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Trump Train April 2017 poll

Trump Train April 2017 poll

Where are you on the Trump train? I'm curious to see if sentiment towards Trump has genuinely changed. The poll is public.

Trump Train April 2017 poll

I am still on the train.

I had my doubts over the Syria strike, but now it seems that was just theatre.

Likes denote appreciation, not necessarily agreement |Stay Anonymous Online Datasheet| Unmissable video on Free Speech

Trump Train April 2017 poll

On board, tickets punched, full speed ahead.

I didn't blindly hop on, I won't blindly follow, and I won't blindly hop off.

Trump Train April 2017 poll

Even the little Trump has done so far is more than I could have dreamed of 8 years ago.

But Trump has greater ambitions, he still speaks publically about killing NAFTA and reducing trade deficits, and still makes executive orders that are on point. I am still cautiously optimistic for the future, but our side is winning and making gains right now. It's good to feel victory for the time being. Whether or not Trump drops the ball going forward is anyone's guess, but things do look rather good. As long as the Supreme Court goes our way, we can do some serious damage to the liberal establishment.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Trump Train April 2017 poll

From another pro Trump forum I lurk:


My greatest fear of a Trump presidency was that Trump would blunder into a media trap and get betrayed by cucks resulting in little getting accomplished even on the immigration front (no cuck wants real enforcement, Chamber of Commerce will stop sending them checks). Worst case is that on all fronts Trump would be besieged by the establishment and would be mired in Washington muck. In fact if Republicans had not held the line on Garland this probably would have happened, with a liberal Supreme Court declaring that preventing alien hordes from invading was a violation of X, Y, and Z amendments, and doing to Trump what the (largely Republican) Supreme Court had done to FDR: hogtied him with judicial decrees announcing that everything he wanted to do was unconstitutional.

To date, Trump appears to have skillfully navigated these waters. He's thrown out all kinds of signals to the establishment which, the closer you look, amount to nothing, policywise ("oh I'm on the outs with Bannon", Trump leaks...whether that is true or not, we cannot take such things at face value). The Senate went nuclear on the Supreme Court appointment which bought Trump precious time to get some points on the board before midterms. He's kept the slithering, treasonous cucks at bay (every statement cucks have made indicating support for Russia conspiracy theories amount to declarations of hostilities vis-a-vis Trump, so this is a more significant accomplishment than blackpillers think). His "defeat" on health care was a blessing in disguise, if not the White House's desired outcome.

What will happen? You don't know, I don't know. But, say, did you see how Trump sent about a billion dollars in political spending into the ditch last year? Maybe, just maybe, he knows what he's doing.

Trump Train April 2017 poll

Had and still have some serious misgivings about what happened in Syria. The swamp will get it's due, but Trump is trying to make a good deal for the American people (while making some deals for his progeny).

Was on the Trump Train.

Still on the Trump Train.

Again, 10d chess and all that, but bombing Syria was straight out of the neocon playbook. However, Samseau's perspective matches mine in this regard:
"Even the little Trump has done so far is more than I could have dreamed of 8 years ago."

Trump Train April 2017 poll

I was a strong supporter last year, and all the way up until about February 2017 (my posting history in 2016 in the Trump thread shows this).
However, the various signs we are seeing each week from Washington are not good.
I see guys trying to rationalise all sorts of red flags.

[Image: giphy.gif]

Trump Train April 2017 poll

It's simply too early to form an overly positive or negative opinion of how Trump is doing. Many of the actions that either look bad or look good might end up going the other way, depending on how they finally resolve and after viewing them in the post-mortem.

I would say that right now we're winning; all we can do for now is see what Trump will do with this lead as it's too early in the game to call it either way yet.

Trump Train April 2017 poll

I've never supported an elected official in any capacity. The desire to hold office itself makes them suspect.

That being said, I'm waiting to see more of his tax proposals. Specifically if he continues to sell the fairy tale to the American concervative base that tax rates are like a slider in a video game that can simply me tuned up and down and that lower is always better. The truth is the US tax code is a monstrosity of special interest exceptions and earmarks. The effective corporate tax rate is almost a useless measure of how much tax a corporation actually pays. Most large firms, if the rate was reduced to 15% (a Trump has hinted at) but they lost all their exceptions and deferments, would actually pay more taxes.

A massive overhaul of the US tax code is long overdue and would be an incredible boon for our nation. It would also be a disaster for many wealthy individuals and firms that have spent a lot of time and money lobbying away as much of their own tax obligation as possible. Lowering the corporate rate to 15% could probably work, but most of the special interest exceptions and breaks would have to go.

Trump Train April 2017 poll

Trolling y'all. Never left but also not a blind lemming cheerleader like Botox Bill.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

Trump Train April 2017 poll

Was never on it, but think its still too early to judge him too harshly for most issues. Give him a year or two at least, will need at least that long to start to see results of backroom deals/compromises.

Trump Train April 2017 poll

I wasn't happy about the Syria air strike, but I'm willing to give him a chance, as long as he keeps his promises. It hasn't even been 100 days.

Trump Train April 2017 poll

Trump at full power would tell Congress instead of furloughing all non-essential employees during a shutdown he would FIRE THEM ALL.

He is not a full strength right now. The vampires in his administration such as (((globalist Gary))) & McMasterbator are stealing his energy.

Trump Train April 2017 poll

Still on.

I publicly announced my doubts in the immediate aftermath of the Syria strike but my specific fears didn't play out. I am still uneasy about Ivanka's role in things. Hopefully Enigma is right and that's kabuki.

I've long thought it would take until after the midterms to really get things going because Congress is just too full of pathetic cucks. It would've been amazing if the country just turned on a dime in February but I never actually expected it to.

Edit - And, I should mention that I think hearing both the supporters and doubters here is valuable in helping me keep my perspective. I was gone for like six weeks or so and I was trying not to follow politics--I just wanted to detox on all this bullshit--but I was still hearing the news regularly, and I think when all I was getting was what I heard on TV it really did start to poison my mind somewhat. It's very insidious.

Trump Train April 2017 poll

I was loosely on the Trump train, and I'm still loosely on it.

I knew from the beginning that Trump was ideologically unstable, because he had a history of taking radical political stances and then changing his mind later. I figured that we would probably see some major changes in his philosophy, agenda, etc. during his time in office. For that reason, I wouldn't necessarily worry too much if he seems to be cucking out in some ways, because he can always reverse himself again if he decides that he erred. If he concludes his advisers have led him astray, he will quite likely fire them and bring in new advisers.

Regardless of certain intentions that he may abandon, he's still Trump. His personality isn't likely to change much. I think one of the lasting contributions he will make is to America's culture rather than to its politics. This was one of the reasons I gave him $100 during the primary. I felt that I personally owed him a debt of gratitude for helping change the politically correct culture in which men constantly feel the need to apologize. I knew that even if he didn't win the election, he had already made a difference. It was a morale boost to me personally. His unashamed narcissism was a welcome change of pace from all the sanctimony and false humility we see in Washington.

If Trump doesn't get the U.S. involved in a major war, and if his Supreme Court picks turn out to be decent, that's about all that we can realistically expect from a major party President, especially in a first term. It would be great if he would do something cool like release all the victimless offenders from prison, but for now I just have to cross my fingers and wait to see if he happens to randomly lurch in a libertarian direction, as his thinking continues to evolve.

I figured from the get-go that he would need to seize absolute power to accomplish some of the stuff on his agenda, because Presidents usually only seem to accomplish maybe one major priority in the first four years (and typically their party loses seats in Congress during the first midterm). But I guess it wasn't the right moment in history to try to make the transition from republic to empire. The economy wasn't bad enough to get people riled up enough to support that kind of Trump revolution. (The media, though, made it sound like it was going to happen if he won.)

I think when you're dealing with a pragmatist like Trump, you can't just elect him and say, "Okay, now we have a guy who's going to fight for us"; you have to continue to organize and show that keeping the goodwill and support of your movement is vital enough to his reelection in 2020, and to getting his agenda passed, that it's worth doing stuff that will trigger the Trump resistance to attack. The elections of 2017, 2018, and 2019 are all opportunities for shows of force that demonstrate increasing strength and ongoing political relevance.

Trump Train April 2017 poll

I couldn't help but be on the Trump train, given that Clinton's loss would devastate all of the people I hate.

As far as Trump himself, I think the system is currently bad enough that I'm not sure how much of a difference one man would be able or willing to make.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Trump Train April 2017 poll

Trump has exceeded all my expectations. My love and regard for him grow daily, as does the appreciation for the unceasing bullshit he has to deal with: the terrible hatred of the Year Zero monsters; the daily outrages of judicial overreach, our country's single worst problem; the uselessness, cowardice, and mendacity of Congressional Republicans; and the fickleness, ingratitude and stupidity of his so-called base. In the midst of all this, T just does his level best every single day, modestly trying to learn and understand the insane job he's undertaken, and still managing to enjoy it.

He is an old school human being, utterly free from the terrible tightness and anxiety that is the hallmark of glum ideologues of every stripe; and thus it is inevitable that every ideologue, on the left or right or anywhere in between, will sooner or later come to hate and resent T in his freedom, his love of life, and his easy way with supposedly disallowed "reversals" and "contradictions".

T's freedom has changed the world, it has relaxed so many normal people everywhere -- so many normal men and even women -- and has given them permission to laugh and to live better lives, to dismiss as if overnight the dreadful and life-destroying tyranny known to them as "political correctness". The spell has been broken and it can never be recast again as it was -- and this at the very moment when it was about to envelop us all in a terrible apotheosis under a nightmarish HAG administration. T alone has saved us from this and the debt of gratitude we owe him -- no matter what happens from here on in -- is vast and immeasurable and can never be repaid.

T is not a perfect man and he has his weaknesses -- his excessive regard for his daughter, daddy's favorite little girl, being chief among them; a very classic weakness for a man of his type. He also has a myriad other weaknesses, less important than that one. But he is someone who has earned more than our appreciation or forbearance -- he has earned our LOVE, and I love his weaknesses too because I love the man himself.

The train rolls on and I'm just settling in more deeply for the ride. Nothing is written and everything is possible and up for grabs in the new and free American world that T has birthed from his coiffed hair and his suits and his shit-eating grin and his airplane burgers with fries and his beautiful, unforgettable rallies. It is the privilege of a lifetime to be on board.

same old shit, sixes and sevens Shaft...

Trump Train April 2017 poll

As a european citizen;
I was very pro trump in the way he spoke aggressively about dealing with muslim immigration. This really affect us hard in Europe.
Was very against trump related to environmental issues.
After 100 days, i can't really point to any positive thing he has done. Can someone enlighten me?

Trump Train April 2017 poll

Wow TLOZ that was really well put.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

Trump Train April 2017 poll

I was hoping for a dramatically different approach, but the reality is that you have to go to war with the Trump you have, not the Trump you wish you had.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Trump Train April 2017 poll

Still on train but I let a little too much slide in 2016 and am not letting myself get too wrapped up in politics. From what I've observed, it's playing out much like I expected. He's required to fight for every inch in the public domain because the legacy leftoid media and delusional liberals haven't changed. There's been no awakening or self-reflection on the left that I have observed. They still come to me with "Oh My God Did You Hear What ____ Said?" Most recently it was about Sean Spicer and some comment about the holocaust. But it's the same form its been for the past decade: some statement blown way out of proportion and memed by idiots. Or they act like they care about Syria as if they know anything at all about what's going on over there or why it's such a shit show in the first place. Meanwhile heads are still neck-deep in sand about immigration and Islam.

Though perhaps the biggest complaint I hear about Trump are his proposed NIH funding cuts, specifically the overhead portion that goes to universities for staff and infrastructure. I support government funding healthcare research and am skeptical that slashing university research budgets will effective at making the processes more efficient. But what the fuck do you expect when universities are overwhelmingly and incontrovertibly part of the political opposition? Think next time before making political enemies for emotional reasons. I am not surprised at all Trump is doing this in fact I predicted it (though not on this forum).

Trump Train April 2017 poll

Still willing to wait a year or three to see how it shakes out. But have seen mostly discouraging signs so far. Much better than the alternative, though, and culturally speaking under his tenure a new generation of shitlord is being raised. These people may not win back America and the West, but they will be the hardcore remnant that survives the worst.

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

Trump Train April 2017 poll

I'm dissapointed but still have hope in President Trump.

As I'm not American, foreign policy is what really matters to me and that's where Trump administration failed:
Relations with Russia have not been mended, the Cold War initiated by Obama keeps going on. Sanctions against Russia are still on.
In presidential campaign, Trump denounced Saudi Arabia as a country leeching off USA and a sponsor of terrorism, but now he is president nothing happened, he even had a cordial meeting with Saudi prince and of course USA keep buying their oil.
Trump explicitely said no more foreign interventions, but then attacked the main force fighting ISIS, Syrian national army.
No widthrawal from NATO or any attempt to change it's policy.
Travel ban and refugee admitting ban was a good move but it should not have included Iran. I don't consider Iran a danger to world peace.

But it's not all that bad there are several good things done so far (although they don't affect me much):
Getting Gorsuch into Supreme Court.
Continuing the construction of Keystone Pipeline XXL.
Announcing widthrawal from Paris agreement.
Starting construction of The Wall.
Hiring more immigration officers and starting deportations of criminal aliens.
Forcing major companies to move their production back into USA.

Trump Train April 2017 poll

Quote: (04-27-2017 04:31 AM)pants Wrote:  

As a european citizen;
I was very pro trump in the way he spoke aggressively about dealing with muslim immigration. This really affect us hard in Europe.
Was very against trump related to environmental issues.
After 100 days, i can't really point to any positive thing he has done. Can someone enlighten me?

I can at least enlighten you on global warming, the notion that human-generated CO2 is going to fry the earth is a total scam.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Trump Train April 2017 poll

Looks like at least one never-trumper is contemplating jumping on
the bandwagon, Iraq War Architect,
Paul Wolfowitz, Is Becoming Optimistic On Trump.

I think the picture from Ben Garrison sums things up, it's great to have
Trump in the WH instead of Clinton, but it could go pear-shaped if the
establishment faction ends up winning decisively, in which case his record
will be a mixed one. Still better than Hillary, but well short of expectations
on many levels.

[Image: tug-of-war-ben-garrison_1_orig.jpg]

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

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