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Best vitamins/supplements for men

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (10-25-2015 01:31 PM)Moto Wrote:  

I grew up with Standard Process. My mom is a vet and gets the stuff wholesale. It is all naturally derived and organic- just concentrated whole foods and herbs. Check out the ingredients and vitamin/mineral content on Immuplex, my basic go-to multivitamin and immune support supplement. There are many, many other supplements and herbs they sell.

[Image: 51LQqjuTZYL.jpg]

I went recently to a chiropractor who sells these. They are amazing. I went recently because I was having some stomach discomfort and he found I had a liver imbalance. He gave me liveco, chelaco, and zinc from Standard Process. I haven't felt better in years.




Good thing you brought it up. I totally recommend this product.

Best vitamins/supplements for men


Best vitamins/supplements for men

Daily i take:
extra 15mg of zinc
omega 3 and 6 capsule
at least 1 gram of vitamin C.

It would take super human dedication for anyone to get all the vitamins and minerals they need just from food, given the declining availability of nutritious food and the proliferation of processed food with 'empty' calories and added chemicals.
I recommend the book 'optimum nutrition bible'.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

I looked through the thread, and nobody has mentioned.
Glutamine: this is my go to supplement for Amy kind of recovery.
It can even help you absorb nutrients better at high regular doses for a period. (Can't confirm this)

What I have noticed is how much better I feel if I take a bit during/post intensive work. This can be anything from gym to first day snowboarding of the season. Both you get that soar build up in your muscles. Glutamine flushes this out amazingly. The next day you might be tired, but you won't be crippled.

If you can't do any better, you've settled. --me--

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (10-23-2015 03:20 PM)eatthishomie Wrote:  

Here's what I'm taking at the moment and what it's for:

5-HTP (seratonin/mood enhancement)

What kind of dosage are you taking? An how often? I bought some fast absolving 100mg tablets. I have just been taking one every morning but I just found some stuff online saying it should be taken up to 3 times a day...

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Best vitamins/supplements for men

200mg tablets from NOW once a day 4 days a week. Instructions say take them once daily. I read online somewhere that certain supplements should be cycled 4 days on 3 days off for them to stay effective so that's what I'm doing at the moment.

I think I started with the fast dissolving 100mg tablets you're taking now. They kind of have a fruit punch taste to them right?

Best vitamins/supplements for men

If you are taking Vitamin D; which you should be, it is also a good idea (and worth looking into) to also take Vitamin K; particularly Vitamin K2.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (10-23-2015 02:28 PM)heavy Wrote:  

Fish oil...I take it, but if you have family who've had cancer, be careful taking too much. It can lead to prostate cancer.

Glucosamine Chondroitin for my tendonitis

The study that made that claim was very flawed. Also, Japaneses men show much lower incidences of prostate cancer than americans and eat way more fish.

You should try turmeric for joint health as well.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (10-29-2015 02:29 AM)eatthishomie Wrote:  

200mg tablets from NOW once a day 4 days a week. Instructions say take them once daily. I read online somewhere that certain supplements should be cycled 4 days on 3 days off for them to stay effective so that's what I'm doing at the moment.

I think I started with the fast dissolving 100mg tablets you're taking now. They kind of have a fruit punch taste to them right?

Yep thats them, wild berry 100mg. A few websites I saw online said something along the lines of 5-HTP has a short shelf life inside the body so doctors had people break up their doses 2-3 times a day to have a steady supply available trough out the day. I noticed they had tie released 5HTP as well.... I also noticed theres a thread dedicated to 5-HTP that someone bumper recently, I'm about to read through it.

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (10-23-2015 07:06 PM)Isaac Jordan Wrote:  

In addition to the basics (multivitamin, vitamin D, fish oil, juicing, green tea, coconut oil, ACV), the one thing that's made the biggest difference in my life has been collagen:


Gelatin (also known as cooked collagen) is a wonder food with anti-inflammatory and anti-aging qualities, as it helps to fill in the missing amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) in the standard American diet.

The standard American diet tends to be very high in muscle meats (such as beef, chicken, lamb and turkey), which when not balanced by other proteins (such as eggs, fish, dairy, shellfish, organ meats) can contribute to inflammation over time.

Four tablespoons of collagen a day completed eliminated my post-squat knee pain. I've been able to consistently push myself harder in the gym, and it's definitely shortened my recovery time.

There are numerous other benefits to collagen even if you're not a heavy lifter:

-an increased ability to repair connective tissue (bone, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, skin)
-stronger, thicker hair and nails
-promotes rapid cell growth producing synovial fluids to lubricate joints
-slows the skin degradation that leads to wrinkles

My preferred brand is Great Lakes Collagen Hydrolysate, as they derive the product from grass-fed cows, and the hydrolysate treatment process reduces the molecular weight so that the powder dissolves in either hot or cold liquids (i.e. it won't clump up like regular gelatin).

You can buy the product on Amazon by the pound, but it's cheaper to order directly from the manufacturer's website.
I can vet for Great Lakes Collagen Hydrolysate. It cured knee pain from damaged cartilage during a 2-3 month period. My skin is more smooth, nails thicker.

The thing is, most of us eat too much muscle meat. So our amino acid profile is lacking the stuff from the skin/bones. The collagen is derived from beef or pig hide to provide the missing parts.
Alternative would be to prefer whole cuts with beef/pig/chicken skin and bone broth.

Brought to you by Carl's Jr.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Not all supplements are created equal. It's often difficult to gauge a product's quality after using it, but most especially before. I've always looked for reviews online before pulling the trigger. The Amazon reviews are helpful but not backed by actual lab results. I finally found a 3rd party site that tests the purity and accuracy of 15+ main stream supplements (protein, probiotics, fish oil, multi vitamin, vitamin D, calcium, BCAA, creatine, etc..) and ranks them based on either quality or overall value. This site is especially helpful for narrowing down the contenders for supplements that companies are known to exaggerate their content/quality like fish oil, probiotics, and protein. Hopefully this helps some of you guys narrow down your search. (no affiliation)

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Here are some of my opinions

Vitamin C is the most useful of these vitamins. It should be taken with foods regularly. But more importantly Vit C is used for doing high dose Vit C flushes. This flush causes diarrhea and that expels toxins.

Bone broth is the best way for supplementing calcium and magnesium.

Unrefined coconut oil has many uses internal and external. This is especially useful for ketogenic diets.

Butter. Raw unpasteurized butter is best.

Turmeric powder. Get the kind that is labeled non-irradiated. Turmeric powder should be cooked into foods with black pepper for producing curcumin which is the magic ingredient. Also I only use fresh ground black pepper never pre ground.

Ginger. A lot can be done with ginger both fresh and dry powdered.

Herbs and spices. These all have different uses. Herbology is complex to learn but most herbs have detoxing effects and different properties useful as health products.

Grey sea salt. This contains a lot of minerals. Get raw French grey sea salt. Raw salt is kind of dirty looking and it is wet or damp.

Garlic. Fresh garlic. Non-irradiated. You want living garlic that eventually grows green shoots. When you cut into a clove it has green inside that is garlic with active health properties. If you slice a clove and it does not have that green inside then it was irradiated and it is only good for flavor.

Lemons. Lemon water.

De-chlorinated water. This one is huge. Have clean tap water. De-chlorinated is key.

With vitamins it is basically just vitamin C.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (11-09-2015 07:00 AM)Kinko Wrote:  

Bone broth is the best way for supplementing calcium and magnesium.

Not to mention, that's where you can get your glucosamine. It's in the marrow. I like to make stews with a cut of beef with a big piece of bone full of marrow. It makes the broth way tastier too. The French eat a lot of bone broth and bone marrow, and can't understand why anyone purchases glucosamine.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

I've tried pretty much everything out there. Nothing gave me as much impact as Zinc Picolinate (50mg, NOW Foods).

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (11-09-2015 05:17 PM)xtr3m Wrote:  

I've tried pretty much everything out there. Nothing gave me as much impact as Zinc Picolinate (50mg, NOW Foods).

What impact did you notice and how much dosage did you take daily?



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Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (11-08-2015 07:04 PM)Balkan Wrote:  

Not all supplements are created equal. It's often difficult to gauge a product's quality after using it, but most especially before. I've always looked for reviews online before pulling the trigger. The Amazon reviews are helpful but not backed by actual lab results. I finally found a 3rd party site that tests the purity and accuracy of 15+ main stream supplements (protein, probiotics, fish oil, multi vitamin, vitamin D, calcium, BCAA, creatine, etc..) and ranks them based on either quality or overall value. This site is especially helpful for narrowing down the contenders for supplements that companies are known to exaggerate their content/quality like fish oil, probiotics, and protein. Hopefully this helps some of you guys narrow down your search. (no affiliation)

Thanks for linking that site. Glad to see my NOW Multivitamin made the "A" ranking. I definitely notice a difference in energy levels and digestion when I don't take that in the mornings.

Latin American Coffee Guide
-What other people think of you is none of your business.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

- Pine Pollen
- Tongkat Ali
- Herbal T (like a multivitamin of sex drive supplements)
- Gingko Biloba
- Zinc
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
- Multivitamin

I have to take these at night since an empty stomach in the morning will chuck these right up I have found.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (11-09-2015 06:02 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (11-09-2015 05:17 PM)xtr3m Wrote:  

I've tried pretty much everything out there. Nothing gave me as much impact as Zinc Picolinate (50mg, NOW Foods).

What impact did you notice and how much dosage did you take daily?

Quicker recovery after sexy times, better focus, just manlier overall. Apparently nothing comes to the absorption of the picolinate. I'm taking a 50mg cap every morning, usually on empty stomach (another benefit is no side effects).

Best vitamins/supplements for men

- Multivitamins
- Amygdalin (mostly as cancer prevention)
- German Soy lecithin (it's a good brain stimulant, among other things)

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (10-23-2015 01:23 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Vitamin D, 5000 IU per day - This has stabilized my energy and lifted my mood, especially in the winter. I'm thinking of dropping to 4000 IU a day soon since I don't see a difference from taking 5000 than a dose of 3000 like I was doing before.

If you are already getting enough sunlight, 1000 IU/day is plenty. US government has increased their recommendation to 400 IU/day.
Be aware that the vitamin D you "get" from sunlight is metabolized differently than the ones you supplement yourself with; you should always get sunlight.


Magnesium, 200mg per day - I have a mild heart palpitation that has gotten worse with the Vitamin D. I learned that magnesium is a co-factor for vitamin D uptake, so taking the extra vitamin D was leaving me deficient with magnesium. Now the palpitation is less severe than before I was taking vitamin D at all.

Magnesium does help with anxiety/palpitations/relaxation. I think 500mg is the standard dose though, and of course make sure it's citrate.


Coconut oil, one teaspoon a day - This had made me hornier and seems to help with muscle building. I'm guessing it's doing something to my testosterone levels. It also has increased my energy noticeably.

I'm surprised one teaspoon actually has an effect.. but yes, it does generally reduce obesity so this makes sense~

For solid evidence on supplements in general, use these cold hard sites: (for determining highest-quality brands)

Zinc is an obvious one that I discovered thanks to this forum. Hope those links above are useful, they can really help trim out all the bullshit, and also skim the book "Master Mind Solution" which provides dosages of the 6 most necessary supplements (Vitamin D, Fish Oil, Probiotics, Vitamin B combo, Magnesium, forgot the other one..)

EDIT: looks like someone had already been aware of Definitely good shit.

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Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (11-10-2015 12:14 AM)Filbert Wrote:  

- German Soy lecithin (it's a good brain stimulant, among other things)

Disagree with this. Men should stay away from soy anything.

There are dozens of nootropics you can use for brain stimulation.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (11-10-2015 06:35 PM)Designate Wrote:  

Quote: (11-10-2015 12:14 AM)Filbert Wrote:  

- German Soy lecithin (it's a good brain stimulant, among other things)

Disagree with this. Men should stay away from soy anything.

There are dozens of nootropics you can use for brain stimulation.

I agree with you. I've heard soy lecithin contains estrogen, which is a female hormon. I am trying to quit it, but it is good for brain and liver.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Started taking d3 again as of this morning and last night. Trying to make that a daily ritual. Also taking zinc with my lunch and if I can remember omega 3 fish oil pills as well.

Last year a combo of D3 and lightbox really made me feel a lot better over winter, so need to try and keep that going.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

I have a dosette box with my supplements. Only started taking them 6 weeks ago.

1) Zinc+Vitamin C + Copper= One tablet a day
2) Vitamin D+ Magnesium + Calcium= Two tablets a day
3) Multivitamin for Men=One tablet a day
4) Omega 3 fish oil Tablet= Two tablets a day
5) 5-HTP tablets= One tablet at night

Feeling good.

"Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you"

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (10-23-2015 04:23 PM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

Beet Juice, I got some for a natural pre work out a few months ago and it seemed to help me keep my energy up longer in the gym. The other benefit I noticed was rock hard erections

(The follwing is from Mike and D&P)
Beetroot juice is high in NO3, a nitrate. Nitrates are vasodilators, that is, they open (dilate) the vascular system (blood vessels and capillaries). When your blood vessels open wider, you have increased blood flow throughout the body.

Increased and improved blood flow throughout the body confers many health and performance related benefits.

You will have better sex.
You will be stronger in the gym and have more endurance.
You will have fewer hangovers.

I'm guessing this isn't like regular juice where you just drink a whole glass? Quick google search resulted in this, which is 2 tablespoons a day. There's also a pill form. How do you take it?

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