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The NFL is dying

The NFL is dying

Ben Roethlisberger on Steelers Sitting Out Anthem: 'I Wish We Approached it Differently'
[Image: DKmL9hrUQAAX96N.jpg:small]

The NFL is dying

^ Even as they apologise, he has to show his allegiance to Reform Judaism:

"I appreciate the unique diversity in my team and throughout the league and completely support the call for social change and the pursuit of true equality."


"I'm totally a patriotic American, whilst supporting the Socialism attempting to undermine it in the pursuit of a delusional, unachievable phantasm."

Fuck off, you overpaid, privileged piece of shit.

Since you believe so strongly in Equality, then make all NFL Players, Staff and Owners share the exact same salary. After all, all players have equal weight: there are no good or bad players. They're simply arbitrary social constructs and, well, everyone is a champion.

The NFL is dying

Quote: (09-25-2017 03:55 PM)budoslavic Wrote:  

Ben Roethlisberger on Steelers Sitting Out Anthem: 'I Wish We Approached it Differently'
[Image: DKmL9hrUQAAX96N.jpg:small]

"Unable to sleep last night" #Literallyshaking.

Sounds like the PR departments are working overtime.

The NFL is dying


The NFL is dying

These people need to GTFO.
[Image: DKlLi85UMAAoJ9j.jpg:small]

Elsewhere...let's not forget the many people in the military who served, fought and died for freedom.

The NFL is dying

[Image: 1wijtj.jpg]

Quote:Darkwing Buck Wrote:  
A 5 in your bed is worth more than a 9 in your head.

The NFL is dying

^^^ With all of their talk about this not being about the flag or the country, you know this is how they're talking in the locker room.

The NFL is dying

Sorry guys but, according to the Post, we lost and the NFL won because of their brave display of unity. Pay no attention to longtime fans burning jerseys.


You have to understand that to grasp the power and poignancy of one of the most meaningful Sundays in NFL history. Throughout the nation and in London, the league responded to President Trump’s scathing, profane and ignorant criticism by showing him two things he can neither comprehend nor inspire as a leader: empathy and unity.

No matter the contrasting reactions, the NFL looked united, arms locked, black and white, Ravens and Jaguars, Buccaneers and Vikings. Some owners even stood tightly with their players. Everyone else took roll: Who’s protesting? Who’s not? What choice did Tom Brady and other megastars make? But as has been the case since Colin Kaepernick started his demonstration last year, the act is only a provocative billboard to relay an important message.

The NFL is dying

^^^^The stupidest leftists paper statement I've read so far.

I was at an NFL game sunday and after a long day of day drinking I open up the Facebook app and it's like all hell has broke loose.

Fans calling out their own players, telling them to eat shit, they they aren't fans anymore.

Both sides hate on the other, everyone in pointless online arguments, people telling eachother to fuck off.

All over athletic dudes playing with a pigskin who get paid MILLIONS of dollars.

This is why I don't invest in sports much anymore, I wont wear some dudes name on the back of a jersey unless it's my name.

I also had a conversation in how the NFL is pussified, yet my friends 2 kids played youth tack football, but don't want them to play ball in high school.

The NFL is being killed by a thousand paper cuts and a few deep stabs.

As for kids playing ball, honestly, with what we know about head injuries and mental health, I'd want my kid to find another way to be successful.

The sports medium is dying.

The NFL is dying

I wish I could get paid 8 figures to;

- Play 15 seconds of every minute, while working 5 months of the year.
- ...and really I'm only there because I'm bigger than everyone else.
- Do huge coke rails.
- 7 kids by 5 mothers.
- 'Smack a bitch'.
- Get off with a slap on the wrist for having people killed.
- Carry around a loaded handgun, while on probation, in a no carry state.

I predict when the heads see ratings, the gate sales and merch sales down at the end of this quarter they're gonna clamp down on this, the right time to do this would have been around Ray Rice, or really any time before that since they have about 3-5 controversies a year. It's okay to hit women, but saying mean things on Twitter is bad, guise!

Remember; firing Tim Tebow because he dared to show reverence for his Christian faith is perfectly fine. Fuck the NFL and the soon to be repossesed Bentley they rode in on.

The NFL is dying

Quote: (09-25-2017 03:35 PM)Truth Teller Wrote:  

Quote: (09-25-2017 02:54 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

The NBA and NFL need to adopt the MLB system, which is closer to the European model, and have full minor-league teams where they develop talent. Don't waste these players time with college. Many of these players have tremendous pressure to lift their large families out of poverty. Draft them at 18, make a minimum age at 20 or 21, and then develop them in minor leagues.

The NBA actually has a minor league system, just nobody knows about it.

The NFL has been extremely resistant to doing so, largely because you need a ton of capital to set up a minor league system, and also because the average career of a NFL player is about 3.5 years. It doesn't make sense to get even less value out of an already short career.

The NBA is actually looking to move full blown to the european soccer academy model and away from the ncaa/d-league pipeline. they want to get kids in even earlier.

Mark Cuban talked about this recently and he's at the forefront of a lot of thinking in sports. He correctly predicted the NFL hiccups 3/4 years ago.

The NFL is dying

^^^ The Ray Rice incident was it for me. The League handled the situation wrong and the PC culture has since totally overwhelmed the football scene.

That was the first year in many without watching the SuperBowl. I went on a little mini-trip and enjoyed a great weekend outdoors. This year I totally cancelled cable service. I don't regret it.

Hell, my local college team doesn't even come out of the locker room until after the Anthem is played (I wonder if this is NCAA-wide). It is a shame, I like the live games with family/friends but I will pull that plug also if they do this foolishness on the field.

The NFL is dying

The NFL controversy may also be a sign of further deterioration of race relations. Pretty much only Black players protesting, and pissing off Whites/Latinos.

It used to be that the races never got along unless they came together for sports. Now that is fading away too. It's a very ominous sign.

The question is if the common Black man supports protesting the National Anthem; they have also lost hundreds of thousands of Black soldiers over the centuries, do they no longer have respect for the sacrifices they put into this country anymore?

If it turns out at least 40-50% of Blacks do not support the kneel at the Anthem then this is actually genius from Trump because he is moving more Blacks over to the Republican side. But if Blacks are moving as a giant block and support protesting the very existence of America, we have big problems.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

The NFL is dying

Quote: (09-25-2017 01:15 PM)Captainstabbin Wrote:  


Democrats be like..."Damn! I thought we had the Latino vote in the bag."

"Action still preserves for us a hope that we may stand erect." - Thucydides (from History of the Peloponnesian War)

The NFL is dying

Quote: (09-25-2017 05:28 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

If it turns out at least 40-50% of Blacks do not support the kneel at the Anthem then this is actually genius from Trump because he is moving more Blacks over to the Republican side. But if Blacks are moving as a giant block and support protesting the very existence of America, we have big problems.

Regardless if 40-50% don't support taking a knee - they won't jump off the leftist platform - which is why I think the latter will happen.

Sure there might be more blacks moving to the right, however, it will never be enough to neutralize the growing protest.

I personally don't think we've hit anywhere close to the strife in the 60's/70's.....YET.

The NFL is dying

Quote: (09-25-2017 05:28 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

The NFL controversy may also be a sign of further deterioration of race relations. Pretty much only Black players protesting, and pissing off Whites/Latinos.

It used to be that the races never got along unless they came together for sports. Now that is fading away too. It's a very ominous sign.

The question is if the common Black man supports protesting the National Anthem; they have also lost hundreds of thousands of Black soldiers over the centuries, do they no longer have respect for the sacrifices they put into this country anymore?

If it turns out at least 40-50% of Blacks do not support the kneel at the Anthem then this is actually genius from Trump because he is moving more Blacks over to the Republican side. But if Blacks are moving as a giant block and support protesting the very existence of America, we have big problems.

Might have to wait till next election to see some semblance of that, but I would bet somewhere around 25-30% might swing right or become more conservative. The rest are stuck on stupid, with little to no chance of changing course on their views. Your average black military family is now at odds with some of their friends and other family members in a way over this disrespect. Good for the long run. First it was police officer families, now its going to be military ones. Remember Brazil-style racial division will be our future as well.

Even your average black man with a father is liberal as fuck. They are still too loyal to the plantation (Democrats) to think outside the box.

Racial insecurities actually find their root in the effeminate thinking nature of the average black male in America. Too many were raised by women and taught to think like one. Constantly seeking racial validation. Constantly looking for benefits and handouts. Constantly look to guilt manipulate others for victim status. All these things are effeminate behavior if you took the racial words out of the sentences. For Black people in America, feminism remains public enemy number one.

When the rest of America caught a cold (Early feminism), black folks caught the flu. It will be maybe two more generations before even half turn the corner.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

The NFL is dying


somewhere around 25-30% might swing right or become more conservative.

If this happens Trump will go down as one of the greatest Republican presidents of all time. Even at 25% the Dems will be shut out of electoral victory for at least 15 years. Especially if immigration is curtailed, the Dems are fucked six ways from Sunday if 25% of Blacks vote R. It doesn't even matter if Whites die off in large numbers with that kind of Black vote. The South and rust belt will stay blood red.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

The NFL is dying

Every man on a NFL team earned his spot and no one is handing them anything, they are earning the money. It is not easy money the NFL is hard as hell, with no love, and only the strong survive. Most NFL players are not millionaires, the superstars are, but most make the league minimum or a bit more.
These are all grown ass men who made a decision to protest, the man who started it is no longer in the league. I honestly don't see why anyone cares about this whole situation, it seems overblown and easily ignored if you like football. If you want to burn your Jersey or your season tickets, you already paid for them , so go for it-it seems like an emotional and childish reaction but it is your property, treat it as you see fit.
This entire situation is over hyped, overblown and tiresome. So what if someone does not stand for the anthem , it is their choice and I do not care unless we are in the military in a combat theater-that is the only time I absolutely need to know where someone's loyalties lay because we may be facing death in combat, otherwise I do not care. I am very surprised that a Red Pill forum such as this has such uniformity with mainstream opinion-I really expected indifference here.

Delicious Tacos is the voice of my generation....

The NFL is dying

Quote: (09-25-2017 12:10 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (09-25-2017 11:00 AM)kosko Wrote:  

Why have the sponsors not been attacked? The NFL, unlike other leagues who will take money from anyone, has a select list of 15 corporations that it has national partnerships with. These should be easy to call out for siding with the unpatriotic NFL that is not enforcing it's own rules and injecting politics, by choice, into sports.


These above are some of tbe major ones that come to mind. The companies are purposefully staying quiet in hope that this blows over. These Corps should be attached for feeding money to the beast. This would get the NFL sweating bullets big time.

I got an even better idea.

The NFL has an Armed Forces Support week, like they do for breast cancer, etc.

I wonder if Trump can tell all 4 branches to no longer participate with the NFL that week. No more jets flying over the stadiums, no more recruitment drives, no more halftime military salute stuff, and no more flag marches, etc. Also, no more 1000s of tickets given to servicemen and women to attend the games. Why let them be subject to all that disrespect?

Our military gives the NFL several MILLIONS every year for those festivities. I think we even had a thread about how much they spend on it and it was controversial back then. Now? Who would object?! Rip it all out!

If Trump does not stop it, the generals could. It was not like Congress wrote a law requiring them to do this every year.

Since the president is the commander in chief, and this is not combat related issue, giving the order to do it would be easy for Trump.

The NFL is dying

Quote: (09-25-2017 06:06 PM)Samseau Wrote:  


somewhere around 25-30% might swing right or become more conservative.

If this happens Trump will go down as one of the greatest Republican presidents of all time. Even at 25% the Dems will be shut out of electoral victory for at least 15 years. Especially if immigration is curtailed, the Dems are fucked six ways from Sunday if 25% of Blacks vote R. It doesn't even matter if Whites die off in large numbers with that kind of Black vote. The South and rust belt will stay blood red.

Well worst case if we leave the 20% zone and go under that by going backwards, such as blacks being too stubborn and worst of all the increasing atheism and Islam love, they will probably stay home and not vote much and pout online as usual.

Also black birth rates are not some serious threat either. Hispanics and Asians are watering down their votes.

Whites still have to do better as well. It's better to get contributions for the future from multiple sources.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

The NFL is dying

Quote: (09-25-2017 03:32 PM)Truth Teller Wrote:  

Quote: (09-25-2017 12:42 PM)911 Wrote:  

If you're playing football for Notre Dame or USC, you are getting around $65k/year in free tuition and room and board. You go to class, hit practice, grab a meal and go to sleep in the dorms while the guy next to you has to come up with close to $200/day, every day of the year, for 4 years in order to get his degree.

This is not totally true. Unless you're a top recruit coming out of HS, you're probably not getting a full scholarship each year. Guys who are five star recruits and who commit junior year of HS get the full ride. However, a lot of guys end up getting either partial scholarships or absolutely nothing.

J.J. Watt actually walked on at Wisconsin.

All 129 NCAA D1 schools (now known as FBS) give away 85 full scholarships every year. You've got on top of that a handful of walk-ons and greyshirts, players who are brought in every year in addition to 20-25 schoolie players. Those walk-ons either get promised a scholie in their second term, second year, or get admission and a chance to contribute and earn one.

There are over 15,000 D1 football scholarship athletes with full rides, and another 40,000-50,000 D2/D3 players with partial scholarships.

Quote: (09-25-2017 01:24 PM)doc holliday Wrote:  


This is exactly how it's done in hockey. You have junior leagues in Canada where the players get paid a stipend and then receive some money to go to college. If you don't get drafted by the NHL, you then have the option to go to college in Canada and pursue a real degree. 911, the current NCAA model is broken and even though the players get full rides to some expensive schools, the vast majority of kids don't get a usable degree. It's the principle of others profiting off of your name while you are prohibited from doing so that I find as the antithesis of capitalism. I agree that the regular students are really getting hosed and I said so above. The Canadian system of college in general is much better than the clusterfuck that we have down here.

The system is not broken, it works beautifully for the great majority of players. Contrary to common perception, the graduation rates are actually pretty good at most Power 5 / FBS (ex-D1) schools. The NCAA has cracked down 10 years ago on schools with low grad rates, going as far as taking away scholarships for those with low APRs (a measure of academic progress). Here is a recent snapshot of grad rates from schools that were ranked in the football poll top 25 in the 2015 season:

1. Stanford – 99%
2. Notre Dame – 93%
3. UCLA – 89%
4. Alabama – 86%
5. TCU – 84%
6. Clemson – 84%
7. Temple – 82%
8. Ohio State – 82%
9. Florida – 78%
10. Baylor – 74%
11. Texas A&M – 74%
12. Toledo – 73%
13. Florida State – 73%
14. Memphis – 72%
15. Mississippi State – 72%
16. Michigan – 72%
17. Iowa – 71%
18. LSU – 70%
19. Utah – 69%
20. Michigan State – 66%
21. Oklahoma – 65%
22. North Carolina – 62%
23. Ole Miss – 60%
24. Houston – 56%
25. Oklahoma State – 54%

So roughly 3/4 of football players at the top programs graduate within 6 years. This percentage would be even higher if it weren't for those who leave after their JR year for the NFL, many of whom return after their NFL careers to earn their degree.

As well, you can't pay players in the NCAA given the huge roster size, you'd get into situations where some players are paid more than others, not good for team morale. What the NCAA gives is a 4-5 yr schollie package worth up to a quarter million dollars, hardly chump change. In addition to this, it provides great exposure and experience for the best players they can leverage into big NFL contracts.

The system is not broken, it works beautifully. The NCAA has also fixed its playoffs issue with a good hybrid format combining superconference championships, bowl matchups and a final four.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

The NFL is dying

Quote: (09-25-2017 06:34 PM)911 Wrote:  

As well, you can't pay players in the NCAA given the huge roster size, you'd get into situations where some players are paid more than others, not good for team morale.

Are you a Bernie Sanders supporter? NFL players don't get paid the same, and they are fine with it.

NCAA football is a complete scam. You've got assistant coaches that make a million dollars a year and the star players can't make a dime? The players are putting in 40-55 hours of week for football. They are not student-athletes, they are athletes first.

NCAA basketball is even worse. You call them student athletes but schedule all those games on school nights? You make them miss weeks of school for March Madness?

The NFL is dying

Black guy's pissed at the NFL players for disrespecting and not understanding the meaning of the American flag.


The NFL is dying

Quote: (09-25-2017 06:16 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

I am very surprised that a Red Pill forum such as this has such uniformity with mainstream opinion-I really expected indifference here.

Because Free Speech is Hate Speech and you should suffer the social consequences for it, unless said Speech challenges the traditional societal norms that must be overthrown to bring about the progressive utopia that works in theory, but has been repeatedly-shown to never in practice, in which case Free Speech is then just Free Speech and there should be no consequences for it.

I myself am very surprised that someone on a Red Pill Forum doesn't understand the hypocritical double standards of the Left by now. Conservatives are simply holding the Left to their own Standards.

To refer back to that boring Leftist comic they eternally-post as an argument: "Society thinks NFL Players and Owners are arseholes, and are showing them the door."

As pointless as I think White Nationalism is, I think they should start calling themselves "Virtuous Racists", since the Left is trying to use that label to normalise Kiddy Fuckers: "Oh, I think it, but I'd never, ever act on those urges. We need to have a conversation about your bigotry and lack of tolerance towards those who were born this way - with a pre-existing disposition to discrimination - but would never physically harm another because of their race. This is a teachable moment."

The ridiculous part is that everyone fucking discriminates. You need to hammer a nail and you open your toolbox and you choose a hammer instead of a screwdriver? Congratulations, you're now a fucking bigot. Do you rub one out with a copy of Playboy, or do you spy out your window at the Pensioner next door as she gardens and do the deed. I mean, you shouldn't choose one as superior to the other, should you?

One brand of Sneakers strikes you as having more inherent worth than another because it has one brand name on it versus another. Bigot. How could you? Everything is exactly equal, and your preference for one versus the other shows you have a deep psychological issue.

Do you think Jay-Z is better than ... no wait, Socialism means everything is equal, so there's no point even naming a singer... OK, Lindy West. There you go, a guy who works hard at a music career has no more inherent worth than a Hambeast typing her inner bile to the world, and if you disagree, you deserve to be shunned from society, (for now - once they have power, out to the killing fields you go).

Why isn't there a Mongolian in your Club Crew? Why shouldn't a five year old choose a thirty year old lover? Why shouldn't your girlfriend fuck you with a strapon and experience equality of penetration?
Isn't seeing a Heart Specialist rather than a GP reinforcing privilege, and why not ask a Pre-School Teacher to do the operation anyway? Aren't Oscar-Winning Movies reinforcing that some films are better than others, and isn't that a bigoted opinion?

You know what doesn't discriminate? Sluts and Cancer. I don't really need either in my life.

The NFL is dying

Quote: (09-25-2017 06:16 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

This entire situation is over hyped, overblown and tiresome. So what if someone does not stand for the anthem , it is their choice and I do not care unless we are in the military in a combat theater-that is the only time I absolutely need to know where someone's loyalties lay because we may be facing death in combat, otherwise I do not care. I am very surprised that a Red Pill forum such as this has such uniformity with mainstream opinion-I really expected indifference here.

The situation is overblown and overhyped because the media made CK out to be the modern day Ali when it first started, and then the sports media turned him into a martyr and was his personal PR firm for months while he remained unsigned.

Before Trump's comments, the media would consistently highlight the one or two guys per game who protested as though it affected the game somehow. The media is a reason why this is a Thing, and it is down to their efforts to push their politics on average people through sports.

Trump said what he said, and even though there is criticism to be had for his style, the substance of it in calling out the BS was spot on. And the response to Trump by the players was to essentially take the bait and overreact, alienating fans in the process. A huge chunk of those fans sympathise with the underlying social point the players are trying to make, but aren't appreciating paying good money to turn up to games, or watch them on TV only to get lectured. Plenty of those protests were met with boos.

The mainstream view, as far as I'm reading it is:

1. Trump is a prick
2. The reason for the protests are valid
3. Lecturing fans about how racist they are before games isn't the best way to go about it
4. National anthems before the game is stupid anyway

I don't think that's the view here. But addressing that last point (someone earlier talked about 'blind nationalism') it strikes me as a bit dangerous to see the anti nationalism and anti-flag/anthem stuff being validated by the press in the context of sports. The big theme on Sunday was about the 'unity' of the players standing together as a team against Trumps 'divisiveness.'

Much is also made generally about the virtues of diversity multiculturalism and so forth. Yet one of the few things that really unites a multi-ethnic country full of people from disparate backgrounds like America is sports, the NFL in particular. And through that medium, we're now being told that the main thing that truly unifies us, the flag, the anthem, America First, is problematic.

If the flag is all of a sudden a bad thing and ceases to become a banner we can unite under, people will follow their natural tribal instinct and retreat to those smaller disparate groups. This is just identity politics, which is nothing new but in light of its injection into the new national pastime, a whole raft of 'normies' are getting a dose of the culture wars that they weren't expecting. That's why its becoming a big deal.

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