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Quebec City Mosque shooting

Quebec City Mosque shooting

Quote: (01-30-2017 08:18 PM)Curunír Wrote:  

People of Roosh V Land.

Only one shooter, multiple witnesses, confession of shooter, video cams.

Admission of friends of shooters he talked about muslims and was active online against feminists and muslims.

Multiples screenshots of him online activity.

This is basically someone who had our narrative who blew up.

Very bad and if the media blames Trump well we need to blame the shooter.

Samseau you are a highly respected member here I admired your work for D. Trump in NH, I personally am the biggest D. Trump fan around, but here are the facts;

First time a white man initiates a major killing spree in a mosquee in the West.

People I know went to school with the killer.

Quebec is not a banana republic, birthplace of North America.

No false flag Jon Le Carré BS happens here.

So treat the facts as they are not by saying this was anything else than a setback for everyone who want to speak publicly against muslim immigration and common sense.

This shooter took us way back.

At least for those who live here.






And you canucks need to get comfortable with the fact that violence is already upon you. The only difference yesterday is that the violence affected muslims rather than non-muslims.

You guys don't have a Trump. Like Australia your politics is completely cucked. So what were you hoping? For a gentle slide into oblivion where the political Right held the high moral ground of total pacifism until every last one of them was genocided by muslims?

Gut up. Shit's going to get messy and 6 guys shot up in a mosque is nothing. You are not going to wash your hands of this by cucking yourself. Get ready for more of the same or get ready to be a victim of the dar-al-harb.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Quebec City Mosque shooting

Violence is not only coming, whether you want it or not, it is ALREADY HERE.

The social order will continue to break down the more the demographics shift. People are going to start getting more tribal. The only thing that matters now is who is your tribe, and is it well-armed and prepared when violence is brought to its doorstep?

Everyone is a pacifist until they have an intruder inside their house. Every major Western nation has sleeper cells of Muslims just waiting to attack once the time is right. Read your history books. These people are warlords at heart. The moderates in Islam always get purged. The apostates are murdered. The non-Muslims enslaved.

The only thing that remains: What are you doing to prepare your tribe?

John Michael Kane's Datasheets: Master The Credit Game: Save & Make Money By Being Credit Savvy
Boycott these companies that hate men: King's Wiki Boycott List

Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein

Quebec City Mosque shooting

It will be very interesting to see what if any reaction comes from the muslim society. We have never really been in this situation. Will they go violent in the streets? Peaceful marches like Europeans do?

Quebec City Mosque shooting

Quote: (01-30-2017 09:21 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

It will be very interesting to see what if any reaction comes from the muslim society. We have never really been in this situation. Will they go violent in the streets? Peaceful marches like Europeans do?

They're only 3.2% of the population. Haven't hit the right percentage yet for outright mass jihadi shit like that yet, that comes after they've got their own Shari'a courts in place and whole sections of cities as no-go areas for anyone with an untanned face. Also see: Britistan.

Besides, they've got the other 97% of Canada doing their bidding, why would they need to get violent?

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

Quebec City Mosque shooting

Look at how they go full jihadi in London now that they have a jihadi mayor. Every single time Muslims reach critical mass, they start dropping the hammer down on everybody else. They are totalitarians in the purist sense of the word.

John Michael Kane's Datasheets: Master The Credit Game: Save & Make Money By Being Credit Savvy
Boycott these companies that hate men: King's Wiki Boycott List

Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein

Quebec City Mosque shooting

It's interesting to see what happens because I think this is the first time Muslims have been targeted in this way. Mosques are very easy targets. When Muslims are praying they are all congregated together facing the same direction with the back to the door. It is a major sin to 'break' the prayers once started - which means look around, turn around, step in any direction etc - which can last upwards of 15 minutes. Everyone is expected to be praying so no one will be checking to see if anyone comes in.

I'd expect the Muslims I know to be afraid and keep a low-profile if it happened to them.

Quebec City Mosque shooting

Curunir is right, Quebec is not like USA, it's a small country of 7,000,000 people who more or less know each other and is very homogenous. It's a small family.

It's a major step back because this black sheep makes every right-winger look bad. People are blaming the right-wing politicians and medias from the province now even if the majority of the province is somewhat right-wing, and against Trudeault (outside Montreal). This will give a lot of munitions to Couillard and Trudeault.

It was simply a stupid move, using violence is never a good idea and is pushing the narritive of extreme left-wingers.

My prayers to the victims, most immigrants I know integrated very well in Quebec compared to France and I feel sad because this will divide people. Quebec is one of the few places where immigration has been successful and integration has been good.

Quebec City Mosque shooting

Quote: (01-30-2017 08:29 PM)ed pluribus unum Wrote:  

Quote: (01-30-2017 08:20 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Why do you say it's a setback?


No one has to do anything to show their sympathy or rejection, the muslims don't, why should we?

It's a setback. I won't be attending any weepy vigils for the shooting victims, just like I didn't see any mosques organizing vigils for victims of Orlando or Berlin. However our Soros-loving cuck PM's gov't is on the verge of introducing anti-"Islamophobic" hate-speech laws and was already in the process of preparing to review (i.e. greatly increase) our gun control laws. The timing could not be better to push those two agendas.

Conspiracy or not, I agree that this will be the leverage Trudeau needs to go for the 'islamophobia is a hate crime' law.

They used Zundel to leverage 'hate speech' laws in 2000. This is definitely a crisis that Canada will not let go to waste.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

Quebec City Mosque shooting

Don't know if it is a false flag or not - there are plenty of Islamic terrorist attacks - major ones - that I consider absolutely false flag operations. But no reason to go into it.

The timing is suspect, the shooter according to witnesses was well-versed in shooting and killing. There were multiple shooters reported by witnesses, but of course only the white guy remaining.

And yes - they are blaming it on Trump:

Fuck that - I refuse to take responsibility for it and neither won't Trump.

Islam teaches constant violence against unbelievers - killing them wherever they find them. Trump and Christianity teach the opposite. Defending yourself is fine, but murder is not. And this is not war with Islam yet. That will come later.

[Image: alexandre-bisson.jpg]

Could it be that this pasty boy did it and not a false flage black-ops team?

Let us tally the numbers of Islamic terrorism that is backed up by Islam vs terror that is not backed by Christianity and then you will find how the balance is tilted.

Islam will always outkill everyone unless the Western powers send out their entire militaries (which they already do, but not in the West).

Quebec City Mosque shooting

I notice that MSM is today giving us the names, background stories, family pictures, of the victims, in this case.

On the other hand, with the Bataclan, Orlando, Somalians-in-Michigan-malls, FLL terror attacks... the victims are kept anonymous, no stories about them in the media.

Clearly, for the Establishment, (numerous) victims of Islamist shooters have to remain faceless and nameless, all but forgotten by the media... But, with (extremely rare) victims of a White shooter (of which almost none exist), then the media will talk about them at length. Sad, and unfair. All victims should be honored by the establishment.

Quebec City Mosque shooting

There was a whole lot of victim beatification after Charlie Hebdo, round the clock for months on end, and it came with an elaborate marketing campaign that was launched instantly, complete with slogans and props. There was a lot of that for the Bataclan too. And in parallel, new laws restricting freedoms and privacy, like the Patriot Act (which was mostly drawn up by Biden, just before the Oklahoma City Bombing and years before 9/11).

I don't buy the second shooter theory with a Moroccan "allah akbar" gunman. How could Bissonnette, a guy who hates muslims so much he was compelled to massacre them, have associated so tightly with him as to be his wingman, and why would that Morroccan slaughter other muslims? The only theory that might make sense is if Bissonnette was egged on by paramilitary types connected to the deep state, that's actually a pretty common pattern (1993 WTC, Shoe Bomber etc):

Thisbeing said, I agree with Curunír, that theory looks very unlikely at this point. Barring some tangible new evidence (camera footage, more witness testimonies etc), you have to go with the official version.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Quebec City Mosque shooting

The whole thing smells bad. A contact of mine says its a wahabist incident and that Trudeu will shortly put it away to avoid too much investigation.

"What is important is to try to develop insights and wisdom rather than mere knowledge, respect someone's character rather than his learning, and nurture men of character rather than mere talents." - Inazo Nitobe

When i´m feeling blue, when i just need something to shock me up, i look at this thread and everything get better!

Letters from the battlefront: Argentina

Quebec City Mosque shooting

Quote: (01-31-2017 12:48 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Islam will always outkill everyone unless the Western powers send out their entire militaries (which they already do, but not in the West).

Isn't that how islamic terrorism got started in the first place? Without the neocons pushing the US into invading Iraq, using American treasure and blood to implement their israeli mideast balkanization plan, Zbignew's building up the mujahidin against the USSR in Afghanistan, propping the wahabis in Saudi, overthrowing the Shah in Iran, Israel founding Hamas, then ISIS along with NATO and the Gulf states, where would islamic terror be today?

You know we're not really fighting ISIS up to now, we've been funding them, and even giving them air support against the Syrian army, right? they don't have local support, even among the sunni muslims, that's why the regime has been able to hold on to the main cities, Aleppo and Damascus.

Do you think we should build up radical death cults like ISIS or Boka Haram so we can get in and destroy their countries? That's basically what we've been doing for the past few decades, at a cost of $5-$10 trillion. Wouldn't it be better to butt out and let the secular governments that were already in place take the terrorists out, with the support of their own muslim population, also solving the refugee problem?

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Quebec City Mosque shooting

This guy was very stupid if he thought shooting up Muslims would help his cause.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Quebec City Mosque shooting

Mass shooters of any creed tend not to be the sharpest tools in the shed.

John Michael Kane's Datasheets: Master The Credit Game: Save & Make Money By Being Credit Savvy
Boycott these companies that hate men: King's Wiki Boycott List

Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein

Quebec City Mosque shooting

Islamic terror was there long before Brzezinski. Give me a break there.

You should go back to the Migrant thread and get an entire treaty of what Islam truly is. The advent of the Internet would have radicalized the Muslims anyway, because then any Mohammed could read in his language what was actually said in the Quran and the Hadiths. Why do you think so many white converts become radical? Because those buggers study the works and know that ISIS is Islam. If they convert, then they are going to live it fully and not have some lukewarm version of Islam.

The globalists do plenty of scheming, but Muslims are not innocent snowflakes. If they ruled then you would be speaking Arabic and living in the middle ages likely as a slave or a dhimmi (or you would have converted and would be fucking your first cousin producing inbred morons).

There are numerous false flags that are certainly done by the globalists and Muslims there are at best patsies or low-level cannon fodder.

Your comparison of what happened in the 1950s-70s is faulty. Turkey had an immense number of slaves in living there in the 1950s - still living there. Those were the "moderates". Yes - it was much safer in the 60s to 80s to travel through the Middle East, but that is based on multiple reasons - high secularization was likely pushed also by the globalists back then (by the way - the Shah replaced a democratically elected president who was actually more dangerous to the interests of the US). The globalists likely changed course for Islam and instead of pushing secularization decided to go back to the radical roots. It happened all across the world from Pakistan, Iran, Egypt etc. up to the immigrants to the West.

I have written enough texts in the thread speculating that their calculations were the following:
Secularization of the Muslim world would take far too long and likely the people there would never truly become progressive hypersexualized marxists like they plan. The family would remain, some moderate chastity of women would remain as well (with freedom for the slutty girls) and likely some constant opposition to the globalists would also remain. So my bet is that they decided to change it all up and wipe out the Muslim world in one global crescendo thus also realizing their globalist police goals. Islam similar to the Global Warming con are the two main actors in this charade of power grab. But don't make the mistake of excusing many Muslims either. They may be played, but their own personal Jihad and plans of creating a global Caliphate are real. They have not changed since 1400 years, but in the 1970s most folk laughed about it in the Middle East. Now they start dreaming again.


As for this case - who knows what happened.

Real people died. The likelihood is high that it was another false flag (80% by my personal estimate). Or it was the usual mass shooter who did not read the fine print of the psychotropic meds he was taking (murderous rage as a side effect should give you room for pause).

We will probably find out more soon. If there was an anti-terror exercise happening at the very same day nearby that tested a terrorist shooting at a mosque, then we can safely assume that it was a false flag. You will be surprised to find out how many exercises happened with exactly the same scenario - for example 7/7 of London - they literally had an exercise training on how to react with multiple bombings in the subway and buses on the very same day - hundreds of cops were involved.

But we know the agenda - they will paint every Trump supporter a potential terrorist, they will claim that we Whites are all potential mass-murdering psychos and they will pound this news to ban more guns, guilt-trip more whites in addition claiming that Islamophobia should be punishable (even speaking badly of Islam or speaking the very truth is going to be outlawed:

Canada is inching toward a broadly-based law that would codify “Islamophobia” as a hate crime without even defining Islamophobia or demonstrating that it is a phenomenon requiring legal action

Quebec City Mosque shooting

'John Michael Kane'
Mass shooters of any creed tend not to be the sharpest tools in the shed.

And this is where it gets strange, because according to reports then he was highly intelligent nerdy guy who read a lot. Sure - very smart guys can do terrible things too, but usually they are smarter when doing it or they are truly extreme in their views like Breivik.

Quebec City Mosque shooting


Mass shooters = Mental illness, low-IQ, usually caught or shot on-scene.
Hackers, Bomb Makers, Saboteurs = High IQ, desire not to be caught, can often commit many instances of terror without capture.

This guy breaks the mold.

John Michael Kane's Datasheets: Master The Credit Game: Save & Make Money By Being Credit Savvy
Boycott these companies that hate men: King's Wiki Boycott List

Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein

Quebec City Mosque shooting

Quote: (01-31-2017 03:13 PM)911 Wrote:  

There was a whole lot of victim beatification after Charlie Hebdo, round the clock for months on end, and it came with an elaborate marketing campaign that was launched instantly, complete with slogans and props.

There was a lot of that for the Bataclan too.

The only theory that might make sense is if Bissonnette was egged on by paramilitary types connected to the deep state, that's actually a pretty common pattern (1993 WTC, Shoe Bomber etc):

There was a whole lot of victim beatification after Charlie Hebdo: kind of true (at the beginning), but it was because the victims already were very famous (leftist and pro-immigration, by the way) media people in France. So it was unavoidable to speak about them: they were already known by the public.

Still, they have now disappeared from MSM interest and "public eye": for example, nobody speaks anymore in the media about Wolinski and Cabu, who were major MSM employees (drawing for some of the biggest French newspapers, for decades)... no street named after them... the Establishment has doomed them to oblivion, even though they were part of the Establishment...

As to the Bataclan victims, no images of who they were. No gallery of the fallen. MSM has lumped them into anonymity and, also, oblivion. Most of their corpses have not even been "released", returned, to their families (but it is also because they have been so tortured and sexually maimed that MSM decided to hide the extent of their martyr).

Regarding your last paragraph quoted above, you are probably right.

Question being: who gave the Kalashnikov to the shooter, and why now, just during the "ban-on-Migrants" controversy?? Which Establishment agency gave the Kalash and spurred this weak-minded beta dude into action? We'll never know.

Quebec City Mosque shooting

^Yeah thats one thing I wondered myself. AK47s are not only restricted, they are completely banned in Canada. The only way he could have gotten one would be if he had some really good criminal connections. That or it's really not a AK, more like a vz58 which would make sense since he only got 6 people in a room of crowded people.

If he had an AK47, that would be a solid lead because who ever gave it to him would have to be connected enough to acquire one.

Quebec City Mosque shooting

Quote: (01-31-2017 07:30 PM)CaptainChardonnay Wrote:  

^Yeah thats one thing I wondered myself. AK47s are not only restricted, they are completely banned in Canada. The only way he could have gotten one would be if he had some really good criminal connections. That or it's really not a AK, more like a vz58 which would make sense since he only got 6 people in a room of crowded people.

If he had an AK47, that would be a solid lead because who ever gave it to him would have to be connected enough to acquire one.

Latest information:

AK-47 jammed when shooter entered the mosquee. (video and witnesses)

He used his pistols.

Suspect was also intoxicated with alcohol.

Police say death count could of been very much higher if AK-47 not jammed.

I agree with Samseau that this guy really was stupid thinking this could help an anti islam cause.

Quebec City Mosque shooting

Quote: (01-31-2017 08:07 PM)Curunír Wrote:  

Quote: (01-31-2017 07:30 PM)CaptainChardonnay Wrote:  

^Yeah thats one thing I wondered myself. AK47s are not only restricted, they are completely banned in Canada. The only way he could have gotten one would be if he had some really good criminal connections. That or it's really not a AK, more like a vz58 which would make sense since he only got 6 people in a room of crowded people.

If he had an AK47, that would be a solid lead because who ever gave it to him would have to be connected enough to acquire one.

Latest information:

AK-47 jammed when shooter entered the mosquee. (video and witnesses)

He used his pistols.

Suspect was also intoxicated with alcohol.

Police say death count could of been very much higher if AK-47 not jammed.

I agree with Samseau that this guy really was stupid thinking this could help an anti islam cause.

So we still don't know though if it was an actual AK-47 or a rifle styled like one. As in was it an automatic weapon or just a semi auto with AK-47 styling which would be much easier to obtain in canada. (like AR-15 vs. actual m4 or m16)

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

Quebec City Mosque shooting

Quote: (01-31-2017 04:26 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

This guy was very stupid if he thought shooting up Muslims would help his cause.

Could say the same about Dylan Roof. Thanks to him, I had to buy a dozen Confederate battle flags for safekeeping. [Image: dodgy.gif]

Лучше поздно, чем никогда begins at "70% Warning Level."....

Quebec City Mosque shooting

Quote: (01-31-2017 04:47 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

'John Michael Kane'
Mass shooters of any creed tend not to be the sharpest tools in the shed.

And this is where it gets strange, because according to reports then he was highly intelligent nerdy guy who read a lot. Sure - very smart guys can do terrible things too, but usually they are smarter when doing it or they are truly extreme in their views like Breivik.

This guy was a complete normie, his last Facebook post was some joke about a dog dressed in Dominos gear. It just feels really weird to go from funny-dog-meme on a Friday to mass-killing-muslims on Sunday.

The timing of it happening was super fucking convenient and completely hurts us and what we believe in, yeah. I don't believe it's a false flag, it's just really goddamn convenient it happened now of all times. And now they're going to hold this guy up forever like Dylan Roof, you can never have a conversation about radical islamic terrorism without "Well white people are terrorists too, look at Dylan Roof". Ugh.

Never let a good crisis go to waste.

Quebec City Mosque shooting

Quote: (01-31-2017 07:30 PM)CaptainChardonnay Wrote:  

^Yeah thats one thing I wondered myself. AK47s are not only restricted, they are completely banned in Canada. The only way he could have gotten one would be if he had some really good criminal connections. That or it's really not a AK, more like a vz58 which would make sense since he only got 6 people in a room of crowded people.

If he had an AK47, that would be a solid lead because who ever gave it to him would have to be connected enough to acquire one.

Mainstream media in general, and Canadian media in particular, are notoriously incompetent in how they reference actual firearms. What he used could be any number of legal firearms.


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