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Douglas High School shooting in Florida

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

Quote: (02-15-2018 03:50 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Who gives a shit if whites are over-represented in mass shootings anyway.

I'll take my chances dodging the unicorn-level-rare white shooter rather than live in a wazone like Austin Chicago, thankyou very much.

Mass shootings are horrible, but here's Chicago's count for 2017.


Shot & Killed: 625
Shot & Wounded: 2936
Total Shot: 3561
Total Homicides: 679

This is the equivalent of one of these 17-kill mass shootings happening literally every ten days, all year long. And that's just in one Democrat shithole.

Stay strong against the progressive agenda on guns, Americans. A fair response to anyone talking about gun control is to say "sorry, but too many people on your side of the debate have already made it clear that they want everyone like me dead. Not figuratively. Literally. I'll keep my guns, thankyou very much."


The reason there aren't mass school shootings in Black hoods, despite the incredible levels of violence, is that the schools there have armed guards and heavy security at schools at all times because they expect violence.

In a nice affluent White community, no one ever expects this sort of thing. That's why all the moms are so upset across the nation, and why CNN and other (((media))) outlets love to fan the flames. No one cares when Blacks are slaughtered, not even fellow Blacks (which is why they keep voting in the same people), so when anyone points out that Chicago has more killings in 1 year than the last 25-years of school shootings people just pretend it doesn't matter.

Show young White girls as dead = massive outrage requiring Presidential attention. Show young Black men as dead = posted on a website, or just an obituary.

No one wants to talk about scourge of single-motherhood, or the failure of gun control.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

Quote: (02-16-2018 10:04 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (02-15-2018 03:50 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Who gives a shit if whites are over-represented in mass shootings anyway.

I'll take my chances dodging the unicorn-level-rare white shooter rather than live in a wazone like Austin Chicago, thankyou very much.

Mass shootings are horrible, but here's Chicago's count for 2017.


Shot & Killed: 625
Shot & Wounded: 2936
Total Shot: 3561
Total Homicides: 679

This is the equivalent of one of these 17-kill mass shootings happening literally every ten days, all year long. And that's just in one Democrat shithole.

Stay strong against the progressive agenda on guns, Americans. A fair response to anyone talking about gun control is to say "sorry, but too many people on your side of the debate have already made it clear that they want everyone like me dead. Not figuratively. Literally. I'll keep my guns, thankyou very much."


The reason there aren't mass school shootings in Black hoods, despite the incredible levels of violence, is that the schools there have armed guards and heavy security at schools at all times because they expect violence.

In a nice affluent White community, no one ever expects this sort of thing. That's why all the moms are so upset across the nation, and why CNN and other (((media))) outlets love to fan the flames. No one cares when Blacks are slaughtered, not even fellow Blacks (which is why they keep voting in the same people), so when anyone points out that Chicago has more killings in 1 year than the last 25-years of school shootings people just pretend it doesn't matter.

Show young White girls as dead = massive outrage requiring Presidential attention. Show young Black men as dead = posted on a website, or just an obituary.

No one wants to talk about scourge of single-motherhood, or the failure of gun control.

Suburban parents be like "I will NOT allow our schools to pollute my child's body with junk food...but feel free to give him mind-altering drugs!"

I wonder if doctors are more likely to prescribe psychotropic drugs to suburban white kids whose parents are willing to pay the big bucks for them?

As many have said on this thread, these drugs come with serious warnings. TV commercials even tell you those warnings at the end. Basically, they can make you go crazy.

Why anyone would put their kids on these drugs is a mystery to me.

The minds of kids are just forming. What seems like a flaw might turn out to be a good personality trait in the end (i.e. the "introvert" ends up being the adult who can focus and see projects through). But I digress.

It seems to me like the white shootings are because the kids go nuts, while the black ones are because of vendettas. While no one would condone the latter, it at least seems more logical than mowing down a cafeteria full of people you don't know.

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

More information comes out:

Deputies called to suspected shooter’s home 39 times over seven years


Before Nikolas Cruz carried out his mass killing at a Florida high school this week, police responded to his home 39 times over a seven-year period, according to disturbing new documents.

Details about the calls to the Broward County Sheriff’s Office — obtained from police records by CNN — were not immediately available and it was impossible to determine if all involved Cruz.

But the nature of the emergencies at his Parkland home included “mentally ill person,” “child/elderly abuse,” “domestic disturbance” and “missing person,” KTLA reported.

And a schoolmate, Brody Speno, told the network that cops were called to Cruz’s home “almost every other week.”

“Something wasn’t right about him,” Speno told CNN. “He was off.”

Speno said he knew Cruz from elementary school and described him as “an evil kid” who was “always getting in trouble.”

Cruz — who posted images of himself on Instagram posing with guns and knives — has confessed to killing 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland and made an alarming online comment about a recent mass shooting.

“Man I can do so much better,” he wrote.

It's not like there were warning signs that were ignored - it was more like giant, flashing, orange neon ALERT signs that were ignored here. Everyone knew about this kid - the cops, the FBI, neighbors, the school, and nothing was done.

The reason a background check cleared on him was because nothing was ever added to his background. Total failure of law enforcement.



Meanwhile, the (((media))) is using this an an opportunity to whip up more violence against Republicans, and it's working:


[Image: post.jpg]

The (((media))) continually blames Trump and Republicans, nonstop, as the source of violence. It's so retarded and yet it works, because the average human is a dumb sheep. The (((media))) continues to push for civil war, and has wet dreams about it every day.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

Diagnosing ADD was the big thing when I was growing up, and I had a couple of friends in elementary school that had to take Ritalin. A lot of these women in education have no idea how to handle boys, so they think something must be wrong with them, convince their parents that something is wrong and get them to see a drug dealer, I mean doctor, that's eager to write prescriptions. And now lazy teachers get good, little obedient dogs to sit still in their incredibly boring jail cell, I mean classroom.

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

Quote: (02-16-2018 11:33 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

Why anyone would put their kids on these drugs is a mystery to me.


I've had arguments with people my age about doping their kids with Ritalin because the teachers had a problem or because junior's problems were cutting into his parents' leisure time. A lot of people I grew up with view children as an achievement, like getting a high-paying job or buying a nice house. It never occurs to them that being a mom or dad is a lot of time-intensive, unglamorous business. So when they get an option to avoid that problem through meds they jump on it.

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

Shooter Heard Demon Voices, Police Visited His Home 39 Times

More details about Nikolas Cruz, who has been charged with 17 counts of premeditated homicide for Wednesday’s school shooting, are beginning to emerge, and so far, they paint a picture of a disturbed child who exhibited signs of violent behavior from a young age.

The suspected shooter is believed to be mildly autistic, and was receiving treatment at a nearby clinic, but had not been back in a year. Cruz told police that he had heard voices in his head telling him to shoot up the school. He described these voices as demons, his legal team said.

Meanwhile, it also emerged that police were called to Nikolas Cruz's family's Parkland home 39 times since 2010, according to police records obtained by CNN.

The sheriff's office received a range of emergency calls that included: 'mentally ill person,' 'child/elderly abuse,' 'domestic disturbance,' 'missing person,' and several others.

Q-Anon has suggested his "treatment" could have been some kind of drug induced mind control ala MK Ultra, via cell phones.

>>387999 Lincoln Park - Calgary Military Base https://
The CIA convinced the Allan Memorial Institute to allow a series of mind control tests on nine patients in the Montreal school, as part of their ongoing Project MKULTRA.[7]

The experiments were exported to Canada when the CIA recruited Scottish psychiatrist Donald Ewen Cameron, creator of the "psychic driving" concept, which the CIA found particularly interesting. Cameron had been hoping to correct schizophrenia by erasing existing memories and reprogramming the psyche. He commuted from Albany, New York to Montreal every week and was paid $69,000 from 1957 to 1964 to carry out MKULTRA experiments there. In addition to LSD, Cameron also experimented with various paralytic drugs as well as electroconvulsive therapy at thirty to forty times the normal power. His "driving" experiments consisted of putting subjects into drug-induced coma for weeks at a time (up to three months in one case) while playing tape loops of noise or simple repetitive statements. His experiments were typically carried out on patients who had entered the institute for minor problems such as anxiety disorders and postpartum depression, many of whom suffered permanently from his actions.[8]
His treatments resulted in victims' incontinence, amnesia, forgetting how to talk, forgetting their parents, and thinking their interrogators were their parents.[9][10]
When lawsuits commenced in 1986, the Canadian government denied having any knowledge that Cameron was being sponsored by the CIA.[11]

>>388082 Have any recent [shooters] received therapy in the past? Be the autists we know you are. You were chosen for a specific reason. Q

>>388315 Yes. Target subjects are pre disposable to certain mental illnesses. Target subjects are scouted over a period of time to study and arrange 'THERAPY'. 'THERAPY' takes [x] to break the mind into a functional/programmable device. Science Fiction? Q

>>388486 MKUltra was a success and went into implementation.
It is just no longer called MKUltra, that was the development program name.

Feb 15 2018 15:47:34
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 6d0fd8
Why is Big Pharma essential?
Expand your thinking past cures.
Think Google [new Pixel phone].
Think Apple [vs. Samsung].
Why was Blackberry destroyed?
We can guide but you must organically uncover the TRUTH.
THEY are watching.

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

"his legal team said"

Of course they did, they're going for the insanity plea.

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

Quote: (02-15-2018 11:23 PM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

I also maintain my comments on white males carrying a specific, dangerous type of psychological burden due to their daily isolation and loss of cultural identity, thanks to the cultural attacks of the last decades. We need to reject the shame and restore cultural identity and cohesion among males in the white community. Whether or not the loss of these things means more white males are, in practice, prone to these degenerate massacres is harder to say; since others present a good case there's no evidence this is true, my further connecting those dots was perhaps too great a leap of logic. And irresponsible.

You're absolutely right about this.

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

It would probably be a good idea to limit gun ownership for youths. Raise the minimum age to 25 or so, just to get the crazies to be caught. Problem with a lot of these loons is that mental illness takes some time to really show. In the beginning, serious mental illness can masquerade as just behavioral problems.

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

Quote: (02-16-2018 12:14 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

It would probably be a good idea to limit gun ownership for youths. Raise the minimum age to 25 or so, just to get the crazies to be caught. Problem with a lot of these loons is that mental illness takes some time to really show. In the beginning, serious mental illness can masquerade as just behavioral problems.

Voting age, gun ownership age, and draft age should always be the same.

If you're old enough to kill, you're old enough to vote. And if you're old enough to decide on the leaders who instruct on how to kill, then you're old enough to kill.

For the record, I would be fine with raising voting age, the draft, and gun ownership to 21 in our increasingly infantilized society.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

Quote: (02-16-2018 12:20 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (02-16-2018 12:14 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

It would probably be a good idea to limit gun ownership for youths. Raise the minimum age to 25 or so, just to get the crazies to be caught. Problem with a lot of these loons is that mental illness takes some time to really show. In the beginning, serious mental illness can masquerade as just behavioral problems.

Voting age, gun ownership age, and draft age should always be the same.

If you're old enough to kill, you're old enough to vote. And if you're old enough to decide on the leaders who instruct on how to kill, then you're old enough to kill.

For the record, I would be fine with raising voting age, the draft, and gun ownership to 21 in our increasingly infantilized society.

What about drinking age? To me, it makes little sense for a country to say "Vote, kill, and join the Army...but sip that beer and you're under arrest."

The drinking age wasn't raised to 21 until the Reagan era.

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

Speaking of alcohol, has it been mentioned on this thread that the killer might have some degree of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome?

I noticed that his ears sit very low -- which is a big physical sign. So I Googled it and sure enough the UK paper the Daily Mail has an article.

We're going to be seeing more and more of this as irresponsible Millennial women drink like fish and feminists fight for their right to drink while pregnant.

(I'm not going to repost Daily Mail the article because the photos and graphics depicting signs of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome are an important part of the story.)

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

Quote: (02-16-2018 12:25 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

Quote: (02-16-2018 12:20 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

For the record, I would be fine with raising voting age, the draft, and gun ownership to 21 in our increasingly infantilized society.

What about drinking age? To me, it makes little sense for a country to say "Vote, kill, and join the Army...but sip that beer and you're under arrest."

The drinking age wasn't raised to 21 until the Reagan era.

0bamacare made people kids until they are 26...

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

Shooter was on medication for "emotional issues."

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

Quote: (02-16-2018 12:20 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (02-16-2018 12:14 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

It would probably be a good idea to limit gun ownership for youths. Raise the minimum age to 25 or so, just to get the crazies to be caught. Problem with a lot of these loons is that mental illness takes some time to really show. In the beginning, serious mental illness can masquerade as just behavioral problems.

Voting age, gun ownership age, and draft age should always be the same.

If you're old enough to kill, you're old enough to vote. And if you're old enough to decide on the leaders who instruct on how to kill, then you're old enough to kill.

For the record, I would be fine with raising voting age, the draft, and gun ownership to 21 in our increasingly infantilized society.

You could raise the age to 35 and it won't do any good. Too many kids are not learning proper socializing or responsibility before adulthood. The parents do not fucking care.

It slays me to see these "concerned parents" blaming guns, drugs, society and everything else. Why the hell don't parents just pull their kids out of public school if it's so dangerous?

They won't, because that would be too inconvenient.

Douglas High School shooting in Florida


Shooter was on medication for "emotional issues."


Also, the FBI was tipped off and did not follow up:


A person close to Cruz called an FBI tip line on Jan. 5 with information about Cruz's desire to kill people, erratic behavior, disturbing social media posts, as well as the potential of him conducting a school shooting, according to an FBI statement.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

Quote: (02-16-2018 01:16 PM)RexImperator Wrote:  


Shooter was on medication for "emotional issues."


Also, the FBI was tipped off and did not follow up:


A person close to Cruz called an FBI tip line on Jan. 5 with information about Cruz's desire to kill people, erratic behavior, disturbing social media posts, as well as the potential of him conducting a school shooting, according to an FBI statement.

Also from the above story:

"Broward County Mayor Beam Furr told NPR that Cruz "had been a client as some mental health facilities" and was now "one of those ones where we miss the signs.""

Maybe the reason we "miss the signs" is because we use euphemisms like the word "client" when it really should be "patient."

School and government offices require the use of these phony words because they're "non-judgemental." Well, guess they did their job, didn't they? No one thought to judge "the client" as they would have judged "the patient" back in the old days.

Also, what the hell kind of a name is "Beam Furr?" Sounds like a weird object that a stripper grinds on.

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

I haven't read all these pages but my opinion is that the problem, socially speaking, is that society very rarely forcibly instutionalizes crazy people.

Yes, this is a SJW deal, folks.

The idea is to try to not to fear the mentally ill and to try to keep them walking freely and integrated into society. It's prejudiced to assume that if someone seems crazy that it means they are a greater danger to society. Well guess what? In most cases they ARE a greater danger to society. Not just school shootings either, but domestic violence or individual serial killers.

This is why intervention soft-pedals things at every step of the game up until these guys go postal.

Back in the 40s or 50s they'd be locked up in a padded cell someplace, which seems cruel, but is ultimately a preventative measure to protect society from them snapping.

Since society will never start proactively rounding up nuts and throwing them in padded cells we'll simply be reacting to the carnage after the fact.

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

The more I read about deinstitutionalization the more I think there might be something to that. They started closing down insane asylums in the 60's due to some of the inmates being abused, as well as it being a big governmental expense. However, that can't help but leave an unintended consequence of legitimate schizos walking the streets to fester and get worse.

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

Quote: (02-16-2018 01:48 PM)Chevy Woonsocket Wrote:  

The more I read about deinstitutionalization the more I think there might be something to that. They started closing down insane asylums in the 60's due to some of the inmates being abused, as well as it being a big governmental expense. However, that can't help but leave an unintended consequence of legitimate schizos walking the streets to fester and get worse.

Not only that but think of what has happened to the justice system after these people commit their crimes. They use the insane defense to avoid maximum punishment. So it's a double-whammy. They're more apt to commit crimes and less likely to be punished for it.

I don't think the system as it is now can be helped other than via more and more vigilante style justice where a guy in the crowd (who is packing) spots him pulling a gun and takes him out of the gene pool.

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

Quote: (02-16-2018 01:16 PM)RexImperator Wrote:  


Shooter was on medication for "emotional issues."


Also, the FBI was tipped off and did not follow up:


A person close to Cruz called an FBI tip line on Jan. 5 with information about Cruz's desire to kill people, erratic behavior, disturbing social media posts, as well as the potential of him conducting a school shooting, according to an FBI statement.

You know what fellas. I am starting to get the vibe that the "Rank and File FBI Agents" that are so holy and beyond criticism by both Republicans and Democrats, are just as partisan as the upper echelon caught performing a coup to remove Trump.

Think about it.

If you were a cabal of highly liberal agents and deepstaters, wouldn't you want to plant the seeds to disarm the country and in the process remove power from conservatives?

Why stop mass shootings? It affects conservatives alot more than the victims, which more often than not, are Dems.

Can't persuade the majority of Americans to give up gun ownership or "Assault Rifles" legally? OK. Let's allow fuckheads we know about to spark the powder keg and make the country unsafe as fuck, such that it breaks the backs on gun owners politically.

What is this? This is like 4-6 or more events they knew about but did nothing to stop.

It's getting ridiculous at this point. Clearly they have agendas or are extremely incompetent at their jobs.

For a kid that had 30 something police visits, kicked out of school, on meds, gotten tipped off for threats to the FBI, he should have been sent to a mental facility. Had this been the old days, they would have thrown his ass into one with the quickness. We are too God damned soft on people these days, especially young men. I wonder if his mother bought his guns. Such bullshit this stuff is.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

Quote: (02-16-2018 02:05 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (02-16-2018 01:16 PM)RexImperator Wrote:  


Shooter was on medication for "emotional issues."


Also, the FBI was tipped off and did not follow up:


A person close to Cruz called an FBI tip line on Jan. 5 with information about Cruz's desire to kill people, erratic behavior, disturbing social media posts, as well as the potential of him conducting a school shooting, according to an FBI statement.

You know what fellas. I am starting to get the vibe that the "Rank and File FBI Agents" that are so holy and beyond criticism by both Republicans and Democrats, are just as partisan as the upper echelon caught performing a coup to remove Trump.

Think about it.

If you were a cabal of highly liberal agents and deepstaters, wouldn't you want to plant the seeds to disarm the country and in the process remove power from conservatives?

Why stop mass shootings? It affects conservatives alot more than the victims, which more often than not, are Dems.

Can't persuade the majority of Americans to give up gun ownership or "Assault Rifles" legally? OK. Let's allow fuckheads we know about to spark the powder keg and make the country unsafe as fuck, such that it breaks the backs on gun owners politically.

What is this? This is like 4-6 or more events they knew about but did nothing to stop.

It's getting ridiculous at this point. Clearly they have agendas or are extremely incompetent at their jobs.

For a kid that had 30 something police visits, kicked out of school, on meds, gotten tipped off for threats to the FBI, he should have been sent to a mental facility. Had this been the old days, they would have thrown his ass into one with the quickness. We are too God damned soft on people these days, especially young men. I wonder if his mother bought his guns. Such bullshit this stuff is.

FBI Admits "Protocols Were Not Followed" Before Florida Massacre

Other mass shooters and terrorists were similarly on the FBI’s radar — or should have been — before they carried out their deadly attacks.

Dylann Roof, who in 2015 shot nine people at a black church in Charleston, was allowed to purchase his weapon in part because of errors by FBI agents during the background check process, the agency said.

Pulse shooter Omar Mateen, who pledged allegiance to ISIS before killing 49 people at the Orlando nightclub, similarly seemed to have fallen through the cracks. The FBI investigated Mateen twice before the slaughter but ruled him not a threat both times.

The FBI knew that Fort Hood shooter Army Maj. Nidal Hasan had been in contact with al Qaeda terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki, but declined to investigate him. A congressional probe found that the FBI had failed to alert the Army about Hasan, and that the shooting could and should have been prevented. Hasan killed 13 people and wounded dozens of others in the 2009 shooting.

The FBI similarly missed opportunities to stop Tamerlan Tsarnaev, one of the brothers behind the 2013 Boston Bombing, a government review found. Russia warned the United States that Tsarnaev had associations with Islamic terrorists, leading an FBI-led task force to question the future terrorist. The agent who interviewed Tsarnaev closed the probe “having found no link or ‘nexus’ to terrorism.”

The task force was alerted a year later that Tsarnaev was leaving the country for Dagestan but declined to interview him or stop him from leaving the country. FBI agents later said the failure to interview Tsarnaev was a “huge” error, according to Boston Magazine.

Another school shooter who was on the FBI’s radar killed two students at a New Mexico high school just two months ago. Although the killing doesn’t meet the government’s definition of a mass shooting, the shooter was known to the FBI. The agency investigated the shooter, 21-year-old William Atchison, in 2016 after he commented online about committing a mass shooting.

[Image: thinking-face.png]

Douglas High School shooting in Florida


Exactly. I sent my Republican House congressman a letter after the memo dropped asking for him to work towards implementing new additional oversight on the DOJ and FBI. We need a new law for oversight, because no one knows what the fuck they are investigating and they answer to nobody. The only reason they do not lie about getting tipped off, is because Tom Fitton, Alex Jones, or college professors will just file FOIA requests to find out if they knew or not. The fact that they can freely admit it without consequences is unacceptable.

My congressman sent back an email to me just telling me to I should read the memo and the Dem's memo is irrelevant. Fuck the Dems, I could care less about them right now.

I think I will write up alot more and outline why using what you just broke down here and I will also send Ted Cruz and John Cornyn a copy as well. This shit is getting way out of hand. These people are some kind of choosy shadow government with no leash. Even shitty cops killing people unnecessarily get fired, even if the jury acquits them. When was the last time an FBI agent ever got fired?

Your average American would get at least a file in their HR report or fired on the spot for such poor work. These people have zero performance ratings and zero accountability for their work. Congress cannot even fire an agent for a screw up of any kind, even if they all unanimously voted on it.

Something has to change.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

When Jordan Jereb was called by the ABC reporter, if he wanted to help with the troll, he should have said, "Yes, he was associated with our group. We thought it a bit weird to have a Hispanic member, but he seemed to be genuine. Hell, we've had black and Muslim members before, so I guess a Hispanic member wouldn't have been that unusual."

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

Quote: (02-16-2018 12:33 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

Speaking of alcohol, has it been mentioned on this thread that the killer might have some degree of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome?

I noticed that his ears sit very low -- which is a big physical sign. So I Googled it and sure enough the UK paper the Daily Mail has an article.

We're going to be seeing more and more of this as irresponsible Millennial women drink like fish and feminists fight for their right to drink while pregnant.

(I'm not going to repost Daily Mail the article because the photos and graphics depicting signs of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome are an important part of the story.)

Most kids up for adoption from families in the West come from highly unstable alcoholic or drug addicted mothers. The rarest kids come from some stripper who feels just too young to take care of her kid (these are priced specimens on the adoption market).

In the old times he either would not have been treated with psychotropics resulting in far less violent behavior or he would have been committed often to a mental institution - sometimes for life or for a considerable period.

As for MLK ultra being able to incite craziness into the minds of individuals - yes that is true. There was even a documentary I saw about old tech from the 1970s that let secret service agents project voices directly into the heads of certain folk.

Now - they could do it, but whether someone would really care in this case - who knows... If they did, then it would be a major operation that reaped the benefits. But chances are that it was the usual deranged psycho on psychotropics gone crazy. At least if he went to school in a rough black neighborhood, then he would not got much traction due to the armed security.

And if things progress the way they do, then all schools will get armed security guards.

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