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What's up with viking fetishism among white nationalists?

What's up with viking fetishism among white nationalists?

Quote: (05-04-2017 04:10 PM)zigZag Wrote:  

I'm going to take a different route than insulting you...

However i will agree with parts of what was written there in terms of your survival skills. There is a big difference between being able to ask grandpa and doing it in real life. I would suggest you watch a few episodes of naked and afraid to get an idea of what things will be like when the "total collapse" comes... Unless you want to become one of those doomsday prepper guys (not a bad thing actually) If you truly believe in those things then you should practice survival skills like friction fire... building shelter, hunting, trapping etc... and you should probably have non perishable food stored and even things like a water filter and makeshift tent or something...

Well frankly what you're doing is mental masterbation.. unless you're going to preach the gospel and convert people to your way of thinking you're essentially wasting brain cycles jerking off to something that will never become a reality... essentially wasting your life.

The basic stuff is taken care of pretty much, but I don't think that it's enough without fully functional independent homestead and I am not there yet. The scare of Hillary getting elected and possible war with Russia made me prep my family for couple of weeks pretty fast.

I am not investing all my time to this, I am not going to preach, I don't really care what people think. I got other stuff to do in my life besides that but if you would ask me I would prefer the system turn to chaos than for it to go with the direction it's going.

What's up with viking fetishism among white nationalists?

But anyway, to sum it up, 10-15 years from now I will be living with my blond, blue-eyed wife in rural mountainish area in EE, she will be popping out 3-8 kids and if my house is civilisation independent in most ways will not change the course of my life that much.

And if I will be given the pleasure of seeing all those faggots and trash dropping like flies and swimming in their own shit I could die happy man. Ragnarok is a good thing, after destruction comes new dawn. Hell, it would be bigger pleasure than having threesome with big-butted colombianas.

What's up with viking fetishism among white nationalists?

Quote: (05-04-2017 03:44 PM)zigZag Wrote:  

Japan will still be japanese but it will be a country with negative growth with capital flight and a severely damaged economy and credit rating... People in power will NEVER let that happen. I guarantee you that japan will start taking in immigrants before that happens because at the end of the day MONEY and WEALTH is all that matters. The immigrants may not be from africa or muslim countries.. it could be from asian countries around but it will happen before japan has to contend with shit hitting the fan economically.

Germany is fucked I've been there enough times to realize that germans prefer dogs to babies and they will simply get outbred. Such is the law of nature... so sad though since its a really beautiful place with super friendly people and i enjoy going there.

You've got it wrong. They wanted to pressure Japan since decades to take in the enrichment, but Japan still refuses. And what would illiterate Arabs help?

They only raise GDP by raising debt ratio, but Japan and Germany could do that also by giving their own population cash.

Nah - if population growth alone would be a metric of economic growth, then Japan would be doomed since more than a decade.

And yet it is still an industrial powerhouse, though their own population is having a tougher time.

I would still rather want to be living in Japan than in future shitholeistan Sweden or Germany - or get squashed by another AllahuAkbarian in France.

What's up with viking fetishism among white nationalists?

Quote: (05-04-2017 06:35 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Quote: (05-04-2017 03:44 PM)zigZag Wrote:  

Japan will still be japanese but it will be a country with negative growth with capital flight and a severely damaged economy and credit rating... People in power will NEVER let that happen. I guarantee you that japan will start taking in immigrants before that happens because at the end of the day MONEY and WEALTH is all that matters. The immigrants may not be from africa or muslim countries.. it could be from asian countries around but it will happen before japan has to contend with shit hitting the fan economically.

Germany is fucked I've been there enough times to realize that germans prefer dogs to babies and they will simply get outbred. Such is the law of nature... so sad though since its a really beautiful place with super friendly people and i enjoy going there.

You've got it wrong. They wanted to pressure Japan since decades to take in the enrichment, but Japan still refuses. And what would illiterate Arabs help?

They only raise GDP by raising debt ratio, but Japan and Germany could do that also by giving their own population cash.

Nah - if population growth alone would be a metric of economic growth, then Japan would be doomed since more than a decade.

And yet it is still an industrial powerhouse, though their own population is having a tougher time.

I would still rather want to be living in Japan than in future shitholeistan Sweden or Germany - or get squashed by another AllahuAkbarian in France.

Why does the immigrants have to be arabs? They already have about 1 million + foreigners living there and they WILL need more in the future. As i said it will probably be people from south korea and phillipines or somewhere else but they will take them in. Japan is on a suicide course right now. Public debt as a % of GDP is like 230%... Essentially all they are doing now is printing and printing and printing. The tax base in japan is shrinking and government expenditures are increasing... They are caught in a debt trap right now where they have to borrow more. They are having to raise taxes on an already highly taxed country

If the government gave money to the average japanese then some would keep it and some would spend it and their debt would just spiral more.. Eventually they will default and that's when they will have a hard time borrowing and the entire system will come crumbling down.

Also the economy of japan has grown by only .3% last quarter and that is already lower than the .5 they projected. You have a country with a public debt to gdp or 230 or so %... that is steadily increasing expenditures and debt while amount of workers are decreasing... i don't need to tell you what will happen next. Without more workers japan is a ticking time bomb.

Economically speaking i would rather live in germany or sweden than japan because in the coming years the people who are already having a hard time are gonna get fucked harder than mandingo fucking a fun sized chick.

What's up with viking fetishism among white nationalists?

Japan needs economic reform and not Rapefugees - those do not help jack shit under the current model.

What's up with viking fetishism among white nationalists?

Quote: (05-04-2017 07:26 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Japan needs economic reform and not Rapefugees - those do not help jack shit under the current model.

It's too late for economic reform in japan. Literally the only thing keeping japan from not being a worse version of greece is that the debt is held by BOJ and japanese investors. But how much longer can they keep borrowing from japanese? Eventually they'll have to borrow from foreigners...

Right now i saw an article that said 40% of Japanese revenues are used to service INTEREST on the debt. Ironically i even saw an article that said They are considering adding 100,000 foreigners yearly to stabilize the population at 100 million. Otherwise they will go down to a population of 87 million by 2060 and 40% of those people will be 65 or older... That means 40% of your population taking pensions and other social services... Really study the economics of japan and you'll see. It's not IF japan will collapse. It's WHEN.

Only thing will save japan is stabilizing the population ie.. More kids or more immigrants on top of economic reform where they are taking in more taxes than they are spending. I'm not convinced those things will come in time though...

Tl;dr... Japans debt bubble will go kaboom.

What's up with viking fetishism among white nationalists?

Frankly it is ridiculously easy to reform the money system.

Just issue interest free money based on raw economic output, throw out the Rothschild owned private bank. But I guess the US would invade again if they did that.

What's up with viking fetishism among white nationalists?

Quote: (05-04-2017 07:38 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Frankly it is ridiculously easy to reform the money system.

Just issue interest free money based on raw economic output, throw out the Rothschild owned private bank. But I guess the US would invade again if they did that.

Japan will get 50 million "rapefugees" before they ever reform their entire economic system. So let's keep in the realm of possibilities.

What's up with viking fetishism among white nationalists?

Quote: (05-03-2017 08:35 PM)PharaohRa Wrote:  


Of course - I have not argued for Chinese to be imported in hundreds of millions and taking over. Canada is actually at risk of exactly this to happen to them. China is big enough to ship out 30 mio. and it would not make a dent.
Thus the old Canada would cease to exist and it would become a Canadian province of China resembling more Taiwan than Canada.

Canada should also have the right to remain a White nation state.

I just wish the guys on the right would stop taking cues from the Nazis, chill and relax a bit when it comes to occasional interracial kids and embrace a more sensible view of standing up to a White nation state without getting a hissy fit whenever a White woman marries a black man.

And in contrast non Whites should stop viewing Whites as the devil - it is not so bad living there and the overwhelming majority are well-meaning. Calling for their extermination or wanting to reduce them to a minority in the countries their ancestors have created is just evil as well.

But it does not matter what I say - the globalists prefer the races to be divided instead of joining ranks and tackling the things at hand. That way a unified rebellion is much tougher to organize when a country is comprised of very diverse groups that have a tough time to agree on a joint agenda. And that is how the Big Boys prefer things to be.

Zelcorpion, (((the powers that be))), in their mind, believe that they are the only ones who should remain pure and everyone else should mix because it is what their book/god/whatever told them to do. Their delusion plus anger and envy towards white culture (and all other cultures as well) will obviously be their downfall because they refuse to learn from history, in that you cannot fit a square peg into a circular hole in the metaphorical sense.

What? Blacks want to remain pure and want to dilute whites? i'd be willing to bet that blacks, on the whole, are more likely to mix with non-blacks than whites are with non-whites. [Image: tard.gif]

Furthermore, where are you getting the idea that non-whites are deeply envious of whites? We've lived side-by-side for centuries in America without destroying each other.

Stormfront trolls sighted.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

What's up with viking fetishism among white nationalists?

Quote: (05-04-2017 04:06 AM)TheMost Wrote:  

In Canada, black men aren't the issue. And, appearances aside, China isn't the issue either. The issue is a significant percentage of young white wombs are being plundered by Indians. And it isn't like the black guys getting with the fatties; these are the slender long haired whites, who are virtue signaling based on the indoctrination that is pumped into their brains in high school. Canada has to do something fast, or it will be controlled by India in less than 10 years.

What if these Indians dudes are more alpha than the average white dude and have better game? Why does everything have to be about these women being "brain-washed' or 'corrupted?'

Why can't it simply be "I am getting out gamed by people who shouldn't be able to outgame me. I need to improve my game or risk not passing on my genes to the next generation."

Becuase that is the honest, painful truth. If your girls are getting snatched by outside groups that points to a weakness in your groups' game, not some grand conspiracy to destroy your group.

All this MUH WHITEGURLS stuff is borderline white knighting.

If I were to go into the Puerto Rico or Africa thread and cry about how all the white tourists are stealing my latinas and black girls I'd get called a beta, simp and a white knight.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

What's up with viking fetishism among white nationalists?

The whole "we need immigration to fill skills gap x" is pure nonsense.

Double the wage for skills gap x and the skills gap will disappear. Run on-the-job training for skills gap x and the gap will disappear. If you can't do this then that skills gap is there because nobody particularly values that product or service any more.

Importing workers is simply a way for corporations to take a pay-grade that's obviously too low for the requirement and effort a job entails and keep that pay grade artificially low by importing people who want to live in a first world nation and are willing to relegate themselves to serf status to do it.

If we just dumped foreigners in the country every time the return on investment for an industry went sour then we'd still be importing Mexicans to make horse shoes and stagecoaches at a bottom line that was competitive with cars.

But we all know that corporations don't give a shit how this-quarters numbers stack up against the well being of the nation in 10 or 20 years. They want cheap workers and they want them NOW. That's why national economic protectionism is not always a dirty word. Force corporations to source workers locally and they'll make damn sure there's no "skills gap".

Meanwhile I'm getting a good laugh at the suggestions that without 50 million rapefugees Japan is doooooooooomed! You'd think that after everything we'd seen occur in the EU over the last few years that people would recognise that a homogeneous nation suffering an economic collapse is still better equipped to recover than a nation which imports the termites of african and arab muslim populations, so they can struggle on for another ten to twenty under their impossible debt burdens.

But hey, as long as the television and internet supply doesn't go down for more than a few hours, right?

Utterly ridiculous.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

What's up with viking fetishism among white nationalists?

Quote: (05-04-2017 08:27 PM)Fortis Wrote:  

Quote: (05-04-2017 04:06 AM)TheMost Wrote:  

In Canada, black men aren't the issue. And, appearances aside, China isn't the issue either. The issue is a significant percentage of young white wombs are being plundered by Indians. And it isn't like the black guys getting with the fatties; these are the slender long haired whites, who are virtue signaling based on the indoctrination that is pumped into their brains in high school. Canada has to do something fast, or it will be controlled by India in less than 10 years.

What if these Indians dudes are more alpha than the average white dude and have better game? Why does everything have to be about these women being "brain-washed' or 'corrupted?'

Why can't it simply be "I am getting out gamed by people who shouldn't be able to outgame me. I need to improve my game or risk not passing on my genes to the next generation."

Becuase that is the honest, painful truth. If your girls are getting snatched by outside groups that points to a weakness in your groups' game, not some grand conspiracy to destroy your group.

All this MUH WHITEGURLS stuff is borderline white knighting.

If I were to go into the Puerto Rico or Africa thread and cry about how all the white tourists are stealing my latinas and black girls I'd get called a beta, simp and a white knight.

You are right - a lot if it is simply Game and the desire to chase white women.

Still - there is plenty of globalist propaganda out there - everywhere from the commercials, media, entertainment, universities etc. Women are creatures which are influenced easily.

Though - mixed unions based on the ancient rules of masculinity and Game would happen anyway even without this manipulation from above. In a way I think that nature has designed both men and women seek genetic variation, so a moderate amount of race-mixing is likely beneficial anyway.

Still this would happen far less frequently and I think that there is some ulterior motive of the top sheisters in this.

Alas - I would never stop a black friend from banging white girls - rules of the Game are rules of the Game.

But propaganda is propaganda -Canada state sponsored - Beige Power - "gonna look the same in the year 3000" - great no more redheads - fuck you:


What's up with viking fetishism among white nationalists?

I thought this thread was about vikings... what a derail. [Image: lol.gif]

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

What's up with viking fetishism among white nationalists?

It isn't necessarily game. It is more so the young white men have seen what marriage leads to in the west and are opting out of it. Having game is something important/new/creative when you are young. As you age and enter your 30's, you realize "game" is simply learning to know who you are, what you are capable of, and making the right choices in life. And with our current economic situation, and the west falling off a cliff, combined with lower and lower quality women being produced in the west, more and more white men are simply opting out.

All in all, it still plays into the globalist hands that Zelcorpion is pointing out. But most men simply want peace, and if we have to move to eastern Europe or avoid the trap that is divorce hell in the west, someone else can gladly take our place. It simply is not worth it at all. Life is too short for that bullshit.

More so, the men getting these western women don't have superior "game", they are simply being "gamed" by a system much larger than they can see.

What's up with viking fetishism among white nationalists?

Quote: (05-05-2017 04:43 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

But propaganda is propaganda -Canada state sponsored - Beige Power - "gonna look the same in the year 3000" - great no more redheads - fuck you:

Sometimes you just have to rewatch certain videos to remind you of things and refocus your thoughts, like this one:

(english subtitles here:

Always remember the blanda upp mantra, for that is what all the leftists, (((globalists))) and immigrant invaders want to do.

What's up with viking fetishism among white nationalists?

Quote: (05-04-2017 08:27 PM)Fortis Wrote:  

Quote: (05-04-2017 04:06 AM)TheMost Wrote:  

In Canada, black men aren't the issue. And, appearances aside, China isn't the issue either. The issue is a significant percentage of young white wombs are being plundered by Indians. And it isn't like the black guys getting with the fatties; these are the slender long haired whites, who are virtue signaling based on the indoctrination that is pumped into their brains in high school. Canada has to do something fast, or it will be controlled by India in less than 10 years.

What if these Indians dudes are more alpha than the average white dude and have better game? Why does everything have to be about these women being "brain-washed' or 'corrupted?'

Why can't it simply be "I am getting out gamed by people who shouldn't be able to outgame me. I need to improve my game or risk not passing on my genes to the next generation."

Becuase that is the honest, painful truth. If your girls are getting snatched by outside groups that points to a weakness in your groups' game, not some grand conspiracy to destroy your group.

All this MUH WHITEGURLS stuff is borderline white knighting.

If I were to go into the Puerto Rico or Africa thread and cry about how all the white tourists are stealing my latinas and black girls I'd get called a beta, simp and a white knight.

I'm very Indian and approve this message. There are a niche of Indians that are destroying the stereotype of the beta IRT. They also don't have much game by nature of their upbringing so work harder on it. These guys are a force to be reckoned with. I'm hopeful I'm included in this group.

[Image: agree.gif]

What's up with viking fetishism among white nationalists?

Quote: (05-05-2017 06:40 AM)Cobra Wrote:  

Quote: (05-04-2017 08:27 PM)Fortis Wrote:  

Quote: (05-04-2017 04:06 AM)TheMost Wrote:  

In Canada, black men aren't the issue. And, appearances aside, China isn't the issue either. The issue is a significant percentage of young white wombs are being plundered by Indians. And it isn't like the black guys getting with the fatties; these are the slender long haired whites, who are virtue signaling based on the indoctrination that is pumped into their brains in high school. Canada has to do something fast, or it will be controlled by India in less than 10 years.

What if these Indians dudes are more alpha than the average white dude and have better game? Why does everything have to be about these women being "brain-washed' or 'corrupted?'

Why can't it simply be "I am getting out gamed by people who shouldn't be able to outgame me. I need to improve my game or risk not passing on my genes to the next generation."

Becuase that is the honest, painful truth. If your girls are getting snatched by outside groups that points to a weakness in your groups' game, not some grand conspiracy to destroy your group.

All this MUH WHITEGURLS stuff is borderline white knighting.

If I were to go into the Puerto Rico or Africa thread and cry about how all the white tourists are stealing my latinas and black girls I'd get called a beta, simp and a white knight.

I'm very Indian and approve this message. There are a niche of Indians that are destroying the stereotype of the beta IRT. They also don't have much game by nature of their upbringing so work harder on it. These guys are a force to be reckoned with. I'm hopeful I'm included in this group.

[Image: agree.gif]

you immigrated, joined a foreign military, raised a family and work hard. Not many guys on here (and in this thread) can say they're done all four and been successful so I think you are FAR and away from IRT. You don't even have to worry about that. I certainly don't question your loyalty to America.

[Image: agree.gif]

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

What's up with viking fetishism among white nationalists?

RVF member Indian Brit Bojangles moved to Poland a year ago.

In that time he fucked 86 girls to date. But he knew Game, studied it well, applied it even more. And no - he is not one of the 6'4 super-good-looking Indian guys - just optimized look.

What's up with viking fetishism among white nationalists?

From Vikings - White Nationalists - Refugees - Immigration - IRT.

I am sure I have missed some other topics in this thread.

Our New Blog:

What's up with viking fetishism among white nationalists?

Quote: (05-05-2017 10:22 AM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

From Vikings - White Nationalists - Refugees - Immigration - IRT.

I am sure I have missed some other topics in this thread.

That's how it goes, but the thread started not as a Viking appreciation thread, but had a clear bent.

Either way - this half-Asian Black-Piller (Red Pill, but denying Game and still being sort of a liberal SJW) has an interesting article out of all the men who are either moderate race-realists or even Neonazi-level far right and who date Asian women:

I know why they are doing it due to feminist pressure, sexual market squeeze out, but still - anyone who accuses anyone of race-mixing, but dates other races himself should go into the corner and shut the fuck up.

I personally have a moderate stance of NOT PROMOTING IT EVERYWHERE and not WILLINGLY AND OPENLY FLOODING THE WESTERN WORLD WITH non-Whites, but I have no beef with any black or Asian men dating white women. Because I myself would like to dip into the multiracial pussy-pot. That is why I cannot be a stupid moron who has a Philippino wife like some of those real Neonazis and still calls white women mudsharks. (The author above would probably call Roosh a racist anyway, so you gotta rather see the examples on a case by case basis.)

Still funny to see the huge list of those guys - Stormfront founders with Asian women and all.

In a way Roosh is more of a racial purist, because he dates white European women who are actually closer to his genetic makeup than the Neonazis who procreate with Chinese ones.

Ah well - amusing stuff indeed. Makes you really ponder when the biggest opponents of race-mixing engage in race-mixing themselves - like the biggest opponents of prostitution spend the most on whores themselves. Isn't our planet funny in it's bizarre real-life sarcasm?

What's up with viking fetishism among white nationalists?

Quote: (05-05-2017 09:45 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

RVF member Indian Brit Bojangles moved to Poland a year ago.

In that time he fucked 86 girls to date. But he knew Game, studied it well, applied it even more. And no - he is not one of the 6'4 super-good-looking Indian guys - just optimized look.

Nearly two years now, but very impressive all the same. Top bloke.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

What's up with viking fetishism among white nationalists?

Quote: (05-06-2017 10:37 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Quote: (05-05-2017 10:22 AM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

From Vikings - White Nationalists - Refugees - Immigration - IRT.

I am sure I have missed some other topics in this thread.

That's how it goes, but the thread started not as a Viking appreciation thread, but had a clear bent.

Either way - this half-Asian Black-Piller (Red Pill, but denying Game and still being sort of a liberal SJW) has an interesting article out of all the men who are either moderate race-realists or even Neonazi-level far right and who date Asian women:

I know why they are doing it due to feminist pressure, sexual market squeeze out, but still - anyone who accuses anyone of race-mixing, but dates other races himself should go into the corner and shut the fuck up.

I personally have a moderate stance of NOT PROMOTING IT EVERYWHERE and not WILLINGLY AND OPENLY FLOODING THE WESTERN WORLD WITH non-Whites, but I have no beef with any black or Asian men dating white women. Because I myself would like to dip into the multiracial pussy-pot. That is why I cannot be a stupid moron who has a Philippino wife like some of those real Neonazis and still calls white women mudsharks. (The author above would probably call Roosh a racist anyway, so you gotta rather see the examples on a case by case basis.)

Still funny to see the huge list of those guys - Stormfront founders with Asian women and all.

In a way Roosh is more of a racial purist, because he dates white European women who are actually closer to his genetic makeup than the Neonazis who procreate with Chinese ones.

Ah well - amusing stuff indeed. Makes you really ponder when the biggest opponents of race-mixing engage in race-mixing themselves - like the biggest opponents of prostitution spend the most on whores themselves. Isn't our planet funny in it's bizarre real-life sarcasm?

Well there is a big connection between nazis and asians from the past as well as the present.

I met one partly filipino Dutch guy who was in racist skinhead movement earlier in his life. Seems like guys have some issues. But I think that it mainly comes from misunderstanding of National Socialism.

What's up with viking fetishism among white nationalists?

Quote: (05-05-2017 05:47 AM)Gmac Wrote:  

I thought this thread was about vikings... what a derail. [Image: lol.gif]


[Image: 2_Odin.jpg]

[Image: ominous_ocean_by_thomaswievegg-d7rxd0l.jpg]

[Image: awesome-things-you-never-learned-about-v...hool-4.jpg]

[Image: awesome-things-you-never-learned-about-v...hool-3.jpg]

[Image: 140307115746-illustration-of-viking-ship...allery.jpg]

[Image: Minnesota%20Vikings%20Tickets.JPG]

What's up with viking fetishism among white nationalists?

Quote: (04-30-2017 01:16 AM)Jean Valjean Wrote:  

If Muslims weren't around anymore, people would be talking about how cool Muslims were too. They'd be saying, "Who hasn't wanted to wield a curved sword, or conquer Spain, or crash a plane into a building on purpose? That stuff is badass. A religion that talks about getting pussy in the afterlife as a reward for jihad? How awesome of a tradition is that."

This post made me laugh more than any other on the forum. I can't quite grasp why, maybe because it's so true. The bit about the plane literally had me laughing out loud.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

What's up with viking fetishism among white nationalists?

Quote: (12-16-2018 01:06 PM)Teedub Wrote:  

Quote: (04-30-2017 01:16 AM)Jean Valjean Wrote:  

If Muslims weren't around anymore, people would be talking about how cool Muslims were too. They'd be saying, "Who hasn't wanted to wield a curved sword, or conquer Spain, or crash a plane into a building on purpose? That stuff is badass. A religion that talks about getting pussy in the afterlife as a reward for jihad? How awesome of a tradition is that."

This post made me laugh more than any other on the forum. I can't quite grasp why, maybe because it's so true. The bit about the plane literally had me laughing out loud.

No, it would not be so because Muslims are suicide bombers. There is nothing cool about delusional killing of innocent women and children while also committing suicide.

Vikings did their naughty things for fun and amusement of themselves and that is cool even if morally wrong.

Muslims hate fun and do their evil deeds while also being dead serious and taking out all the fun from that.

Vikings knew how to party after each battle with songs and ale and singing poetry and telling legends about the deeds of their fights and adventures.

Muslims have alcohol and music prohibited and hate fun, they would not tell any cool stories because all the glory goes to Allah and Muhammad.

When a Viking goes pillaging and murdering he is being an alpha male, culling the weak.

When a Muslim does the same he is a brainwashed beta, who serves his imams and the only alpha is Muhammad.

Vikings could do philosophy and even have a friendly laughter about their Gods.

Muslims are scary serious and bow before asses of other men and walk on eggshells to not tell any joke that could offend Muhammad and the desert god.

Vikings had heroes.

Muslims only have martyrs.

When a viking is left alone he fights bravely.

Muslims are only brave in big groups and mobs, when alone they lie and use taqiya.

Vikings sailed to motherfucking America, discovered and colonized Iceland and Greenland.

Muslims sat on the silk road and sailed nowhere, letting Europeans take the initiative in shipbuilding and circumventing their territories and discovering the world.

Vikings had game because they had normal relations between men and women. Both masculinity and femininity were valued. There was true love possible.

Muslims have no real game, they keep their women oppressed, locked in black robes and beat them up, there is no romance and love. They can only force women to like them.

Also Muslims look generic and have no blonde or red hair and blue eyes.

Vikings are cooler then Muslims too many ways.

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