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Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

Quote: (11-27-2011 10:44 PM)hydrogonian Wrote:  

Why is a "nice" black suburb, without section 8 housing, a "rich hood" and not just a black suburb? What's the difference?
It's the attitude of the inhabitants. I know all black suburbs don't have those who are materialistic and want to live a BET rap vid, but in DC's black suburbs east of the city, even outside of the beltway, most of them have this mentality that since they're making a bit of money, now they can act as hood as they want without repercussions. Or even if the parents are honest and hard working black professionals, their kids (especially if they go to public schools) will try to compensate for being in "the burbs" by posing so hard to be a thug, and in some cases, they end up worse than those who are actually in da hood.

Not to say that there aren't nice black suburbs but from PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, most of it is a front. Just like how many suburban white and conservative Christian communities are a front in where you may see lovely families in pubic, but in more cases than not, the wife is either emasculating or financially raping the beta husband while banging the mailman and their son's best friend, all while the son is a druggie who sells pot to afford his habit, and the daughter is sleeping with all of the the married husbands on the cul-de-sac.

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

Quote: (11-27-2011 11:07 PM)Gortons Fisherman Wrote:  

Quote: (11-27-2011 10:44 PM)hydrogonian Wrote:  

Why is a "nice" black suburb, without section 8 housing, a "rich hood" and not just a black suburb? What's the difference?
It's the attitude of the inhabitants. I know all black suburbs don't have those who are materialistic and want to live a BET rap vid, but in DC's black suburbs east of the city, even outside of the beltway, most of them have this mentality that since they're making a bit of money, now they can act as hood as they want without repercussions. Or even if the parents are honest and hard working black professionals, their kids (especially if they go to public schools) will try to compensate for being in "the burbs" by posing so hard to be a thug, and in some cases, they end up worse than those who are actually in da hood.

Not to say that there aren't nice black suburbs but from PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, most of it is a front.

So, what's the solution for black guys, like yourself, who want to live in the suburbs?

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

What would happen if this was in America?

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

Quote: (11-29-2011 01:19 PM)Donald Duck Wrote:  

What would happen if this was in America?

I heard this stuff growing up. Standard fare in London, it only gets rougher in East London.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

Rudebwoy, sexual integration is not a marker of race relations.

I've heard a lot of different things about Italy. So I really don't know what to make of this:

Can't see this commercial playing on NBC Sunday night football. Or "The View" for that matter.

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

Neo-Nazi hunt: German police arrest man in Jena:

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

Quote: (11-29-2011 01:26 PM)Moma Wrote:  

I heard this stuff growing up. Standard fare in London, it only gets rougher in East London.

Really? You got a lot of random people screaming at you to go back to your country?

I remember my first trip out of the country was to England in 2001. I was taking the tube from Heathrow. I remember looking around and seeing absolutely nothing but Indian dudes. I was thinking, "I am in London or Bombay?"

@Lessor Evil

That commercial wouldn't play in American in a million years. You never, ever, ever see interracial couples in advertising in America. You might see one in a movie like Obsessed or The Bodyguard from time to time, but in magazine or TV ads, forget it. Ain't happening. Too many racial hangups here.

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

Quote: (11-29-2011 06:00 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (11-29-2011 01:26 PM)Moma Wrote:  

I heard this stuff growing up. Standard fare in London, it only gets rougher in East London.

Really? You got a lot of random people screaming at you to go back to your country?

I remember my first trip out of the country was to England in 2001. I was taking the tube from Heathrow. I remember looking around and seeing absolutely nothing but Indian dudes. I was thinking, "I am in London or Bombay?"

@Lessor Evil

That commercial wouldn't play in American in a million years. You never, ever, ever see interracial couples in advertising in America. You might see one in a movie like Obsessed or The Bodyguard from time to time, but in magazine or TV ads, forget it. Ain't happening. Too many racial hangups here.

I thought exactly the same thing when walking around Heathrow upon my arrival in London earlier this year. There were so many South Asians working at the airport as well as many South Asian travelers/locals.

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

Quote: (11-29-2011 06:00 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (11-29-2011 01:26 PM)Moma Wrote:  

I heard this stuff growing up. Standard fare in London, it only gets rougher in East London.

Really? You got a lot of random people screaming at you to go back to your country?

I remember my first trip out of the country was to England in 2001. I was taking the tube from Heathrow. I remember looking around and seeing absolutely nothing but Indian dudes. I was thinking, "I am in London or Bombay?"

@Lessor Evil

That commercial wouldn't play in American in a million years. You never, ever, ever see interracial couples in advertising in America. You might see one in a movie like Obsessed or The Bodyguard from time to time, but in magazine or TV ads, forget it. Ain't happening. Too many racial hangups here.

speakeasy, what about the tv series walking dead? There is an interracial romance in this season.

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

Quote: (11-29-2011 01:26 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (11-29-2011 01:19 PM)Donald Duck Wrote:  

What would happen if this was in America?

I heard this stuff growing up. Standard fare in London, it only gets rougher in East London.

Plenty of Americans feel the same way, but I can't recall hearing too many rants like this on public transportation!

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

Quote: (11-29-2011 06:00 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (11-29-2011 01:26 PM)Moma Wrote:  

I heard this stuff growing up. Standard fare in London, it only gets rougher in East London.

Really? You got a lot of random people screaming at you to go back to your country?

My friend was walking home from school when he met a banana thrown at his feet. He looked down in puzzlement and heard a yobbo (who had thrown it) cry out: "Oi mate, you've dropped your banana!"

Me personally, I grew up in a area that was swarming with blacks so if I ever heard that personally, it would be from other blacks lol.

Cats with accents get it the hardest. When I say accents, I mean poor country accents.
I've told you cats that these countries are xenophobic but they just hide it very's best you move there and find out for yourselves.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

Quote: (11-29-2011 06:25 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

Quote: (11-29-2011 06:00 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (11-29-2011 01:26 PM)Moma Wrote:  

I heard this stuff growing up. Standard fare in London, it only gets rougher in East London.

Really? You got a lot of random people screaming at you to go back to your country?

I remember my first trip out of the country was to England in 2001. I was taking the tube from Heathrow. I remember looking around and seeing absolutely nothing but Indian dudes. I was thinking, "I am in London or Bombay?"

@Lessor Evil

That commercial wouldn't play in American in a million years. You never, ever, ever see interracial couples in advertising in America. You might see one in a movie like Obsessed or The Bodyguard from time to time, but in magazine or TV ads, forget it. Ain't happening. Too many racial hangups here.

I thought exactly the same thing when walking around Heathrow upon my arrival in London earlier this year. There were so many South Asians working at the airport as well as many South Asian travelers/locals.

Well,that's why there's more and more resentment.
The working classes have been sold down the river,by yuppie ,middle class/rich politicians whose leafy communities/neighborhoods aren't affected by mass immigration.

20th/21st Century UK isn't USA circa the 1890's .
The UK has never been a country of mass immigration on the scale of the last 15-20 years.Not the Hugenots or the Jws in the 19th C or the East African Asian migration in the 70's,they don't even come close to what's occured in the last 20 years.

What this most likely poor and definitely uneducated woman was ranting and effing and blinding about ,many more educated and better off people actually agree with,although they'd never put it like her.

Looks like she was off her head on something,the racist remarks are bad,and when I see a kid with a mother like that I thank the Lord every day for being born to my parents.

Anyway, she's just venting on changes she and millions of others never asked for in their own country,and her class are powerless to change it ,that equals frustration ,resentment and anger.

She just let it out where others would just stay shtum and moan in private.

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

Quote: (11-29-2011 04:54 PM)The Lesser Evil Wrote:  

Rudebwoy, sexual integration is not a marker of race relations.

I've heard a lot of different things about Italy. So I really don't know what to make of this:

Can't see this commercial playing on NBC Sunday night football. Or "The View" for that matter.

Well sexual integration may not be a marker of race relation in your opinion, but I know in America a large amount of whites are simply not even receptive to black people let alone dating.

The lady on the train is expressing what most white people think in western countries and should not shock anyone. I am not really offended by what she says, I am BLACK native-born and the immigration in the UK bothers me as well.
Even in multi-cultural Canada, white people are generally moving out of the cities to the rural areas. For the most part the problem is the East Indians who no one really wants to live around.

In America, the interracial topic is taboo and never shown on tv as if it does not exist. In Europe I find they do not shy away from the topic and accept it for what it is. In England a top soap opera featured a interracial couple with mixed kids and yes they kissed.
In Sweden I saw an ad on a large billboard featuring Heidi Klum/Seal advertising a VW Tiguan and yes they kissed.
In Hungary one of the big celebs is a African singer named Paco, he sings in Hungarian and has fathered children with local women.

Every country is hard for black people, even some of there own countries have racism against people of darker shades.

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Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

Quote: (11-25-2011 03:34 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (11-24-2011 11:54 AM)Moma Wrote:  

I still insist that race relations are better in the USA because most race issues in the US are clear cut. If an American doesn't like you, he will say so or his actions will be blatantly obvious. Being subtle is not an American thing.

Moma, I think you are dead wrong on this one. Americans are VERY subtle about their racism. Only in the deep south perhaps are people outright about it. Your average white that doesn't like blacks is going to keep it on the down low. They won't come out and say they hate Obama because he's black, they'll just say they question his birth certificate and his patriotism even though you know what they are really trying to get at.


The fact that America actually elected a minority as a president nails the debate shut right there.

You can't compare America to other countries in this way. Number one, Americans define themselves differently from Europeans. If you are say Italian, I can be born and raised in Italy, but nobody is going to consider a black man an Italian any more than a black man will ever be considered Korean in Korea now matter whether he was born there or not. In most countries in the world including most of Europe, they have always been homogenous and they define their nation by blood. You are Greek because you have Greek ancestry. Or Irish if you have Irish/Celtic ancestry. America is different in that we are defined by ideas and not by blood. Thus anyone that embraces American values becomes American. That's why the term "anti-Americanism" holds so much weight, but if you were to say "anti-Polishism" or "anti-Italianism" nobody would even know what you were talking about.

So I think the reason you are unlikely to see non-white heads of state in Europe has less to do with raw racism and hate per say and more to do with the fact that they define themselves more by lineage than Americans do. And like most ethno-states, they typically do not want to be led by people from outside that ethnicity. Even in things like beauty contests, having a black or Hispanic Miss America doesn't raise any eyebrows because we know there's no such thing as an American ethnicity. But when a black woman won as Miss Italy back in the 90s many Italians got pissed off because they don't see how a black woman can be representative of Italian women when being Italian mean being of Italian ancestry. So I think the attitude also carries over to who gets elected in political office. I'm sure Nigerians don't want a non-Nigerian(by ancestry) president either even though they are probably not inherently hateful or racist to non-blacks as a nation.

Mario Balotelli knows


Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

The Mario situation illustrated why I chose America in terms of race relations. Mario is born and bred in Italy. He knows nothing but Italian. I bet he can bang scores of Italian women etc.

He speaks Italian, sounds Italian, breathes Italian and yet he can NEVER in his heart assume any form of Italian identity even though he has NO other frame of reference.

I repeat, sexual integration is no marker to assess a country's race relations because at the end of the day, it is still a man's world. A lizard can fcuk a man twelve ways from Sunday but she will not be able to influence his ranking in society (gain prominent career positions or influential positions in society).
That's why when minorities want to move to <insert country> because the lizards are easy to lash, I admonish them to look beyond their penis LOL.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?


Every country is hard for black people, even some of there own countries have racism against people of darker shades.

+1. That's why I feel "correct" educate for Black people is a must. The book "The Destruction of Black Civilization..." has answered for me many of the reasons as to WHY this problem exist. I won't elaborate on it to much here, but this is greatest book I've ever read in my life so far. This has helped me understand the world we live in better much, much better. My understanding of life as a Black man is framed through this thesis. I keep a copy of this book on my night stand.

[Image: Destruction+of+Black+Civilization.jpg]


Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?


@Lessor Evil

That commercial wouldn't play in American in a million years. You never, ever, ever see interracial couples in advertising in America. You might see one in a movie like Obsessed or The Bodyguard from time to time, but in magazine or TV ads, forget it. Ain't happening. Too many racial hangups here.

You see it more and more on TV shows like 90210 , Happy endings and the such. IR's are insinuated on many commericials. Remember this 6 years ago:


Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

I also remember the heat ABC got over this MNF promo. Television dabbles in interracial pairings more than in feature films (unless Spike Lee is directing...HA HA!), but folks still don't like it. Networks get their switchboards lit up and emails pour in when things like this air. Ads for products here don't mess with it at all, and you don't see it in print ads in mags either. It's usually done when someone purposely wants to get attention by being controversial.

Will Smith talked about this in an interview he did when "Hitch" came out. Will Smith and Denzel Washington are pretty much the only black males that can open a major Hollywood mainstream film on their own (though Samuel L. Jackson's films have made more money than any other actor, he's always in either ensemble casts or shares the marquee with a white actor of equal or greater stature). The studio needed to find a romantic co-lead in Hitch, but were afraid if they gave him a black romantic interest, that would have been too many blacks at the top of the marquee, thus making it a "black" film and turning off too much of the audience the movie was geared to. They couldn't make the romantic interest white, because black/white interracial in a mainstream romantic comedy would turn off too much of the audience. They split the difference, and cast a latina in Eva Mendes, because though technically interracial, it was less threatening. This came straight from Will's mouth. Obviously, independent American and foreign filmmakers have more freedom to make the films they want, and deal with more controversial themes because the expectations and budget are lower. Cable tv series are all about being bold. But American tv and mainstream feature films are for the most part unwilling to swim in those waters.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

When you guys say there are hardly no interracial pairings on TV/Movies in America, you guys should really say there are hardly no white/black pairings.

It is mainly those pairings that cause a stir with certain people. Saying there are no interracial pairings on movies or TV is not true if you count latino/white, asian/white, interracial.

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

^^ That Terrell Owens commercial unleashed a shitload of controversy too. Of course everyone says it was due to the "sexual" content airing on Monday night, but come on, race had a lot to do with it. I think this commentator nailed it on the head:

America finds a blonde woman jumping into the arms of a black man to be hard on the eyes. It just does. No denying that. I remember watching TV in France and saw IR couples on TV like it was no big deal.


You're right and I'm quite aware of that. You say "interracial" and people reflexively think of a dark black man with a blonde woman. I don't know if it's because of porn or what. But they never even look at white men with black women the same way, yet alone say a Mexican with an Asian.


I've brought up that Hitch thing a few times. They even did that shit with the Disney cartoon that featured a black princess. They didn't give her a black prince or a white one for the same reason. They made her partner a brown skin guy with a Brazilian accent. The hangups this country has with race are ridiculous. At least when it comes to the black-white thing. I'm guessing it has to do with the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow and some of that mindset still being in the social DNA. Even back when Billy Holiday was performing, they would make her darken her face with makeup if she was playing with a black band because even though she was a black woman, it was too unsettling for whites to see someone that light performing with dark black men. That's the kind of shit I'm talking about.

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

Quote: (11-30-2011 04:28 PM)Easy E Wrote:  

When you guys say there are hardly no interracial pairings on TV/Movies in America, you guys should really say there are hardly no white/black pairings.

It is mainly those pairings that cause a stir with certain people. Saying there are no interracial pairings on movies or TV is not true if you count latino/white, asian/white, interracial.

This thread has become just about black men and how hard it is for them (probably since the black guy in sweden thread was locked).

Rudebwoy wrote "Even in multi-cultural Canada, white people are generally moving out of the cities to the rural areas. For the most part the problem is the East Indians who no one really wants to live around."

See, black people can bring the hate also. Do we need to post the countlesss black flash mob violence videos?

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

Your forgetting the Chinese & the East Asians too that whites don't want to be around as well.

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

"Rudebwoy wrote "Even in multi-cultural Canada, white people are generally moving out of the cities to the rural areas. For the most part the problem is the East Indians who no one really wants to live around."

See, black people can bring the hate also. Do we need to post the countlesss black flash mob violence videos?"

Ease up. You're viewing this as hate, while rudebwoy is only stating what he sees with his own eyes. The phenomenon known as "white flight" is pretty common in the history of most cities when blacks and other people of color began moving north to the cities to find work. Whites didn't, and generally still don't want to live among people of color, so they moved out of the cities. Most cities are just a series of ethnic enclaves, with few truly multi-cultural areas.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

Quote: (11-30-2011 04:40 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

^^ That Terrell Owens commercial unleashed a shitload of controversy too. Of course everyone says it was due to the "sexual" content airing on Monday night, but come on, race had a lot to do with it. I think this commentator nailed it on the head:

America finds a blonde woman jumping into the arms of a black man to be hard on the eyes. It just does. No denying that. I remember watching TV in France and saw IR couples on TV like it was no big deal.


You're right and I'm quite aware of that. You say "interracial" and people reflexively think of a dark black man with a blonde woman. I don't know if it's because of porn or what. But they never even look at white men with black women the same way, yet alone say a Mexican with an Asian.


I've brought up that Hitch thing a few times. They even did that shit with the Disney cartoon that featured a black princess. They didn't give her a black prince or a white one for the same reason. They made her partner a brown skin guy with a Brazilian accent. The hangups this country has with race are ridiculous. At least when it comes to the black-white thing. I'm guessing it has to do with the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow and some of that mindset still being in the social DNA. Even back when Billy Holiday was performing, they would make her darken her face with makeup if she was playing with a black band because even though she was a black woman, it was too unsettling for whites to see someone that light performing with dark black men. That's the kind of shit I'm talking about.

"Hitch" is such a prime example because of Will's candor about the casting. You rarely see an actor, particularly a star of that magnitude speak so honestly about something that really is a bit of a scar on the industry. It's like divulging a family secret, even though everyone already knows about it anyway. Until "He's Got Game," Denzel had long refused to have an interracial love scene.

It's funny, but some of the longest running series in history ("Friends," "Seinfeld") went almost their whole runs without a single black guest. I think Gabrielle Union and Aisha Tyler were on "Friends" in the final season, and "Seinfeld" had Greg Morris as a recurring character on a couple of episodes, but that's it. Same with "Sex In The City." They had one story line where Samantha fucked a black guy (she's the slut, so it's okay), and Miranda got banged by Blair Underwood in another episode (she's a lesbo in real life). How the fuck can you have a series that takes place in NYC ("SITC" and "Friends") and not have ANYONE that isn't white? (even in the background!).

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

Quote: (11-30-2011 07:47 PM)Timoteo Wrote:  

"Rudebwoy wrote "Even in multi-cultural Canada, white people are generally moving out of the cities to the rural areas. For the most part the problem is the East Indians who no one really wants to live around."

See, black people can bring the hate also. Do we need to post the countlesss black flash mob violence videos?"

Ease up. You're viewing this as hate, while rudebwoy is only stating what he sees with his own eyes. The phenomenon known as "white flight" is pretty common in the history of most cities when blacks and other people of color began moving north to the cities to find work. Whites didn't, and generally still don't want to live among people of color, so they moved out of the cities. Most cities are just a series of ethnic enclaves, with few truly multi-cultural areas.

Thanks Timteo, I am only bringing up what people tell me and what I see.
Immigration in Canada is largely Indian/Pakistani, people do not want to live beside them for reason's I care not elaborate here.

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