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10 day water-only fast completed
0 day water-only fast completed
Quote: (08-09-2018 04:57 AM)RichieP Wrote:  

Any mental benefits to fasting? Anyone experienced definite improvement in cognitive function for work, concentration, memory etc?

I do when I'm on an intermittent schedule. If I eat during the day I tend to get slow and sleepy for work - even if I eliminate carbs.

Light eating or fasting during the morning and part of the afternoon and then eating a large meal or two in the evening is my protocol. Pretty similar to the warrior diet.

I try not to eat too close to bed or else I will wake up tired since my body spent the night digesting food.

When I did my 3 day fast I had issues concentrating. That may have been relieved if I continued it or supplemented with minerals.
0 day water-only fast completed
I dont mean short term boosts, but rather any long-term significant improvements to cognitive function?

E.g. We know aerobic exercise improves memory and executive function.

When I've fasted in the past, my brain goes through all kinds of states ranging from "can barely read" to absolute clarity, to random creative tangents and realizations. But that's not necessarily an indicator of improvement to baseline.

Hopefully it's doing something useful. We know it ramps up autophagy, BDNF production, etc. I just wonder if the effect size is anywhere close to that of exercise + healthy diet, and whether it's really worth incorporating fasting long-term.
0 day water-only fast completed
Does the gallbladder suffer with such a diet?
0 day water-only fast completed
I'm on day 6 now of a 10 day water fast (only drinking water). Going fine so far although yesterday I felt a bit rough. I've done several 3 day water fasts in the past. This is the first time I'm going past 3 days.

One thing I've noticed is that since day 2, I have terrible acne on my shoulders and upper back and it's getting worse. I normally hardly ever get any acne there. About 10 days before starting the fast, I started the Paleo diet as well (no bread, pasta, rice, potatoes - just meat, chicken, fish, nuts, eggs, fruits, vegetables).

The main reason for doing the fast is that I'm hoping it will actually improve my skin problems (rosacea and seborrheic dermatitis).

Does this sound familiar to anyone, getting bad acne on your shoulders during the fast I mean?


Detective Rust Cohle: "All the dick swagger you roll, you can't spot crazy pussy?"
0 day water-only fast completed
Quote: (08-21-2018 02:46 AM)zanetti Wrote:  

One thing I've noticed is that since day 2, I have terrible acne on my shoulders and upper back and it's getting worse. I normally hardly ever get any acne there.

The main reason for doing the fast is that I'm hoping it will actually improve my skin problems (rosacea and seborrheic dermatitis).

Does this sound familiar to anyone, getting bad acne on your shoulders during the fast I mean?

That sounds very familiar. Fasting encourages your body's detoxification process and not only is the skin the body's largest organ, but it is the body's largest detoxification organ. Developing skin issues is quite common during a fast. I have discussed this issue elsewhere in this thread. Be sure to continue fasting until these new skin issues clear up, which will mean that your body has purged all the toxins that it can through the skin during this round of fasting (clearing up old skin issues may require more than one fast).

Congratulations on having the wisdom and fortitude to do a ten-day fast. After the fast, eat clean and reduce your toxic load to continue the health benefits, including better skin. You can find non-toxic body care products and household cleaners at this web site run by a non-profit group:

Follow the Dirty Dozen and the Clean Fifteen:
0 day water-only fast completed
Yep after the fast you need to eat clean for a while to get best results. I find that the hardest to do and have failed at it many times -- still working on it though.

On day 7 or so also, I found that I get this new energy -- you feel like you never fasted and your stomach feels full. I went on a long rigorous bike ride and attended some events -- which I should not have done. You need to keep resting - only moderate walks -- let the energy be used by nature in detoxifying.

Day 9 usually gets hard mainly bc you just want the fast to end. It's all pyschological -- bc your body can easily fast for a lot longer.

And of course break the fast properly -- as mentioned before -- read in the thread. If you fail to do that then the fast can lose most of its progress.

I just completed my monday dry fast again today-- and feel amazing again.

On last monday's dry fast completion-- I jogged ( Rather fast walked) 21 km - or half a marathon on tues after a breakfast of mostly fruits.

I was so fucking high again -- felt absolutely incredible -- the energy lasted a few days - until I started eating crappy again.

I was planning to do another 21 km today but it is raining --

I have been doing this over 20 years now -- the 21 km fast walking I did for about 5 years and then stopped -- but am resuming it again. Going out in the trails in nature after a fast and long jog puts you right in heaven for a while.

I still have weight issues though ironically -- at 225 lbs -- trying to get 20 lbs off.

And last thing -- after your 10 day fast -- just know that many diseases that could be forming in your body which you have no awareness about -- the fast is eliminating them and rejuvenating your body back to excellent internal health. After one or two weeks after the fast go get your blood test done - and see the results for yourself.
0 day water-only fast completed
Quote: (08-21-2018 10:30 AM)Bain Wrote:  

You need to keep resting - only moderate walks -- let the energy be used by nature in detoxifying.

just know that many diseases that could be forming in your body which you have no awareness about -- the fast is eliminating them and rejuvenating your body back to excellent internal health.

Key points. You will never know about the illnesses and disease that you avoided by fasting, eating clean, and avoiding toxins.

Quote: (08-21-2018 10:30 AM)Bain Wrote:  

I still have weight issues though ironically -- at 225 lbs -- trying to get 20 lbs off.

It is likely that processed food, food allergies, toxins (or some combination) are affecting your thyroid. Is fluoride in the water where you live?
0 day water-only fast completed
I think you hit it on the nail TG. Something is indeed affecting my thyroid. My TSH level was once reading 5.6. That is when I did my 10 day fast and it went back to 2.6.

I got my weight down to 212 about two weeks ago then it shot back up to 225 again. Of course that whole pizza and full box of ice cream I had surely had nothing to do with it. lol.

Also of course my tap water has fluoride. All tap water in the US and Canada has fluoride .. is that not so?

It says fluoride may affect an under active thyroid ... but I think my reading of 5.6 shows an over active one.

It is not really possible to stop drinking tap water - bc it costs nothing.

Is fluoride that bad - it says it is needed to help protect the teeth.
0 day water-only fast completed
Quote: (08-21-2018 06:50 PM)Bain Wrote:  

I think you hit it on the nail TG. Something is indeed affecting my thyroid. My TSH level was once reading 5.6. That is when I did my 10 day fast and it went back to 2.6.

I got my weight down to 212 about two weeks ago then it shot back up to 225 again. Of course that whole pizza and full box of ice cream I had surely had nothing to do with it. lol.

Also of course my tap water has fluoride. All tap water in the US and Canada has fluoride .. is that not so?

It says fluoride may affect an under active thyroid ... but I think my reading of 5.6 shows an over active one.

It is not really possible to stop drinking tap water - bc it costs nothing.

Is fluoride that bad - it says it is needed to help protect the teeth.

If your TSH was 5.6 that means that you have hypothyroidism, which means that you have an under active thyroid and may be predisposed to weight gain (without proper thyroid medication). The fact that your TSH went to 2.6 when you fasted proves that it is caused by something that you are ingesting. You may have a combination of leaky gut, food allergies, and toxin exposure.

Fluoride is a huge scam. Most of Europe tried it and then rejected it decades ago. You can buy a four-stage water filter that removes about 98% of the fluoride from your drinking water for about $250. I own one made by Promolife.
0 day water-only fast completed
You may recall that I did my 14-day fast at the True North Health Clinic.


British Medical Journal reports on 3 year case success with TrueNorth lymphoma patient

The British Medical Journal has just published a 3 year follow-up to a case report of a woman who was treated at TrueNorth Health Center (TNHC) for stage IIIa, grade 1 follicular lymphoma.

The patient was first accepted to undertake a 21 day water-only fast at TNHC in November, 2014. On arrival at the center the patient presented with enlarged lymph nodes. Following the 21 day fast, her lymph nodes reduced significantly in size. The patient continued to implement the health-promoting diet advocated by TrueNorth of whole plant foods, with no added salt, oil or sugar (SOS-free), on returning home.

At the 3 month and 6 month medical check-ups, the patient's lymph nodes were found to be normal in size, and she was symptom free. The British Medical Journal first published a case report on her experience in December 2015.

3 years later, during which time the patient continued to maintain the SOS-free diet, follow-up medical examinations discovered that she is without any evidence of the disease. The initial regression observed has persisted for 3 years with no additional intervention or treatment, other than water-only fasting and dietary change.

Original British Medical Journal article:

Three-Year Update:
0 day water-only fast completed
I did the water fast and now my hair is falling out in clumps.
0 day water-only fast completed
Quote: (08-22-2018 10:52 PM)BlackFriar Wrote:  

I did the water fast and now my hair is falling out in clumps.

Looking at the briefs posts you made immediately after this one, it seems your mind is all over the place.

And so little information you provide about your hair falling out makes it difficult to take you seriously.

But I'll bite and ask if you would be kind enough to provide some more detailed information.
0 day water-only fast completed
I did something similar to this (3 days) and it seriously sucks. I read about it via Ferriss' Tools of Titans and you can only consume MCT oil or ketones. Neither curbs hunger and it was an unplesant 3 days. He claims he does 3 days of fasting once a month and a 5 day quarterly. Supposedly fasting can kill precancerous cells and at the very least you save money and theoretically are more productive.

I thought about food so much and had to distract myself by reading. The first 2 days were tough but not to the point where I'd lay on the ground in fetal position. I'll still continue fasting periodically, I'm just more ready for next time.

Quote: (09-21-2018 09:31 AM)kosko Wrote:  
For the folks who stay ignorant and hating and not improving their situation during these Trump years, it will be bleak and cold once the good times stop.
0 day water-only fast completed
Since reading this thread I've done a number of extended fasts (2+ days) in October. I'm about 3.5 days into a new water fast, and hopeful to go a full week this time.

I'm doing it primarily for cutting fat, although I can confirm that any acne, dermatitis, and eczema I've had for years is all but completely gone, and I've only doing a fasting-focused diet plan for one month. I'm also down about 17lbs in 30 days despite having a few cheat days and a couple cheat weekends, and not having a crazy amount of fat to lose (5'8", 185, and <20% BF on October 1). I drink water with electrolytes, occasional black coffee or herbal tea, occasional multivitamin, and occasional 5-10mg daily of the Adderall I'm prescribed.

Now that my social calendar is pretty clear and the colder NJ weather is settling in, I'm really going to stay focused until Thanksgiving. I fully expect to hit my initial goal of 160 before Thanksgiving - if I need to cut a bit further to 155 then I will. After that I'm switching over to eating one high-fat meal per day while I build muscle.

I'm shocked at how easy it is to lose this weight, and how quickly I'm doing it, while losing minimal strength. Highly recommended.

Do a 48 hour fast, then eat and a small keto meal and go right into a 72 hour fast. If you can make it through that this first tough challenge, you will have the willpower to do longer fasts and be fully in control of your body composition.

I'll report back once I hit my goal.
0 day water-only fast completed
Great post

Fasting is so good for you and such a handy tool for a range of things.

In addition to pure water fasting, I think eating once a day is also great for you - or it least it has been for me. It further gets you out of that habit of just eating when your bored or when you're in the habit of it

I'm going to do a 7 day water fast this month - previously my longest has been about 2 or 3 days. But, I want to do this to expand my mental and psychological discipline as I feel I've been slacking lately and I want to get sharper.

On top of all this - try doing a social media and dating app cleanse while fasting and see how crazy productive you can get
0 day water-only fast completed
I just got back yesterday from a one month stay in Budapest -- amazing and beautiful city. Also went Bratislav and Vienna which are close by for a week.

I kept up my monday dry fasts and also did a two day dry fast.

Now I am back and its time to do another 10 day water fast -- which I try and do twice a year.

Not sure when I can do this so work does not conflict but I hope soon. I would like to go longer than 10 days though this time if I can.

After a long fast your health feels incredible and you feel so grateful for life.

If everyone did a long fast on a regular basis, the world would be full of wonderful people.

Fasting brings spiritual maturity in a person and unfolds one's personality.

The hard effort required and feelings of accomplishment makes a person value things in life that often were not noticed before.

Everyone needs to do a long fast. So other brothers of this forum go start yours now and post about the wonderful experiences you are bound to have.

This is from someone who has been fasting on a regular basis for over 20 years now and still gets excited and passionate about it.
0 day water-only fast completed

I think Loren Lockman is one of the best resource for long time water only fasting.

Here he talks about -- What Can I Heal via Water Fasting? (LONG ENOUGH AND PROPERLY)

which is good information.
0 day water-only fast completed
I did fast few times only, and for spiritual reasons. Each time, it was only for 2 days. I have noticed my body gets more flexible and stretched on 2nd day, to the point I believed that I could achieve a split if I wanted to (not instantly of course but after putting some work into it). Did anyone notice something similar? I admit I did not read through all the pages of the thread.

Definitely going to fast soon. Especially after watching the clip below. I know that in Russia people used to pray over a bucked of water prior to use it.

0 day water-only fast completed
Fasting reduces jet lag, so I make a point of fasting whenever I'm in motion, whether bus or airplane. All told, it took about 3 days to get back from Europe last week (two bus trips, three flights, one night in hotel, one night just sitting and waiting for the bus) and I fasted the whole time. My big problem with fasting under normal conditions is boredom but that problem disappears when in motion, so this is an ideal time to fast.
0 day water-only fast completed
The True North Health Clinic, where I did my 14-day medically supervised water-only fast, just announced that its Foundation has just created a web site devoted to water fasting. You can find it here:


The Foundation also highlighted these recent developments. As you can see, water fasting is going mainstream with the Foundation partnering with the Mayo Clinic, Cornell University, and the University of California to conduct clinical studies.


I’m writing today to tell you about some important new projects that are about to get underway at the TrueNorth Health Foundation and to ask for your continued support.

As you may know, the past year was a busy one for the Foundation. Thanks to the help of supporters like you we have:

-- Built a state-of-the-art lab so that we can do our research and analysis on-site;
-- Published several groundbreaking research studies - including a three-year follow-up study in the British Medical Journal documenting remission of lymphoma after fasting;
-- Collaborated with the National University of Natural Medicine to demonstrate how water-only fasting affects taste sensitivity;
-- Purchased an additional 3,000 square foot building to house and train our growing intern and residency programs. This is a critical step in our mission to educate and empower future physicians with life-changing information. As just one example, we recently partnered with the Texas A&M University College of Medicine to host third-year residents in a clinical rotation to give future physicians practical, hands-on experience in water-only fasting.

We are ready to undertake important new projects that will dramatically improve everyone’s ability to live full, disease-free lives and avoid the pitfalls of unhealthy living and dangerous, unnecessary treatments. But to do this we are going to need the help of our friends!

Researchers around the world are learning about what we are doing, and they want to work with us to study the power of fasting and nutrition education here at TrueNorth. Here are some of the groundbreaking clinical studies we will be pursuing in 2019:

-- A study in collaboration with the Mayo Clinic to discover how water-only fasting affects heart and brain health;
-- A joint project with Cornell University to explore which factors contribute to dietary adherence;
-- A partnership with the University of California to better understand the effects of water-only fasting on the microbiome.

The world is slowly waking up to what you and I already know - health results from healthful living . The scientific literature is clear and consistent. Unfortunately, the truth all too often conflicts with aggressive marketing messages - the “fake news” of the addictive, high-calorie foods that appeal to our ancient scarcity programs and undermine our health and happiness.
0 day water-only fast completed
I didn't expect to see Water Fast on RooshV. I guess it is a bit of a small trend now ever since ProGamerJay did his 28 day fast.

I did my longest for 4 days but that one was tough because I didn't include potassium nor magnesium. Now I include potassium and magnesium but I always end up wanting to eat again out of boredom.
0 day water-only fast completed
Quote: (11-20-2018 05:22 PM)BaatumMania Wrote:  

but I always end up wanting to eat again out of boredom.

That is the killer. I find it much easier to fast short-term if I stay busy. Of course, longer-term fasting (more than two days) really does require you to rest if you want the full benefit of healing and maximum health, so boredom is somewhat of a requirement.

Who is ProGamerJay? Can you link to the thread?
0 day water-only fast completed
Quote: (11-20-2018 05:40 PM)Tail Gunner Wrote:  

Quote: (11-20-2018 05:22 PM)BaatumMania Wrote:  

but I always end up wanting to eat again out of boredom.

That is the killer. I find it much easier to fast short-term if I stay busy. Of course, longer-term fasting (more than two days) really does require you to rest if you want the full benefit of healing and maximum health, so boredom is somewhat of a requirement.

Who is ProGamerJay? Can you link to the thread?

Not entirely sure myself. Username indicates Gaming but his videos don't seem like it. But anytime a guy has a decent appearance and a British accent then they just get a huge fanbase.

This is a reupload of the video YouTube deleted. Not sure why it was deleted but it made some publicity for Water fasting. But as far as I can tell breaking your fast on fruit like in his video is pure BroScience (which cast into doubt if he was really medically supervised during the process). Actual experts on the subject like Dr. Fung and Dr. Berg seem to limit breaking fasts to greens and sometimes eggs, cheese and certain nuts.
0 day water-only fast completed
Quote: (11-02-2018 12:49 PM)Bain Wrote:  

I just got back yesterday from a one month stay in Budapest -- amazing and beautiful city. Also went Bratislav and Vienna which are close by for a week.

I kept up my monday dry fasts and also did a two day dry fast.

Now I am back and its time to do another 10 day water fast -- which I try and do twice a year.

Not sure when I can do this so work does not conflict but I hope soon. I would like to go longer than 10 days though this time if I can.

After a long fast your health feels incredible and you feel so grateful for life.

If everyone did a long fast on a regular basis, the world would be full of wonderful people.

Fasting brings spiritual maturity in a person and unfolds one's personality.

The hard effort required and feelings of accomplishment makes a person value things in life that often were not noticed before.

Everyone needs to do a long fast. So other brothers of this forum go start yours now and post about the wonderful experiences you are bound to have.

This is from someone who has been fasting on a regular basis for over 20 years now and still gets excited and passionate about it.

Most I've done is 4 days, but I definitely want to try a 10 day one.

What do you eat when breaking fast?
0 day water-only fast completed
Quote: (11-20-2018 05:52 PM)BaatumMania Wrote:  

But as far as I can tell breaking your fast on fruit like in his video is pure BroScience (which cast into doubt if he was really medically supervised during the process). Actual experts on the subject like Dr. Fung and Dr. Berg seem to limit breaking fasts to greens and sometimes eggs, cheese and certain nuts.

Either vegetable broth or vegetable juice with a little fruit juice. Actually, watermelon is not a bad choice, as it is mostly water. I have read a dozen books on fasting and I have never seen eggs, cheese, or nuts mentioned as a way to break a fast. Cheese is notoriously difficult to digest.

When breaking a fast, I typically make a healthy vegetable broth with organic vegetables, have the broth for breakfast and lunch and then eat the softened vegetables for diner -- and the next day. For a ten day fast, you might want to drink vegetable broth and/or juice for two days, then eat the softened vegetables for a day or two.

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