I got INTJ, ISTJ, and ENTJ. I have taken similar/exact tests multiple times this year. I don't believe I fall into any specific category. Nor do I think all personality types can be described/understood.
What's Your Myers-Briggs Personality?
10 years ago, INTJ, last time I took it 2 years ago or so it was an INTP.
When you take the test, if the context in your mind changes in regards to the situations the questions are asking about, then your answers will change.
I can tell you that in a room full of a bunch of dudes watching football I'll have zero interest in social interaction, but switch that to a few hot chicks and I'll be completely different.
When you take the test, if the context in your mind changes in regards to the situations the questions are asking about, then your answers will change.
I can tell you that in a room full of a bunch of dudes watching football I'll have zero interest in social interaction, but switch that to a few hot chicks and I'll be completely different.
Bigger picture is, you can get girls you're chatting with online to take this test and they will love you for it.
Quote: (02-22-2012 03:03 PM)Fisto Wrote:
Bigger picture is, you can get girls you're chatting with online to take this test and they will love you for it.
Great idea!! Sharing it around now.
"A flower can not remain in bloom for years, but a garden can be cultivated to bloom throughout seasons and years." - xsplat
ISTP: "Artisan" Action-oriented and fearless, and crave excitement. They like tools, and instruments and often become technical experts. 5% of the total population.
INxx - meaning I vacillate between INTJ and INFP.
Though the Myers-Briggs is incredibly useful in a variety of situations, it is based on the work of Carl Jung, and Jung's assessment was far more comprehensive, and slightly different from that of Myers-Briggs.
He said in each person there is a primary function; this takes the lead in determining their lives. (For me, it is Introverted iNtuition). For Roosh it is Extroverted iNtuition; nearly all EN's become noncommittal travel junkies and opportunists, as delineated here:
"The intuitive is never to be found among the generally recognized reality values, but he is always present where possibilities exist. He has a keen nose for things in the bud pregnant with future promise. He can never exist in stable, long-established conditions of generally acknowledged though limited value: because his eye is constantly ranging for new possibilities, stable conditions have an air of impending suffocation. He seizes hold of new objects and new ways with eager intensity, sometimes with extraordinary enthusiasm, only to abandon them cold-bloodedly, without regard and apparently without remembrance, as soon as their range becomes clearly defined and a promise of any considerable future development no longer clings to them. As long as a possibility exists, the intuitive is bound to it with thongs of fate. It is as though his whole life went out into the new situation. One gets the impression, which he himself shares, that he has just reached the definitive turning point in his life, and that from now on nothing else can seriously engage his thought and feeling. However reasonable and opportune it may be, and although every conceivable argument speaks in favour of stability, a day will come when nothing will deter him from regarding as a prison, the self-same situation that seemed to promise him freedom and deliverance, and from acting accordingly."
Though the Myers-Briggs is incredibly useful in a variety of situations, it is based on the work of Carl Jung, and Jung's assessment was far more comprehensive, and slightly different from that of Myers-Briggs.
He said in each person there is a primary function; this takes the lead in determining their lives. (For me, it is Introverted iNtuition). For Roosh it is Extroverted iNtuition; nearly all EN's become noncommittal travel junkies and opportunists, as delineated here:
"The intuitive is never to be found among the generally recognized reality values, but he is always present where possibilities exist. He has a keen nose for things in the bud pregnant with future promise. He can never exist in stable, long-established conditions of generally acknowledged though limited value: because his eye is constantly ranging for new possibilities, stable conditions have an air of impending suffocation. He seizes hold of new objects and new ways with eager intensity, sometimes with extraordinary enthusiasm, only to abandon them cold-bloodedly, without regard and apparently without remembrance, as soon as their range becomes clearly defined and a promise of any considerable future development no longer clings to them. As long as a possibility exists, the intuitive is bound to it with thongs of fate. It is as though his whole life went out into the new situation. One gets the impression, which he himself shares, that he has just reached the definitive turning point in his life, and that from now on nothing else can seriously engage his thought and feeling. However reasonable and opportune it may be, and although every conceivable argument speaks in favour of stability, a day will come when nothing will deter him from regarding as a prison, the self-same situation that seemed to promise him freedom and deliverance, and from acting accordingly."
Quote: (02-21-2012 03:51 PM)MikeCF Wrote:
E is the single best trait for a player. If you're an I, you're not making enough openings. Also, to a natural introvert, doing approaches is actually physically exhausting. I can only talk to so many girls before feeling downright sleepy.
I wouldn't say that. Extroversion is a form of weakness.
This is interesting, man. I'm surprised at the number of ENTPs. Keep them coming. It might be cool to tabulate the results at some point.
I scored as INTP, but I have a feeling that I'm more on the I-E border; I'm not naturally social, but I do enjoy social interactions very much and they don't exhaust me at all. My profession - software engineer - strongly correlates with INTP. As for the NTP, that is on spot, I dislike rules and fear of commitment.
Anybody has a link to the weighted test? That would be more telling IMHO.
Found an interesting article on how your MBTI can change; whether due to external conditions or due to conscious effort.
As for best MBTI for the international playboy lifestyle - I think it is ESTP (The Doer), although ESFP (The Performer) is the more natural player and people person, the T would give you the entrepreneurial edge in your earning potential to accumulate the bankroll that this lifestyle requires....
Anybody has a link to the weighted test? That would be more telling IMHO.
Found an interesting article on how your MBTI can change; whether due to external conditions or due to conscious effort.
As for best MBTI for the international playboy lifestyle - I think it is ESTP (The Doer), although ESFP (The Performer) is the more natural player and people person, the T would give you the entrepreneurial edge in your earning potential to accumulate the bankroll that this lifestyle requires....
I got ESTJ.
I used to be ISTJ but in the past four years I have been a lot more social. These test questions are a little awkward though. Like GMAC, sometimes I prefer privacy and quiet, and other times I like crowds and noise.
I used to be ISTJ but in the past four years I have been a lot more social. These test questions are a little awkward though. Like GMAC, sometimes I prefer privacy and quiet, and other times I like crowds and noise.
Quote: (02-23-2012 01:23 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:
This is interesting, man. I'm surprised at the number of ENTPs. Keep them coming. It might be cool to tabulate the results at some point.
I'm still waiting to see another INFP on here. I can't be the only one. I have a feeling that people aren't being honest and purposefully choosing the Alpha type answers.
Team Nachos
Quote: (02-21-2012 03:25 PM)MikeCF Wrote:
I'm INTJ or ENTJ, depending on how social I feel.
That is NOT a good type to get laid.
It's great to be a leader of men, and when in an organized setting (corp, college, etc.) I would get some side action because of my dominance and confidence with subject matter. I have no problem challenging professors and other leaders, even when younger.
A good ENTJ can "lead people into Hell," so to speak.
Strictly from a player perspective, though, it's not a fun type at all. It's awful, actually.
Too analytical, too aggressive, too serious, too (if INTJ) inside one's head.
But it makes learning game easy, since you apply the same acumen that was used to master so many other fields.
But an ENTJ, and especially an INTJ, is not a "natural" player.
I got ENTJ and you literally described me to a tee.
I get accused of being "to serious" on an almost daily basis, but its that seriousness thats helped me succeed. I actually have to mentally focusing on having a good time, which inherently means you aren't having that good of a time.
I've begun relying much more on "clown game" or "dork game" because I can get away with being funny and spastic which helps soften how my serious nature is perceived.
Briggs Type - PIMP
Quote: (02-24-2012 11:11 AM)Chad Daring Wrote:
Quote: (02-21-2012 03:25 PM)MikeCF Wrote:
I'm INTJ or ENTJ, depending on how social I feel.
That is NOT a good type to get laid.
It's great to be a leader of men, and when in an organized setting (corp, college, etc.) I would get some side action because of my dominance and confidence with subject matter. I have no problem challenging professors and other leaders, even when younger.
A good ENTJ can "lead people into Hell," so to speak.
Strictly from a player perspective, though, it's not a fun type at all. It's awful, actually.
Too analytical, too aggressive, too serious, too (if INTJ) inside one's head.
But it makes learning game easy, since you apply the same acumen that was used to master so many other fields.
But an ENTJ, and especially an INTJ, is not a "natural" player.
I got ENTJ and you literally described me to a tee.
I get accused of being "to serious" on an almost daily basis, but its that seriousness thats helped me succeed. I actually have to mentally focusing on having a good time, which inherently means you aren't having that good of a time.
I've begun relying much more on "clown game" or "dork game" because I can get away with being funny and spastic which helps soften how my serious nature is perceived.
I was professionally tested by Myer Briggs in my final year of high school as INTJ. Was some pilot program where they wanted to see if having a better knowledge of who you were and your strengths and weaknesses
It really taught me to be more self aware, the test was 2 hours long, then I spent an hour going through the results with the expert and had about a 20 page personalized report.
That was almost 10 years ago, since then I seem to have become borderline ENTJ/INTJ. The bit about being social being incredibly taxing to an INTJ is still true. My day job involves being incredibly social and outgoing and after it I'm often drained and just want alone time. However pushing myself has made me more extroverted, also I now take on leadership roles instead of in the past bitching to myself about how I knew it should be done better.
Another thing that I developed since first taking the test was trust in my powers of intuition - to just go with the gut feeling. Almost every bad decision I have made can be traced to ignoring my gut. The big thing I am working on now is being in my head as a procrastination. Over planing and over thinking achieves nothing.
You both absolutely nailed the personality when it comes to pickup. Too much time in your head planning the interaction, looking for the opening instead of going in and just getting it done. Need to realize that you dont need a perfect interaction to get results. I'm with you on the clown game Chad, been there, I still revert back to it at times.
Here is another MBTI quiz that I quite like, though the report it gives and the rest of the site is shite.
'I blew most of my money on fast cars, booze and women. The rest I squandered' - George Best
INFP here. I've been taking the test every few months for a while now, and I get INFP every time - the description fits me perfectly.
It's amazing how accurate this description fits me.
5 Reasons Why It’s Great To Be INFP
5 Reasons Why It’s Great To Be INFP
Team Nachos
Quote: (02-23-2012 01:23 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:
This is interesting, man. I'm surprised at the number of ENTPs. Keep them coming. It might be cool to tabulate the results at some point.
I tried doing the test after working myself into the mindset to go clubbing, and got ENTP. My guess is that personality combo is ideal for "game". The NTP part is going to make you constantly try to build abstract models for female behavior based on what you observe, and the E part is what gets you out there testing.
ENFJ, seems pretty accurate...
"The ENFJ is an outstanding group leader and strives at helping others be the best that they can be. 5% of the total population.
The ENFJs optimistic outlook toward social relationships is a burden to them at times. When external conflicts affect a group, the ENFJ is likely to assume responsibility. Their ability to empathize then turns into a liability. ENFJs, when over-identifying with the pain of others, will lose sight of their own concerns and interests. Their idealism can also be the cause of some distress when their assumptions are unable to weather the winds of reality. Fantasized relationships rarely translate into reality and even the best charismatic leader encounters unexpected resistance."
I've always been a boss that people liked to work for and we've always been successful. Unfortunately, that intimidates the higher ups, they always think that you're after their job when 99% of the time, I couldn't give a shit about wanting their job...
"The ENFJ is an outstanding group leader and strives at helping others be the best that they can be. 5% of the total population.
The ENFJs optimistic outlook toward social relationships is a burden to them at times. When external conflicts affect a group, the ENFJ is likely to assume responsibility. Their ability to empathize then turns into a liability. ENFJs, when over-identifying with the pain of others, will lose sight of their own concerns and interests. Their idealism can also be the cause of some distress when their assumptions are unable to weather the winds of reality. Fantasized relationships rarely translate into reality and even the best charismatic leader encounters unexpected resistance."
I've always been a boss that people liked to work for and we've always been successful. Unfortunately, that intimidates the higher ups, they always think that you're after their job when 99% of the time, I couldn't give a shit about wanting their job...
Since this thread has seemed to die down, I went ahead and did a quick-and-dirty tabulation of the results. The numbers, quite frankly, surprised me (and made me feel pretty un-unique).
ENTP: 11 (including me, gringo, basilransom, and Roosh)
The rest were a crazy spread all over the place. All of the other represented types had only one member.
This begs the question whether ENTPs are somehow predisposed to liking or pursuing game or, more subtly, writing about it in a public forum. Maybe other cats run game, they just keep it to themselves. Interesting shit.
ENTP: 11 (including me, gringo, basilransom, and Roosh)
The rest were a crazy spread all over the place. All of the other represented types had only one member.
This begs the question whether ENTPs are somehow predisposed to liking or pursuing game or, more subtly, writing about it in a public forum. Maybe other cats run game, they just keep it to themselves. Interesting shit.
Quote: (02-29-2012 12:32 AM)Tuthmosis Wrote:
This begs the question whether ENTPs are somehow predisposed to liking or pursuing game or, more subtly, writing about it in a public forum. Maybe other cats run game, they just keep it to themselves. Interesting shit.
I think the E and the T do for sure. Like you said, people who are strongly T-inclined would be more apt to studying game on an analytical level, which would account for the prevalence of T-types here, and being more extroverted makes it easier to go out and do approaches. I've got to believe that most naturals are F's (heh) since they classically have the ability to connect with women emotionally and get sex without "knowing how they're doing it."
Correlating game skill with N or P is more of a stretch. You might be able to argue that being N would make you more attuned to the overall vibe a girl is putting out whereas an S would be prone to getting bogged down trying to read into every little IOI or possible shit test. Similarly, being P instead of J might make it easier to cultivate that all-important easygoing, don't-give-a-fuck attitude. I'll admit that these explanations are pretty sketchy and ad-hoc, though.
Adding them all up, you have an outgoing, analytically-oriented, laid-back guy with an intuitive feel for subtle social cues. Sounds like a classic Machiavellian player-type to me.
Quote: (02-29-2012 01:13 AM)gringochileno Wrote:
I think the E and the T do for sure. Like you said, people who are strongly T-inclined would be more apt to studying game on an analytical level,
Exactly, especially if they are strong Ts.
which would account for the prevalence of T-types here, and being more extroverted makes it easier to go out and do approaches. I've got to believe that most naturals are F's (heh) since they classically have the ability to connect with women emotionally and get sex without "knowing how they're doing it."
Agreed as well. Although in general life, I prefer being a T because I like the world of the mind and ideas but F is way better for being a natural. They understand attraction from an autopilot mode. Whereas we Ts have to put thought into our approaches. When you pair an E and an F together you can get a real beast.
INTJ: The Asshole.
Quote: (02-29-2012 05:35 AM)speakeasy Wrote:
Quote: (02-29-2012 01:13 AM)gringochileno Wrote:
I think the E and the T do for sure. Like you said, people who are strongly T-inclined would be more apt to studying game on an analytical level,
Exactly, especially if they are strong Ts.
which would account for the prevalence of T-types here, and being more extroverted makes it easier to go out and do approaches. I've got to believe that most naturals are F's (heh) since they classically have the ability to connect with women emotionally and get sex without "knowing how they're doing it."
Agreed as well. Although in general life, I prefer being a T because I like the world of the mind and ideas but F is way better for being a natural. They understand attraction from an autopilot mode. Whereas we Ts have to put thought into our approaches. When you pair an E and an F together you can get a real beast.
My guess is F's would either be game deniers or "naturals" that insist that there's no technique involved.
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