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The Netherlands

The Netherlands

For everyone around Amsterdam. It's ADE this weekend so there will be an increase in EDM fans.
Maybe a good weekend for club game. And check Tinder regularly.

The Netherlands

I will be at Awakenings tomorrow, what parties are you going to?

The Netherlands

I'll be in Amsterdam from 27th to 31st with a friend. If you want to meet up, let me know. Cheers!

The Netherlands

I finally got my money straightened out and had been planning either a 1 month trip to the Philippines or a 1 week trip to Amsterdam. As of a few hours ago I bought a ticket and paid for accommodations in Amsterdam.

I have been there once about 7 years ago and loved it. I already got my Dutch flag with a tourist when I was working in NY, but I'd love to get with a girl or two during my trip. I'm all set with day game, but can anyone give me an idea about the best nightlife locations in Amsterdam?

I am just going to have a good time, but like I said I wouldn't mind some females.

The Netherlands

People here are way too positive about The Netherlands and their people/women.

Dutch women are the worst among the Germanic countries. Both in behaviour and looks. Behaviour is very masculine/feministic and they hit the wall very fast. Early 20s are their prime age.

The guys are btw extremely beta/nerd/loser, so not the type of guys you really want to be around. Truly a shithole country. Very overrated.

The Netherlands

Some of this thread posters..

[Image: 200.gif#15]

The Netherlands

I lived in The Netherlands (Nijmegen) for 8 months as a student, gotta say, 90% of my bangs came from chicks on Erasmus. The Dutch were weird as fuck. Fit though.

The Netherlands

I'm thinking about Amsterdam 23-26th December. Has anyone ever been there this period?

The Netherlands

^^ Can you explain in what way the girls were weird as fuck??

The Netherlands

I was in Eindhoven on a Friday night. The "longest pub/club street" was packed. But dutch girls tend to stay in their groups and their groups are huge. I wouldn't bother going to the Netherlands to game Dutch chicks. And I thought they were pretty average. Norwegian/Swedish/Finnish girls > Dutch girls imo.

I visited my friend in Tilburg too, a university town 30 min from Eindhoven. Tilburg is super small and I literally got bored after like 30 min walking around.

Amsterdam is def a cool city, chill, a lot to see and great for shopping. But the nightlife kinda sucks compared to how great the city is. I checked out the area where all the top clubs are and they all had the guestlist shit. Maybe it will be much better for a longer stay or if you know someone/have social circle there.

The Netherlands

I mean I live right next door (in Germany) and none of the German guys rave here about how hot the Dutch girls or anything. So I guess that could be a sign theres nothing special there.

Ive only been partying out in the Netherlands out once (with a girl) I didn't see anything groundbreaking but more research is needed.

Resident Germany Expert. See my Datasheet:

Mini Datasheets: Antwerp / Rotterdam / Lille

The Netherlands

Quote: (10-23-2016 01:43 PM)Lime Wrote:  

^^ Can you explain in what way the girls were weird as fuck??

Generalising obv but I found them kind of robotic- studious/ incredibly structured mon to fri then take a heap of dingers and get fucked on the weekend then back to being a robot Monday- don't get me wrong I had some fun with Dutch girls, but the other Erasmus students were bread and butter.

(To be fair a lot of the girls chose Netherlands for its "freedom" and party and weed scene and some of the parties were mental, I'd still recommend doing Nijmegen or Eindhoven, especially if you have student contacts there)

The Netherlands

Quote: (10-24-2016 08:12 AM)LordMayorMuffSniff Wrote:  

Quote: (10-23-2016 01:43 PM)Lime Wrote:  

^^ Can you explain in what way the girls were weird as fuck??

Generalising obv but I found them kind of robotic- studious/ incredibly structured mon to fri then take a heap of dingers and get fucked on the weekend then back to being a robot Monday- don't get me wrong I had some fun with Dutch girls, but the other Erasmus students were bread and butter.

(To be fair a lot of the girls chose Netherlands for its "freedom" and party and weed scene and some of the parties were mental, I'd still recommend doing Nijmegen or Eindhoven, especially if you have student contacts there)

I am Dutch but I love these kind of observations, and it might be one of the problems I'm running into in my own country. I find it difficult to get them out on a date, for example, which could be explained by the robot monday to friday. If you have more observations please share [Image: wink.gif] but I get the picture. I do better with French and German girls and other ethnicities it seems. My female cousin (who doesn't 'downplay' her friends' notch counts as she is a bit crazy), also says most of her female friends have pretty low notch counts. And we know the 20% of the guys get 80% of the girls rule.

The Netherlands

Like I mentioned before, I think some on the forum are a bit too positive about Dutch women.
Would it be an idea to specify age? A lot of women in NL hit the wall hard in their late 20's. I meet very few 30 yr olds with a good body and nice personality that are single.

The Netherlands

Quote: (10-23-2016 11:27 AM)apolis Wrote:  

I'm thinking about Amsterdam 23-26th December. Has anyone ever been there this period?

Yep I've been there at that period (was living there), it's gonna be Christmas so most dutch girls will be back home visiting family, the city will be quieter than usual. There are still some tourists so it's still possible to meet girls.

When I was living there I banged a tourist from Singapour during that period. If you wanna relax and smoke weed it's a good period, Amsterdam is super small so I prefer it when there are less tourists.
If you wanna go mainly for game then it's not the best period, well it depends, less targets but the ones who are still in town might be easier as they feel lonely.

The Netherlands

Quote: (10-23-2016 05:22 PM)kirdiesel Wrote:  

I mean I live right next door (in Germany) and none of the German guys rave here about how hot the Dutch girls or anything. So I guess that could be a sign theres nothing special there.

Ive only been partying out in the Netherlands out once (with a girl) I didn't see anything groundbreaking but more research is needed.

Thats because Northern Germans, Dutch and also Danish people have some differences (look-wise) but overall are pretty similar groups with similar cultures. It doesnt feel really like a totally different country or culture like France or even the UK does. Let alone far South or East..

The Netherlands

Quote: (10-25-2016 11:22 AM)TigerTim Wrote:  

Quote: (10-23-2016 05:22 PM)kirdiesel Wrote:  

I mean I live right next door (in Germany) and none of the German guys rave here about how hot the Dutch girls or anything. So I guess that could be a sign theres nothing special there.

Ive only been partying out in the Netherlands out once (with a girl) I didn't see anything groundbreaking but more research is needed.

Thats because Northern Germans, Dutch and also Danish people have some differences (look-wise) but overall are pretty similar groups with similar cultures. It doesnt feel really like a totally different country or culture like France or even the UK does. Let alone far South or East..

They do speak very highly of Scandinavian women though! If you tell one of them your girl is from Sweden their eyes get wide.

Resident Germany Expert. See my Datasheet:

Mini Datasheets: Antwerp / Rotterdam / Lille

The Netherlands

Because of the stareotypes of countries like Russia, Sweden and Brazil when it comes to women. I personally found norwegian women to be better looking than swedish, and nobody in Germany brags about Danish women either. I find women in the North or germany very attractive, and I wouldnt say hyped countries like Poland do have better looking women in average but more concious of their femeninity.

The Netherlands

If we're talking pure looks its pretty hard to go past Northern Italians/ Swiss

The Netherlands

I don't recommend The Netherlands to any one. This place sucks to find good women.

The Netherlands

Quote: (10-26-2016 09:28 AM)MikePerson89 Wrote:  

I don't recommend The Netherlands to any one. This place sucks to find good women.

I disagree with you just because of the people the Netherlands attracts- Amsterdam is retarded tourist trash but if you get out to the student towns they can be loose as fuck plus it made for a great base travelling around the rest of Europe (From Weeze just over the German border I got 30 euro return flights to Spain and from Eindhoven I got 19 euro return flights to Czech Republic)

The Netherlands

Quote: (10-26-2016 09:28 AM)MikePerson89 Wrote:  

I don't recommend The Netherlands to any one. This place sucks to find good women.

Is the netherlands really that bad? what was your experience?

The Netherlands

Quote: (02-20-2018 10:11 PM)jcrew247 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-26-2016 09:28 AM)MikePerson89 Wrote:  

I don't recommend The Netherlands to any one. This place sucks to find good women.

Is the netherlands really that bad? what was your experience?

I'm Dutch and I don't agree. I think that when you make statements you'll have to back that up with facts.

Anyway, if anyone has questions about the Netherlands feel free to send me a PM or write something here so other can benefit from it as well.

The Netherlands

Quote: (02-21-2018 03:40 AM)ActaNonVerba Wrote:  

Quote: (02-20-2018 10:11 PM)jcrew247 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-26-2016 09:28 AM)MikePerson89 Wrote:  

I don't recommend The Netherlands to any one. This place sucks to find good women.

Is the netherlands really that bad? what was your experience?

I'm Dutch and I don't agree. I think that when you make statements you'll have to back that up with facts.

Anyway, if anyone has questions about the Netherlands feel free to send me a PM or write something here so other can benefit from it as well.

I'm looking at Business schools in netherlands. How are the cities of Groningen or Amsterdam, or Rotterdam? Which cities have the hottest women? I am also considering copenhagen. Thanks for the help dude!

The Netherlands

Quote: (02-21-2018 10:08 PM)jcrew247 Wrote:  

Quote: (02-21-2018 03:40 AM)ActaNonVerba Wrote:  

Quote: (02-20-2018 10:11 PM)jcrew247 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-26-2016 09:28 AM)MikePerson89 Wrote:  

I don't recommend The Netherlands to any one. This place sucks to find good women.

Is the netherlands really that bad? what was your experience?

I'm Dutch and I don't agree. I think that when you make statements you'll have to back that up with facts.

Anyway, if anyone has questions about the Netherlands feel free to send me a PM or write something here so other can benefit from it as well.

I'm looking at Business schools in netherlands. How are the cities of Groningen or Amsterdam, or Rotterdam? Which cities have the hottest women? I am also considering copenhagen. Thanks for the help dude!

Going to Denmark instead of the Netherlands would be a bad decision in my opinion. The women are far more difficult and there are some other factors involved. Make sure to read Roosh his stories on Denmark and you will know why.

Groningen has the hottest local women but the population in both Amsterdam and Rotterdam is much bigger. Gives you more opportunities. Also, Amsterdam is a much more exciting city to live. The Netherlands is a small country anyway so you can always take a train to another city and see it for yourself. Taking a train from Amsterdam to Rotterdam takes you an hour only.

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