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Douglas High School shooting in Florida

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

Quote: (02-17-2018 10:29 AM)Teutatis Wrote:  

I was wondering when the false flag brigade would appear, so much bs, are there any attacks that are NOT false flags to you guys?

Indeed - those never ever happen in real life. Does not mean with 100% certainty that this is the case, but it should give you room for thought, but I guess it's better to believe 100% what CNN and the FBI is saying.

But yeah - could be some girls seeing things incorrectly and the school-shooter-drill on the very same day could be just a coincidence. Those happen too. And student were running back and forth like chicken because they saw another student dressed like the first shooter and ran away from him - sure everything is possible.

What speaks against a false flag is the body-count of 17 - it would be much higher if real pros were doing it, but that is my take.

And honestly - another thing - unless you have not read Carroll Quigley's big books, went through the Reece commission documents on foundations as well, then there is nothing to talk about. That is about as effective as debating someone who listens only to CNN and has been educated by a SJW-infested liberal gulag and has not heard or seen anything else. And I don't even mean you by this Teutatis - just the pure smug dismissal that is expressed by it. You may not want or desire to read those books, but somehow it did not invalidate Quigley as the mentor of Bill Clinton and did also not disqualify Quigley from becoming the historian of the Council on Foreign Relations. And yes - all of that is connected including false flags as a tool to achieve a certain desired goal.

Whether this is one of them is indeed up for debate, but dismissing it instantly ... yeah great.

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

Quote:Zelcorpion Wrote:

Indeed - those never ever happen in real life. Does not mean with 100% certainty that this is the case, but it should give you room for thought, but I guess it's better to believe 100% what CNN and the FBI is saying.

Declaring or implying that something is a "false flag attack" requires just as much trust in CNN and the FBI as refusing to believe that something is a false flag attack.

Furthermore, there are no standards for what constitutes "Evidence" in a "false flag" assertion, (unlike in a court case, or a scientific research paper), so all sorts of bullshit gets conflated as "evidence".

Lastly, the fact that not a single Asshole has been caught performing a "false flag attack" is never used by "false flag asserters" as Evidence that they were ever wrong about any "false flag" assertions.

Asserting "false flags" is, in my opinion, a form of religious thinking used to cope with national tragedies.

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

< I agree that it can be a quasi-religious thing and that is why I am not following those youtubers who think that everything is a false flag.

It's just that it is always an option and when the additional details don't make sense or there are corroborating details then this just makes this more likely.

In this case we have the contrary witness statements and the shooter-drill with duds on the very same day of a school shooter attack. Were they doing the drill with duds usually employing cops (sometimes actors) while on the other side of the school the actual shooter was gunning down students?

There is not too much available and frankly - as far as I am concerned - I don't care too much whether this is specifically a false flag where a mentally disturbed boy was put up as a patsy or whether he went on a rampage high on psychotropics. Both things would not have happened without the activities of the ruling globalists - albeit the latter being a long-term collateral damage of their actions.

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

Quote:Zelcorpion Wrote:

In this case we have the contrary witness statements and the shooter-drill with duds on the very same day of a school shooter attack. Were they doing the drill with duds usually employing cops (sometimes actors) while on the other side of the school the actual shooter was gunning down students?

Do the people who make a big fucking deal about "Government was performing a shooting drill on the same day, in the same area, as a mass shooting!" ALSO keep track of the times when the Government performs shooting drills without being on the same day, in the same area, as a mass shooting?

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

Quote: (02-17-2018 12:16 PM)MMX2010 Wrote:  

Quote:Zelcorpion Wrote:

In this case we have the contrary witness statements and the shooter-drill with duds on the very same day of a school shooter attack. Were they doing the drill with duds usually employing cops (sometimes actors) while on the other side of the school the actual shooter was gunning down students?

Do the people who make a big fucking deal about "Government was performing a shooting drill on the same day, in the same area, as a mass shooting!" ALSO keep track of the times when the Government performs shooting drills without being on the same day, in the same area, as a mass shooting?

I want to know if the false flaggers really think the government hired a few kids to perform this attack, since all the witnesses regardless of how many shooters they claim they thought there were all claimed the shooters were kids. . .. or are they ignoring that part of the story since it doesn't fit the narrative.

Also, was Columbine a false flag?

If the government were really carrying this stuff out as a step to take away our guns, I bet they could make alot more progress giving guns to minority agents and having them shoot up shopping malls.

Carrying out a false flag that requires supreme secrecy by hiring a mentally unstable kid whose parents died, and then NOT killing him when they capture him doesn't pass the smell test.

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

Quote: (02-16-2018 03:52 PM)kosko Wrote:  

This Cruz kid, his story reads like a recipe for how to produce a fucked up kid. FAS, foster parents, the single mother, no father, neglect, bouncing around homes, pumped up full of meds. You give any boy that type of treatment, and he won't end up well. These shootings and overall oddities of violent patterns that creep up in the USA are all symptoms of the rot of the overall American foundation. Liberty and independence mean nothing if there is not a foundation of community, religion, family, and the stable home for those virtues to stabilize themselves on.

America was a stable place when it had stable homes. You could probably plot the rate of mass shootings and violence to the rising levels of broken homes, and it would likely correlate.

Also, back to the Cruz kid. Too many protection laws in place. FBI probably do nothing without parental consent. This kid should have been in a bubble room, but likely not without parental consent. There are instances where parents need to fall back and admit they don't know what is best for their child in certain cases. When the parent is showing an inability to lead their child on a proper path, then they should not have full autonomy to rule over their child. This goes against my independence streak, but children are too important to fuck up on. Society is the way it is because far too many kids are getting a bad experience growing up and parents need to held accountable for this in some way. Back in the day if the parents were inept yu would get bounced out, and the grandparents or an uncle/ant would raise the kids, and you would both go something else. In those times bad parents did not get any compensation for being shitty parents and would gladly wash their hands of the kids and go skip out and continue being bums. in 2018, bad parents get money from the Govt to continue being shitty parents. It is all backwards.

[Image: potd.gif]

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

If you're white you may be more likely to murder your neighbours, friends, family and school mates in a mass shooting according to the experts [Image: lol.gif]


After another mass shooting in a school, Americans are seeking to solve the problem of gun violence.

Nikolas Cruz has been charged with 17 counts of murder after a shooting at his old school, where he had been expelled for "disciplinary reasons".

Fourteen more were wounded at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, in one of the worst mass shootings in modern American history.

Cruz's name now joins a roll call of mostly white men attached to the atrocities.

Of 95 mass shootings carried out in the US between 1982 and 2017, 92 of the perpetrators were male.

Yes that is a real article published by a news agency - without shame I might add.

Nothing about black and latino gangsters or our favourite religious followers.

Douglas High School shooting in Florida


Totally agree, Zel.

There is a real potential for abuse with civil commitments, where the government slowly stretches the definition of what is "insane" to include people who really are not.

All I can say is that we need people and institutions that honest, accountable, and not infiltrated with PC corruption. It all comes down to this.

I guess I was just reacting to this Cruz case in particular. From what I read, this guy was someone everyone knew was totally unhinged. And yet nothing happened. He was making threats to anyone who would listen, and everyone seemed to look the other way. At some point, there should have been some intervention here.

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

Quote: (02-17-2018 02:59 PM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  


Totally agree, Zel.

There is a real potential for abuse with civil commitments, where the government slowly stretches the definition of what is "insane" to include people who really are not.

All I can say is that we need people and institutions that honest, accountable, and not infiltrated with PC corruption. It all comes down to this.

I guess I was just reacting to this Cruz case in particular. From what I read, this guy was someone everyone knew was totally unhinged. And yet nothing happened. He was making threats to anyone who would listen, and everyone seemed to look the other way. At some point, there should have been some intervention here.

We could do a whole thread on how overpaid government employees show contempt for the public they're supposed to serve.

The first way is they put idiot drunk drivers back on the road instantly. Millions of dollars are wasted on ad campaigns and police power to prevent this, and judges basically slap people on the wrist then go back to their McMansions. What do they care?

Similarly, we have officials in the FBI who didn't take the Boston Marathon bombers seriously and also ignored the clear danger of Nikolas Cruz.

They get big salaries, they can't get fired, and they get massive pensions. On top of that, these people live in tony neighborhoods like Potomac, MD where they don't ever have to deal with the little people.

Once again: What do they care?

Government employees have ruined everything from our education system to our public safety. But why bother doing a thread? They'd just read it and laugh as their (illegal) maids ask them to lift their feet from their La-Z-Boy chairs so they can vacuum.

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

Quote: (02-17-2018 02:59 PM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  


Totally agree, Zel.

There is a real potential for abuse with civil commitments, where the government slowly stretches the definition of what is "insane" to include people who really are not.

All I can say is that we need people and institutions that honest, accountable, and not infiltrated with PC corruption. It all comes down to this.

I guess I was just reacting to this Cruz case in particular. From what I read, this guy was someone everyone knew was totally unhinged. And yet nothing happened. He was making threats to anyone who would listen, and everyone seemed to look the other way. At some point, there should have been some intervention here.

This made me think of a good illustration of what you are talking about. In this short clip, Milo interviews NYU professor Michael Rectenwald, whose refusal to follow the politically correct line led to higher ups in the administration, dean, head of human resources, to call him to the carpet and intimate that his interview and Twitter account are a "cry for help."

They don't even bother to counter his arguments, instead treating them like they are evidence of mental instability, and then ask him to leave campus, shadowed by the head of human resources!

This is like crypto USSR stuff.

He was also publicly denounced by a diversity group for being guilty of the structure of his thinking.

I don't think there is really any doubt that vague concerns and loosely written rules and laws about mental fitness can easily be appropriated by corrupt ideologues.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

Quote: (02-17-2018 03:31 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

And he was only teaching biology - his Jewish Privilege did not help him. Off to the unemployment gulag.....

So no - I would not trust psychiatric institutions for making the right choice.

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

Quote: (02-17-2018 11:45 AM)MMX2010 Wrote:  

Quote:Zelcorpion Wrote:

Indeed - those never ever happen in real life. Does not mean with 100% certainty that this is the case, but it should give you room for thought, but I guess it's better to believe 100% what CNN and the FBI is saying.

Declaring or implying that something is a "false flag attack" requires just as much trust in CNN and the FBI as refusing to believe that something is a false flag attack.

Furthermore, there are no standards for what constitutes "Evidence" in a "false flag" assertion, (unlike in a court case, or a scientific research paper), so all sorts of bullshit gets conflated as "evidence".

Lastly, the fact that not a single Asshole has been caught performing a "false flag attack" is never used by "false flag asserters" as Evidence that they were ever wrong about any "false flag" assertions.

Here's one stronzo, or asshole, who got caught, and convicted in a court of law of executing false flag bombings of banks, rail stations and public spaces in Italy on behalf of the NATO deep state in order to implement the strategy of tension, designed to scare the populace into ratcheting up the security state:

Vincenzo Vinciguerra was convicted in a court of law and a whole deep state terror network in Italy operating under the umbrella of the Propaganda Due (P2) masonic lodge and Operation Gladio, NATO's secret domestic terror campaign.

Here is a BBC documentary from 1992 exposing this, back when their professional journalistic standards were much higher, and when they managed to do some real incestigative journalism. Such a doc out of BBC or PBS would be totally inconceivable today:

This state-sponsored false flag terror campaign actually happened all over western Europe, in Belgium (supermarket bombings/shootings with dozens of victims), Germany and Italy, as well as in France in the 90s. Or more recently, in Nice and Munich.

Deep state false flag terror has been documented, and established in an Italian court case and by academic research like that of Swiss prof. Daniele Ganser, Sr. Researcher at the Center for Security Studies at the Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich:


Asserting "false flags" is, in my opinion, a form of religious thinking used to cope with national tragedies.

My approach is a rational, analytical one, precisely the contrary of "religious thinking". False flag terror is actually designed to create national tragedies and induce trauma in the population (as well as creating divisions and the right-left hegelian dialectic), in order to keep people into an emotional plane as opposed to a rational mindset, making them easier to rule. Since 2001 they've also been used to feed the MIC's insatiable appetite for foreign wars.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

Unrelated, but related to a common pattern of school shootings in our society. This news conference was from last fall's Freeman School shooting where the Sheriff had had enough of the media and politicians. Edit - pay attention to the 13:45 mark as well as 18:10 mark.


Douglas High School shooting in Florida

If this shooting, or any of these other shootings are so called false flags, then they have nothing to do with gun control. The reason behind them is something way deeper that no one other than the perpetrators understand.

If the government really wanted to take everyone's guns, guess what, they'd just do it. In fact, it would have been done already.


Douglas High School shooting in Florida

I only smell the false flag when the motive is unclear with the opportunity costs for the tragedy to meet a large alternative benefit to a certain group. It's lazy to brand w everything as some psy-op. Many clues such as if the feat was to grand for the perpetrator or group to carry out. You go through the facts and reports in a logical fashion we start to unpack things when points don't line up or click. I see no reason why a nutcase by himself couldn't carry out this school shooting.

Also, folks need to see that many times certain groups push faulty "false flag" narratives as a way to discredit or distract actual shady instances.

The nation is fixated in this and rightly so but Vegas still is a steaming pile of BS that nobody wants to examine in focus. Certain interested prefer that the Vegas shooting remain off the radar for obvious reasons.

This Cruz kid was messed up, you can see the retardation in his face. You don't need some MK Ultra for that sort of kid. Just make sure the mom drinks while pregnant and then throw the kid into a broken home environment and the mind rot is gaaurnteed.

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

Quote: (02-17-2018 05:22 PM)Kona Wrote:  

If this shooting, or any of these other shootings are so called false flags, then they have nothing to do with gun control. The reason behind them is something way deeper that no one other than the perpetrators understand.

If the government really wanted to take everyone's guns, guess what, they'd just do it. In fact, it would have been done already.


Politics is downstream from culture.

If you change the culture, you don't need to resort to heavy-handed militaristic measures that would generate a lot of resistance and turn public opinion against them. Mass trauma events like this shooting have a deep conditioning effect on the public mindset.

Our rulers are very forward-looking, implementing policies on a generational time frame. This is one thing that Alex Jones prepper types constantly harping on about FEMA camps can't ever grasp.

Consider this stat: 90 percent of young American adults support gun control. This gives you an insight into the future of gun control in the USA:

You don't get to 90% of young Americans supporting tighter gun control without those kinds of shootings every year, and those events are always paired with a media and political barrage of anti-gun anti-middle America wall-to-wall propaganda barrage, with tools like Obama ready to press raw emotional buttons and cry on cue about the latest shooting victim while hundreds die in Chicago or Oakland every month. The fact that these shootings are focused on schools and colleges tells you that they are targeting the mindset of the youth.

There will be changes in the future, but those will be implemented gradually. No-fly-list type of gun permit restrictions, with the government establishing your psychological profile and mental fitness to own and carry. Then the noose will gradually tighten as the soyboys grow up and take over.

Big picture here is that the future looks a lot more like Huxley's Brave New World than Orwell's 1984, with a soft technocratic dictatorship where most people embrace their servitude, clamoring for the govt. to take the rednecks' guns away so that they can feel safe in schools, night clubs or malls.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

Quote: (02-17-2018 02:34 PM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

If you're white you may be more likely to murder your neighbours, friends, family and school mates in a mass shooting according to the experts [Image: lol.gif]


After another mass shooting in a school, Americans are seeking to solve the problem of gun violence.

Nikolas Cruz has been charged with 17 counts of murder after a shooting at his old school, where he had been expelled for "disciplinary reasons".

Fourteen more were wounded at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, in one of the worst mass shootings in modern American history.

Cruz's name now joins a roll call of mostly white men attached to the atrocities.

Of 95 mass shootings carried out in the US between 1982 and 2017, 92 of the perpetrators were male.

Yes that is a real article published by a news agency - without shame I might add.

Nothing about black and latino gangsters or our favourite religious followers.

Yeah, the kind of ignored this story from a couple of weeks ago. A Chinese national making illegal purchases got stopped before he was able to do anything.


Virginia Tech police on Monday arrested a student who allegedly had an "assault rifle" and tried to buy 5,000 rounds of ammunition, authorities said.

Yunsong Zhao, 19, is charged with one count of possession or transportation of certain firearms by certain persons, a university spokesperson said.

Court documents say he had an assault rifle and attempted to buy 5,000 round of ammunition. The arrest report says that Zhao possessed or transported an assault firearm while not being a citizen of the United States. The documents say he has family in China and had been in the area for six months as a Virginia Tech student.

[Image: YunsongZhao_1517457104689_4879104_ver1.0_640_360.jpg]

Let's not talk about the mentally ill Navy Yard shooter, who took Joe Biden's advice and bought a shotgun. He shot the guard at the gate, took his pistol and ammo, then went to town with both the shotgun and the pistol till he was taken out.

[Image: Alexis_Navy_Yard_012_1dsLQLVk7nY.jpg]

In damned near every mass shooting if it isn't terrorism related it's mental illness involving psychiatric medication and plenty of people who knew something just wasn't right with the perpetrator. As QC wrote earlier, the laws need to be adjusted so it's much easier to lock up a mentally disturbed individual, even if they don't want to be locked up.

The ACLU does not consider the second amendment part of their "defense of civil liberty" mandate. As such, the same ACLU now screaming for gun confiscation will do everything in their power to stop changes to red tape surrounding involuntary confinement, and they'll of course be against the death sentence for the Florida shooter because - wait for it - he is mentally ill. WTF, already - they can't have it both ways. If people like that will use the defense of mental illness AFTER the perpetrate homicides, how about addressing this proclivity BEFORE it happens? Such asshats.

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

Diversity Update: Just arrested in MD after a road rage incident involving pointing a gun at motorists. He had rifles in his vehicle too: Uliyahu Ben’ Arie Hayah. Oddly enough, I can't find a picture of the perp.

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

Quote: (02-17-2018 12:16 PM)MMX2010 Wrote:  

Quote:Zelcorpion Wrote:

In this case we have the contrary witness statements and the shooter-drill with duds on the very same day of a school shooter attack. Were they doing the drill with duds usually employing cops (sometimes actors) while on the other side of the school the actual shooter was gunning down students?

Do the people who make a big fucking deal about "Government was performing a shooting drill on the same day, in the same area, as a mass shooting!" ALSO keep track of the times when the Government performs shooting drills without being on the same day, in the same area, as a mass shooting?

You betcha. Placing those coincidences in their proper statistical context is a key aspect of evaluating the likelihood of a false flag event. This is something that people who've had a decent background in statistics and STEM in general would understand.

Unfortunately, we live in a world where the great majority of people are pretty close to being scientifically illiterate. If you had any notion of Bayesian statistics and conditional probabilities for example, you'd understand that your own question above actually validates my case.

Firearm/shooting drills are relatively rare events in high schools, the fact that in this case they fell in the same day is a red flag, much like the fact that there were literally dozens of military and state agency drills taking place on 9/11, including drills actually simulating hijacked passenger planes hitting the Pentagon and lower Manhattan, on the same day...

As well, in London on 7/7, there were drills held on the same day at the same places that the attack took place. When you consider the shear size and the number of stations in the London public transport network, and low frequency of such drills, the coincidence odds become exceedingly unlikely.

If you're an actuarian, or someone with a decent training in statistical sciences and you're looking at the JFK case, it's pretty easy to understand that there has been a deep state coverup when you consider from a purely rational, scientific standpoint the death rate and type of deaths among the population of official witnesses:

[Image: oimg?key=0AjAk1JUWDMyRdDFSU3NVd29xWWNyek...6cz2ktp533]


Approximately 1100 material witnesses were sought to testify in four JFK-related investigations from 1964-78: 552 testified at the Warren Commission. The others were sought to testify at the Garrison/Shaw Trial, Senate Intelligence Hearings and the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA).

At least 67 of the 1100 died under suspicious circumstances and are included in the JFK Calc 122 witness database. It is obvious that the 30 Warren Commission witnesses who died unnaturally and suspiciously were relevant; they all testified. The vast majority of the other 37 witnesses who were sought in the three investigations that followed died suspiciously shortly before they could testify.

Of the 67 deaths, 46 were officially ruled unnatural, including 18 homicides. The other 21 died from suspiciously timed heart attacks, illnesses and natural causes.

David Ferrie supposedly committed suicide a few days before he was scheduled to testify before a grand jury at the Clay Shaw trial in 1967. Sam Giancana was murdered before he had a chance to testify at the Church Senate hearings in 1975. George de Morenschildt supposedly shot himself the day he was notified of his interview by the HSCA. Seven (7) top FBI officials died within a six month period in 1977 prior to their scheduled testimony at the HSCA. And there were many more.


At least 62 of the 118 witnesses in the database testified or died suspiciously shortly before they were due to testify at the 1964 Warren Commission, 1969 Garrison/Shaw trial, the 1975 Senate Intelligence hearings and the 1977 HSCA (including 7 top FBI officials in June-November 1977). There were at least 37 unnatural and suspicious deaths of approximately 1100 witnesses who were called to testify. The probability of this happening is 4.7E-30 (1 in 200,000 MILLION TRILLION TRILLION)

[Image: oimg?key=0AjAk1JUWDMyRdDFSU3NVd29xWWNyek...p74mdt56fr]

If you're reasonably versed into statistical sciences, this is a slam dunk proof of a cover up and witness "management program".

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

This just in:


The. Absolute. Madman.

"The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilised community, against his will, is to prevent harm to the part which merely concerns himself, his independence is, of right, absolute." - John Stuart Mill, On Liberty

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

Quote: (02-17-2018 01:55 PM)Repo Wrote:  

Quote: (02-17-2018 12:16 PM)MMX2010 Wrote:  

Quote:Zelcorpion Wrote:

In this case we have the contrary witness statements and the shooter-drill with duds on the very same day of a school shooter attack. Were they doing the drill with duds usually employing cops (sometimes actors) while on the other side of the school the actual shooter was gunning down students?

Do the people who make a big fucking deal about "Government was performing a shooting drill on the same day, in the same area, as a mass shooting!" ALSO keep track of the times when the Government performs shooting drills without being on the same day, in the same area, as a mass shooting?

I want to know if the false flaggers really think the government hired a few kids to perform this attack, since all the witnesses regardless of how many shooters they claim they thought there were all claimed the shooters were kids. . .. or are they ignoring that part of the story since it doesn't fit the narrative.

Also, was Columbine a false flag?

If the government were really carrying this stuff out as a step to take away our guns, I bet they could make alot more progress giving guns to minority agents and having them shoot up shopping malls.

Carrying out a false flag that requires supreme secrecy by hiring a mentally unstable kid whose parents died, and then NOT killing him when they capture him doesn't pass the smell test.

The narrative that the Communists and their elements within government want to create all over the world over and over again is a "see your thing doesn't work" and we need to step in and take over. They will do anything in order to further their relentless theft of resources and freedom from anyone who has any.

The idea that they couldn't hire a few teens and or frame a few while keeping many unwitting participants in the dark is more far fetched than the story itself. It's actually a matter of US "regulation" that these incidents are created for training purposes and made to look real. Who is to say that this isn't the next one, fitting perfectly into the religion of cross agency cooperation and government school and government authority worship, complete with keep your eyes straight ahead brainwashing and an homage to the piles of shoes in the so called holocaust, with kids tossing backpacks dutifully into a made up point outside the school.

Do you know for a fact, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the footage of the guy walking into court was filmed after the incident? Whether it is true or not doesn't it occur to anyone how incredibly easy it would be to put these small scenes together? Is there any actual footage from inside the school (by thousands of phones or by security?) I haven't seen any and a quick drill scene or a phone pointed to the ground doesn't count. sorry.

Companies that do business with governments who have an interest in destroying freedom openly advertise the capability to put on such events, with up to 400 real life seeming participants last I checked.

One of the problems here is that there is no evidence whatsoever that any of this happened. What we do have is a bunch of kids talking about exercises (again) who seem woefully off cue, and a lack of detail that only the braindead drugged up tv watching masses couldn't catch. But wait that describes most people. I've lived in South Florida for too long, but my eyes are still open. There are certain things wrong with this story, starting with the massive already in place authority presence on the day of drill(s).

Parkland is the nice little corner carved out and neatly cornered off from the everglades which sits far out west boasting stable home prices, the expensive palms, and wide clean streets. It is just far enough away from Chinese drywall neighborhoods, horrible mass apartments, ghetto dwellers run amock in the aging middle corridors of Broward, and the ever present (like the fear of the edge of flat earth) fear of the edges of anywhere so pervasive in striving suburbia. It's a mini police state complete with tanks, but rather than conjure up that image, it gets the oooooh of nice-neighborhooditis when spoken. It's mostly wealthy Hispanics happy not to live in the ratholes they know are back home -- happy enough to keep the Chosen People's real estate profits alive and well, pumping money in one direction so that they can buy the really nice properties (((elsewhere))).

I don't know if this was a false flag, hoax, exercise or other explanation. We simply can't get enough info from the narrow staged camera focus of local and national tv. To forget in these moments that they are masters of illusion and deception would be by far the most foolish mistake.

If it happened it is a sad statement on the anti-functional government agencies and government involvement in education/brainwashing that should be dismantled, an even sadder statement on the lack of parenting and community, and an unforgivable evil by the shooter(s). If it was a false flag or false flag hoax combo then we really do have a sick set of leaders and participants so willing to deceive to further their own theft and power religion, as to be the most serious treasonous threat to this country that has ever existed. What about that would be a surprise? Has anyone been paying attention? Another angle mentioned here is big pharma. If this kid was on drugs known to cause violence why isn't that also regarded as treason? The same Communists who want to break us down can and do distribute debilitating drugs throughout their eugenics and dystopia controlled "medical" system. The drugged up parents who drug their children rather than parent them are a fucking nightmare in this so called country.

I am thankful for internet researchers who may in fact discover pieces of the truth here. I am not one of them, by choice. But I will not even bat an eye if they find out that the crisis actors are Canadians (which they sound like), the not so South Florida sounding names involved are made up in a lab, and the scripts about Gun control so so so ready to be shouted, are just another attempt to get the guns out of our hands so that they can commit the same atrocities they have all over the world when they get their way.

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

I wonder if the victims parents have a case against the feds and local authorities here?

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

Quote: (02-17-2018 08:22 PM)TigerMandingo Wrote:  

I wonder if the victims parents have a case against the feds and local authorities here?

You can bet there is a shark lawyer putting together a class action behind the scenes right now..

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

Quote: (02-17-2018 10:29 AM)Teutatis Wrote:  

I was wondering when the false flag brigade would appear, so much bs, are there any attacks that are NOT false flags to you guys?

[Image: d5cab00252cd9caad0aeeb459a7d92cef9329f20...0135dc.png]

Douglas High School shooting in Florida

The concept of a school shooting can be false flag, but those carrying out can do it on their own.

Just like ISIS is a Mossad/CIA invention, but jihadi muslims in Europe still do terrorism in the name of them.

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