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Where do you want to go in 2012?

Where do you want to go in 2012?

I'll be graduating college in May and I hope to be making a move -long term- to China soon thereafter. Beijing, Shanghai, or Guangzhou are my main choices, depending on what kind of jobs I can land. I love the Asian girls and the endless economic opportunities I foresee are to be had, so I'm fuking amped at the prospect of finally getting my arse down there. I think a lot of us here share similar outlooks on life, so if you're in China and interested in getting girls and getting ahead drop me a line and if we end up in the same city we can organize some crazy schemes to get the women and get the money, haha!

Where do you want to go in 2012?

Quote: (01-26-2012 01:21 AM)rekruler Wrote:  

I'll be graduating college in May and I hope to be making a move -long term- to China soon thereafter. Beijing, Shanghai, or Guangzhou are my main choices, depending on what kind of jobs I can land. I love the Asian girls and the endless economic opportunities I foresee are to be had, so I'm fuking amped at the prospect of finally getting my arse down there. I think a lot of us here share similar outlooks on life, so if you're in China and interested in getting girls and getting ahead drop me a line and if we end up in the same city we can organize some crazy schemes to get the women and get the money, haha!

Hey man, you should PM YoungMobileGlobal. He's an expert on jobs in China.

Where do you want to go in 2012?

Right now I'm in Halifax for another month, then what I have planned for the first half of 2012 so far:

-Dominican Republic for Spring Break the first week of March (will be AI style in Punta Cana, as the 5 people I'm going with weren't down with getting a local hotel or anything...however Disco Mangu is located on our resort and the cave bar Imagine is a short taxi ride away, so not only will we have drunk college sluts to game, we also have the shoring option at those two places).

-One way flight to Bangkok mid-March, going to be staying here long term.

-Going to loop through Cambodia/Vietnam for 3 weeks or so in either April or May...I'm especially looking forward to Cambodia after reading the city guide for PP on NNs site.

As for the rest of the year, will probably spend it exploring Thailand (Chang Mai, Phuket, the Koh islands, Ayyuthaya, etc), working on setting up some passive income streams, while maybe grabbing some cheap AirAsia flights to hit up some other spots in SEA that interest me, like KL and Singapore.

The Phillipines is definitely on the radar as well..

Where do you want to go in 2012?

Looking to go to Argentina, Spain, and Beijing (my friend is there).

Where do you want to go in 2012?

I'd like to go to Poland in August.

Where do you want to go in 2012?

Cartagena, Colombia - minimum 2 months. I understand it's more of a tourist destination from what I have read on here, but I'd like to get an apartment and live like the locals. I can always go to Barranquilla, Santa Marta, or hop on a flight somewhere else. I've also been to Medellin for two weeks a few years back and loved it. Need to work on my Spanish though.

Where do you want to go in 2012?

I was just in Cartagena. It's fun for a few days, but I would not live there.

Where do you want to go in 2012?

Quote: (02-04-2012 03:20 PM)Entropy4 Wrote:  

I was just in Cartagena. It's fun for a few days, but I would not live there.

Agreed. Cool city, but so many other Colombian cities I'd rather live...check out playa blanca while you're there.

Where do you want to go in 2012?


(Yes, this forum made me want to go.)

Where do you want to go in 2012?

I am looking at taking a month trip this June after my first law School semester is out. Been to Thailand twice so I would like to try somewhere else. People seem to love Colombia on this board. I have experience with a Colombian chick here, and my spanish is decent. I'm more of a beach than big city type of traveler. I prefer smaller cities. Anyway, I was thinking Santa Marta/Baranquilla for a bit then the Periera/Manzanias area. Npt really interested in medellin/bogota/cartagena from what I have read here. What do you think? I would prefer to be vacationing in winter but its not possible.

Regarding Thailand. For my next trip there I was thinking of going backcountry and doing a tour of Isaan. Has anyone done that? I would really like to hear some feedback on that. Maybe get me a bargirl before she becomes a bar girl.

Where do you want to go in 2012?

Either Quito or the DR for spring break (Thanks to some lay-overs I have a ton of airfare vouchers so the trip won't be too costly).
Montreal right before I go back to college
Philippians and most of SEA if I can convince my parents to let me take the year off school (I'll only be 19 and already be a junior in college thanks to AP classes, as such I think I should be allowed to take a break from school)
If not I'll try and hit up either Peru or Brazil for winter break.

Where do you want to go in 2012?

My 2012:

Now until May - live in Sydney, have a trip to indonesia for a couple weeks this month

May/June - states for a few weeks, back home to florida and a CA/Vegas trip

June to Aug - quick Colombia visit, Chile/Easter Island, Peru, Ecuador/Galapagos

Aug to Dec -undecided, move back to Australia and start a job OR settle somewhere in Colombia

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