worries me is this: What if many of the hot chicks have gotten bored of me the previous times so that they would swipe me left no matter how good my photos this time would be? I mean it won’t cost an insane amount of money to do some professional photos but I feel uncertain.

I think you're overestimating how much attention hot girls really pay when they're swiping. They have such ridiculous amounts of abundance that they'll swipe left in a split second with no further thought if the first photo is not up to scratch (at least the ones I've talked to).

If your new photos, particularly the first one, are solid enough to interest them in that instant when you appear on the stack, you're good. Past that, as long as your bio is interesting/funny and you have some social proof you should be fine.

they pay enough attention that I keep getting reported. I don't get reported when I switch to other locations though so seems I have some mega haters in my city after pillaging this city for a decade+

Tinder App

Quote: (09-20-2018 02:47 PM)Lino Wrote:  

I just came across this video. The dude has a cool vibe, is being goofy in purpose and is getting numbers!

@ american members: is it really that easy to get a number during daygame in the US? Shit in all the places where I lived you had to work for it.

These chicks have quite good reactions, I don’t know if they are exceptions or maybe he is gaming on a campus?

Tinder wouldn’t be needed if chicks were being so cool and open to street pickup.

Edit: «  hey I heard you’re looking for a Stud? ...cause I got an STD and all I need is U » [Image: smile.gif]

A few observations:

1) Yes - Daygame is infinitely more effective than online Game
2) He hits the best target demographic - college girls in the party phase
3) Some girls are instantly yes - girls - the Asian one smiled at him before he even said a word
4) Some of the lines are actually good, the issue here is that you put them out confidently knowing that they are somewhat cheesy, but it's effective when it's funny at the same time and you are doing it with a grin! The reason is because on top of the direct day approach this is more of an Alpha move.

I would not say that this is a demonstration of much expert seduction Game - he likely approached dozens and dozens more - maybe 100+ who rejected him quickly or brutally. The best interactions were from the yes-girls.

And note this - if he put up his mug and body up on Tinder, then none of them would have matched with him. That is the difference between doing approaches vs being measured by your picture.

In real life he instantly showed his height, his bear-like behavior, his deep voice, his humor and unflinching approach. So those factors added to his basic looks tremendously and he could reach instantly hot carousel riding girls for that.

Tinder App

Havent read the whole thread but I haven't seen anyone mention location.

Where I am from its easy to get matches and get meet ups (and subsequent lays).

From what I hear, its far harder in certain cities like London, Paris, San Fran, Toronto etc.

Tinder App

Quote: (09-21-2018 06:10 AM)flyinghorse Wrote:  

Havent read the whole thread but I haven't seen anyone mention location.

Where I am from its easy to get matches and get meet ups (and subsequent lays).

From what I hear, its far harder in certain cities like London, Paris, San Fran, Toronto etc.

I swear location is another huge part of Tinder. Here in Brest, France, i go on tinder and get 1 match per week.

I passport to Stockholm and i am getting 4 matches in 20 minutes

I better start planning a trip to Sweden. [Image: banana.gif][Image: banana.gif][Image: banana.gif][Image: banana.gif]

Tinder App

Quote: (09-21-2018 06:38 AM)yang2287 Wrote:  

Quote: (09-21-2018 06:10 AM)flyinghorse Wrote:  

Havent read the whole thread but I haven't seen anyone mention location.

Where I am from its easy to get matches and get meet ups (and subsequent lays).

From what I hear, its far harder in certain cities like London, Paris, San Fran, Toronto etc.

I swear location is another huge part of Tinder. Here in Brest, France, i go on tinder and get 1 match per week.

I passport to Stockholm and i am getting 4 matches in 20 minutes

I better start planning a trip to Sweden. [Image: banana.gif][Image: banana.gif][Image: banana.gif][Image: banana.gif]

Oh man you are in Brest, I feel your pain! It’s a horrible city for women.

At least you have the ocean nearby.

Tinder App

Damn! Damn!
I was about to delete my Tinder account and only start reusing it again after I do decent professional photos, but I said to myself let’s give it another shot with the mediocre pics, so out of nowhere a solid 7-8 swipes me right, I don’t use Gold but I got to see her blurry photo from the side menu, and then her account came, but as I used to get some rare matches previously where girls unmatch me immediately, I thought I write her some text that I really like her etc and she doesn’t look like a typical superficial tinderella, so I copy pasted right after we matched and now she thinks I’m a creep! but awkwardly she still hasn’t unmatched me.

Tinder App

Quote: (09-21-2018 08:28 AM)Lino Wrote:  

Quote: (09-21-2018 06:38 AM)yang2287 Wrote:  

Quote: (09-21-2018 06:10 AM)flyinghorse Wrote:  

Havent read the whole thread but I haven't seen anyone mention location.

Where I am from its easy to get matches and get meet ups (and subsequent lays).

From what I hear, its far harder in certain cities like London, Paris, San Fran, Toronto etc.

I swear location is another huge part of Tinder. Here in Brest, France, i go on tinder and get 1 match per week.

I passport to Stockholm and i am getting 4 matches in 20 minutes

I better start planning a trip to Sweden. [Image: banana.gif][Image: banana.gif][Image: banana.gif][Image: banana.gif]

Oh man you are in Brest, I feel your pain! It’s a horrible city for women.

At least you have the ocean nearby.

A lot of females from Britanny move to Paris no?

There is genetically not much different between people from Brest and from Celtic England. So probably not many lookers

Tinder App

Quote: (09-22-2018 07:31 PM)godzilla Wrote:  

Quote: (09-21-2018 08:28 AM)Lino Wrote:  

Oh man you are in Brest, I feel your pain! It’s a horrible city for women.

At least you have the ocean nearby.

A lot of females from Britanny move to Paris no?

There is genetically not much different between people from Brest and from Celtic England. So probably not many lookers

Actually it really depends where in Brittany, Brest is an ugly city and girls there are closed but Rennes for instance is totally different, the city has more to offer and chicks are way more willing to have fun.
Nature on the other hand is awesome, you can do kitesurf, kayaking, surfing and the beaches are never too crowded. The downside is that it rains a lot even in summer and it’s the atlantic ocean so the water is chilly most of the time.

Tinder App

Girl asked me what do I search in Tinder?

Should I be direct and say sex? Or just go with the story of searching someone to speak blablabla.

Tinder App

Did anyone try out this new "places" update?

Resident Germany Expert. See my Datasheet:

Mini Datasheets: Antwerp / Rotterdam / Lille

Tinder App

sucks. I was doing so well in tinder 2016- till summer 2018 and the results from it beat even my best year in daygame lay wise but now my account gets banned too fast where I'd have to buy a new phone number every week which is about 15-30$.

Might have to cut my losses because the amount of effort I have to make learning new algorithms etc. is starting to make it not worth it.

I'll just be grateful of the brief period of success I had with it. It's a bit scary though as majority of girls I'm sleeping with ongoing are from tinder now.

Tinder App

Quote: (09-24-2018 08:02 AM)pk9090 Wrote:  

Girl asked me what do I search in Tinder?

Should I be direct and say sex? Or just go with the story of searching someone to speak blablabla.

hell no, always provide plausible deniability (i.e. just curious, im not ruling anything, nothing specific...etc). Be direct with your action not with your vocalization or in this case written words. Vaguery is your friend. Bitches love mystery and vaguery and mystery are 1st cousins.

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