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I love this forum! Time2Quit you are my new favorite poster. I am white and I still love you, in a platonic way atleast.

Anyhow, Whoremonger is pretty correct in his post. Sad but true.


Quote: (12-10-2010 08:47 AM)Badstuber Wrote:  

I think he is white.

Sadly probably is...just trying to stir up trouble, I don't know any brothas who would have a byline like We need some moderators on this board ASAP.

And Fman is right in his observations once again...Back to the women fellas!


Quote: (12-10-2010 03:41 PM)Rocco81 Wrote:  

I love this forum! Time2Quit you are my new favorite poster. I am white and I still love you, in a platonic way atleast.

Anyhow, Whoremonger is pretty correct in his post. Sad but true.

Dude back to the subject please! I respect all the data you provide from your experiences on the forum. However, Whoremongers statement about "contingent" is not right. I am also black but I am here to talk about data around the world and whatever that entails according to each individual's UNIQUE experience. Lets talk women please!


Some black guys here brag how all women in homogenous white caucasian countries love only them, throw themselfes on them etc. in a way that I didn't read by white guys who were in Latin America, Asia or Africa. It seems that white women are something special to them or these particular guys want to piss of white guys, who knows.


oldnemesis: Thanks for checking. I'll contact the Russian embassy.


Quote: (12-10-2010 04:52 PM)VillaD_Rock Wrote:  

Some black guys here brag how all women in homogenous white caucasian countries love only them, throw themselfes on them etc. in a way that I didn't read by white guys who were in Latin America, Asia or Africa. It seems that white women are something special to them or these particular guys want to piss of white guys, who knows.

The saying: "truth hurts" applies to you big-time.


I'm Italian/Greek, so what? I think you are in deep depression.


Quote: (12-10-2010 11:19 AM)fman Wrote:  

Quote: (12-10-2010 06:12 AM)Whoremonger Wrote:  

Quote: (12-09-2010 02:14 AM)VillaD_Rock Wrote:  

Why is always the race mentioned?
Not all white women like black men
Not all asian women like white men
Not all black women like non black men

But in the end, it's enough for everyone. Also Russia has not many blacks.

If your are not white and aren't interested in sightseeing, why you want go to Russia? Turkey and the Middle East is full of Russian girls.

I also have to say that the Russian girls abroad are friendly and easy.

Welcome to the Roosh forum. Great place most of the time, but a very large black contingent, many of which have a large chip on their shoulder and are unfortunately fixed on race.

Really man? Are you implying that the "black contingent" is a detriment to the forum? We have been over this many times. Everybody's experience is different. It would be very ignorant to not realise that race is (SOMETIMES) a factor depending on what part of the world you travel to. There are many threads on how blacks, whites, latinos, and asians would do in a particular place.

Every Time I see a post like yours or someone black or supposedly black behind the computer I get sick. My main goal, and I am sure of many others, is to help each other focus on how to best game women from around the world. Whatever details that may help are welcome!

Now back to the damn topic. Lets talk Russia, the women, do's/do not's and how to best game them!

No you fucking idiot, and I take offense to the suggestion that you believe its what I said. I never for a minute suggested the black contingent was a problem, just the black contingent that has a chip on its shoulder.

Just like you have a problem with white racists, I have a problem with all racists who can be any colour, but I also have a problem with any ethnicity that has a chip on its shoulder. There are a lot of black folk here who are fixated on race and see race when there is no need to. Typical victim mentality bullshit. Its in your fuckin head most of the time and its fucking pathetic. All the game in the world is not going to make you a better man if you have so many hang ups.

Take your shaming tactics elsewhere son, Ill have none of it. Take the curveballs life throws at you, understand that world travel means everyone is not going to be as liberal as they are in the USA or western democracies, just accept/adapt and get on with the god damned job already.

If you are black, Russia is a dangerous place. No different to being white in Ghana. Our liberal views may not agree with that mentality, but we need to accept it for what it is and understand that people are a product of their environment too. It transcends race even. Can a Jew go to Iran for a bit of fun? Can a woman enjoy her time in Qatar?

If the only reason you are going to a country is because you want to fuck their women, understand that the social dynamics, culture and perception of race are going to be more important than if you were a regular tourist. You have zero real interest or even respect for the country, history, culture, people or place, yet you have the audacity to expect the women and people to be liberal in THEIR mindset so you can flash your dollars and land a few easy lays?

Talk about a sense of entitlement.


Quote: (12-11-2010 02:00 AM)Whoremonger Wrote:  

Talk about a sense of entitlement.

Hey Whoremonger, people read this that want info about Russia and you clutter it up with your racial crap. It's stupid, so knock it off.

And don't call people fucking idiots.



Kona, dude, buddy, bro, read the thread in its entirety before you pass judgement or comment. FFS, Im sick to death of reading threads about race this and race that on these forums. Its fucking endless at times. Shit, maybe its time to open a sub forum for the black guys to discuss shit specific to them? They can circle jerk and talk about how tough life is and how racist the whole world is. Find a shoulder to cry on? Maybe talk about the white girlz in Russia who would be all over their dicks if the white boyz in Russia did not get angry about the fact that they are only there for the pussy? Its all over the place and it gets ridiculous at times. This shit needs to stop and there is hardly any context at all in most cases. Im tired of it too, and its why I lurk more than I post.

My post was specific to Speakeasy, who is speaking out of his ass. Russia is not a death trap for black men, its a tough place to go though if you are looking for pussy only and you happen to be black. It is high risk for that, but its a safe place to go if you are not going for that purpose only. Same would go for a white guy in Nigeria. You can go there, you just have to be extra careful and not act as if its your backyard. This is the reality of the world we live in and people need to get on with the god damned job of it instead of bitching about it

I have been to Russia a lot and its one of my favourite haunts over the last 10 years now. The women in general will not be all over black guys. This is not Sweden, and even Sweden is not Sweden for black guys anymore. You will get some with their rapper fetish no doubt, but most are not going to be into you because you are black. They will be into you because you have a bit of cash, you are foreign and you are not a rampaging drunk 24/7. Have a crack at them and there is a good chance they are going to let the local thugs know though, who dont take kindly to it.



Quote: (12-11-2010 02:00 AM)Whoremonger Wrote:  

Quote: (12-10-2010 11:19 AM)fman Wrote:  

Quote: (12-10-2010 06:12 AM)Whoremonger Wrote:  

Quote: (12-09-2010 02:14 AM)VillaD_Rock Wrote:  

Why is always the race mentioned?
Not all white women like black men
Not all asian women like white men
Not all black women like non black men

But in the end, it's enough for everyone. Also Russia has not many blacks.

If your are not white and aren't interested in sightseeing, why you want go to Russia? Turkey and the Middle East is full of Russian girls.

I also have to say that the Russian girls abroad are friendly and easy.

Welcome to the Roosh forum. Great place most of the time, but a very large black contingent, many of which have a large chip on their shoulder and are unfortunately fixed on race.

Really man? Are you implying that the "black contingent" is a detriment to the forum? We have been over this many times. Everybody's experience is different. It would be very ignorant to not realise that race is (SOMETIMES) a factor depending on what part of the world you travel to. There are many threads on how blacks, whites, latinos, and asians would do in a particular place.

Every Time I see a post like yours or someone black or supposedly black behind the computer I get sick. My main goal, and I am sure of many others, is to help each other focus on how to best game women from around the world. Whatever details that may help are welcome!

Now back to the damn topic. Lets talk Russia, the women, do's/do not's and how to best game them!

No you fucking idiot, and I take offense to the suggestion that you believe its what I said. I never for a minute suggested the black contingent was a problem, just the black contingent that has a chip on its shoulder.

Just like you have a problem with white racists, I have a problem with all racists who can be any colour, but I also have a problem with any ethnicity that has a chip on its shoulder. There are a lot of black folk here who are fixated on race and see race when there is no need to. Typical victim mentality bullshit. Its in your fuckin head most of the time and its fucking pathetic. All the game in the world is not going to make you a better man if you have so many hang ups.

Take your shaming tactics elsewhere son, Ill have none of it. Take the curveballs life throws at you, understand that world travel means everyone is not going to be as liberal as they are in the USA or western democracies, just accept/adapt and get on with the god damned job already.

If you are black, Russia is a dangerous place. No different to being white in Ghana. Our liberal views may not agree with that mentality, but we need to accept it for what it is and understand that people are a product of their environment too. It transcends race even. Can a Jew go to Iran for a bit of fun? Can a woman enjoy her time in Qatar?

If the only reason you are going to a country is because you want to fuck their women, understand that the social dynamics, culture and perception of race are going to be more important than if you were a regular tourist. You have zero real interest or even respect for the country, history, culture, people or place, yet you have the audacity to expect the women and people to be liberal in THEIR mindset so you can flash your dollars and land a few easy lays?

Talk about a sense of entitlement.

Nothing I said deserved this. Like Roosh said I will not respond. Not worth adding fuel to the fire of trolls.


Whoremonger take a bath and chill. Easy with the F-bombs, I don;t have time to read your boring post.

Our New Blog:


What trolling Fman? You make a ridiculous statement that is completely unfounded, then get called on your shit and end up clutching at straws by dishing out yet another label(first racist, then troll. WEAK). Maybe you are simple, I dont know, but have the decency to try and comprehend a post before you insult someone like you did. Is that too much to ask? Do you even understand what the definition of a troll is, or is this you now going on the defensive? Show some common sense before you label someone a racist please.

Put me on ignore then Rudebwoy. I wont lose any sleep over it. Dont worry though, Im sure your efforts to make friends here will be well noted.


Its funny how no one complains when latinos and asians make race specific posts and observations about their travels but when members of african descent make the same posts all of a sudden a few specific members get their panties in a bunch about it. Enough with the arguing already guys.

Race always matters when you travel just like it does in day to day life. especially when you visit non-westernized locations so I think its good that we as a forum have this outlet to post all of our experiences. As you have keenly observed, people are going to write about their experiences whether it be a white man in africa or a black man in russia. It is what it is .


Quote: (12-11-2010 05:03 AM)Whoremonger Wrote:  

Kona, dude, buddy, bro, read the thread in its entirety before you pass judgement or comment. FFS, Im sick to death of reading threads about race this and race that on these forums. Its fucking endless at times. Shit, maybe its time to open a sub forum for the black guys to discuss shit specific to them? They can circle jerk and talk about how tough life is and how racist the whole world is. Find a shoulder to cry on? Maybe talk about the white girlz in Russia who would be all over their dicks if the white boyz in Russia did not get angry about the fact that they are only there for the pussy? Its all over the place and it gets ridiculous at times. This shit needs to stop and there is hardly any context at all in most cases. Im tired of it too, and its why I lurk more than I post.

My post was specific to Speakeasy, who is speaking out of his ass. Russia is not a death trap for black men, its a tough place to go though if you are looking for pussy only and you happen to be black. It is high risk for that, but its a safe place to go if you are not going for that purpose only. Same would go for a white guy in Nigeria. You can go there, you just have to be extra careful and not act as if its your backyard. This is the reality of the world we live in and people need to get on with the god damned job of it instead of bitching about it

I have been to Russia a lot and its one of my favourite haunts over the last 10 years now. The women in general will not be all over black guys. This is not Sweden, and even Sweden is not Sweden for black guys anymore. You will get some with their rapper fetish no doubt, but most are not going to be into you because you are black. They will be into you because you have a bit of cash, you are foreign and you are not a rampaging drunk 24/7. Have a crack at them and there is a good chance they are going to let the local thugs know though, who dont take kindly to it.


Racism is stark reality bud. I think you are the one that needs to accept that it is a very prominent factor in the world and these guys SHOULD integrate it into their decisions.

Not only is racism is reality, I ve seen levels of self hate from Asians, Indians, Blacks to the which they want to procreate with whites to ethnically cleanse themselves. Sad but very compelling.

It's real and we shouldnt sweep it under the rug. Deal with it.


Whoremonger - I do not need to make friends here, I am here because I enjoy the posts. Not sure what your problem is but maybe we can help you get laid. Hate the game not the playa my friend.

IntlSwagger - some men really can't handle it, ain't that the truth. They would lose there mind if they realize how easy it is for some people to fly to these places and be balls deep in the finest pussy. Heck I have to work for a living, but I don't complain or hate on the next man who doesn't.

Our New Blog:


LMFAO, Whore Monger is back in the Motherfucking house!!!! I guess Christmas came ealy for the kid...

Monger? Can you believe its been more than a year since you last went off your meds and had a total mental break down on my "Southern Africa" trip report thread?

Hopefully you don't get your ass banned because believe it or not I actually enjoy reading your ramblings and your ability to make threads go Epically off topic with your diatribes on reverse racism. They are like car wrecks on opposite lane of the highway that everybody stops to watch. But I digress, since you been to Russia so many times why don't you make yourself useful and be a sweetheart, do a data sheet on Moscow. The name calling and iBullying is soooo 2009.


Quote: (12-11-2010 05:03 AM)Whoremonger Wrote:  

Sweden is not Sweden for black guys anymore. You will get some with their rapper fetish no doubt, but most are not going to be into you because you are black. They will be into you because you have a bit of cash, you are foreign and you are not a rampaging drunk 24/7. Have a crack at them and there is a good chance they are going to let the local thugs know though, who dont take kindly to it.

Fuck you, pussy. I've been rollin' thru Sverige when you were in diapers. You are one sorry-ass whiteboy. I wish you would take your sorry ass back to neo-Nazi Russia, and stay there.


You guys can hate on whore monger but his points are still valid. I do agree its a little off topic at this point but oh well.

I can simply say that I'm here to help anybody out and in turn I have much to learn from all of you, but you gotta admit that both whites and blacks tend to be a little sensitive lately, while the latinos and Asians are just chilling like always.



Can you talk about the women in Russia? I know some Russian women here in the U.S. who are pretty cool (and pretty hot).
Your handle, "Whoremonger," makes me wonder, though... were your women there pros or non-pros? (No offense meant by this -- I've been with a couple whores, too, in New Zealand, of all places!)

Can we discuss how it went in Russia, regarding where you met the girls, how the interactions went (did you have to speak Russian, or did they speak any English, etc.), etc., etc...

I hope it does not matter, but I am white and American. I would want to be there with at least one other person (of any race)

Have you been to the Ukraine? Can you compare Russia with Ukraine?


Quote: (12-11-2010 12:58 PM)Global Baller Wrote:  

Quote: (12-11-2010 05:03 AM)Whoremonger Wrote:  

Sweden is not Sweden for black guys anymore. You will get some with their rapper fetish no doubt, but most are not going to be into you because you are black. They will be into you because you have a bit of cash, you are foreign and you are not a rampaging drunk 24/7. Have a crack at them and there is a good chance they are going to let the local thugs know though, who dont take kindly to it.

Fuck you, pussy. I've been rollin' thru Sverige when you were in diapers. You are one sorry-ass whiteboy. I wish you would take your sorry ass back to neo-Nazi Russia, and stay there.

You are funny as hell. You get enrage when people say, black guys don't do well in other countries. But you also can't believe that white guys do damn well in Ethiopia. The saying truth hurts applies to you big-time, too.


Quote: (12-11-2010 05:03 AM)Whoremonger Wrote:  

My post was specific to Speakeasy, who is speaking out of his ass. Russia is not a death trap for black men, its a tough place to go though if you are looking for pussy only and you happen to be black. It is high risk for that, but its a safe place to go if you are not going for that purpose only. Same would go for a white guy in Nigeria. You can go there, you just have to be extra careful and not act as if its your backyard. This is the reality of the world we live in and people need to get on with the god damned job of it instead of bitching about it

I don't know what you're calling me out for. First off, I have no interest in Russia. I have no intention of ever stepping foot in that country. When the topic of race and Russia comes up, yeah I chime in to warn other black dudes about going there and that there is a huge problem of racial violence in Russia. Some people just don't know that and I feel obligated to point it out for their own safety. I'm not complaining just to complain. I don't need to have been there to know it's a dangerous fucking place for black people. Just like I don't need to go to Calcutta to know it's a filthy shithole. Anyone simply paying attention knows that. One only need to go to youtube and type in "racism in Russia" and you'll see an endless stream of news videos about minorities being beaten and killed in the streets of Moscow and St. Petersburg while onlookers watch. Awhile back I'd read in the news that a black American soldier working for the US embassy who was shopping in an outdoor market and was jumped by skinheads and beaten within an inch of his life. Nobody even tried to help him. I guess he was just there to hit on the women too right?

And btw, lots of whites travel to Africa and have no problems. In fact the whites I know that have traveled in Africa have told me no stories of ill treatment whatsoever. Naughty Nomad went and fucked his way across Africa and I don't remember him ever saying he was attacked by black men for doing it. There is no black equivalent of the skinheads anywhere in Africa that goes around looking specifically for white people to stomp to death in the streets. So don't even try to compare being white in Ghana to being black in Russia.


Guys, this topic was about Russia, and it would be nice to keep it like that. Someone searching for the information about Russia may not be interested to read about Ghana, Africa or white/black/latino/whatever supremacy. Let's keep it clean.


Agreed. Chillout fellas.

So, back on topic.


Thank you Rocco for hosting me in DC. Got my flag Just in time to celebrate my 1,000th post on this forum!


Quote: (12-11-2010 12:58 PM)Global Baller Wrote:  

Quote: (12-11-2010 05:03 AM)Whoremonger Wrote:  

Sweden is not Sweden for black guys anymore. You will get some with their rapper fetish no doubt, but most are not going to be into you because you are black. They will be into you because you have a bit of cash, you are foreign and you are not a rampaging drunk 24/7. Have a crack at them and there is a good chance they are going to let the local thugs know though, who dont take kindly to it.

Fuck you, pussy. I've been rollin' thru Sverige when you were in diapers. You are one sorry-ass whiteboy. I wish you would take your sorry ass back to neo-Nazi Russia, and stay there.

Excuse me, but how is this acceptable? I call someone an idiot and everyone shits their pants. You come with that abuse and its OK? What is it with the double standards in this place now?

Simple fact for you bro. Over the last 10 years, the African population has
doubled in Sweden. There is a very large African population that lives there and its one that is growing. Compared to the 80's where there were less than 10 000 there, there are well over 100 000 Africans living in Sweden now, with many more that travel and study there because of family and bursaries. Sweden invests heavily in Africa.

The novelty factor wore off and you are not as exotic as you used to be. You are not some rare, precious little snowflake. You need to have more going for you than just your black ass. Its still a good place for your black ass to go on the hunt though and your race will work in your favour, but its not the paradise it used to be.

Jesus fucking christ people. Places change. In the late 90's, Russia was pussy paradise. Everyone was broke and unemployed and the women had no options. Come 15 years later and they have come on leaps and bounds. Women are not as desperate which means you work harder for your tail. Regardless of what color you are, you need to be at it a little harder to get as much action.

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