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Avoiding sluts game

Avoiding sluts game

@Dalaran Yeah I get what you're saying, it sucks to get hurt.

Yet for me to develop feelings for a slut, she'd have to be a really covert one, because I'm disgusted by much of their behavior; I hate tattoos; hate piercings; hate smokers; hate classlessness; hate girls who get drunk etc. It has happened that in the middle of sex I go soft because of thinking about this shit. Again, the sluts I've been with were really good at hiding it, but still it comes out after banging them a couple of times.

You're either intuitive or you're not.

I'll take my chances.

Avoiding sluts game

Quote: (01-08-2018 04:07 AM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

If she is sweet, clean and cook, fawn over me and ride me like an Amazonian horsearcher, and have no STD, why care about how many cocks she has sucked?

[Image: laugh5.gif]

Of all the sluts i've been with, not one wanted to cook or clean. The only thing she brought to the relationship was a vaginas which got boring after one month.

The "slut fawning" ends once she gets comfortable. Sluts are sluts for a reason, independent women and all!

Unless you're spending money on a maid, hoes can't be housewives and I doubt you'll find one who will.

Avoiding sluts game

@The Beast: you clearly haven't been in SEA long enough [Image: wink.gif] The sluts here got game. All is fine as long as you dont wife them up, as I said in my post.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

Avoiding sluts game

Avoiding sluts game:

Join a church group in a smaller town.

Aside from fishing in a (somewhat) preselected pool, you have to rely on good 'ole red flags and experience. Women who have had a lot of partners and may make poor longterm partners generally show a lot of the same signs.

Avoiding sluts game

This site and their good girl vs slut dogma...

Do women who frequent nightlife (whether bar, lounge, restaurants, nightclubs) automatically deemed "sluts"?

I'm assuming when people on this site say "good girl" they mean an uptight religious woman who avoids alcohol like the plague. You should go to missionaries and find hardcore devoted christians. Or be edgy converting to muslim and get yourself a wholesome wife/virgin who'll never interact with the opposite gender for the rest of her life.

Although not directed particularly at this thread just these outlook in general...

For guys who are supposedly well travelled and "good with women" many act very uptight, close-minded and jaded. Maybe it isn't the woman's problem BUT YOU.

Then you got the guys who CLAIM to have found a good woman yet banging chicks on the side on the low. Atleast be honest about it and if she accepts it (even if she wants to join) cool.

IMO this whole perspective derives from fear/ego and the inadequacy of men wanting to gain control/power over there women...

Dudes need to grow up, if you're an awesome guy you'll attract awesome women plain and simple.

P.S...Most will still remain how they are SO an alternative to this retarded daygame assumption is to hang amongst realms of fitness oriented girls, think crossfit. Those who are serious possibly don't even drink which lowers probability that they don't go out beyond their bday or NYE. Then you can enjoy a close off life in fear...Take her to the woods and live off the land, she'll be that non-slutty so called "good girl" that many on here seem to desire.

P.S.S...What you might deem GOOD GIRL might be a "mask" to cater to what you like/enjoy. IMO this is also a FAIL because the chick has constrained her whole reality just to cater to your illusion. Yet in your mind you have a GOOD yet miserable woman.

Avoiding sluts game

Sluts are cool in my book....just don't date them. Most of them have a buffer stock of men & aren't really trying to date from what I've noticed.

Avoiding sluts game

Quote: (01-08-2018 08:58 PM)Distant Light Wrote:  

IMO this whole perspective derives from fear/ego and the inadequacy of men wanting to gain control/power over there women...

Dudes need to grow up, if you're an awesome guy you'll attract awesome women plain and simple.

You talk like you haven't been in the field... This is not about gaining control, but about finding a decent girl who isn't addicted to casual sex and who's mentally intact; not necessarily an uptight religious woman. If you live in a big East Coast city like me, that's hard to find. Many of us also have internet businesses and work from home, so this 'awesome woman' isn't going to fall out of the sky, you need to approach her when you see her, and with the correct vibe and mindset.

A lot of men in this forum get defensive when their slut banging habits get challenged--you realize it's a bad thing to fuck mentally unstable women addicted to sex, and you get defensive about it. The thing is, these women leave a part of their sickness with you when you spend time with them--you become who you're with.

I'm done with it, completely over it.

Avoiding sluts game

Quote: (01-09-2018 11:26 AM)xxx Wrote:  

Quote: (01-08-2018 08:58 PM)Distant Light Wrote:  

IMO this whole perspective derives from fear/ego and the inadequacy of men wanting to gain control/power over there women...

Dudes need to grow up, if you're an awesome guy you'll attract awesome women plain and simple.

You talk like you haven't been in the field...

[Image: laugh3.gif]

Avoiding sluts game

Quote: (01-09-2018 11:26 AM)xxx Wrote:  

Quote: (01-08-2018 08:58 PM)Distant Light Wrote:  

IMO this whole perspective derives from fear/ego and the inadequacy of men wanting to gain control/power over there women...

Dudes need to grow up, if you're an awesome guy you'll attract awesome women plain and simple.

You talk like you haven't been in the field... This is not about gaining control, but about finding a decent girl who isn't addicted to casual sex and who's mentally intact; not necessarily an uptight religious woman. If you live in a big East Coast city like me, that's hard to find. Many of us also have internet businesses and work from home, so this 'awesome woman' isn't going to fall out of the sky, you need to approach her when you see her, and with the correct vibe and mindset.

A lot of men in this forum get defensive when their slut banging habits get challenged--you realize it's a bad thing to fuck mentally unstable women addicted to sex, and you get defensive about it. The thing is, these women leave a part of their sickness with you when you spend time with them--you become who you're with.

I'm done with it, completely over it.

[Image: MFCbNRK.jpg]

XXX you should check this senior post history, you might get things out of it like...

[Image: jwNCwEe.jpg]

Tell them too much, they wouldn't understand; tell them what they know, they would yawn.
They have to move up by responding to challenges, not too easy not too hard, until they paused at what they always think is the end of the road for all time instead of a momentary break in an endless upward spiral

Avoiding sluts game

OP you won't get far in here shaming other members for enjoying women who put out.

Avoiding sluts game

Quote: (01-09-2018 11:26 AM)xxx Wrote:  

You talk like you haven't been in the field... This is not about gaining control, but about finding a decent girl who isn't addicted to casual sex and who's mentally intact; not necessarily an uptight religious woman. If you live in a big East Coast city like me, that's hard to find. Many of us also have internet businesses and work from home, so this 'awesome woman' isn't going to fall out of the sky, you need to approach her when you see her, and with the correct vibe and mindset.

A lot of men in this forum get defensive when their slut banging habits get challenged--you realize it's a bad thing to fuck mentally unstable women addicted to sex, and you get defensive about it. The thing is, these women leave a part of their sickness with you when you spend time with them--you become who you're with.

I'm done with it, completely over it.

[Image: CRUD6nfVEAAqLYO.jpg]

Avoiding sluts game

Quote: (01-09-2018 02:47 PM)General Stalin Wrote:  

OP you won't get far in here shaming other members for enjoying women who put out.

I'm not shaming you - I'm a degenerate just like you - but I'm tired and I want to change.

Writing about it helps.

Avoiding sluts game

Women go to bars to drink and socialize with their friends. Any men they like worth noticing is just a bonus. 99% of women can get laid without having to go out drinking in a public bar first.

The biggest weakness of man's game, even RP men, is not being cognizant of how women socialize and how utterly, amazingly good they are at picking up social cues from every single person around them, friend, acquaintance, or stranger. They've been doing it since they were 5 years old on the playground and we were running around throwing balls, kicking balls, and hitting things.

Avoiding sluts game

Quote: (01-09-2018 11:07 PM)DonnyGately Wrote:  

Women go to bars to drink and socialize with their friends. Any men they like worth noticing is just a bonus. 99% of women can get laid without having to go out drinking in a public bar first.

The biggest weakness of man's game, even RP men, is not being cognizant of how women socialize and how utterly, amazingly good they are at picking up social cues from every single person around them, friend, acquaintance, or stranger. They've been doing it since they were 5 years old on the playground and we were running around throwing balls, kicking balls, and hitting things.

I was thinking about this earlier,

I think a girl knows when you want to approach her or are interested and want to talk to her.

I think they can just sense it (for the most part) which makes it all the more important to approach because she knows you do.

Avoiding sluts game

Quote: (01-09-2018 11:26 AM)xxx Wrote:  

Quote: (01-08-2018 08:58 PM)Distant Light Wrote:  

IMO this whole perspective derives from fear/ego and the inadequacy of men wanting to gain control/power over there women...

Dudes need to grow up, if you're an awesome guy you'll attract awesome women plain and simple.

You talk like you haven't been in the field... This is not about gaining control, but about finding a decent girl who isn't addicted to casual sex and who's mentally intact; not necessarily an uptight religious woman. If you live in a big East Coast city like me, that's hard to find. Many of us also have internet businesses and work from home, so this 'awesome woman' isn't going to fall out of the sky, you need to approach her when you see her, and with the correct vibe and mindset.

A lot of men in this forum get defensive when their slut banging habits get challenged--you realize it's a bad thing to fuck mentally unstable women addicted to sex, and you get defensive about it. The thing is, these women leave a part of their sickness with you when you spend time with them--you become who you're with.

I'm done with it, completely over it.

Almost overlooked this thread...

I'm not gonna comment other than the fact that I recently got out of an almost 3 year relationship. Most on here would consider her a high quality woman...
- Super Loyal
- Loves...Madly
- Interesting Woman (I already know I will not find a woman who meshes so well in certain areas)
- Has the capacity to hold her own socially
- I know how much so many guys put weight on where a woman she's from 1 of the top 100 universities, NOT majored in gender studies

Most would say I had the ideal relationship, I ultimately learnt it wasn't for me. I'm an explorer of life, I'd say my purpose is more of a "crash dummy" on the fringe of life rather than a bubble of comfort and security. Most want to survive, I just want to live til it all ends.

In a nutshell, the "finding a decent woman" is void as I've met many amazing women. I'm not gonna go into more details but lets just say for the traveler type, if that was your gf you'd say you had it made.


You talk like you haven't been in the field...

Now, thankfully when I was single I used to record my life to archive memories for when I'm near death...

I've always stated the greatest benefit for me wasn't the women, sex or enjoyable life. It's the self-discovery, expanded awareness and growth that changed me into a better person. The memorable moments were just homage for me to remember just how much I grew.

I don't think I've ever shared this publicly, next time your on the toilet check out this archive video I made 5 years ago... (Youtube muted 3-4mins of audio near the middle)

This was roughly clips of 3-4 months of my life (may-aug) 5 years ago...

P.S...I didn't have personal experience in monogamy so I assumed my lack of affinity for it was just fear/ego...Tried for 3 years in monogamy...I'd never do it again. The amount of deep emotions and future projections CRUSHED because my consciousness incompatibility for roles/obligations of life. Really wish my ex and I had just been friends. I was the problem in our relationship, I had to end it to stop causing prolonged pain.

P.S.S...I've never hounded, worried nor had DISTRUST for my gf. In my mind she was free to do whatever she pleased. I've come across many women regardless of there past NOT mess with other guys and those women I wasn't even in a role/obligation with. That was the woman's choice, I've never forced no roles nor obligations. GF & I were just dumb for dogmatically becoming monogamous because we had immense love for each other. #IfItAintBrokenWhyFixIt

Avoiding sluts game

Do these wholesome women truly exist?
Or are they idealizations we create in our minds?

I would love to meet such a woman. I thought I've met such a woman, many times. But time and experience has made me wiser.

Grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference

Avoiding sluts game

What is your meaning of wholesome?

For most it always seems like a "loyalty" factor as the major component...If so, then yes TONS of women will want to lockdown the RIGHT GUY...

Issue is most aren't the RIGHT GUY especially many of the dogmatix so called "red pill" dudes who think they're woke only to see the frustrations they have with women.

In all the years I'd been single...

Not once did all this petty issues apply to me. I'm a different breed of man, chicks consciousness expand having experienced me. They're in harmony with their feminine ways.

Most guys try to exert control, power a projection of their fears & ego of this so called hypergamy world. Truth is, they can't wake any women up and so they just blame women instead of looking at themselves and growinf up.

There are so many of these so called "I'm looning for a good woman to settle down with" yet that same woman they're being dishonest banging chicks on the side.

Fear in a relationships is neck and neck with dishonesty in a relationship. Most relationships contain both. A reflection of low quality consciousness with alot to learn.

10 years from now many men will still be crying in search of this idealistic "wholesome" women who ironically are all around em waiting for that RIGHT GUY to lock em down.

It doesn't take mucb to see the toxic creed many of these guys spew. Thankfully, I don't have to live there life for em so I get to just enjoy my lifetime in a whole different theme.

Avoiding sluts game

Quote: (01-11-2018 01:20 AM)The_e_man Wrote:  

Do these wholesome women truly exist?
Or are they idealizations we create in our minds?
I would love to meet such a woman. I thought I've met such a woman, many times. But time and experience has made me wiser.

Both of those things are true.

Some guys like me start out completely unable to attract women, but by learning game we get to a point where it becomes much easier. We are displaying traits that a certain percentage of the female population absolutely craves in a man.

So, here is the thing. If you learn how to be a man in a relationship you can take a certain portion of the female population and turn them into very solid wives and partners. This should be the next stage of game.

Avoiding sluts game

Quote: (01-11-2018 11:48 AM)Distant Light Wrote:  

There are so many of these so called "I'm looning for a good woman to settle down with" yet that same woman they're being dishonest banging chicks on the side.
Not once did all this petty issues apply to me. I'm a different breed of man, chicks consciousness expand having experienced me. They're in harmony with their feminine ways.

You come across as someone who took one too many pills at a rave. All of us come from different backgrounds and have different issues. That is what drives our choices. Your are not some big baller better than the rest of us.

The choices I make for my life are risky for sure, but THAT is specifically why I make them. If you never experience it then you will never understand. There is a reason why so many men choose to do things this way.

Avoiding sluts game

OP should have focused on 'avoiding getting banned 'game.

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

Avoiding sluts game

Ban Hammer was strong yesterday....

Avoiding sluts game


You come across as someone who took one too many pills at a rave. All of us come from different backgrounds and have different issues. That is what drives our choices. Your are not some big baller better than the rest of us.

The choices I make for my life are risky for sure, but THAT is specifically why I make them. If you never experience it then you will never understand. There is a reason why so many men choose to do things this way.

Dude your projecting...

Now I'm a pill popper? I assume I'm better than others?

Fun fact...Most music events I've been to in that time period I'm 100% sober.

P.S...I have no clue why your monologue was directed at me. Your "solid gf/wife" ideal world is EXACTLY what I stated was a potential possibility in my personal life...Hence me pointing out the compliants of unicorn wuality women is subjective to person to person as the question needed to be answered "Is that guy, the right guy?" To inspire/compell a woman to want to lock him down in such a manner. (Also pointed out I learnt I have no affinity for it after almost 3 years of having a loving gf)

Avoiding sluts game

Quote: (01-11-2018 12:32 PM)EndsExpect Wrote:  

Quote: (01-11-2018 11:48 AM)Distant Light Wrote:  

There are so many of these so called "I'm looning for a good woman to settle down with" yet that same woman they're being dishonest banging chicks on the side.
Not once did all this petty issues apply to me. I'm a different breed of man, chicks consciousness expand having experienced me. They're in harmony with their feminine ways.

You come across as someone who took one too many pills at a rave. All of us come from different backgrounds and have different issues. That is what drives our choices. Your are not some big baller better than the rest of us.

The choices I make for my life are risky for sure, but THAT is specifically why I make them. If you never experience it then you will never understand. There is a reason why so many men choose to do things this way.

This is the wrong place for personal insults.

Avoiding sluts game

Quote: (01-11-2018 08:57 PM)Repo Wrote:  

This is the wrong place for personal insults.

It was supposed to be a critique of word choice rather than a direct personal insult. That is why I used "sounds like" rather than a statement of fact. However, I can see how you might take it both ways. I was responding to his critique of my life choices, so I felt like it was fair to point out how his description of himself comes across. Am I wrong?

Avoiding sluts game

As far as I know, girls no longer go to clubs to seek male attention but to take selfies and post them on social media.

Anyway, I suspect xxx was a female troll. Soy level was too damn high.

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