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Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

Quote: (01-18-2017 05:52 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Quote: (01-18-2017 05:28 AM)John Michael Kane Wrote:  

The decentralized nature of the all-right will guarantee that it isn't going anywhere, despite the current drama. The all-right is a political movement, not an organization. It is easy to attack a centralized structure because you can identify it.

The all-right is an Internet phenomenon, meaning that the power is in the crowd rule, not individuals looking to make a name for themselves. Being rebels, all-right types will continue to have conflicts if they try to fall in behind leaders. Their power is, and will be, in strength in numbers, not an individual leader.

The strength in numbers works better under one rule.

If the AltRight was founded by one man and he held all the cards in it, then it would have a lasting chance.

Let us assume that Roosh creates a ReturnOfKings movement. Let us say that he holds complete authority who can be member and who can speak for the group. There may be high-co-workers, but no one can make any changes without his approval. Essentially you are in a hierarchal system - you either agree with Roosh or you say - "fuck it, I'm out."

I personally would be more relaxed in publicly supporting such a movement than the chaotic AltRight. At least with Roosh I can agree on 90%+ of points and if he become crazy in the future I can leave. With the decentralized AltRight you never know what your "movement" will do next week.

Our world is based on hierarchies - the globalists have them, countries have them, our world and the divine order likely has it. Any lasting opposition to the globalists must have a strong hierarchy or it will not get anywhere.

There are two types of power: Hard power and soft power. Hard power is Trump. He's actually in office and is capable of changing the rules on an official level. Soft power is the alt-right. They are the ideological underpinnings that got Trump to the White House. They don't technically hold "power" as in they aren't in office, but they certainly made Andrew Breitbart's old saying that politics is downstream of culture a truism. Hard power and soft power work together effectively. You need people shifting the Overton window, which is what all the alt-righters do. Even Spencer, who I think is counter-productive, has unintended benefit of making anyone to the left of him appear more "reasonable". The way the far left took power is to take extremely extreme positions, then dial it slightly back with incrementalism. The right can use the same tactic. Spencer might be an extremist, but there are plenty of others who can take a more mild version of his view and run with them. The political climate is ripe for change.

Quote: (01-18-2017 06:16 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Quote: (01-18-2017 05:28 AM)John Michael Kane Wrote:  

The decentralized nature of the all-right will guarantee that it isn't going anywhere, despite the current drama. The all-right is a political movement, not an organization. It is easy to attack a centralized structure because you can identify it.

The all-right is an Internet phenomenon, meaning that the power is in the crowd rule, not individuals looking to make a name for themselves. Being rebels, all-right types will continue to have conflicts if they try to fall in behind leaders. Their power is, and will be, in strength in numbers, not an individual leader.

The alt-right will continue to be most influential as a generic force of nature that causes key players to look at certain policies and say "do we really want to piss these people off?"

Yes. The alt-right will continue to do what the alt-right does best: Infiltrate cultural discussions on reddit, comment sections under news articles, meme warfare, facebook and twitter shitposting. The happy go lucky attitude of the alt-right and their lack of reverence for political correctness is what makes them the "cool kids" after liberals firmly established for many years that conservatives are "un-fun" and "rigid". Look at how much fun Milo is having. That is a key to winning. People want to be where the cool kids are at, and the dirty hippies protesting Trump these days look haggard in comparison. The Politico article about the alt-right even highlights the importance of having a quality photographer to make the alt-right figures look more glamourous. People want a few icons, which Milo and others certainly are, but beyond the icons is a massive and dedicated internet army which is changing culture and opinions as we speak.

John Michael Kane's Datasheets: Master The Credit Game: Save & Make Money By Being Credit Savvy
Boycott these companies that hate men: King's Wiki Boycott List

Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

In medieval terms, Trump is king, Alt-Right are the priests, 8-chan are the crusaders, twitter mob are footsoldiers.

What happened was that the temple knights got a little too tired of fat monks and decided to slay some of them.

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

Quote: (01-18-2017 03:53 PM)david.garrett84 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-18-2017 03:24 PM)Rhyme or Reason Wrote:  

^ What does that sign say?

I have never been to more polarized areas of Europe than the Netherlands and Niedersachsen. You get fuckloads of cucked, self-hating liberals living alongside shitlords.

[Image: laugh4.gif]

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

Quote: (01-18-2017 04:05 PM)BlackUniform Wrote:  

And to fuck and let fuck part. I don't like other tribes fucking my women, but I don't care that I am fucking theirs, why would I? It's not some lala world, it's not "Don't do to anyone what you don't wish for yourself." it's "The strongest dog fucks.". I will keep fucking the females of the world as long as it's not going to get me killed and they will do the same, that is the game, but why should I stop fucking their females if I don't want them to fuck mine?

Confusing tribe with "everyone that has the same colour skin as me" is what creates a clusterfuck on a lot of forums like this one.

If a woman is not under your control or the control of your father or your brother or your son then she's not in your tribe. Arguably her tribe is the government, because they gave her free reign to do as she pleases, so you either control the government or accept that the government is a hostile tribe oppressing you.

But some random woman who happens to have the same skin colour as you is not "tribe". Until recently, fellow skinmen were 90% of everyone we killed and were killed by.

That random woman belongs no more to you than any random chinese dude. 100 years ago there are strong odds you'd have never even met her, much less owned her.

Racial ownership theory seems to be a bizarre middle-ground that exists somewhere in the jump between actual specific bloodlines and the nationalism that followed it.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

^ Big government enables feminism and whorish cock carouseling as daddy government will provide financially for the child the tatted up aspiring musician puts in you.

Also creates tons of make work jobs for otherwise unemployable females.


Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

So I listened to the latest podcast where Mike and Sven were questioned about how all this came about. In case anyone's interested in listening:

Again, this guy lost his job (well-paying tech job), his wife, family disowned him, podcasts are leaving their website and the fanbase is torn apart. Anyone who honestly believes this is "controlled opposition", a "long con" to get money or information, or that he's Jewish himself obviously isn't part of that community and has never heard him speak.

Some points from the episode:

-TRS began as a site attacking leftists, obviously. They didn't pick up until the Trayvon Martin/Zimmerman case (getting into race realism perspectives) and read "Culture of Critique" to get on the JQ. So his opsec was trash because when the site was first created there wasn't any controversial content so there was no harm using his normie e-mail account. It wasn't something they thought about, obviously a mistake in hindsight.

-They didn't know about her youtube page, and her degeneracy was becoming a "point of contention" between them

-Nothing's changed as far as his opinions and what he says: he goes hard on Jews & Jewish influence in the media, the fact he wants a white America, white Europe, and ultimately wants to "prevent the U.S. from becoming Brazil, and prevent the Islamic invasion of Europe". He doesn't hate or support hate of anyone, but recognizes there are negative traits with some races.

-Mike wasn't involved in the forum/server and Sven had sole control of the "company paypal". There's also a couple of nice chats on "controlled opposition" and "tin foily accusations".

Things that weren't really resolved:

(1) At one point he says "What I do when we do the Daily Shoah is the same thing I did three years ago when we started: I go on my couch, I set up my laptop, I set up my mic, and I wait for Sven to call me and we start the show." Well, what couch is that? Where's your wife at the time? How did she never hear you say something?

(2) Further to the above, the times when "his wife" was on the show, which was once or twice. Was it her or he got someone else to pretend to be her? None of that makes sense or was properly addressed, which easily still feeds into the conspiracy theories that this is all an act (career and life-destroying act? Maybe he's pretending to be separating from his wife while they're keeping the act going?)

(3) The "interviewers" were friends of his so ultimately didn't go as hard or in-depth as they could have, and never asked about the cognitive dissonance of talking shit about Jews while getting into bed nightly with one.

What all of this boils down, for me, is something that Mike touches on as the episode winds down: they're discussing the Deploraball and the antifa elements planning to domestically-terrorize them. He says he has no love for Milo or Cernovich, but that:

"My loyalties are on a sliding scale from right to left. I don't want antifa to have a victory over deploraball, that would be bad. I want the antifa plotters just to go to jail and get raped, that's what I want to have happen."

That's where my mindset is. There is so much that's so wrong in our world today, but I feel great kinship with people ideologically-aligned to me, whether it's anyone who embraces nationalism and Trump generally, or us RVFers specifically. If they believe in similar concepts to me as well as some other ideas I don't agree with, that's cool, I won't listen to them and I'll move on - not actively counter-signal or work against them. Because ultimately I'm never going to countersignal someone who's fighting against cultural marxism, far leftists, radical feminism, antifa, or the general degeneracy of the culture.

Those forces, even with Trump becoming President, are SO DEEPLY ENTRENCHED and remain so embedded and firmly in power, they're so united in their opposition to Trump and in their desire to torpedo anything he does; their claws are sunk so deep into everyone and everything and every new generation going through the school system is getting completely soaked in that shit. Leftists are talking about being "the resistance" against Trump, but WE'RE the real resistance: they can show their faces and beliefs in public, all power structures and institutions support them. We are eternally Sisyphus, pushing our rock uphill.

I can't pick fights with someone who's 80% with me but believes in something I don't believe in, not when the enemy is still so strong and still in such a dominant position. I don't subscribe to TRS's "ethno-nationlist" dream, but I can understand and relate to where they're coming from. And let's face it - right now that's still a dream, nowhere near happening.

Here's something that wasn't a dream: we were THIS CLOSE in the last election to a Hillary presidency, which would have pushed western civilization past the point of no return. That's no dream, that's a living, waking nightmare.

I mentioned this in the Millennial Woes doxing thread: people out there are united in their hatred of you and every single RVF member, they would gladly destroy your career, family, relationships, everything and not give it a second thought. Or do it all with joy and glee, because "the only good fascist is a dead fascist!"

I despise those people so much, and maybe I'm not ethically-righteous enough - or maybe I'm "privileged" by my straight, white, male, middle-class living - but I'll take anyone opposed to the collective forces that are making the world a worse place. Whether it's "virgin nerds on computers in their parents' basements", white nationalists, natsoc LARPers, Ben Shapiro-esque "true conservatives", right-leaning libertarians, "civic nationalists", Twitter trolls, alt-light brand-obssessed fame whores, or us RVFers and anyone else in the manosphere. I want to be 100% focused on taking down the real enemy.

It's a Manichean "us vs. them" philosophy, sure, but we are so outnumbered, outfunded, outpowered; anyone who gets normies off the blue pill koolaid is fine in my books.

Goddamn I hate antifa, they are truly the shitstains of society.

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

< I listened to the Daily Shoah sometimes and it was funny.

I won't even deny that sometimes half-Jews will get confused about their identities.

Still - you gotta see it for what it is. I am critical of the Jewish meddling, but I still would rather align myself with the bulk of secular Jews than with the bulk of Muslims. Heck - my family is even intermarried with secular Jews, so in WWIII my side is chosen. Also if you look exactly how the Israeli-born Muslims live in Israel, then it should be clear that the majority of them would not want to live in a neighboring Muslim country.

However - when I see guys like Enoch spouting hard-core anti-Jewish stuff while being married to a Jew and potentially being of Jewish heritage, then you gotta ask yourself what the fuck is going on.

I agree with the one article I posted, that the globalists would prefer to paint anything pro-White and pro-nationalistic as Nazi and this Jewish Question thing is going directly in the same corner. You gotta realize that many of the top-level positions of Jews in the US are explained by higher IQs, ingroup-preference and simple opportunism. My great-grandfather in our times would not have left the Jewish tribe pretending to be a goy if he was born in times as ours. Roosh joked that he will call himself Roosh Goldstein now, because it is rather an advantage to be one of the tribe. Are you automatically aligned with the Jewish globalists because of that?

Either way - the AltRight seems to be one big clusterfuck. This is not soft power - this is no power at all.

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

Quote: (01-18-2017 04:05 PM)BlackUniform Wrote:  

I mean obviously, if it was like in some 200 years ago when there would be 1-3 arabic merchants that settled down in Budapest and found themselves a Hungarian female, nobody would care.

No intention on going on for some rant about race-mixing as it does not have any value.

From a perspective of a "nazi" that practices game for couple of years and reads ROK for about two years I will point out couple of things.

Especially I did not understand the arguments that I have seen in some of the debates over here, that being against race-mixing is beta or SWJ. On the other hand, lot of the voices here go that there must be some control over female behaviour as if there is none, they will do what they do now. But having control over who they mate with is exactly the same.

Obviously, I don't have any legal power or force to control this but it's always funny when I see some couple like this. From time to time I see (Mostly black as we are not exactly fond of muslims in general and gypsies/asian are not exactly favoured by anyone.) in the more larger cities mixed couples or whatever and it surprises me every time. I shame the girl, by the way I look at her, she can sense my disgust and always drops the smile or whatever face expression she has and the dude looks the other way or into the ground. I thought that they are all killer gangstas but it seems like they are quite short dudes in weird clothes. Nevertheless if something like that happened in my family I would go Albanian full on.

And to fuck and let fuck part. I don't like other tribes fucking my women, but I don't care that I am fucking theirs, why would I? It's not some lala world, it's not "Don't do to anyone what you don't wish for yourself." it's "The strongest dog fucks.". I will keep fucking the females of the world as long as it's not going to get me killed and they will do the same, that is the game, but why should I stop fucking their females if I don't want them to fuck mine?

Realistically there is no point in being pissed over it, as those females would be replaced after 1 generation if anything changed on a large scale. The main problem is, that now it's a cool thing to do.

One of the most important principles of game is to have abundance mentality.

I sometimes feel something whenever I see asian women with white men (I only manage to get white women, asians never ever even give me a single glance and they seem always to be with a white guy) however I will not go out of my way to look weirdly at them or anything like that. Because what? Interracial pairings are still and by large a MINORITY, and there are 3.5 billion of each sex on the planet so WHO CARES about what the other guy is fucking, if she is not my family or a close friend (even then I won't intervene in their relationship unless she is visibly getting harmed over it).

Why try to control them (almost impossible task, given the current politics/social system) when you can just become the best version of yourself, then get your pick out of the crop (effectively establishing some form of control over the women you come close to)??

Just to know: do you consider a white guy from Germany more of your tribe than a black american guy? If we consider you only know both a bit, and are not close friends)

Of course encouraging everyone race-mixing should not be done (for me at least), however, instead of worrying about that, I think teaching men how to game would be a far more effective recourse, and yield better results about "controlling women's behaviour". Since they are naturally drawn to hypergamy, then go ahead and get a better game than your black counterpart (she will 90% choose you over him if she is white like you, everything else equal).

I don't try to prevent people to fight me, I prefer getting stronger so that they can't beat me in any case.

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

If you had a movement with one man at the top, he is still a man. Men can change or be removed.

If Roosh did a movement where he was the King of kings for ROK and he had his right/left-hand men as his generals, what happens over time? He will age, he will need to bring forth other men into the fold and his children.

Who takes over? Birth rite doesn't necessarily equal good succession. Trump is different to his father and I am sure his children are different to him.

We have to face the fact that things change and not for the better but time moves along and one day we will have someone else to look up to.

I don't like getting into the jew this and jew that shouting match but what I have noticed is that they are very consistent over a long period of time. Can we say the same?

Can those of us here bring up two generations of men and women to be consistent with what we believe in?

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

Quote: (01-19-2017 08:30 AM)mikado Wrote:  

One of the most important principles of game is to have abundance mentality.

I sometimes feel something whenever I see asian women with white men (I only manage to get white women, asians never ever even give me a single glance and they seem always to be with a white guy) however I will not go out of my way to look weirdly at them or anything like that. Because what? Interracial pairings are still and by large a MINORITY, and there are 3.5 billion of each sex on the planet so WHO CARES about what the other guy is fucking, if she is not my family or a close friend (even then I won't intervene in their relationship unless she is visibly getting harmed over it).

Why try to control them (almost impossible task, given the current politics/social system) when you can just become the best version of yourself, then get your pick out of the crop (effectively establishing some form of control over the women you come close to)??

Just to know: do you consider a white guy from Germany more of your tribe than a black american guy? If we consider you only know both a bit, and are not close friends)

Of course encouraging everyone race-mixing should not be done (for me at least), however, instead of worrying about that, I think teaching men how to game would be a far more effective recourse, and yield better results about "controlling women's behaviour". Since they are naturally drawn to hypergamy, then go ahead and get a better game than your black counterpart (she will 90% choose you over him if she is white like you, everything else equal).

I don't try to prevent people to fight me, I prefer getting stronger so that they can't beat me in any case.

I agree with you on many points so let me put it into a perspective. What I described does not apply exactly to american environment as it's a completely different story.

I grew up in completely homogenous country. Precisely the city that I am from (more like that I live very near) had never really any noticeable immigration but suddenly something changed.

When I walked in my city besides some gypsies which are ostracised group you could never see a muslim or black person, I know that there were some probably Turks selling their fast food and some blacks playing for local low-league basketball team or whatever but you would see one maybe in a half a year if you went to clubs or centre of the city every week. But now every time that I get somewhere I see 1-8 blacks (not sure if from the west or African). It's more like territorial thing. I don't worry that they could "steal" my women and I would not take seriously any female that bangs casually anyway. Somebody different comes to my territory and tries to do his thing and as much as it's a "free world" now, no matter if we were occupied by communists or are currently occupied by democracy, this is my land and forever will be.

And yes, obviously if I meet a native german guy, as much as he is probably a cunt he will be always more closer to me, than american-black guy, even if I can have a pleasant conversation with him and share more opinions than with the native german.
For example I have met some muslims that I could consider to be my friends (if we had spend more time together) as we had a lot of common opinions about women, jews, violence etc., but they would never be my tribe as that is based on blood.

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

So in an hypothetical the walking dead scenario you would take with you the white guy over your muslim friends?

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

You are funny.

[Image: tumblr_mpypjjcm_Cl1svewkgo1_400.gif]

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

Guess I'll wrap this up since the thread's sliding to later pages and the drama's basically over, albeit with some interesting recent developments.

Another Daily Shoah episode was released yesterday. Most of the episode is recounting donations from their followers - fanbase still sounds intact - and Mike details his tales of dealing with (((journalists))) wanting to "tell his story". Almost like they're back to status quo, without missing a beat.

What I hadn't thought about was, the episode was supposed to be recorded Thursday night/released Friday but it came a day early; they casually mentioned it was because they "can't record Thursday night". After the donations, Mike mentioned vaguely how they would help get him to the next step. All nice and vague.

I mention all this because I'm reading The Atlantic's article on the Deploraball and "alt right vs new right (alt-lite)" drama and come across this:


Standing close by was [Richard] Spencer, an unexpected sight at the after-party for a party to which he hadn’t been invited.

Spencer introduced me to a man he identified as Mike Enoch, the nom de plume of an alt-right podcaster who was the subject of yet another recent controversy, after he was doxxed and his wife revealed to be Jewish.

“Everything’s good,” Enoch said carefully. “The future is we’re going to make America great again, that’s the future.” Spencer made a point of publicly allying himself with Enoch during the controversy.

Richard Spencer expressed his support for Mike Enoch post-doxxing and now Mike made the trip from NYC to DC to be at the Deploraball after-party with Richard. Is Mike setting up shop at Richard Spencer's newly-rented townhouse near D.C., and/or taking on a role at NPI or Spencer's new website?

In any case, looks like TRS and the Daily Shoah are here to stay & grow under the Trump presidency. Antifa and the lashing out of hopeless degeneracy will give them plenty of material to work with.

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

Quote: (01-20-2017 09:10 PM)Last Parade Wrote:  

What I hadn't thought about was, the episode was supposed to be recorded Thursday night/released Friday but it came a day early; they casually mentioned it was because they "can't record Thursday night".

Well yeah, he can't record on Shabbat.

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

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