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The NFL is dying

The NFL is dying

Quote: (09-25-2017 11:00 AM)kosko Wrote:  

Why have the sponsors not been attacked? The NFL, unlike other leagues who will take money from anyone, has a select list of 15 corporations that it has national partnerships with. These should be easy to call out for siding with the unpatriotic NFL that is not enforcing it's own rules and injecting politics, by choice, into sports.


These above are some of tbe major ones that come to mind. The companies are purposefully staying quiet in hope that this blows over. These Corps should be attached for feeding money to the beast. This would get the NFL sweating bullets big time.

I got an even better idea.

The NFL has an Armed Forces Support week, like they do for breast cancer, etc.

I wonder if Trump can tell all 4 branches to no longer participate with the NFL that week. No more jets flying over the stadiums, no more recruitment drives, no more halftime military salute stuff, and no more flag marches, etc. Also, no more 1000s of tickets given to servicemen and women to attend the games. Why let them be subject to all that disrespect?

Our military gives the NFL several MILLIONS every year for those festivities. I think we even had a thread about how much they spend on it and it was controversial back then. Now? Who would object?! Rip it all out!

If Trump does not stop it, the generals could. It was not like Congress wrote a law requiring them to do this every year.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

The NFL is dying

I have a strange feeling that Mike Tomlin might have gone too far. Steeler fans are as blue collar and military as people get. The rooney family is very conservative and patriotic. There might be a storm going on behind closed doors.

I'm not sure if they will fire him but if he doesn't stop it might happen. They are probably grappling with the fact that firing anybody would self destruct the team and how best to contain the damage if the antics won't stop. Perhaps suspensions could work. Cutting players over this would hurt your roster too badly.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

The NFL is dying

Quote: (09-25-2017 11:51 AM)Rude Prick Wrote:  


Fixed that username for you Prick.

The NFL is dying

Quote: (09-25-2017 10:39 AM)doc holliday Wrote:  

Quote: (09-25-2017 07:24 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (09-24-2017 09:55 PM)911 Wrote:  

Quote: (09-24-2017 09:25 PM)kosko Wrote:  

Quote: (09-24-2017 07:33 PM)doc holliday Wrote:  

AB I'd say it's the exact opposite. Majority of college football programs lose money. In reality it's college student loans that subsidize the majority of college athletics. With the NFL basically using college football as it's free developmental league, you could make the case that indebted impoverished college grads are subsidizing the NFL player pipeline. Man the more you delve into this, the more it becomes clear how corrupted the NFL and big league sports in general has become. The NFL really does need to die off at this point.

I've stayed quiet on this thread because I will end up writing a novel if I attempt to cover all the bases (former football player here, also have kept up on the business of sports as a hobby of mine for years). I will crawl out though to correct you on this as it isn't 100% correct.

Top level NCAA Div 1 programs bring on truck loads of money. The major confrences such as the Big 10, and SEC have billion dollar TV deals and also have their OWN TV networks which they sell advertising on. The Big 10 recently signed a $2.5 billion deal with FOX over 6 years. This is NFL type money but with one big bonus...

NCAA has no salaries. NFL about 40% of revenues goes to players, in NCAA they pocket it all and give the players tiny scholarships in return. Football brings in big time revenues for schools and helps subsidize goofy sports like woman's water polo and hopscotching. Football is a big business. Coaches for example in college make more on average than NFL coaches.

This is the worst part of football for me. I hate how colleges take advantage of kids and don't provide any compensation.

Agree completely with the first part kosko, but in the age of skyrocketing tuition, schools are no longer taking advantage of athletes, a 4-yr out of state FB schollie at Michigan or UCLA is worth nearly a quarter million dollars. Not to mention admission to top colleges.

Not that there isn't some academic abuse at the football factories, but a large number of student-athletes do take advantage of their educational opportunities. Graduating with crushing debt is not something they will experience.

In theory that would be about right, but the reality is that for alot of these kids (like what UCLA's Rosen said a while back) is that they spend practically all day on football and much less on schoolwork. Football is like a full time job, then school is second.

To make matters worse. "Hey coach, I want to major in Biology/Engineering/Computer Science/." Coach: "You are off the team unless you switch to Kinesiology."

Robert Griffin III went to Baylor, which is a school for eggheads/doctors, which is why he has a STEM degree and a law degree. A Stanford student could major in whatever they want because you have to have high grades to get in there to begin with, ditto for Rice. Alabama? LSU? HAHA! If you don't major in PE, you will be kicked off the team ASAP along with that scholarship gone. Only "Football Approved majors" with hand picked schedules, your coaches setup before the season started, at schools like that.

The whole "Football Industrial Complex" is one big fat scam. You have guys playing in college not allowed to receive any financial compensation at all while everyone else around them gets rich off of their names and football achievements. Would anyone in any other industry tolerate this arrangement for one second? It's indentured servitude as far as I'm concerned. Like TK said, most of these guys are essentially majoring in football and have degrees that are unusable in the real world. Why don't NFL players protest this instead? Why does the multi billion dollar NFL have a free developmental league? What do you think guys like Maurice Clarett, Vince Young and other college stars are doing now? How many millions were made off of their names in college without them seeing a penny of it? NFL players don't care, they got theirs. The whole thing is a cesspool. And this is without even talking about the corrupt college coaches. Joe Paterno anyone? Jerry Sandusky? Barry Switzer? They belong in the rogues hall of shame.

If you're playing football for Notre Dame or USC, you are getting around $65k/year in free tuition and room and board. You go to class, hit practice, grab a meal and go to sleep in the dorms while the guy next to you has to come up with close to $200/day, every day of the year, for 4 years in order to get his degree.

You're getting a $65k/yr package as a 19-20yo, which puts you squarely in the top 1% of your age group, and that's for doing something that you loved doing since you were a kid, BMOC with nearly unlimited access to pussy in a campus environment where women outnumber men by 50%. Not to mention the access you were granted to top schools, academic institutions that as a black or even white male you are statistically not likely to attend.

In the current environment with stratospheric tuition and narrowing career options, the metaphor of college athletics as "plantations" is no longer valid, it boils down to SJW victimhood ethos. In fact, it is the vast majority of regular college students whose parents can't subsidize that are the real slaves here, as in debt slaves.


for alot of these kids (like what UCLA's Rosen said a while back) is that they spend practically all day on football and much less on schoolwork. Football is like a full time job, then school is second.

To make matters worse. "Hey coach, I want to major in Biology/Engineering/Computer Science/." Coach: "You are off the team unless you switch to Kinesiology."

What student-athletes do is they take the minimum load allowed during Fall, with the easiest classes, then they compensate in Spring and Summer school, where they don't travel and their practice schedule is lighter. Also, students have the option of going to a football factory, or one like Vanderbilt, Rice or Cal where they are expected to perform in the classroom.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

The NFL is dying

[Image: 20170925_nfl1_0.jpg]

The NFL is dying



for alot of these kids (like what UCLA's Rosen said a while back) is that they spend practically all day on football and much less on schoolwork. Football is like a full time job, then school is second.

To make matters worse. "Hey coach, I want to major in Biology/Engineering/Computer Science/." Coach: "You are off the team unless you switch to Kinesiology."

What student-athletes do is they take the minimum load allowed during Fall, with the easiest classes, then they compensate in Spring and Summer school, where they don't travel and their practice schedule is lighter. Also, students have the option of going to a football factory, or one like Vanderbilt, Rice or Cal where they are expected to perform in the classroom.

There's an assumption that degrees are actually worthwhile for these student athletes. For every 1 success, 3 or 4 are a waste of seat in the classroom.

NFL is going downhill and the college system will face a reckoning too.

If we all agree the system is broken we need to start looking at ways to fix it equitably.

Here's how you break the NCAA cabal over college football:

Instead of the over-played student athlete angle, Big college football should move to a semi-pro sport club model so players can be compensated with either discounted tuition or an actual minor league football salary. Sport clubs would be affiliated with a college, but the players could be a combination of paid athletes and college athletes.

This way we can end this hypocrisy of unpaid labor for athletes that really have no place in college classrooms, while still allowing for college students to participate. There are two ways to play on a Sport Club:

1. Be a paid athlete working for the College Affiliated Sport Club (Not the college directly). Maximum contract length is 4 years. Salary is =/= to Annual Scholarship, plus bonus eligible for Bowls. Schools start paying top "college" players what they deserve given big college football revenues without having to make them go to class and waste their time.

2. Be a walk-on or a scholarship recipient and actually be a student at the college. These guys are good players, but lack the physical ability to actually go to Pro-Footbal, so they use their scholarship to go to class and prepare for work after graduation. No more wasting class seats on students with no sense being there.

Right now the system is broken, degrees are worthless for a sizable chunk of college athletes. They just need fitness certifications and to go back and help our society exercise IMHO. If pro football is shifting, college football should be ready to shift and compensate athletes correctly. The old system is built out of an era where being a student athlete was a completely different concept. Those days are loooong over.

The NFL is dying

Quote: (09-25-2017 10:58 AM)Sam Malone Wrote:  

Quote: (09-25-2017 09:13 AM)DamienCasanova Wrote:

Green Bay Packers star HaHa Clinton-Dix appeared to take a subtle shot at national anthem protesters after his Sunday game against the Cincinnati Bengals.

The University of Alabama product posted the NFL rule about standing for the anthem on his public Facebook page.

He wrote the following:

The specific rule pertaining to the national anthem is found on pages A62-63 of the NFL League Rulebook. It states:

“The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem.

“During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition…

…It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.”

I'm seeing this (A62-A63) quoted a lot on FB.

News reports are saying that this particular section doesn't discuss the anthem at all.

Anybody got a legit link to the A62-A63 rule ?

"A62" isn't even the way rules are numbered in the Playbook. Apparently, the text is found in the "Game Operations Manual" but I can't find an official copy to check.

The NFL is dying


The NFL is dying

Quote: (09-25-2017 12:21 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

I have a strange feeling that Mike Tomlin might have gone too far. Steeler fans are as blue collar and military as people get. The rooney family is very conservative and patriotic. There might be a storm going on behind closed doors.

I'm not sure if they will fire him but if he doesn't stop it might happen. They are probably grappling with the fact that firing anybody would self destruct the team and how best to contain the damage if the antics won't stop. Perhaps suspensions could work. Cutting players over this would hurt your roster too badly.

No one in any of this did anything really wrong. They are all just bickering over symbols and symbolic acts because it is easier than true civic engagement.

How is this any different from putting a French flag over a Facebook picture?

It is much more worrying to me to see men substituting virtue signaling for action than any specific issue.

Masculinity is not served by taking its cues from post modern leftists.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

The NFL is dying

Quote: (09-25-2017 01:11 PM)Captainstabbin Wrote:  

"A62" isn't even the way rules are numbered in the Playbook. Apparently, the text is found in the "Game Operations Manual" but I can't find an official copy to check.

It's probably being changed while we read this thread...

Quote:Darkwing Buck Wrote:  
A 5 in your bed is worth more than a 9 in your head.

The NFL is dying

Quote: (09-25-2017 01:09 PM)TheOllam Wrote:  



for alot of these kids (like what UCLA's Rosen said a while back) is that they spend practically all day on football and much less on schoolwork. Football is like a full time job, then school is second.

To make matters worse. "Hey coach, I want to major in Biology/Engineering/Computer Science/." Coach: "You are off the team unless you switch to Kinesiology."

What student-athletes do is they take the minimum load allowed during Fall, with the easiest classes, then they compensate in Spring and Summer school, where they don't travel and their practice schedule is lighter. Also, students have the option of going to a football factory, or one like Vanderbilt, Rice or Cal where they are expected to perform in the classroom.

There's an assumption that degrees are actually worthwhile for these student athletes. For every 1 success, 3 or 4 are a waste of seat in the classroom.

NFL is going downhill and the college system will face a reckoning too.

If we all agree the system is broken we need to start looking at ways to fix it equitably.

Here's how you break the NCAA cabal over college football:

Instead of the over-played student athlete angle, Big college football should move to a semi-pro sport club model so players can be compensated with either discounted tuition or an actual minor league football salary. Sport clubs would be affiliated with a college, but the players could be a combination of paid athletes and college athletes.

This way we can end this hypocrisy of unpaid labor for athletes that really have no place in college classrooms, while still allowing for college students to participate. There are two ways to play on a Sport Club:

1. Be a paid athlete working for the College Affiliated Sport Club (Not the college directly). Maximum contract length is 4 years. Salary is =/= to Annual Scholarship, plus bonus eligible for Bowls. Schools start paying top "college" players what they deserve given big college football revenues without having to make them go to class and waste their time.

2. Be a walk-on or a scholarship recipient and actually be a student at the college. These guys are good players, but lack the physical ability to actually go to Pro-Footbal, so they use their scholarship to go to class and prepare for work after graduation. No more wasting class seats on students with no sense being there.

Right now the system is broken, degrees are worthless for a sizable chunk of college athletes. They just need fitness certifications and to go back and help our society exercise IMHO. If pro football is shifting, college football should be ready to shift and compensate athletes correctly. The old system is built out of an era where being a student athlete was a completely different concept. Those days are loooong over.

This is exactly how it's done in hockey. You have junior leagues in Canada where the players get paid a stipend and then receive some money to go to college. If you don't get drafted by the NHL, you then have the option to go to college in Canada and pursue a real degree. 911, the current NCAA model is broken and even though the players get full rides to some expensive schools, the vast majority of kids don't get a usable degree. It's the principle of others profiting off of your name while you are prohibited from doing so that I find as the antithesis of capitalism. I agree that the regular students are really getting hosed and I said so above. The Canadian system of college in general is much better than the clusterfuck that we have down here.

The NFL is dying



The NFL is dying

Quote: (09-25-2017 12:21 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

I have a strange feeling that Mike Tomlin might have gone too far. Steeler fans are as blue collar and military as people get. The rooney family is very conservative and patriotic. There might be a storm going on behind closed doors.

I'm not sure if they will fire him but if he doesn't stop it might happen. They are probably grappling with the fact that firing anybody would self destruct the team and how best to contain the damage if the antics won't stop. Perhaps suspensions could work. Cutting players over this would hurt your roster too badly.

With respect to these protests Tomlin and the Steelers are a microcosm of the issues at play here on multiple levels.

The Steelers are owned by the Rooney family, who as you've said are conservative and patriotic, and widely held up as an example of the ideal NFL owner. The Steelers are a first class organization and have been very successful to boot. Pittsburgh itself is a very working class, blue collar town and the Steelers, from the ownership right down to their style of play on the field are very representative of the city itself.

One of the reasons the Rooneys are held up as paragons is because of The Rooney Rule, which is an initiative introduced by Dan Rooney that declared that at least one minority candidate had to be interviewed for head coaching and top management positions as part of the process. Mike Tomlin, the current Steelers head coach is put forth as a great example of the of the rule, given that he came out of nowhere at the time, but impressed so much in his interview that he was given the job. I hesitate to claim that but for the rule he wouldn't be a head coach, let alone for one of the A-list NFL teams, but the links between his hiring and the specific organization's worldview can't be ignored.

So you have an organization in the Steelers which goes out of its way to be loudly and overtly 'not racist' in its hiring practices and decides to hire a black man to one of the most prestigious coaching jobs in American sports. Then that same black man, from that same prestigious perch, instructs his team not to come out for the national anthem, which whether he meant it or not amounted to a tacit support of the protests. Protests, which to paraphrase Kaepernick, were happening because supporting the anthem would be to support a country which is oppressing minorities.

Mike Tomlin is not an oppressed man, but even if he wanted to take the stand for those he feels are oppressed, doing so from a position which is the very representation of your lack of oppression is odd to say the least, and insulting to most.

Similarly the average NFL viewer probably leaned towards Trump in the election, but like most people in Current Year America, go out of their way to be 'not racist' in their everyday lives.

They turn up on Sunday wanting to turn their brains off for a few hours to watch football but instead are treated with the protesting of the flag and the national anthem, the implication being that supporting the anthem/flag is to support oppression of minorities.

That is going to rub people the wrong way, and to the extent that the players in the NFL and other sports continue to one up each other to see who can engage in the most ornate anthem protest, the more they are going to turn off the viewing public to their cause. The public won't necessarily stop watching games, but they'll definitely tune out the underlying political argument more and more.

It will be a slow but sure red-pilling of a very large group of people (sports fans) who will come to the realization the SJW stuff will not stop until it is in literally every facet of one's life and continue again until every last one targeted succumbs to the SJW mindset. That's a recipe for disaster.

The NFL is dying

Alex Jones on InfoWars rips the NFL a new bung Hole...
Bloody Outrageous:
"Different Social Injustices" ??? These traitors do not even know what they are protesting - to my mind the biggest social injustice is these ungrateful traitors average $5Million a year and dare hate the hands that feed and protect them!
[Sunday appears to be the first time any Patriots player has knelt during the pregame anthem since Kaepernick’s demonstration garnered widespread attention last season. However, McCourty and former Patriots tight end Martellus Bennett did hold their fists in the air in solidarity at the end of the anthem before last year’s season opener.
“It’s all for the same cause, different social injustices,” McCourty told ESPN at the time.]

I was shocked to see my Beloved Patriots team "Brothers" all millionaires kneeling to protest and even Tom Phocking GOAT Brady locking Arms in protest rather than respect the Flag and Anthem that so many have taken the oath to protect and defend with our lives...

I side with Alex Jones ... best thing we can all do personally is deny these National Felons League of Traitors our Eyeballs for Ratings and our money for gear and tickets, boycott their advertisers to hit them square in their wallets - approximately 17% of the New England State's residents have served and if you count our Parents and Families that is close to 80% who have loved ones who have served or are now serving and facing off daily to our deadly enemies such as:

1. The Soros funded and Rothschild/Rockefeller CFR controlled Globalists destroying European Culture and the EU with said same focus on the USA meaning all of us.
2. The Latin American and Mexican and Asian Narco-Terrorists flooding our country with deadly Fentanyl laced Cocaine and Heroin causing over 40,000 overdose deaths per year exceeding highway accidents as the leading killer of young Americans... this is Pure Narco-Terrorist fueled war against the USA and what do the CFR controlled MSM say about it - zip nada silencio lest they encourage an outraged America to demand the Wall be built and all illegals deported NOW - but then who would clean the seats and pick up the trash in the NFLs Stadiums?
3. Pack Rim ASEAN countries who conspire to manipulate their currencies to boost exports, especially China who encourages the NoKor pigman Kimmie the Commie to threaten the USA with ThermoNuclear Attack whilst they continue to rob our intellectual property and identities (i.e. 143 Million Equifax credit records).
4. Global Radical Islamist Terrorism and Radical Islam Sunnis and Shia who want to rule the Globe with population replacement and Sharia law and the repeal and replacement of the US Constitution and rule of law as is already happening across most of northern and Sub Saharan Africa, much of southeast Asia - Malaysia, Indonesia and now the Phils southern Islands and - most of all - the Cucked UK and EU implementing laws across the EU and UK not to offend Radical Islamist oppressive Sharia sensibilities.
5. The Soros funded Social Justice Movement in the EU and USA infecting most schools, universities and corporate HR Departments in the USA now including the once beloved and now for myself - hated Traitors led NFL.

Yesterday I vowed to boycott the NFL and especially Tom Mangina Brady and the New England Traitors as long as they do anything less than show complete respect to our nation's symbols of honor for all who have served, still serve and especially all those who gave their last full true measure of devotion and were killed or maimed for life in defense of all we hold dear.

God Bless the United States of America ...

To Hell with the Satanic Numbskull Felons League.

The NFL is dying

As expected:


In metered market numbers, the primetime matchup that saw the Washington Redskins beat the Oakland Raiders 27-10 snared an 11.6/20, the worst SNF has performed this season so far. It’s an 8% dip from the early numbers of last week’s game, Atlanta’s 34-23 win over Green Bay. Amid cheers and boos from fans at FedEx Field in Maryland last night, the third week of the SNF season declined 10% from early numbers of the comparable game of last year on September 25, 2016.

The NFL is dying

I just messaged my congresswoman and my two senators to ask them to withdraw any kind of federal support for the NFL, including color guards, flyovers, etc. I checked the Facebook pages for several teams, including my local team, and it's as you all say, about 60-70% of the comments are telling the teams and their players to go to Hell.

The NFL is dying

Quote: (09-25-2017 12:42 PM)911 Wrote:  

Quote: (09-25-2017 10:39 AM)doc holliday Wrote:  

Quote: (09-25-2017 07:24 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (09-24-2017 09:55 PM)911 Wrote:  

Quote: (09-24-2017 09:25 PM)kosko Wrote:  

I've stayed quiet on this thread because I will end up writing a novel if I attempt to cover all the bases (former football player here, also have kept up on the business of sports as a hobby of mine for years). I will crawl out though to correct you on this as it isn't 100% correct.

Top level NCAA Div 1 programs bring on truck loads of money. The major confrences such as the Big 10, and SEC have billion dollar TV deals and also have their OWN TV networks which they sell advertising on. The Big 10 recently signed a $2.5 billion deal with FOX over 6 years. This is NFL type money but with one big bonus...

NCAA has no salaries. NFL about 40% of revenues goes to players, in NCAA they pocket it all and give the players tiny scholarships in return. Football brings in big time revenues for schools and helps subsidize goofy sports like woman's water polo and hopscotching. Football is a big business. Coaches for example in college make more on average than NFL coaches.

This is the worst part of football for me. I hate how colleges take advantage of kids and don't provide any compensation.

Agree completely with the first part kosko, but in the age of skyrocketing tuition, schools are no longer taking advantage of athletes, a 4-yr out of state FB schollie at Michigan or UCLA is worth nearly a quarter million dollars. Not to mention admission to top colleges.

Not that there isn't some academic abuse at the football factories, but a large number of student-athletes do take advantage of their educational opportunities. Graduating with crushing debt is not something they will experience.

In theory that would be about right, but the reality is that for alot of these kids (like what UCLA's Rosen said a while back) is that they spend practically all day on football and much less on schoolwork. Football is like a full time job, then school is second.

To make matters worse. "Hey coach, I want to major in Biology/Engineering/Computer Science/." Coach: "You are off the team unless you switch to Kinesiology."

Robert Griffin III went to Baylor, which is a school for eggheads/doctors, which is why he has a STEM degree and a law degree. A Stanford student could major in whatever they want because you have to have high grades to get in there to begin with, ditto for Rice. Alabama? LSU? HAHA! If you don't major in PE, you will be kicked off the team ASAP along with that scholarship gone. Only "Football Approved majors" with hand picked schedules, your coaches setup before the season started, at schools like that.

The whole "Football Industrial Complex" is one big fat scam. You have guys playing in college not allowed to receive any financial compensation at all while everyone else around them gets rich off of their names and football achievements. Would anyone in any other industry tolerate this arrangement for one second? It's indentured servitude as far as I'm concerned. Like TK said, most of these guys are essentially majoring in football and have degrees that are unusable in the real world. Why don't NFL players protest this instead? Why does the multi billion dollar NFL have a free developmental league? What do you think guys like Maurice Clarett, Vince Young and other college stars are doing now? How many millions were made off of their names in college without them seeing a penny of it? NFL players don't care, they got theirs. The whole thing is a cesspool. And this is without even talking about the corrupt college coaches. Joe Paterno anyone? Jerry Sandusky? Barry Switzer? They belong in the rogues hall of shame.

If you're playing football for Notre Dame or USC, you are getting around $65k/year in free tuition and room and board. You go to class, hit practice, grab a meal and go to sleep in the dorms while the guy next to you has to come up with close to $200/day, every day of the year, for 4 years in order to get his degree.

You're getting a $65k/yr package as a 19-20yo, which puts you squarely in the top 1% of your age group, and that's for doing something that you loved doing since you were a kid, BMOC with nearly unlimited access to pussy in a campus environment where women outnumber men by 50%. Not to mention the access you were granted to top schools, academic institutions that as a black or even white male you are statistically not likely to attend.

In the current environment with stratospheric tuition and narrowing career options, the metaphor of college athletics as "plantations" is no longer valid, it boils down to SJW victimhood ethos. In fact, it is the vast majority of regular college students whose parents can't subsidize that are the real slaves here, as in debt slaves.


for alot of these kids (like what UCLA's Rosen said a while back) is that they spend practically all day on football and much less on schoolwork. Football is like a full time job, then school is second.

To make matters worse. "Hey coach, I want to major in Biology/Engineering/Computer Science/." Coach: "You are off the team unless you switch to Kinesiology."

What student-athletes do is they take the minimum load allowed during Fall, with the easiest classes, then they compensate in Spring and Summer school, where they don't travel and their practice schedule is lighter. Also, students have the option of going to a football factory, or one like Vanderbilt, Rice or Cal where they are expected to perform in the classroom.

I did not call it a plantation, but it's not as great of a deal as you make it out to be. A degree in basket weaving only ensures that you will have a job working for Enterprise Rental Car once you graduate. You do not need Samseau to break down for you how shitty and useless most non-stem degrees are. Hell some of these degrees are not even worth bothering getting then attempting to get an MBA or law degree with after you get one.

Most guys are not going to Rice or Vanderbuilt. Not only do they not have the grades to get in quite possibly, but they might not be able to hang and keep that scholarship. For every school like Rice out there, there are at least 20-30 more doing it the way I described. Not only are the egg head schools worse in Div 1 football, it makes it tougher for NFL scouts to notice you, and you will be playing weak schedules against lesser competition. Not to mention the coaching is not likely to be as good either.

For some it's a great deal. For others, it really isn't, especially if they tear up their ACLs and other body parts, get concussions, then have nothing to show for it, except a basket-weaving degree and a cameo appearance on the next NCAA video game with their likeliness on it but no chance to get any royalties because that is all property of the NCAA.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

The NFL is dying

Quote: (09-24-2017 09:25 PM)kosko Wrote:  

I hate how colleges take advantage of kids and don't provide any compensation.

The state decides who gets what, under the guise of 'equality'. They give the coaches market value for salaries. yet deny it to the kids generating it.

The NCAA portrays them as future doctors, lawyers, judges, then decides they're too stupid to be compensated a salary for what they generate.

My dad is a hardcore democrat postal worker, pro-union, who believes college football players shouldn't be paid. I point out you're denying them market value for what they generate.

They can't mentally accept that an 18yr old black kid should be making 2-3 times what they make This is how socialism snowballs into dictating every last fucking facet of your lives. They have to arbiter their version of 'fairness' and force it on you.

I'm a capitalist, if Justin Bieber or LSU's football team is selling tickets, then they should get the fruits of what they generate. I'm not a race baiter but it's the most obvious example of 'inequality' and borderline slavery that's right infront of everyone. Much of that money is given to womens 'sports' going to road games in chartered jets to make lay-ups infront of sparse crowds.

If your skills sell out a stadium of 80,000 people paying for tickets, then you deserve a slice of that. A higher authority shutting you out from that is so immoral I don't know how those cocksucker administrators lives with themselves.

The NFL is dying

About college football, I've always felt that a scholarship to a school, even if it is a questionable degree, does have economic value. You can't make it in the door for a job interview in America without some type of Bachelor's Degree. A lot of kids go into debt trying to get this degree, some between $100-200K. You can't tell me a 4-year scholarship has no economic value compared to kids just down the hall who don't have an athletic scholarship.

Only 1% of these kids will make the pros and from that 1% the average player won't last more than a couple of years in the league. So for most kids, that scholarship has real value. The problem is unless football and basketball separates entirely from schools, they can't pay these athletes because Title IX requires equal treatment and access for all athletes. Under the current rules, that would mean giving salaries to sports that generate no revenue such as wrestling, lacrosse, swimming, and all women's sports.

My solution to this has been let free market capitalism into player's lives and allow them to sell their autographs and memorabilia. They can make money on the side like Ohio State players did and it would separate themselves from Title IX.

As far back as I could remember, I always wanted to be a player.

2018 New Orleans Datasheet
New Jersey State Datasheet

The NFL is dying

Quote: (09-25-2017 12:21 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

I have a strange feeling that Mike Tomlin might have gone too far. Steeler fans are as blue collar and military as people get. The rooney family is very conservative and patriotic. There might be a storm going on behind closed doors.

I'm not sure if they will fire him but if he doesn't stop it might happen. They are probably grappling with the fact that firing anybody would self destruct the team and how best to contain the damage if the antics won't stop. Perhaps suspensions could work. Cutting players over this would hurt your roster too badly.

Mike Tomlin was in the clear. Let us not forget, he was out there for the anthem, the team wasn't. His mistake was giving his players too much autonomy and let them make their own decision, which they couldn't do.

He goes too much into his coaching head in going after Villanueva, but it isn't a thing that will get him fired. The Rooneys are far too loyal of owners. Tomlin will outlast any of the players in that locker room.

I don't think there will be a personal casualty from this unless one person goes really out of line (steps on a flag or something). The NFL will collectively try to reel this in centrally amongst all the owners and their lawyers behind the scenes.

Quote: (09-25-2017 02:18 PM)Disco_Volante Wrote:  

Quote: (09-24-2017 09:25 PM)kosko Wrote:  

I hate how colleges take advantage of kids and don't provide any compensation.

The state decides who gets what, under the guise of 'equality'. They give the coaches market value for salaries. yet deny it to the kids generating it.

The NCAA portrays them as future doctors, lawyers, judges, then decides they're too stupid to be compensated a salary for what they generate.

My dad is a hardcore democrat postal worker, pro-union, who believes college football players shouldn't be paid. I point out you're denying them market value for what they generate.

They can't mentally accept that an 18yr old black kid should be making 2-3 times what they make This is how socialism snowballs into dictating every last fucking facet of your lives. They have to arbiter their version of 'fairness' and force it on you.

I'm a capitalist, if Justin Bieber or LSU's football team is selling tickets, then they should get the fruits of what they generate. I'm not a race baiter but it's the most obvious example of 'inequality' and borderline slavery that's right infront of everyone. Much of that money is given to womens 'sports' going to road games in chartered jets to make lay-ups infront of sparse crowds.

If your skills sell out a stadium of 80,000 people paying for tickets, then you deserve a slice of that. A higher authority shutting you out from that is so immoral I don't know how those cocksucker administrators lives with themselves.

100% it is the biggest scam.


There is another layer to this.

The reason why the NCAA tries to dance around the compensation/pay issue is purely 100% because of Title IX. Why? If you pay Penn State LB in some sort of compensation then Leila on the Softball team that generates like $50 in revenues has to get a cut also. Title IX challenges would happen left and right and would bankrupt athletic programs. I am sure they can afford the pay the football players, but they cant afford to pay everyone else though.

If I had my way you would get some type of grant/fund held in Escrow will you were in school. The compensation you would be awarded you would not be able to touch while in school. You would receive a bonus if you graduate as an 'end of service 'type of payment that can't be taxed.

I wouldn't expect players to be getting millions, per-se (aside from mega programs), but six figures minimum, on-top of the value of their scholarships. Maybe for the 95% of the players who won't make the pros, it is sour grapes but if it then motivates them to finish school and then finish with a nice little cushion of 300K+ and no student debt that is a GREAT springboard into the next phase of your life that would be of great benefit. The kids that are smart will invest the money or start a business, the dumb ones will by a Bently and blow it all on trips to Vegas.

The NFL is dying

How many of the so-called student athletes would even be able to get into college on academics alone?

It's honestly a farce, not because the players don't get compensated, but because there is nothing "student athletics" about one-and-done players who just do it because they have to. My prediction is that the NCAA would still be almost as popular (with local communities) if there were none of these semi-professionals.

For each of those players bitching about compensation, there is 100 who would play for free, for the pure prestige and the lifelong network ability of being a varsity NCAA player. Being on such a team opens door to lucrative jobs everywhere in all kinds of business, regardless of what you do afterwards.

The NBA and NFL need to adopt the MLB system, which is closer to the European model, and have full minor-league teams where they develop talent. Don't waste these players time with college. Many of these players have tremendous pressure to lift their large families out of poverty. Draft them at 18, make a minimum age at 20 or 21, and then develop them in minor leagues.

The NFL is dying

Rooney family are weasels - Dan Rooney was a major Obama donor and Obama rewarded him as the Irish Ambassador. Don't call them some "hard nosed blue collar conservative family" they are as Swamp as it gets, the Steelers have been in their hands for almost a century.

The NFL is dying

Quote: (09-25-2017 12:42 PM)911 Wrote:  

If you're playing football for Notre Dame or USC, you are getting around $65k/year in free tuition and room and board. You go to class, hit practice, grab a meal and go to sleep in the dorms while the guy next to you has to come up with close to $200/day, every day of the year, for 4 years in order to get his degree.

This is not totally true. Unless you're a top recruit coming out of HS, you're probably not getting a full scholarship each year. Guys who are five star recruits and who commit junior year of HS get the full ride. However, a lot of guys end up getting either partial scholarships or absolutely nothing.

J.J. Watt actually walked on at Wisconsin.

If you're not fucking her, someone else is.

The NFL is dying

Quote: (09-25-2017 02:54 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

The NBA and NFL need to adopt the MLB system, which is closer to the European model, and have full minor-league teams where they develop talent. Don't waste these players time with college. Many of these players have tremendous pressure to lift their large families out of poverty. Draft them at 18, make a minimum age at 20 or 21, and then develop them in minor leagues.

The NBA actually has a minor league system, just nobody knows about it.

The NFL has been extremely resistant to doing so, largely because you need a ton of capital to set up a minor league system, and also because the average career of a NFL player is about 3.5 years. It doesn't make sense to get even less value out of an already short career.

If you're not fucking her, someone else is.

The NFL is dying

The biggest scam of NCAA sorts is athletes can't make money on their own likeness. At least let them get money from autographs, jersey sales, sponsors well, etc. That will solve a lot of the problems.

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