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ONS + Alcohol. How do you avoid false rape accusations?

ONS + Alcohol. How do you avoid false rape accusations?

With rape culture having such a strong presence in today's America, I am starting to fear the prospect of a one night stand at any bar. It seems that at any point if she has alcohol in her system regardless of what she's texted/said/did(catching her riding you on camera) you can be found guilty of rape.

With this being said, how do you vets deal with this? Just roll the dice? The best I can think of is to text her the next day and try to avoid buyer's remorse at all costs.

How do you know she's too drunk? What do you do if she can't remember who you are the next day?

Growth Over Everything Else.

ONS + Alcohol. How do you avoid false rape accusations?

I have turned on the voice recorder on my phone once I've left the bar with a girl without acknowledging it or admitting it at all. Its illegal in certain states, so if you ever utilized it I would definitely always pretend like you had told her you were doing that.

I've never needed it, but it's always entertaining to hear my drunk game the next day

ONS + Alcohol. How do you avoid false rape accusations?

Don't exchange your real number. Lol

ONS + Alcohol. How do you avoid false rape accusations?

Make or buy her breakfast the next day, plus send a text saying what a great time you had the night before, at breakfast and look forward to do it again. No girl who was raped would have breakfast with the guy the next day, thats my reasoning

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ONS + Alcohol. How do you avoid false rape accusations?

Quote: (12-25-2016 10:47 AM)Sonoma Wrote:  

I have turned on the voice recorder on my phone once I've left the bar with a girl without acknowledging it or admitting it at all. Its illegal in certain states, so if you ever utilized it I would definitely always pretend like you had told her you were doing that.

I've never needed it, but it's always entertaining to hear my drunk game the next day

Yes, I think using a voice recording is sufficient as long as it isn't just silent or you doing something that could be badly misinterpreted. Some guys talk about filming their sexual activity, but I think that is a step too far and it is also expensive/hard to get a 'hidden camera'.

It shouldn't just be for ONS or when alcohol is involved. Even with fuckbuddies, make sure you have at least one recording per chick, as obviously she isn't going to have sex again with a guy who raped her.

Also remember that if alcohol is involved, in some places, the fact that you have audio/video evidence of consent isn't enough. She will get her friends to over-exaggerate how drunk she was, and you can be charged with rape. Not to scare you or anything, just take care and don't go near volatile/very drunk chicks.

ONS + Alcohol. How do you avoid false rape accusations?

Quote: (12-25-2016 12:41 PM)britchard Wrote:  

Quote: (12-25-2016 10:47 AM)Sonoma Wrote:  

I have turned on the voice recorder on my phone once I've left the bar with a girl without acknowledging it or admitting it at all. Its illegal in certain states, so if you ever utilized it I would definitely always pretend like you had told her you were doing that.

I've never needed it, but it's always entertaining to hear my drunk game the next day

Yes, I think using a voice recording is sufficient as long as it isn't just silent or you doing something that could be badly misinterpreted. Some guys talk about filming their sexual activity, but I think that is a step too far and it is also expensive/hard to get a 'hidden camera'.

It shouldn't just be for ONS or when alcohol is involved. Even with fuckbuddies, make sure you have at least one recording per chick, as obviously she isn't going to have sex again with a guy who raped her.

Also remember that if alcohol is involved, in some places, the fact that you have audio/video evidence of consent isn't enough. She will get her friends to over-exaggerate how drunk she was, and you can be charged with rape. Not to scare you or anything, just take care and don't go near volatile/very drunk chicks.

That's why I'm asking. What is the spectrum that you use? I have had a girl dry hump me, look completely sober at a bar (couldn't close she wanted to stay with her sister) and I texted the next day and she texts me "Phil?" she didn't even remember me. I can only imagine how it would be with a ONS. Do you all just get the bang with a girl that's not completely drunk and take your chances?

Growth Over Everything Else.

ONS + Alcohol. How do you avoid false rape accusations?

At some point before you take her to bed, get a video with her. I'm not talking about making a sex tape. Just take out your phone and take a quick Snapchat video or two. You don't even have to post the video to your feed, but save the clip to your phone's photo-stream. The more happy, flirty and sexual she is, the better. This will at least help to establish what frame of mind she was in while with you -- and most importantly show you weren't keeping her prisoner or anything like that.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Tell her to send you a text to let you know she made it home OK after she leaves your place. That way you have both a positive video of her pre-bang and proof of positive text communication post-bang. Also, I highly recommend saving ALL your communications with girls, you'd rather have 'em and not need 'em than need 'em and not have 'em.

ONS + Alcohol. How do you avoid false rape accusations?

Quote: (12-25-2016 02:59 PM)Phil Jackson Wrote:  

That's why I'm asking. What is the spectrum that you use? I have had a girl dry hump me, look completely sober at a bar (couldn't close she wanted to stay with her sister) and I texted the next day and she texts me "Phil?" she didn't even remember me. I can only imagine how it would be with a ONS. Do you all just get the bang with a girl that's not completely drunk and take your chances?

There is no spectrum for precautions, always use at least a few snippets of voice record or video (not necessarily of the sex, but just showing the scene). Cover yourself from any false allegations by doing this.

In terms of drunkenness, there is no absolute litmus test for whether or not a woman is too drunk to consent or not. Personally, if they are in the 'nonsensical' drunk stage or even more drunk than that, I won't go near them. If I feel like they are aware of the decision they are making, I think it is fine to go ahead.

ONS + Alcohol. How do you avoid false rape accusations?

This recently happened to me for the first time ever.
Not rape but a really drunk girl.

I took her home, we were both drunk as skunks. Laying in bed just relaxing, she asked me to take her clothes off cause she was hot. Then she started cuddling, making out, and she grabbed me and started playing, so I started playing with her, she pulled me on top of her..... and so on.

Next day she had zero recollection of what happened. She said all she remembered was sleeping.
Kind of scary.
I mean I was drunk too and she was coordinated enough to walk and talk just fine, I figured it was just some fun drunk sex.

It's kinda creepy to be told that they don't remember it. I don't like that lol.
Makes me wonder how often that happens.

ONS + Alcohol. How do you avoid false rape accusations?

You can sleep with the girl (no sex) then in the morning when no one is drunk you bang. Has worked for me several times.

ONS + Alcohol. How do you avoid false rape accusations?

Quote: (12-27-2016 11:09 PM)Mistaketrain Wrote:  

This recently happened to me for the first time ever.
Not rape but a really drunk girl.

I took her home, we were both drunk as skunks. Laying in bed just relaxing, she asked me to take her clothes off cause she was hot. Then she started cuddling, making out, and she grabbed me and started playing, so I started playing with her, she pulled me on top of her..... and so on.

Next day she had zero recollection of what happened. She said all she remembered was sleeping.
Kind of scary.
I mean I was drunk too and she was coordinated enough to walk and talk just fine, I figured it was just some fun drunk sex.

It's kinda creepy to be told that they don't remember it. I don't like that lol.
Makes me wonder how often that happens.

"Zero recollection", is a woman's way of saying "I don't want to approach the situation we created so I'm giving you an out and telling you to take it".

It's a reset switch for your relationship with her, flawed as it is, only in modern day terms it carries the implied threat of legal ramifications if you force the truth on her.

I have been blackout drunk a number of times and although I've forgotten specific details about the previous night, the broad strokes (such as who I fucked) were never something that I simply didn't recall.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

ONS + Alcohol. How do you avoid false rape accusations?

If you havent fucked a girl and she didnt remember it, you havent fucked enough girls. Or youre a muslim.

ONS + Alcohol. How do you avoid false rape accusations?

Solution: Avoid white girls during night game.

Game all other races (I rarely see or hear of asian girls, black girls, hispanic girls, etc. giving false rape accusations its always some delusional Lena Dunham type) at night. Only game white girls during the day when they are sober and take all false rape accusation precautions (voice record, video record, saving texts, etc.). I have a niche for minority girls anyways so its no skin off my back.

Growth Over Everything Else.

ONS + Alcohol. How do you avoid false rape accusations?

Quote: (12-28-2016 11:47 AM)dongiovanni Wrote:  

If you havent fucked a girl and she didnt remember it, you havent fucked enough girls. Or youre a muslim.

I forgot that certain 11 post zero rep members have an infallible ability to determine when a woman is lying.

You will certainly be a great asset to this forum with your incredible powers.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

ONS + Alcohol. How do you avoid false rape accusations?

I've never gamed a drunk girl, and never would. There's simply no excuse for proceeding forward in those circumstances given the way the laws are biased against men, and against female responsibility for their actions. In fact, I'm rather put off by girls that drink a lot. I find it sloppy and nasty. Just avoiding those women in the first place I think has reduced the chance I would have been accused by over 99%. Also, there are many girls that throw off the "crazy chick" vibe, but men ignore those warning signals just to wet their dick. That's on you as a man if you sense a girl is nuts and you still try to get laid with her, even though you sense she's a basket case. Hard NEXT any woman that gives you crazy vibes. Your gut is correct more often than not.

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ONS + Alcohol. How do you avoid false rape accusations?

Get a text from her telling you she had a great time and looks forward to seeing you again.

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Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

ONS + Alcohol. How do you avoid false rape accusations?

I wouldn't fuck a drunk girl but hey I'm in Canada. I always make sure shes 100% comfortable and agrees with what we are doing. Rape accusations here are crazy! So I don't risk it.

ONS + Alcohol. How do you avoid false rape accusations?

Never needed to record any of my 94 notches because of one thing: rapport building.

Make the girl's life better for having met you and slept with you. Yes, you should make them feel comfortable. Actually be nice to them and talk after sex instead of being some autistic fuck who root n boots drunk girls while saying nothing (some do)...

Try to make them avoid 'slut guilt' and instead have fun with the girl and I assure you will never have this problem in the West

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ONS + Alcohol. How do you avoid false rape accusations?

My only lay this year was with an extremely drunk girl, but she was cool after and we chatted and laughed about the night the following morning when we woke up and also over text and stuff. I think unless you're an asshole, it's unlikely to happen

ONS + Alcohol. How do you avoid false rape accusations?

Quote: (12-29-2016 01:05 PM)Prof. Ligate Wrote:  

Never needed to record any of my 94 notches because of one thing: rapport building.

Make the girl's life better for having met you and slept with you. Yes, you should make them feel comfortable. Actually be nice to them and talk after sex instead of being some autistic fuck who root n boots drunk girls while saying nothing (some do)...

Try to make them avoid 'slut guilt' and instead have fun with the girl and I assure you will never have this problem in the West

My intentions aren't to sleep with drunk girls. If a girl is slurring her words I always try to avoid her. However im speaking about the chick that has two shots and you can't tell if she is drunk or not. You both have a great night and you take her back to your place for the bang. She wakes up the next mornin"OMG I don't even know this guy, wasn't I suppose to meet XYZ last night at ZYW? Whats going to be my excuse? This guy is not even in a frat, i don't even think he goes to <college name>. ".... Then one thing leads to another then FALSE RAPE ACCUSATION. After typing this out this does seem like it would be a somewhat rare occurrence. But after being slighted by girls before I try to take as much precaution as possible.

Growth Over Everything Else.

ONS + Alcohol. How do you avoid false rape accusations?

Make a joke about your sexy txt voice and how it turns women on more than (insert R &B artist's name here)'s music and see if she goes for it. Get her to reciprocate/respond via txt to something sexual and go from there then make your move. Also agree and amplify if there is the 'I can't believe this is happening' reaction or LMR, like you didn't want it either but you two together just couldn't help yourselves.

ONS + Alcohol. How do you avoid false rape accusations?

I have my phone near my night stand, and the first widget on my home screen is a voice recorder, so I activate that, make a comment about getting condoms or a joke about "unless you want to bring a champion into this world" and then deactivate the recorder at some long as I capture some form of "yes, condom" (still patiently waiting for the "no, let's make a champion" psycho), I'll feel safer.

Also, if I know the girl lives reasonably close (I'm in a big city), I'll call the uber and walk her out to it, give the uber driver a little show with a last minute makeout. 1) at least my phone/financial records will show I called her an Uber and 2) the vain hope that the makeout will be memorable enough for the uber driver to be in my corner as a witness. $10 is worth the small peace of when she gets home there's the "got back alright?" that should get you a "yup! Thank you so much!" to really seal the deal.

ONS + Alcohol. How do you avoid false rape accusations?

Always get the text after yall have banged.

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ONS + Alcohol. How do you avoid false rape accusations?

There is usually a litmus test involved. If the chicken is plastered, I wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole. Now, if she had one or two or even three, then it's game on. If anywhere during the moment I see red flags, I cut it off and record the incident (discreetly of course).

I had an incident where I gamed a chicken pretending to be a musician since it was in the moment. We were basically walking around town making out and dry humping. When it came time to get the bang at my place, I had to use the bathroom but heard her snooping around my place (probably thought I had drugs but I do not). I cut her loose knowing she was too much trouble but recorded the conversation "just in case".

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