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Article: "EU lawmakers vote to scrap visa-free travel for Americans to Europe"

Article: "EU lawmakers vote to scrap visa-free travel for Americans to Europe"

Not sure if this should go here or on politics but as it concerns aspects of traveling, putting it here.
If Mods think this should be moved, please do so.


Quote:RT article Wrote:

The European Parliament has passed a non-binding resolution calling on Brussels to force Americans to apply for visas before visiting Europe unless Washington adheres to a visa reciprocity policy and stops discriminating against eastern EU citizens.
The resolution, passed by a show of hands, demands equal treatment and reciprocity for all EU citizens from Washington as the US continues to refuse visa-free access to people from Poland, Croatia, Bulgaria, and Romania, along with Cyprus. Other 23 EU member states can enter the US using the Visa Waiver Programme (VWP).

The European lawmakers urged the EU Commission to adopt the necessary legal measures “within two months” to limit American visa-free travel to Europe.


“The EU Commission is legally obliged to take measures temporarily reintroducing visa requirements for US citizens, given that Washington still does not grant visa-free access to nationals of five EU countries,” the EU parliament said in a press release.

The violation of VWP was first reported in April 2014, when the European Commission was notified that five countries, including the US, were not meeting their obligations to allow all EU nationals visa-free entry. American nationals, however, are still allowed to enter the EU without obtaining a visa.

Brussels notified Washington of the violation on April 12, 2014, and gave the US a choice to amend the practice within 24 months. As of now, the restrictions by the Americans are still in place.

If the US does not lift visa barriers by April, the Commission is required to act and suspend the visa waiver for US nationals for 12 months, unless either parliament or the EU Council object.

Prior to Thursday’s vote, the European Travel Commission (ETC) warned that placing visa restrictions on America will have a negative impact on the EU’s economy.

“We are very concerned about the economic and political impact of a suspension of visa waiver for US nationals,” Eduardo Santander, executive director of the ETC, said in a letter to MEPs.

“Making it more difficult for US citizens to travel to Europe would certainly deprive the European travel and tourism sector of essential revenue, and put thousands of European jobs at stake in one of the few sectors which experienced a strong growth in employment,” he added, according to the Guardian.

To avoid placing restrictions on Americans, the commission, according to Reuters, has already contacted Donald Trump’s administration “to push for full visa reciprocity.” The issue could be resolved at the next EU-US ministerial meeting penciled in for June 15.

“We will report on further progress made before the end of June and continue to work closely with both the European Parliament and the Council,” a European Commission spokeswoman said.

There you go folks,
Do you think this will be a game changer, or does it seem some sort of retaliatory action against the Don?

We move between light and shadow, mutually influencing and being influenced through shades of gray...

Article: "EU lawmakers vote to scrap visa-free travel for Americans to Europe"

If they want to lose millions in tourism because the US makes Romanian gypsies apply for visas than have at it. The EU is on its last legs anyway.

Article: "EU lawmakers vote to scrap visa-free travel for Americans to Europe"

Quote: (03-03-2017 07:17 AM)Enigma Wrote:  

If they want to lose millions in tourism because the US makes Romanian gypsies apply for visas than have at it. The EU is on its last legs anyway.

That's what I find so strange.
Then again, I'd be surprised if Brussels came up with anything that sounded remotely common sensed...

We move between light and shadow, mutually influencing and being influenced through shades of gray...

Article: "EU lawmakers vote to scrap visa-free travel for Americans to Europe"

Quote: (03-03-2017 07:28 AM)El_Gostro Wrote:  

Quote: (03-03-2017 07:17 AM)Enigma Wrote:  

If they want to lose millions in tourism because the US makes Romanian gypsies apply for visas than have at it. The EU is on its last legs anyway.

That's what I find so strange.
Then again, I'd be surprised if Brussels came up with anything that sounded remotely common sensed...

I agree with this for several reasons. In summary, economic and social nationalism is good and tourism in the last 2-3 years has become more and more anti social,im not just talking about staggers either.

1 Transantlantic travel is becoming cheaper, European city break stops have too many tourists already and the infrastructure isn't in place/will never be for residents to not be peeved
2 Poles and Romanians who can travel abroad should have the same rights as Germans or Austrians, especially since there is no kebap in the former block nations
3 Having to apply for a visa has a sorting effect to keep less riff raff out
4 Many American expats ,especially red pilled ones like myself hate other murkans,whether it be coastal snobs or nouveau riche flyovers/southerners ,there are some truly cool dudes out there, but most are an eye soar/headache

This is the only EC proposal that Le Pen actually would give a stamp of approval

Article: "EU lawmakers vote to scrap visa-free travel for Americans to Europe"


> The EU requires (non EU of course) Eastern Europeans to get visas. They have dangled Schengen Visa-Free zone to Ukraine for years and continue to diddle-daddle.

> There can never be too many tourists though, since it represents more money for them; it might hurt the destination (Venice) but the governments want the revenue badly.

> Why should Poles & Romanians "have the same rights"? Sounds like SWJ in the Manosphere; nobody is entitled to anything in life, much less entrance without a visa, or entrance at all. Short story is those countries' citizens are more likely to overstay their visa, (and have less money to spend as a tourist), since their economies are worse than Germany or Austria. Visa-waiver policy, both of the EU and US, has always reflected that.

This is impotent suppressed rage against the US; the good countries for us are mostly outside the EU anyway.

Article: "EU lawmakers vote to scrap visa-free travel for Americans to Europe"

A stupid move on the Europe's part. They're only screwing themselves so if they want to go forward with this let them. Poland, Croatia, Bulgaria, and Romania never should have been admitted into the EU which was supposed to be a Western European political and Economic entity. They've always been in Russia's sphere of influence. Their customs, cultures, and economies reflect that.

My hypothesis is that EU businessmen wanted a source of cheap labor, and policy wonks wanted a roadblock in case Russia ever tried to invade. The average guy just trying to make a living is the one getting screwed by the elites, as always. At least the EU didn't go full retard and include Turkey as many were pushing for. If that would have happened Europe as we know it wouldn't exist right now.

I'm getting blood right EU citizenship so it won't effect me either way. I'll be sure to write my European representatives to let them know how I feel about the matter once I get my citizenship though.

"Those who will not risk cannot win." -John Paul Jones

Article: "EU lawmakers vote to scrap visa-free travel for Americans to Europe"

Quote: (03-03-2017 09:51 AM)mpr Wrote:  

A stupid move on the Europe's part. They're only screwing themselves so if they want to go forward with this let them. Poland, Croatia, Bulgaria, and Romania never should have been admitted into the EU which was supposed to be a Western European political and Economic entity.

That's because the Germans, Swiss, Brits and other Globalist wanted cheap labour, it was never about European people. It was about money.

If you love life, don't waste time, for time is what life is made up of.
– Bruce Lee

One must give value, but one must profit from it too, life is about balance

Article: "EU lawmakers vote to scrap visa-free travel for Americans to Europe"

The EU has tried this threat against the USA many times over the last 10 years and never follows through.
They are pussies.
And pussies get fucked.
Over and over.

Article: "EU lawmakers vote to scrap visa-free travel for Americans to Europe"

This is being talked for past 2-3 years at least. Europe is all talk, no action. I don't think they have enough balls to do this.

Article: "EU lawmakers vote to scrap visa-free travel for Americans to Europe"

A consequence of US visa chauvinism. This is what happens when you close borders. Two way street. Wave your fists of cash around all you want.

Article: "EU lawmakers vote to scrap visa-free travel for Americans to Europe"

Doesn't seem like something that is going to happen;


Former Communist countries Poland, Croatia, Bulgaria and Romania, as well as the Mediterranean island of Cyprus, have been calling on Brussels to end U.S. discrimination against their citizens.

But the economic cost of imposing visa restrictions on the millions of American tourists and business travelers who visit Europe each year is a major disincentive.

Article: "EU lawmakers vote to scrap visa-free travel for Americans to Europe"

Quote: (03-03-2017 11:35 AM)churros Wrote:  

A consequence of US visa chauvinism. This is what happens when you close borders. Two way street. Wave your fists of cash around all you want.

Thanks. I'll wave my fists of cash around in South America.

Article: "EU lawmakers vote to scrap visa-free travel for Americans to Europe"

Like said by others here. This is not the first that this happen. I doubt EU will do something about it.

Article: "EU lawmakers vote to scrap visa-free travel for Americans to Europe"

These are the same clowns who are threatening Marine Le Pen. Hopefully, their days are numbered.

Rico... Sauve....

Article: "EU lawmakers vote to scrap visa-free travel for Americans to Europe"

Quote: (03-03-2017 12:13 PM)BrewDog Wrote:  

Quote: (03-03-2017 11:35 AM)churros Wrote:  

A consequence of US visa chauvinism. This is what happens when you close borders. Two way street. Wave your fists of cash around all you want.

Thanks. I'll wave my fists of cash around in South America.

Wait, that place you want to build a wall around?

Article: "EU lawmakers vote to scrap visa-free travel for Americans to Europe"

Quote: (03-03-2017 12:33 PM)churros Wrote:  

Quote: (03-03-2017 12:13 PM)BrewDog Wrote:  

Quote: (03-03-2017 11:35 AM)churros Wrote:  

A consequence of US visa chauvinism. This is what happens when you close borders. Two way street. Wave your fists of cash around all you want.

Thanks. I'll wave my fists of cash around in South America.

Wait, that place you want to build a wall around?
Please go back through my post history and find where I've stated that I wanted to build a wall around South America. I'm not saying it's impossible. I drink a lot. But I don't think I ever said it.

Article: "EU lawmakers vote to scrap visa-free travel for Americans to Europe"

Quote: (03-03-2017 11:35 AM)churros Wrote:  

A consequence of US visa chauvinism. This is what happens when you close borders. Two way street. Wave your fists of cash around all you want.
[Image: trump-laughing-1024x545-800x426.jpg]
Europe doesn't even have the balls to kick out 3rd world Islamic peasants from Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and sub saharan Africa. Even after they illegally immigrate, rape European women, and commit terrorist attacks against EU citizens. Instead Europe gives them free: food, shelter, healthcare, education, and even internet access. Do you seriously think that they're going to bar US tourists from coming to spend money that the eurozone economy so desperately needs?! lmao! If you're a US citizen the only "penalty" you'll face is having to fill out a form at the airport before you leave. If this passes. Which it won't.

"Those who will not risk cannot win." -John Paul Jones

Article: "EU lawmakers vote to scrap visa-free travel for Americans to Europe"

Exactly, the person that came up with this is like the people who refuse to believe how incredibly easy it would be to build a wall on our southern border (and I would argue make Mexico pay for it as well). It is incredibly easy. But they refuse to look at reality, because they think the status quo is reality, when it's not. If they didn't notice yet, the status quo (being a pussy) is getting kicked in the balls (by us and Trump). Since they haven't kicked the status quo in the balls, there is no reason to believe they'll change one iota.

And as mpr says above, we know it and they know it.

Article: "EU lawmakers vote to scrap visa-free travel for Americans to Europe"

[Image: hijacked.gif]

This is the travel section.......

"I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story." Nas

Article: "EU lawmakers vote to scrap visa-free travel for Americans to Europe"

I'd be happy if the EU had the balls to do so. It would result in less lower-class tourists as they are kept away by the visa-hassle. It would not cause trouble for the guys on this forum, it simply means you have to pay and that's it. But unluckily the EU has not balls at all, so don't expect anything to change.

Article: "EU lawmakers vote to scrap visa-free travel for Americans to Europe"

Quote: (03-03-2017 01:29 PM)ElJefe1 Wrote:  

[Image: hijacked.gif]

This is the travel section.......

It's the section about places I'm not going to visit if I have to buy a visa. I guess it fits here.

Article: "EU lawmakers vote to scrap visa-free travel for Americans to Europe"

This is all talk...see below and scroll down to foreign visitors....

Article: "EU lawmakers vote to scrap visa-free travel for Americans to Europe"

Quote: (03-03-2017 03:06 PM)godzilla Wrote:  

This is all talk...see below and scroll down to foreign visitors....

Yeah, it always baffles me a bit when Europeans claim that Americans don't travel. I've been to some great places in the world and some very shitty ones, and there's always other Gringos there.

I was in the murder capital of the world (at the time), San Pedro Sula, and I didn't expect to see any Americans. I met a dude from Minnesota. lol

Article: "EU lawmakers vote to scrap visa-free travel for Americans to Europe"

We're pretty much everywhere.

I hiked up a random mountain in South Africa about 3 hours from Cape Town and 2 old guys from Georgia were at the bottom of the mountain when I came down. I guess we have a lot of retired people.

I was in a tiny city in the Amazon once, thinking their would no Americans, and yet there they were. They were training military in this specific country and went "into town" for drinks.

Article: "EU lawmakers vote to scrap visa-free travel for Americans to Europe"

Quote: (03-03-2017 12:55 PM)mpr Wrote:  

Europe doesn't even have the balls to kick out 3rd world Islamic peasants from Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and sub saharan Africa. Even after they illegally immigrate, rape European women, and commit terrorist attacks against EU citizens. Instead Europe gives them free: food, shelter, healthcare, education, and even internet access. Do you seriously think that they're going to bar US tourists from coming to spend money that the eurozone economy so desperately needs?! lmao! If you're a US citizen the only "penalty" you'll face is having to fill out a form at the airport before you leave. If this passes. Which it won't.

Wait, you're saying Americans are refugees?

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