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Kid Rock for Senate

Kid Rock for Senate

Saw this in the Trump thread, worthy of it's own thread. Post any news or updates on his campaign here.

Quote: (07-16-2017 01:45 PM)komatiite Wrote:  

Great article on Kid Rocks potential Senate Run against Debbie Stabenow:

Joe Scarborough is out and Kid Rock is in.

Joe made official his departure from the Republican Party this week, following in the footsteps of other pundits such as George Will and Bret Stephens. Good riddance. Meanwhile in Michigan, Kid Rock announced he would seek the Republican nomination to challenge incumbent do-nothing Democrat Debbie Stabenow.

Scarborough’s departure from the GOP the same week Kid Rock threw his trucker cap into the ring nicely illustrates the current political fault lines.

The 2016 election was about who rules in America. Will it be an aloof, self-interested class of patrician mandarins who attend the same schools, have the same accents, and repeat the same noxious pieties? Or will the American people rule themselves? Those were the stakes. Those continue to be the stakes.

Scarborough is a fitting avatar for the striving, elite careerist eager to demonstrate his moral and cultural superiority over average Americans while Kid Rock revels in redneck cool.

The contrast between the two is striking.

Scarborough is at home in Washington. Kid Rock lives in Detroit.

Joe curries favor with coastal elites. Kid Rock is at home in the middle of the country. And it’s no wonder: He’s travelled the country by bus and minivan on more than 25 tours with legends like Lynyrd Skynyrd and David Allen Coe.

Kid Rock has the long, stringy hair of ’70s rock gods while Scarborough wears a Ken doll bouffant—a requirement for male TV anchors so hackneyed that it has become a stock punchline.

Perhaps most striking is the music. Kid Rock plays straightforward American rock and roll. Scarborough sings Britpop retreads steeped in the sort of hipster self-regard that is unbecoming in a 20-year-old student at a small liberal arts college let alone in a middle-aged man.

But it’s Trump’s party now and Michigan turned red last November. The state that gave us muscle cars, Motown, and groundbreaking rockers like the MC5 and Iggy Pop is ready to roar. While Washington obsesses on Russia and idolizes Scarborough (his low rated show is must-see TV in New York and D.C.) Detroit is focused on jobs, trade, and national security. And if he really runs, Republicans would likely nominate native son Kid Rock as their candidate for Senate. Debbie Stabenow might want to update her résumé. (“Chuck Schumer’s sock puppet seeks work. Relevant experience includes carrying water and speaking only when spoken to.”)

If his initial reception is any guide, the Powers-That-Be will take Kid Rock literally but not seriously. They did the same thing with Donald Trump. Voters got it; the political pros didn’t. And Michigan might very well see the same result.

This says something about Michigan but more about America. For decades California has been this country’s bellwether. Where California led, the nation followed. That’s one of the reasons Trump won. The Golden State, once the incarnation of the American Dream, is collapsing. The state’s defenders—there are a few—will say, “Hey, California is the world’s sixth-largest economy!” But behind that bit of boosterism lies illegal immigration, legal drugs, out-of-control state spending, massive unfunded pension liabilities resulting from years of the legislature paying off the public sector unions, crumbling infrastructure, and a gap between rich and poor that resembles nothing so much as the plantation states of Central America whose example California is eagerly following—a state divided between the monied gentry and the people who serve them.

California is now a vision of a potential American dystopian future. Michigan has tasted that future in Detroit and may have had enough. The state has a Republican governor but hasn’t had a Republican Senator since Spencer Abraham lost his re-election bid in 2000. Kid Rock could break that drought.

When Michigan native Mitt Romney (also the owner of a Ken doll bouffant) was the candidate, Republicans didn’t stand a chance. His home state remained the cornerstone of the Democrats vaunted “blue wall” that gave them a lock on the electoral college. Before Trump, no Republican presidential candidate had won the state in nearly 30 years. Romney lost it by nine points to Barack Obama.

Kid Rock supported both Romney and Trump and identifies himself with the more libertarian wing of the party. But being from Detroit and having a long-term business relationship with Chevrolet, one would probably be safe to assume that his libertarianism probably extends to free speech and skepticism of foreign military misadventures rather than to the free trade absolutism and open borders of think-tank libertarians. In other words, the common sense American libertarianism that says, “you mind your business and I’ll mind mine.”

When they read the lyrics to some of Kid Rock’s early songs the pearl-clutchers will bemoan the lost virtue of the Republican Party (“Oh, the language!“), but voters just want someone who represents their interests and gets the job done. Less talk, more action. The return of rough around the edges citizen-politicians may offend the delicate sensibilities of our ruling class, but it’s what America’s Founders wanted and what the times demand.

The “decadent, lazy, spoiled” Americans who aren’t good enough for Bill Kristol and who ex-conservative Bret Stephens wants to deport and replace with cheap foreign imports, the small towns that National Review’s Kevin Williamson says deserve to die are fighting for their lives. They want their country back. And they have more in common with Kid Rock than with the Republican elites who have turned their backs on flyover America.

Kid Rock (real name: Robert James Ritchie) made it big in the early ’00s with a blue collar blend of hip hop and heavy metal. He made it bigger when he started playing a pop-friendly form of Southern rock that embraced the good, the bad, and the ugly in middle America in a big bear hug. And that probably gives ruling class Republicans the vapors. (“Not a true conservative!” “If this is the Republican Party, I’m out!” “Good heavens, we’re slouching towards Gomorrah.”)

Where the ruling class self-consciously affects the outward forms of those to the manor born, Kid Rock embraces white trash chic. He’ll be mocked for wearing wife-beater t-shirts, thick gold chains, and drinking PBR. You can bet he’s not “serious enough” for the dandies at National Review or The Weekly Standard. George Will would probably threaten to leave the Republican Party if Kid Rock were nominated, but you can only quit once. And don’t tell David French or he’ll have to take a weekend off to consider whether he should move to Michigan and run as an independent to save the unwashed masses from the towns that deserve to die from themselves.

On his Facebook Page, Kid Rock told his nearly 6 million fans that Stabenow “is better at playing politics than I am so I’ll keep doing what I do best, which is being a voice for tax paying, hardworking AMERICANS and letting politicians like her know that We the People are sick and tired of their bullshit!”

What Republican handwringers ominously call populist-nationalism (scare quotes optional) is just self-government and patriotism by another name. Kid Rock, like Donald Trump, is an interloper who threatens to upset the established pecking order. The old guard won’t like it. They never do. But resistance is futile. Rather than representing a degraded future, perhaps Kid Rock represents a return of upstart citizen legislators who are not beholden to institutional power structures but to the people alone.

Take it from Kid Rock: It’s time to stop worrying and learn to love the American Bad Ass.

This article has hilarious comments he made.


On Supporting Donald Trump in 2016
"I'm digging Trump. I feel like a lot of people, whether you're a Democrat or a Republican, feel like if you get Hillary or Bernie, or you get Rubio or Cruz or whoever, there's going to be the same shit. Has that much fucking changed when anyone's in office, whether it's been a Republican or a Democrat in office, in our lifetime, anyway? I haven't really seen this big, like, fucking change. Obviously some people fucked up. [Laughs] That's a long debate. My feeling: let the motherfucking business guy run it like a fucking business. And his campaign has been entertaining as shit.” – Rolling Stone, February 2016

Kid Rock for Senate

WVFILIM. Would Vote For If Lived In Michigan.

Kid Rock has always struck me as someone who'd be a forum member. Some of the lyrics in his songs are great. What an awesome slap in the face for the government that would be. Sending in Kid Rock as senator. I hope it happens, and wish him luck.

Greatest Kid Rock songs right here.

"I've been gone, I've been gone for way too long
Maybe I forgot all things I miss
Oh somehow I know there's more to life than this
I said it too many times
And I still stand firm
You get what you put in
And people get what they deserve".

All American attitude right there.

Dreams are like horses; they run wild on the earth. Catch one and ride it. Throw a leg over and ride it for all its worth.
Psalm 25:7

Kid Rock for Senate

Wrong, this is the best one.

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Havamal 77

Cows die,
family die,
you will die the same way.
I know only one thing
that never dies:
the reputation of the one who's died.

Kid Rock for Senate

Make CSPAN Great Again

Can you see a Kid Rock vs Maxine Waters debate?

Kid Rock for Senate

Pocahantas (Eliabeth Warren) was pissing on his candidacy, even though she is from Massachussets. Interestingly, she had no derogatory comments for Senator Al Franken of Saturday Night Live fame.

Kid Rock for Senate

This guy needs to be in the Senate. Even if you don't live in MI there are phone calls to be made and campaign events that'll benefit from out of state support.

It's time for everyone to load up for 2018 and 2020. The wind might be blowing our way now but there's an entrenched cult that will exploit the smallest weakness if we let em.

Per Ardua Ad Astra | "I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum"

Cobra and I did some awesome podcasts with awesome fellow members.

Kid Rock for Senate

Any opinions on if he'll actually file? The collective media is calling it a PR stunt for his new music and tour.

For the gamblers, the price on 'Yes' is dropping rapidly on PredictIt. I'm staying out of this one for now.

Kid Rock for Senate

I love the "ARE YOU SCARED?" headline that hopefully...fuck that it definitely smacks Warren's crusty old hag face with a prophetic 2x4 when she sees it.

Per Ardua Ad Astra | "I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum"

Cobra and I did some awesome podcasts with awesome fellow members.

Kid Rock for Senate

My sentiments exactly to the T'


We Must Elect Senator Kid Rock
Kurt Schlichter | July 20, 2017


We Must Elect Senator Kid Rock
The news that Southern-fried rock/rapper Kid Rock will be running for some timeserving Dem hack’s Senate seat in Michigan should make every normal American smile and spill a 40 to his homies. The future Senator Rock deserves your eager support for two critical reasons: First, it will drive the liberals insane. Second, it will make George Will and the rest of Team Fredocon soil themselves.

“Kid Rock? Oh, well I never!” You simpering sissies. I’ll take his nasty stringy mop and torn wife beater over your preferred weasels’ coiffed politician/newscaster hair and Gucci loafers.

No, he didn’t go to some Ivy League snob factory and all he’s got to rely on are attitude, common sense, and a love of actual Americans (especially our troops). But wait - you want “conservatism.” A fat lot of good your version of conservatism’s done us. It’s always waiting up there ahead, just after the next election cycle, and in the meantime, we’ll compromise and make some more excuses.

No, we’re past voting for the ideology. Now we’re ready to vote for the id.

Mueller Just Expanded His Investigation
We’re woke, and we want a devil with a cause. Lying GOP worms like Rob Portman and Dean Heller and whoever that jerk is from West Virginia stuck a stake in pseudo-conservative ideology’s already-dying heart when they started tap dancing the second they got the opportunity to vote to repeal Obamacare while we had a president who would actually sign the bill. Up until then, the people Conservatism Incorporated had vouched for had looked in our faces and lied.

Now, we can look in their faces and say, “Kid Rock’s in the House and that's where [he’s] at!”

Okay, technically the Senate. Which is probably good, because you know he’d slap Paul Ryan and make him cry.

“You can’t be serious!” Kid Rock over some Democrat, or whatever lying sack of fraud the More Con Than You-cons have been selling us?

Any. Freaking. Day.

Conservative Incorporated sold us a bill of goods – oh, not all of them, but enough of them that there’s no more benefit of the doubt for the Republican Party. Let’s be really clear – most of the GOP Senate crew was ready to pull the tab and chug the beer of repeal. That’s good, and why we need to avoid playing the “I HATE THE WHOLE GOP! WAAAAA!” game the Democrats and their media catamites are pushing to dishearten and discourage us. No, we’re not falling for it. We don’t need to give up. We just need to purge the party of the squishes. We still have about a dozen or so liars who played conservative at home and bipartisan trough hog back in DC. And they need to be kicked to the curb.

This crisis is not of The Donald’s making; this is a failure of insiders, not of outsiders. The tunnel vision Never Trumpers can’t put this repeal treachery on Trump, though they’ll try. To them, everything is Trump’s fault – their irrelevance, their dandruff, their inability to perform as men. No, this was a betrayal of real conservatives by alleged conservatives in good standing, big talkers about liberty and free enterprise who were happy to take our votes but even happier to burrow into the Washington scene and suck it dry like the ticks they are.

These were the grinning creeps who sat on Heritage panels and reaped the praise of the American Enterprise Institute and who, when the time came, turned out to be liars.

These were the people who kept shaking their lying heads at how uncouth Trump is. At least Trump – and Kid Rock – never lied to us about who they really are.

I am not shocked. You shouldn’t be either. Like every movement, conservatism has attracted its share of grifters. Look at the careers of Bill Kristol and John Podhoretz – thanks, Dads! Their magazines are just more useless appendages of Conservative Incorporated. Their purpose was never to put conservative policy into place. No, they are donor bait whose purpose is to allow their proprietors to maintain their mediocre positions in the DC/NY milieu. When the time to make a hard choice came, they easily made the choice of Felonia von Pantsuit, happy to leave us normal Americans to her tender mercies knowing that having liberals in the White House meant bucks and attention for them.

They are horrible people who always held us normals in contempt, and they’re now so angry they are forgetting to fake respect. The other day, when the president was showing off American-made goods in the White House, Kristol sniffed “Maybe it's just me, but I find something off-putting about turning the White House into an exhibition hall for American tchotchkes.” Maybe it’s just me, but if I were one of these nepotism poster boyz I would at least show some respect for Americans whose parents didn’t hand them a ready-made career.

They’re nothing now, and it gnaws at them. So just think of them seeing Kid Rock get the power and position they covet. We cannot waste this opportunity to watch them turn purple with fussy rage.

Which brings us to the criticality of attitude, because one fact remains indisputable. Attitude doesn’t lie. We’ve just seen a graphic demonstration of how the GOP hacks can easily fake ideology. But attitude? That’s almost impossible to fake.

Tell me more about how all Donald Trump has is raw opposition to everything Democrat, how he has no firm ideology of his own. Yeah, and so what? Raw opposition to our enemies sure as hell beats faked ideology that suddenly vanishes whenever it’s in danger of actually being implemented.

I keep hearing how true conservatism will do this and that and blah blah blah. Yeah, most of the GOP senators are solid, but enough aren’t that you finger waggers need to lose the attitude. The people the establishment held up as serious policy wonks who put that alleged policy illiterate Donald Trump to shame turned around and stabbed us in the back.

I’ll take Kid Rock in a heartbeat over what you’re selling – he’s a cowboy, baby, and he’s thrown a punch and taken one. He’s not going to lie to you about devouring think tank white papers and how we’re really absolutely totally going to do all that great conservative stuff if only we had the House and the Senate and the presidency and unicorns romping through the streets.

So, Kid Rock for Senate 2018. His campaign slogan should be “You’ve done a lot worse,” because we have. Sure, maybe he’ll “Start an escort service for all the right reasons/And set up shop at the top of Four Seasons,” but at least this time we will have elected a pimp instead of another ho.

Kid Rock for Senate

The question is, can you be a major pop star for such a long time, and not be part of the establishment? Not that he wouldn't necessarily be better than the average GOP senator.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Kid Rock for Senate

I'll vote for him.

Here's a more obscure song of his:

Only God Knows Why was one of the first songs I downloaded off of Napster.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

Kid Rock for Senate


The question is, can you be a major pop star for such a long time, and not be part of the establishment? Not that he wouldn't necessarily be better than the average GOP senator.

Trump was in the same boat. Had to woo the establishment part of business. Voted for him to piss everyone off. Same reason to vote for kid rock

Kid Rock for Senate

Ehh, fuck it. Why not.

Check out my occasionally updated travel thread - The Wroclaw Gambit II: Dzięki Bogu - as I prepare to emigrate to Poland.

Kid Rock for Senate

I like this idea just for the potential memes and gifs from Joe Dirt alone.

Kid Rock's version of "Go home to your mommy"..

Quote:Darkwing Buck Wrote:  
A 5 in your bed is worth more than a 9 in your head.

Kid Rock for Senate

^One of the all time most underrated comedies. Joe Dirt is fucking hilarious and actually full of good positive messages. It's sort of like The Big Lebowski where you can watch it dozens of times and pick up on tiny details and lines that you never noticed before.

Trying to find a source to back this up, but I remember watching the Joe Dirt commentary reel years ago and David Spade explained that Kid Rock filmed all of his scenes in one day, and wrote all of his own lines. He just rolled up, filmed his scenes, and the lines he provided were hilarious enough that they went with it.

Always loved the fact that when Robbie (Rock's character) pulls up in his ride he's always playing "Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet".

Very fitting message for the gobsmacked cucks and left who just can't seen to grasp the extent of triggering ahead with the surge in nationalism and conservatism.

Kid Rock for Senate

This is my fave Kid Rock tune.


Kid Rock for Senate

Quote: (07-30-2017 12:36 PM)Fender_Bender Wrote:  

Trying to find a source to back this up, but I remember watching the Joe Dirt commentary reel years ago and David Spade explained that Kid Rock filmed all of his scenes in one day, and wrote all of his own lines. He just rolled up, filmed his scenes, and the lines he provided were hilarious enough that they went with it.

Hell yeah, his lines were great !!

When Kid Rock pulls up in his car and gets dust in Joe Dirt's face.

KR: "Did I get you, Dirt ?"
JD: "I'm cool."
KR: (phht) "No you're not."

[Image: laugh2.gif]

Quote:Darkwing Buck Wrote:  
A 5 in your bed is worth more than a 9 in your head.

Kid Rock for Senate

He's got my vote

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Kid Rock for Senate

Quote: (09-08-2017 10:09 AM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

I'm the King of Beijing!

Kid Rock for Senate

^ The comparison is apt, and yet the Senator he's running against is so corrupt and worthless he's the favorite to win in a matchup against her.

A few serious speeches mixed in with some rock rallies for his campaign and he'll get enough votes to crush the opposition. People are already hating on him for not being serious enough, for being un-PC: gee where have I seen this before?

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Kid Rock for Senate

Voted for Trump in MI. Will vote for Kid Rock.

Make Michigan Great Again!

Kid Rock for Senate

Quote: (07-20-2017 03:37 PM)aphelion Wrote:  

Ehh, fuck it. Why not.

Now there's a good summation of how Donald Trump got to be the President of the United States!

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

Kid Rock for Senate

Can't vote for Kid Rock, but I will try to get a copy of his 2007 album "Rock 'n Roll Jesus" (the one with his take on Sweet Home Alabama on it).

,,Я видел, куда падает солнце!
Оно уходит сквозь постель,
В глубокую щель!"
-Андрей Середа, ,,Улица чужих лиц", 1989 г.

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