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10 day water-only fast completed
0 day water-only fast completed
If anyone is interested in fasting, I'd suggest they look into Dr.Jason Fung's book, The Complete Guide to Fasting. Just keep in mind, if one is interested in fasting, it's probably not the best idea to jump into extended water fasting or some of the extreme variants like dry fasting. To the uninitiated, if you're interested in giving fasting a try, it's best to give intermittent fasting a spin, which is where you fast every single day for a certain amount of hours and consume your daily calories in a "feeding window." I started off with O.M.A.D. (one meal a day)/Warrior diet and stick to a vegetarian keto diet. Ketosis (using your own body fat for energy vis-a-vis ketones) and lowering insulin is what you're trying to achieve through any form of fasting and optimizing growth hormone/testosterone for a great anabolic state -- all through timing when you eat. It's been practiced for thousands of years through necessity and then various religious traditions and it's one of the oldest "tricks" in the book to be healthy; however most people are looking for an easy fix and not willing to endure any amount of displeasure and that speaks volumes.
0 day water-only fast completed
Recently came across this video. There is an interesting claim that during the autophagy (breaking down and recycling parts from old and damaged cells) process the body recycles old cells and the protein from them so we don't actually need that much protein as long as we give the body enough time in the fasted state. Is there any scientific basis to that claim?

0 day water-only fast completed
Quote: (04-04-2018 07:38 PM)Bain Wrote:  

In the last 12 months I have done two - 10 day water fasts and one 9 day water fast. ( was planning to do 10 but work called). In my last 9 day fast, I ate for a week and then went to my doctor to do my annual check up. I had a blood test done. I got the results and the doctor was surprised how perfect my blood test came out. Lowest cholesterol, good blood sugar, thyroid problems disappeared, psa fine, B12 fine etc.

So water fasting is a secret way to get good internal health in a short period. Of course after you must maintain a healthy diet and exercise program or else the benefits of the fast disappear soon.

10 day water fasting is not easy but it is not difficult either. One needs to gradually build up to it. Start with one day water fasts. I have been doing a one day dry fast once a week -- on Mondays usually for almost 10 years now.

The first three days of the fast are the most difficult. After that though they become more easy and detoxification usually begins after the third or forth day.

If you want to achieve good internal health in a short period, this maybe something to consider.

If you have a medical condition, you need to consult with your doctor first. But long fasting tends to often cure many medical ailments.

Even thinking about it is difficult to me.
0 day water-only fast completed
Too bad Iron Shark was banned. He posted some good Intel on Iran. I did a 10 day water only fast last year and the year before with no problems. This month I started looking (not feeling) very dehydrated after 7 full days. I'm not sure what changed. I originally intended to go a full 10 days again. I ended the fast Sunday night because I was going to be seeing a girl I'm interested in on Tuesday. "I can't let her see me like this".
0 day water-only fast completed
Quote: (03-23-2019 04:33 PM)Atomic Lush Wrote:  

Too bad Iron Shark was banned. He posted some good Intel on Iran. I did a 10 day water only fast last year and the year before with no problems. This month I started looking (not feeling) very dehydrated after 7 full days. I'm not sure what changed. I originally intended to go a full 10 days again. I ended the fast Sunday night because I was going to be seeing a girl I'm interested in on Tuesday. "I can't let her see me like this".

Especially around the seventh day is when the mind tries every trick to convince you to break the fast. You have to be more vigilant -- stay in and rest and keep your mind off food.

But the excuses your mind gave you -- have got me lmao.

'I started looking (not feeling) very dehydrated' and 'I can't let her see me like this.'


Nothing changed - fasting is excellent for hydration as it breaks down the hydrogen from body fat and when one breaths in oxygen - you get lots of pure metabolic h2o which hydrates your body most efficiently. The water you drink also helps with hydration but not as much as the metabolic water.

But seven days is a great accomplishment. I hope you broke your fast with mostly water rich fruits -- and then home made soup with lots of fresh veggies and water.

How did you feel after a week or so?

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