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2017 Stock Market thread
017 Stock Market thread
CHK (Chesapeake Energy) is a stock that should be considered. Their high debt seems to be the main problem but they sold their Utica oil field for 2 billion dollars or so. This will lower their debt, and interest expense. However, the deal will be closed in their Q4 balance sheet. The management expects to increase their oil production by 10 % and it seems they know what they are doing.
I also like it technically. I bought some a few days ago, and might add to my position until 2019 as I see good entry points. One problem is that it increased by 5 % today, and the entry point should be chosen carefully.

I believe AMD will rise more than 5 percent in a month or so from the current levels. I bought it after its quarterly earnings, and after studying its technicals. I will add more if there is a pull back.

By the way, I bought SBUX, thanks to white22's post in this thread a month ago or so. I decided to sell it with a 4 % profit in a month. I just wanted to get my profit.
017 Stock Market thread
Chinese stocks are looking cheap now.

I bought more Baidu and Baba. Long term, they look like good bets with all the room for growth that they have.
017 Stock Market thread
Bought TTD at $50, took my profits and sold at $75 after the may jump and it has done nothing but climb since. It just hit $127. Makes me sick, TTD should have been a hold for me....uggghh.
017 Stock Market thread
@BB1 those recommendations you gave a while ago have been crushing it as I’m sure you know.

I bought AYX and MDB and they have made tremendous gains.

Thank you very much for the tips!
017 Stock Market thread
I picked up some RAD and CGC. Liked both of them and the shorts really moved in and drove the price down this morning.

RAD should be doing some house cleaning to their CEO and board soon. Any news adding some certainty to their situation should really boost their stock from this bottom.

CGC as Canada's largest Cannabis producer, they should be seeing some big gains in the short term with legalized recreational use and could see big long term games depending on future acquisitions, international adoption.........
017 Stock Market thread
Quote: (08-13-2018 01:17 PM)white22 Wrote:  

I picked up some RAD and CGC. Liked both of them and the shorts really moved in and drove the price down this morning.

RAD should be doing some house cleaning to their CEO and board soon. Any news adding some certainty to their situation should really boost their stock from this bottom.

CGC as Canada's largest Cannabis producer, they should be seeing some big gains in the short term with legalized recreational use and could see big long term games depending on future acquisitions, international adoption.........

As a bad investor who got in when RAD was still higher-priced, I voted down that shitty merger deal with Albertsons. Horrible deal since Albertsons is already up to their ass in debt. They finally backed down and skipped the vote it looks like, probably knowing most of us weren't buying it. Since the board was 100% for the merger, you're correct they need to clean house there.


Rite Aid and Albertsons terminated their merger agreement less than 24 hours before shareholders were to vote on the deal, the companies announced Wednesday night.

The disclosure came after mounting opposition by stockholders to the grocer's purchase of the pharmacy chain. The deal, which would have created a company with 319 health clinics and 4,345 pharmacies, was also opposed by two noted proxy advisors who shared concerns of opponents of the deal who said, among other things, that the grocery chain Albertsons’ transaction undervalued Rite Aid’s pharmacy benefit management company, EnvisionRx and saddled both companies with too much debt.

Rite Aid executives now say they hear their shareholders, an indication the deal either didn't have the votes or there was enough vocal opposition management decided to change course. “While we believed in the merits of the combination with Albertsons, we have heard the views expressed by our stockholders and are committed to moving forward and executing our strategic plan as a standalone company,” Rite Aid Chairman and Chief Executive Officer John Standley said in a statement Wednesday night.

Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.
017 Stock Market thread
Actually today bought a few hundred shares of the Turkey ETF (TUR). It is trading at the levels last seen during the depths of the financial crisis in 2008-2009. There are lots of structural and economic issues that the country is dealing with, but I think it is not nearly as bad as the markets think. It is mostly political and I think solvable. By just releasing the pastor Brunson, the Turkish currency probably gains 15%.
017 Stock Market thread
Quote: (08-13-2018 01:17 PM)white22 Wrote:  

I picked up some RAD and CGC. Liked both of them and the shorts really moved in and drove the price down this morning.

RAD should be doing some house cleaning to their CEO and board soon. Any news adding some certainty to their situation should really boost their stock from this bottom.

CGC as Canada's largest Cannabis producer, they should be seeing some big gains in the short term with legalized recreational use and could see big long term games depending on future acquisitions, international adoption.........

CGC dropped a total of 10-12% the last 2 days after I bought in. I believed in it so I doubled my stake on the way down yesterday. This morning it jumped up 30% after last nights earnings report. I'm up 20% in 2 days!![Image: banana.gif]
017 Stock Market thread
Quote: (08-15-2018 08:36 AM)white22 Wrote:  

Quote: (08-13-2018 01:17 PM)white22 Wrote:  

I picked up some RAD and CGC. Liked both of them and the shorts really moved in and drove the price down this morning.

RAD should be doing some house cleaning to their CEO and board soon. Any news adding some certainty to their situation should really boost their stock from this bottom.

CGC as Canada's largest Cannabis producer, they should be seeing some big gains in the short term with legalized recreational use and could see big long term games depending on future acquisitions, international adoption.........

CGC dropped a total of 10-12% the last 2 days after I bought in. I believed in it so I doubled my stake on the way down yesterday. This morning it jumped up 30% after last nights earnings report. I'm up 20% in 2 days!![Image: banana.gif]

It wasn't the earnings report which was worse than expectations but that constellation brands has upped its holdings in Canopy. I am bearish on the Marijuana Sector in general, but good for you for making some bank.

I had a green day thanks to Park Lawn Corp on the tsx. Death and taxes. I like the stock long term but would wait as its right near its all time high for either a breakout or a pull back, which will materialize in the next few days.
017 Stock Market thread
I bought into Turkish ETF on Monday. I reckon this will blow over very quick and industry solid.
017 Stock Market thread
I was reading about PSTG, as it is mentioned in this topic.

I understand that it is a high-growth company but it will, once again, announce a loss for the new quarter, and it seems to me that its growth rate will be lower than the previous quarter. It will announce its earnings on Monday (after the market?). So do your research carefully.

Personally, i would stay away in the short term. I believe that it is on the right path but it will take at least a few quarters to be on my buy list.
017 Stock Market thread
The S&P hit an all time high today. Congratulations to all the forum members that have stayed fully invested despite all the idiots like Peter Schiff who have scared off investors with his "imminent" market/USD crash rhetoric.
017 Stock Market thread
AMD increased by around 10 percent in less than a month for me, and around 5 percent from the day I wrote here. I will sell/trade a portion of it, and hold the rest as I expect that their next quarterly earnings will also be great.

I also like JEC's quarterly earnings and (long term) technicals. I own some.

Quote: (08-07-2018 12:09 AM)Denzel Wrote:  

I believe AMD will rise more than 5 percent in a month or so from the current levels. I bought it after its quarterly earnings, and after studying its technicals. I will add more if there is a pull back.
017 Stock Market thread

PSTG announced a loss, but beat the estimates, which is good news for the PSTG holders especially for tomorrow. From my initial reading, the company might make its first profit in the next quarter but we have to see the earning call transcript to get a better idea.

Quote: (08-18-2018 11:15 PM)Denzel Wrote:  

I was reading about PSTG, as it is mentioned in this topic.

I understand that it is a high-growth company but it will, once again, announce a loss for the new quarter, and it seems to me that its growth rate will be lower than the previous quarter. It will announce its earnings on Monday (after the market?). So do your research carefully.

Personally, i would stay away in the short term. I believe that it is on the right path but it will take at least a few quarters to be on my buy list.
017 Stock Market thread
Quote: (08-21-2018 06:38 PM)BB1 Wrote:  

The S&P hit an all time high today. Congratulations to all the forum members that have stayed fully invested despite all the idiots like Peter Schiff who have scared off investors with his "imminent" market/USD crash rhetoric.

Thanks for the ongoing stock suggestions. I think you've made a lot of guys on here some money. I've definitely invested a few bucks based on some pointers you gave.

Do you see a correction coming any time soon?

Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen.
017 Stock Market thread
I made $100 on PSTG just from that earnings announcement!

Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.
017 Stock Market thread
Regarding China... The China FXI ETF Nov 16 2018 Call Options, a DOW style Proxy for China based upon China Trade War FUD Dropped all the way down to $0.12

Laddered in 10 Contracts at $0.38, 10 at $0.28 and 10 at $0.12 each for 30 total.

(FXI Nov 16 '18 $48 Call)
Last Price: 0.190.00 (0.00%)Bid 0.21 x204Ask 0.27 x182 (Already Climbing back up)
Open Interest 2061
Binomial Theoretical Value: $0.59

Underlying ETF:
SymbolLast PriceToday's ChangeBid (Size)Ask (Size)Day's RangeVolume
FXI42.78+ 0.36 (+0.85%)42.77 x9,80042.78 x10,10042.60 - 42.809,145,281

Bottom line is that the USA needs China to Feed, Clothe and Entertain all of our WalMartians.
China needs the USA as its Giant Cheap WalMart Products Dumpster.

So - any Dumpster fires will be put out quickly and China will not cut off Great Leader XI's dick to spite his "face".

Trump has the Commander in Chief's Hammer of Thor and the Nuclear Launch Codes so no rushing him and the USA gets what it wants, RECIPROCAL fair and balanced "Free Trade", NO MORE Chinese Red Freaking Communist Intellectual Property Theft and forced transfer, NoKor's rocket man DENUKED and opens up his slave labor country to Kia, Hyundai, LG and Samsung etc etc.

Trump Wins - XI Wins both save face and FXI flies back to its Jan 2018 high of $54 or All Time High Oct 2007 $72.00. $54.00 My preferred target and the FXI Call Options will more than 10X+ by then.

Jim Rickard's Strategic Intelligence service:
The U.S. – China Trade War Is Taking Its Toll in China. [China] Leaders Unsettled.

The mainstream media narrative about the U.S.-China trade war implies that Trump is on a highly damaging ego trip and China holds all the cards. The exact opposite is true.

Trump has ample financial warfare weapons including tariffs, penalties, bans on direct investment, improved cyber-security, forced divestiture and freezing of assets. Meanwhile, China has almost run out of room to impose tariffs. They will invite retribution if they try to devalue their currency further. China’s vulnerabilities run deeper than that.

The U.S.-China trade war comes in the aftermath of a Chinese Communist Party conference that made Xi Jinping dictator for life and enshrined his doctrines on the same level as Mao Zedong. Once Xi got these powers, he proceeded on a disastrous policy course that has resulted in a slowdown of the Chinese economy, higher debt defaults, lost investment opportunities in the U.S., and declining hard currency reserves. As this article shows, the knives are now out in Beijing. Xi’s opponents are questioning his judgment and the wisdom of expanding his powers at such a critical time.

Xi still has torture, firing squads, and concentration camps at his disposal, but the notion of a unified, coherent leadership structure in Beijing is now seen to be a myth.

Trump will keep up the pressure; he never backs off and always doubles down. It will be up to Xi to blink and acquiesce in many U.S. demands. The U.S. will win this trade war because Xi does not want to lose his throne. Yet, there will still be material damage to the global economy and lasting animosity between Xi and Trump.

Ironically WalMart and LL Bean and Amazon, etc., will put YUGE pressure on both sides to get this settled before the Christmas/New Year gift giving seasons in the USA and China. Ironically China has dropped the most and will bounce back the most as evidenced by the FXI whereas the USA SPX S&P 500 Index was at $2,867 today near the all time high of $2,872... No worries USA is negotiating from a position of Strength and the Commander in Chief knows it..
017 Stock Market thread
Quote: (08-22-2018 01:31 PM)Deepdiver Wrote:  

Jim Rickard's Strategic Intelligence service:

DeepDiver, do you mind sharing what returns you have been getting from following Jim Rickard's newsletters, and what are the subscription prices?
017 Stock Market thread
Does anyone know of a REIT that focuses on the intermountain West, e.g. Idaho? I see a real bull run there as people flee California.
017 Stock Market thread
Todays Deepdiving Action:

Bought 20 Oct19 $300 Calls at $0.34 (20 x 100+comm=$675.00) for run up to SPX ATH (SPX $2,872.87 & ESU2018 $2,889.00) Today trades SPX 2857 ESU 2859.50.
Plan ride up to ATH and Sell at Market Highs before Institutions come in SHORTing stampede hard between 2890 to 3000 with major shorts targeting 10% to 20% S&P pullback before next Q3/Q4 earning based Trump Bull Run.

SymbolLast Price $ Change $ Change % Qty  Price WhenAdded Date Added
SPY Oct 19 18 $300 Call0.350.012.94%10.3708/22/2018

Placed 60 Day Limit order at $0.04 for 100 Calls ($450.00 with comm)
Cheapest SPY Calls today as $330 strike is 10%+ Out of the Money so low premium 5.5 Months Dec31 Expiration will benefit from Q3/Q4 Earnings Tsunami due to Low Corp Taxes, slashed Regulations, Mid Term Real Red Tide fueled Corp and Small Biz expansion. Strategy offer at $0.4 half of today's bid to catch Institutional ATH SHORTs. The Ride through Q4.
SymbolLast Price $ Change $ Change % Qty  Price WhenAdded Date Added
SPY Dec 31 18 $330 Call0.090.0112.50%10.1007/27/2018

SymbolLast Price $ Change $ Change % Qty  Price WhenAdded Date Added
FXI Nov 16 18 $48 Call0.190.000.00%10.5107/27/2018
FXI Calls Action slow waiting on news of pragmatic China Trade cooperation from Egomaniacal Red Freaking Communist Emporer for Life XI.Technicals - Just bounced off major 200 Week Moving Average forming EWave 4 low (FXI Underlying $40.10) on the long multiyear Weekly Chart. Now Slowly climbing weekly 5 Ewave to either Wave 1=5 target FXI $54.00 or Wave1 X .618 target FXI $48.00 for 10X to 50X Call option Boost returns.
017 Stock Market thread
Quote: (08-22-2018 09:48 PM)BB1 Wrote:  

Quote: (08-22-2018 01:31 PM)Deepdiver Wrote:  

Jim Rickard's Strategic Intelligence service:

DeepDiver, do you mind sharing what returns you have been getting from following Jim Rickard's newsletters, and what are the subscription prices?

If this is TLDR - remember it was requested info.

I have a mixed Record with Jim Oracle Rickards and Jury is still way out - I have a Lifetime Subscription to Rickard's "Strategic Intelligence" report to know what the Deep State and Chicomms are planning for us over the coming decades all for a "Deal" of $295 one time payment iirc. Then Rickards being part of Agora Financial empire they constantly hustle you for Special Reports and VIP Subscriptions from $2,000 to $5,000 per year. My younger Trading Mentor with 25 yrs of institutional experience and the best trading strategist on the planet managing a $multi-hundred million book. He said phock that sheeeiite google the hell out of their Agora 20 page marketing pump up blurbs and just key words/phrases reverse engineer Rickard's reccs yourself. So only Crypto Rickards reccs that meets his mandatory 7 checkpoints is, after my research and not paying $2K for their Crypto report service, is in fact Stellar Lumens, so I bought 7,000 XLR now down 20% on BTC & ALTZ big dip.

Rickards forecasts 30,000% XLR 300X returns next 2 years or so because their preferred Crypto partner is IBM. Rickards is doing an AI Predictive Analytics, Machine Learning and Complexity Theory Stock Markets "Project Prophecy" service for $2K per year on IBM's Watson. I just reverse engineer his newsletter and find my own opps.

Rickards did introduce me to Gold and Silver Royalty Streams companies that fund Mining Expansion operations for a discounted future cash flows for the duration and life of the mines - mining companies love these stream deals because they get Cash up front to expand and give up NO Equity nor take on NO debt and the Royalty Stream Cos are big patient money and cash in YUGE when precious metals markets surge. These are Royalties Stream Companies like Sandstorm SAND, Silver Wheaton now Wheaton Precious Metals Gold/Silver/Platinum/Palladium etc and any other major Gold etc Royalty Stream cos. I made about 50% returns on these stocks then they peaked EOY2017 but as Fed raising rates driving Silver and Gold down... I cashed out.

Fact as eventual SHTF insurance I was also Buying physical Silver Eagles for the past 3 years between $22.00 to $25.00 each now $19/20. And Pre1964 90% Silver Half Dollars for $15.00 to $17.00 per 1 USD face value. Bought some this week for only $14.25 per 1USD face or two halves. Royalty Streaming Companies also off now 10 to 20% (Glad I sold at Interest rate lows) so just Hodling Pre-1964 and Silver Eagle and Canadian Maple Leafs long range SHTF Silver. Moved Silver/Gold Cos proceeds into my Call Options Plays cash reserve and also going into more risky futures with disciplined intraday and longterm planned trades based upon dozens of proven Trading Confirmations and Correlations.

Also Rickard's Defense Technologies Report Chief Analyst, a retired Special Forces Army Colonel and Raytheon Exec said that EPGL's elastic flexible microcircuits tech touted as the Greatest Military Tech for Coordinated top to Bottom War Fighters Command And Control Communications - wrist pack wireless powered Flexible Bionic Enhanced Vision Contact Lenses with Biomonitoring $5B USD DoD market $90B Consumer market for VR Augmentation and Medical Moni9toring (Can Monitor Diabetics Blood Sugars Constantly without Blood Pricks and Blood Sugar levels) Monitors warfighters ammo reserves, caloric levels, water hydration, sleep deprivation and live visual engagement and combat action active support.

So Gung The Phock Ho Nuke Boats super patriot me ... I buy 50,000 shares of EPGL at penny stock prices around $600.00 USD basically gambled value of 3 boxes of Good Cigars or one weekend rendezvous with mediocre Wallsmashed Poont. Well, Bad news and Good news some slick arsed Silicon Valley promoters sent a proxy via Fidelity that EPGL was an R&D company and they needed to buy it through some [shell/shelf] corp "Inwith Corporation" which is private but they will raise Silicon Valley Funds to an IPO by painting lipstick on this SLUT and putting her out to work the streets.

Fidelity had my EPGL shares listed at 50,000 shares no market value when they stopped trading so no buy price and Now I have 83,000 shares of this Slore Inwith Corp with no market quotes as they are still private and no public share quotes. It will be interesting to see if and when this Lipsticked Pig goes public via a planned IPO.

Why have I soured on this SlutPigSlore??? Rickards with Agora Publishing did a 30 page with Video and Graphics Marketing Pump-Up on this Tech implying it was the most important Mil-Tech in existence today with a potential $100 Billion Miltary and Consumer Global Market sales potential over the next 5 years.

If this was True the CIA's VC company InQtel and DoD would have already public/private funded this along with Trillions of Equity floating around Wall Street and Silicon Valley not to mention EU, Beijing and Saudi-UAE Sovereign Wealth funds.

My gut is telling me that the Flexible Microcircuits tech is likely more a Hollywood Hype and not ready for prime time battlefield nor home healthcare deployment. My concern is the Wireless Charging and Comms Wristpack must not be 100% reliable in high-stress environs if at all so so far I am a hardcore believer in the Crowd Wisdom of the Markets and since my 83,000 shares have no market value price quotes prices - there MUST be major Red Flags keeping Smart Big Money away from this Lipsticked Slore Pig. Just Saying.

I am working on a novel (Meaning Unique no other kind) TPO Whitepaper that tokenizes my research and knowledge engineering for Institution Level Trading profits against Global Markets. I will be finishing the first review draft Q3/Q4 2018 (Reserving LLC Corp Names-filings, Crypto/Web sites and setting up Stealth sites) while writing the White Paper for the Pre-ITO and ITO roadmaps eventual funding.

PM me with a Protonmail account only for security as Gmail dissect all emails for "Ads" and NSA monitoring. Any RVFers with at least 10+ positive rep points will be put on my private initial reviewers list for first read review and feedback.
017 Stock Market thread
Quote: (06-07-2018 06:48 PM)BB1 Wrote:  

3 outstanding 'Software as a Service' companies announced earnings yesterday - Zscaler (ZS), MongoDB (MDB), and Okta (OKTA). All of these companies are growing like a weed.

Zscaler stock jumped 23% today!

I beleive MongoDB is the pick of the bunch. Developers love MongoDB - they have downloaded more than 30 million copies of the company's free database since 2009, and over 10 million copies in the last 12 months alone.

Mongo is disrupting traditional databases like Oracle, so the growth potential is massive if they are successful.

From their earnings :

"Over 6,600 Customers at April 30, 2018, up 83% Year-over-Year

MongoDB Atlas Revenue 14% of Total Q1 Revenue, up over 400% Year-over-Year

Revenue: Total revenue was $48.2 million, an increase of 49% year-over-year. Subscription revenue was $44.6 million, an increase of 53% year-over-year, and services revenue was $3.7 million, an increase of 14% year-over-year."

Mongo has been performing nicely - up 38% since I posted on them 10 weeks ago.
017 Stock Market thread
Interesting regarding MongoDB and it's run up. In practice I've found it to have a really archaic and clunky syntax, a somewhat convoluted server structure, and doesn't seem to be widely used by developers- at least among projects and people I've been involved with. Just seems like not exactly a go-to the way SQL and its variants are over here.
@BB1 I'm interested in your opinion about it's future and what they're doing right.
017 Stock Market thread
NOTE: These are videos leading to a sales pitch type infomercial but still quite useful basic and intermediate info

Great Candlesticks basics video even useful to me and pro-traders do look closely at prior candlesticks patterns for support and resistance as well

And TAS Market Profile trading software portal - four free intro videos:
017 Stock Market thread

This is the most important info (Mini Data Sheet) I will ever share on RVF.

There is a life-changing mega Trump Money Bomb series of Trades Coming up.

I call it the S&P Frosting AND Cake trades.

Met with my Institutional Trader assoc over good cigars tonight and he mentioned they are allocating multiple hundreds of Millions to this planned series of Shorts and then Long trades and of course, all the other majors will be doing the same accelerating the velocity of the market moves.

Last time this occurred was in the 2007 to 2009 Correction multiple guys in his trading room were cashing in .5 to 1M USD per day. These will be much larger moves from the new ATH.

SPY Closed at 287.51 today and the Jan18 All Time High (ATH) was 286.63
SPX Closed today at 2874.69 and the Jan18 ATH was 2872.87
ESU2018 Sept 2018 S&P Emini Futures closed at 2876.75 the Jan18 ATH was 2889.00

What this means is that the March 2009 Low of 680 began the current Supercycle 5 wave count and we are 12 points away from the Futures all time high indicating we are likely to complete the supercycle wave three in the 2900/2905 range and begin supercycle wave 4 trend down in a smaller Major 5 Wave pattern to the bottom of Supercycle wave 4 around 2800 with a Supercycle 5 count reverse to the .618x900=556 of 2900-900=2000+556 or 2556 retrace - discounting slippage that is a potential 800 point down capture and 500 point up capture for a total of 1300 points.

SPY Call options (100 Spys per call or put option contract) is approximately 10x leverage for every 1 point movement.
Emini Dec2018 S&P futures or the ESZ2018 is $50.00 of capture for every one point the Emini moves.

Most of this volatility will complete down and up between September 2018 and January 2019.

1300 Points of SPY Put and Call capture times 10 = $13,000 total - at my high point this past summer I had 280 Calls open.

ESZ2018 Emini 1300 points of capture times $50.00 per point is $65,000 per Emini futures contract(s) Short and then long - market moves in 50s and 100s points per daily limits (Google CME Rules) so this will occur over a couple months from now beginning this upcoming week or next.

The current SPY puts are very pricey and calls are cheap - that actually inverts when the Supercycle Trend reverses from long Supercycle Wave 3 up to Supercycle Wave 4 down. So on Eminis you want to keep daily catastrophic stops on unexpected reversals to around 20 points. Never trade Eminis without these stops otherwise you can be on the hook for the full value of the contracts whereas options you can only lose what you paid per call or put worst case and it can happen human emotion being unpredictable.

Furthermore, the Day Trading "intraday margin" Emini is $300 on Global Futures and $1200 on Tastyworks the guys who sold Sink or Swim for $600M. If you do not want to bother with intraday which in fast-moving markets limit orders fail and you get more slippage on market orders so long-term overnight Eminis make sense to capture the Full 800+ points down to the 2000 target and 500+ point back up on the SuperCycle wave 5 .618 retrace. Emini overnight margin also increases per CFTC mandates as volatility and risk increases so factor in $1200 to $1500 per Emini overnight on Global Futures and $3200 to $3500 on Tastyworks but keep in mind the cash value accumulates rapidly in your accounts as these swings accelerate covering your margins.

I plan to trade 5 overnights in Global Futures and trade 5 Eminis intraday on Tastyworks with a remainder in my SPY options trading account as the PUT/CALL prices flip on trend with the Calls becoming quite expensive and the Puts becoming much cheaper. I will be trading the Sub Supercycle Major 5 Wave down and there will be multiple major 5 Wave targets for the SPY Puts from 2900 down to 2000 as the shorter wave targets cost less in Time value and Expiration. Though once the PUTS cost inverts the SPY March 2019 $2000 puts will capture the full move down.

Suffice to say that this IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM and is being shared for informational purposes only.

That said my plan is to trade 5 Eminis Overnight and 5 intraday plus some long Feb/March expiration SPY 2000 PUTS and then 2600 CALLS options with a goal of 10 times $65K per Emini or $650K profit or cake and the Options as the S&P frosting.

I will be opening 3 new IRA Self Directed Trading Accounts so I do not get screwed on Lump Sum Taxes due - you can continue to trade from the self-directed IRA accounts and also buy real estate from the IRA and once you are eligible for a reverse mortgage - stay in the home for life and draw an income stream from the reverse mortgage all tax free or close to it - of course the money you take out of the IRA will be subject to Ordinary Income and a 10% penalty but you get to pull out funds slowly without a giant lump sum tax liability.

I will be using the TAS Market Profile software to manage trades on the Intraday Eminis - links in the previous post above.

Younger guys may be able to create an LLC and open a trading account in the LLC name and only be liable for 20% Trump corporate taxes on the earnings as well but since so many tax laws changed be sure to consult a qualified Tax or Tax Law professional.

And of course, if it flies, rolls floats or phucks RENT IT with your LLC and deduct your expenses as well.

That's about all I can share without betraying any confidences.

Good Luck and Good Hunting the S&P Trump Money Bomb trades pending real soon.

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