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48yrs, 5 holidays, 12 dates, one flag, Part 1
8yrs, 5 holidays, 12 dates, one flag, Part 1
Tilbor, your success stats say you do not look younger than your age, so maybe just embrace that reality and try and use it to your advantage. The second item you need to decide is what is the purpose of your visits. If it is easy sex then the guys are right, SEA and Columbia, Cuba, etc.

If you are looking for a legit LTR from E-Europe is still fine but you need to be patient, immerse yourself in a couple of EE countries, develop a personal circle of colleagues or friends, and lastly, be realistic, the youngest you can go is about 30-33. There are some pretty strong potential LTRs out there if your willing to look at the 35-early 40's range.

Best of luck and keep us updated.

8yrs, 5 holidays, 12 dates, one flag, Part 1
Quote: (09-20-2018 05:16 PM)Dulceácido Wrote:  

Quote: (09-20-2018 04:54 PM)Beirut Wrote:  

Tillbor the problem is you’re 48 but acting like an 18 year old. When you hook a hottie on vacation you should sink your teeth in. Don’t count euros and don’t count whether she’s drinking coffee or alcohol. You need to show her a good time over a few dates and become her holiday mini romance.

This is if you’re gonna hit these summer vacation spots. Which for your age (and increasingly mine) are all about finding the lone stragglers.

You may miss the drunk teenagers of your youth but those girls aren’t gonna wanna sleep with you in 99.9999% of cases.

^^^ This is about the most magnanimous critique there could be of this.

A lot of what you say, OP, (and you say a LOT) is just cringingly embarrassing behavior for a 48 year old man.

This ↑↑!! Do not want to be mean but to phrase it in another, perhaps more relatable, way: When you talk about your holiday escapades it sounds like "David Brent does Southern Europe". Be more James Bond please.
8yrs, 5 holidays, 12 dates, one flag, Part 1
My issue with this is that I am about to turn 44 and I travel solo and, whilst I've dated all ages, most of my bangs and relationships are in the early / mid-20's bracket.

There's been a lot of humiliations along the way as I've had to face up to my being the cringe-worthy one and the undesirable one but when I changed my behaviour I gained attraction and hot young women.

I remember 5 years ago meeting a 19 year old on the bus in Sydney, dating her for a bit, and my 28 year old buddies losing their shit with me "we don't date girls that young, what the hell makes you think that you can make it work". Sure enough that weekend she was all over social media getting together with some alpha from her 19 year old social group.

But whatever, I've got alot to work on, I still have alot of success (as well as alot of failures.) I just know what its like to go to places on my own, go to bars or get on public transport, experience humiliation, adjust and end up with young hot girls in my bed.

When David Cameron was first campaigning for office a critic said that an ex Etonian wandering around city centres shaking hands with drug dealers and the underclass was nothing new.
Having been on Council lists as vulnerable homeless I can attest to that.
When I was on the streets the amount of posh teenage girls out of Harrow, Benenden, Westminster schools etc. I met running around was insane.
Sure, my dental hygiene was fucked and I got blown out alot (and I got bullied and intimidated on a regular basis) but I learnt something about having nothing to lose and the reward of a warm bed at the end of a night.
When I travel now I tend to take little cash and seek out risk and I often end up with no cash and nowhere to stay and the adventure starts from there.
Last year I was fucked money wise in the Thai Islands whilst banging a hot US 24 year old and messaging my 25 year old girlfriend back in the UK about getting fucked up on drugs to the point where I was hallucinating and totally lost on my moped.

Sure, risk needs to be dialled up sometimes and dialled back down at others but I remember one of PUA Krauser's buddies telling me in 2008 "you have to push the boat right out there in order to find out what's on the other side".

OP you would do well to read the post "I have encountered a strange vagina" on here.
Some of the forum really liked it, some of the others found the writing style grating.
You have a similar writing style,
maybe you write well, maybe so does the poster on "strange vagina" but what you have in common is a writing style that is a very British kind of humour that doesn't necessarily travel well.
It reminds me of reading Penthouse and Mayfair letters back in the 80's, lots of mundane asides to the reader.
To me your style comes across as stodgy and middle aged and you are writing up some woeful game results (sure, we have all experienced those) whilst claiming that you are 48 but 'look younger', that the results you get are down to the bar layouts, the amount of alcohol women are willing to consume, the resorts you visit etc.

You don't have to believe me but =IMO= if you are ready to change your style and approach then you will get much better results.
8yrs, 5 holidays, 12 dates, one flag, Part 1
Quote: (09-20-2018 05:11 PM)weallbang5s Wrote:  

Beirut, I don't know your age, but why don't you ask yourself? Would you or others here have the courage and the balls to do what the OP does in your 48?

What does that have to do with anything?
8yrs, 5 holidays, 12 dates, one flag, Part 1
Quote: (09-21-2018 05:37 AM)Bienvenuto Wrote:  

My issue with this is that I am about to turn 44 and I travel solo and, whilst I've dated all ages, most of my bangs and relationships are in the early / mid-20's bracket.

There's been a lot of humiliations along the way as I've had to face up to my being the cringe-worthy one and the undesirable one but when I changed my behaviour I gained attraction and hot young women.

I remember 5 years ago meeting a 19 year old on the bus in Sydney, dating her for a bit, and my 28 year old buddies losing their shit with me "we don't date girls that young, what the hell makes you think that you can make it work". Sure enough that weekend she was all over social media getting together with some alpha from her 19 year old social group.

But whatever, I've got alot to work on, I still have alot of success (as well as alot of failures.) I just know what its like to go to places on my own, go to bars or get on public transport, experience humiliation, adjust and end up with young hot girls in my bed.

When David Cameron was first campaigning for office a critic said that an ex Etonian wandering around city centres shaking hands with drug dealers and the underclass was nothing new.
Having been on Council lists as vulnerable homeless I can attest to that.
When I was on the streets the amount of posh teenage girls out of Harrow, Benenden, Westminster schools etc. I met running around was insane.
Sure, my dental hygiene was fucked and I got blown out alot (and I got bullied and intimidated on a regular basis) but I learnt something about having nothing to lose and the reward of a warm bed at the end of a night.
When I travel now I tend to take little cash and seek out risk and I often end up with no cash and nowhere to stay and the adventure starts from there.
Last year I was fucked money wise in the Thai Islands whilst banging a hot US 24 year old and messaging my 25 year old girlfriend back in the UK about getting fucked up on drugs to the point where I was hallucinating and totally lost on my moped.

Sure, risk needs to be dialled up sometimes and dialled back down at others but I remember one of PUA Krauser's buddies telling me in 2008 "you have to push the boat right out there in order to find out what's on the other side".

OP you would do well to read the post "I have encountered a strange vagina" on here.
Some of the forum really liked it, some of the others found the writing style grating.
You have a similar writing style,
maybe you write well, maybe so does the poster on "strange vagina" but what you have in common is a writing style that is a very British kind of humour that doesn't necessarily travel well.
It reminds me of reading Penthouse and Mayfair letters back in the 80's, lots of mundane asides to the reader.
To me your style comes across as stodgy and middle aged and you are writing up some woeful game results (sure, we have all experienced those) whilst claiming that you are 48 but 'look younger', that the results you get are down to the bar layouts, the amount of alcohol women are willing to consume, the resorts you visit etc.

You don't have to believe me but =IMO= if you are ready to change your style and approach then you will get much better results.

So you are saying my writing style is 'marmite' you either love it or loathe it [Image: smile.gif]I can live with that.

You are Spanish? I enjoyed read your above post and I will go and read the 'strange vagina' hard to resist with a title like that.

I still however think you are making a lot of judgements and assumptions based on not really knowing me. How do you define woeful results? The ratio of approaches to dates? The ratio of dates to getting laid? My ratio of approaches to dates was actually ridiculously high. One daytime approach on the beach (girl age 30 from Belarus) in Crete and within 20 mins I am kissing her passionately outside her hotel.

One daytime approach ( not 6 or 7 ) on Benalmadena marina towards a stunning Russian girl (who by the way I am still in contact with) who is about 25 years old, and within 10 mins we are having a drink at a bar. That's really pretty concise, drilled down and efficient in it's execution, if I do say so myself. Plus she was going home the next day. Cut me some slack man! [Image: smile.gif]

The thread I posted in 2 parts was brutally honest and didn't come across perhaps as altogether flattering. You seem to have built this distorted image of a socially inept, badly dressed Brit wandering around like a cross between Mr Bean and David Brent from the Office. [Image: smile.gif]

You mentioned the 19 year old. But did you read my altogether different account, as a reply on the previous page, on my experience of Internet dating from 1998 in which I describe how not how I talked to an 18 year fit blonde but actually took her back to my flat and got laid. You might get an entirely different perspective on me.

There seems to be this overriding fixation on here that we are in some sort of competition or we are being paid to do this, or that we will be judged on our death beds as to how many 22 years we slept with.

This is a lifestyle thing and we all have different subjective objectives in our reason for being here.

I fancied the pants of one British woman who was on the train travelling back to the airport with her husband and she was easily between the ages of 50-55. There was something about her energy and smile that just did it for me.

Conversely I started chatting to a very young sweet Spanish girl whilst waiting for the train, who couldn't have been any older then about 21, but again fancied her like mad.

I just want to enhance or leverage my skill set to be able to make the best of opportunity when I see a woman I like.

Nearly all the holiday makers in my small hotel complex in Crete were Dutch and between the ages of 17-23. One day about 6-7 of them splashing around in the pool, but I honestly didn't fancy any of them regardless of age.

Have you ever seen a beautiful woman walk into a room and then found out she much older then you anticipated. Do you walk away, not engage, or does it really not matter? I would rather have a sexy 40 year old then a chubby 20 year old just to score on some sort of quota. [Image: smile.gif]

If you are 44, then maybe one day we can buddy up, have a few drinks and see how it pans out , there might be more to me then you envision [Image: smile.gif]
8yrs, 5 holidays, 12 dates, one flag, Part 1
OP, Bienvenuto is giving you some very specific and very actionable advice. I don't think he's over exaggerating at all. His first post to you may have sounded a little harsh and could've been a little softer, but the content of that post should not be ignored.

In regards to your writing style, I find it very painful to read. I even thought the same of the "strange vagina" thread and I said so there, along with many others. You will see so if you read the thread. What I did not know, as Bienvenuto pointed out, that that is typical of British writers, which I found interesting.

As an American, at a very early age we are taught to specifically not write like that. There are far too many adjectives and wandering details that either disrupt what you are trying to say or are completely irrelevant. To us, it usually means that you either don't know what the hell you are talking about and trying to make up for it by throwing useless descriptions of things that do not help convey the subject, or you are just going for "word count" in your writing. To quote a little-known English playwright named William Shakespeare, from Hamlet, when asked if the audience is enjoying the mousetrap play Hamlet has created, the reply is, "More matter and less art." In American English that means, get to the damn point already.

Trudging through this type of writing makes me want to reach through the computer screen, grab you by the shoulders, and violently shake you while screaming, "Would you please stop talking if you're not going to say anything?!"

An example: The neatly arranged custom, fine cocktail napkins were set on all corners of the wooden table, made from the finest oak, were quite dandy and deserved all my attention. However, as I gazed across the candlelit space into the soft, blue, innocent eyes of the young Russian, between the ages of 17 and 23, my thoughts slipped back to my early days in the typical rains of jolly ole London, while she silently sipped her orange juice that cost me 7 euros, yet still contained no alcohol, which disgusted me because I'm on a a budget and this orange juice is expensive and she's probably going to reject me anyway, so why am I paying for this bloody orange juice?

It's damn near unbearable.

The "strange vagina" thread, at least had a topic and was mildly entertaining. This may be the way you were taught to write, but if you spoke to someone in this manner, they would clearly conclude you were socially retarded and get very frustrated with you.

I'm not suggesting to change your style. If that's what you want, then so be it. But, you have to realize you are on an internet forum not writing a novel and, as pointed out, many foreigners are reading this trying to help you. If you want helpful advice, you may want to calibrate your writing style to your audience.
8yrs, 5 holidays, 12 dates, one flag, Part 1
Dulceacido what’s the TLDR on your above word salad brah?
8yrs, 5 holidays, 12 dates, one flag, Part 1
Quote: (09-21-2018 12:18 PM)Dulceácido Wrote:  

OP, Bienvenuto is giving you some very specific and very actionable advice. I don't think he's over exaggerating at all. His first post to you may have sounded a little harsh and could've been a little softer, but the content of that post should not be ignored.

In regards to your writing style, I find it very painful to read. I even thought the same of the "strange vagina" thread and I said so there, along with many others. You will see so if you read the thread. What I did not know, as Bienvenuto pointed out, that that is typical of British writers, which I found interesting.

As an American, at a very early age we are taught to specifically not write like that. There are far too many adjectives and wandering details that either disrupt what you are trying to say or are completely irrelevant. To us, it usually means that you either don't know what the hell you are talking about and trying to make up for it by throwing useless descriptions of things that do not help convey the subject, or you are just going for "word count" in your writing. To quote a little-known English playwright named William Shakespeare, from Hamlet, when asked if the audience is enjoying the mousetrap play Hamlet has created, the reply is, "More matter and less art." In American English that means, get to the damn point already.

Trudging through this type of writing makes me want to reach through the computer screen, grab you by the shoulders, and violently shake you while screaming, "Would you please stop talking if you're not going to say anything?!"

An example: The neatly arranged custom, fine cocktail napkins were set on all corners of the wooden table, made from the finest oak, were quite dandy and deserved all my attention. However, as I gazed across the candlelit space into the soft, blue, innocent eyes of the young Russian, between the ages of 17 and 23, my thoughts slipped back to my early days in the typical rains of jolly ole London, while she silently sipped her orange juice that cost me 7 euros, yet still contained no alcohol, which disgusted me because I'm on a a budget and this orange juice is expensive and she's probably going to reject me anyway, so why am I paying for this bloody orange juice?

It's damn near unbearable.

The "strange vagina" thread, at least had a topic and was mildly entertaining. This may be the way you were taught to write, but if you spoke to someone in this manner, they would clearly conclude you were socially retarded and get very frustrated with you.

I'm not suggesting to change your style. If that's what you want, then so be it. But, you have to realize you are on an internet forum not writing a novel and, as pointed out, many foreigners are reading this trying to help you. If you want helpful advice, you may want to calibrate your writing style to your audience.

I am quite happy with my writing style thank you. I thought you were critiquing me on the quality of my game, now it's my writing style.

So just because you were taught in America a certain style, that's is it? The de-facto standard that we all have to adhere to.

You are assuming that everybody on this forum shares the same opinion on my writing style as you, that's a pretty arrogant assumption to make and frankly quite rude and insulting.

You are suffering from an unhealthy delusion. You think are a big deal and super important because you have been on an internet forum for a longer time then me and you think that it confers you some special type of status. You sound like a bully.

I suggest if you don't like my style then you don't read or comment on my posts.

Have a nice day, as they Americans might say.

Oops sorry have I used to many words for you.
8yrs, 5 holidays, 12 dates, one flag, Part 1
Hey I enjoyed the read, even if not filled with many successes. I have had those experiences too where conditions were not ideal, we all have I think. I have exchanged letters before with British friends so I'm quite used to the writing style. But I'm just a newbie too, not here to criticize others just to learn what I can.
8yrs, 5 holidays, 12 dates, one flag, Part 1
Quote: (09-21-2018 02:06 PM)Stretch Wrote:  

Hey I enjoyed the read, even if not filled with many successes. I have had those experiences too where conditions were not ideal, we all have I think. I have exchanged letters before with British friends so I'm quite used to the writing style. But I'm just a newbie too, not here to criticize others just to learn what I can.

Thanks Stretch and good luck with your experiences, would love to read about them!
8yrs, 5 holidays, 12 dates, one flag, Part 1
Quote: (09-21-2018 12:48 PM)scotian Wrote:  

Dulceacido what’s the TLDR on your above word salad brah?

[Image: laugh2.gif]

Brutha, the brief and to-the-point sarcasm is a welcome relief, so I'll give it a shot.

TL;DR of my post above:

**OP does not appreciate sincere constructive criticism.

**If you don't applaud his meandering way of "seeking advice" by stringing together a slew of fragmented ideas, then you are the equivalent of a "traffic cop" and you should not be so harsh on him because you, obviously, have never met him in person.

**If you offer help that he doesn't like, he goes into a hyperbolic rant about what you said, assumes you are attacking him, and then starts name-calling.

**If you have more posts than him, then you are a "bully" and it hurts his feelings.
8yrs, 5 holidays, 12 dates, one flag, Part 1
Quote: (09-21-2018 01:25 PM)tillbor69 Wrote:  

Nearly all the holiday makers in my small hotel complex in Crete were Dutch and between the ages of 17-23. One day about 6-7 of them splashing around in the pool, but I honestly didn't fancy any of them regardless of age.

Have you ever seen a beautiful woman walk into a room and then found out she much older then you anticipated. Do you walk away, not engage, or does it really not matter?

then maybe one day we can buddy up, have a few drinks and see how it pans out , there might be more to me then you envision

I am quite happy with my writing style thank you. I thought you were critiquing me on the quality of my game, now it's my writing style.

You are assuming that everybody on this forum shares the same opinion on my writing style as you, that's a pretty arrogant assumption to make and frankly quite rude and insulting.

You are suffering from an unhealthy delusion. You think are a big deal and super important because you have been on an internet forum for a longer time then me and you think that it confers you some special type of status. You sound like a bully.

Oops sorry have I used to many words for you.

No offense, friend, but if I had to bet, I would say you're a well-educated and quite amusing 40-something British woman.

I mean, "shall we have a few drinks and see how it pans out, there might be more to me than you envision, you quite rude bully": It's like the Queen is posting on RVF from Buckingham [Image: confused.gif]

[Image: 337157CD00000578-0-image-m-77_1461411208310.jpg]
^let's have a tea and see how it pans out, there might be more to me than you envision, you naughty commoner

[Image: featpic_teawithqeii.png?w=672&h=350&crop=1]
8yrs, 5 holidays, 12 dates, one flag, Part 1
Another point OP.When you take these older birds on dates at those Holiday resorts other chicks see you.Holiday resort towns are still a bubble .
However when they see you with 5 Swedish birds then a group of other women they'll wonder what has this dude got.
When they see you hit on them at the bar then next night you are out with a grandma they'll write you off forever..You don't want to be seen with fatties or grandmothers.You will be judged for it.Also the dudes you meet along the way.You will be judged for being with them.Stay away from old bitter whoring dudes.They will bring hater energy.

Holiday resort town game last for the whole time you are there you are walking around displaying your brand.You are in play everyday with every woman you approached.
Everyday/night whatever you need to approach hotties.

And you don't need to be honest about your job don't talk it up or down.And you are solo because your friends left and you are in the country on business but now its time for fun.

Do not sign up on package tours .You want to be apart from them.Alphas in the group will fuck you up amog and shame.That is the English way.

Always get airbnb as close as posdible to clubs bars.Always have piss in the fridge.Young chicks are staying 2 or 4 to a hotel room.Your Airbnb is a DHV in a way.You can't act like a poor cunt.But you don't need to spend on bottle service etc.

The Dutch are tough bro with a massive issue on age.Scandi Brit Irish Yank just want Alpha..2 sets are good.EE chicks don't cock block each other I found they are not like Western chicks almost like blokes on that score.So choose one.EE will be pissed off you were not aggressive.

You have to find a couple of red pill blokes to travel with.Or good wings that will not cockblock you.Good luck

I learnt all this jaunting since 2013 at 42.Next year I'm heading back to Spain via Scandi.

And fuck James Bond that's totally different to holiday town dynamics...which is fun.You are better off being Rocco Siffredi.
8yrs, 5 holidays, 12 dates, one flag, Part 1
I remember those heady days of internet dating back in the late 90's.

It was a combination of the old simple pleasure mentality (drinking, smoking, sex) being unleashed with new technology.

I would avoid a difficult battlefield like Ukraine (or other slavic countries) in the future and visit SEA or Latin America, as others have mentioned.
8yrs, 5 holidays, 12 dates, one flag, Part 1
'Experienced' judgemental posters should not have this shameful attitude towards a guy who spent a few hours writing his useful reports and giving a new perspective. Even guys like Beirut wrote in another thread about short term traveling that they bang 5s while traveling short term. We all know that a 7 on the internet is usually a 6 or 5.5 in reality. I don't wanna know what a 5 on the internet might be.
I mean seriously are the OP's reports that bad because he didn't get laid 10 times? Shame.
8yrs, 5 holidays, 12 dates, one flag, Part 1
Where did you see shaming in my post? I actually gave OP solid advice imo and from my experience as an older guy in those vacation spots. My advice if he’s not a snowflake and takes it will be more useful for OP than you patting him on the ass.

Should I write a page of praise before offering any criticism or advice to protect feelings? We’re men here.
8yrs, 5 holidays, 12 dates, one flag, Part 1
Yes, but don't encourage OP to hit SEA or other sex tourism destinations. The destinations choices he made were solid, he just needs to choose better targets, but at the end of the day fuck it, just have fun and if you get the bang, fine!
8yrs, 5 holidays, 12 dates, one flag, Part 1
1- I didn’t mention sea or other destinations

2- sea isn’t one giant brothel

3- if people are giving him location advice where age gaps are more tolerated then that’s fine too. If you think the party beach resorts are the optimal for a 50 year old guy then I have bad news for you.
8yrs, 5 holidays, 12 dates, one flag, Part 1
Quote: (09-22-2018 05:05 AM)weallbang5s Wrote:  

Yes, but don't encourage OP to hit SEA or other sex tourism destinations. The destinations choices he made were solid, he just needs to choose better targets, but at the end of the day fuck it, just have fun and if you get the bang, fine!

"but at the end of the day fuck it, just have fun"

Sure, at the end of the day "fuck it".. That's you on the defensive now.

You have been getting away pretty lightly here with your cheerleading and your sideways jabs at people who critique and give advice, especially those based in the Philippines.

Look up Fisto's epic SEA travel report for a thread that shows real game and commitment.

Then bump it with a little homily about SEA being a "sex tourist destination".

OP is solid, destination choices are solid.. and YET (of Marmaris) :

"This is what they have now….
They have bars, but they are all seated. Round tables, chairs around them. They don’t want you coming to the bar, they don’t want you moving around. They want you at a table and serving you drinks.

Anything to keep you routed to the table whilst they milk the holiday maker for drinks for as long as possible. Every single bar is the same, same formula, every single one played that song – small box, round box, feed the pidgeons, spank the monkey etc etc. Naff Butlins holiday camp crap.

In addition most of the people sat down are couples or families. Even if (on the rarest occasion) I spotted a single woman or a couple of women sat together it’s hard to get an in or angle to talk to them. They are not coming to the bar for a drink, they are not mingling or coming on to a dance floor they are routed to a table, manipulated by Turks, who are slavering all over them even the fat, really un attractive Brits - of which by the way, were in abundance.

There is of course Bar Street in Marmaris, full of clubs charging crazy prices for drinks and music volume so loud you can hardly talk, not an ideal environment for my pulling style.

My game with the ladies was at a Zero..

For daytime I tried infiltrating all the local swimming pools from each complex to try and spot a couple of girls on holiday or a single by themselves, but most were very quiet - mainly couples and families.

So Marmaris is a solid choice, OP is also solid (and is even courageous whilst at the same time avoiding the busy, target-rich centre of the resort because it is 'too loud and expensive') ?

Something doesn't add up here.

As for your homilies..

Go to Jakarta and lay a few hot elite, rich Chinese-Indonesian Princesses from the malls and clubs.
Do the same in Bangkok.
Go alone to Zanesvile Indonesia, in the midst of a low key civil war, and negotiate the angry anti-western mobs there whilst you go exploring. (other posters here have done all that).
Come and pull some hot western expats, hot holidaying Western girls, hot young locals (I've done that) and then come on here with a few posts and-no-forum-members-actually-met and start lecturing us all about "sex-tourism" and "courage".

Too late now, but for other newbies reading, this is why this whole thing should have been in the newbie thread.
8yrs, 5 holidays, 12 dates, one flag, Part 1
Bienvenuto, the Phils experts talking about game the time they chose the easiest poor pussy quality destination on earth probably? Right. Apologies.
I mean who can take seriously a Phils veteran?
8yrs, 5 holidays, 12 dates, one flag, Part 1
"Bienvenuto, the Phils experts talking about game the time they chose the easiest poor pussy quality destination on earth probably? Right. Apologies." -

you're on the defensive again buddy.

I've never been to the Philippines - I was conceived there because my Dad won a yachting race and invited my Mum out to Manila to celebrate.

Given that, I'd love to go some day. Also I find the western educated, rich Filipino girls I've met in the Uk and the rest of the West, very sexy, very classy, very feminine.

"I mean who can take seriously a Phils veteran?" - Gee, I don't know. Why don't you go on the Philippines Thread and ask some Philippines veterans there?

I'm sure you would have an interesting and edifying discussion.

(After all they have actually been there.)

I am in SEA having had roughly the same ratio of successes in Europe and Australia (Australia requiring more work), ..Africa..? (alright, not Africa, Africa is actually pretty easy).
There are plenty of guys with insane ratios here because with strong game a lot of the women here are pretty easy (compared to places like Oz) but there are also some girls here that are actually alot harder to game than alot of girls in the West.

SEA being easier doesn't mean that OP has shown either 'courage' or 'game' in his travels.
Nor does it make SEA purely a mongering destination, go and look up the China thread or read up on Flying Horse's challenges with Western girls in Vietnam.

Your attitude to people wandering around and striking out in budget tourist resorts in the Med or playing the terrain here in SEA may need revising..
8yrs, 5 holidays, 12 dates, one flag, Part 1
Wow... Never thought I'd see "white knighting" on an all-male forum, but wellbang has rushed in to jump on a grenade that was never thrown to begin with.

@Bienvenuto, did you do something to this guy in former life or something?
8yrs, 5 holidays, 12 dates, one flag, Part 1
Quote: (09-22-2018 09:19 AM)Bienvenuto Wrote:  

I am in SEA having had roughly the same ratio of successes in Europe and Australia (Australia requiring more work), ..Africa..? (alright, not Africa, Africa is actually pretty easy).
There are plenty of guys with insane ratios here because with strong game a lot of the women here are pretty easy (compared to places like Oz) but there are also some girls here that are actually alot harder to game than alot of girls in the West.

Japan/Korea can be harder (but they're not technically SEA), and maybe some parts of SEA like Vietnam but on the whole that region is undoubtedly much easier than Europe/US etc. If, therefore, as a Westerner you're having the same amount of success in SEA as Europe/US you're probably doing something wrong. Unless you're focusing entirely on the top 2-3% of women that are surrounded by local elites.

Quote: (09-22-2018 09:19 AM)Bienvenuto Wrote:  

go and look up the China thread or read up on Flying Horse's challenges with Western girls in Vietnam.

China isn't in SEA, and I wouldn't consider experience with Western women as SEA experience even if it occurs there.

Pussy ain't for pussies...
8yrs, 5 holidays, 12 dates, one flag, Part 1
I have better luck in the US and Europe.

I couldn't wait to get the fuck out of Bangkok.Never saw one local I found attractive.The only reason I would go to Thailand would be to do a dive course.thats it.You can keep SEA.

The women that give me a wide berth are Asian and South American.Both say I look too much like a criminal.To SA chicks they think I'm SA.I don't do well with Spanish chicks either.

But I don't care cause I do well with Scandi EE Anglo and Black chicks.Like Ethopians etc do it for me.

Us Latin looking dudes are also not high on Asian birds wish list.Its all about DNA .The darker you are the harder SEA will be.Japan bores me .Koreans are hot but again boring.Singapore girls I like them not boring.American Asians are hot.Vietnamese Aussie are hot...but there is no DNA match for me no urge .

I got no issues with dudes hitting up SEA like a good mate of mine does but it pisses me off when he gets offended like I've got to like what he likes.Like it's offensive that Asians don't make my dick hard.My dick does not lie.

SEA is not going to easy for everyone.I even knew blonde dudes that are just not into SEA or Asians in any way.

I did meet a Swedish Thai bird in Sydney once that did it for me.But she hated Sydney cause there were too many Asians..true story
8yrs, 5 holidays, 12 dates, one flag, Part 1
Quote: (09-22-2018 09:45 AM)jselysianeagle Wrote:  

Quote: (09-22-2018 09:19 AM)Bienvenuto Wrote:  

I am in SEA having had roughly the same ratio of successes in Europe and Australia (Australia requiring more work), ..Africa..? (alright, not Africa, Africa is actually pretty easy).
There are plenty of guys with insane ratios here because with strong game a lot of the women here are pretty easy (compared to places like Oz) but there are also some girls here that are actually alot harder to game than alot of girls in the West.

Japan/Korea can be harder (but they're not technically SEA), and maybe some parts of SEA like Vietnam but on the whole that region is undoubtedly much easier than Europe/US etc. If, therefore, as a Westerner you're having the same amount of success in SEA as Europe/US you're probably doing something wrong. Unless you're focusing entirely on the top 2-3% of women that are surrounded by local elites.

Quote: (09-22-2018 09:19 AM)Bienvenuto Wrote:  

go and look up the China thread or read up on Flying Horse's challenges with Western girls in Vietnam.

China isn't in SEA, and I wouldn't consider experience with Western women as SEA experience even if it occurs there.

Undoubtedly easier here.
However my game is just ticking over right now as I have other things to do.

I am in Vietnam and am in the provinces surrounded by stay at home twenty something virgins with their families and at the other end of the spectrum the club thots.
The top 2 to 3% here vet the Westerners hard but then after that we can hang out with them like amusing circus clowns.
The money they have and the eyes they have on them is next level.
The girls can be gamed with strategy however when I see Western backpacker teachers and middle aged sleazes getting shot down spectacularly then I do wonder about their level of social awareness.

Saigon, Thailand, Indonesia - piece of piss..
Myanmar, Laos, Malaysia - mileage may vary depending on location and type of local.

I would class Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Taiwan as SEA but I can see that would be a stretch.

The fempats and the western tourist girls are part of the SEA terrain for me but I accept that not all would agree.

@Dulceacido - in a former life we were Moro warriors in the Visayas for rival tribes.
We got into an arnis duel.. that got derailed by relatives into a slanging match over a technicality... that lasted so long that we both died of starvation.

Our fates have been entwined ever since. [Image: smile.gif] [Image: smile.gif]

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