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Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

This is a duping on an epic scale. Sure, he sounds like he believes what he says, but how is this NOT controlled opposition? Hal Turner all over again.

All the money the show got was funneled to his Marxist sjw wife with her tranny/lgbt stuff. Honeypot indeed. Strikingly, him and those at TRS had the gall to lecture the rest of us about how degenerate we are or "mongrel" as I recall they said about Roosh and him deflowering precious white women.

The irony in how we are cucks and they aren't.

Enoch doesn't actually believe half the shit he's saying. I'd bet neither do a lot of the guys at TRS. Was this all just to be as edgy and chaotic as possible?

Samseau is right about differentiating between Jews and Talmuds. Perhaps the TRS crew have been doing this for a while on either a subconscious or very hushed level. Enoch must have to do the summersaults he's been doing every week.

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

Quote: (01-17-2017 12:28 PM)Roosh Wrote:  


There's no evidence he is a Jew anywhere either - wearing those hats doesn't mean anything. TV presenters do the same thing when they go to Synagogues. I have no skin in this debate, I just don't think he is. He certainly doesn't look like one.

Edit: I checked Stormfront, haha. Someone said he's Roman Catholic but married to a European Jew (Hungarian).

Fair enough. At the minimum, he deeply cares about Jewish interests. I'll consider him an honorary Jew.

His grandmother was a wealthy Jew. Depending on his parents he could even apply for Israeli citizenship.

Though of course not every Jew is a traitor and globalist. In Israel you have an entire interest-free money movement and many Jewish men in the world are actively fighting the globalists. I read even of some who were very likely executed for their trouble.

It is just that their main upper organizations are utterly globalist, but so are most Freemasons, most big NGOs, most corporations, UN-organisations. I tell you - if you actually wanted to clean house than doing it with something as limited as "Jewish Question" would not even get you anywhere in our times.

Even if you killed all Jews somehow in one miraculous genocide, then I can tell you that the globalist program would continue without significant slowing down. (Nevermind that the overwhelming majority would be utterly and completely innocent and I personally am not a believer in "killing for some greater cause".)

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

Quote: (01-17-2017 12:58 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

I'm not sure why people are calling Cernovich untrustworthy. He's a busy guy yet still finds time to respond to my tweets and DMs. I even speak with him while he's doing his periscopes.

I think he's easily the most pro-Masculine media figure in America at the moment.

It seems people do not understand all of Mike's motives because events are moving so quickly, but Mike is far less duplicitous than many are making him out to be.

1. He deletes most of his Periscopes so people can't make compilations of him saying stuff out of context, although people record his Periscopes anyways so this is a moot point.

2. He jumped the gun on Richard Spencer but has since backed down. They will probably work together again someday.

3. I've yet to see Mike hurt anyone who hasn't tried to hurt him first. He is still loyal to those loyal to him and talks with many on this forum. He doesn't post here anymore but why should he? His platform is massive and he's tending his own garden. That said, I think he would benefit from coming back to the think tank here and taking a break from the bullshit.

He's stated after the deploraball he's going to take a long break, but now that he's got a kid I doubt he'll be posting back here regardless. It would help him sharpen his thoughts though.

I find it truly amazing that after all the sketchy shit I've pointed out that Mike has been doing--all easily verifiable if you bother to check it out--including his wildly disproportionate, unstable responses to "attacks" on him, people still find him trustworthy.

How can you trust someone who won't even stand by his own past? He's not deleting his periscopes so people can't splice them into out-of-context stuff. That's nonsensical. He's doing it so if one of his periscopes comes out and he takes fire over it, he has plausible deniability and he can just claim "Oh it's fake! It's fake! Soros trolls! Paid shills!" He can't do that if the original record under his own account exists. That's why he's been scrubbing his twitter too.

I finally put it all together while writing this: he's setting up a situation where he has at least plausible deniability no matter what he does "wrong" online because he can always say it's fake. It's the exact opposite of what an honest person would do if he was worried about someone manipulating his words and message.


If I was affiliated with Mike and he knew details about me, after seeing how he treats people, I would feel held hostage by him. What, I'm going to step out of line, say the wrong thing, and he's going to dox me next? He'll try to ruin my life and put a target on my family? My litany of social sins is bad enough that I could be prosecuted in quite a few countries over what I've said on this site just in the last week.

I've never seen such ridiculous over the top responses to minor slights from any man who didn't turn out to be an absolute liability. Women? Sure. Some bitches are crazy and I have a knack for attracting that sort. But that degree of instability is much more dangerous in a man.

Nobody can watch that clip AB posted where Bryden Proctor called Mike out and say he looks innocent. Dude was scrambling to cover his ass like the only billygoat in an ISIS camp for a good 30 seconds before he got back into "lawyer mode". And tonight, Bryden says Mike is threatening him with a restraining order. But he's totally innocent guys! He had nothing to do with it! It's just a frame job!

I know when someone accuses me of impropriety of which I'm totally innocent the first thing I do is go get a restraining order. What a fucking bitch move. Cernovich is so innocent he needs to block Bryden Proctor in real life!


It is completely obvious to me post-December 26th that getting involved with Mike Cernovich in any way is playing with fire. Maybe he'll help you, cook your food, keep you warm... or maybe he'll burn your house down and kill your family. Maybe one then the other. As long as you're useful he'll help you. As soon as you step out of line, get in his way, or it's advantageous for him to take out you, you're toast.

This whole argument is the NTP situation all over again. It has been since day 1 of the Baked Alaska affair. Not that Mike is a plagiarist and a fraud, but in the way his friends and supporters are just handwaving away obviously bad and sketchy behavior. I get it, some of you want to defend your friend, but I don't think I'm out of line when I say I doubt you're very objective in this matter.

I have nothing to gain from tearing Mike down. I'm not his enemy at this point. But since I'm also not his friend and I've never had much to do with him except (maybe?) a few short exchanges here, I think I'm as objective as it is possible to be about all this.

For what it's worth I doubt AnonymousBosch has anything to gain from pointing out the reality of Mike's behavior either.

My only motivation is to get people to see the truth before they put themselves in a bad situation with, or get taken by for a ride by a guy who clearly cannot be trusted to do anything but whatever's best for himself.

I wrote a long response yesterday and decided not to post it. But now, with this latest round of restraining order bullshit, it's just too fucking ridiculous not to say something.

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

It seems like the alt-right's been split asunder. After Trump won, we had Salutegate, the Cerno-Alaska drama and now the Enoch doxxing. Will there even be an Alt-Right beyond 2017?

,,Я видел, куда падает солнце!
Оно уходит сквозь постель,
В глубокую щель!"
-Андрей Середа, ,,Улица чужих лиц", 1989 г.

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

The decentralized nature of the all-right will guarantee that it isn't going anywhere, despite the current drama. The all-right is a political movement, not an organization. It is easy to attack a centralized structure because you can identify it.

The all-right is an Internet phenomenon, meaning that the power is in the crowd rule, not individuals looking to make a name for themselves. Being rebels, all-right types will continue to have conflicts if they try to fall in behind leaders. Their power is, and will be, in strength in numbers, not an individual leader.

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Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

Quote: (01-18-2017 05:28 AM)John Michael Kane Wrote:  

The decentralized nature of the all-right will guarantee that it isn't going anywhere, despite the current drama. The all-right is a political movement, not an organization. It is easy to attack a centralized structure because you can identify it.

The all-right is an Internet phenomenon, meaning that the power is in the crowd rule, not individuals looking to make a name for themselves. Being rebels, all-right types will continue to have conflicts if they try to fall in behind leaders. Their power is, and will be, in strength in numbers, not an individual leader.

The strength in numbers works better under one rule.

If the AltRight was founded by one man and he held all the cards in it, then it would have a lasting chance.

Let us assume that Roosh creates a ReturnOfKings movement. Let us say that he holds complete authority who can be member and who can speak for the group. There may be high-co-workers, but no one can make any changes without his approval. Essentially you are in a hierarchal system - you either agree with Roosh or you say - "fuck it, I'm out."

I personally would be more relaxed in publicly supporting such a movement than the chaotic AltRight. At least with Roosh I can agree on 90%+ of points and if he become crazy in the future I can leave. With the decentralized AltRight you never know what your "movement" will do next week.

Our world is based on hierarchies - the globalists have them, countries have them, our world and the divine order likely has it. Any lasting opposition to the globalists must have a strong hierarchy or it will not get anywhere.

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

Quote: (01-18-2017 05:28 AM)John Michael Kane Wrote:  

The decentralized nature of the all-right will guarantee that it isn't going anywhere, despite the current drama. The all-right is a political movement, not an organization. It is easy to attack a centralized structure because you can identify it.

The all-right is an Internet phenomenon, meaning that the power is in the crowd rule, not individuals looking to make a name for themselves. Being rebels, all-right types will continue to have conflicts if they try to fall in behind leaders. Their power is, and will be, in strength in numbers, not an individual leader.

The alt-right will continue to be most influential as a generic force of nature that causes key players to look at certain policies and say "do we really want to piss these people off?"

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

I'll just leave these here.

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

Strange that every time that I hear about neo-nazis being jewish, it's from US.

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman


It is also worth noting that Enoch was the man responsible for “heilgate” by throwing up the Roman salute for the MSM cameras at NPI. So we have the man largely responsible for rallying the “alt right” around the Trump campaign, and then the same man is responsible for giving justification for Trump disavowing them.

Yup - the best opposition is the the one that you create or take over.

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

Quote: (01-18-2017 11:14 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  


It is also worth noting that Enoch was the man responsible for “heilgate” by throwing up the Roman salute for the MSM cameras at NPI. So we have the man largely responsible for rallying the “alt right” around the Trump campaign, and then the same man is responsible for giving justification for Trump disavowing them.

Yup - the best opposition is the the one that you create or take over.

I usually never do this, but in this case I'm gonna drop a huge [citation needed] considering I remember the TRS guys mentioning they avoided the filmed sections of NPI because of worries of getting doxxed

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman


Seems that at least this allegation is wrong.

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

Hot off the presses, gentlemen.


Born Down Under, but I enjoy Slovakian Thunder:

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

Nice article.

All The best Nazis are Jewish:

Funny, but not surprising again - anything pro-White must be quickly painted in the Neo-Nazi corner.

Also no surprise that many of them are Game-deniers or take offense when Persians or smart black guys fuck white girls.

If you were Red Pill enough, then you would know that women will fuck anyone who ticks the right points off. Also white guys can fuck races of plenty of other women - go to South America, Africa or South East Asia and a blond tall European will have his pick of women (even if he is rather ugly and women ignore him in the West). That is how women are - my guess is that some of their genetic trait is to crave new DNA input and nature has created them to want "different" dick.

But hey - a cuck will always be obsessed about those things.

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

Quote: (01-18-2017 01:30 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Also no surprise that many of them are Game-deniers or take offense when Persians or smart black guys fuck white girls.

But hey - a cuck will always be obsessed about those things.

Not a game denier or obsessing about it.

But hey - isn't letting gladly males of other tribes fuck females of your tribe form of cuckhold? Like a bonobos do.

Kind of like this bunch of brave Dutchmen reacted after rape of Cologne.

[Image: Dutch_Men_Don_Skirts.jpg]

But I agree, game denial makes them look funny as when I see your usual coffee intellectual nazi type he has a full mouth about archetypes of European males but is not capable of even fucking their own women. Actually a year ago I shamed some guys for it and got "purged". heh

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

^ What does that sign say?

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

Quote: (01-18-2017 03:24 PM)Rhyme or Reason Wrote:  

^ What does that sign say?

Not sure, but they protested "against sexism" after New Years Cologne rapes by wearing skirts and shit. When White guys get to beta that they instead of forming a mob go on protest by wearing skirts against actions of guys that don't respect femininity... :-DD

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

Quote: (01-18-2017 03:08 PM)BlackUniform Wrote:  

But hey - isn't letting gladly males of other tribes fuck females of your tribe form of cuckhold? Like a bonobos do.

Kind of like this bunch of brave Dutchmen reacted after rape of Cologne.

1. Bonobo studies are fake - only in captivity are they cucks. In the wild they behave territorial, aggressive and just like any monkeys.

2. Systematic planning and migration for the sake of destroying your gene pool is one thing. That is nothing natural - it is tantamount to an invasion force.

However when men of different of a different race seduce your country's women, then you gotta take it like a man. Those few who do it successfully are not any competition to you. Fuck and let fuck I would say. I want to have the freedom to bang Latinas, African beaties, Jewish girls, Russian beauties, Japanese hotties and Korean teens - so I gotta give leeway for the other guys to do the same.

Rape however is a different thing - I would be utterly ruthless to the roving gang-rapists and harassers that we are getting in Europe. The Terminator would be more forgiving than me.

[Image: a22602_18.gif]
Footage of Zelcorpion and buddies during Dutch anti-rape demonstration.

I would mobilize the military and throw them all out and not put on a skirt for Kumbayah singing.

However if a masculine sane Muslim man actually seduces a girl and treats her moderately well, then who cares? Women will always be women and the Red Pill teaches us about them.

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

Quote: (01-18-2017 03:24 PM)Rhyme or Reason Wrote:  

^ What does that sign say?

What's this, friends? My Dutch skills, long latent on this forum, are finally needed?

It's not really a full sentence but it means this in English:

"Women do not dress chastely for you, but men hands off."

Thuis means "at home" in Dutch, but the meaning here is "off".

My family is from Niedersachsen in Germany, which borders the Netherlands, and both these communities are incredibly cucked. Niedersachsen means "Lower Saxony" and everything from the topography to local dialect (Plattdeutsch was the original language group in Niedersachsen, very similar to Northern Dutch especially) is similar between this country and this region of Germany.

I have never been to more polarized areas of Europe than the Netherlands and Niedersachsen. You get fuckloads of cucked, self-hating liberals living alongside shitlords.

That the Netherlands produced one of the world's truly fucked-up immigration systems and men like Theo van Gogh, Pim Fortuyn and now Geert Wilders is a testament to bipolar societies in action.

Born Down Under, but I enjoy Slovakian Thunder:

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

I mean obviously, if it was like in some 200 years ago when there would be 1-3 arabic merchants that settled down in Budapest and found themselves a Hungarian female, nobody would care.

No intention on going on for some rant about race-mixing as it does not have any value.

From a perspective of a "nazi" that practices game for couple of years and reads ROK for about two years I will point out couple of things.

Especially I did not understand the arguments that I have seen in some of the debates over here, that being against race-mixing is beta or SWJ. On the other hand, lot of the voices here go that there must be some control over female behaviour as if there is none, they will do what they do now. But having control over who they mate with is exactly the same.

Obviously, I don't have any legal power or force to control this but it's always funny when I see some couple like this. From time to time I see (Mostly black as we are not exactly fond of muslims in general and gypsies/asian are not exactly favoured by anyone.) in the more larger cities mixed couples or whatever and it surprises me every time. I shame the girl, by the way I look at her, she can sense my disgust and always drops the smile or whatever face expression she has and the dude looks the other way or into the ground. I thought that they are all killer gangstas but it seems like they are quite short dudes in weird clothes. Nevertheless if something like that happened in my family I would go Albanian full on.

And to fuck and let fuck part. I don't like other tribes fucking my women, but I don't care that I am fucking theirs, why would I? It's not some lala world, it's not "Don't do to anyone what you don't wish for yourself." it's "The strongest dog fucks.". I will keep fucking the females of the world as long as it's not going to get me killed and they will do the same, that is the game, but why should I stop fucking their females if I don't want them to fuck mine?

Realistically there is no point in being pissed over it, as those females would be replaced after 1 generation if anything changed on a large scale. The main problem is, that now it's a cool thing to do.

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

Quote: (01-17-2017 12:19 PM)Teedub Wrote:  

Quote: (01-17-2017 12:09 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Quote: (01-17-2017 12:01 PM)Teedub Wrote:  

Quote: (01-17-2017 08:37 AM)Roosh Wrote:  


Any opposing anti-globalist organization would have to be in the hands of few absolutely aligned men (or one) and it would have be led by that small group, there would have to be a certain definitive hierarchy that everyone adheres to.

Funny you say that, because just yesterday I found out that Geert Wilders, the "Donald Trump of the Netherlands" is Jewish.

He isn't, but he does support Israel and Jews, specifically European ones, over Muslims. You could argue he's just doing it because he hates Islam so much. I don't know.

Where in your article does it state he's not Jewish? Just because he has a beef with the Jewish community doesn't mean he's not Jewish.

There's no evidence he is a Jew anywhere either - wearing those hats doesn't mean anything. TV presenters do the same thing when they go to Synagogues. I have no skin in this debate, I just don't think he is. He certainly doesn't look like one.

Edit: I checked Stormfront, haha. Someone said he's Roman Catholic but married to a European Jew (Hungarian).

Gert Wilders is Jewish. More precisely, he's a crypto-Jew. His maternal grandmother, Johanna Meijer, is from an old Jewish-Indonesian family, a fact that Wilders lied about this in his 2008 biography.

Wilders is therefore eligible for Israeli citizenship, and having lived there for 2 years, traveled there more than 40 times, and being an ardent zionist, it is very likely that he's a dual citizen, and that he's a Sayan, or undecover agent for the state of Israel. It is therefore no surprise that he's risen to the top of the Dutch far-right. People like Jean-Marie le Pen or Jörg Haider who are patriots that aren't beholden to foreign interests end up politically ostracized or dead, whereas collaborators like Wilders or Sarkozy end up running the show.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

weambulance. I've met Mike and talked to him personally. What I will say is that he is definitely different in person than he is online. I do have a bias that is partial towards him, as he is dynamic in person.

Some of the accusations against him - especially of deliberately lying and turning his back on us I do believe are overblown.

You can believe what you wish regarding him. What you've presented though is some of the facts we can assemble through a very "skeptical" lense. Perhaps you have enough reason to do that, but having met Mike, I still don't see enough of a reason to doubt him or to ponder that he is dishonest toward us.

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

And to be honest, if I was born a different ethnicity than I did, I would do the same thing that non-white guys on this forum do, but I was not. Enjoy while you can.

Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

ramzpaul talking a lot of sense as always.


Owner of biggest anti-Jewish podcast on internet is married to Jewish woman

Quote: (01-18-2017 03:24 PM)Rhyme or Reason Wrote:  

^ What does that sign say?

''You rape our women. What about us, we like it rough too!''

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