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Van Plows into 8 People In Toronto

Van Plows into 8 People In Toronto

Quote: (05-06-2018 08:24 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

On a bleak "burn it all down" kind of day I would simply tell all the incels "go join islam".

The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend, but he can be perfectly useful fodder.

That was a Law & Order episode.

Van Plows into 8 People In Toronto

Quote: (05-04-2018 04:19 PM)PapayaTapper Wrote:  

Quote: (05-04-2018 12:34 PM)Rhyme or Reason Wrote:  


CEOs of big tech companies: You almost certainly have incels as employees. What are you going to do about it?

Women hate betas and incels so fucking much. Years ago it was "nice guys of okcupid" or the 'nice guys are really assholes' meme. Then it was the friendzone doesn't exist meme. Now it's incels must die.

What do they all have in common? Women directing their hate towards men they don't want to fuck. The worst crime in a matriarchy is to dry up the pussy.

Conversely that's why they hate the idea of "game" being an acquired skill set. The possibility that pussy tingling attributes are not 100% innate and can be "manufactured" in some way is terrifying. So much so that its labeled as "tricking" women rather than developing the skills to give women what they want.

Myths for women are called fairy tales* for a reason (Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and The Beast etc etc) all have one fundamental common thread. The "heroine" of the story archetype is not the one that vanquishes the evil step mother, witch, or spell but is rather rescued by the "hero". The Prince has to do the conquering. God forbid that Prince Charming wasn't born handsome strong and rich
and had to put in work to over come obstacles in order to acquire his vanquishing skills.

Pussy only responds to final results, it doesn't prepare to respond.

Women in general have very little problem admitting that everyone besides themselves have an inner nature with guiding instincts.

They see animals moving around, eating (hunting or grazing), mating, etc, and think the animal nature is cute or just the way it is for these animals. They see men drawn to beautiful women, or tasty food, they see children crying for no reason, and understand that "that's just the way it is." They have no problem accepting other animals having an inner nature.

But point out that they also have an inner nature, and watch how badly women become uncomfortable, or start to rage. I think AB is onto something here - if women acknowledge they also have animal instincts, it would force them to become accountable for their actions. They could not pretend they did not know what they were doing - they didn't mean to eat that food, cheat on their man, get angry at this or that - if they knew they would react so predictably in the first place.

Therefore, in order to avoid feelings of guilt, they must deny that they have an animal nature, lest they be held accountable for their actions. Once a woman understands, for example, that receiving attention from a man in a private situation could easily lead to sex, they no longer have any excuse for cheating since the man can just ask why she allowed herself to be isolated in the first place.

In the same way a woman can rightfully become suspicious when a man is checking out other women (he who lusts with his eyes), a man can attempt to control his nature by avoiding situations where he might succumb to his instincts - the same is true for women. But only if women acknowledge their animal nature, which is extremely rare for any woman to do.

Women acknowledging their nature also leads to other uncomfortable situations for them. For example, why are men better than women at so many tasks? Is it a conspiracy? No, it's because women have been fucking superior men for hundreds of thousands of years, so the superiority of men was actually created by female nature. Thus women maintain the doublethink regarding animal instincts - everyone has them except women.

The entire feminist narrative is a denial of female nature, and therefore in today's lying fantasy culture, talking about female nature threatens the entire political and cultural order maintained by the elites at the top of the "Western" world. Thus they hate and target men like Roosh with such vitriol.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Van Plows into 8 People In Toronto

This EX-CIA operative believes that a terrorist connection and Islam has to be researched. There are some Armenian Muslims - also converts to Islam are known. It's funny that the media does not verify his religion at all. Normally they would do their best to say that he is a born and raised Christian, but they are all silent on this.

Also that he was trying to be killed by a cop may indeed be only an expression of his low-T count. The masculine one will charge at a cop - the wuss will stand around waving his phone and tell the cop that he has guns in the car.

Even the incel messages may have been fabricated later as some have reported. Since the media wants to keep the diversity train rolling they don't want another Islamic terrorist attack on their hands.

I mentioned that in the recent pope visit in Poland they captured two Polish converts to Islam who attempted to either assassinate the pope or blow up a crowd. One attempted to enter the area with the explosive ingredients in his backpack, but they had search perimeters and the other was already known by other European agencies and was followed by a team and arrested before he could enter a church. Both were white Christian born men.

Either way - we won't find out the truth.

He also mentioned that the Montreal polytechnique killer Mark Lepine was also Muslim and his hatred of Western Christian women were rather fueled by Islam - born Gamil Rodrigue Liass Gharbi. An incel Muslim man will feel 10 times the rage as others are getting laid all the time. I remember how IntrovertedSmiles - an Ex-Muslim Youtuber - said that he was a virgin partly because of being introverted and weird and partly because he was such a believer. He honestly thought that all the Western women were having sex and he did not get anything. Islam made his incel state far worse as it fostered an anger against all those sluts, while secretly wanting to fuck them - and they still refused him.

So no - we don't know whether this was an angry incel or an angry incel Muslim motivated by jihad to a greater portion. Since the media covered up all his heritage and refused to even name his affiliation, religion etc. I would say that I would now rather count it as Islamic terror until proven otherwise - low T Muslim incel terror which is admittedly rarer.

Van Plows into 8 People In Toronto

Haha leave it to Zelcorpion to search for an Islam tie-in in all of this.

Van Plows into 8 People In Toronto

Quote: (05-09-2018 01:50 PM)TigerMandingo Wrote:  

Haha leave it to Zelcorpion to search for an Islam tie-in in all of this.

I am interested in truth and have no affinity for any agenda. I don't have any sick desire to see Islamic terrorism happening anywhere just to confirm my perception. I would love nothing else than every Muslim to be a peaceful desert warrior like Rumi or Shamus-I-Tabriz. But those guys are heretics to the crap that Mohammed taught.

Whatever - we probably won't find out the truth here.

Van Plows into 8 People In Toronto

A comprehensive article about the attacker came out


At Thornlea Secondary School, housed in a squat brick building south of Highway 407 in Thornhill, Minassian was in a special education class called "learning strategies," according to students who knew him. High school classmates described Minassian as an awkward young man with notable physical tics who appeared to have special needs stemming from a disability. Some former classmates expressed surprise at the idea that Minassian could even operate a vehicle, let alone allegedly steer one that caused so much destruction.

Guy was a savant when it comes to programming


Joseph Pham, a 25-year-old computer programming and analysis student at Seneca, sat beside Minassian in a course called "parallel programming fundamentals," from January to April this year.

The course curriculum includes a project that requires a group presentation. While initially working with a group, Minassian ended up presenting his project alone — not due to group dynamics, as far as Pham was aware, but because some students ended up dropping the class.

"His speech was articulate, he presented at a good pace, he spoke really slow but he was articulate in what he was saying," Pham said. "He didn't have any cue cards or anything. He knew what he was talking about."

Pham got the impression that Minassian was comfortable with the material, but not with being the focus of attention. He said Minassian stared at the back of the room and didn't make eye contact.

A recruiter who interviewed Minassian for a job in 2016 later described him as "the best hire we never hired," Metroland Media reported after the attack. The recruiter was impressed with Minassian's technical knowledge and skills.

On his last day of school:


The student, who did not want their name associated with Minassian, said that on April 19, a few days before the attack, Minassian sent a message to former group members on a chat app. The student shared a screen capture of the message attributed to Minassian. The Star could not independently verify that he sent it.

"Finally finished college," the message said. "F--- you all and good riddance."

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