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2017 Stock Market thread
017 Stock Market thread
Quote: (08-22-2018 05:53 AM)Running Turtles Wrote:  

Thanks for the ongoing stock suggestions. I think you've made a lot of guys on here some money. I've definitely invested a few bucks based on some pointers you gave.

Do you see a correction coming any time soon?

I'm glad some of you have profited from my stock selections. By the way, I have 80% of my net wealth invested in the type of high growth companies I have been suggesting here.

If the story on of any of them changes and I decide to sell, I will be sure to post about it in this thread.

Will answer your 2nd question on a correction when I get more time next week.
017 Stock Market thread
@BB1 - yes, thank you again for the stellar tips. Every one I invested in has performed incredibly.
017 Stock Market thread

SPX S&P "Cash" with all time Supercycle June 1980 to August 2018 near Top SuperCycle Wave 3 pending Turn to Wave 4 and retracement of Wave 5 projections:

ESU2018 Emini Futures Smahes above previous Jan 28, 2018 All Time High

NOTE: These are Read Only versions of lived Saved Charts in my Tradingview Charting Account (No Trade Links from this account as I am not INSANE). So if you want to save an image take a screenshot as all will be changing as I update...
017 Stock Market thread
Death of a Giant???

Note GE PR Spin at the bottom of this Press Release - LOL one of the most contrarian strategies is to wait for a giant that has fallen to pick themselves up and turn around and go long often with Call Options to make a leveraged 10X multiple fortune.

So last two Quarters I bought one small $16 GE inexpensive Call option as a canary in the Coal Mine to see if the markets agree that GE is finally turning around divesting its Finance, Bakers Hughes Oil Field Services, Train Locomotive and other non core businesses... well...

Markets are having none of it this is the second quarter 1 small call option has basically died on the vine DOWN 95% !!!
Symbol Last Price$ Change$ Change% Qty Price Paid$ Days Gain$ Total Gain$ Total Gain% Value $
GE Sep21'18 $16 Call Trade 10.240.00-27.97-94.91%1.50

Will buy another Call next quarter further out in Expiration to see if and when the markets might signal a real GE bottom after the SuperCycle Wave 4 retracement down on S&P Complete.

General Electric Company Recommends Shareholders Reject Mini-Tender Offer by Ponos Industries LLC
4:15 PM ET 8/24/18 | BusinessWire
BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--August 24, 2018--

GE (NYSE:GE) today announced that it received notice of an unsolicited "mini-tender" offer by Ponos Industries LLC (Ponos Industries) to purchase up to 32,142,857 shares of GE common stock, which represents approximately 0.37% of the shares outstanding, at a price of $13.90 per share in cash.

GE does not endorse Ponos Industries' unsolicited mini-tender offer and recommends that GE shareholders do not tender their shares in the offer.

Ponos Industries has included in the terms of its offer a condition that the closing price of GE's shares on the New York Stock Exchange on the last trading day prior to the expiration of the offer must exceed the $13.90 offer price. As a result, unless Ponos Industries decides to waive this condition, GE shareholders who tender their shares in the offer would receive a below-market price for GE's shares through the tender offer.

The mini-tender offer is subject to numerous other conditions, including that Ponos Industries needs to obtain financing for the offer. There is no assurance that the conditions to the offer will be satisfied. GE shareholders are cautioned that Ponos Industries can extend the offer and delay payment beyond the currently scheduled expiration date of September 21, 2018. GE is not associated with Ponos Industries, its mini-tender offer or the mini-tender offer documentation.

Shareholders should obtain current market quotations for their shares, consult with their broker or financial advisor, and exercise caution with respect to Ponos Industries' mini-tender offer. GE recommends that shareholders who have not responded to Ponos Industries' offer take no action. Shareholders who have already tendered their shares may withdraw them at any time prior to 5:00 p.m. New York City time, on September 21, according to Ponos Industries' offering documents.

Mini-tender offers seek to acquire less than five percent of a company's outstanding shares. Consequently, they can avoid many disclosure and procedural requirements of U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) rules that apply to offers for more than 5 percent of a company's outstanding shares.

The SEC has cautioned investors about mini-tender offers, stating that mini-tender offers "have been increasingly used to catch investors off guard," and that investors "may end up selling their securities at below-market prices." The SEC's guidance to investors on mini-tender offers is available at

GE encourages brokers and dealers, as well as other market participants, to review the SEC's letter regarding broker-dealer mini-tender offer dissemination and disclosure available at

GE requests that a copy of this news release be included with all distributions of materials relating to Ponos Industries' mini-tender offer for shares of GE's common stock.

About GE

GE (NYSE:GE) drives the world forward by tackling its biggest challenges: Energy, health, transportation--the essentials of modern life. By combining world-class engineering with software and analytics, GE helps the world work more efficiently, reliably, and safely. For more than 125 years, GE has invented the future of industry, and today it leads new paradigms in additive manufacturing, materials science, and data analytics. GE people are global, diverse and dedicated, operating with the highest integrity and passion to fulfill GE's mission and deliver for our customers.

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017 Stock Market thread
Have any of you guys invested in or been to Ollies Bargin outlet (OLLI)?

This stock has been on a tear in my portfolio. I mainly got it as a defensive growth play in the U.S that doesn't pay a dividend (as I am in Canada and I don't want to pay witholding tax).
017 Stock Market thread
Quote: (08-28-2018 02:45 PM)Road_Less_Taken Wrote:  

Have any of you guys invested in or been to Ollies Bargin outlet (OLLI)?

This stock has been on a tear in my portfolio. I mainly got it as a defensive growth play in the U.S that doesn't pay a dividend (as I am in Canada and I don't want to pay witholding tax).

I think this is a good company to invest in. Mark Butler (CEO and co-founder) owns over 20% of the shares - a great sign. It has solid national expansion plans and the news tax laws will help.
017 Stock Market thread
Quote: (08-22-2018 05:53 AM)Running Turtles Wrote:  

Do you see a correction coming any time soon?

No one can predict a correction - it could start tomorrow for all we know.

However, in markets sentiment is a huge and enduring factor, and sentiment is bullish now.

Don’t bother trying to predict the top of the market.

Selling because something has gone up is a newbie mindset and typical of our wiring, which is not naturally engineered for investment.

Many of my friends have missed out on huge gains because they thought the market was going to crash that year. They were saying this in 2011, 2012, 2103, 2014, 2015, 2106, & 2017!
017 Stock Market thread
Quote: (08-28-2018 07:14 PM)BB1 Wrote:  

Quote: (08-22-2018 05:53 AM)Running Turtles Wrote:  

Do you see a correction coming any time soon?

No one can predict a correction - it could start tomorrow for all we know.

However, in markets sentiment is a huge and enduring factor, and sentiment is bullish now.

Don’t bother trying to predict the top of the market.

Selling because something has gone up is a newbie mindset and typical of our wiring, which is not naturally engineered for investment.

Many of my friends have missed out on huge gains because they thought the market was going to crash that year. They were saying this in 2011, 2012, 2103, 2014, 2015, 2106, & 2017!

Thanks for the response. It makes sense, but as you say, it goes against some natural instincts.

Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen.
017 Stock Market thread
Anyone buying any of the banks in Argentina right now (BMA, SUPV, BFR, GGAL)?? Or staying the hell a way from them for that matter?

They seem to be massively on sale due to the devaluation of their peso (down 70-80% in 6 months). Things down there are far from great; there is a lot going on, but I don't see Argentina becoming the next Venezuela unless socialists take over or something catastrophic comes out of the "notebook case". My only concern with spreading a position across 2 to 4 of these in the near future is the worry that the entire sector is resetting itself and will never return to a book price of 1.00 or higher. Even if that is the case I feel there is still money to be made, with less upside.

I have never liked to dabble in emerging markets, just not my cup of tea, but this one is really calling to me. I'd love to others thoughts.
017 Stock Market thread
Any of you guys short the VXX at all?

I ran my portfolio through a screener and it showed a -.07 correlation to the stock market (2017-now). I am a little skeptical but regardless the portfolio is mega defensive. Generally with stocks outside the major indices.

I was thinking of taking on slightly more risk to increase returns. Hence is why I thought of perhaps 3% of my portfolio short VXX, leaving lots of margin that I'll be able to ride it out long term.

Also as my portfolio is interest rate sensitive I am looking for a stock that would benefit if interest rates rise faster than expected, that pays little to no yield in the U.S and is a good overall play. Any advice?

BB1: Thanks for the advice on OLLI, glad you find its a good hold!
017 Stock Market thread
Hi guys,

Would love to get your opinions...

I am accruing a decent amount of excess cash and am looking to stick it in the markets with a solid 5-10 year window as it amounts to the money that I will not likely need to access at short notice.

With this in mind, how would you approach things if you were me?

017 Stock Market thread
Have some Cronos Group, down 27% today because of what Citron group said. I don't know whether what they are saying is true or not. Kind of pissed off because yesterday afternoon I almost sold all my shares.
017 Stock Market thread
I love the idea of buying stocks that lost too much of value due to financial crises (e.g., Argentina and Turkey). I know that one can make great money over the long term especially if chooses the right ones but....I checked the long-term technicals, and I would buy BMA if its price were around $21. I am not claiming that it will fall down there and I am sure it will bounce in the very short term given the volume today but $21 would be my entry point given my risk-tolerance level. My 2 cents.

Quote: (08-30-2018 09:53 AM)white22 Wrote:  

Anyone buying any of the banks in Argentina right now (BMA, SUPV, BFR, GGAL)?? Or staying the hell a way from them for that matter?

They seem to be massively on sale due to the devaluation of their peso (down 70-80% in 6 months). Things down there are far from great; there is a lot going on, but I don't see Argentina becoming the next Venezuela unless socialists take over or something catastrophic comes out of the "notebook case". My only concern with spreading a position across 2 to 4 of these in the near future is the worry that the entire sector is resetting itself and will never return to a book price of 1.00 or higher. Even if that is the case I feel there is still money to be made, with less upside.

I have never liked to dabble in emerging markets, just not my cup of tea, but this one is really calling to me. I'd love to others thoughts.
017 Stock Market thread
Thanks for sharing the information Deepdiver. Independently, I was also interested in buying put options but decided to delay it. Most likely in September but we will see.

I just want to add my perspective on Elliot Wave (EW) for the unfamiliar readers. I believe that the Elliott Wave Analysis is powerful. However, in most cases, there are alternate counts. When one count shows up, the other count shows down. Also, when one thinks that Wave Three is ending (i.e., stock will fall), it might extend (ie., keep increasing). If you bought put options, they would be worthless. Hence, one has to be careful when using EW. Having said that I like EW analysis.

Quote: (08-24-2018 11:48 PM)Deepdiver Wrote:  

This is the most important info (Mini Data Sheet) I will ever share on RVF.

What this means is that the March 2009 Low of 680 began the current Supercycle 5 wave count and we are 12 points away from the Futures all time high indicating we are likely to complete the supercycle wave three in the 2900/2905 range and begin supercycle wave 4 trend down in a smaller Major 5 Wave pattern to the bottom of Supercycle wave 4 around 2800 with a Supercycle 5 count reverse to the .618x900=556 of 2900-900=2000+556 or 2556 retrace - discounting slippage that is a potential 800 point down capture and 500 point up capture for a total of 1300 points.
017 Stock Market thread
Quote: (08-24-2018 06:47 AM)Chetthebaker Wrote:  

Interesting regarding MongoDB and it's run up. In practice I've found it to have a really archaic and clunky syntax, a somewhat convoluted server structure, and doesn't seem to be widely used by developers- at least among projects and people I've been involved with. Just seems like not exactly a go-to the way SQL and its variants are over here.
@BB1 I'm interested in your opinion about it's future and what they're doing right.

Over half the global Fortune 100 already use Mongo.

Over 1 million developers have registered for training at the company own Mongo university. This should drive demand in the future as these devs start developing apps with Mongo.

MDB share price is up 240% year-to-date, so Wall Street is catching onto what the potential could be here.

I'm not adding here since my MDB position is has grown so large.
017 Stock Market thread
What are people buying right now?

I’m thinking of doubling down on FB. I think Instagram will continue to soak up any weakness from Facebook.

Anyone buying the banks?
017 Stock Market thread
Quote: (06-27-2018 01:45 PM)BB1 Wrote:  

I have spend some time looking into marijuana 'pure plays'and today I brought Nameste (N) - listed in Canada.

I am also looking closely at Tilray's upcoming IPO :

Note - Weed stocks are highly speculative - you must do your own research in this space. I have discovered there are a shitload of scammers and fraudsters involved in weed stocks.

Since my post 2 months ago, Tilray (TLRY) IPO'ed on July 19, closed at $22 and is now trading at $65.

I am also up 37% in Namaste (N).

Need to spend more time researching this space!!
017 Stock Market thread
Quote: (09-03-2018 01:12 AM)BB1 Wrote:  

Since my post 2 months ago, Tilray (TLRY) IPO'ed on July 19, closed at $22 and is now trading at $65.

I am also up 37% in Namaste (N).

Need to spend more time researching this space!!

Sold my entire position in Tilray today at $90, up 400%.

Holding Namaste - now up 82%.
017 Stock Market thread
I recently got some SNAP puts, hoping this shit tanks to the ground

Also I have some APPL calls, hopefully shares will shoot up following the new iphone release.

Gonna see these thru for a few more weeks before i make moves, both are in the green already so im pretty hyped

“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!”

― Hunter S. Thompson

017 Stock Market thread
I sold Canopy at like $35 a couple weeks ago, went on a huge run days later so I deleted it from the stocks app on my phone. I just checked for the first time in a few weeks and it's at $67... FML.
017 Stock Market thread
I had everything in hmmj before. Sold it all and went into acb. What a mistake that's been so far. Feel your pain man.
017 Stock Market thread
Quote: (06-07-2018 06:48 PM)BB1 Wrote:  

I beleive MongoDB is the pick of the bunch.

MDB released earnings yesterday. Stock up 9% today, and 270% year to date.

I have been hearing more developers say "once they go Mongo, they never go back"
017 Stock Market thread
I bought a little more Facebook the other day when it dropped around 165-170. Its down a tad more as of yesterday but I think that's cause of the senate/congressional tech hearings, which I fully believe are a dog and pony show. This company is eating the fucking world whether we like it or not, at least for the next few years.

Also might double down on google. It's done nicely for me since I grabbed some in 2012.
017 Stock Market thread
OLLI is literally powering my returns as the rest of my portfolio has kind of meandered around doing nothing in particularly notable.

I'm skeptical of the FAANG's, especially Netflix. I feel like there are multiple risks to derail them, the tech hearings will probably blow over for now though.
017 Stock Market thread
@BB1 - MDB was a great shout! Thanks.

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