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Were you a bully at school?

Were you a bully at school?

I am sure many guys here were bullied at school. I used to be bullied myself. Not physically but verbally. Therefore I didnt give a fuck what people said. I just ignored it.

I wanted to know if there are any former bullies here. Why did you do it and when did you stop?

Beliefs are more powerful than facts.

Were you a bully at school?

Bullying is usually one of those highly subjective things, for which everyone will have a different definition. Very often the bully won't see themselves as a bully at the point that the 'victim' feels persecuted. It's in the nature of these things that we tend to give excessive weight to the voice of those who feel victimised. They make a fuss, most likely expound in great and frequently fabricated detail upon the awfulness of the bully to a figure of authority (itself frequently an act of almost perverse pleasure), and really the 'bully' is typecast and demonised from the outset - doomed to whatever punishment the do-gooders decide is appropriate. It's never really a defence, though it should be the cause for some mitigation, to say that 'this dude is a total fucking brat and it's annoying'. You can't simply explain to an authority figure that 'this guy is a little shit and he deserved to be hung from the banisters by his boxer shorts'.

Ultimately, in most cases I think that what is categorised as bullying is really the result of the way in which people divide into the robust and sanguine, and the determined moralisers. Of course, in a few very rare instances, a child is subjected to such unwarranted and appalling nastiness that bullying really is the right term, and one which both sides of the divide could agree on. For the most part though, kids who were bullied needed it - and some of them could have done with a lot more. I know plenty of kids who claim to have been bullied who somehow made it out the other side as the same objectionable little shit they were before any unpleasantness was directed their way.

Were you a bully at school?

Yes, I was the baddest kid in my school when I was younger and my shenanigans got me in the local news, I was the kid other kids weren't allowed to hang out with after school. I was a pretty big dick head to a lot of other students, I wouldn't be surprised if some had long lasting mental wounds. Then my parents put me on Ritalin and I turned into a zombie for a couple of years snd I stopped growing at age 14 (not sure if the two are correlated) I became much more diplomatic after that haha. Even today I sometimes get into trouble at work because some pussies don't know how to take a joke but overall, I'm a pretty chill person.

Were you a bully at school?

I was both the bully (physically) and bullied (verbally) of two different kids at the same time back in school days. Stopping happened naturally a while after I wasn't bullied myself. I guess I'm proof that bullying is often simply a vicious cycle.

Were you a bully at school?

No. I was the nice guy at school. Probably could have used a little more bully characteristics.

Were you a bully at school?

@scotian. Why did bully people? Sadism or what?

Beliefs are more powerful than facts.

Were you a bully at school?

If you count being called a sexist or a bigot for expressing red-pill ideas, then you could say I get bullied. However, most people at my school think I have a lot of courage for speaking my mind like this.

Were you a bully at school?

I was and I regret it, but I personally am always trying to improve. If it helps I think one reason why people bully is because we are irrational at heart. One girl that was super mean to me in college probably equated me to a negligent father. Seriously, who would be mean to someone on their first day in college and asking someone what the professor said constitutes as being hit on? Looking back I should have called her out but I was too blue pilled at the time. I honestly forgive her and even if I had a chance to hurt her I wouldn't.

Obviously there are other factors such as upbringing (a former coworker that stole from me never knew his father), genetics, ability to manage stress, and the advent of online communication. I even think the feminization of men have made some of us gossiping backstabbers.

At the current moment I don't bully people out of malice but I can come across as a prick. I have a resting bitch face, dress well, work out, and don't tend to explain myself so people project to explain my behavior.

The flip side is you can't always play nice in this world. My current boss is such a b word and while I can't engage her directly, as she's the type that will fight back, I fight back when she isn't around. But even if I leave my job (which will happen soon) I wouldn't get revenge in the future as I've done my part to hit her back. She's the type who can't deal with stress well so use your imagination on what tactics I'm using on her to piss her off [Image: wink.gif] If anything being a bully and getting bullied has helped me survive in the real world.

Let'e end this on a positive note, bullying sucks and being young I've made mistakes. However, it has taught me a fair amount and I'm always improving. Don't bully people for fun but do stand up for yourself.

Were you a bully at school?

I really wasn't one but was often considered one. You see, small kids get picked on but big guys like me who were literally a foot taller and 100lbs heavier than their classmates are victims of little man syndrome where every freaking midget with a chip on his shoulder thinks he has something to prove by picking a fight with the biggest dude. Then when the biggest dude whips his ass fairly quick, he's the bad guy for fighting with the midget. You can't win. That is until you get far enough in school for sports to be taken seriously then suddenly everyone looooooooves you. Fuckers.

Were you a bully at school?

Bring on the RVF last man standing swirly competition. The forum must have its champion.

Were you a bully at school?

I was being bullied verbally in high school, of course being beta nice guy is main cause for that, even though bullies were not actually "alphas".

Were you a bully at school?

One thing I realized after a while was that anyone that was bullied was well deserving of it in my neck of the woods. Yeah people talked mess and shit behind each other's backs but out in the open it was always the guy doing and starting shit that was "bullied".

Example this one kid we knew always was a general jackass who intentionally pissed people off. One day he crossed the line in front of me and my friends. Grabbed this chick we knew's tits and ran off. I went 0-100 full tilt immediately and so did everyone else. We were about to whoop his ass in the hallway but he ran in the direction of the principal. Let's just say that more than a few people joined in on jumping him after school. Same guy pissed off another dude so hard he was knocked out and pissed on in the bathroom.

Another guy was this spoiled fat kid with a rich dad that would continuously argue in class with the teacher. He would also again try to act alpha 24/7. We made sure to roast him 24/7 to kick him down a few pegs.

The people who were good looking on the outside but shitty people made sure to restrain their shittyness then managed to take it out on these guys who were shitty inside and out. So everyone knew they were shitty but so long as it was towards these people that deserved it they were cool. And I agree. Bullying is necessary and well deserved so these people can get their act together or continue being social outcasts. Many of the people that were social outcasts ended up reforming in college. I'm even close friends currently with someone like that even though I use to fuck with him a lot.

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Were you a bully at school?

Quote: (12-13-2016 11:25 AM)needhelp Wrote:  

I was and I regret it, but I personally am always trying to improve. If it helps I think one reason why people bully is because we are irrational at heart. One girl that was super mean to me in college probably equated me to a negligent father. Seriously, who would be mean to someone on their first day in college and asking someone what the professor said constitutes as being hit on? Looking back I should have called her out but I was too blue pilled at the time. I honestly forgive her and even if I had a chance to hurt her I wouldn't.

Obviously there are other factors such as upbringing (a former coworker that stole from me never knew his father), genetics, ability to manage stress, and the advent of online communication. I even think the feminization of men have made some of us gossiping backstabbers.

At the current moment I don't bully people out of malice but I can come across as a prick. I have a resting bitch face, dress well, work out, and don't tend to explain myself so people project to explain my behavior.

The flip side is you can't always play nice in this world. My current boss is such a b word and while I can't engage her directly, as she's the type that will fight back, I fight back when she isn't around. But even if I leave my job (which will happen soon) I wouldn't get revenge in the future as I've done my part to hit her back. She's the type who can't deal with stress well so use your imagination on what tactics I'm using on her to piss her off [Image: wink.gif] If anything being a bully and getting bullied has helped me survive in the real world.

Let'e end this on a positive note, bullying sucks and being young I've made mistakes. However, it has taught me a fair amount and I'm always improving. Don't bully people for fun but do stand up for yourself.

You write like a faggot or a woman, so which one is it?

Were you a bully at school?

Preface: Bullying is bad in the sense of an innocent weaker kid getting beat up by a stronger kid for no reason whatsoever, only to take his lunch money and shove him in a locker.

However, in my experience growing up, I never saw that happen. It's only in movies.

I'm with Comte.

Anyone who got physically or verbally assaulted more or less had it coming. Either they instigated it themselves then played the victim, or they were so spineless that a simple, "You're being a fag" sent them crying to the principal's office. Then it made them a target in the future because everyone knew they were easy to mess with.

I stood up for the latter as I felt a lot of pity, but I took care of the former when I had to. For example, I played hockey my whole life. I was chubby in middle school and grew out before growing up. A little skinny kid on the team made a few jokes calling me fat in the locker room. If I would've taken it, I would've become the team bitch and had no respect from anyone. I challenged him to a locker box (helmet and gloves for those of you not aware) and beat the shit out of him. He started crying and didn't talk shit to my face for the rest of middle school. If he ever tried to talk shit in high school, I would respond with "Locker Box?". It always shut him up. Classic case of little man syndrome.

I ran into the same guy at a bar in college after not seeing him for years. I'm somewhat muscular and was wearing a polo. He started giving me shit about wearing too tight of a shirt. I never liked the guy, so I just pulled him aside away from my girl and said, "You say one more word and I'm going to knock your teeth out." He kissed my ass the rest of the night and tried to talk me up to the girl I was with. Total coward.

The guys who claim they were "bullied" usually resemble my acquaintance vs. the innocent nerd in the movies. If you were heavily bullied, it would be wise to take an introspective look at your actions growing up instead of those "evil bullies". I'm not saying you were necessarily wrong, and you could be an exception, but from my experiences I'd put money on the bully not being the only guilty party involved.

Were you a bully at school?

Don't mean to toot my own horn but honestly I defended a lot of kids from bullying, especially my tiny friends. I had a lot that I treated like little brothers, they followed me around.

Were you a bully at school?

I was the guy that stuck up for others. Growing up in white social circles it gets lonely sometimes being Token. To me I wasn't about to let another kid get ostracized for being different--no way no how. Looking back at it it earned me a great deal of respect from peers and especially from coaches and teachers.
Probably helped that I was the tallest kid and best athlete in the area too #StreetCred

Attraction and passion are non-negotiable

Were you a bully at school?

Quote: (12-13-2016 09:19 PM)scotian Wrote:  

You write like a faggot or a woman, so which one is it?

How does your post add any value to this thread about bullying? To answer your question, neither as homos and women aren't allowed on this forum.

Were you a bully at school?

Reminds me of my story in 5th grade. There was this kid who kept bullying me on the school bus I still remember his name its Carlos, I was scared of him for some reason. He used to physically bully me and you know whats worse the other kids stood there watched and laughed while he did this.. One day I couldn't take it anymore and I got up on the seat stood up and threw him a flying kick. He fell to the ground and started crying . That is probably my most alpha moment ever, after that day all the kids on the bus started showing respect for me and that Carlos guy would change his path whenever he saw me in school. The guy who used to pick on me every day did not pick on me ever again.

Our school was very interesting because it was 1st grade until 12th, a very niche school. 5th grade is when I turned from a loser to hero. I understood what got respect, the 7th and 8th graders would not let us play on the football field so I used to go pick up fights with them. Of course I got beat up, but I still got amazng respect people were like wow that guy has courage..

The girls who used to think I was some loser started coming and talking flirting with me etc.

Bullying is the lowest thing someone can do to you,.
5th grade is a turning point in my life.

Were you a bully at school?

Could've been, but it wasn't worth the hassle.

I was more interested in music.

“As long as you are going to be thinking anyway, think big.” - Donald J. Trump

"I don't get all the women I want, I get all the women who want me." - David Lee Roth

Were you a bully at school?

Its shocking the amount of parents who do not take charge and get their kids trained at a young age. I don't mean some bullshit karate class when they are 8.

Were you a bully at school?

Quote: (12-13-2016 05:55 PM)Comte De St. Germain Wrote:  

One thing I realized after a while was that anyone that was bullied was well deserving of it in my neck of the woods.

That's an interesting thought, I can't say I disagree. In elementary school, I was often bullied and mocked for being a fatass. It wasn't a nice experience, as all that mocking made sure to keep my self-confidence non-existant. I hated myself for being fat. It seems that in a weird turn of events, all that self-hatred pushed me to begin losing weight, and many years later, to hit the gym. Now I'm decently fit, in the best shape of my life, and I don't intent to stop any time soon.

So it maybe that all those guys who were constantly making fun of my man-boobs actually did me a favor.

Were you a bully at school?

I was "bullied" (in the modern day sense of the word) in middle school, which stopped when I hit puberty the summer after 8th grade and started lifting. I was a fat, awkward kid up to that point and although I kept some inner butt hurt bottled up about it for some time after, as I matured I realized I brought it upon myself at the time by being fat and socially inept; and that it's those "bullies" I have to thank for spurring me to reach down, sack up, and develop the inner drive for self improvement physically, socially, and mentally that defines who I am today.

Were you a bully at school?

Quote: (12-14-2016 01:41 PM)Khan Wrote:  

Quote: (12-13-2016 05:55 PM)Comte De St. Germain Wrote:  

One thing I realized after a while was that anyone that was bullied was well deserving of it in my neck of the woods.

That's an interesting thought, I can't say I disagree. In elementary school, I was often bullied and mocked for being a fatass. It wasn't a nice experience, as all that mocking made sure to keep my self-confidence non-existant. I hated myself for being fat. It seems that in a weird turn of events, all that self-hatred pushed me to begin losing weight, and many years later, to hit the gym. Now I'm decently fit, in the best shape of my life, and I don't intent to stop any time soon.

So it maybe that all those guys who were constantly making fun of my man-boobs actually did me a favor.

Ha, I only saw your post after I posted mine. There's definitely value to society in bulllying, too bad the current generation is taught otherwise.

Were you a bully at school?

Bullying is fluid among boys until authorities get involved. Then things get bigger than young minds can comprehend.

For example:

I bullied my best friend in front of a girl in 4th grade. Fat Russian kid. I pushed him over and put him in a head lock until he cried. He cried mostly from hurt feelings even though I thought it was because I was tough. He kicked the shit out of me the next day.

I kissed the school sweetheart in grade 7 and a couple days later I was watching a fight after school when I was jumped by 3 guys, one of whom was on my hockey team and was already man sized. I ran and came around the corner and ran into my buddies metal head skid brother and his skid friends who turned the tables and laid a couple boots into the guys chasing me.

In grade 7 also I thought dumb=weak. I shot a metal 'v-dart' into the thigh of one of the dumb kids and he hit me so hard in the face I almost flipped upside down. Lesson learned.

I also stuck up for a lot of kids and razzed a few too. Shit changed all the time, boys are always trying to get a leg up, and when the opportunity arises, they take it. Its mostly not meant to do long term damage, though in some cases kids get it way over and above what they should. Its usually a sign that the strongest, smartest and best leader is squandering his role of protecting the very weak and razzing the betas and instead is creating chaos.

Were you a bully at school?

Quote: (12-14-2016 07:49 AM)Mr. D Wrote:  

Could've been, but it wasn't worth the hassle.

I was more interested in music.

[Image: 200.gif#2]

Attraction and passion are non-negotiable

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