The NPC meme
I don't get that one ^^
Sumo is cheating in powerlifting?
Sumo is cheating in powerlifting?
"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""
It's not cheating as per the rules, but obviously a really wide sumo greatly reduces the ROM and some people have the structure where they can lift a lot more with it than conventional. One of the greatest powerlifters of all time, Ed Coan, used a sumo style stance so to say it's cheating is pretty ridiculous and mostly espoused by those who lift less using it.
This shit is one of the funniest shit ive seen.
Quote: (11-23-2018 12:26 AM)spokepoker Wrote:
I don't get that one ^^
Sumo is cheating in powerlifting?
I didn't get it either. Since I had no knowledge of powerlifting - or whatever it's called these days - terminologies, I had to look it up.
This video gave me a basic understanding.
From reddit, Do you consider sumo cheating?
i weigh about 146 on a slim day and 148 on a fatter day. today, a fat day, i pulled 375 on sumo. I know i shouldn't give a damn what people think but is the fact that i pulled sumo less impressive? it's with great form, no hitching, and good speed (though i don't feel like i had any more left in me after i pulled it).
I was just wondering what your opinion on sumo vs conventional is. not necessarily which you pull but which is considered a more powerful movement and more impressive.
Some comments:
tomismaximus 2 years ago
Cheating for what? In powerliftng it is allowed, in strongman it's not. in lifting in your gym it doesn't really matter whatsoever.
Sumo and conventional work the body a bit differently, so you can just do one as your "main" and one for an accessory movement. Or only do one, or do neither, it doesn't really matter unless you are competing.
MythicalStrength Strongman | r/Fitness MVP 8 points
Yes, but only because I compete in strongman, where it's against the rules.
If you aren't competing in something, you can't cheat.
Quote: (11-23-2018 03:35 PM)budoslavic Wrote:
I didn't get it either. Since I had no knowledge of powerlifting - or whatever it's called these days - terminologies, I had to look it up.
This video gave me a basic understanding.
From reddit, Do you consider sumo cheating?
i weigh about 146 on a slim day and 148 on a fatter day. today, a fat day, i pulled 375 on sumo. I know i shouldn't give a damn what people think but is the fact that i pulled sumo less impressive? it's with great form, no hitching, and good speed (though i don't feel like i had any more left in me after i pulled it).
I was just wondering what your opinion on sumo vs conventional is. not necessarily which you pull but which is considered a more powerful movement and more impressive.
Some comments:
tomismaximus 2 years ago
Cheating for what? In powerliftng it is allowed, in strongman it's not. in lifting in your gym it doesn't really matter whatsoever.
Sumo and conventional work the body a bit differently, so you can just do one as your "main" and one for an accessory movement. Or only do one, or do neither, it doesn't really matter unless you are competing.
MythicalStrength Strongman | r/Fitness MVP 8 points
Yes, but only because I compete in strongman, where it's against the rules.
If you aren't competing in something, you can't cheat.
So it's the same idea of the arched back bench press?
Powerlifting is a seriously respectable sport but the loopholes in the rules are fucking ridiculous
Cool video. I'm lifting to build strength, not to compete, so sometimes "doing things the hard way" is the only way to get certain muscles engaged.
Hope everyone ate turkey yesterday and celebrated the Mayflower just to crash NPC minds.
I had interacted with some people I played poker with before and saw a lot of NPC moments.
One person I talked to I always figured was an NPC and still is. The biggest examples of him hoping for Trump to fail and not liking movies or games because the Internet told him to.
BTW, how can I do a meme like the NPC Comedian? I want to do one for film critics. I have a very good idea for that one.
One person I talked to I always figured was an NPC and still is. The biggest examples of him hoping for Trump to fail and not liking movies or games because the Internet told him to.
BTW, how can I do a meme like the NPC Comedian? I want to do one for film critics. I have a very good idea for that one.
This is one I worked on last minute but making fun of film critics instead of leftists.
Here's an example of NPC's back in GAP Commercials
Even as a teen, I knew something was weird with those commercials.
Even as a teen, I knew something was weird with those commercials.
Now they're obsessing about Mattis and wheels. I'm surprised they didn't break out into the song "The Wheels on the Bus."
I hope the NPC meme doesn't run out of gas and stays alive forever.
Someone in L.A. is doing their part.
This is not Photoshopped, it's real. They defaced an actual billboard for Maher:
Bill Maher Targeted by Conservative Street Artists
Someone in L.A. is doing their part.
This is not Photoshopped, it's real. They defaced an actual billboard for Maher:
Bill Maher Targeted by Conservative Street Artists
Bill Maher on Sunday was attacked on a giant billboard that accuses him of not being "real" or "politically incorrect," but a liberal apparatchik of prevailing wisdom ahead of the return of his HBO show, Real Time, on Friday.
The billboard, at the corner of La Cienega Boulevard and Holloway Drive in West Hollywood, is the work of a group of conservative street artists known as The Faction, who previously peppered the Hollywood Walk of Fame with dozens of faux Donald Trump stars to make up for the real one that the president's detractors have destroyed on multiple occasions.
“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”
Carl Jung
“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”
Carl Jung
>Literally deface a public billboard.
>Get called a basement dweller.
It reminds me of all those suicide attacks that the MSM kept labeling "cowardly".
I was rabidly anti-Islam at the time and even then I had to stop and say...
>Get called a basement dweller.
It reminds me of all those suicide attacks that the MSM kept labeling "cowardly".
I was rabidly anti-Islam at the time and even then I had to stop and say...
The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.
Just a hunch, but the artwork on the (((Maher's))) billboard is the work of street artist Sabo.
Quote: (01-16-2019 01:30 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:
>Literally deface a public billboard.
>Get called a basement dweller.
It reminds me of all those suicide attacks that the MSM kept labeling "cowardly".
I was rabidly anti-Islam at the time and even then I had to stop and say...
I remember pointing that out at the time.
Evil? Yes. But it takes balls to hijack a plane.
Quote: (01-16-2019 09:02 AM)Aurini Wrote:
Quote: (01-16-2019 01:30 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:
>Literally deface a public billboard.
>Get called a basement dweller.
It reminds me of all those suicide attacks that the MSM kept labeling "cowardly".
I was rabidly anti-Islam at the time and even then I had to stop and say...
I remember pointing that out at the time.
Evil? Yes. But it takes balls to hijack a plane.
I'm not sure if this is some kind of weird synchronicity given the subject matter or a deliberate reference, but long before Bill Maher was on HBO he had a show on network television called "Politically Incorrect".
That show was canceled, folding under public pressure when after the 9/11 attacks Maher said:
"We have been the cowards, lobbing cruise missiles from 2,000 miles away. That's cowardly. Staying in the airplane when it hits the building, say what you want about it, it's not cowardly."
Yeah sorry but that's bullshit.
All terrorism acts here are about shooting innocent people with assault rifles you got "out of nowhere".
I don't see how that's courageous at all, in fact that's the most cowardly thing you can do - they can't fight back, if they could you wouldn't last a minute because you're a fucking piece of shit subhuman scum.
To be willing to die after it, well it's certainly good for you ! Because this is how it's going to turn out in the end anyway.
And it saves me the effort to come after you and fucking kill you myself.
So yeah, be brave and kill yourself already
All terrorism acts here are about shooting innocent people with assault rifles you got "out of nowhere".
I don't see how that's courageous at all, in fact that's the most cowardly thing you can do - they can't fight back, if they could you wouldn't last a minute because you're a fucking piece of shit subhuman scum.
To be willing to die after it, well it's certainly good for you ! Because this is how it's going to turn out in the end anyway.
And it saves me the effort to come after you and fucking kill you myself.
So yeah, be brave and kill yourself already
Quote: (01-17-2019 03:57 AM)Oberrheiner Wrote:
Yeah sorry but that's bullshit.
All terrorism acts here are about shooting innocent people with assault rifles you got "out of nowhere".
I don't see how that's courageous at all, in fact that's the most cowardly thing you can do - they can't fight back, if they could you wouldn't last a minute because you're a fucking piece of shit subhuman scum.
To be willing to die after it, well it's certainly good for you ! Because this is how it's going to turn out in the end anyway.
And it saves me the effort to come after you and fucking kill you myself.
So yeah, be brave and kill yourself already
So what do you really think of terrorism?
Quote: (01-17-2019 03:57 AM)Oberrheiner Wrote:
Yeah sorry but that's bullshit.
All terrorism acts here are about shooting innocent people with assault rifles you got "out of nowhere".
I don't see how that's courageous at all, in fact that's the most cowardly thing you can do - they can't fight back, if they could you wouldn't last a minute because you're a fucking piece of shit subhuman scum.
To be willing to die after it, well it's certainly good for you ! Because this is how it's going to turn out in the end anyway.
And it saves me the effort to come after you and fucking kill you myself.
So yeah, be brave and kill yourself already
I was talking about the Afghan rebels fighting American troops in Afghanistan.
The one instance which is embedded particularly strongly in my mind was when a few dozen mujahideen scaled a highrise construction site with as much firepower as they could carry and proceeded to wage war against the interim government from above, knowing they would inevitably run out of ammunition and be killed.
"Another cowardly suicide attack in Kabul today..."
Meanwhile we in the West are led by a cabal of child-raping satanists and so far our best response is to complain about it on Twitter. The French are at least finding their balls but none of us are on par with the Muj yet. Not even close.
The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.
Ok maybe we need to agree on definitions first.
To me a terrorist has lost (or knows he cannot win) any real fight but still has his cause he is willing to die for, and wants to take as many innocent victims with him as possible in order to create terror.
This cannot be courageous, per definition.
And I know some will say it's not the terrorists' fault because somebody else put those ideas into their head and those guns into their hands, or that maybe some causes are worth dying for, or that some collateral damage might be unavoidable, or whatever else, well yes maybe but who went into a crowd and pulled the trigger ?
The ball-less (and maybe also brain-less, moral-less, or many other things potentially) terrorists.
This will never be an acceptable behavior in my opinion.
And it has nothing to do with courage.
Remember beslan ?
Is taking children hostage courageous ?
No it isn't, what's courageous is having these children in the first place, given this shit world we deliver them into, and the endless sacrifices that will be required to raise them properly.
But shooting some kids who are not your own ?
Or beheading some women in the mountains by the way ?
Anybody could do it, you don't need courage for that - only minimal training.
So yeah, I never set foot on afghan soil so I can't speak of what I don't know, but besieging a government does not fit my definition of terrorism, they has armed guards to defend them so it's not innocent victims you're shooting at, it's professionals who know the risks and receive money to be there.
This looks to me more like a (desperate) act of war than an act of terror.
And then maybe it's courageous, I don't know the ins and outs of this story, but Afghanistan is a fucked-up place and nobody should have gone there IMHO, neither ussr nor usa and certainly not france, but that's another subject I guess.
To me a terrorist has lost (or knows he cannot win) any real fight but still has his cause he is willing to die for, and wants to take as many innocent victims with him as possible in order to create terror.
This cannot be courageous, per definition.
And I know some will say it's not the terrorists' fault because somebody else put those ideas into their head and those guns into their hands, or that maybe some causes are worth dying for, or that some collateral damage might be unavoidable, or whatever else, well yes maybe but who went into a crowd and pulled the trigger ?
The ball-less (and maybe also brain-less, moral-less, or many other things potentially) terrorists.
This will never be an acceptable behavior in my opinion.
And it has nothing to do with courage.
Remember beslan ?
Is taking children hostage courageous ?
No it isn't, what's courageous is having these children in the first place, given this shit world we deliver them into, and the endless sacrifices that will be required to raise them properly.
But shooting some kids who are not your own ?
Or beheading some women in the mountains by the way ?
Anybody could do it, you don't need courage for that - only minimal training.
So yeah, I never set foot on afghan soil so I can't speak of what I don't know, but besieging a government does not fit my definition of terrorism, they has armed guards to defend them so it's not innocent victims you're shooting at, it's professionals who know the risks and receive money to be there.
This looks to me more like a (desperate) act of war than an act of terror.
And then maybe it's courageous, I don't know the ins and outs of this story, but Afghanistan is a fucked-up place and nobody should have gone there IMHO, neither ussr nor usa and certainly not france, but that's another subject I guess.
the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
It's a broad brush for a reason and in real terms is so bland a description as to be meaningless. The Taliban are essentially an opposing national force but are called terrorists. ANTIFA has no claim to statehood and fills the definition of terrorism easily but is not considered a terrorist group.
As a descriptor it's interchangeable with "enemy of the deep state we have green-lit lethal force against".
The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.
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