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My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

Quote: (04-23-2016 03:57 AM)GlobalMan Wrote:  

Quote: (04-23-2016 03:42 AM)Fortis Wrote:  

What if you have a kid with a woman of another race but the kid still looks like you? Is that still cucking yourself?

My mom has a lot of white and hispanic ancestry, yet I came out looking like a paler version of my father.

Don't try to get off on a technicality. While your father is able to hide his mark of the cuck well due to your pale white skin nearly matching his french vanilla hue, don't think for a second that your father isn't worried every day that someone will notice his irresponsible choice, his impure child of practically another man, and shout at him from across the street cuck! He's a god damned cuck!

Haha, I have write that one out and show my dad. [Image: icon_lol.gif]

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

Quote: (04-22-2016 01:09 PM)Aurini Wrote:  

Quote: (04-21-2016 07:32 PM)Anabasis to Desta Wrote:  

^ Meaning what?

The black kids will not be intelligent enough to explore the moon or cure cancer? Good. The racists are coming out in droves in this thread. Taking serious mental notes.

My Ignore List was growing slower than my calves. It's on steroids today though.

I've frequently spoken about how the welfare state is absolutely devastating the genetic load of the Blacks in America. You can look up the statistics if you want, but what immediately comes to mind for me is that scene in The Wire where a Beta security guard confronts a couple of connected gangbangers, and begs them to stop stealing from his store. "C'mon, guys, I'm just trying to do my job here." He's a good, hardworking man with morals, but he knows that these guys could murder him and get away with it if he stands up to them. Who gets the pussy?

Then you have the guy who eventually starts the boxing gym, he does a couple of jobs for the Barksdales after getting out of prison, has plenty of pussy thrown at him, but he just can't live with it. He eventually goes on to hook up with a single mom with a bastard, and likely doesn't have any children of his own.

Is it racist for me to notice that the shitbirds are breeding like rabbits, while the civilized and hard working are going extinct? Is it racist for me to notice what happened to Rhodesia when the Whites left? Is it racist for me to pay attention to White birth rates, which are well below replacement? Is it racist for me to notice that population displacement through intentional disruption of mating patterns is considered a form of genocide by the UN?

Put it back in the deck.

Don't try to spin your initial statement.

I agree with everything you wrote above and am understanding/concerned of the issues you guys face. Check out my posts in the Migrant Invasion & Trump threads. I lean right on most issues.

Your initial post however, expressed chagrin at the fact that a white couple adopted 3 black babies because if they had white kids ... they'd have the capabilities to cure cancer or explore the moon which would not be possible because they are black.

You know nothing about the couple except the fact that they are white. They're not an astronaut or Oncology researcher couple.

They're just white ... from which you pathetically extrapolated that their kids would grow up to change the world while the black kids they adopted will not. That's pretty close to the IQ and Race bullshit spewed on HBD forums.

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

Come on, guys. Anabasis is a good guy who was just trying to express an opinion, and then everyone jumps all over him and reads too much into it.

All he's trying to do is express his distaste for the pathetic way these "parents" justify their decisions. It smacks of condescension and patronage.

No one wants to be objectivized and turned into a fetish. It's a normal reaction. That's all he was trying to say.

If they want to adopt kids or whatever, then they should just do it. Just do it and shut your goddamn mouth about it. We don't care. Don't treat your kids like some virtue-signaling trophy, or some exotic pet. It's condescending.


My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

Quote: (04-21-2016 02:54 PM)Anabasis to Desta Wrote:  

Quote: (04-21-2016 12:27 PM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

Anabasis, that's a ridiculous comparison. Cuckolding means raising another man's child and/or letting your wife get fucked by other men. The children that you have with a woman of a different race are your kids by definition produced by you fucking her.

I think it's a very valid comparison Handsome.

The kid might be yours genetically but phenotypically you have nothing in common. If you raise it, it means you will have put in time, resources and energy into raising a kid that looks more than a guy from another continent than you. How can you not feel the brunt of that?

When making and raising children, I think I'd be primarily concerned with them being strong and healthy individuals who will

A) love/respect me and
B) carry on my genetic and cultural legacy.

I'd definitely not be concerned with their looks, unless mixed race would have a huge chance of making them ugly and unable to find a partner (this is fortunately not the case, as biracial children are usually considered above-average looks-wise).


Even if you do raise the kid you will not be able to love it like a kid deserves to.

Why would I not be able to? I can imagine difficulties in loving a deformed or mentally retarded child, but skin color and hair pattern don't have anything to do with that.


Would you love the son you had with a Croatian girl or one you had with a Mongolian girl more? The full Croatian kid looks like you. Same eyes, hair and nose. It's like looking at the mini-version of yourself. The half-Mongolian kid has oriental eyes and a radically different nose and hair.

I am not having a family with producing clones of myself, so I don't see how this matters. Also, what precludes the Mongolian kid from having some of my facial features and physical build and why don't the ones that are carried over count?

Anabasis looking at my kid: "Wow! HCE's kid corrupted by Mongolian genes."
HCE looking at his kid: "Wow! Mongolian kid enhanced by HCE's genes."

I and I alone made that kid look half-Croatian instead of just Mongolian.


People generally assume you adopted him unless you're walking around with the mother.

People would also assume that the mother is a trafficking victim or that I can't get local women, so who cares about them?


Could you love them the same? Is it fair to the half-caste kid to have less of a father-son bond because of your irresponsible decision to breed with another race?

This is an even more reaching assumption. Why would the kid be "half-caste"? We don't even have castes. Even if we did, who's to say the kid would not receive more opportunities in life by belonging to both? And even if that were somehow true, I don't see why someone else disliking my kid would make me hate him. If anything, I'd love the kid more just out of stubbornness.


And it's got nothing to do with race. As a man, it's natural to want your children to look like you and seek out women who ensure that outcome for marriage.

Maybe to you. To me, it seems more like a sexual fetish.

I don't care how my children look or if they resemble me. And I certainly don't need to rely on them resembling me to ensure that I'm their father.

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My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

Since Mongols were mentioned, I am reminded of the 1956 book The Mongol Empire: Its Rise and Legacy by Michael Prawdin, in which he narrates the historical descriptions of Mongol looks:


For forty years had that nation been engaged in fighting bloody and terrible wars, but it hadn't faltered, had not bled out, but had rather kept a firm outlook because every victory and success brought more wives and children as replenishment. Every warrior slain in battle left ten descendants. Genghis-Khan's sons had about 40 children each, and one of their cousins up to a hundred. By the time of Kublai-Khan, each of their lines had extended to over eight hundred descendants, and Genghis Khan's descendants numbered a staggering ten thousand only 30 years after his death from old age.

Since the most decisive and the boldest Mongols had the most wives (and the most beautiful wives as well), it resulted in the constant enrichment of their race.

Armenian 13th century historians note this change: at the time of the first Mongol invasion, Kirakos wrote: "Their appearance is hellish, repulsive and macabre", while Magakis scribbled: "Their physical features are inhuman!"

However, only several decades later the bishop Orbelian wrote: "Their appearance could be best described as 'very handsome'."

Seems the Mongols did a great job in cucking themselves.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

^Where are the Mongols now? A desperately poor and desolate country of less than 3 million despite being the size of Western Europe.

Sure they have descendants running around the Eurasian steppe's and Central Asia but do they identify as Mongolian? Are they culturally Mongolian?
On the other hand, insular cultures like Jews, Persians, Ethiopians and Japanese who prefer breeding with their own women have survived for Millennia.

You might not be getting cucked sexually but you're sure cucking your ancestry, heritage and culture. I can trace back my ancestry to 12th century Ethiopian Orthodox priests who fought alongside the crusaders in Jerusalem against the Saracen hoardes. 0 chance I'm letting that part of me go by marrying someone else.

But to each their own i guess.

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

How is the Mongol decline due to "cucking"? The Mongols failed because of A) civil wars and fragmentation of the Empire and B) the world in general wising up to their military tactics; it certainly wasn't due to fucking a lot of beautiful women.

One could possibly make the argument that being insular and breeding with your own helps prevent civil wars, but the Ethiopians, Persians and Japanese experienced many civil wars and fractures during history as well.

The reason why Japan is still there is because it's a remote island that's nearly impossible to invade, not because of avoiding "cultural cuckoldry".

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

Earlier in the thread, I said this should be illegal. I want to clarify why since the direction of these thread has gotten into race-related stuff and someone might misunderstand what I meant by what I said.

There is no reason people should be having embryo babies that are not even their own genetic material when there are PLENTY of kids in the world that need a home. From what I understand, American black babies especially are the hardest to find homes for due to lack of desirability among the adoption crowd. If a white couple wants a black baby, it can't be a American black baby; it has to be a black baby from some worn-torn African nation so they can win the virtue-signaling contest forever among all their SJW/libtard friends.

Since these are religious SJW/libtard types, they get SUPER virtue-signaling points among the SJW/libtard types (they have two adopted black kids already and now they have 3 more) AND the religious anti-abortion crowd for "saving" lives.

All of this occurred at the expense of some kids who need a home today.

So in short, these pieces of shit are selfish narcissistic fucktards. Like most SJW/libtards, their actions aren't about doing a good thing for the sake of it; this is about them, their ego, and gaining social status.

That's why I said this should be illegal.

This whole thing reminds me of this young cuck religious guy I knew who wanted to go overseas on a "mission" to some Latin American country to help poor people. He talked it up a lot and you could tell he thought he was such a smug fuck because he was going to some 3rd world nation to basically hand out water bottles or some shit.

I blew his fucking mind when I said to him:

"If you are SO interested in helping people, why don't you start with your own community and go start helping people down the fucking street. You can do that TODAY."

He looked at me totally perplexed; like the thought never crossed his mind. Of course it didn't; there was no social status to be gained from doing that.

Fuck these people. They are all hypocritical pieces of shit pretending to be interested in doing a good thing. But the truth is deep down, they don't care. The reality is, it's ALL about them.

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

^^^Just like people want to do special things for their pets and work at pet shelters, but they won't help their fellow man. It isn't about helping others, just about helping themselves covered in some BS story. A couple of my dearest friends are adopted, raised by people who wanted them. Good post TBK.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

Can there be an Official Cuck thread?

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

Quote: (04-21-2016 03:39 PM)General Stalin Wrote:  

White guilt. These delusional cultists drank the koolaid.

I note that they are themselves children of missionaries. That tells a lot.

Лучше поздно, чем никогда begins at "70% Warning Level."....

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

I just remembered something that may be useful to add to the discussion.

There may be situations where international adoption makes more sense than adopting a child from the US. The person who told me this was a woman who used to work in the same building where my office is. She was a very nice, normal, down-to-earth lady. But she basically said she wanted a child from a foreign country.

Why? This is what she told me:

"It's purely practical, believe me. I just hate the adoption laws here in the US. They are starting to give biological parents the "right" to make contact with your child. I think that's bullshit! I'm not going to spend twenty years raising a child, working my ass off, and then have some crackhead show up on my front door step or the doorstep of my daughter, and try to get involved in our lives. No way!

"I knew that when I adopted my two children from Guatemala, there was zero chance that the biological parents would ever find me."

So, there you have it. American laws are driving people to seek a more efficient market elsewhere.

I know that is not the situation in this thread. But I just wanted to mention it as an example of how international adoption may be done for purely practical reasons.

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

Quote: (04-23-2016 02:43 PM)Anabasis to Desta Wrote:  

^Where are the Mongols now? A desperately poor and desolate country of less than 3 million despite being the size of Western Europe.

Sure they have descendants running around the Eurasian steppe's and Central Asia but do they identify as Mongolian? Are they culturally Mongolian?
On the other hand, insular cultures like Jews, Persians, Ethiopians and Japanese who prefer breeding with their own women have survived for Millennia.

Ashkenazim (read: most of the world's Jews) are largely the product of intermarriage between men with middle-eastern roots and European women. This is why the maternal lineages of Jewish populations have been shown to be rather heterogenous, but the paternal lineages far more consistent. They are born of genetic intermingling (which is a form of cuckolding now I guess, so I shall refer to this as "ancestral cucking"). The Sephardim (who account for the bulk of the non-Ashkenazim on the planet) have pretty much the same story. In short, Jews are genetically heterogenous products of ancestral cucking that, while far less violently executed, is not entirely dissimilar to that which we have ascribed to the Mongols.

"Ethiopians" are not a single people or culture. The history of the Oromo is defined by expansion and integration of various peoples (read: interbreeding/intermarriage/mixing). They have substantial Nilotic admixture. All of the major ethnic groups in Ethiopia show genetic affinities with populations outside of the country (particularly near eastern Caucasoids, whose gene flow into Ethiopia was extensive and has been well documented), which would imply extensive episodes of ancestral cucking have taken place there in the past.

The Persian people are no strangers to ancestral cucking. In fact, they have historically been quite adept at it, which is why today the Iranian peoples are quite diverse. Azeris, Turkmen, and Uzbeks are all considered modern Turkic-Iranian hybrids. The Tajiks (whose homelands are in modern day Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan) are the product of widespread ancestral cucking led by Persians. Extensive admixture is evident in Iran itself and all over the region - in fact, Central/West Asia has generally been among the ancestral cucking capitals of the ancient world. The Iranians are among the few who can rival the Mongols in this regard - both were quite gifted ancestral cucks.

Also, I'm not sure about your characterization and comparison of Mongolia. You describe it as a poor and desolate nation before going on to compare/contrast it with several other peoples you (presumably?) consider more successful due to their insularity and lower propensity for ancestral cucking.

Aside from the fact that several of the nations/populaces you listed have had a long history of ancestral cucking not unlike that of the Mongols, a couple of them (most notably Ethiopia) are not much stronger than modern Mongolia in a developmental or economic sense. In fact, Mongolia is far ahead of Ethiopia by the measure of some well regarded metrics of human development, like the UN Human Development Index. The latest UN HDI (which was, ironically, released in Addis Ababa 5 months ago) ranks Mongolia at 90 (.727 measure, above world average of .711) and Ethiopia at 174 (.442 measure, quite far below world average of .711). Mongolia's per capita GDP (measured nominally or by PPP) is more than 5 times greater than that of Ethiopia.

This despite all of the ancestral cucking.


You might not be getting cucked sexually but you're sure cucking your ancestry, heritage and culture. I can trace back my ancestry to 12th century Ethiopian Orthodox priests who fought alongside the crusaders in Jerusalem against the Saracen hoardes.

There are probably some Arabs, Syrians and Jews in that ancestral tree as well given the well documented genetic links between Ethiopia and outside populations (particularly those in the near east).


0 chance I'm letting that part of me go by marrying someone else.

But to each their own i guess.

You wouldn't be here if your ancestors felt that way.

But yes, to each their own.

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

Quote: (04-23-2016 03:42 AM)Fortis Wrote:  

What if you have a kid with a woman of another race but the kid still looks like you? Is that still cucking yourself?

Then your wife is the cuck, which makes your kid a cuck as well since he has your cuck wife's cuck genes.

And obviously that makes you a cuck too since now you have a cuck son.


My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

This thread arguing how mongols are cucks..

[Image: laugh3.gif]

Learn some history first of all.

Mongols consisted of tiny disparate tribes of steppe people who united to conquer half of the known world at the time. Spreading genetics far and wide outside of your tiny tribe isn't "cucking" unless you don't know what that means.

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

^ In fact, wouldn't that mean that the Mongols were the ones DOING the cucking, as opposed to being cucked?

By the way guys, in other news, I cucked a piece of bread by eating a rice cake instead.
[Image: lolwtf.gif]

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

Quote: (04-24-2016 02:41 AM)iop890 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-23-2016 03:42 AM)Fortis Wrote:  

What if you have a kid with a woman of another race but the kid still looks like you? Is that still cucking yourself?

Then your wife is the cuck, which makes your kid a cuck as well since he has your cuck wife's cuck genes.

And obviously that makes you a cuck too since now you have a cuck son.

I'm going to deport my cuckson and cuckwife back to Cuckistan.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

Quote: (04-24-2016 02:57 AM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

This thread arguing how mongols are cucks..

[Image: laugh3.gif]

Learn some history first of all.

Mongols consisted of tiny disparate tribes of steppe people who united to conquer half of the known world at the time. Spreading genetics far and wide outside of your tiny tribe isn't "cucking" unless you don't know what that means.

You have to get with the times, mate. None of what you said matters according to the newly expanded definition of cucking. According to that formulation, any man who produces a child that does not look exactly like him with a woman who doesn't look just like him is cucking a) himself and b) his ancestry, heritage, and culture.

The Mongols may have spread their seed far and wide, but they did so with women not of their culture/heritage and made many children who did not look exactly like them. Thus, what we saw was not the creation of a great Mongol Empire, but the epic and irreversible international cucking of the Mongol people and the Mongol culture.

It is therefore quite indisputably clear that the Mongols were actually among the most legendary cucks of all time.

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

^ Agree. Cloning yourself is the only solution to this cucking.

Even incest won't do.

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

Quote: (04-24-2016 05:16 AM)262 Wrote:  

^ Agree. Cloning yourself is the only solution to this cucking.

Even incest won't do.

Wrong again. If you get yourself cloned, you didn't reproduce with mother nature and are cucked by science and a test tube. There is no longer anyway to avoid being a cuck.

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

I just think that if people read the Bible they would see the part where Jesus instructed his disciples to undergo technologically advanced medical procedures in order to give birth to triplets of a different race, and this would all start to make sense.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

[Image: white-couple-black-triplets.jpg?w=640]

I've got another theory on this: To my eyes, this isn't a Cuckold thing.

What you're seeing in that picture is just your standard post-1970's Lesbian Couple, whom always seemed obsessed with interracial adoption and interracial relationships in their media because everything is Political to them, and Radical Feminists always longed to possess the Victim Status of Racial Minorities.

The 'United Nations' line is as standard-issue 1970's School Teacher with hairy armpits as it gets.

As such, this Christian family is simply evidence of how subverted by Socialism the Catholic Church has become: the father barely has any masculinity in his features and looks like a bull dyke, and he's spouting Liberal Marxist bollocks from 1979.


[Image: B9315260861Z.1_20141125153646_000+GDK986U79.1-0.jpg]

[Image: a_lgayadoption_0716.jpg]

[Image: 80f29e31410d7d56e2b30c4ba637ce9c.jpg]

[Image: LEsbianadoptions.jpg]

[Image: article-2148775-13401297000005DC-489_1024x615_large.jpg]

Hell this is so predictable, look at the Stock Photo available for 'Lesbian Adoption':

[Image: lesbian-couple-adoption-young-sitting-co...867760.jpg]

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

Quote: (04-24-2016 06:37 AM)realologist Wrote:  

There is no longer anyway to avoid being a cuck.

[Image: giphy.gif]

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

Am I the only one who thinks 'Cuck' has become the 'Literally' of the Alt-Right? It's current usage barely-resembles its original meaning, and its ubiquitous overuse is about to destroy whatever tiny trace of meaning still remained in the word. It's transitioning into background noise.

Sometimes a Fucktard is just a Fucktard.

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

Quote: (04-23-2016 02:18 AM)Troll King Wrote:  

On the issue of having mixed race kids, I think it goes well beyond just having the kid look like you.

Men have a responsibility to make sure our children turn out better than us. Being a global forum this will be different for everyone, but whether it is biological/environmental/social/whatever doesn't really matter because the truth is that different races are seen in different ways. Maybe this changes in the future or maybe it doesn't.
Maybe the answer is to simply have the children raised in their culture in another country, but from what I understand most countries and cultures treat mixed kids far worse than the west.
(disclaimer: I am not a father)

Yes, it is harder for kids of mixed heritage growing up. But then again, anyone on this board knows the recipe to become more successful.

Be able to stand up for yourself 1) physically and 2) socially.
1) exercise (for kids - bodyweight), sports, martial arts
2) social skills, aka game. (substitute in charm school for girls)

What you need to do is apply it to your kids.

Get your son involved in sports and martial arts at an early age, and teach him game so he can be socially dominant and back his words up with force if need be. Put your daughter in dance class and get her mother to plan play dates for her classmates. The easiest way to teach both son and daughter how they should behave is by example.

Even if they are surrounded by kids who don't look like them, if your kids are smooth enough to defuse any situations and get the other kids on their side, and stand up for themselves otherwise, they will fit in.

3) We already know the family dynamics which ensure stable families.
-You need to pick a traditional wife and game her. Ensure her best interests are your best interests.
-YOU need to make enough money to facilitate all of the experiences your kids need. Let's get real...everyone wants to be friends with the wealthy kids who has a pool and whose parents don't think twice on dropping a couple hundred on an outing for their kids and an example.

The reasons why stable marriages of masculine husbands and feminine wives tend to have the most successful, well-adjusted children are 1) leading by example and 2) being able to drop coin as appropriate. Think back to high school. In the absolute majority of cases, the kids who had their shit together, got laid, were recognized for athletic and academic ability, and got into the best colleges probably had stable family situations. In fact, the very reason we marvel at stories of adversity is because of the long odds against the underdog.

Put differently...

Cultural Marxists hate this One Weird Trick to creating successful families!

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