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What's Your Myers-Briggs Personality?
10-26-2012, 03:23 AM
I agree with it. INFP is pretty fairly accurate.
Wrting is cool and its cool to be cool.
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What's Your Myers-Briggs Personality?
10-26-2012, 03:26 AM
I agree with it. INFP is pretty fairly accurate.
Wrting is cool and its cool to be cool. I remember getting my ass whooped as a youngin for having bad handwriting. And to now getting money for writing about dogs, websites all kinds of stuff.
The ESTP is the alpha side of me coming out of me coming out.
Is it beta to have a post with the word alpha?
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What's Your Myers-Briggs Personality?
10-26-2012, 03:42 AM
ENTP. Not sure this is me at all. Found it difficult to choose between a lot of the answers, 'cause my feelings and attitude towards things/peoples/ideas change by the hour. I think I'm becoming Schizophrenic/bi-polar or something..
Actually, re-reading, it's somewhat accurate, but I'd still need something else to fill the gaps and remove some of the stuff it says.
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What's Your Myers-Briggs Personality?
10-26-2012, 05:25 AM
My personality seems to change by the season. In the winter I'm usually an INTJ, in the summer it's a weakly extroverted ENTJ. I like to think that it's a function of testosterone.
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What's Your Myers-Briggs Personality?
10-26-2012, 08:50 AM
INTP. Seems to be one of the rarest types. The same as René Descartes, Blaise Pascal, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Adam Smith and Thomas Jefferson. So it makes sense why I identify myself so much with their ideas.
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What's Your Myers-Briggs Personality?
10-27-2012, 10:30 AM
I've consistently gotten ISTP over the past 4 years. Was really into the personality stuff, it's a great way to identify your flaws to work on but don't play with it too much, eventually becomes like the alpha-beta thing.
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What's Your Myers-Briggs Personality?
10-27-2012, 04:12 PM
I have gotten ENFP and i feel shitty about it, especially this part. " Friends are what life is about to ENFPs, moreso even than the other NFs. They hold up their end of the relationship, sometimes being victimized by less caring individuals. ENFPs are energized by being around people. Some have real difficulty being alone , especially on a regular basis. ".This was really helpful it highlighted some of my weakness that i should work on
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What's Your Myers-Briggs Personality?
10-28-2012, 12:46 AM
Intj. I want to copy this entire website into this post:
Hilarious. If you are intj.
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What's Your Myers-Briggs Personality?
10-28-2012, 02:28 PM
I hear guys say that being an Exxx type is naturally better for game. That makes sense, however is it true the Ixxx types are very comfortable one on one?
I know for me my strengths is not in crowds, but one on one I really shine, and am totally in my element.
For cold approach or working a room or any type of social gathering, and E should have an edge. But in the realm of internet dating, us I's are at no disadvantage at all. Once we get the private time set up, we are machines.
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What's Your Myers-Briggs Personality?
10-28-2012, 06:57 PM
ENTJ. "The basic driving force and need is to lead. Tend to seek a position of responsibility and enjoys being an executive." That would be me in a nutshell.
I have a very strong Type A personality, but I'm much more emotionally tuned and laid back than the stock Type A stereotype.
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What's Your Myers-Briggs Personality?
05-27-2013, 10:43 PM
I got INTJ and INTP at different points of time. I would say I am INTP.
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What's Your Myers-Briggs Personality?
05-27-2013, 11:49 PM
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What's Your Myers-Briggs Personality?
05-28-2013, 12:19 AM
Been testing as an INTJ since I was a teenager. Had to learn how to calibrate myself the hard way.
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What's Your Myers-Briggs Personality?
05-28-2013, 12:25 AM
According to the test I took in Psychology 101, I'm an ENFP.
Which explains my manipulative abilities...
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What's Your Myers-Briggs Personality?
05-28-2013, 12:48 AM
ESTJ am I the only one....
Ps. I would answer for some of these questions depending on situation... so no I think my personality is a bit different than
ESTJ: "Administrator". Much in touch with the external environment. These are responsible mates and parents and are loyal to the workplace. They are realistic, down-to-earth, orderly, and love tradition. They often find themselves joining civic clubs! 13% of the total population.
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What's Your Myers-Briggs Personality?
05-28-2013, 04:04 AM
Did these sort of tests a bunch of times and I always get the same result: INFP.
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What's Your Myers-Briggs Personality?
05-28-2013, 05:28 AM
ESTP. So that's why I like to flip the script on people who annoy me.
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What's Your Myers-Briggs Personality?
05-28-2013, 08:58 AM
INTJ. It's always talked about as being a rarer personality type but whenever these threads come up it's always very common. Maybe that's the Internet for you, if you took the test out into the wider world maybe it would be rarer.
I'm usually an INTJ whenever I do this test, socialising doesn't come naturally and it definitely accounted for my utterly hopeless results with women earlier in life. It's still a challenge as my natural inclination is never to go out socialising, I force myself to do so.
Dealing with the utterly illogical and insane female disposition still baffles and frustrates me daily.