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Big News: I'm Denouncing My Canadian Citizenship and Becoming Stateless in China

Big News: I'm Denouncing My Canadian Citizenship and Becoming Stateless in China

I knew it was bullshit from the very beginning. Someone with reasonable writing skills can get by nicely in Canada or any developed country. You should have played it by "i got bored of 9-5 jobs" or "capitalism" or something along these lines.

Big News: I'm Denouncing My Canadian Citizenship and Becoming Stateless in China

Quote: (04-01-2018 02:06 PM)lookslikeit Wrote:  

I knew it was bullshit from the very beginning. Someone with reasonable writing skills can get by nicely in Canada or any developed country.

Iunno man, a lot of writing gigs pay zero, and the cost of living here is nuts. I would think living overseas where it's cheap would make more sense for someone getting by as a writer.

Big News: I'm Denouncing My Canadian Citizenship and Becoming Stateless in China

I'm not sure what's worse. That I spent fifteen minutes reading that AF Joke or that I learned one of our top posters is originally Canadian.

“There is no global anthem, no global currency, no certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag!” -DJT

Big News: I'm Denouncing My Canadian Citizenship and Becoming Stateless in China

Quote: (04-01-2018 04:34 PM)Thot Leader Wrote:  

I would think living overseas where it's cheap would make more sense for someone getting by as a writer.

Beijing is not cheap.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Big News: I'm Denouncing My Canadian Citizenship and Becoming Stateless in China


I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Big News: I'm Denouncing My Canadian Citizenship and Becoming Stateless in China

Quote: (04-01-2018 10:26 AM)Laner Wrote:  

Quote: (04-01-2018 10:06 AM)Suits Wrote:  

Quote: (04-01-2018 09:41 AM)Brodiaga Wrote:  

I admire your work ethic. You wrote so much content just as an April Fools Day joke.

Did you see last year's?

Quote: (04-01-2018 09:41 AM)Brodiaga Wrote:  

It looks clean and very well laid out.

I wrote it in 15 minutes while I was on the can.

The most surprising thing about this thread, is that suits may have finally bought a phone that can be typed upon.

Suits buys a smartphone to type shitposts on the toilet, but still won't install wechat to talk to people. Some shit you just cannot make up.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Big News: I'm Denouncing My Canadian Citizenship and Becoming Stateless in China

Quote: (04-01-2018 09:19 PM)Fortis Wrote:  

Quote: (04-01-2018 10:26 AM)Laner Wrote:  

The most surprising thing about this thread, is that suits may have finally bought a phone that can be typed upon.

Suits buys a smartphone to type shitposts on the toilet, but still won't install wechat to talk to people. Some shit you just cannot make up.

This thread is not going in the direction I was hoping for.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Big News: I'm Denouncing My Canadian Citizenship and Becoming Stateless in China

Suits what's your body odor issue?
How do you know you actually have one vs having it in your head?

Do you eat ridiculously extremo healthy,detox,etc?

Some people are paranoid about smelling bad and have that phobia even if they Smell fine.
Thats how I learned about people who have body odor that never goes away. If I had that stuff id go completely natural with everything and dedicate my life to health and purity and go to war with that shit till i figured out what was wrong.

Big News: I'm Denouncing My Canadian Citizenship and Becoming Stateless in China

This is so weird. Some people would do anything to obtain Canadian citizenship ))

Big News: I'm Denouncing My Canadian Citizenship and Becoming Stateless in China

It’s a joke, you autists.

«Se trata de escoger entre la dictadura que viene de abajo, y la dictadura que viene de arriba: yo escojo la que viene de arriba, porque viene de regiones más limpias y serenas; se trata de escoger, por último, entre la dictadura del puñal y la dictadura del sable: yo escojo la dictadura del sable, porque es más noble». ― Donoso Cortés

My list of Spanish-language resources and a thread full of them.
PM me with any Spanish questions; I will try to help you!

Big News: I'm Denouncing My Canadian Citizenship and Becoming Stateless in China

Hahaha you got me man.

Big News: I'm Denouncing My Canadian Citizenship and Becoming Stateless in China

Quote: (04-01-2018 11:09 PM)SteezeySteve Wrote:  

Suits what's your body odor issue?
How do you know you actually have one vs having it in your head?

Do you eat ridiculously extremo healthy,detox,etc?

Some people are paranoid about smelling bad and have that phobia even if they Smell fine.
Thats how I learned about people who have body odor that never goes away. If I had that stuff id go completely natural with everything and dedicate my life to health and purity and go to war with that shit till i figured out what was wrong.

I know I should see a doctor about the problem, but I'm to embarrassed to actually do this.

I once had a hot girl come up and dance on me on the club and it gave me hope, but I realized later that she'd stolen my phone while she was grinding up on me and she'd been using the dirty dancing only as an accuse to rob me blind.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Big News: I'm Denouncing My Canadian Citizenship and Becoming Stateless in China

This was quite entertaining, thank you. Even with China experience I fell for it initially lol.

Big News: I'm Denouncing My Canadian Citizenship and Becoming Stateless in China

What took you so long?

Big News: I'm Denouncing My Canadian Citizenship and Becoming Stateless in China

Quote: (04-02-2018 11:35 AM)glugger Wrote:  

What took you so long?

Probably due to an illogical believe in my ability to eventually succeed with white women. Fortunately, my mentor Fisto, used love and compassion to set me straight.

Quote: (03-27-2018 10:33 AM)Fisto Wrote:  

Your adhd (do you know what that really is? It’s just being good old fashioned stupid) probably was flaring up, so I forgive you for not paying attention or forgetting what we are talking about.

You’re a joke and you simply hate me for doing all the things you never can or will do. You claim not to like white women. Bullshit. You CAN’T get them. That’s why you ran away to China.

Go be “right” suits, you need that validation far more than me, you’ll be a miserable little man making sassy little comments and I’ll still be doing all the things you can’t.

Thanks to Fisto's mentoring, I've finally seen the light and realized that I will never stand a chance with any woman who isn't a Chinese peasant.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Big News: I'm Denouncing My Canadian Citizenship and Becoming Stateless in China

Hilarious post.

Your dating options with this kind of magical BO are:

+ dates in the ocean
+ dates under the shower
+ in strong windy weather outside - just walk always with her pointing to the wind, so she does not get a whiff of you
+ ignite matches constantly as if you would be taking a dump non-stop

Good luck with the stateless nomad - you can always get a nice tan going and move to Europe, collect welfare from 12 nations and buy multiple passports while being officially 17 years. Your birthday will be like so many the 1.1.2001 and you can demand to be put into class with teenage high school girls - and it will be all legal since you are 17 as well.

Big News: I'm Denouncing My Canadian Citizenship and Becoming Stateless in China

Quote: (04-03-2018 07:11 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Your birthday will be like so many the 1.1.2001 and you can demand to be put into class with teenage high school girls - and it will be all legal since you are 17 as well.

I actually did this when I was 21. I took a break from university and enrolled in a high school language program in Beijing. I studied with other international students, but on the campus of a high school. I hung out mainly with a group of freshman girls during lunch breaks and at school events.

Fortunately, I had no game at that point in my life.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Big News: I'm Denouncing My Canadian Citizenship and Becoming Stateless in China

Quote: (04-02-2018 09:41 AM)Arado Wrote:  

This was quite entertaining, thank you. Even with China experience I fell for it initially lol.

Or quite offensive. Did it not occur to you that some people are teachers without actual teaching skills, nearly unemployable in the states, suck with white women, and have a BO problem?

Offended on behalf of a disabled trans minority friend...

Big News: I'm Denouncing My Canadian Citizenship and Becoming Stateless in China

Got me. Awe-inspiring troll job.

Big News: I'm Denouncing My Canadian Citizenship and Becoming Stateless in China

pulled the wool over the eyes lol

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