Do you guys know your Myers-Briggs personality types? I always thought this was bullshit (on the level of the horoscope), until I got into it a few years ago and started testing a lot of people around me (including girls I was banging). Besides being a fun thing to do with chicks, it's pretty damn fascinating. It'd be interesting to see the spread here on the board, for obvious reasons. I was inspired to start this thread after seeing a Roosh Twitter-update where some random website is guessing he's the same type as me (ENTP).
So, post your personality type.
If you don't know your type, or haven't taken a test in a while, this is a good, short Internet version of the quiz. The more scientific ones are much longer and involved, but this will give you a good sense of what you are.
Be sure to answer the questions as honestly as you can. Not how you would want to be, or how you want to think of yourself, but how you really are. Some of questions are a little fucked up, but do your best on those.
Then, read about your type here and here. The two websites have different perspectives. You can also just google the four-letter combo and read a lot about it that way.
Note: I know there are a lot of "personality tests" out there. But, I believe this one to be one of the most science-based, reliable ones out there. Let's stick to the Myers for the purposes of this discussion.
So, post your personality type.
If you don't know your type, or haven't taken a test in a while, this is a good, short Internet version of the quiz. The more scientific ones are much longer and involved, but this will give you a good sense of what you are.
Be sure to answer the questions as honestly as you can. Not how you would want to be, or how you want to think of yourself, but how you really are. Some of questions are a little fucked up, but do your best on those.
Then, read about your type here and here. The two websites have different perspectives. You can also just google the four-letter combo and read a lot about it that way.
Note: I know there are a lot of "personality tests" out there. But, I believe this one to be one of the most science-based, reliable ones out there. Let's stick to the Myers for the purposes of this discussion.