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10 day water-only fast completed
0 day water-only fast completed
I’m up for it.

If only you knew how bad things really are.
0 day water-only fast completed
Quote: (07-01-2018 08:07 PM)Bain Wrote:  


Sunday July 8, 2018

Are you guys up for it. If so post a reply.

More details and helpful tips to be given the day of.


I may begin a few days before then. I am just finishing up my kitchari cleanse and I am also finishing up a 30-day proactive parasite cleanse (I must take the herbs with meals). I might begin on Wednesday or Thursday evening and then finish Monday morning. I must first look at my schedule.
0 day water-only fast completed
Although I enjoy weight training which I try to do three times sometimes more a week, and feel always amazing afterwards, it is very important to do --- but it is not a real indicator of internal health which only proper fasting and proper eating can accomplish.

A good indicator of internal health is if every morning you are having a good healthy bowl movement. If not then you need to adjust your eating and fasting habits. Oddly enough a good healthy bowl movement is one of the high pleasures of life.

I have been having great bowl movements every morning since I started the 16 - 8 intermittent fasting -- and every morning as soon as I wake up I have been drinking one litre of water.

If you are regularly constipated then you have some work to do.



Sunday July 8, 2018
0 day water-only fast completed
I've done 3 day fasts before - I lose the residue coating on my tongue, my bloating goes down significantly and I require less sleep.

Downside is that I can't do intense physical activity. I'll be up for a day fast. I've already fasted today until 6 PM. Only eating until 10.
0 day water-only fast completed
I may as well go over the protocol of the Sunday fast challenge now - as I have the time:

In brief:

1 - your last meal should be Saturday around 6 pm -- 8 pm latest -- try to have more fruits and drink a bit more water --

2- Fast all day on sunday. Do not do any exertion activities. Stay home most of the day -- but you can go out for a gentle walk. Catch up on some reading or house cleaning.

3 - Go to bed around 10 pm on Sunday. Have only water if hunger comes. Once you go to sleep -- you will have no hunger.

4 - Wake up whatever time you do on Monday. Take a shower. At this time your body will be nice and light and flexible. This is a good opportunity to do some stretch exercises or yoga. You will get big benefits if you do some stretching.

5 - Remember breaking your fast properly is more important than the fast itself. Start off with some warm water and put fresh lemon juice in from real lemons with a bit of salt. Slowly drink that. Than drink some more water -- a glass or two if you can. Then have water rich fruits -- best is water melon and blue berries. Do not eat more than two or three different fruits -- stick to two preferably. Then at lunch time -- make your own home made soup with lots of water liquid. Just boil a pot with lots of water and add mostly vegetables -- cabbage, kale, spinach, broccoli, tofu, eggplant -- (this is a keto version of soup) --no potatoes if you can avoid.

Then have your normal diner -- don't over do it with junk though --at 6 pm or so - and try to keep portion small. Make sure you start off with a large green salad. If you get hungry before dinner, just have more soup and fruits.

This is the ideal -- but some will have a strong tendency to freak out on food -- avoid that if you can but if you can't at least you got your one day fast in and the cleanse will benefit your body.

6 - Lastly share your experiences on the forum. If you are happy with the results you owe me a beer -- but since I do not drink alcohol - a green tea will do.
0 day water-only fast completed
Quote: (07-03-2018 11:48 AM)Bain Wrote:  

This is the ideal -- but some will have a strong tendency to freak out on food -- avoid that if you can but if you can't at least you got your one day fast in and the cleanse will benefit your body.

I concur with all that. I would only add that you should hydrate really well. A fast provides your body with the extra energy needed to flush out toxins. Your liver and kidneys need an ample amount of water to do that well. In fact, even though I have a four-stage water filter, when I fast I visit the local water store and I get commercially filtered pure water and place it in glass containers. I avoid plastic in general. If you want to know why, here is the latest study. This is just one of many reasons to avoid drinking from plastics, including the release of estrogenic chemicals:


Tests on major brands of bottled water have found that nearly all of them contained tiny particles of plastic.

In the largest investigation of its kind, 250 bottles bought in nine different countries were examined.

Research led by journalism organisation Orb Media discovered an average of 10 plastic particles per litre, each larger than the width of a human hair.

Just try to obtain the best quality water that you can and stay well hydrated during the fast.

Because of my schedule I cannot do a longer fast right now, so I will join you gents on Sunday.
0 day water-only fast completed
A free series of health videos is being offered on the topic of fasting. The object is to get you to buy the video series if you liked watching the free videos.

I have watched several of these video series, including ones that discussed brain health, toxicity in the home, medical marijuana, and candida overgrowth. They are typically highly informative, offer many experts in the field, and discuss cutting edge science. You must sign up, so just use your junk email address. Typically, a new set of videos is sent to you each day for a week or so.

Watch the three-minute introduction video. It discusses many of the concepts discussed in this thread. I saw Dr. Zack Bush in a previous video series. He has an impressive wealth of of medical information.
0 day water-only fast completed
What about exercise and fasting? I train 2-3 hours every day. Can I do a 23-hour fast while in training or is this not recommended?
0 day water-only fast completed
Quote: (07-05-2018 03:02 PM)asdfk Wrote:  

What about exercise and fasting? I train 2-3 hours every day. Can I do a 23-hour fast while in training or is this not recommended?

It has already been discussed in this thread. Intermittent fasting can, among other things, increase human growth hormone by up to 2000%. So, you would eat at noon and 6:00 p.m. and then fast from 7:00 p.m. until noon the next day. Here is an article with the PubMed links atatched:


Fasting is a great tool to maximise natural hormone optimisation – it increases testosterone and HGH.

A study (4) in 2012 found that consuming food (a 550 calories standard meal) before a morning testosterone blood test reduced by testosterone by 30% for u to 2 hours after compared to the control group.

Another study (5) found that healthy males luteinizing hormone (LH) – the precursor to testosterone – increased by 67% from an overnight fast.

Testosterone means more muscle and manipulating this variable will maximize your gym efforts.

Does Fasting increase HGH?

Intermittent fasting for more HGH works.

A well known study (6) found a 2000% increase in HGH after a 24 hours fast that lasted for a couple of days after.

These HGH responses occurred as huge individual pulses from the pituitary gland.

The authors suggested that the response may be some evolutionary response to starvation.

Other older studies have found HGH spikes from fasting.

A study (7) in 1982 looked at a patient undergoing a 40 day fast for religious reasons. HGH levels went from 0.73 ng/ml to 29.2 ng/ml by day 5. By day 26 it was up to 9.86 ng/ml – a 1250% increase.

A study (8) in 1988 recorded a 5 day fast doubled GH Pulse frequency and amplitude.

A study (9) in 1992 found a 5 fold increase in HGH after a 5 day fast.

Some of this will likely be the result of no insulin spikes from eating which drives down HGH.

The Verdict

The intermittent fasting HGH effect is one of the most powerful tips you will learn from this website.

Anyone interested in HGH optimisation should make this one of their first priorities to incorporate if they don’t already.

Generally – Longer fasts = More HGH pulses.

Daily fasts of up to 20 hours work well for maximising IF HGH pulses.

Another approach would be to do more infrequent 24 hour fasts or more.
0 day water-only fast completed
Quote: (07-05-2018 03:18 PM)Tail Gunner Wrote:  

Quote: (07-05-2018 03:02 PM)asdfk Wrote:  

What about exercise and fasting? I train 2-3 hours every day. Can I do a 23-hour fast while in training or is this not recommended?

It has already been discussed in this thread. Intermittent fasting can, among other things, increase human growth hormone by up to 2000%. So, you would eat at noon and 6:00 p.m. and then fast from 7:00 p.m. until noon the next day. Here is an article with the PubMed links atatched:

Is strength training better in the fasted or the fed state?
0 day water-only fast completed
Most people work until 5 pm -- then go to gym and get home-- which usually goes until 7 - 8 pm -- then have dinner. You can't have dinner first then go to the gym.

A 18 - 6 interment fast is difficult to accommodate --- so for me it has to me 16 - 8.
0 day water-only fast completed
Quote: (07-05-2018 09:09 PM)Arado Wrote:  

Quote: (07-05-2018 03:18 PM)Tail Gunner Wrote:  

Quote: (07-05-2018 03:02 PM)asdfk Wrote:  

What about exercise and fasting? I train 2-3 hours every day. Can I do a 23-hour fast while in training or is this not recommended?

It has already been discussed in this thread. Intermittent fasting can, among other things, increase human growth hormone by up to 2000%. So, you would eat at noon and 6:00 p.m. and then fast from 7:00 p.m. until noon the next day. Here is an article with the PubMed links atatched:

Is strength training better in the fasted or the fed state?

Fed state.

You need to rest when fasting so digestive system can take a break and body uses the energy to clean, rejuvenate and heal itself. Muscles are also weak after a fast and can tear.

But when a fast is completed and you have eaten some healthy fruits, vegies and nuts - and drank water - and then do strength training after a day or so -- you will be doing strength training with a light and clean body -- and it will be so much more effective. The work out will be smooth and painless with joints working like they have been lubricated.
0 day water-only fast completed
Quote: (07-06-2018 10:19 PM)Bain Wrote:  

Quote: (07-05-2018 09:09 PM)Arado Wrote:  

Quote: (07-05-2018 03:18 PM)Tail Gunner Wrote:  

Quote: (07-05-2018 03:02 PM)asdfk Wrote:  

What about exercise and fasting? I train 2-3 hours every day. Can I do a 23-hour fast while in training or is this not recommended?

It has already been discussed in this thread. Intermittent fasting can, among other things, increase human growth hormone by up to 2000%. So, you would eat at noon and 6:00 p.m. and then fast from 7:00 p.m. until noon the next day. Here is an article with the PubMed links atatched:

Is strength training better in the fasted or the fed state?

Fed state.

You need to rest when fasting so digestive system can take a break and body uses the energy to clean, rejuvenate and heal itself. Muscles are also weak after a fast and can tear.

But when a fast is completed and you have eaten some healthy fruits, vegies and nuts - and drank water - and then do strength training after a day or so -- you will be doing strength training with a light and clean body -- and it will be so much more effective. The work out will be smooth and painless with joints working like they have been lubricated.

That is true for a normal fast, but while doing intermittent fasting you want to work out near the end of the fast when testosterone and HGH is still elevated.
0 day water-only fast completed
Quote: (07-06-2018 10:28 PM)Tail Gunner Wrote:  

Quote: (07-06-2018 10:19 PM)Bain Wrote:  

Quote: (07-05-2018 09:09 PM)Arado Wrote:  

Quote: (07-05-2018 03:18 PM)Tail Gunner Wrote:  

Quote: (07-05-2018 03:02 PM)asdfk Wrote:  

What about exercise and fasting? I train 2-3 hours every day. Can I do a 23-hour fast while in training or is this not recommended?

It has already been discussed in this thread. Intermittent fasting can, among other things, increase human growth hormone by up to 2000%. So, you would eat at noon and 6:00 p.m. and then fast from 7:00 p.m. until noon the next day. Here is an article with the PubMed links atatched:

Is strength training better in the fasted or the fed state?

Fed state.

You need to rest when fasting so digestive system can take a break and body uses the energy to clean, rejuvenate and heal itself. Muscles are also weak after a fast and can tear.

But when a fast is completed and you have eaten some healthy fruits, vegies and nuts - and drank water - and then do strength training after a day or so -- you will be doing strength training with a light and clean body -- and it will be so much more effective. The work out will be smooth and painless with joints working like they have been lubricated.

That is true for a normal fast, but while doing intermittent fasting you want to work out near the end of the fast when testosterone and HGH is still elevated.

Which I think means you need to eat right after your workout? And then fast until the next eating period.
0 day water-only fast completed

Sunday July 8, 2018

Are you guys up for it. If so post a reply.
0 day water-only fast completed
Quote: (07-06-2018 10:40 PM)Bain Wrote:  

Quote: (07-06-2018 10:28 PM)Tail Gunner Wrote:  

Quote: (07-06-2018 10:19 PM)Bain Wrote:  

Quote: (07-05-2018 09:09 PM)Arado Wrote:  

Quote: (07-05-2018 03:18 PM)Tail Gunner Wrote:  

It has already been discussed in this thread. Intermittent fasting can, among other things, increase human growth hormone by up to 2000%. So, you would eat at noon and 6:00 p.m. and then fast from 7:00 p.m. until noon the next day. Here is an article with the PubMed links atatched:

Is strength training better in the fasted or the fed state?

Fed state.

You need to rest when fasting so digestive system can take a break and body uses the energy to clean, rejuvenate and heal itself. Muscles are also weak after a fast and can tear.

But when a fast is completed and you have eaten some healthy fruits, vegies and nuts - and drank water - and then do strength training after a day or so -- you will be doing strength training with a light and clean body -- and it will be so much more effective. The work out will be smooth and painless with joints working like they have been lubricated.

That is true for a normal fast, but while doing intermittent fasting you want to work out near the end of the fast when testosterone and HGH is still elevated.

Which I think means you need to eat right after your workout? And then fast until the next eating period.

Correct. If you fast from 7:00 p.m. until noon, you want to work out the next morning -- ideally as close to noon as possible.
0 day water-only fast completed
The one day water only fast starts this evening. Last meal should be around 6 pm - 8 pm.

I will be busy tomorrow with some work and won't have access to the net --

If you have any questions during the fast hope fully TG can give answers.

When your one day water only fast is completed and you have the first bite of watermelon and blue berries -- you will likely notice how all your senses have been rejuvenated -- especially eye sight and taste buds. You will feel light and clean inside with new energy that will likely amaze you - and of course clarity of thought and thinking.

Only then you may think the effort of the fast was a worthwhile experience - and you may even be inspired to take your health to a new level.

Good luck -- you have little to lose and a lot to gain by giving this a try.
0 day water-only fast completed
I will be around. One day is not really a challenging fast. Typically, withdrawal from caffeine or sugar does not occur until the second day, which typically manifests itself as a headache. I would have started last night, but I am attending a social event today where I will eat lunch. So, I will start tonight with every one else. Good luck.
0 day water-only fast completed
Is Fasting Safe -- best video so far -- If you don't fast you are a pussy ass bitch

How Losing My Virginity At 24 To A Drunk Fat Girl Made Me A BOSS!
0 day water-only fast completed
For those who fasted, how was your experience?
0 day water-only fast completed
Quote: (07-09-2018 07:38 PM)Bain Wrote:  

For those who fasted, how was your experience?

I fasted for forty hours (Saturday at 7:00 p.m. until Monday at 11:00 a.m.). Oddly enough, I had a vicious headache last night (and I ordinarily do not get headaches). Application of a hot water bottle finally enabled me to sleep. Of all the fasts that I have done, that was only the second time that I experienced a headache. It has been a year since my last fast. Perhaps I am not eating quite as clean as I thought (perhaps too much sugar from fruit and too much cheating). A fast can also indicate when to take corrective action, so I will endeavor to improve my diet. I also took a long walk in nearly 100 degree heat (but drank plenty of water). I am thinking about doing a 2-1/2 day fast in the next few weeks. I would like to see if the headache reoccurs.
0 day water-only fast completed
I just completed my regular Monday dry fast -- and did 30 min of yoga - then had my lemon water and then one whole sweet pineapple. And I again feel amazing. Normally I would go for a work out at the gym -- but I am going to the beach with a friend to play volley ball and swim in the lake later on this afternoon.

This time I also did a swim and weight training work before my fast -- it was Sunday evening around 9 pm. I finished my workout around 10:30 pm. I wanted to do it more early but was not able to. After my work out I ate some food - a bit of junk - not much though and then started the fast. The pre fast work out definitely made the Monday fast more easy and pleasant.

This feeling of health I feel right now bc of the fast is one of the high pleasures of life - and the energy will last a couple of days. Just gratitude I feel -- and can't wait to repeat the process next Monday. And I have been doing this for over 20 years now also.
0 day water-only fast completed
Quote: (07-09-2018 08:06 PM)Tail Gunner Wrote:  

Quote: (07-09-2018 07:38 PM)Bain Wrote:  

For those who fasted, how was your experience?

I fasted for forty hours (Saturday at 7:00 p.m. until Monday at 11:00 a.m.). Oddly enough, I had a vicious headache last night (and I ordinarily do not get headaches). Application of a hot water bottle finally enabled me to sleep. Of all the fasts that I have done, that was only the second time that I experienced a headache. It has been a year since my last fast. Perhaps I am not eating quite as clean as I thought (perhaps too much sugar from fruit and too much cheating). A fast can also indicate when to take corrective action, so I will endeavor to improve my diet. I also took a long walk in nearly 100 degree heat (but drank plenty of water). I am thinking about doing a 2-1/2 day fast in the next few weeks. I would like to see if the headache reoccurs.

Interesting -- why would you experience a headache? Also are you saying the last fast you did was a year ago?

Do you do a good exercise routine? -- weight training and some cardio, swimming, jogging and really important -- sauna, self massage and stretching.

Normally I find you do not need to have such clean eating all the time-- you can indulge once in a bit. I certainly do especially if you have a good exercise plan.

Maybe consider the one day a week fast like I do.

For headaches, consider trying some yoga stretches, massage back of neck and face and head slowly -- and do corpse position -- lying on the ground like a dead body for 3 - 5 min - allowing all tension of the body to dissipate through the ground below you.
0 day water-only fast completed
Would a water fast help with constipation and bowel movement issues?
0 day water-only fast completed
Quote: (07-16-2018 12:16 PM)TigerMandingo Wrote:  

Would a water fast help with constipation and bowel movement issues?

I can only say from my experience. But a big YES.

One of the important objectives of enduring a fast is to get start getting healthy daily and large bowel movements. This is a sign of good internal health. Regular constipation and bowel movement issues is not a good sign.

During the fast you will usually get no bowel movement -- bc detoxifying and internal cleanse is at work.

After though -- that is why it is important to break the fast properly. Read above - how to break the fast.

Have lots of fruits, veggies and liquid soup for a few days after the fast. Drink one litre of water as soon as you wake up every morning from now on.

You should start getting good bowel movements. It takes daily effort of eating properly to achieve this but it is quite important.

Having a good bowel movement every morning is a sign of internal health and also one of the high pleasures.

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