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Game Recognized: Cristiano Ronaldo

Game Recognized: Cristiano Ronaldo


Thats the only thing you can beat him? Marrying to some girl and having a kid?

Game Recognized: Cristiano Ronaldo

[Image: funny44.png]

This was actually meant to go on the funny pics thread, but will leave it here as it's applicable to Ronalfo's future brood...[Image: lol.gif])

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Game Recognized: Cristiano Ronaldo

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Game Recognized: Cristiano Ronaldo

Why on earth would a straight man need to have kids with a surrogate? Ronaldo has so many gay rumours about him, this only confirms it. Hes bi-sexual at absolute best, but I'm more inclined to believe his string of high-profile "relationships" with female celebrities are beards, as mentioned by a few other posters. All that stuff about the male Moroccan "cuddle buddy" and him is fruity as hell.

I would far rather grow up in a happy home with a normal mother and father than with a closeted gay dad and no mother, millions of dollars of inheritance or no millions. Its easy enough to make money in the world if you're smart, its not easy to fix a broken childhood and the lifelong mental scars that leaves.

Game Recognized: Cristiano Ronaldo

I hope his kids turn out good, but seems more likely they will end up like michael Jordan's kids(spoiled and not really amounting to much) than the next Donald Trump.

I like the way Derek jeter played his hand, but whatever

Game Recognized: Cristiano Ronaldo

So, he just bought anchor babies? Born in the US...

We really need to fix that damn 14th Amendment interpretation.

Game Recognized: Cristiano Ronaldo

Quote: (07-02-2017 10:52 PM)eradicator Wrote:  

I hope his kids turn out good, but seems more likely they will end up like michael Jordan's kids(spoiled and not really amounting to much) than the next Donald Trump.

I like the way Derek jeter played his hand, but whatever

I wouldn't be so sure. I've seen some videos of Ronaldo already doing physical training with his son (he looks about 6 or 7 years old), and the guy is a winner. He hates losing, and despises weakness. Don't think he'd give his children a free pass on not reaching their potential.

Besides, he dumped his ex-girlfriend (Irina Shayk) because she didn't attend his mother's birthday celebrations. He is probably aware of at least a watered down version of AWALT (I'd imagine he gets propositioned all the time). Shows he's not some sort of beta.

In my opinion anyone who says he's gay is hating. Go and have a look at his instagram profile. Posted a picture with his (incredibly hot) girlfriend.

Game Recognized: Cristiano Ronaldo

Whether it's Ronaldo or an ordinary SJW lesbian tri-spirit demi-sexual tranny, surrogacy was and remains one of the greatest examples of degeneracy of our times.

What would have once made sense as a noble and legitimate medical procedure to help those rare women who can get pregnant but are unable to carry a pregnancy has slowly mutated into a monstrous attention-whoring mockery of life on an industrial scale.

I get that Ronaldo has his reasons to flee the man-hating family court system, but it doesn't make surrogacy right in this or almost any other case.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Game Recognized: Cristiano Ronaldo

Quote: (07-03-2017 03:29 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

Whether it's Ronaldo or an ordinary SJW lesbian tri-spirit demi-sexual tranny, surrogacy was and remains one of the greatest examples of degeneracy of our times.

What would have once made sense as a noble and legitimate medical procedure to help those rare women who can get pregnant but are unable to carry a pregnancy has slowly mutated into a monstrous attention-whoring mockery of life on an industrial scale.

I get that Ronaldo has his reasons to flee the man-hating family court system, but it doesn't make surrogacy right in this or almost any other case.

I don't see surrogacy as being "degenerate." It is nothing more than a solution to a problem. You want kids but don't want to risk everything you worked for on the flip of a coin by knocking up a woman and hoping she won't leave you and take the kids plus half your shit and future income stream? Then you use a surrogate and get to have kids without the risk. It may not be your cup of tea but then again I'm sure some people will condemn lifespan extension as "degenerate" as well once it becomes possible, which doesn't change the fact it's a pretty sweet thing to have access to.

Game Recognized: Cristiano Ronaldo

Quote: (07-03-2017 03:29 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

Whether it's Ronaldo or an ordinary SJW lesbian tri-spirit demi-sexual tranny, surrogacy was and remains one of the greatest examples of degeneracy of our times.

You say this on a forum that was created by a pickup artist and that mostly focuses on gaming women for short-term relationships and traveling to poor countries for casual sex.

[Image: laugh6.gif]

Game Recognized: Cristiano Ronaldo

Some of whats said on this thread is jawdropping, IMO.

Firstly, its almos unheard of for someone to even be accused of homosexuality in football.
I can only think of Beckham (a complete prick), Graeme le Saux (reads Emily Bronte novels in the dressing room!) and Ronaldo.

The only attempt at defence I hear for Ronaldo, is that he is "protecting his assets" with this dyke-esque "surrogacy". So people are saying he "can't afford to have a real mother for his kids"?

Thats ridiculous. He can choose one of many hot, eligible women who are richer than he is. And secondly, he can arrange his affairs so that a separation/paternity demands are pretty negligible for him anyway.
Is any sane, normal, straight male REALLY going to take away his kids right to have a proper mother ie give them some sort of weird aunt-replacement mother/nanny/control freak grandma instead? Imagine what the kids will think when they learn that their father paid someone to be "a hired mother who's told to fuck off".

With a semi wealthy mother, any patrimony settlements would be tiny by his standards.
And he has all the means of even ensuring child custody.

Its not even like Ronaldo is investing all his money in some grand business venture. He doesn't know what to do with his money anyway.

We can't categorically say he's a complete pillow muncher. But the evidence suggests a maladjusted bisexual with a Michael Jacksonesque complex and an overbearing mother and absentee father.

The evidence is in plain sight. "Anti separation settlement device" doesn't hold an ounce of water. Not a single man has ever done this in the past that I've ever heard of. Great footballer, wacko as a person.
He's as "red pill" as Liberace's hairdresser crossed with Marvel's Captain Cuck.

Game Recognized: Cristiano Ronaldo

Quote: (07-03-2017 05:53 AM)Dan Woolf Wrote:  

Quote: (07-03-2017 03:29 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

Whether it's Ronaldo or an ordinary SJW lesbian tri-spirit demi-sexual tranny, surrogacy was and remains one of the greatest examples of degeneracy of our times.

You say this on a forum that was created by a pickup artist and that mostly focuses on gaming women for short-term relationships and traveling to poor countries for casual sex.

[Image: laugh6.gif]

Was your username perhaps meant to be Diana Wolf but you made a typo during registration? Because bringing up two washed-out feminist stereotypes of this forum really does yourself a major disservice.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Game Recognized: Cristiano Ronaldo

Quote: (07-03-2017 06:46 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

Was your username perhaps meant to be Diana Wolf but you made a typo during registration? Because bringing up two washed-out feminist stereotypes of this forum really does yourself a major disservice.

So, you condemn degeneracy and then start hurling personal insults when someone points out that some people might think that pre-marital and/or casual sex is also degenerate? Okay.

Game Recognized: Cristiano Ronaldo

I've just discovered this. He admits that the child doesn't know who his mother is. And that he will only tell him when he's 18. Sorry, but thats not "game". Thats child abuse. Infact, you can argue its abuse of the mother too.

Ronaldo must be quiet a troubled man. I never thought I could feel sorry for someone who has his level of good fortune. But actually, I do.

Game Recognized: Cristiano Ronaldo

Quote: (07-03-2017 09:40 AM)BelyyTigr Wrote:  

I've just discovered this. He admits that the child doesn't know who his mother is. And that he will only tell him when he's 18. Sorry, but thats not "game". Thats child abuse. Infact, you can argue its abuse of the mother too.

Ronaldo must be quiet a troubled man. I never thought I could feel sorry for someone who has his level of good fortune. But actually, I do.

I honestly wouldn't trade growing up with a loving mother for inheriting $10million dollars. Or 20, or 50. I'm pretty surprised at the people in the thread trying to defend this wacko parenting choice because "the kids will have money". You can't replace a mother's love with money.

Game Recognized: Cristiano Ronaldo

Huh? Why do you guys think his kids will never have a mother? He may eventually settle down with one of his girlfriends. I don't think Ronaldo is gay, the guy has seen more pussy than a veterinarian. I don't think he necessarily made a wrong move with surrogates though it does suggest underlying mental issues or some sort of complex going on.

In a way that's as red pill as it gets. No woman can EVER control him now. The two legal means by which women routinely fuck over men are marriage and child support. He just nixed those.

But I think he could mitigate the lack of a mother for the kids if he settled down into an LTR. That being said I don't think the kids will necessarily be fucked up mentally from this he seems like a good and obviously very eager father. Only time will tell.

Game Recognized: Cristiano Ronaldo

Quote: (07-03-2017 09:58 AM)zatara Wrote:  

Quote: (07-03-2017 09:40 AM)BelyyTigr Wrote:  

I've just discovered this. He admits that the child doesn't know who his mother is. And that he will only tell him when he's 18. Sorry, but thats not "game". Thats child abuse. Infact, you can argue its abuse of the mother too.

Ronaldo must be quiet a troubled man. I never thought I could feel sorry for someone who has his level of good fortune. But actually, I do.

I honestly wouldn't trade growing up with a loving mother for inheriting $10million dollars. Or 20, or 50. I'm pretty surprised at the people in the thread trying to defend this wacko parenting choice because "the kids will have money". You can't replace a mother's love with money.

I second this. It's so bad that a man like Rinaldo, a modern day king, must reproduce using a bunch of tech, because he cannot trust a single woman. The money will make things worse for the kid.

Game Recognized: Cristiano Ronaldo

When he grows up, It may likely be vulnerable to insults in the vein of "manufactured baby"...

We move between light and shadow, mutually influencing and being influenced through shades of gray...

Game Recognized: Cristiano Ronaldo

Quote: (07-03-2017 07:14 AM)Dan Woolf Wrote:  

Quote: (07-03-2017 06:46 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

Was your username perhaps meant to be Diana Wolf but you made a typo during registration? Because bringing up two washed-out feminist stereotypes of this forum really does yourself a major disservice.

So, you condemn degeneracy and then start hurling personal insults when someone points out that some people might think that pre-marital and/or casual sex is also degenerate? Okay.

Look, I don't have anything against you but it's not right to refer to Roosh and forum members as "degenerate" and promote feminist fantasies about "travelling to poor countries for casual sex". It sounds like something you'd expect from Huffington Post, not Everything else. Peace.

As for Ronaldo, this experiment will end badly for his kids but if he cared about that he wouldn't have picked this route in the first place.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Game Recognized: Cristiano Ronaldo

Cristiano Ronaldo is no role model after his 'degrading' decision to use a surrogate mother to have children says respected Portuguese surgeon

[Image: 426E595700000578-4704756-image-a-40_1500325219996.jpg]


One of Portugal's most respected surgeons has attacked Cristiano Ronaldo and his mother over the footballer's 'degrading' decision to have surrogate children.

Gentil Martins described the Real Madrid star as a great athlete but said having twins with a surrogate mother disqualified him as a role model.

Eva and Mateo were born in the US last month before being taken to Madrid in Spain to live with the footballer.

But now Dr Martins has accused Cristiano's mother Dolores Aveiro, who joined her son on a family holiday in Ibiza last week, of failing to give him a proper education.

The comments from the veteran surgeon, 87, who is a pioneer in the separation of conjoined twins, were made during an interview with Portuguese newspaper Expresso.

Asked what he thought about the idea of an unmarried man like Ronaldo having children using a surrogate mother, he said: 'I consider it to be a serious crime. It's degrading and sad.

'Ronaldo is an excellent athlete, he has tremendous merit but it's moral stupor. He cannot be an example to anyone.'

Hitting out at Dolores Aveiro, he added: 'Everyone has the right to have a mother.

'I think one of the main people to blame for this situation is Cristiano's mum. That woman didn't give her son any education whatsoever.'

His controversial comments, fuelled by further claims in the interview that he believed homosexuality was an 'anomaly', led to an immediate backlash from other doctors.

At least two female medics have said they will lodge a formal complaint over his comments about same-sex relationships.

The Portuguese Medical Association confirmed it was opening an inquiry over his comments on homosexuality, with its president Miguel Guimaraes describing the association's former leader as a 'special person'.

Cristiano's month-old twins Eva and Mateo were reported to have been conceived in a US laboratory and born to a surrogate mum.

The surrogate's name is said to have been left blank on both birth certificates in which Ronaldo is named as the father with his full name Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro.

The documents, which were obtained by a UK newspaper earlier this month, show that the twins were delivered by a California-based obstetrician named as Dr Maria Castillo at the Sharp Grossmont Hospital near San Diego.

Mystery surrounds the birth of Cristiano's eldest son Cristiano Jr. with the footballer's family always refusing to discuss whether the youngster was born to a surrogate mother - despite allegations by a former nanny.

The footballer has also faced claims that he is secretly gay after photos emerged of him intimately relaxing with his Moroccan kickboxing friend Badr Hari appeared in 2015.

French TV pundit Daniel Riolo reacted to the pictures at the time by speculating that his regular trips to Morocco might be affecting his performance on the pitch.

He said: 'I'm sure flying off to Morocco three or four times a week to see a friend and cuddle with him might have an impact on his performances eventually.'

Mr Martins' controversial comments about Cristiano, whose girlfriend Georgina Rodriguez is rumoured to be pregnant, were made at the start of the interview and have caused shockwaves across Portugal.

One, anglicising the surgeon's first name, wrote on Twitter: 'Gentil Martins…the name Genteel is an irony, isn't it?'

Another jokingly added: 'Not so Genteel Martins.'

Why are they giving an 87 year old man shit because he thinks faggotry is wrong? He's too old to have been influenced by SJW bullshit. He's also not afraid to call out Ronaldo's mother.

If a single sportswoman was raising her kids alone, what would the media say?

Game Recognized: Cristiano Ronaldo

Surrogate baby was a great idea by Ronaldo. He gets to pick someone with good genetics / family health history etc and avoids spousal, child support / divorce. For what? A couple hundred thousand? About what he makes in a day or two. Great deal.

I don't get the impression hes gay. See the following for example where he allegedly settled a claim made by a female whom said he raped her.

I would think the story would've been taken down if there was 0 truth in relation to the settlement as his legal team would be all over it.

Game Recognized: Cristiano Ronaldo

He's having another child from his girlfriend now.

That's gonna be 4th one.

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