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Gold digger experiment

Gold digger experiment

Quote: (11-03-2011 12:28 PM)Hooligan Harry Wrote:  

More than anything, the real lesson here is that women are all whores. Outright fucking whores. They are all whores and they all exchange sex for something. Yes they enjoy it, but there is a price. Emotional attachment, currency, your social network, impressing her friends, that itch she had. They are selfish beyond belief and men need to learn that they will almost ALWAYS act out of self interest first. Even when it seems they will not.

I ought to get this tattooed onto my bicep.

Gold digger experiment

I came to this site because of this thread. Well done.

Gold digger experiment

I think a good thing to do is make a profile, pretend to be rich, have sex with these whores, and then don't give them any money. I'd tape the fucks though, as they may cry rape after..

Gold digger experiment

Dude,I watched a video where a 34yr Bitch has shit load of sugar daddies and gotten loads of cars, she never has sex with any of them she says.
here is some examples: watch this
I guess there are serious lonely rich guys looking for females.

Gold digger experiment

Did anyone ever try this out themselves?

Anyone have any new thoughts to add since internet dating has grown significantly since this was posted...

Gold digger experiment

Quote: (10-31-2011 01:57 AM)Hooligan Harry Wrote:  

Im stuck in an airport with all this Qantas chaos, so I thought I would get this post up. Been meaning to do it for a while just have not had the time, but the other sugar dating thread reminded me to do this.

I posted something similar on another forum over a year ago now. There were a few of us who conducted a social experiments of sorts on niche dating websites to see what sort of response one would get from gold diggers, fetish sites, hookup sites, etc. I trolled a sugar baby website because I dont like fat whales in leather or single moms. It was a bit of an insight into the way these type of women think and t I thought I would share my experiences in particular.

The old forum is gone (Rollo Tommassi has turned it into a blog) which is a pity because I could have just linked it.

Now granted these women are one step removed from hookers, but many are the sorts of chicks we run into at clubs, bars and on the street all the time. And I also believe that a hell of a lot of women would do this if they could do it discreetly. Most are your typical club sluts and party girls along with college students trying to pay their way through school.

There were some interesting things that came from this though, and there may (or may not) be lessons you can take from this. Its female psychology that applies to situations that dont even involve money too, money just happens to be their motivation. If a womans motivations were your looks, bad boy rep, etc the response would be quite similar in its own way. Its really is just an insight into their response as what they perceive to be a very, very high status male based on their particular requirements.

The website used was and its like a dating website really. Just one where the chicks are looking to arrange holidays or paid monthly arrangements.

Here was my profile, which was quite demanding. My troll was based in California, net worth over $10 million, age was 33. Profile said I was athletic.


Description of me

Outgoing, confident guy who does not have the time for a serious, committed relationship. I am very active and love exercise. I travel quite a bit for work and it would be great to take some company along from time to time.

Interested in business, history, sports and travel. No children.

Chemistry is very important to me, but I am not looking for love or a fully committed relationship. I do have an unusual requirement though, hence the reason for me being here

Description of arrangement

I am looking for an attractive lady that is into women. Genuinely bisexual with a real attraction to women and men. While I would prefer to have one lady as my primary mistress I would like to spice things up for the both of us from time to time. These are arrangements and decisions you make or we make together. Sometimes you can surprise me, sometimes we can agree and arrange together, as these are personal.

You are free to move on at any time, and you are also free to date if you like. I understand something like this should not come in the way of you finding the right person. There would be a few requirements I would have, like no men at my apartment, but this could be discussed in more detail if we meet and do get on quite well.

What I am prepared to offer

1 - I will see you twice maybe three times a week, probably staying for the night, but rarely will it be on the weekend and if it is, it will be for one night only.

2 - I will pay a personal allowance of $1500 a week for you to use as you wish. Cash, this will be kept off the books.

3 - You can accompany me on business trips from time to time if time permits and you dont have too many commitments.

4 - A weekly entertainment allowance of $750 will be provided too, which will cover out of pocket expenses when you are looking to spice things up

I am looking for

1 - Attractive, fit and healthy woman who is feminine and under 30. You need to look after yourself, both physical health and mind. I have a preference for slim or athletic women

2 - Woman who is either bi sexual or bi curious.

3 - No kids

4 - Discreet. Both of us would like this I am sure

What came from it, other than the whole exercise proving that Roissy is so fucking right its scary:

1. The average quality was high.

There were a few fatties and war pigs on the site, the vast majority were easy 6's and above. Its packed to the rafters with 8's though and typically the quality you would not expect to be caught dead on a dating website. Many of the women who contacted me were solid 7.5's and 8's, with the odd 9 sprinkled in.

Lesson: Women, deep down, know that their looks count more than anything else. There a clear correlation between good looking women and money. The women on the site generally seem to know and understand that their looks are all that really matters and you can see it from what they demand compensation wise. For all the female rationalisations in the world, they know as much as we do that looks matter more than anything else they bring to the table.

2. The women were very aggressive

I had women sending me mobile numbers in their first message. Many emailed through private pictures first time round. Almost all of them chased up if I sent them a message and they really pushed hard for a meet. They initiated contact and I imagine this is what it must be like for women on normal dating websites where they are the prize.

Lesson: Their interest level will always dictate the amount of effort they will put into something. If you are what she wants she is not going to play too hard to get especially if she knows she is competing against other attractive women. Granted, most men are not coming with a pay check and it amplifies the outcome, but it confirms yet again how interest level can be measured. The higher up the totem poll you are, the more likely she is to suck on your toes to keep you happy

3. Cougars resort to blatant whoring

The older they get, the sluttier and more "sexed up" their profiles and messages get. Most of the time, hardcore messages and borderline explicit profiles are almost always women over 35. Its actually laughable because you are seeing a gold digger who should have gone into retirement put out all the stops to land another whale. She does this by whoring it up.

Lesson: You dont need hardcore game for older whores, you just need to pay them some attention. They are easier to date not because they are mature and stable, but because they are desperate and lonely. Desperate women are lonely women and lonely women are far lower maintenance because they have no fucking options, not because they are mature and confident.

4. I was hammered

Averaged 25-30 messages a day and approached none. Chicks offering up their friends asses along with theirs. Offers to come and visit me from across the country, will bring lingerie, all sorts of shit. Just like you have men flooding women with compliments on normal dating sites trying to win them over, women were flooding me with insinuations of back breaking sex to try and win me over

Lesson: Women make themselves available to the men they really want. They will go out of their way and forgo their own comfort just to get in front of you.

5. They still rationalise everything

Even though they are selling their ass, they refuse to admit it. Most will say they are looking for a mentor. Many will say they are traditional and believe me should provide while they care for their men. Many admit they just want to be pampered (what is it with bitches and this word?) but most are looking for "genuine relationships" with mature men because they are sick of young boys

Lesson: Women are almost always delusional and live in a constant state of denial. Even when you catch them with their hands in the cookie jar they are never going to admit to any wrong doing. Always look at what they do, not what they say. Most importantly, never forget that she will almost always embellish everything to justify the decisions she made for her wrong doing. They actually believe it and convince themselves.

6. They were educated

Many of the women were your typical models and actresses. But even more were college educated and working in professional jobs. Many were also looking for assistance with college tuition. A few single moms, but not as many as you would expect. Certainly not low class trash by any stretch of the imagination, nor really desperate. Just typical hot bitches looking for a free ride in exchange for blowjobs and group sex.

Lesson:They are going to sponge off you. Be it as your sugar baby or be it as a co worker, you always pick up the slack with bitches. Whenever the going gets tough, the prettier the girl the more likely she is to resort to using her looks to help her solve her problems.

I think what it also shows though is exactly how cheap pussy is. Now for a lot of the guys here, spending 100k a year on some bitch might sound like a lot of money. It is a lot of money when you consider its more than most would earn in a year. Not to mention the stigma attached.

But if you are making 2-3 million a year, what is 100k a year? And for all the talk of game, you could have a string of 8's and 9's who are prepared to go down on chicks for you while they take it up the ass. All done with no effort whatsoever, handed to you on a platter as and when you need it.

Compare that to the cost of marriage. If you are making $2 million to $3 million a year but you were married, do you think your wife is going to fuck you like that? Are you going to be able to trade her in once every 6 months? Is she going to find other women for you to fuck? How much do you think the courts will force you to pay her in divorce settlements when all is said and done?

When it comes down to dollars and cents, the real high rollers dont need game. These sorts of women found them before the internet made it easy for them.

A few random pics I pulled from the inbox of the fake email account I setup. These were all emailed through. These are typical of what was coming through and if you visit the site you can see for yourself what sort of quality. I would say that the women below, looks wise, would represent more than 70% of the typical messages received.

First one I rate 8.5, second an 8, the rest 7's.

[Image: 33614.jpg]
[Image: dscn0271j.jpg]
[Image: 007ntm.jpg]
[Image: bikinih.png]
[Image: img2191p.jpg]

Darn, the pics aren't working. Would've loved to see the quality..

Gold digger experiment

I remember them being pretty damn hot. Next time try not to quote so much text dude.

Gold digger experiment

I made an account on that site recently and if confirmed one thing for me:

I need to start making more money.

Read my work on Return of Kings here.

Gold digger experiment

Quote: (09-07-2014 09:04 PM)runsonmagic Wrote:  

I made an account on that site recently and if confirmed one thing for me:

I need to start making more money.

What's needed to start an account - Is there any kind of verification process?

Gold digger experiment

Quote: (09-07-2014 09:08 PM)Atlantic Wrote:  

Quote: (09-07-2014 09:04 PM)runsonmagic Wrote:  

I made an account on that site recently and if confirmed one thing for me:

I need to start making more money.

What's needed to start an account - Is there any kind of verification process?

No. To read messages, you have to pay like 50$. So hypothetically, you could just scam girls and claim to have mountains of cash to be revealed after the third or fifth time having sex. But that kind of scam isn't congruent with the kind of game I run or relationships I'm looking for.

That said I've always bought the line "money doesn't matter" in game. While you can get laid without money, this site opened my eyes to a whole world of lifestyle opportunities available to those who have it. I've never put a huge priority on money because I can meet most of my needs on a modest income, but now I'm rethinking the amount of value I put in money as a tool.

Read my work on Return of Kings here.

Gold digger experiment

I can't believe that I never noticed this classic thread before. Worth a bump.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Gold digger experiment

I'm pretty sure this is the SA thread before the that thread was made.

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

Gold digger experiment

Ive been reading a lot of YaReally lately, and the thing is that he shits all over this kind of mindset. He posts, quite frequently, that hes broke as hell and girls presumably of this caliber bang him with zero effort. In his school of thought, game absolutely trumps everything.

But on the other end of it, the evidence provided by HH is absolutely undeniable. YaReally would most probably argue that although these girls were hounding the shit out of HH's profile, at the same time they were still fucking chad, the broke but totally hawt drummer and adam the grimey but popular and connected tattoo artist (for free) the entire time. Along with others.

I guess my final takeaway from this is that:

Having such a vast net worth and indicators pf status streamline the pickup from 56k to DSL. And yeah, shes probably banging char and adam on the side but
A.) these guys are probably working harder and having to lean on their game much more
B.) As a wealthy male you dont give a fuck, its just money, and its worth having that string of 8's and 9's delivered to your door.
C.) Chad and Adam may be getting the pussy, but are they getting doggystyle anal threesomes with her best friend?

M.O.B mayne

Gold digger experiment

Quote: (10-31-2011 10:11 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Great experiment.

Let's take your thought experiment of asking what is $100,000 to a guy making 3 million a year. That is 3.3% of his income. Do I spend 3.3% of my income related to getting laid? No doubt.

But a lot of guys have a line with chicks who want "sponsorship" where you're basically paying for a whore. If she starts expecting shit in order to put out, I have to bow out. Maybe I'll relax this line when I get older (I'm sure I'll have to), but even if I was rich now I don't think I could play that sponsorship game, even if that meant my quality was a bit less.

One good rule indeed is that only girls that make more efforts than you,
and chase you, will give also high quality sex over a longer period of time
are to be a little trusted, more than the regular gold diggers.

Anyway I avoid them all, but then again I'm still only 25

Gold digger experiment

I made a dummy account on seekingarrangements and the quality of girls in incredible.

The fee is expensive (around $100 per month), so I don't want to pay for nothing. Can other members confirm that the girls are very responsive / and they received a lot of unsolicited messages? Hooligan Harry claims he received 25-30 messages / day, while another guy on this thread said they were not very responsive.

Gold digger experiment

This is the current thread on running the Georgia on sugarbaby sites, namely SA since it's the biggest one.

Gold digger experiment

Quote: (01-09-2018 11:43 AM)FastBang King Wrote:  

I made a dummy account on seekingarrangements and the quality of girls in incredible.

The fee is expensive (around $100 per month), so I don't want to pay for nothing. Can other members confirm that the girls are very responsive / and they received a lot of unsolicited messages? Hooligan Harry claims he received 25-30 messages / day, while another guy on this thread said they were not very responsive.

Strong username to post content ratio.

Data Sheet Maps | On Musical Chicks | Rep Point Changes | Au Pairs on a Boat
Captainstabbin: "girls get more attractive with your dick in their mouth. It's science."
Spaniard88: "The "believe anything" crew contributes: "She's probably a good girl, maybe she lost her virginity to someone with AIDS and only had sex once before you met her...give her a chance.""

Gold digger experiment

You know the phrase "not all women are like that?" Well, it's mocked over at Rollo Tomassi's and other places. But as with most cliches, I think it's true.

So, my take here is that this "case study" did prove women are gold diggers...the ones that took the bait. But it didn't count the ones who didn't.

Who would those be? Those would be women like the modest bookworms/church girls I knew in college who practically ran screaming away from any guy who was "flashy" in their eyes.

It would also include the hippie chicks I knew who went on tour with the Grateful Dead and avoided material possessions and shacked up with broke hippie guys. (True story: I used to casually date one in college they called "the braless wonder" who was crazy about my broke ass and laughed in the face of a frat boy who tried to impress her.)

Later on in life, I met female editors (some of whom were absolutely gorgeous) and they tended to prefer brainiacs or "men with a passion" over anyone else. They often rejected much, much better prospects for "thinkers" or oddballs.

Thanks to Facebook, Linkedin, and the passing years, I'm now able to see how the bookworms, hippies, and editors turned out.

They didn't change. They didn't marry wealth. Two examples: The cute/sexy bookworm I hooked up with at Freshmen Orientation works as a pharmacist and married a guitar teacher who apparently teaches kids lessons for very little money. And the super-hot 6'0" tall editor who could have been a model married a part-time professor.

Money is nice for attracting a certain breed of woman. But women are strange and it won't lure them all. I think the "not all women are like that" crowd are overly simplifying a very complicated topic and need to listen to Joe Jackson's "Is She Really Going Out With Him?" for a reality check.

Gold digger experiment

Good post by DoBA. All women have the instinct to seek out men with resources, but they don't all act on it, or at least not in the same way. Their personality plays a role, but probably even more so their environment and social context. Conversely, all straight men have the instinct to seek out the hottest young girls and put their seed in them. Still, a young man with a cucked upbringing or too much Hollywood brainwashing may see this as "problematic."

But the big problem today seems to be that looks and sex have become commodified to an extent that the whorishness of the hottest girls is increasing very rapidly. Here in Ghana, admittedly a very different case, I have noticed that all the super hot girls I see are prostitutes. The whores just blow the 7s I'm getting completely out of the water. Maybe this is the future in the West, as well: every 9 a whore, sugarbaby og Dubai porta-potty. It is understandable given the interplay of evolutionary psychology and new technology, but goddamn it's depressing and disturbing in some ways.

Gold digger experiment

Thanks again for resurrecting this thread. It's a lot of good stuff.

Gold digger experiment

Quote: (01-11-2018 05:17 AM)Akwesi Wrote:  

But the big problem today seems to be that looks and sex have become commodified to an extent that the whorishness of the hottest girls is increasing very rapidly. Here in Ghana, admittedly a very different case, I have noticed that all the super hot girls I see are prostitutes. The whores just blow the 7s I'm getting completely out of the water. Maybe this is the future in the West, as well: every 9 a whore, sugarbaby og Dubai porta-potty. It is understandable given the interplay of evolutionary psychology and new technology, but goddamn it's depressing and disturbing in some ways.

I don't want to bump the SA post so i'll post my experience in here.
Never really looked into the SA thread all these years I've been on the forum, until last week I was bored at work and decided to check the talent.

Mind blowing shit. Turns out 2 chicks I know and was banging last year are on the site in my local area. Now it all make sense on why they ghosted, why they were so "busy", how they had all this fancy lifestyle clubbing and dinners even though they had no jobs.

Now that I think of it, the last top 3 notches I banged were all running some type of gold digger sugar baby prostitution game. I never realized how common this is nowadays.

I don't have the bankroll to keep up with these chicks and in a way I feel they can sense it after the 2-3 bangs so they just move on.

I've peeked behind the curtain, I would say anything above a 7 around this city is hooking in one way or another.

Gold digger experiment

Years later - excellent post and info. Might need to modify this and do a 2018 experiment

Gold digger experiment

Quote: (01-11-2018 12:38 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

You know the phrase "not all women are like that?" Well, it's mocked over at Rollo Tomassi's and other places. But as with most cliches, I think it's true.

So, my take here is that this "case study" did prove women are gold diggers...the ones that took the bait. But it didn't count the ones who didn't.

Who would those be? Those would be women like the modest bookworms/church girls I knew in college who practically ran screaming away from any guy who was "flashy" in their eyes.

It would also include the hippie chicks I knew who went on tour with the Grateful Dead and avoided material possessions and shacked up with broke hippie guys. (True story: I used to casually date one in college they called "the braless wonder" who was crazy about my broke ass and laughed in the face of a frat boy who tried to impress her.)

Later on in life, I met female editors (some of whom were absolutely gorgeous) and they tended to prefer brainiacs or "men with a passion" over anyone else. They often rejected much, much better prospects for "thinkers" or oddballs.

Thanks to Facebook, Linkedin, and the passing years, I'm now able to see how the bookworms, hippies, and editors turned out.

They didn't change. They didn't marry wealth. Two examples: The cute/sexy bookworm I hooked up with at Freshmen Orientation works as a pharmacist and married a guitar teacher who apparently teaches kids lessons for very little money. And the super-hot 6'0" tall editor who could have been a model married a part-time professor.

Money is nice for attracting a certain breed of woman. But women are strange and it won't lure them all. I think the "not all women are like that" crowd are overly simplifying a very complicated topic and need to listen to Joe Jackson's "Is She Really Going Out With Him?" for a reality check.

DoBA, so what does the data sheet re: meeting one of these college bookworms look like?

Data Sheet Maps | On Musical Chicks | Rep Point Changes | Au Pairs on a Boat
Captainstabbin: "girls get more attractive with your dick in their mouth. It's science."
Spaniard88: "The "believe anything" crew contributes: "She's probably a good girl, maybe she lost her virginity to someone with AIDS and only had sex once before you met her...give her a chance.""

Gold digger experiment

Quote: (01-14-2018 09:48 PM)polar Wrote:  

Quote: (01-11-2018 12:38 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

You know the phrase "not all women are like that?" Well, it's mocked over at Rollo Tomassi's and other places. But as with most cliches, I think it's true.

So, my take here is that this "case study" did prove women are gold diggers...the ones that took the bait. But it didn't count the ones who didn't.

Who would those be? Those would be women like the modest bookworms/church girls I knew in college who practically ran screaming away from any guy who was "flashy" in their eyes.

It would also include the hippie chicks I knew who went on tour with the Grateful Dead and avoided material possessions and shacked up with broke hippie guys. (True story: I used to casually date one in college they called "the braless wonder" who was crazy about my broke ass and laughed in the face of a frat boy who tried to impress her.)

Later on in life, I met female editors (some of whom were absolutely gorgeous) and they tended to prefer brainiacs or "men with a passion" over anyone else. They often rejected much, much better prospects for "thinkers" or oddballs.

Thanks to Facebook, Linkedin, and the passing years, I'm now able to see how the bookworms, hippies, and editors turned out.

They didn't change. They didn't marry wealth. Two examples: The cute/sexy bookworm I hooked up with at Freshmen Orientation works as a pharmacist and married a guitar teacher who apparently teaches kids lessons for very little money. And the super-hot 6'0" tall editor who could have been a model married a part-time professor.

Money is nice for attracting a certain breed of woman. But women are strange and it won't lure them all. I think the "not all women are like that" crowd are overly simplifying a very complicated topic and need to listen to Joe Jackson's "Is She Really Going Out With Him?" for a reality check.

DoBA, so what does the data sheet re: meeting one of these college bookworms look like?

I don't understand the question. I met these girls in college. They disappeared pretty early on. It was a long time ago.

The best I can do is recommend the following to college guys: Go out of your way to look at the girls who are otherwise invisible to you. The ones who are cute but not overtly sexy. The ones who are friendly but shy. The ones who wear sweaters that look like grandma bought them. The ones in the library Thursday nights when you're at the kegger. The ones on the all-girls floor of the dorm.

A lot of these are your best long-term bets. Girls who look immature and undevloped in college stay looking young. And girls who don't date much don't end up tainted by an endless parade of guys.

I didn't see it this way in college. I wanted the hot, popular girls and was embarrassed whenever the un-stylish, bookish girls used to come talk to me. I used to think: "I'm not gonna date a virgin! They have no experience, plus if I take their cherry, they'll never leave me alone."

But what seemed like innovative thinking at 20 came to look like a mistake by the time I turned 35 and now feels like brainless, youthful stupidity on my part.

If this sounds familiar, it's because I'm repeating myself. I've written all this before. I think the best essay I wrote on this was in a post based around Roosh's list of qualities to look for in a wife.

In college I was real quick to complain whenever I felt neglected. But like a fool, I failed to see all the good catches I myself passed up...until I saw what became of them when I got on Facebook 20 years later. They still looked good and all were in stable marriages. Meanwhile the "hottt girls" I chased did me no good in the end.

Gold digger experiment

I would take conclusions #1 and #6 with a HUGE grain of salt.

As to appearances, even if those are really her pictures,there is a ton that can be done with Photoshop,makeup, or simply using a picture that is many years old. Just compare real women you know and their Facebook photos.

As to college,"professional" work etc. I've known women who list a college and major on their resume even though they only attended for a couple of semesters (no degree) ... sometimes just one summer class (with maybe a grade of C?) and who vastly inflate their job description.

As to men with money, I've known a few, and they don't stay rich by wasting money. If you're rich, having her share your life (riding in the passenger seat of your expensive car or spending a weekend at the ski chalet you already own) will get you enough golddiggers. No need to spend more.

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