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If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently?

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently?

Sports are great! I play basketball and tennis weekly. Great exercise

I need to pickup some type of mma training.

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently?

I would say to my 18 year old self:

Don't go into debt for college. You're not going to Harvard.

Don't rely on a degree to do shit you. You're not going to Harvard.

Bet on yourself, be an entrepreneur. Start now. Only take jobs that teach you something you can use to make more money for yourself on your own. There's no age requirement for stacking cash. If you keep thinking you'll "get to that after college" you'll be in the exact same position you're in now.

Video games and bullshit websites are poison to all the shit you actually want, now and later.

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently?

Mystik: " Pick up a martial art: Seriously, don't waste time in the gym. If you don't like to fight then pick up a sport. "

Is this only taught in Brazil? I saw a Brazilian who tested his moves in Fight Science program. It looks awesome by the way.

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently?

Quote: (08-22-2011 05:56 AM)Andreas Wrote:  

Mystik: " Pick up a martial art: Seriously, don't waste time in the gym. If you don't like to fight then pick up a sport. "

Is this only taught in Brazil? I saw a Brazilian who tested his moves in Fight Science program. It looks awesome by the way.

Hey Andreas, I don't understand your question, what do you mean by "this"? By the way I am not Brazilian and have never been to Brazil, so I would not really know what does or does not go on in Brazil. There are a number of Brazil experts,a couple of Brazilian dudes and a Brazilian girl here, maybe they can chip in after you clarify your question.

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently?


Most major cities have gyms that specialize in all sorts of fighting and mma styles. Atleast in the US.

Just google the fighting style and ur city and some stuff should pop up. If not get in touch with other mma / fighters in the area and they should know about the different type gyms in town.

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently?

Quote: (08-22-2011 08:21 AM)Mystik Wrote:  

Quote: (08-22-2011 05:56 AM)Andreas Wrote:  

Mystik: " Pick up a martial art: Seriously, don't waste time in the gym. If you don't like to fight then pick up a sport. "

Is this only taught in Brazil? I saw a Brazilian who tested his moves in Fight Science program. It looks awesome by the way.

Hey Andreas, I don't understand your question, what do you mean by "this"? By the way I am not Brazilian and have never been to Brazil, so I would not really know what does or does not go on in Brazil. There are a number of Brazil experts,a couple of Brazilian dudes and a Brazilian girl here, maybe they can chip in after you clarify your question.

i forgot to mention Capoeira. My stupid mistake, i was just too distracted while watching Brazilian guys perform

@Dash Global: In most MMA training places you mostly find 'fake' wannabe fighters who think they can beat anyone with the muy tai training which is probably not even close to what people do in Thailand. They are not willing to break their bones kicking a tree. They just wanna fight and pray not to get injured.

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently?

U never know, might find a legit one......

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently?

Quote: (08-22-2011 08:47 AM)Andreas Wrote:  

i forgot to mention Capoeira.

I don't know to be honest. My advice would be not get hung up on one particular form. If you can't find a good Capoeira gym then pick something else.

You can contact YMG. He is American and into these Martial Arts, he may not know about Capoeira but he might hook you up with someone who does have the knowledge.

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently?

Quote: (08-22-2011 09:12 AM)Mystik Wrote:  

Quote: (08-22-2011 08:47 AM)Andreas Wrote:  

i forgot to mention Capoeira.

I don't know to be honest. My advice would be not get hung up on one particular form. If you can't find a good Capoeira gym then pick something else.

You can contact YMG. He is American and into these Martial Arts, he may not know about Capoeira but he might hook you up with someone who does have the knowledge.

i have tried "tae kwan do" and "kick boxing" in the past. 2 years of each and i must say it has made a difference on my body. However at that time i was "blinded" and i was looking for fights and didn't show consistency and interest to the lessons. Now i finally see a martial art that makes me feel excited. Nothing wrong with the other tons of martial arts but i like this particular one. You can do it everywhere and have fun with it while there is music playing.
I live in a small country in Europe, that's why i'm asking if Capoeira is only taught in Brazil.

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently?

Quote: (08-22-2011 09:36 AM)Andreas Wrote:  

You can do it everywhere and have fun with it while there is music playing.
I live in a small country in Europe, that's why i'm asking if Capoeira is only taught in Brazil.

I hear ya! I want to go to Brazil and do Capoeira for the exact same reason. As for it being taught outside Brazil, yes that is definitely the case. I saw some schools in France and a friend of mine used to go to a school in a small city in the south of France.

Type "your city name" capoeira and google it. Maybe you will find something.

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently?

When you pick a sport naturally your gonna want to go full immersion. That means several hours a day for several days a week. And on top of that your gonna want to compete every so often.

As for MMA Its not hard to find out whos legit and whose running a "McDojo" once you start checking out competitions and talking to other athletes. My advice for those of you wanting to take up grappling or fighting, go to local fights and Youll notice some athletes perform way above their peers. Ask those winners which gyms are mcdojos and which gyms are producing top fighters. Then do your own personal tally and check out the gyms that dont make the McDojo list.

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently?

Quote: (08-12-2011 06:38 AM)youngmobileglobal Wrote:  

Don't take advice from people who have nothing to lose from the decision you make.

Damn, real words-

Chill girl I aint famous-

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently?

Quote: (08-12-2011 10:42 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

Try to be a cash operation as much as possible.

Finally, save up to buy a house in a foreign country cash!!

That way, you have a secure investment you own, and can leave the rat race by the time you are 40!

Quote: (08-12-2011 11:51 AM)DanDeLaCruz Wrote:  

I think Mixx's suggestion about buying real estate abroad is gold.... I mean you can buy a nice piece of property in cash, and in cities like Medellin, you can rent it out and make a nice income, while you're retirement pent house awaits you... I sunk my money into real estate in New Jersey, If I would have taken my money and put it in Medellin I'd own a nice penthouse, fully paid, near parque lleras right now, but this was all before I educated myself... That doesn't mean I might not make mistakes going forward, but I won't be a clueless ass with my money anymore.

This is catching my attention right here. I'm 21, stable career in the military, stationed abroad in Italy & sell instrumentals online for a nice sidepot. Not to seem greedy for info, but can someone throw in their 2 cents on what you would do in my shoes? I'm all ears on this investment topic..

Chill girl I aint famous-

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently?

Quote: (08-22-2011 06:18 PM)TheNyce1 Wrote:  

Quote: (08-12-2011 10:42 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

Try to be a cash operation as much as possible.

Finally, save up to buy a house in a foreign country cash!!

That way, you have a secure investment you own, and can leave the rat race by the time you are 40!

Quote: (08-12-2011 11:51 AM)DanDeLaCruz Wrote:  

I think Mixx's suggestion about buying real estate abroad is gold.... I mean you can buy a nice piece of property in cash, and in cities like Medellin, you can rent it out and make a nice income, while you're retirement pent house awaits you... I sunk my money into real estate in New Jersey, If I would have taken my money and put it in Medellin I'd own a nice penthouse, fully paid, near parque lleras right now, but this was all before I educated myself... That doesn't mean I might not make mistakes going forward, but I won't be a clueless ass with my money anymore.

This is catching my attention right here. I'm 21, stable career in the military, stationed abroad in Italy & sell instrumentals online for a nice sidepot. Not to seem greedy for info, but can someone throw in their 2 cents on what you would do in my shoes? I'm all ears on this investment topic..

I wouldnt advise you to buy a house if your goal is to travel around the world. Just make sure you save lots of money and only spend money on travelling and shit that you think is worth. Why buying a house overseas that you may never use? Most of people live average lives because the first ''big'' money they had, they spent in a house or just spent their lives working to pay for a house, i think this is just lame. Invest that money.

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently?

Quote: (08-22-2011 06:18 PM)TheNyce1 Wrote:  

Quote: (08-12-2011 10:42 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

Try to be a cash operation as much as possible.

Finally, save up to buy a house in a foreign country cash!!

That way, you have a secure investment you own, and can leave the rat race by the time you are 40!

Quote: (08-12-2011 11:51 AM)DanDeLaCruz Wrote:  

I think Mixx's suggestion about buying real estate abroad is gold.... I mean you can buy a nice piece of property in cash, and in cities like Medellin, you can rent it out and make a nice income, while you're retirement pent house awaits you... I sunk my money into real estate in New Jersey, If I would have taken my money and put it in Medellin I'd own a nice penthouse, fully paid, near parque lleras right now, but this was all before I educated myself... That doesn't mean I might not make mistakes going forward, but I won't be a clueless ass with my money anymore.

This is catching my attention right here. I'm 21, stable career in the military, stationed abroad in Italy & sell instrumentals online for a nice sidepot. Not to seem greedy for info, but can someone throw in their 2 cents on what you would do in my shoes? I'm all ears on this investment topic..

Are you an E or an O?

If your an O you should and can easily save 1K a month.

Im not sure an un-married E can save stacks a month at a young age.

Try to figure out some kind of way to invest ur money.

To summarize:

1) Save as much money as you can month

2) Think about some investment you can make now or in the near future.

3) Find other sources of income.

Then once I had enough money for an investment aka a house either abroad or state side buy it.

Either pay cash in full and have 100% cashflow or put a large downpayment down and in a few years try to get it paid off through renting.

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently?

Sometimes when I'm feeling a little down I can look back in regret and think I wish I'd done this or that differently. From all the different advice above it's very different from everybody, for example, I would tell my younger self not to travel so much in my 20's which is very contrary to what a lot of people here have said.
I can also look back at all the great opportunities that have abounded over the last 15 years, huge housing boom, internet bubble, internet resurgence, the apps market and I could think that all the great opportunities have been missed but of course there will be many more of these to come so whatever age you are you can make changes now and take a different course if you really want to.

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently?

I'd tell myself to forget professional school, take a dual major in computer science and business. Selling computers is going to be real big (this was 1976).
And don't worry so much about chasing girls. Learn some Game.

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently?

To those who say that this thread is nothing but mental masturbation, you're wrong. One, it's already been mentioned that a thread like this can be very valuable to 18-yr-olds reading this now. But it can also help you if you're 35. Come up with your list (your own or some of the things that have been mentioned here), think about what might still apply for you today and then get going on that.

For example, I was thinking about this just a few months ago and talking to a friend about it. One of the things I thought to myself was, "man, I wish I had started working out and got a great body when I was in high school." Then it occurred to me, what would the me of 10-years-from-now tell the me of today? He's probably tell me that even if my prime years have passed, I could still benefit greatly from exercising and getting in shape (as well as healthy). That's when I got serious about it. I'm not hardcore, but I can run 5x more now than when I started, lost 8 kilos and getting better every week. I'm glad the me of 10-years-from-now told the me of today to start exercising. [Image: smile.gif]

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently?

If you're tall and skinny, get serious about bulking up.

The benefits:

Loads more confidence in your body
Girls notice and dudes fear
Look better in clothes

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently?

Amongs all the things id tell me, one of the top would be "never waste another minute of your life watching television"

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently?

If I could go back I would focus on building some passive income. I wouldn't even go to college. I would just chase passive income and cute girls.

I would spend less time time socializing with friends, less time watching TV, less time hanging out, less time working for other people.

Quote: (08-12-2011 01:11 AM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

You lose money chasing women, but you never lose women chasing money.

I'm not sure this is true. I think it just depends.

I think we all know guys that have studied hard, worked hard, and made money, but have shitty sex lives.

On the other hand, we talk everyday on this forum about guys like Mystery, Roissy, Roosh, David Deangelo, etc. These guys have made money by chasing pussy. I think its a balance, we need both, how much of both is an individual thing.

I guess it just depends how you look at it. Do what makes you happy is the only key imo. Just don't ignore your sexual needs and try to substitute money into its place. Both deserve our attention.

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently?

Quote: (11-24-2011 07:29 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

If I could go back I would focus on building some passive income. I wouldn't even go to college. I would just chase passive income and cute girls.

Tell me how would you start building passive income so that i can do it now until i become college graduate [Image: tongue.gif]

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently?

At 18 I was a VERY different person that believed sex was wrong before marriage (*cringe*), drugs were wrong, alcohol was wrong, being a man was wrong. Oh how I've come a loooooooooong way!

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently?

Quote: (11-25-2011 10:59 AM)Andreas Wrote:  

Quote: (11-24-2011 07:29 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

If I could go back I would focus on building some passive income. I wouldn't even go to college. I would just chase passive income and cute girls.

Tell me how would you start building passive income so that i can do it now until i become college graduate [Image: tongue.gif]

Maybe affiliate marketing. Maybe follow Gringoed's path into real estate rentals.

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently?

I would enroll in a top 30 college that I didn't go to out of fear. Seriously, I decided against moving to the states and going partly because I was afraid of not being socially accepted, and I didn't even realize it until later. Funny how fear screws up good judgement.

I'd work on my self-discipline and courage. I missed out a lot because I didn't have the willpower to go through with it.

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