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Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

Quote: (11-21-2011 03:19 AM)Vicious Wrote:  

The last time I heard someone in Swe refer to a black person as a "meatball" was in the early nineties. Using it today would be akin to going out on the town to "bust a move" or doing an Arsenio Hall woof-woof windmill.

Du är bortom dum.

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

Quote: (11-21-2011 12:06 PM)Locksmith Wrote:  

I agree with some people here. Unless the information has practical value for your objectives, I'd rather avoid any racial debates.

"If your skin is Green, beware of the country of Bazookistan. The Purple-Skin-Supremacists are known for murdering and torturing Green People and they are not only plentiful in the most economically depressed parts of Bazookistan but also roam around in the streets of central Shitholabad (the economical and political capital of Bazookistan) where they actively look for targets during the nightime while the local city police is known to close and eye for the racist raids.

Tip: Greens who nevertheless decide to travel to Bazookistan can fortunately easily recognize Purple-Skin-Supremacists as they commonly have herpes infested penises tattooed around their mouths and on their foreheads besides walking around in large groups (sometimes carrying purple flags and all). This should give Green guys enough time to run or to (re-)enter any restaurant or pub and ask for help. A quick call to the Federal Police is also a good option. The Bazookistani Federal Police has been very actively protecting foreigners in emergency situations after the recent international embarrassment caused by two Green-colored diplomats who were beaten to death by Purple-Skin-Supremacists on the main square of Shitholabad. The central contact nr. of the Bazookistani Federal Police is XXXXXXXXXXX and it is useful to have their number saved in your mobile phone when travelling to the country (in case you need them ask immediately for an English-speaker after repeating a few times the words "tourist" and "problem").

As for Purple Bazookistani girls, many of them seem to feel attracted to Green guys with good game, since they are deemed exotic and cool, especially in the more cosmopolitan, higher-end venues around Bitchievsky Avenue and Suckandlickov Square. Day game in the campus of the National University of Bazookistan is also higly recommended. It is also worth posting some ads at the Language Faculties' boards under the title "Language Exchange". In about two to three days you should be able to have, at least, half a dozen contacts of curious local girls to work on.

If you find out your "language exchange student" is not that hot when she shows up for a coffee (Shitholespresso close to the campus is highly recommended for a first meeting), it is advisable not to dump her immediately, but, instead, ask her to be introduced to her social circle (Bazookistanis are a very social circle oriented people). Once you get introduced to the girl's social circle, and thus got previous social approval, the chance of meeting real stunners who would be glad to meet (and fuck) an exotic foreigner becomes really high. If your game is tight, this should take no more than a couple of days.

Some Blue guys in this forum have also reported finding no greater difficulties to nail hot Purple girls after some pipelining and pre-selection (real 7 and 8's are not hard to find online, just beware of golddiggers and try focus on girls from the provinces who went to the capital to study). Sites such as and are higly recommended although the latter charges a 10USD yearly subscription fee."

These are my 2 cents.

If only it were so simple [Image: wink.gif] You're a white dude right?

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?


If only it were so simple [Image: wink.gif] You're a white dude right?

I have narrowly escaped being attacked and injured by racist gangs twice. They probably thought I was a muslim, or an unwelcome immigrant, perhaps a jew, who knows..... I also had a few nasty situations, besides that, because of my "race". Believe it or not, despite these experiences, race is not important for me and has never really altered my plans although I understand there are people who think otherwise. Anyway, I will respectfully withdraw from this discussion/thread. I believe I have made my point in my previous post and please feel free to disagree or to improve it with other members.

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

When I walked around in Norway..people would say Dam Paki at me all the time. I would stop them and say Hey dick! I'm American. Or What the fuck are you talking about bitch? The usual response would be "oh even worse" or some shit.

I probably would have fought a lot there if the dudes weren't the biggest pussies on the planet.

In Greece it was heavy anti American racisim. One dude wouldn't let me use the bathroom at his taverna I was eating at with locals. I got so pissed off I tableclothed his whole family dinner and jacked him by his face into the wall and told him to try and stop me. USA in da house.

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

Quote: (11-21-2011 12:40 PM)Global Baller Wrote:  

Quote: (11-21-2011 03:19 AM)Vicious Wrote:  

The last time I heard someone in Swe refer to a black person as a "meatball" was in the early nineties. Using it today would be akin to going out on the town to "bust a move" or doing an Arsenio Hall woof-woof windmill.

Du är bortom dum.

My aren't we defensive. Using google translate to deliver an insult in someone's native language? Ingenious! Although the choppy language looks as hilarious as Hans Landa declaring "That's a bingo!"

Again, do you have anything to add but race related questions and info from the time when bell bottoms last where cool?

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

Quote: (11-21-2011 01:31 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

When I walked around in Norway..people would say Dam Paki at me all the time. I would stop them and say Hey dick! I'm American. Or What the fuck are you talking about bitch? The usual response would be "oh even worse" or some shit.

I probably would have fought a lot there if the dudes weren't the biggest pussies on the planet.

In Greece it was heavy anti American racisim. One dude wouldn't let me use the bathroom at his taverna I was eating at with locals. I got so pissed off I tableclothed his whole family dinner and jacked him by his face into the wall and told him to try and stop me. USA in da house.
lmao [Image: american.gif]

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

Quote: (11-21-2011 06:01 PM)Vicious Wrote:  

Quote: (11-21-2011 12:40 PM)Global Baller Wrote:  

Quote: (11-21-2011 03:19 AM)Vicious Wrote:  

The last time I heard someone in Swe refer to a black person as a "meatball" was in the early nineties. Using it today would be akin to going out on the town to "bust a move" or doing an Arsenio Hall woof-woof windmill.

Du är bortom dum.

My aren't we defensive. Using google translate to deliver an insult in someone's native language? Ingenious! Although the choppy language looks as hilarious as Hans Landa declaring "That's a bingo!"

Again, do you have anything to add but race related questions and info from the time when bell bottoms last where cool?

Lol ya. Global baller I don't want to be a hater but everything you say has to relate to race.

Its all good if you discuss your race in regards with results with women or potential dangers but its literally the only thing you focus on.

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?


Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

America all the way 100%.
Europe failed at dealing with multiculturalism.Although racial tension is a reality in the states,It is clear that minorities in America are more respected as active members of society,and they have accomplished a lot in terms of civil rights.

In Europe you see a clear division between "Euro descendents" and the rest in most countries.

Chicks need to be on rotation like a Netflix queue

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

Quote: (11-23-2011 12:58 AM)rakishness Wrote:  

Are you familiar with the Stand Up/Speak Up campaign of several years ago? Thierry Henry, the great French player teamed up with Nike (Nike made bracelets, like the Livestrong ones, except they were interlocking black and white bracelets) to start a campaign against racism in European soccer. He tried to engage fans in the stands to shout down these pockets of fools engaging in racist chants or throwing things on the field. Bryant Gumbel did a Real Sports piece on this about British soccer years ago. He interviewed one of the men who actually organizes one of these groups. He felt the teams should only have British born whites on the team - no people of color. He was unashamed.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

I am well aware of the racism in football in Europe, mostly Italy, Spain, Poland and a few minor countries. Sepp Blatter (fifa boss) has not really addressed the problem and neither has the Football Association of these countries, plain and simple it is a joke. England did address this problem and it no longer exists in the country, having played at a high level I have experienced it first hand when I was younger. The funny thing is that there are more interracial relationships in the UK than America, most of my friends are married to European white women.

But don't kid yourself into thinking race relations are any better in the USA. There are alot of places one cannot go as a black man, alot of these areas still fly the confederate flags and are proud of there white heritage. Some states have even refused to celebrate Martin Luther King national holiday. In recent times there have been a few horrible tradegies to highlight this, Jena 6 comes to mind (google it if you don't know).

Our New Blog:

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

Sorry folks this is what I was talking about before, then again the Jena 6 in not any better.

Our New Blog:

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

Quote: (11-24-2011 01:15 AM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

I am well aware of the racism in football in Europe, mostly Italy, Spain, Poland and a few minor countries. Sepp Blatter (fifa boss) has not really addressed the problem and neither has the Football Association of these countries, plain and simple it is a joke. England did address this problem and it no longer exists in the country, having played at a high level I have experienced it first hand when I was younger. The funny thing is that there are more interracial relationships in the UK than America, most of my friends are married to European white women.

But don't kid yourself into thinking race relations are any better in the USA. There are alot of places one cannot go as a black man, alot of these areas still fly the confederate flags and are proud of there white heritage. Some states have even refused to celebrate Martin Luther King national holiday. In recent times there have been a few horrible tradegies to highlight this, Jena 6 comes to mind (google it if you don't know).

Honestly, I can't say if relations are BETTER over here or across the pond. It just manifests itself somewhat differently in other countries, but you can't say things are better in one place than the other. I'm only a casual football watcher, but I like watching the WC. One of the first things I noticed in watching the last couple of WCs is that France's team appears to be almost half men of color - probably the most multi-racial team in the world, so it made sense that one of its players would be so sensitive to what he saw in stadiums thoughout the rest of Europe. Black hockey players are probably the only men of color that experience what some soccer players do in Europe. I take it many fans aren't crazy about the fact that the NBA is mostly black, but it isn't evident in the arenas themselves. I really don't know what league commissioners can really do about it. You can't force individuals to like someone they don't want to. You can only toss them out when they act up.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

Quote: (11-17-2011 10:15 AM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (11-17-2011 10:08 AM)kosko Wrote:  


Canada has the best race relations IMO.

You can conform or not. Nobody gives a shit here.

The only ethnicity which gets the short end of the stick here are Aboriginals. By default any newcomer will be on a high status level than the First Nations peoples here. I know this is Europe or USA thread, but IMO they still have a lot of problems which are from from nice.

Lets not forget many African-Americans fled the USA for Libya. Libya a Arab nation was more equal and fair to blacks then the USA - its bizarre to think that was the case.

Canada does not have the best race relations. I live in Canada, I know how it goes here. The P.C nonsense doesn't fool me. People MOST definitely give a shyt in Canada, they just don't show it in public.
It's still America.

White Canadians are probably some of the most racist people you will ever meet; most of them are racists against blacks. They are definitely the most self-righteous. I don't know who this dude thinks he's fooling.

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

Quote: (11-24-2011 01:15 AM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

I am well aware of the racism in football in Europe, mostly Italy, Spain, Poland and a few minor countries. Sepp Blatter (fifa boss) has not really addressed the problem and neither has the Football Association of these countries, plain and simple it is a joke. England did address this problem and it no longer exists in the country, having played at a high level I have experienced it first hand when I was younger. The funny thing is that there are more interracial relationships in the UK than America, most of my friends are married to European white women.

But don't kid yourself into thinking race relations are any better in the USA. There are alot of places one cannot go as a black man, alot of these areas still fly the confederate flags and are proud of there white heritage. Some states have even refused to celebrate Martin Luther King national holiday. In recent times there have been a few horrible tradegies to highlight this, Jena 6 comes to mind (google it if you don't know).

Rudebwoy, sexual integration is not a marker of race relations. I've even laced white lizards that aren't too fond of swarthy males (I've been able to coax several disparaging comments from their lips) but they just can't stay away from the good meat.

It's the same way how some people will love West Indian food and music but they'll be damned if they consort with the locals on any level beyond entertainment.
Shiiiiit, I know a reptile (a hiring manager) who ONLY slams black dudes but admitted she will not hire black males into her organisation. So don't let that interracial marriage, impregnation fool you.

I still insist that race relations are better in the USA because most race issues in the US are clear cut. If an American doesn't like you, he will say so or his actions will be blatantly obvious. Being subtle is not an American thing.
The first step in addressing a problem is admitting that a problem exists.

A lot of people in Europe don't even know they are being oppressed and they think that them living in a small dingy flat and being refused entry to higher ranking roles is just their 'bad' luck.

When I think of race relations, I think of what type of posts a minority holds.

You know they say it's better to have a honest enemy than a false friend.

America has a lot of honest enemies. A lot of false friends in these other places.

I have family members that have uprooted themselves (as adults) from Europe to go to America.
Better creature comforts afforded to all with racial background serving less of a limiting factor.
We are talking England here which I think has the best race relations in Europe.

It is even worse in mainland Europe. I have countless friends from France, Germany, Italy and when I ask them why they left Europe, they look at me with the "fcuk is wrong with you, didn't you grow up in Europe" expression.

The fact that America actually elected a minority as a president nails the debate shut right there.

If a minority president or prime minister ever gets elected in Europe in my lifetime, I will eat the best hats of Roosh, El Mechanico, Mixx,G manifesto and yours with nothing but ketchup and water.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

And Moma drops some serious knowledge.


Thread closed.

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

Quote: (11-24-2011 11:54 AM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (11-24-2011 01:15 AM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

I am well aware of the racism in football in Europe, mostly Italy, Spain, Poland and a few minor countries. Sepp Blatter (fifa boss) has not really addressed the problem and neither has the Football Association of these countries, plain and simple it is a joke. England did address this problem and it no longer exists in the country, having played at a high level I have experienced it first hand when I was younger. The funny thing is that there are more interracial relationships in the UK than America, most of my friends are married to European white women.

But don't kid yourself into thinking race relations are any better in the USA. There are alot of places one cannot go as a black man, alot of these areas still fly the confederate flags and are proud of there white heritage. Some states have even refused to celebrate Martin Luther King national holiday. In recent times there have been a few horrible tradegies to highlight this, Jena 6 comes to mind (google it if you don't know).

Rudebwoy, sexual integration is not a marker of race relations. I've even laced white lizards that aren't too fond of swarthy males (I've been able to coax several disparaging comments from their lips) but they just can't stay away from the good meat.

It's the same way how some people will love West Indian food and music but they'll be damned if they consort with the locals on any level beyond entertainment.
Shiiiiit, I know a reptile (a hiring manager) who ONLY slams black dudes but admitted she will not hire black males into her organisation. So don't let that interracial marriage, impregnation fool you.

I still insist that race relations are better in the USA because most race issues in the US are clear cut. If an American doesn't like you, he will say so or his actions will be blatantly obvious. Being subtle is not an American thing.
The first step in addressing a problem is admitting that a problem exists.

A lot of people in Europe don't even know they are being oppressed and they think that them living in a small dingy flat and being refused entry to higher ranking roles is just their 'bad' luck.

When I think of race relations, I think of what type of posts a minority holds.

You know they say it's better to have a honest enemy than a false friend.

America has a lot of honest enemies. A lot of false friends in these other places.

I have family members that have uprooted themselves (as adults) from Europe to go to America.
Better creature comforts afforded to all with racial background serving less of a limiting factor.
We are talking England here which I think has the best race relations in Europe.

It is even worse in mainland Europe. I have countless friends from France, Germany, Italy and when I ask them why they left Europe, they look at me with the "fcuk is wrong with you, didn't you grow up in Europe" expression.

The fact that America actually elected a minority as a president nails the debate shut right there.[b]
If a minority president or prime minister ever gets elected in Europe in my lifetime, I will eat the best hats of Roosh, El Mechanico, Mixx,G manifesto and yours with nothing but ketchup and water.

I could come with a rebuttal but to me the argument is pointless, yes you have highlighted Racism in England and in America. I know people who have had shotguns in there face in America just for going into the wrong bar! I will say American blacks are a different breed and have fought for any rights they have today, Civil rights movement I am sure you aware.
The black president thing gets my back up because alot of whites are claiming that blacks should not complain now, which is total BS. If you look at the facts things have gotten worse for Black Americans, they even did a study showing that educated blacks with the same university degrees as whites have higher numbers of unemployment.
These same people are blaming Obama for ALL of the problems in America right now, which we know is not the case.

Our New Blog:

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

Quote: (11-24-2011 01:56 AM)Timoteo Wrote:  

Quote: (11-24-2011 01:15 AM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

I am well aware of the racism in football in Europe, mostly Italy, Spain, Poland and a few minor countries. Sepp Blatter (fifa boss) has not really addressed the problem and neither has the Football Association of these countries, plain and simple it is a joke. England did address this problem and it no longer exists in the country, having played at a high level I have experienced it first hand when I was younger. The funny thing is that there are more interracial relationships in the UK than America, most of my friends are married to European white women.

But don't kid yourself into thinking race relations are any better in the USA. There are alot of places one cannot go as a black man, alot of these areas still fly the confederate flags and are proud of there white heritage. Some states have even refused to celebrate Martin Luther King national holiday. In recent times there have been a few horrible tradegies to highlight this, Jena 6 comes to mind (google it if you don't know).

Honestly, I can't say if relations are BETTER over here or across the pond. It just manifests itself somewhat differently in other countries, but you can't say things are better in one place than the other. I'm only a casual football watcher, but I like watching the WC. One of the first things I noticed in watching the last couple of WCs is that France's team appears to be almost half men of color - probably the most multi-racial team in the world, so it made sense that one of its players would be so sensitive to what he saw in stadiums thoughout the rest of Europe. Black hockey players are probably the only men of color that experience what some soccer players do in Europe. I take it many fans aren't crazy about the fact that the NBA is mostly black, but it isn't evident in the arenas themselves. I really don't know what league commissioners can really do about it. You can't force individuals to like someone they don't want to. You can only toss them out when they act up.

France was one of the first countries to have a black coach managing a professional football team.
Black hockey players in Canada have it really bad when playing in the minor leagues, recently some idiot fan threw a banana at a black player during a game.

Our New Blog:

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

There's racism everywhere. I feel sorry for people who focus on it so much and don't go out there looking for the green dollar and pink pussy. Why should blacks complain about life in America rudebwoy? What's so hard about being a black person in America? I've never felt the need to complain about my life or my future which I control and I'm Mexican American. I'm sure you know we're at the bottom of society in America right now.

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

I agree with Moma, in Canada people tend to be more passive aggresive.
Everybody pretends to be tolerant but there's a lot of backdoor anti-immigrant sentiment floating around.
I can respect the guys who are straight up honest about it, can't respect the people who say one thing and do another.

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

Quote: (11-24-2011 11:54 AM)Moma Wrote:  

I still insist that race relations are better in the USA because most race issues in the US are clear cut. If an American doesn't like you, he will say so or his actions will be blatantly obvious. Being subtle is not an American thing.

Moma, I think you are dead wrong on this one. Americans are VERY subtle about their racism. Only in the deep south perhaps are people outright about it. Your average white that doesn't like blacks is going to keep it on the down low. They won't come out and say they hate Obama because he's black, they'll just say they question his birth certificate and his patriotism even though you know what they are really trying to get at.


The fact that America actually elected a minority as a president nails the debate shut right there.

You can't compare America to other countries in this way. Number one, Americans define themselves differently from Europeans. If you are say Italian, I can be born and raised in Italy, but nobody is going to consider a black man an Italian any more than a black man will ever be considered Korean in Korea now matter whether he was born there or not. In most countries in the world including most of Europe, they have always been homogenous and they define their nation by blood. You are Greek because you have Greek ancestry. Or Irish if you have Irish/Celtic ancestry. America is different in that we are defined by ideas and not by blood. Thus anyone that embraces American values becomes American. That's why the term "anti-Americanism" holds so much weight, but if you were to say "anti-Polishism" or "anti-Italianism" nobody would even know what you were talking about.

So I think the reason you are unlikely to see non-white heads of state in Europe has less to do with raw racism and hate per say and more to do with the fact that they define themselves more by lineage than Americans do. And like most ethno-states, they typically do not want to be led by people from outside that ethnicity. Even in things like beauty contests, having a black or Hispanic Miss America doesn't raise any eyebrows because we know there's no such thing as an American ethnicity. But when a black woman won as Miss Italy back in the 90s many Italians got pissed off because they don't see how a black woman can be representative of Italian women when being Italian mean being of Italian ancestry. So I think the attitude also carries over to who gets elected in political office. I'm sure Nigerians don't want a non-Nigerian(by ancestry) president either even though they are probably not inherently hateful or racist to non-blacks as a nation.

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

@speakeasy -

Okay, maybe to an American some states seem subtle but I don't know any American state that can counter the backdoor movements that are common in Britain and Canada. I've heard that the Scandinavian countries and the Netherlands are also near par in terms of how well they can conceal their true opinions but I never lived in those countries so I cannot speak actively of what the truth is there.

America doesn't have the training to be as tactful as Britain and Canada so even in your most diplomatic states, I (a British expatriate) can easily see what is what there.

The British and the Canadians are EXPERTS at concealing their true intentions and it is very common for many minorities to grow up and live their lives not knowing that the barrier to their progression actually lies in their ethnicity and not their actual work ethics.

In terms of whether behaviour in Europe is based on raw racism or not, does not influence what the facts are. The fact is, race relations are better in America.

However in terms of the word race relations it might be important if we establish a clear definition of the term because it seemingly means different things to different blokes.

When one considers race relations, does it mean they are better if the natives of the particular continent smile and say hello at the immigrants?
Are they better just because their lizards let off easier with the minorities?

What about opportunities for a multitude of decent career options? Where do they fare in the consideration of the adjective 'decent'?

To conclude, I will say, that for those minorities who are happy with just living a static life and staying in their 'place', Europe is better.
Stick with your kind, work whatever jobs we choose for your type to have then yes, if that is what one means by better race relations then Europe wins.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

From my observation countrys from the commonwealth are way more for the multiculturalism . I will speak for Canada, they accept immigrant with
wide open arms . In my opinions they accept way to much compromises . They are real beta [Image: wink.gif] In Québec we see a difference . The goverment have put their pants and have show their colours but not enough for me . Latin countrys like France , Spain , Italy will always have more difficulties with immigrants.
The culture is more important over there,body language,gesture . USA are probably the champion .Not only they accept immigrant but they put all in place
that they will feel at home . They have one official language and it's billangual everywhere. In Canada we have 2 official language and outside of Quebec and Ottawa you are screw if you want to have services in french. In some state near the Québec border they put french sign,french menu in restaurant and everything to help Quebecers in their stay . In Ottawa You can't even have a french menu or asking for french services .

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

For all of you who are shoving down our throats that the USA has better race relations, even if it's because it has more "honest" racism, you all really need to narrow down which parts of the country. The East Coast (specifically from Boston to DC) has the covert racism you all claim is only in Europe and Canada and isn't a problem in the states, yet it doesn't have the same opportunities for blacks to date interracially like in Canada and Europe. As a result, the interracial couples and families featuring black dudes are damn near zilch (not counting white hoodrat broads) on the covert racist East Coast, whereas in places like Canada and Western Europe, at least their dating scene is based more of a free-market.

And for all of you who want to say race relations are better in the USA for blacks, you gotta remember two things:
1) Not all black males are "tryna make der hustle" in blackface-minstrel rap or some paper-pushing Gov't job in some racially segregated and hood-black ran city like Atlanta or DC. Most blacks in those areas who brag about how they're "successful" are mostly living in all-black suburbs that appear nice but in reality are just "rich hoods" with minimal or no Section-8 Housing. Going by assumption, most of us who have concerns of racism tend to be black guys who are not only open to dating outside of our race, but also don't want to be limited to where we can live our lives by skin color.
2) Even in cities where blacks can live without being reminded of their race like Seattle, Denver, San Diego, and Sacramento, take note that this isn't the fucking 1990s economy. We live in what I call a "Hostage Economy" where you either move to DC (enough said) to get a decent job or stay in a place that has better women and race relations but have to settle for a retail, diner, or ____-Mart job, even with college degree in something useful. And this is even more mentally straining on those who were born in and around DC and want to leave with no looking back (like myself).

but to stay on topic, I would say that for blacks in particular:

Australia/New Zealand (I know they're not part of the convo, but I want to make a point) > Canada > Scandinavia/Western Europe > West Coast/Mountain States/Texas > Southern US > East Coast/Northeast = Southern Europe > Midwest = Eastern Europe

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

Why is a "nice" black suburb, without section 8 housing, a "rich hood" and not just a black suburb? What's the difference?

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